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[nongnu] elpa/evil-goggles 0585f4d657 097/225: Try to avoid Travis seg-f

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/evil-goggles 0585f4d657 097/225: Try to avoid Travis seg-faults by running emacs in batch mode
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 08:58:59 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/evil-goggles
commit 0585f4d657c62310040e82f957e66b860f97bebf
Author: Evgeni Kolev <evgenysw@gmail.com>
Commit: Evgeni Kolev <evgenysw@gmail.com>

    Try to avoid Travis seg-faults by running emacs in batch mode
 .gitignore         |    1 -
 .travis.yml        |    3 +-
 Makefile           |    5 +-
 test/evil-tests.el | 8185 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 8190 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f61ec949f4..397e90cca9 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 075f5ffb9a..67d51dac26 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -14,5 +14,4 @@ script:
   - make update
   - make compile
   - make test
-  - make wget-evil-tests
-  - make evil-test
+  - make evil-test-batch
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 3d5a722e6a..55bef7b75e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -22,4 +22,7 @@ wget-evil-tests:
        $(emacs) -nw -Q -l test/elpa.el -l test/make-evil-test.el
-.PHONY: update compile test clean checkdoc evil-test wget-evil-tests
+       $(bemacs) -l test/make-evil-test.el
+.PHONY: update compile test clean checkdoc evil-test wget-evil-tests 
diff --git a/test/evil-tests.el b/test/evil-tests.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03db2db75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/evil-tests.el
@@ -0,0 +1,8185 @@
+;; evil-tests.el --- unit tests for Evil -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+;; Author: Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at hotmail.com>
+;; Maintainer: Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at hotmail.com>
+;; Version: 1.2.12
+;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
+;;; License:
+;; This file is part of Evil.
+;; Evil is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Evil is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Evil.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is for developers. It runs some tests on Evil.
+;; To load it, run the Makefile target "make test" or add
+;; the following lines to .emacs:
+;;     (setq evil-tests-run nil) ; set to t to run tests immediately
+;;     (global-set-key [f12] 'evil-tests-run) ; hotkey
+;;     (require 'evil-tests)
+;; Loading this file enables profiling on Evil. The current numbers
+;; can be displayed with `elp-results'. The Makefile target
+;; "make profiler" shows profiling results in the terminal on the
+;; basis of running all tests.
+;; To write a test, use `ert-deftest' and specify a :tags value of at
+;; least '(evil). The test may inspect the output of functions given
+;; certain input, or it may execute a key sequence in a temporary
+;; buffer and investigate the results. For the latter approach, the
+;; macro `evil-test-buffer' creates a temporary buffer in Normal
+;; state. String descriptors initialize and match the contents of
+;; the buffer:
+;;     (ert-deftest evil-test ()
+;;       :tags '(evil)
+;;       (evil-test-buffer
+;;        "[T]his creates a test buffer." ; cursor on "T"
+;;        ("w")                           ; key sequence
+;;        "This [c]reates a test buffer."))) ; cursor moved to "c"
+;; The initial state, the cursor syntax, etc., can be changed
+;; with keyword arguments. See the documentation string of
+;; `evil-test-buffer' for more details.
+;; This file is NOT part of Evil itself.
+(require 'elp)
+(require 'ert)
+(require 'evil)
+(require 'evil-test-helpers)
+;;; Code:
+(defvar evil-tests-run nil
+  "*Run Evil tests.")
+(defvar evil-tests-profiler nil
+  "*Profile Evil tests.")
+(defun evil-tests-initialize (&optional tests profiler interactive)
+  (setq profiler (or profiler evil-tests-profiler))
+  (when (listp profiler)
+    (setq profiler (car profiler)))
+  (when profiler
+    (setq evil-tests-profiler t)
+    (setq profiler
+          (or (cdr (assq profiler
+                         '((call . elp-sort-by-call-count)
+                           (average . elp-sort-by-average-time)
+                           (total . elp-sort-by-total-time))))))
+    (setq elp-sort-by-function (or profiler 'elp-sort-by-call-count))
+    (elp-instrument-package "evil"))
+  (if interactive
+      (if (y-or-n-p-with-timeout "Run tests? " 2 t)
+          (evil-tests-run tests interactive)
+        (message "You can run the tests at any time \
+with `M-x evil-tests-run'"))
+    (evil-tests-run tests)))
+(defun evil-tests-run (&optional tests interactive)
+  "Run Evil tests."
+  (interactive '(nil t))
+  (let ((elp-use-standard-output (not interactive)))
+    (setq tests
+          (or (null tests)
+              `(or ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (test)
+                                 (or (null test)
+                                     (and (memq test '(evil t)) t)
+                                     `(or (tag ,test)
+                                          ,(format "^%s$" test))))
+                             tests))))
+    (cond
+     (interactive
+      (ert-run-tests-interactively tests)
+      (when evil-tests-profiler
+        (elp-results)))
+     (evil-tests-profiler
+      (ert-run-tests-batch tests)
+      (elp-results))
+     (t
+      (ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit tests)))))
+(defun evil-tests-profiler (&optional force)
+  "Profile Evil tests."
+  (when (or evil-tests-profiler force)
+    (setq evil-tests-profiler t)
+    (elp-instrument-package "evil")))
+;;; States
+(defun evil-test-local-mode-enabled ()
+  "Verify that `evil-local-mode' is enabled properly"
+  (ert-info ("Set the mode variable to t")
+    (should (eq evil-local-mode t)))
+  (ert-info ("Refresh `emulation-mode-map-alist'")
+    (should (memq 'evil-mode-map-alist emulation-mode-map-alists)))
+  (ert-info ("Create a buffer-local value for `evil-mode-map-alist'")
+    (should (assq 'evil-mode-map-alist (buffer-local-variables))))
+  (ert-info ("Initialize buffer-local keymaps")
+    (should (assq 'evil-normal-state-local-map (buffer-local-variables)))
+    (should (keymapp evil-normal-state-local-map))
+    (should (assq 'evil-emacs-state-local-map (buffer-local-variables)))
+    (should (keymapp evil-emacs-state-local-map)))
+  (ert-info ("Don't add buffer-local entries to the default value")
+    (should-not (rassq evil-normal-state-local-map
+                       (default-value 'evil-mode-map-alist)))
+    (should-not (rassq evil-emacs-state-local-map
+                       (default-value 'evil-mode-map-alist)))))
+(defun evil-test-local-mode-disabled ()
+  "Verify that `evil-local-mode' is disabled properly"
+  (ert-info ("Set the mode variable to nil")
+    (should-not evil-local-mode))
+  (ert-info ("Disable all states")
+    (evil-test-no-states)))
+(defun evil-test-no-states ()
+  "Verify that all states are disabled"
+  (ert-info ("Set `evil-state' to nil")
+    (should-not evil-state))
+  (ert-info ("Disable all state keymaps")
+    (dolist (state (mapcar #'car evil-state-properties) t)
+      (should-not (evil-state-property state :mode t))
+      (should-not (memq (evil-state-property state :keymap t)
+                        (current-active-maps)))
+      (should-not (evil-state-property state :local t))
+      (should-not (memq (evil-state-property state :local-keymap t)
+                        (current-active-maps)))
+      (dolist (map (evil-state-auxiliary-keymaps state))
+        (should-not (memq map (current-active-maps)))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-toggle-local-mode ()
+  "Toggle `evil-local-mode'"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (ert-info ("Enable `evil-local-mode'")
+      (evil-local-mode 1)
+      (evil-test-local-mode-enabled))
+    (ert-info ("Disable `evil-local-mode'")
+      (evil-local-mode -1)
+      (evil-test-local-mode-disabled))))
+(defun evil-test-change-state (state)
+  "Change state to STATE and check keymaps"
+  (let (mode keymap local-mode local-keymap tag)
+    (evil-change-state state)
+    (setq mode (evil-state-property state :mode)
+          keymap (evil-state-property state :keymap t)
+          local-mode (evil-state-property state :local)
+          local-keymap (evil-state-property state :local-keymap t)
+          tag (evil-state-property state :tag t))
+    (ert-info ("Update `evil-state'")
+      (should (eq evil-state state)))
+    (ert-info ("Ensure `evil-local-mode' is enabled")
+      (evil-test-local-mode-enabled))
+    (ert-info ("Enable state modes")
+      (should (symbol-value mode))
+      (should (symbol-value local-mode)))
+    (ert-info ("Push state keymaps to the top")
+      (evil-test-state-keymaps state))
+    (ert-info ("Refresh mode line tag")
+      (should (equal evil-mode-line-tag tag)))))
+(defun evil-test-state-keymaps (state)
+  "Verify that STATE's keymaps are pushed to the top"
+  (let ((actual (evil-state-keymaps state))
+        (expected `((,(evil-state-property state :local)
+                     . , (evil-state-property state :local-keymap t))
+                    (,(evil-state-property state :mode)
+                     . ,(evil-state-property state :keymap t)))))
+    ;; additional keymaps inherited with :enable
+    (cond
+     ((eq state 'operator)
+      (setq expected
+            `((evil-operator-shortcut-mode
+               . ,evil-operator-shortcut-map)
+              (evil-operator-state-local-minor-mode
+               . ,evil-operator-state-local-map)
+              (evil-operator-state-minor-mode
+               . ,evil-operator-state-map)
+              (evil-motion-state-local-minor-mode
+               . ,evil-motion-state-local-map)
+              (evil-motion-state-minor-mode
+               . ,evil-motion-state-map)
+              (evil-normal-state-local-minor-mode
+               . ,evil-normal-state-local-map)
+              (evil-normal-state-minor-mode
+               . ,evil-normal-state-map)))))
+    (let ((actual (butlast actual (- (length actual)
+                                     (length expected)))))
+      (should (equal actual expected))
+      (dolist (map actual)
+        (setq map (cdr-safe map))
+        (should (keymapp map))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-exit-normal-state ()
+  "Enter Normal state and then disable all states"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (evil-test-change-state 'normal)
+    (evil-normal-state -1)
+    (evil-test-no-states)))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-change-states ()
+  "Change between Normal state, Emacs state and Operator-Pending state"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (evil-test-change-state 'normal)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'emacs)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'normal)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'operator)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'normal)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'emacs)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'replace)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'normal)))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-change-to-previous-state ()
+  "Change to some state and back."
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (evil-test-change-state 'normal)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'visual)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'emacs)
+    (evil-change-to-previous-state)
+    (should (eq evil-state 'visual))
+    (evil-change-to-previous-state)
+    (should (eq evil-state 'normal))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-enter-normal-state-disabled ()
+  "Enter Normal state even if `evil-local-mode' is disabled"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (evil-local-mode -1)
+    (evil-test-local-mode-disabled)
+    (evil-test-change-state 'normal)))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-execute-in-normal-state ()
+  "Test `evil-execute-in-normal-state'."
+  :tags '(evil)
+  (ert-info ("Execute normal state command in insert state")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdef\n"
+      ("I")
+      (should (evil-insert-state-p))
+      ("\C-ox")
+      (ert-info ("Should return to insert state")
+        (should (evil-insert-state-p)))
+      "[b]cdef\n"
+      ("\C-oA")
+      (ert-info ("Should return to insert state after insert state command")
+        (should (evil-insert-state-p)))
+      ("bcdef[]\n"))))
+(defun evil-test-suppress-keymap (state)
+  "Verify that `self-insert-command' is suppressed in STATE"
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes."
