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[nongnu] elpa/spacemacs-theme 3818119a87 186/336: Merge pull request #68

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/spacemacs-theme 3818119a87 186/336: Merge pull request #68 from Stebalien/notmuch
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2022 10:59:34 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/spacemacs-theme
commit 3818119a87edb8bb458295a45dc65b41414a77a2
Merge: 069cb4c14e 141b091f7e
Author: Nasser Alshammari <designernasser@gmail.com>
Commit: GitHub <noreply@github.com>

    Merge pull request #68 from Stebalien/notmuch
    Theme notmuch.
 README.md           | 87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 spacemacs-common.el |  9 ++++++
 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c19ebd1490..19e23905f4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -71,49 +71,50 @@ This allows for specifying a list of custom colors to 
override spacemacs theme c
 The theme can be customized by overriding one of the theme local variables by 
setting a list in the `spacemacs-theme-custom-colors` variable.
 Here's a list of all the local variables and roles:
-| var        | role                                                            
-| act1       | One of mode-line's active colors.                               
-| act2       | The other active color of mode-line.                            
-| base       | The basic color of normal text.                                 
-| base-dim   | A dimmer version of the normal text color.                      
-| bg1        | The background color.                                           
-| bg2        | A darker background color. Used to highlight current line.      
-| bg3        | Yet another darker shade of the background color.               
-| bg4        | The darkest background color.                                   
-| border     | A border line color. Used in mode-line borders.                 
-| cblk       | A code block color. Used in org's code blocks.                  
-| cblk-bg    | The background color of a code block.                           
-| cblk-ln    | A code block header line.                                       
-| cblk-ln-bg | The background of a code block header line.                     
-| cursor     | The cursor/point color.                                         
-| const      | A constant.                                                     
-| comment    | A comment.                                                      
-| comment-bg | The background color of a comment. To disable this, `customize` 
`spacemacs-theme-comment-bg`.     |
-| comp       | A complementary color.                                          
-| err        | errors.                                                         
-| func       | functions.                                                      
-| head1      | Level 1 of a heading. Used in org's headings.                   
-| head1-bg   | The background of level 2 headings. To disable this, 
`customize` `spacemacs-theme-org-highlight`. |
-| head2      | Level 2 headings.                                               
-| head2-bg   | Level 2 headings background.                                    
-| head3      | Level 3 headings.                                               
-| head3-bg   | Level 3 headings background.                                    
-| head4      | Level 4 headings.                                               
-| head4-bg   | Level 4 headings background.                                    
-| highlight  | A highlighted area.                                             
-| keyword    | A keyword or a builtin color.                                   
-| lnum       | Line numbers.                                                   
-| mat        | A matched color. Used in matching parens, brackets and tags.    
-| meta       | A meta line. Used in org's meta line.                           
-| str        | A string.                                                       
-| suc        | To indicate success. Opposite of error.                         
-| ttip       | Tooltip color.                                                  
-| ttip-sl    | Tooltip selection color.                                        
-| ttip-bg    | Tooltip background color.                                       
-| type       | A type color.                                                   
-| var        | A variable color.                                               
-| war        | A warning color.                                                
+| var           | role                                                         
+| act1          | One of mode-line's active colors.                            
+| act2          | The other active color of mode-line.                         
+| base          | The basic color of normal text.                              
+| base-dim      | A dimmer version of the normal text color.                   
+| bg1           | The background color.                                        
+| bg2           | A darker background color. Used to highlight current line.   
+| bg3           | Yet another darker shade of the background color.            
+| bg4           | The darkest background color.                                
+| border        | A border line color. Used in mode-line borders.              
+| cblk          | A code block color. Used in org's code blocks.               
+| cblk-bg       | The background color of a code block.                        
+| cblk-ln       | A code block header line.                                    
+| cblk-ln-bg    | The background of a code block header line.                  
+| cursor        | The cursor/point color.                                      
+| const         | A constant.                                                  
+| comment       | A comment.                                                   
+| comment-bg    | The background color of a comment. To disable this, 
`customize` `spacemacs-theme-comment-bg`.     |
+| comp          | A complementary color.                                       
+| err           | errors.                                                      
+| func          | functions.                                                   
+| head1         | Level 1 of a heading. Used in org's headings.                
+| head1-bg      | The background of level 2 headings. To disable this, 
`customize` `spacemacs-theme-org-highlight`. |
+| head2         | Level 2 headings.                                            
+| head2-bg      | Level 2 headings background.                                 
+| head3         | Level 3 headings.                                            
+| head3-bg      | Level 3 headings background.                                 
+| head4         | Level 4 headings.                                            
+| head4-bg      | Level 4 headings background.                                 
+| highlight     | A highlighted area.                                          
+| highlight-dim | A dimmer highlighted area.                                   
+| keyword       | A keyword or a builtin color.                                
+| lnum          | Line numbers.                                                
+| mat           | A matched color. Used in matching parens, brackets and tags. 
+| meta          | A meta line. Used in org's meta line.                        
+| str           | A string.                                                    
+| suc           | To indicate success. Opposite of error.                      
+| ttip          | Tooltip color.                                               
+| ttip-sl       | Tooltip selection color.                                     
+| ttip-bg       | Tooltip background color.                                    
+| type          | A type color.                                                
+| var           | A variable color.                                            
+| war           | A warning color.                                             
 There is also explicit colors variables that can be customized:
diff --git a/spacemacs-common.el b/spacemacs-common.el
index b1d0c383d9..8a0f35090d 100644
--- a/spacemacs-common.el
+++ b/spacemacs-common.el
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
         (head4         (if (eq variant 'dark) (if (true-color-p) "#b1951d" 
"#875f00") (if (true-color-p) "#b1951d" "#875f00")))
         (head4-bg      (if (eq variant 'dark) (if (true-color-p) "#32322c" 
"#262626") (if (true-color-p) "#f6f1e1" "#ffffff")))
         (highlight     (if (eq variant 'dark) (if (true-color-p) "#444155" 
"#444444") (if (true-color-p) "#d3d3e7" "#d7d7ff")))
+        (highlight-dim (if (eq variant 'dark) (if (true-color-p) "#3b314d" 
"#444444") (if (true-color-p) "#e7e7fc" "#d7d7ff")))
         (keyword       (if (eq variant 'dark) (if (true-color-p) "#4f97d7" 
"#268bd2") (if (true-color-p) "#3a81c3" "#268bd2")))
         (lnum          (if (eq variant 'dark) (if (true-color-p) "#44505c" 
"#444444") (if (true-color-p) "#a8a8bf" "#af87af")))
         (mat           (if (eq variant 'dark) (if (true-color-p) "#86dc2f" 
"#86dc2f") (if (true-color-p) "#ba2f59" "#af005f")))
@@ -542,6 +543,14 @@
      `(mu4e-view-url-number-face ((,class (:foreground ,comp))))
      `(mu4e-unread-face ((,class (:foreground ,yellow :inherit bold))))
+;;;;; notmuch
+     `(notmuch-search-date ((,class (:foreground ,func))))
+     `(notmuch-search-flagged-face ((,class (:weight extra-bold))))
+     `(notmuch-search-non-matching-authors ((,class (:foreground ,base-dim))))
+     `(notmuch-search-unread-face ((,class (:background ,highlight-dim :box 
+     `(notmuch-tag-face ((,class (:foreground ,keyword))))
+     `(notmuch-tag-flagged ((,class (:foreground ,war))))
 ;;;;; neotree
      `(neo-dir-link-face ((,class (:foreground ,keyword :inherit bold))))
      `(neo-expand-btn-face ((,class (:foreground ,base))))

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