+    (evil-test-change-state state)
+    ;; TODO: this should be done better
+    (ert-info ("Disable the state's own keymaps so that the
+suppression keymap comes first")
+      (setq evil-operator-state-minor-mode nil
+            evil-operator-state-local-minor-mode nil))
+    (should (eq (key-binding "Q") #'undefined))
+    (ert-info ("Don't insert text")
+      ;; may or may not signal an error, depending on batch mode
+      (condition-case nil
+          (execute-kbd-macro "QQQ")
+        (error nil))
+      (should (string= (buffer-substring 1 4) ";; ")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-emacs-state-suppress-keymap ()
+  "`self-insert-command' works in Emacs state"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (should-error (evil-test-suppress-keymap 'emacs)))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-normal-state-suppress-keymap ()
+  "No `self-insert-command' in Normal state"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (evil-test-suppress-keymap 'normal))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-operator-state-suppress-keymap ()
+  "Operator-Pending state should inherit suppression
+of `self-insert-command' from Normal state"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (evil-test-suppress-keymap 'operator))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-operator-state-shortcut-keymap ()
+  "Enable shortcut keymap in Operator-Pending state"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    (ert-info ("Activate `evil-operator-shortcut-map' in \
+Operator-Pending state")
+      (evil-test-change-state 'operator)
+      (should (rassq evil-operator-shortcut-map
+                     (evil-state-keymaps 'operator)))
+      (should (keymapp evil-operator-shortcut-map))
+      (should evil-operator-shortcut-mode)
+      (should (memq evil-operator-shortcut-map
+                    (current-active-maps))))
+    (ert-info ("Deactivate `evil-operator-shortcut-map' \
+outside Operator-Pending state")
+      (evil-test-change-state 'emacs)
+      (should-not evil-operator-shortcut-mode)
+      (should-not (memq evil-operator-shortcut-map
+                        (current-active-maps))))
+    (ert-info ("Reset `evil-operator-shortcut-map' \
+when entering Operator-Pending state")
+      (define-key evil-operator-shortcut-map "f" 'foo)
+      (should (eq (lookup-key evil-operator-shortcut-map "f")
+                  'foo))
+      (evil-test-change-state 'operator)
+      (should-not (eq (lookup-key evil-operator-shortcut-map "f")
+                      'foo)))
+    (ert-info ("Reset `evil-operator-shortcut-map' \
+when exiting Operator-Pending state")
+      (define-key evil-operator-shortcut-map "b" 'bar)
+      (should (eq (lookup-key evil-operator-shortcut-map "b")
+                  'bar))
+      (evil-test-change-state 'emacs)
+      (should-not (eq (lookup-key evil-operator-shortcut-map "b")
+                      'bar)))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-auxiliary-maps ()
+  "Test auxiliary keymaps"
+  :tags '(evil state)
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)) aux)
+    (ert-info ("Create a new auxiliary keymap")
+      (evil-define-key 'normal map "f" 'foo)
+      (setq aux (evil-get-auxiliary-keymap map 'normal))
+      (should (evil-auxiliary-keymap-p aux))
+      (should (eq (lookup-key aux "f") 'foo)))
+    (ert-info ("Add to auxiliary keymap")
+      (evil-define-key 'normal map "b" 'bar)
+      (should (eq (lookup-key aux "f") 'foo))
+      (should (eq (lookup-key aux "b") 'bar)))))
+;;; Type system
+(ert-deftest evil-test-exclusive-type ()
+  "Expand and contract the `line' type"
+  :tags '(evil type)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    (let* ((first-line 1)
+           (second-line (progn
+                          (forward-line)
+                          (point)))
+           (third-line (progn
+                         (forward-line)
+                         (point))))
+      (ert-info ("Return the beginning and end unchanged \
+if they are the same")
+        (should (equal (evil-normalize 1 1 'exclusive)
+                       (list 1 1 'exclusive))))
+      (ert-info ("expand to `inclusive' if the end position \
+is at the beginning of a line")
+        (should (equal (evil-normalize (1+ first-line) second-line 'exclusive)
+                       (list (1+ first-line) (1- second-line) 'inclusive
+                             :expanded t))))
+      (ert-info ("expand to `line' if both the beginning and end \
+are at the beginning of a line")
+        (should (equal (evil-normalize first-line second-line 'exclusive)
+                       (list first-line second-line 'line
+                             :expanded t))))
+      (ert-info ("Measure as the strict difference between the end \
+and the beginning")
+        (should (string= (evil-describe 1 1 'exclusive)
+                         "0 characters"))
+        (should (string= (evil-describe 1 2 'exclusive)
+                         "1 character"))
+        (should (string= (evil-describe 5 2 'exclusive)
+                         "3 characters"))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-inclusive-type ()
+  "Expand and contract the `inclusive' type"
+  :tags '(evil type)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    (ert-info ("Include the ending character")
+      (should (equal (evil-expand 1 1 'inclusive)
+                     '(1 2 inclusive :expanded t))))
+    (ert-info ("Don't mind if positions are in wrong order")
+      (should (equal (evil-expand 5 2 'inclusive)
+                     '(2 6 inclusive :expanded t))))
+    (ert-info ("Exclude the ending character when contracting")
+      (should (equal (evil-contract 1 2 'inclusive)
+                     '(1 1 inclusive :expanded nil))))
+    (ert-info ("Don't mind positions' order when contracting")
+      (should (equal (evil-contract 6 2 'inclusive)
+                     '(2 5 inclusive :expanded nil))))
+    (ert-info ("Measure as one more than the difference")
+      (should (string= (evil-describe 1 1 'inclusive)
+                       "1 character"))
+      (should (string= (evil-describe 5 2 'inclusive)
+                       "4 characters")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-line-type ()
+  "Expand the `line' type"
+  :tags '(evil type)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    (let* ((first-line 1)
+           (second-line (progn
+                          (forward-line)
+                          (point)))
+           (third-line (progn
+                         (forward-line)
+                         (point))))
+      (ert-info ("Expand to the whole first line")
+        (should (equal (evil-expand first-line first-line 'line)
+                       (list first-line second-line 'line :expanded t)))
+        (should (string= (evil-describe first-line first-line 'line)
+                         "1 line")))
+      (ert-info ("Expand to the two first lines")
+        (should (equal (evil-expand first-line second-line 'line)
+                       (list first-line third-line 'line :expanded t)))
+        (should (string= (evil-describe first-line second-line 'line)
+                         "2 lines"))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-block-type ()
+  "Expand and contract the `block' type"
+  :tags '(evil type)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    (let* ((first-line 1)
+           (second-line (progn
+                          (forward-line)
+                          (point)))
+           (third-line (progn
+                         (forward-line)
+                         (point))))
+      (ert-info ("Expand to a 1x1 block")
+        (should (equal (evil-expand 1 1 'block)
+                       (list 1 2 'block :expanded t)))
+        (should (string= (evil-describe 1 1 'block)
+                         "1 row and 1 column")))
+      (ert-info ("Expand to a 2x1 block")
+        (should (equal (evil-expand first-line second-line 'block)
+                       (list first-line (1+ second-line) 'block :expanded t)))
+        (should (string= (evil-describe first-line second-line 'block)
+                         "2 rows and 1 column")))
+      (ert-info ("Expand to a 3x2 block")
+        (should (equal (evil-expand first-line (1+ third-line) 'block)
+                       (list first-line (1+ (1+ third-line))
+                             'block :expanded t)))
+        (should (string= (evil-describe first-line (1+ third-line) 'block)
+                         "3 rows and 2 columns")))
+      (ert-info ("Contract to a 0x0 rectangle")
+        (should (equal (evil-contract 1 2 'block)
+                       (list 1 1 'block :expanded nil))))
+      (ert-info ("Contract to a 2x0 rectangle")
+        (should (equal (evil-contract first-line (1+ second-line) 'block)
+                       (list first-line second-line 'block :expanded nil))))
+      (ert-info ("Contract to a 3x1 rectangle")
+        (should (equal (evil-contract first-line (1+ (1+ third-line)) 'block)
+                       (list first-line (1+ third-line)
+                             'block :expanded nil)))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-type-transform ()
+  "Test `evil-transform'"
+  :tags '(evil type)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    (ert-info ("Return positions unchanged when passed nil \
+      (should (equal (evil-transform nil 1 2 'block)
+                     '(1 2 block)))
+      (should (equal (evil-transform :expand 1 2 nil)
+                     '(1 2)))
+      (should (equal (evil-transform nil 1 2 nil)
+                     '(1 2))))
+    (ert-info ("Accept markers, but return positions")
+      (should (equal (evil-transform :expand
+                                     (move-marker (make-marker) 1) 1
+                                     'inclusive)
+                     '(1 2 inclusive :expanded t)))
+      (should (equal (evil-transform nil (move-marker (make-marker) 1) 2
+                                     nil)
+                     '(1 2))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-type-modifiers ()
+  "Test type modifiers like \"dv}\""
+  :tags '(evil type)
+  (ert-info ("Change `inclusive' motions to `exclusive'")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]bove some line"
+      ("dve")
+      "[e] some line"))
+  (ert-info ("Change `exclusive' motions to `inclusive'")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above [s]ome line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("dv}")
+      "Above[ ]
+Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("Change type to `line'")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above [s]ome line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("dV}")
+      "[B]elow some empty line")))
+;;; Insertion
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert ()
+  "Test `evil-insert'"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+    ("ievil rulz " [escape])
+    ";; evil rulz[ ]This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-append ()
+  "Test `evil-append'"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+    ("aevil rulz " [escape])
+    ";; Tevil rulz[ ]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-open-above ()
+  "Test `evil-open-above'"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("Oabc\ndef" [escape])
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+  (ert-info ("Open empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(let (var)\n  [t]est)\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("O" [escape])
+      "(let (var)\n[\n]  test)\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Open non-empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(let (var)\n  [t]est)\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("Odo-it" [escape])
+      "(let (var)\n  do-i[t]\n  test)\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-open-below ()
+  "Test `evil-open-below'"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("oabc\ndef" [escape])
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+  (ert-info ("Open empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[(]let (var)\n  test)\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("o" [escape])
+      "(let (var)\n[\n]  test)\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Open non-empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[(]let (var)\n  test)\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("odo-it" [escape])
+      "(let (var)\n  do-i[t]\n  test)\n"))
+  (let ((evil-auto-indent t))
+    (ert-info ("With count")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[(]and a\n     c)\n"
+        (emacs-lisp-mode)
+        ("3ob" [escape])
+        "(and a\n     b\n     b\n     [b]\n     c)\n"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-open-below-folded ()
+  "Test `evil-open-below' on folded lines"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[l]ine1\n\n(let ()\n  var)\n\nlast line\n"
+    (emacs-lisp-mode)
+    (hs-minor-mode 1)
+    ("zm2joABC" [escape])
+    "line1\n\n(let ()\n  var)\nAB[C]\n\nlast line\n"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert-line ()
+  "Test `evil-insert-line'"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+    ("Ievil rulz " [escape])
+    "evil rulz[ ];; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-append-line ()
+  "Test `evil-append-line'"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+    ("Aevil rulz " [escape])
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to saveevil rulz[ ]"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert-digraph ()
+  "Test `evil-insert-digraph'"
+  :tags '(evil insert)
+  (ert-info ("Predefined digraph")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ("i\C-kae")
+      "æ[]"))
+  (ert-info ("Custom digraph")
+    (let ((evil-digraphs-table-user '(((?a ?o) . ?å))))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ("i\C-kao")
+        "å[]"))))
+;;; Repeat system
+(ert-deftest evil-test-normalize-repeat-info ()
+  "Test `evil-normalize-repeat-info'"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Single array")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '("abc"))
+                   '([?a ?b ?c])))
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '("\M-f"))
+                   (list (kbd "M-f")))))
+  (ert-info ("Single symbol")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '(SYM))
+                   '(SYM))))
+  (ert-info ("Arrays only")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '("abc" [XX YY] "def"))
+                   '([?a ?b ?c XX YY ?d ?e ?f]))))
+  (ert-info ("Several symbols")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '(BEG MID END))
+                   '(BEG MID END))))
+  (ert-info ("Arrays with symbol at the beginning")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '(BEG "abc" [XX YY] "def"))
+                   '(BEG [?a ?b ?c XX YY ?d ?e ?f]))))
+  (ert-info ("Arrays with symbol at the end")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '("abc" [XX YY] "def" END))
+                   '([?a ?b ?c XX YY ?d ?e ?f] END))))
+  (ert-info ("Arrays with symbol in the middle")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '("abc" [XX YY] MID "def" ))
+                   '([?a ?b ?c XX YY] MID [?d ?e ?f]))))
+  (ert-info ("Concatenate arrays with several symbols")
+    (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info
+                    '(BEG "abc" [XX YY] MID "def" END))
+                   '(BEG [?a ?b ?c XX YY] MID [?d ?e ?f] END)))))
+(defun evil-test-repeat-info (keys &optional recorded)
+  "Execute a sequence of keys and verify that `evil-repeat-ring'
+records them correctly. KEYS is the sequence of keys to execute.
+RECORDED is the expected sequence of recorded events.
+If nil, KEYS is used."
+  (execute-kbd-macro keys)
+  (should (equal (evil-normalize-repeat-info (ring-ref evil-repeat-ring 0))
+                 (list (vconcat (or recorded keys))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-normal-repeat-info-simple-command ()
+  "Save key-sequence after simple editing command in Normal state"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[T]his is a test buffer"
+    (ert-info ("Call simple command without count")
+      (evil-test-repeat-info "x"))
+    (ert-info ("Call simple command with count 3")
+      (evil-test-repeat-info "3x"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-normal-repeat-info-char-command ()
+  "Save key-sequence after editing command with character in Normal state"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[T]his is a test buffer"
+    (ert-info ("Call command with character argument without count")
+      (evil-test-repeat-info "r5"))
+    (ert-info ("Call command with character argument with count 12")
+      (evil-test-repeat-info "12rX"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert-repeat-info ()
+  "Save key-sequence after Insert state"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    (ert-info ("Insert text without count")
+      (evil-test-repeat-info (vconcat "iABC" [escape])))
+    (ert-info ("Insert text with count 42")
+      (evil-test-repeat-info (vconcat "42iABC" [escape])))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat ()
+  "Repeat several editing commands"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat replace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("rX")
+      "[X]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ([right right] ".")
+      "X;[X]This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat replace with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("2rX")
+      "X[X] This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ([right right] ".")
+      "XX X[X]is buffer is for notes you don't want to save"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat replace without count with a new count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("rX")
+      "[X]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ([right right] "13.")
+      "X;XXXXXXXXXXXX[X]is for notes you don't want to save"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat replace with count replacing original count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("10rX")
+      "XXXXXXXXX[X]ffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ([right right] "20.")
+      "XXXXXXXXXXfXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[X] don't want to save"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat movement in Insert state")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("i(\M-f)" [escape])
+      ";; (This[)] buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("w.")
+      ";; (This) (buffer[)] is for notes you don't want to save")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-register ()
+  "Test repeating a register command."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+    ("\"addyy\"aP")
+    "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+    (".")
+    "[l]ine 1\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-numeric-register ()
+  "Test repeating a command with a numeric register."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n"
+    ("dd...")
+    "[l]ine 5\n"
+    ("\"1P")
+    "[l]ine 4\nline 5\n"
+    (".")
+    "[l]ine 3\nline 4\nline 5\n"
+    (".")
+    "[l]ine 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n"
+    (".")
+    "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-cmd-replace-char ()
+  "Calling `evil-replace-char' should replace characters"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+    ("r5")
+    "[5]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+    ("3rX")
+    "XX[X]This buffer is for notes you don't want to save")
+  (ert-info ("Replace digraph")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("re'")
+      "[é]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("3rc*")
+      "ξξ[ξ]This buffer is for notes you don't want to save"))
+  (ert-info ("Replacing \\n should insert only one newline")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(setq var xxx [y]yy zzz)\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
+      ("2r\n")
+      "(setq var xxx \n      [y] zzz)\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert-with-count ()
+  "Test `evil-insert' with repeat count"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes"
+    ("2ievil rulz " [escape])
+    ";; evil rulz evil rulz[ ]This buffer is for notes"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-insert ()
+  "Test repeating of `evil-insert'"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("iABC" [escape])
+      "AB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("..")
+      "ABABAB[C]CC;; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("2iABC" [escape])
+      "ABCAB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("..")
+      "ABCABABCABABCAB[C]CC;; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with repeat count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("iABC" [escape])
+      "AB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("11.")
+      "ABABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]C;; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count with repeat with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("10iABC" [escape])
+      "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("11.")
+This buffer is for notes")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-error ()
+  "Test whether repeat returns to normal state in case of an error."
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+    ("ixxx" [down] [down] [left] [left] [left] "yyy" [escape])
+    "xxxline 1\nline 2\nyy[y]line 3\nline 4"
+    (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "j^."))
+    (should (evil-normal-state-p))
+    ("^")
+    "xxxline 1\nline 2\nyyyline 3\n[x]xxline 4"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-quoted-insert ()
+  "Test whether `quoted-insert' can be repeated."
+  (ert-info ("Insert C-v")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "lin[e] 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+      ("i\C-v\C-v" [escape])
+      "lin[]e 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Insert ESC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "lin[e] 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+      ("i\C-v" [escape escape])
+      "lin[]e 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Block insert C-v")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "lin[e] 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+      ("gg\C-vGI\C-v\C-v" [escape])
+      "[]line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert-vcount ()
+  "Test `evil-insert' with vertical repeating"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+;; Below the empty line."
+    (define-key evil-normal-state-local-map "i"
+      #'(lambda (count)
+          (interactive "p")
+          (evil-insert count 5)))
+    ("2iABC" [escape])
+    "\
+;; ABCAB[C]This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; ABCABCIf you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; ABCABCthen enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+;; ABCABCBelow the empty line."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-append-with-count ()
+  "Test `evil-append' with repeat count"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes"
+    ("2aevil rulz " [escape])
+    ";; Tevil rulz evil rulz[ ]his buffer is for notes"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-append ()
+  "Test repeating of `evil-append'"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("aABC" [escape])
+      ";AB[C]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("..")
+      ";ABCABCAB[C]; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("2aABC" [escape])
+      ";ABCAB[C]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("..")
+      ";ABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with repeat count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("aABC" [escape])
+      ";AB[C]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("11.")
+      ";ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count with repeat with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("10aABC" [escape])
+      ";ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("11.")
+This buffer is for notes")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-append-vcount ()
+  "Test `evil-append' with vertical repeating"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+;; Below the empty line."
+    (define-key evil-normal-state-local-map "a"
+      #'(lambda (count)
+          (interactive "p")
+          (evil-append count 5)))
+    ("2aABC" [escape])
+    "\
+;; TABCAB[C]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; IABCABCf you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; tABCABChen enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+;; BABCABCelow the empty line."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-open-above-with-count ()
+  "Test `evil-open-above' with repeat count"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("2Oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-open-above ()
+  "Test repeating of `evil-open-above'"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("Oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      "evil\nrul[z]
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("..")
+      "evil\nevil\nevil\nrul[z]\nrulz\nrulz
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("2Oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      "evil\nrulz\nevil\nrul[z]
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("..")
+      "evil\nrulz\nevil\nevil\nrulz\nevil\nevil\nrulz\nevil\nrul[z]\nrulz\nrulz
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with repeat count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("Oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      "evil\nrul[z]\n;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("2.")
+      "evil\nevil\nrulz\nevil\nrul[z]\nrulz
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count with repeat with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("2Oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      "evil\nrulz\nevil\nrul[z]
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("3.")
+      "evil\nrulz\nevil\nevil\nrulz\nevil\nrulz\nevil\nrul[z]\nrulz
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-open-below-with-count ()
+  "Test insertion of `evil-open-below' with repeat count"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("2oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-open-below ()
+  "Test repeating `evil-open-below'"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+evil\nrul[z]\n;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("..")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("..")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with repeat count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+evil\nrul[z]\n;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2.")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count with repeat with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2oevil\nrulz" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("3.")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert-line-with-count ()
+  "Test `evil-insert-line' with repeat count"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes"
+    ("2Ievil rulz " [escape])
+    "evil rulz evil rulz[ ];; This buffer is for notes"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-insert-line ()
+  "Test repeating of `evil-insert-line'"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for note[s]"
+      ("IABC" [escape])
+      "AB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("..")
+      "AB[C]ABCABC;; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for note[s]"
+      ("2IABC" [escape])
+      "ABCAB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("..")
+      "ABCAB[C]ABCABCABCABC;; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with repeat count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for note[s]"
+      ("IABC" [escape])
+      "AB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("11.")
+      "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]ABC;; This buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count with repeat with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for note[s]"
+      ("10IABC" [escape])
+      "ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C];; This buffer is for notes"
+      ("11.")
This buffer is for notes")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-insert-line-vcount ()
+  "Test `evil-insert-line' with vertical repeating"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "int[ ]main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    (define-key evil-normal-state-local-map "I"
+      #'(lambda (count)
+          (interactive "p")
+          (evil-insert-line count 4)))
+    ("2IABC" [escape])
+    "ABCABCint main(int argc, char** argv)
+  ABCABCprintf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+(ert-deftest evil-test-append-line-with-count ()
+  "Test `evil-append-line' with repeat count"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+    ("2Aevil rulz " [escape])
+    ";; This buffer is for notes.evil rulz evil rulz[ ]"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-append-line ()
+  "Test repeating of `evil-append-line'"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("AABC" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes.AB[C]"
+      ("..")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes.ABCABCAB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("2AABC" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes.ABCAB[C]"
+      ("..")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes.ABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with repeat count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("AABC" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes.ABC"
+      ("11.")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes.ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat insert with count with repeat with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("10AABC" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes.ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCAB[C]"
+      ("11.")
+      ";; This buffer is for 
+(ert-deftest evil-test-append-line-vcount ()
+  "Test `evil-append-line' with vertical repeating"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "int[ ]main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    (define-key evil-normal-state-local-map "A"
+      #'(lambda (count)
+          (interactive "p")
+          (evil-append-line count 4)))
+    ("2AABC" [escape])
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv)ABCAB[C]
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");ABCABC
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-by-change ()
+  "Test repeating by tracking changes for completion commands"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (let ((line-move-visual nil)
+        (change (evil-define-command nil ()
+                  :repeat change
+                  (interactive)
+                  (delete-char 5)
+                  (insert "BEGIN\n")
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (insert "\nEND\n")))))
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      (define-key evil-insert-state-local-map (kbd "C-c C-p") change)
+      ("iABC " (kbd "C-c C-p") "BODY" [escape])
+      ";; ABC BEGIN
+buffer is for notes."
+      (".")
+      ";; ABC BEGIN
+buffer is for notes.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-kill-buffer ()
+  "Test safe-guard preventing buffers from being deleted
+when repeating a command"
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Test killing works for direct calls \
+to `evil-execute-repeat-info'")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+      (ring-insert evil-repeat-ring '((kill-buffer nil)))
+      (evil-execute-repeat-info (ring-ref evil-repeat-ring 0))
+      (should-not (looking-at ";; This"))))
+  (ert-info ("Verify an error is raised when using \
+the `evil-repeat' command")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+      (ring-insert evil-repeat-ring '((kill-buffer nil)))
+      (evil-execute-repeat-info (ring-ref evil-repeat-ring 0))
+      (should-error (call-interactively #'evil-repeat)))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-pop ()
+  "Test `repeat-pop'."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat-pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+      ("iABC" [escape] "aXYZ" [escape])
+      ";; ABCXY[Z]This buffer is for notes."
+      (".")
+      ";; ABCXYZXY[Z]This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat-pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+      ("iABC" [escape] "aXYZ" [escape])
+      ";; ABCXY[Z]This buffer is for notes."
+      ("." (kbd "C-."))
+      ";; ABCXYAB[C]ZThis buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat-pop-next")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+      ("iABC" [escape] "aXYZ" [escape])
+      ";; ABCXY[Z]This buffer is for notes."
+      ("." (kbd "C-.") (kbd "M-."))
+      ";; ABCXYZXY[Z]This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat-pop after non-change")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+      ("iABC" [escape] "a" [escape] "aXYZ" [escape])
+      ";; ABCXY[Z]This buffer is for notes."
+      ("." (kbd "C-.") (kbd "C-."))
+      ";; ABCXYAB[C]ZThis buffer is for notes.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ESC-repeat-normal-state ()
+  "Test if ESC is not been recorded in normal state."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Test normal ESC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";;[ ]This buffer is for notes."
+      (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+      (should (= (ring-length evil-repeat-ring) 0))
+      ("aABC" [escape])
+      ";; AB[C]This buffer is for notes."
+      (should (= (ring-length evil-repeat-ring) 1))
+      (".")
+      ";; ABCAB[C]This buffer is for notes."
+      ([escape])
+      (should (= (ring-length evil-repeat-ring) 1))
+      (".")
+      ";; ABCABCAB[C]This buffer is for notes.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-abort-operator-repeat ()
+  "Test if ESC in operator-state cancels recording of repeation."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+    (ert-info ("Test ESC")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";;[ ]This buffer is for notes."
+        (setq evil-repeat-ring (make-ring 10))
+        (should (= (ring-length evil-repeat-ring) 0))
+        ("aABC" [escape])
+        ";; AB[C]This buffer is for notes."
+        (should (= (ring-length evil-repeat-ring) 1))
+        (".")
+        ";; ABCAB[C]This buffer is for notes."
+        ("d" [escape])
+        (should (= (ring-length evil-repeat-ring) 1))
+        (".")
+        ";; ABCABCAB[C]This buffer is for notes."))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-visual-char ()
+  "Test repeat of character visual mode command."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat on same line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("v3lcABC" [escape])
+      ";; AB[C] buffer is for notes."
+      ("ww.")
+      ";; ABC buffer AB[C]or notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat on several lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This [b]uffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+      ("vj^eerX")
+XXXX[X] you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+      ("2gg^3w.")
+XXXX[X]en enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-visual-line ()
+  "Test repeat of linewise visual mode command."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat on several lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter th[e] text in that file's own buffer.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+      ("VkcNew Text" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+New Tex[t]
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+      ("jj.")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+New Text
+New Tex[t]
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-visual-block ()
+  "Test repeat of block visual mode command."
+  :tags '(evil repeat)
+  (ert-info ("Test repeat on several lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This [b]uffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+      ((kbd "C-v") "3j2lrQ")
+      ";; This [Q]QQfer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If yoQQQant to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then QQQer the text in that file's own buffer.
+;; This QQQfer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+      ("2j3w.")
+      ";; This QQQfer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If yoQQQant to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then QQQer the text [Q]QQthat file's own buffer.
+;; This QQQfer is for nQQQs you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to creatQQQ file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text QQQthat file's own buffer.
+(ert-deftest evil-visual-block-append ()
+  "Test appending in visual block."
+  :tags '(evil visual insert)
+  (ert-info ("Simple append")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "l[i]ne 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+      ((kbd "C-v") "jjllAXXX" [escape])
+      "lineXX[X] 1\nlineXXX 2\nlineXXX 3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Append after empty lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line 1l[i]ne 1\nline 2\nline 3line 3\n"
+      (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
+      ((kbd "C-v") "jjllAXXX" [escape])
+      "line 1lineXX[X] 1\nline 2    XXX\nline 3lineXXX 3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Append after empty first line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "l[i]ne 1line 1\nline 2\nline 3line 3line 3\n"
+      (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
+      ((kbd "C-v") "jj3feAXXX" [escape])
+      "line 1line 1    XX[X]\nline 2          XXX\nline 3line 3lineXXX 3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Append after end of lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line 1l[i]ne 1line 1\nline 2\nline 3line 3\n"
+      (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
+      ((kbd "C-v") "jj$AXXX" [escape])
+      "line 1line 1line 1XX[X]\nline 2XXX\nline 3line 3XXX\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-repeat-digraph ()
+  "Test repeat of insertion of a digraph."
+  :tags '(evil digraph repeat)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "Line with ['] several apostrophes ', yeah."
+    ("s" (kbd "C-k") "'9" [escape])
+    "Line with [’] several apostrophes ', yeah."
+    ("f'.")
+    "Line with ’ several apostrophes [’], yeah."))
+;;; Operators
+(ert-deftest evil-test-keypress-parser ()
+  "Test `evil-keypress-parser'"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    :state operator
+    (ert-info ("Read from the keyboard unless INPUT is given")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        :state operator
+        (let ((unread-command-events '(?d)))
+          (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser)
+                         '(evil-delete nil)))
+          (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser '(?d))
+                         '(evil-delete nil))))))
+    (ert-info ("Read remainder from the keyboard if INPUT is incomplete")
+      (let ((unread-command-events '(?d)))
+        (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser '(?2))
+                       '(evil-delete 2)))))
+    (ert-info ("Handle counts not starting with zero")
+      (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser '(?2 ?d))
+                     '(evil-delete 2)))
+      (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser '(?2 ?0 ?d))
+                     '(evil-delete 20)))
+      (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser '(?2 ?0 ?2 ?d))
+                     '(evil-delete 202)))
+      (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser '(?4 ?0 ?4 ?g ??))
+                     '(evil-rot13 404))))
+    (ert-info ("Treat 0 as a motion")
+      (should (equal
+               (evil-keypress-parser '(?0))
+               '(evil-digit-argument-or-evil-beginning-of-line nil))))
+    (ert-info ("Handle keyboard macros")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        (define-key evil-motion-state-local-map (kbd "W") (kbd "w"))
+        (should (equal (evil-keypress-parser '(?W))
+                       '(evil-forward-word-begin nil)))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-invert-char ()
+  "Test `evil-invert-char'"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+    ("~")
+    ";; t[h]is buffer is for notes.")
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; <[T]his> buffer is for notes."
+    ("~")
+    ";; [t]HIS buffer is for notes.")
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    :visual block
+    ";; <[T]his buffer is for notes,
+;; and >for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("~")
+    ";; [t]HIS buffer is for notes,
+;; AND for Lisp evaluation."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-rot13 ()
+  "Test `evil-rot13'"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+    ("g?" [M-right])
+    ";; [G]uvf buffer is for notes you don't want to save."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-rot13-with-count ()
+  "Test `evil-rot13' with count argument"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Count before operator")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("2g?" [M-right])
+      ";; [G]uvf ohssre is for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Count before motion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("g?2" [M-right])
+      ";; [G]uvf ohssre is for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Count before operator and motion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("3g?2" [M-right])
+      ";; [G]uvf ohssre vf sbe abgrf lbh don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Count exceeding buffer boundaries")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("g?200" [right])
+      ";; [G]uvf ohssre vf sbe abgrf lbh qba'g jnag gb fnir.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-rot13-repeat ()
+  "Test repeating of `evil-rot13'"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+    ("g?" [M-right] [M-right])
+    ";; Guvf[ ]buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+    (".")
+    ";; Guvf[ ]ohssre is for notes you don't want to save."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-rot13-repeat-with-count ()
+  "Test repeating of `evil-rot13' with new count"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Count before operator")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("2g?" [M-right])
+      ";; [G]uvf ohssre is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("3.")
+      ";; [T]his buffer vf for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Count before motion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("g?2" [M-right])
+      ";; [G]uvf ohssre is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("3.")
+      ";; [T]his buffer vf for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Count before operator and motion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("3g?2" [M-right])
+      ";; [G]uvf ohssre vf sbe abgrf lbh don't want to save."
+      ("4.")
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for abgrf lbh don't want to save.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-operator-delete ()
+  "Test deleting text"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Delete characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("dl")
+      ";; [h]is buffer is for notes."
+      ("d1l")
+      ";; [i]s buffer is for notes."
+      ("1dl")
+      ";; [s] buffer is for notes."
+      ("1d1l")
+      ";; [ ]buffer is for notes."
+      ("d2l")
+      ";; [u]ffer is for notes."
+      ("2dl")
+      ";; [f]er is for notes."
+      ("d4l")
+      ";; [i]s for notes."
+      ("4dl")
+      ";; [o]r notes."
+      ("2d2l")
+      ";; [o]tes."))
+  (ert-info ("Delete current line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("dd")
+      "[;]; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("d1d")
+      "[;]; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("1dd")
+      "[;]; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("1d1d")
+      "[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Delete two lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("d2d")
+      "[;]; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("2dd")
+      "[;]; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("dj")
+      "[;]; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; [I]f you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("dk")
+      "[;]; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.")))
+(evil-define-motion evil-test-square-motion (count)
+  "Test motion for selecting a square."
+  :type block
+  (let ((column (current-column)))
+    (forward-line (1- count))
+    (move-to-column (+ column count -1))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-yank ()
+  "Test `evil-yank'"
+  :tags '(evil operator yank)
+  (ert-info ("Yank characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("y2e")
+      (should (string= (current-kill 0) "This buffer"))))
+  (ert-info ("Yank lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("yj")
+      (should (string= (current-kill 0)
+                       (buffer-substring (point-min)
+                                         (1+ (line-end-position 2)))))
+      (should (eq (car-safe (get-text-property 0 'yank-handler
+                                               (current-kill 0)))
+                  'evil-yank-line-handler)))
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("y5j")
+      (should
+       (string= (current-kill 0)
+                (concat (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position 1)
+                                          (point-max))
+                        "\n")))
+      (should (eq (car-safe (get-text-property 0 'yank-handler
+                                               (current-kill 0)))
+                  'evil-yank-line-handler))))
+  (ert-info ("Yank rectangle")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y3s")
+      (should (string= (current-kill 0) "Thi\nIf \nthe"))
+      (should (eq (car-safe (get-text-property 0 'yank-handler
+                                               (current-kill 0)))
+                  'evil-yank-block-handler))))
+  (ert-info (":yank, then paste")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\n"
+     (":yank" [return] "p")
+     "a\nb\nb\nc\nd\n"))
+  (ert-info (":yank with COUNT")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\n"
+     (":yank 2" [return] "p")
+     "a\nb\nb\nc\nc\nd\n"))
+  (ert-info (":yank with COUNT in visual state")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n<b\nc>\nd\ne\nf\n"
+     (":yank 3" [return] "p")
+     "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nc\nd\ne\nf\n"))
+  (ert-info (":yank with REGISTER")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\n"
+     (":yank r") ;; yank into the 'r' register
+     "a\nb\nc\nd\n"
+     ;; check the 'r' register contains the yanked text
+     (should (string= (substring-no-properties (evil-get-register ?r)) 
+  (ert-info (":yank with REGISTER and COUNT")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\ne\nf\n"
+     (":yank r 3")
+     "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf\n"
+     (should (string= (substring-no-properties (evil-get-register ?r)) 
+(ert-deftest evil-test-delete ()
+  "Test `evil-delete'"
+  :tags '(evil operator delete)
+  (ert-info ("Delete characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save[.]"
+      ("x")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to sav[e]"
+      (goto-char 4)
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save"
+      ("d2e")
+      ";; [ ]is for notes you don't want to save"
+      (should (string= (current-kill 0) "This buffer"))
+      ("P")
+      ";; This buffe[r] is for notes you don't want to save"))
+  (ert-info ("Delete lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("2dd")
+      "[;]; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("P")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Delete last line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; [I]f you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("2dd")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Delete last empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line 1\nline 2\n\n[]"
+      ("dd")
+      "line 1\nline 2\n[]"))
+  (ert-info ("Delete rectangle")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("d3s")
+      "[T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info (":delete")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\n"
+     (":delete")
+     "a\nc\nd\n"))
+  (ert-info (":delete with COUNT")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\n"
+     (":delete 2")
+     "a\nd\n"))
+  (ert-info (":delete with COUNT in visual state")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n<b\nc>\nd\ne\nf\n"
+     (":delete 3")
+     "a\nb\nf\n"))
+  (ert-info (":delete with REGISTER")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\n"
+     (":delete r") ;; delete into the 'r' register
+     "a\nc\nd\n"
+     ;; check the 'r' register contains the deleted text
+     (should (string= (substring-no-properties (evil-get-register ?r)) 
+  (ert-info (":delete with REGISTER and COUNT")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "a\n[b]\nc\nd\ne\nf\n"
+     (":delete r 3")
+     "a\ne\nf\n"
+     (should (string= (substring-no-properties (evil-get-register ?r)) 
+(ert-deftest evil-test-delete-line ()
+  "Test `evil-delete-line'"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Delete to end of line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[ ]you don't want to save."
+      ("D")
+      ";; This buffer is for note[s]"))
+  (ert-info ("Act linewise on character selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This <buffe[r]> is for notes,
+and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("D")
+      "[a]nd for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Act on each line of block selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual block
+      ";; This buffer is for <notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluatio[n]>."
+      ("D")
+      ";; This buffer is for[ ]
+;; and for Lisp evalua"))
+  (ert-info ("Yank full block with block selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual block
+      "line1 l<ine1 line1 line1\nline2 line2\nline3 lin>e3 line3\n"
+      ("D")
+      "line1 [l]\nline2 l\nline3 l\n"
+      ("0P")
+      "ine1 line1 line1line1 l
+ine2            line2 l
+ine3 line3      line3 l\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-delete-folded ()
+  "Test `evil-delete' on folded lines."
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Delete folded lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\n\n(let ()\n  var)\n\n(let ()\n  var2)\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      (hs-minor-mode 1)
+      ("zm2jdd")
+      "line1\n\n[\n](let ()\n  var2)\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Delete folded lines with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\n\n(let ()\n  var)\n\n(let ()\n  var2)\n\nlast line\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      (hs-minor-mode 1)
+      ("zm2j3dd")
+      "line1\n\n[\n]last line\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-delete-backward-word ()
+  "Test `evil-delete-backward-word' in insert state."
+  :tags '(evil)
+  (let ((evil-backspace-join-lines t))
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abc def\n   ghi j[k]l\n"
+      ("i" (kbd "C-w"))
+      "abc def\n   ghi [k]l\n"
+      ((kbd "C-w"))
+      "abc def\n   [k]l\n"
+      ((kbd "C-w"))
+      "abc def\n[k]l\n"
+      ((kbd "C-w"))
+      "abc def[k]l\n"))
+  (let (evil-backspace-join-lines)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abc def\n[k]l\n"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro (concat "i" (kbd "C-w"))))
+      "abc def\n[k]l\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-change ()
+  "Test `evil-change'"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Change characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("c2eABC" [escape])
+      ";; AB[C] is for notes you don't want to save."
+      (should (string= (current-kill 0) "This buffer"))
+      ("p")
+      ";; ABCThis buffe[r] is for notes you don't want to save."))
+  (ert-info ("Change lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("2ccABCLINE\nDEFLINE" [escape])
+      "ABCLINE
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("p")
+      "ABCLINE
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Change last line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; [I]f you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("2ccABC" [escape])
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+  (ert-info ("Change rectangle")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("c3sABC" [escape])
+      "AB[C]This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+ABCIf you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+ABCthen enter the text in that file's own buffer.")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-change-word ()
+  "Test changing words"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Non-word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("cwABC" [escape])
+      "AB[C] This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("cwABC" [escape])
+      ";; AB[C] buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Single character")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;] This buffer is for notes."
+      ("cwABC" [escape])
+      "AB[C] This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Whitespace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This[ ]is a test\n"
+      ("cwABC" [escape])
+      "ThisAB[C]is a test\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-join ()
+  "Test `evil-join'"
+  :tags '(evil join operator)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f."
+      ("J")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.[ ]\
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f."))
+  (ert-info ("Visual")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual line
+      "<;; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f.>"
+      ("J")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.[ ]\
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f."))
+  (ert-info ("Join with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":join 3")
+     "line 1 line 2 line 3\nline 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with bang and count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":join! 3")
+     "line 1line 2line 3\nline 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with bang and count, exceeding end-of-buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":join! 10")
+     "line 1line 2line 3line 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with count 1 should be the same as without count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":join 1")
+     "line 1 line 2\nline 3\nline 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with count 2 should be the same as with count 1")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":join 2")
+     "line 1 line 2\nline 3\nline 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with count and single line range")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":2join 3")
+     "line 1\nline 2 line 3 line 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with count and range")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":1,2join 3")
+     "line 1\nline 2 line 3 line 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with count, range and bang")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":1,2join! 3")
+     "line 1\nline 2line 3line 4"))
+  (ert-info ("Join with range")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4"
+     (":1,3join")
+     "line 1 line 2 line 3\nline 4"))
+  )
+(ert-deftest evil-test-substitute ()
+  "Test `evil-substitute'"
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("5sABC" [escape])
+      ";; AB[C]buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("On empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("5sABC" [escape])
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-shift ()
+  "Test `evil-shift-right' and `evil-shift-left'."
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (let ((evil-shift-width 4)
+        indent-tabs-mode)
+    (ert-info ("Shift linewise")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+        ("Vj>")
+        "    [l]ine 1\n    line 2\nline 3\n"))
+    (ert-info ("Shift char selection on whole line")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+        ("v$>")
+        "    [l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"))
+    (ert-info ("Shift visual with count")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+        ("Vj3>")
+        "            [l]ine 1\n            line 2\nline 3\n"
+        ("Vj2<")
+        "    [l]ine 1\n    line 2\nline 3\n"))
+    (ert-info ("Shift in insert state")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "line 1\nl[i]ne 2\nline 3\n"
+        ("i\C-t\C-t")
+        "line 1\n        l[i]ne 2\nline 3\n"
+        ("\C-d")
+        "line 1\n    l[i]ne 2\nline 3\n"))))
+;;; Paste
+(ert-deftest evil-test-paste-before ()
+  "Test `evil-paste-before'"
+  :tags '(evil paste)
+  (ert-info ("Paste characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("y2ej0")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("P")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+This buffe[r];; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste characters with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("y2ej0")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("3P")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+This bufferThis bufferThis buffe[r];; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste characters at end-of-buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("y2eG$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]"
+      ("2P")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluationThis bufferThis buffe[r]."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2yyP")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste lines with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2yy2P")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste lines at end-of-buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2yyG$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]"
+      ("2P")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ysP")
+      "[;]; ;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ys2P")
+      "[;]; ;; ;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; ;; ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; ;; ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block with empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; Above some line
+;; Below some empty line"
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ys2P")
+      "[;]; ;; ;; Above some line
+      \n\
+;; ;; ;; Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block crossing end of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ysj")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("P")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+  (ert-info ("Paste block at end-of-line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ys$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save[.]
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.[;];
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file wi;; th C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.  ;;")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-paste-after ()
+  "Test `evil-paste-after'"
+  :tags '(evil paste)
+  (ert-info ("Paste characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("y2ej0")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;This buffe[r]; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste characters with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("y2ej0")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("3p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;This bufferThis bufferThis buffe[r]; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste characters at end-of-buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("y2eG$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]"
+      ("2p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.This bufferThis buffe[r]"))
+  (ert-info ("Paste lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2yyp")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste lines with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2yy2p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste lines at end-of-buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("2yyG$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]"
+      ("2p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ysp")
+      ";[;]; ; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;;; ; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;;; ; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ys2p")
+      ";[;]; ;; ; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;;; ;; ; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;;; ;; ; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block with empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; Above some line
+;; Below some empty line"
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ys2p")
+      ";;; ;; ; Above some line
+;;; ;; ; Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block crossing end of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ysj")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;;; ; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;;; ; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+ ;;"))
+  (ert-info ("Paste block at end-of-line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("3ys$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save[.]
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.;;
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file wi;; th C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.  ;;"))
+  (ert-info ("Paste preserves preceding text properties")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+     (put-text-property (point) (line-end-position) 'font-lock-face 'warning)
+     ("yyp")
+     ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+ (should (equal (get-text-property (point-min) 'font-lock-face) 'warning)))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-paste-pop-before ()
+  "Test `evil-paste-pop' after `evil-paste-before'"
+  :tags '(evil paste)
+  (ert-info ("Paste")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sj")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("P")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+  (ert-info ("Single pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjP\C-p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Two pops")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjP\C-p\C-p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; Thi[s];; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Pop with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjP2\C-p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; Thi[s];; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Single pop-next")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjP2\C-p\C-n")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Pop-next with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjP\C-p\C-p2\C-n")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+(ert-deftest evil-test-paste-pop-after ()
+  "Test `evil-paste-pop' after `evil-paste-after'"
+  :tags '(evil paste)
+  (ert-info ("Paste")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sj")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;[;]; ; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;;; ; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+ ;;"))
+  (ert-info ("Single pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjp\C-p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Two pops")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjp\C-p\C-p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;;; Thi[s]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Pop with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjp2\C-p")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;;; Thi[s]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Single pop-next")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjp2\C-p\C-n")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Pop-next with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjp\C-p\C-p2\C-n")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;[;]; ; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;;; ; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+ ;;")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-paste-pop-without-undo ()
+  "Test `evil-paste-pop' with undo disabled"
+  :tags '(evil paste)
+  (ert-info ("Pop-next with count without undo")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      (setq buffer-undo-list t)
+      (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "s" 'evil-test-square-motion)
+      ("y2e2yyy3sjP\C-p\C-p2\C-n")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-paste ()
+  "Test `evil-paste-before' and `evil-paste-after' in Visual state"
+  :tags '(evil paste)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; [I]f you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f."
+    ("yyk")
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f."
+    ("VP")
+    "[;]; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f.")
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f."
+    ("yyj")
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; [I]f you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f."
+    ("Vp")
+    ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+\[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-paste-pop ()
+  "Test `evil-paste-pop' after visual paste."
+  :tags '(evil paste)
+  (ert-info ("Visual-char paste, char paste")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[w]ord1a word1b word1c\nword2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("yiwyywyiw^jw")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword2a [w]ord2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("viwp")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword2a word1[b]\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Visual-char paste, char paste, line pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[w]ord1a word1b word1c\nword2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("yiwyywyiw^jw")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword2a [w]ord2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("viwp\C-p")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword2a \n[w]ord1a word1b word1c\n\nword3a word3b 
word3c word3d\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Visual-char paste, char paste, line pop, char pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[w]ord1a word1b word1c\nword2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("yiwyywyiw^jw")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword2a [w]ord2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("viwp\C-p\C-p")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword2a word1[a]\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Visual-line paste, char paste")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[w]ord1a word1b word1c\nword2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("yiwyywyiw^j")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\n[w]ord2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("Vp")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword1[b]word3a word3b word3c word3d\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Visual-line paste, char paste, line pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[w]ord1a word1b word1c\nword2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("yiwyywyiw^j")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\n[w]ord2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("Vp\C-p")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\n[w]ord1a word1b word1c\nword3a word3b word3c 
+  (ert-info ("Visual-line paste, char paste, line pop, char pop")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[w]ord1a word1b word1c\nword2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("yiwyywyiw^j")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\n[w]ord2a word2b\nword3a word3b word3c word3d\n"
+      ("Vp\C-p\C-p")
+      "word1a word1b word1c\nword1[a]word3a word3b word3c word3d\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-register ()
+  "Test yanking and pasting to and from register."
+  :tags '(evil yank paste)
+  (ert-info ("simple lower case register")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[f]oo\n"
+      ("\"ayw\"aP")
+      "fo[o]foo\n"
+      ("\"ayy\"aP")
+      "[f]oofoo\nfoofoo\n"))
+  (ert-info ("upper case register")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[f]oo\n"
+      ("\"ayw\"Ayw\"aP")
+      "foofo[o]foo\n"
+      ("\"ayy\"Ayy\"aP")
+      "[f]oofoofoo\nfoofoofoo\nfoofoofoo\n"))
+  (ert-info ("upper case register and lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+      ("\"a2Yjj\"A2Y\"aP")
+      "line 1\nline 2\n[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+      ("8G\"ap")
+      "line 1\nline 2\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 3\nline 4\n[l]ine 
1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"))
+  (ert-info ("yank with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+      ("\"a2yw\"aP")
+      "line [1]line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"
+      ("\"a2yy\"aP")
+      "[l]ine 1line 1\nline 2\nline 1line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n"))
+  (dolist (module '(evil-search isearch))
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module module)
+    (ert-info ((format "special register / (module: %s)" module))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo bar\n"
+        ("/bar" [return] "0i\C-r/")
+        "bar[f]oo bar\n")))
+  (ert-info ("special register :")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[f]oo bar\n"
+      (":noh\ni\C-r:"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-last-insert-register ()
+  "Test last insertion register."
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[l]ine 1\n"
+    ("GiABC" [escape])
+    "line 1\nAB[C]"
+    ("gg\".P")
+    "AB[C]line 1\nABC"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-zero-register ()
+  "\"0 contains the last text that was yanked without specificying a register."
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[l]ine 1\nline 2\n"
+    ("yy\"0p")
+    "line 1\n[l]ine 1\nline 2\n"
+    ("j\"ayy\"0p")
+    "line 1\nline 1\nline 2\n[l]ine 1\n" ; yanked line 2 to "a, so "0 is still 
line 1
+    ("kdd\"0p")
+    "line 1\nline 1\nline 1\n[l]ine 1\n"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-align ()
+  "Test `evil-align-left', `evil-align-right' and `evil-align-center'."
+  :tags '(evil operator)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (let ((fill-column 70)
+          indent-tabs-mode)
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "before\n[l]ine 1\nthis is line number 2\nline number 3\nafter\n"
+        (":.,+2ri" [return] (kbd "M-x") "untabify" [return])
+        "before\n                                                              
  [l]ine 1\n                                                 this is line 
number 2\n                                                         line number 
+        (":.,+2ri 60" [return] (kbd "M-x") "untabify" [return])
+        "before\n                                                      [l]ine 
1\n                                       this is line number 2\n               
                                line number 3\nafter\n"
+        (":.,+2le" [return] (kbd "M-x") "untabify" [return])
+        "before\n[l]ine 1\nthis is line number 2\nline number 3\nafter\n"
+        (":.,+2le 10" [return])
+        "before\n          [l]ine 1\n          this is line number 2\n         
 line number 3\nafter\n"
+        (":.,+2ce" [return] (kbd "M-x") "untabify" [return])
+        "before\n                                [l]ine 1\n                    
    this is line number 2\n                            line number 3\nafter\n"
+        (":.,+2ce 40" [return] (kbd "M-x") "untabify" [return])
+        "before\n                 [l]ine 1\n         this is line number 2\n   
          line number 3\nafter\n"))))
+;;; Motions
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-char ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-char' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("l")
+      ";[;] This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("End of line")
+    (let ((evil-cross-lines t)
+          (evil-move-cursor-back t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; This buffer is for notes[,]
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+        ("l")
+        ";; This buffer is for notes,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation.")))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("12l")
+      ";; This buff[e]r is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("End of line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "l"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "10l"))))
+  (ert-info ("Until end-of-line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("100l")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"))
+  (ert-info ("On empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "l"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42l")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-backward-char ()
+  "Test `evil-backward-char' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This[ ]buffer is for notes."
+      ("h")
+      ";; Thi[s] buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This[ ]buffer is for notes."
+      ("3h")
+      ";; T[h]is buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Beginning of line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "h"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "10h"))))
+  (ert-info ("Until beginning-of-line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This[ ]buffer is for notes."
+      ("100h")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("On empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "h"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42h")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-previous-line ()
+  "Test `evil-previous-line' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; [a]nd for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("k")
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; [t]hen enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("2k")
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Until beginning of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; [t]hen enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("100k")
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("At beginning of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "k"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42k")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-next-line ()
+  "Test `evil-next-line' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("j")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; [a]nd for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("2j")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; [t]hen enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("Until end of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+      ("100j")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; [t]hen enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+  (ert-info ("At end of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to [s]ave."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "j"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42j")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-preserve-column ()
+  "Test `evil-previous-line' and `evil-next-line' preserve the column."
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ab[c]\nabcdef\n\nabcd\n"
+      ("j")
+      "abc\nab[c]def\n\nabcd\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ab[c]\nabcdef\n\nabcd\n"
+      ("jj")
+      "abc\nabcdef\n[\n]abcd\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ab[c]\nabcdef\n\nabcd\n"
+      ("jjj")
+      "abc\nabcdef\n\nab[c]d\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ab[c]\nabcdef\n\nabcd\n"
+      ("jjjk")
+      "abc\nabcdef\n[\n]abcd\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ab[c]\nabcdef\n\nabcd\n"
+      ("jjjkk")
+      "abc\nab[c]def\n\nabcd\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-beginning-of-line ()
+  "Test `evil-beginning-of-line' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+    ("0")
+    "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+    ("0")
+    "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-end-of-line ()
+  "Test `evil-end-of-line' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      ("$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save[.]"
+      ("$")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save[.]"))
+  (ert-info ("Don't delete blank lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("d$")
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-first-non-blank ()
+  "Test `evil-first-non-blank' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "\
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\")[;]
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;"
+    ("^")
+    "\
+  [p]rintf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;"
+    ("j^")
+    "\
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  [r]eturn EXIT_SUCCESS;"))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-last-non-blank ()
+  "Test `evil-last-non-blank' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[i]nt main(int argc, char** argv)    \n\
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("g_")
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv[)]    \n\
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("jjg_")
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv)    \n\
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\")[;]
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+(ert-deftest evil-test-goto-first-line ()
+  "Test `evil-goto-first-line' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[i]nt main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("3gg")
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  [p]rintf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("gg")
+    "[i]nt main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("100gg")
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+(ert-deftest evil-test-goto-line ()
+  "Test `evil-goto-line' motion"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[i]nt main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("G")
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("3G")
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  [p]rintf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+    ("100G")
+    "int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+(ert-deftest evil-test-operator-0 ()
+  "Test motion \"0\" with an operator."
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+    ("d0")
+    "[T]his buffer is for notes."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-not-word ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-not-thing'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[ ]    aa,,"
+    (evil-forward-not-thing 'evil-word)
+    "     [a]a,,"))
+;; TODO: test Visual motions and window motions
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-word-begin ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-word-begin'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Non-word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("w")
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("w")
+      ";; This [b]uffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("3w")
+      ";; This buffer is [f]or notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count on whitespace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";;[ ]This buffer is for notes."
+      ("3w")
+      ";; This buffer [i]s for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("w")
+      "Above some line
+\[B]elow some empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]bove
+Below some empty line"
+      ("dw")
+      "[]
+Below some empty line"
+      ("dw")
+      "[]
+Below some empty line"
+      ("dw")
+      "[B]elow some empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]bove
+    Below some empty line with leading whitespace"
+      ("dw")
+      "[]
+    Below some empty line with leading whitespace"
+      ("dw")
+      "[]
+    Below some empty line with leading whitespace"
+      ("dw")
+      "    [B]elow some empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Some line with trailing whitespace  [ ]     \n    next line\n"
+      ("dw")
+      "Some line with trailing whitespace [ ]\n    next line\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]\n"
+      ("dw")
+      "[]\n"))
+  (ert-info ("End of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("100w")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "w"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "10w"))))
+  (ert-info ("Before last character in buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "fo[o]."
+      ("w")
+      "foo[.]")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "fo[o] "
+      ("w")
+      "foo[ ]")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ ]e"
+      ("w")
+      " [e]")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-word-end ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-word-end'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Non-word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("e")
+      ";[;] This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("e")
+      ";; Thi[s] buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("3e")
+      ";; This buffer i[s] for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count on whitespace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";;[ ]This buffer is for notes."
+      ("3e")
+      ";; This buffer i[s] for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Delete")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This[-]buffer-is-for-notes."
+      ("de")
+      ";; This[-]is-for-notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("e")
+      "Above some line
+Belo[w] some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("End of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("100e")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "e"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "10e"))))
+  ;; In Vim, "de" may delete two words rather than one
+  ;; if the first word is only one letter. In Evil,
+  ;; "de" always deletes one word.
+  (ert-info ("Delete a single-letter word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "a [b] c"
+      ("de")
+      "a [ ]c")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-backward-word-begin ()
+  "Test `evil-backward-word-begin'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("b")
+      ";; This buffer is for [n]otes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("2b")
+      ";; This buffer is [f]or notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("b")
+      "Above some [l]ine
+Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("With count on whitespace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for[ ]notes."
+      ("2b")
+      ";; This buffer [i]s for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Beginning of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("100b")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "b"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "10b")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-backward-word-end ()
+  "Test `evil-backward-word-end'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("ge")
+      ";; This buffer is for note[s]."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("2ge")
+      ";; This buffer is fo[r] notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Empty line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("ge")
+      "Above some lin[e]
+Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("With count on whitespace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for[ ]notes."
+      ("2ge")
+      ";; This buffer i[s] for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Beginning of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("100ge")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "ge"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "10ge")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-word-begin-cjk ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-word-begin' on CJK words"
+  :tags '(evil motion cjk)
+  (ert-info ("Latin / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd1234"
+      ("w")
+      "abcd123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "abcd[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "abcd[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "abcd[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "abcdカタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdABC"
+      ("w")
+      "abcdAB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd123"
+      ("w")
+      "abcd12[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd한글"
+      ("w")
+      "abcd[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234abcd"
+      ("w")
+      "1234abc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "1234[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "1234[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "1234[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "1234カタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ABC"
+      ("w")
+      "1234AB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234123"
+      ("w")
+      "123412[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234한글"
+      ("w")
+      "1234[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字abcd"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字1234"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ABC"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字123"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[1]23"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字한글"
+      ("w")
+      "漢字[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなabcd"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな1234"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなABC"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな123"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[1]23"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな한글"
+      ("w")
+      "ひらがな[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[1]23"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナabc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナAB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ12[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("w")
+      "カタカナ[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCabcd"
+      ("w")
+      "ABCabc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC1234"
+      ("w")
+      "ABC123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "ABC[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "ABC[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "ABC[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "ABCカタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC123"
+      ("w")
+      "ABC12[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC한글"
+      ("w")
+      "ABC[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23abcd"
+      ("w")
+      "123abc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]231234"
+      ("w")
+      "123123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "123[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "123[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "123[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "123カタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ABC"
+      ("w")
+      "123AB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23한글"
+      ("w")
+      "123[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글abcd"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글1234"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글漢字"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ひらがな"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ABC"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글123"
+      ("w")
+      "한글[1]23")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-word-end-cjk ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-word-end' on CJK words"
+  :tags '(evil motion cjk)
+  (ert-info ("Latin / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd1234"
+      ("e")
+      "abcd123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "abc[d]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "abc[d]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "abc[d]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "abcdカタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdABC"
+      ("e")
+      "abcdAB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd123"
+      ("e")
+      "abcd12[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd한글"
+      ("e")
+      "abc[d]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234abcd"
+      ("e")
+      "1234abc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "123[4]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "123[4]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "123[4]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "1234カタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ABC"
+      ("e")
+      "1234AB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234123"
+      ("e")
+      "123412[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234한글"
+      ("e")
+      "123[4]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字abcd"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字1234"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ABC"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字123"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]123"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字한글"
+      ("e")
+      "漢[字]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなabcd"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな1234"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなABC"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな123"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]123"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな한글"
+      ("e")
+      "ひらが[な]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]123"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカナabc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカナ123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカナAB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカナ12[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("e")
+      "カタカ[ナ]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCabcd"
+      ("e")
+      "ABCabc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC1234"
+      ("e")
+      "ABC123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "AB[C]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "AB[C]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "AB[C]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "ABCカタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC123"
+      ("e")
+      "ABC12[3]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC한글"
+      ("e")
+      "AB[C]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23abcd"
+      ("e")
+      "123abc[d]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]231234"
+      ("e")
+      "123123[4]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "12[3]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "12[3]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "12[3]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "123カタカ[ナ]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ABC"
+      ("e")
+      "123AB[C]"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23한글"
+      ("e")
+      "12[3]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글abcd"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글1234"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글漢字"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ひらがな"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ABC"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글123"
+      ("e")
+      "한[글]123")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-backword-word-begin-cjk ()
+  "Test `evil-backward-word-begin' on CJK words"
+  :tags '(evil motion cjk)
+  (ert-info ("Latin / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "[a]bcd1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "abcd[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "abcd[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "abcd[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdAB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "[a]bcdABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd12[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "[a]bcd123"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "abcd[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234abc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]234abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "1234[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234ひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "1234[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "1234[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]234カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234AB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]234ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123412[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]234123"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "1234[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字abc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字ひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字AB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字12[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[1]23"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "漢字[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなabc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなAB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな12[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[1]23"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "ひらがな[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナabc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナAB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ12[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[1]23"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナabc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナAB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "[カ]タカナABC"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ12[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "[カ]タカナ123"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "カタカナ[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCabc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "[A]BCabcd"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "[A]BC1234"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "ABC[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "ABC[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "ABC[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC12[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "[A]BC123"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "ABC[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123abc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]23abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]231234"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "123[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123ひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "123[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "123[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]23カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123AB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "[1]23ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123한[글]"
+      ("b")
+      "123[한]글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글abc[d]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[a]bcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글123[4]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[1]234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글漢[字]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[漢]字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글ひらが[な]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[ひ]らがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[カ]タカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글AB[C]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[A]BC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글12[3]"
+      ("b")
+      "한글[1]23")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-backword-word-end-cjk ()
+  "Test `evil-backward-word-end' on CJK words"
+  :tags '(evil motion cjk)
+  (ert-info ("Latin / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[a]bcd1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "abc[d]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "abc[d]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "abc[d]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcdAB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[a]bcdABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd12[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[a]bcd123"))
+  (ert-info ("Latin / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "abcd한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "abc[d]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234abc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]234abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "123[4]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234ひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "123[4]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "123[4]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]234カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234AB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]234ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123412[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]234123"))
+  (ert-info ("numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "1234한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "123[4]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字abc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字ひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字AB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字12[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]123"))
+  (ert-info ("Kanji / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "漢字한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "漢[字]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなabc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがなAB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな12[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]123"))
+  (ert-info ("Hiragana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ひらがな한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "ひらが[な]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナabc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナAB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ12[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]123"))
+  (ert-info ("Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナabc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナAB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[カ]タカナABC"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ12[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[カ]タカナ123"))
+  (ert-info ("half-width Katakana / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "カタカナ한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "カタカ[ナ]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCabc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[A]BCabcd"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[A]BC1234"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "AB[C]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "AB[C]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "AB[C]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABCカタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC12[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[A]BC123"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width alphabet / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "ABC한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "AB[C]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123abc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]23abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]231234"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "12[3]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123ひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "12[3]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "12[3]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]23カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123AB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "[1]23ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("full-width numeric / Hangul")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "123한[글]"
+      ("ge")
+      "12[3]한글"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Latin")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글abc[d]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]abcd"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글123[4]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]1234"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Kanji")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글漢[字]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]漢字"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Hiragana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글ひらが[な]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]ひらがな"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / half-width Katakana")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글カタカ[ナ]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]カタカナ"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width alphabet")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글AB[C]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]ABC"))
+  (ert-info ("Hangul / full-width numeric")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "한글12[3]"
+      ("ge")
+      "한[글]123")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-paragraph ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-paragraph'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]bove some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("}")
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]bove some line
+Below some empty line"
+      ("2}")
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty lin[e]"))
+  (ert-info ("End of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[B]elow some empty line"
+      ("100}")
+      "Below some empty lin[e]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "}"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42}"))))
+  (ert-info ("End of buffer with newline")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[B]elow some empty line\n\n"
+      ("100}")
+      "Below some empty line\n\n[]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "}"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42}")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-backward-paragraph ()
+  "Test `evil-backward-paragraph'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty lin[e]"
+      ("{")
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty lin[e]"
+      ("2{")
+      "[A]bove some line
+Below some empty line"))
+  (ert-info ("Beginning of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Above some line
+Below some empty lin[e]"
+      ("100{")
+      "[A]bove some line
+Below some empty line"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "{"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42{"))))
+  (ert-info ("Beginning of buffer with newlines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "\n\nAbove some line
+Below some empty lin[e]"
+      ("100{")
+      "[]\n\nAbove some line
+Below some empty line"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "{"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42{")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-sentence ()
+  "Test `evil-forward-sentence'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      (")")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  [I]f you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      (")")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      (")")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+\[B]elow some empty line."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      ("2)")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      ("2)")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line[.]"))
+  (ert-info ("End of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[B]elow some empty line."
+      ("100)")
+      "Below some empty line[.]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro ")"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42)"))))
+  (ert-info ("End of buffer with newline")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[B]elow some empty line.\n\n"
+      (")")
+      "Below some empty line.\n[\n]"
+      (")")
+      "Below some empty line.\n\n[]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro ")"))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42)")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-backward-sentence ()
+  "Test `evil-backward-sentence'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line[.]"
+      ("(")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+\[B]elow some empty line."
+      ("(")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      ("(")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  [I]f you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      ("(")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line[.]"
+      ("2(")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."
+      ("2(")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.  If you want to create a file,
+;; visit that file with C-x C-f.
+Below some empty line."))
+  (ert-info ("Beginning of buffer")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save[.]"
+      ("100(")
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "("))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42("))))
+  (ert-info ("Beginning of buffer with newlines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "\n\n;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save[.]"
+      ("100(")
+      "[]\n\n;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "("))
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "42(")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-find-char ()
+  "Test `evil-find-char'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("fT")
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("2fe")
+      ";; This buffer is for not[e]s."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("fe;")
+      ";; This buffer is for not[e]s."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat backward")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("2fe,")
+      ";; This buff[e]r is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("No match")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "fL"))))
+  (ert-info ("End of line")
+    (let ((evil-cross-lines t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[;]; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+        ("fL")
+        ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for [L]isp evaluation."))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-find-char-backward ()
+  "Test `evil-find-char-backward'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("FT")
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("2Fe")
+      ";; This buff[e]r is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("Fe;")
+      ";; This buff[e]r is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat backward")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("2Fe,")
+      ";; This buffer is for not[e]s."))
+  (ert-info ("No match")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "FL"))))
+  (ert-info ("End of line")
+    (let ((evil-cross-lines t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]"
+        ("FT")
+        ";; [T]his buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-find-char-to ()
+  "Test `evil-find-char-to'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("tT")
+      ";;[ ]This buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("2te")
+      ";; This buffer is for no[t]es."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("tel;")
+      ";; This buffer is for no[t]es."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat backward")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      ("2te,")
+      ";; This buffe[r] is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat should skip adjacent character")
+    (let ((evil-repeat-find-to-skip-next t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[a]aaxaaaxaaaxaaa"
+        ("tx;")
+        "aaaxaa[a]xaaaxaaa"
+        (";")
+        "aaaxaaaxaa[a]xaaa"
+        (",")
+        "aaaxaaax[a]aaxaaa"
+        (",")
+        "aaax[a]aaxaaaxaaa")))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat should NOT skip adjacent character")
+    (let ((evil-repeat-find-to-skip-next nil))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[a]aaxaaaxaaaxaaa"
+        ("tx;")
+        "aa[a]xaaaxaaaxaaa")))
+  (ert-info ("No match")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "tL"))))
+  (ert-info ("End of line")
+    (let ((evil-cross-lines t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[;]; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+        ("tL")
+        ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for[ ]Lisp evaluation."))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-find-char-to-backward ()
+  "Test `evil-find-char-to-backward'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("TT")
+      ";; T[h]is buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("2Te")
+      ";; This buffe[r] is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("Teh;")
+      ";; This buffe[r] is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat backward")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      ("2Te,")
+      ";; This buffer is for no[t]es."))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat should skip adjacent character")
+    (let ((evil-repeat-find-to-skip-next t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "aaaxaaaxaaaxaa[a]"
+        ("Tx;")
+        "aaaxaaax[a]aaxaaa"
+        (";")
+        "aaax[a]aaxaaaxaaa"
+        (",")
+        "aaaxaa[a]xaaaxaaa"
+        (",")
+        "aaaxaaaxaa[a]xaaa")))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat should NOT skip adjacent character")
+    (let ((evil-repeat-find-to-skip-next nil))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "aaaxaaaxaaaxaa[a]"
+        ("Tx;")
+        "aaaxaaaxaaax[a]aa")))
+  (ert-info ("No match")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes[.]"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "TL"))))
+  (ert-info ("End of line")
+    (let ((evil-cross-lines t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]"
+        ("TT")
+        ";; T[h]is buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-jump-item ()
+  "Test `evil-jump-item'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "int main[(]int argc, char** argv)"
+      ("%")
+      "int main(int argc, char** argv[)]"
+      ("%")
+      "int main[(]int argc, char** argv)"))
+  (ert-info ("Before parenthesis")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[i]nt main(int argc, char** argv)"
+      ("%")
+      "int main(int argc, char** argv[)]"
+      ("5h")
+      "int main(int argc, char**[ ]argv)"
+      ("%")
+      "int main[(]int argc, char** argv)"))
+  (ert-info ("Over several lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+      ("%")
+      "int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  printf(\"Hello world\\n\");
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+  (ert-info ("On line without parenthesis")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[#]include <stdio.h>"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "%"))))
+  (ert-info ("Before unmatched opening parenthesies")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "x[x]xx ( yyyyy () zzzz"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "%"))
+      "x[x]xx ( yyyyy () zzzz"))
+  (ert-info ("Before unmatched closing parenthesies")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "x[x]xx ) yyyyy () zzzz"
+      (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "%"))
+      "x[x]xx ) yyyyy () zzzz"))
+  (ert-info ("At the end of the line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[p]ublic void foo(String bar) {\n   blabla;\n}\n"
+      ("v$%")
+      "public void foo(String bar) {\n   blabla;\n[}]\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-unmatched-paren ()
+  "Test `evil-previous-open-paren' and `evil-next-close-paren'"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "foo ( { ( [b]ar ) baz } )"
+      ("[(")
+      "foo ( { [(] bar ) baz } )"
+      ("])")
+      "foo ( { ( bar [)] baz } )"
+      ("[(")
+      "foo ( { [(] bar ) baz } )"
+      ("[(")
+      "foo [(] { ( bar ) baz } )"
+      ("f)])")
+      "foo ( { ( bar ) baz } [)]"))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "foo ( { ( [b]ar ) baz } )"
+      ("2[(")
+      "foo [(] { ( bar ) baz } )")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "foo ( { ( [b]ar ) baz } )"
+      ("2])")
+      "foo ( { ( bar ) baz } [)]")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-flyspell-motions ()
+  "Test flyspell motions"
+  :tags '(evil motion)
+  (ert-info ("Simple")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[I] cannt tpye for lyfe"
+      (flyspell-mode)
+      (flyspell-buffer)
+      ("]s")
+      "I [c]annt tpye for lyfe"
+      ("]s")
+      "I cannt [t]pye for lyfe"
+      ("]s")
+      "I cannt tpye for [l]yfe"
+      ("]s")
+      "I [c]annt tpye for lyfe"
+      ("[s")
+      "I cannt tpye for [l]yfe"
+      ("[s")
+      "I cannt [t]pye for lyfe"))
+  (ert-info ("With count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[I] cannt tpye for lyfe"
+      (flyspell-mode)
+      (flyspell-buffer)
+      ("2]s")
+      "I cannt [t]pye for lyfe"
+      ("2]s")
+      "I [c]annt tpye for lyfe"
+      ("2[s")
+      "I cannt [t]pye for lyfe"
+      ("2[s")
+      "I cannt tpye for [l]yfe"))
+  (ert-info ("With evil-search-wrap disabled")
+    (let (evil-search-wrap)
+      (evil-test-buffer
+       "[I] cannt tpye for lyfe"
+       (flyspell-mode)
+       (flyspell-buffer)
+       ("]s")
+       "I [c]annt tpye for lyfe"
+       ("]s")
+       "I cannt [t]pye for lyfe"
+       ("]s")
+       "I cannt tpye for [l]yfe"
+       ("]s")
+       "I cannt tpye for [l]yfe")))
+  (ert-info ("One mistake")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[I]'m almst there..."
+     (flyspell-mode)
+     (flyspell-buffer)
+      ("]s")
+     "I'm [a]lmst there..."
+      ("]s")
+     "I'm [a]lmst there..."))
+  (ert-info ("No mistakes")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[I]'ve learned to type!"
+     (flyspell-mode)
+     (flyspell-buffer)
+      ("]s")
+     "[I]'ve learned to type!"
+      ("[s")
+     "[I]'ve learned to type!")))
+;;; Text objects
+(ert-deftest evil-test-text-object ()
+  "Test `evil-define-text-object'"
+  :tags '(evil text-object)
+  (let ((object (evil-define-text-object nil (count &optional beg end type)
+                  (let ((sel (and beg end (evil-range beg end))))
+                    (when (and sel (> count 0)) (forward-char 1))
+                    (let ((range (if (< count 0)
+                                     (list (- (point) 3) (point))
+                                   (list (point) (+ (point) 3)))))
+                      (if sel
+                          (evil-range-union range sel)
+                        range))))))
+    (ert-info ("Select three characters after point")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        :state operator
+        ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+        (should (equal (funcall object 1) '(4 7 inclusive)))))
+    (ert-info ("Select three characters before point")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        :state operator
+        ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+        (should (equal (funcall object -1) '(1 4 inclusive)))))
+    (ert-info ("Select three characters after selection")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; <Thi[s]> buffer is for notes."
+        (call-interactively object)
+        ";; <This b[u]>ffer is for notes."))
+    (ert-info ("Select three characters before selection")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; <[T]his> buffer is for notes."
+        (call-interactively object)
+        "<[;]; This> buffer is for notes."))
+    (ert-info ("Delete three characters after point")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[;]; This buffer is for notes."
+        (define-key evil-operator-state-local-map "io" object)
+        ("dio")
+        "[T]his buffer is for notes."))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-word-objects ()
+  "Test `evil-inner-word' and `evil-a-word'"
+  :tags '(evil text-object)
+  (ert-info ("Select a word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("viw")
+      ";; <Thi[s]> buffer is for notes.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("vaw")
+      ";; <This[ ]>buffer is for notes.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; Thi[s] buffer is for notes."
+      ("viw")
+      ";; <Thi[s]> buffer is for notes.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; Thi[s] buffer is for notes."
+      ("vaw")
+      ";; <This[ ]>buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Select two words")
+    (ert-info ("Include whitespace on this side")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";;< Thi[s]> buffer is for notes."
+        ("aw")
+        ";;< This buffe[r]> is for notes.")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; This <[b]uffer >is for notes."
+        ("aw")
+        ";; <[T]his buffer >is for notes."))
+    (ert-info ("Include whitespace on the other side")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; <This[ ]>buffer is for notes."
+        ("aw")
+        ";; <This buffer[ ]>is for notes.")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ";; This<[ ]buffer> is for notes."
+        ("aw")
+        ";;<[ ]This buffer> is for notes.")))
+  (ert-info ("select first visual word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "([a])"
+      ("viw")
+      "(<[a]>)")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-word-objects-cjk ()
+  "Test `evil-inner-word' and `evil-a-word' on CJK words"
+  :tags '(evil text-object cjk)
+  (ert-info ("Select a word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd1234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abcd123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd1234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abcd123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abc[d]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abc[d]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abc[d]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abc[d]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abc[d]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abc[d]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abcdカタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abcdカタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abcdAB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcdABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abcdAB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abcd12[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abcd12[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<abc[d]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcd한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<abc[d]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234abcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<1234abc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234abcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<1234abc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123[4]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123[4]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123[4]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123[4]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123[4]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123[4]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<1234カタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<1234カタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<1234AB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234ABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<1234AB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123412[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123412[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123[4]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]234한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123[4]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字abcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字abcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字1234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字1234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字ABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>123")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>123")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<漢[字]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[漢]字한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<漢[字]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなabcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなabcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな1234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな1234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがなABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>123")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>123")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[ひ]らがな한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ひらが[な]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>123")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>123")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカナabc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナabcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカナabc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカナ123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ1234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカナ123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカナAB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカナAB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカナ12[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカナ12[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[カ]タカナ한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<カタカ[ナ]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCabcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ABCabc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCabcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ABCabc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC1234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ABC123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC1234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ABC123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<AB[C]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<AB[C]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<AB[C]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<AB[C]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<AB[C]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<AB[C]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ABCカタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BCカタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ABCカタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<ABC12[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<ABC12[3]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<AB[C]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[A]BC한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<AB[C]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23abcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123abc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23abcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123abc[d]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]231234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]231234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123123[4]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<12[3]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<12[3]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<12[3]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<12[3]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<12[3]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<12[3]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123カタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123カタカ[ナ]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<123AB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23ABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<123AB[C]>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23한글"
+      ("viw")
+      "<12[3]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[1]23한글"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<12[3]>한글")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글abcd"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글abcd"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>abcd")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글1234"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글1234"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>1234")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글漢字"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글漢字"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>漢字")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ひらがな"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ひらがな"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>ひらがな")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글カタカナ"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>カタカナ")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ABC"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글ABC"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>ABC")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글123"
+      ("viw")
+      "<한[글]>123")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[한]글123"
+      ("vaw")
+      "<한[글]>123")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-paragraph-objects ()
+  "Test `evil-inner-paragraph' and `evil-a-paragraph'"
+  :tags '(evil text-object)
+  (ert-info ("Select a paragraph with point at beginning")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("vap")
+      "<;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Select a paragraph with point at last line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("vap")
+      "<;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+  (ert-info ("Select a paragraph with point after paragraph")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("vap")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]>"))
+  (ert-info ("Select inner paragraph")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[;]; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("vip")
+      "<;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.[]
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes,
+\[;]; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("vip")
+      "<;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.[]
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ("vip")
+      ";; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; This buffer is for notes,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation[.]>")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-quote-objects ()
+  "Test `evil-inner-single-quote' and `evil-a-single-quote'"
+  :tags '(evil text-object)
+  (ert-info ("Select text inside of '...'")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is 'a [t]est' for quote objects."
+      ("vi'")
+      "This is '<a tes[t]>' for quote objects.")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is \"a '[t]est'\" for quote objects."
+      ("vi'")
+      "This is \"a '<tes[t]>'\" for quote objects."))
+  (ert-info ("Select text including enclosing quotes")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is 'a [t]est' for quote objects."
+      ("v2i'")
+      "This is <'a test[']> for quote objects."))
+  (ert-info ("Select text including enclosing quotes and following space")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is 'a [t]est' for quote objects."
+      ("va'")
+      "This is <'a test'[ ]>for quote objects."))
+  (ert-info ("Select text including enclosing quotes and previous space")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is 'a [t]est'. For quote objects."
+      ("va'")
+      "This is< 'a test[']>. For quote objects."))
+  (ert-info ("Select text on opening quote")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is [\"]a test\". For \"quote\" objects."
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("va\"")
+      "This is< \"a test[\"]>. For \"quote\" objects."))
+  (ert-info ("Select text on closing quote")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is \"a test[\"]. For \"quote\" objects."
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("va\"")
+      "This is< \"a test[\"]>. For \"quote\" objects."))
+  (ert-info ("Delete text from outside")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "Th[i]s is \"a test\". For \"quote\" objects."
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("da\"")
+      "This is[.] For \"quote\" objects."))
+  (ert-info ("Operator on empty quotes")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "This is [a]n \"\" empty quote"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("ci\"XXX" [escape])
+      "This is an \"XX[X]\" empty quote")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-paren-objects ()
+  "Test `evil-inner-paren', etc."
+  :tags '(evil text-object)
+  (ert-info ("Select inner text")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[(]aaa)"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode) ; syntax
+      ("vi(")
+      "(<aa[a]>)")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(aaa[)]"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vi(")
+      "(<aa[a]>)")
+    (ert-info ("Next to outer delimiter")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "([(]aaa))"
+        (emacs-lisp-mode)
+        ("vi(")
+        "((<aa[a]>))")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "((aaa[)])"
+        (emacs-lisp-mode)
+        ("vi(")
+        "((<aa[a]>))")))
+  (ert-info ("Select double inner parentheses")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "([(]word))"
+      ("dib")
+      "(())")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[(](word))"
+      ("dib")
+      "()")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "((word[)])"
+      ("dib")
+      "(())")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "((word)[)]"
+      ("dib")
+      "()"))
+  (ert-info ("Select double outer parentheses")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "a([(]word))b"
+      ("dab")
+      "a()b")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "a[(](word))b"
+      ("dab")
+      "ab")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "a((word[)])b"
+      ("dab")
+      "a()b")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "a((word)[)]b"
+      ("dab")
+      "ab"))
+  (ert-info ("Select parentheses inside strings")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(aaa \"b(b[b]b)\" aa)"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("va(")
+      "(aaa \"b<(bbb[)]>\" aa)"))
+  (ert-info ("Break out of empty strings")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(aaa \"bb[b]b\" aa)"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("va(")
+      "<(aaa \"bbbb\" aa[)]>"))
+  (ert-info ("Select inner parentheses around strings")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "((\"t[e]st\"))\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vib")
+      "((<\"test[\"]>))\n"
+      ("ib")
+      "(<(\"test\"[)]>)\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "( ( \"t[e]st\" ) )\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vib")
+      "( (< \"test\"[ ]>) )\n"
+      ("ib")
+      "(< ( \"test\" )[ ]>)\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "((\"t[e]st\"))\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vhhib")
+      "((<[\"]test\">))\n"
+      ("ib")
+      "(<[(]\"test\")>)\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "( ( \"t[e]st\" ) )\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vhhib")
+      "( (<[ ]\"test\" >) )\n"
+      ("ib")
+      "(<[ ]( \"test\" ) >)\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Select outer parentheses around strings")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "((\"t[e]st\"))\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vab")
+      "(<(\"test\"[)]>)\n"
+      ("ab")
+      "<((\"test\")[)]>\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "( ( \"t[e]st\" ) )\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vab")
+      "( <( \"test\" [)]> )\n"
+      ("ab")
+      "<( ( \"test\" ) [)]>\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "((\"t[e]st\"))\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vhhab")
+      "(<[(]\"test\")>)\n"
+      ("ab")
+      "<[(](\"test\"))>\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "( ( \"t[e]st\" ) )\n"
+      (emacs-lisp-mode)
+      ("vhhab")
+      "( <[(] \"test\" )> )\n"
+      ("ab")
+      "<[(] ( \"test\" ) )>\n")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(([\"]\"))\n"
+      ("dab")
+      "([)]\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Select inner paren on different lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "for (auto i : vector) {
+  if (cond) {
+    do_[s]omething();
+  }
+      ("vi}")
+      "for (auto i : vector) {
+  if (cond) {
+<    do_something();[\n]>  }\n}"
+      ("i}")
+      "for (auto i : vector) {
+<  if (cond) {
+    do_something();
+  }[\n]>}"))
+  (ert-info ("Enlarge to smallest complete surrounding")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "for (auto i : vector) {
+  if (c<ond) {
+    do_[s]>omething();
+  }
+      ("i}")
+      "for (auto i : vector) {
+<  if (cond) {
+    do_something();
+  }[\n]>}"))
+  (ert-info ("yank on blocks is turned linewise")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "{\n  [f]oo();\n}\n"
+      ("yiBp")
+      "{\n  foo();\n  [f]oo();\n}\n"))
+  (ert-info ("exclusive like if ending at bol")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(defun foo ()\n[ ] (insert \"bar\")\n  )\n"
+      ("cibx" [escape])
+      "([x]\n  )\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Operator on empty parentheses")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "a([(]))b"
+      ("cibx" [escape])
+      "a(([x]))b")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "a(([)])b"
+      ("cibx" [escape])
+      "a(([x]))b")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forces-linewise-text-objects ()
+  "Test `evil-text-object-change-visual-type' option."
+  :tags '(evil text-object)
+  (let ((evil-text-object-change-visual-type t))
+    (ert-info ("Change visual type")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "  function(opts) {
+    this.var1 = something();
+    [t]his.var2 = something_else();
+    return something_nasty();
+  }
+        ("Vi}")
+        "  function(opts) {
+<    this.var1 = something();
+    this.var2 = something_else();
+    return something_nasty();[
+]>  }
+        (should (eq (evil-visual-type) 'inclusive)))))
+  (let ((evil-text-object-change-visual-type nil))
+    (ert-info ("Change visual type keeping linewise")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "  function(opts) {
+    this.var1 = something();
+    [t]his.var2 = something_else();
+    return something_nasty();
+  }
+        ("Vi}")
+        "  function(opts) {
+<    this.var1 = something();
+    this.var2 = something_else();
+    return something_nasty();\n>  }
+        (should (eq (evil-visual-type) 'line)))))
+  (let ((evil-text-object-change-visual-type nil))
+    (ert-info ("Linewise outer block")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "  function(opts) {
+    this.var1 = something();
+    [t]his.var2 = something_else();
+    return something_nasty();
+  }
+        ("Va}")
+        "<  function(opts) {
+    this.var1 = something();
+    this.var2 = something_else();
+    return something_nasty();
+  }
+        (should (eq (evil-visual-type) 'line)))))
+  (ert-info ("Forced motion type should change text object type")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
+  if ([c]ond) {
+    do_something();
+  }
+      ("dVi}")
+      "for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
+(ert-deftest evil-test-tag-objects ()
+  "Test `evil-inner-tag', etc."
+  :tags '(evil text-object)
+  (ert-info ("Handle nested tags")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual-start "{"
+      :visual-end "}"
+      "<p><a>f[o]o</a> bar</p>"
+      ("vit")
+      "<p><a>{fo[o]}</a> bar</p>"))
+  (ert-info ("Break out of tags")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual-start "{"
+      :visual-end "}"
+      "<a[a]a>bbbb</aaa>"
+      ("vit")
+      "<aaa>{bbb[b]}</aaa>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual-start "{"
+      :visual-end "}"
+      "<a[a]a>bbbb</aaa>"
+      ("vat")
+      "{<aaa>bbbb</aaa[>]}"))
+  (ert-info ("Handle quoted strings tags")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual-start "{"
+      :visual-end "}"
+      "<html>
+<div id=\"content\">
+\[ ]
+test hello <a href=\"/deed.zh\">Creative Commons</a>
+      ("vit")
+      "<html>
+<div id=\"content\">{\n \n<p>
+test hello <a href=\"/deed.zh\">Creative Commons</a>
+      )))
+;;; Visual state
+(defun evil-test-visual-select (selection &optional mark point)
+  "Verify that TYPE is selected correctly"
+  (let ((type (evil-visual-type selection)))
+    (evil-visual-make-selection mark point type)
+    (ert-info ("Activate region unless SELECTION is `block'")
+      (cond
+       ((eq selection 'block)
+        (should (mark t))
+        (should-not (region-active-p))
+        (should-not transient-mark-mode))
+       (t
+        (should (mark))
+        (should (region-active-p)))))
+    (ert-info ("Refresh Visual markers")
+      (should (= (evil-range-beginning (evil-expand (point) (mark) type))
+                 evil-visual-beginning))
+      (should (= (evil-range-end (evil-expand (point) (mark) type))
+                 evil-visual-end))
+      (should (eq (evil-visual-type) type))
+      (should (eq evil-visual-direction
+                  (if (< (point) (mark)) -1 1))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-refresh ()
+  "Test `evil-visual-refresh'"
+  :tags '(evil visual)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+    (evil-visual-refresh nil nil 'inclusive)
+    (should (= evil-visual-beginning 4))
+    (should (= evil-visual-end 5)))
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+    (let ((evil-visual-region-expanded t))
+      (evil-visual-refresh nil nil 'inclusive)
+      (should (= evil-visual-beginning 4))
+      (should (= evil-visual-end 4)))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-exchange ()
+  "Test `exchange-point-and-mark' in Visual character selection"
+  :tags '(evil visual)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; <[T]his> buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("o")
+    (should (region-active-p))
+    ";; <Thi[s]> buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-char ()
+  "Test Visual character selection"
+  :tags '(evil visual)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    (evil-test-visual-select 'char)
+    ";; <[T]>his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("e")
+    ";; <Thi[s]> buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("o")
+    ";; <[T]his> buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("d")
+    ";; [ ]buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("vV")
+    "<;; [ ]buffer is for notes you don't want to save,\n>\
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.")
+  (ert-info ("Test `evil-want-visual-char-semi-exclusive")
+    (let ((evil-want-visual-char-semi-exclusive t))
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; And a third line."
+        ("v")
+        "<[;]>; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; And a third line."
+        ("$")
+        "<;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,>[
+];; and for Lisp evaluation.
+;; And a third line."
+        ("^jj")
+        "<;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation.\n>[;]; And a third line."))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-line ()
+  "Test Visual line selection"
+  :tags '(evil visual)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    ";; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    (evil-test-visual-select 'line)
+    "<;; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,\n>\
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("e")
+    "<;; Thi[s] buffer is for notes you don't want to save,\n>\
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("o")
+    "<;; [T]his buffer is for notes you don't want to save,\n>\
+;; and for Lisp evaluation."
+    ("d")
+    "[;]; and for Lisp evaluation."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-block ()
+  "Test Visual block selection"
+  :tags '(evil visual)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    "[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    (evil-test-visual-select 'block)
+    "<[;]>; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    ("jjll")
+    "<;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;;[ ]>then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    ("O")
+    ";; <This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+>[;]; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    ("o")
+    ";;[ ]<This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+>;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    ("O")
+    "<[;]; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+;; >then enter the text in that file's own buffer."
+    ("d")
+    "This buffer is for notes you don't want to save.
+If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
+then enter the text in that file's own buffer."))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-visual-restore ()
+  "Test restoring a previous selection"
+  :tags '(evil visual)
+  (ert-info ("Start a characterwise selection \
+if no previous selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; [T]his buffer is for notes."
+      ("gv")
+      ";; <[T]>his buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Restore characterwise selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ";; <[T]his> buffer is for notes."
+      ([escape] "gv")
+      ";; <[T]his> buffer is for notes."))
+  (ert-info ("Restore linewise selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual line
+      "<;; [T]his buffer is for notes.>"
+      ([escape] "gv")
+      "<;; [T]his buffer is for notes.>"))
+  (ert-info ("Restore blockwise selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual block
+      "<;; This buffer is for notes,
+;;[ ]>and for Lisp evaluation."
+      ([escape] "gv")
+      "<;; This buffer is for notes,
+;;[ ]>and for Lisp evaluation.")))
+;;; Replace state
+(ert-deftest evil-test-replacement ()
+  "Test replacing consecutive characters"
+  :tags '(evil replace)
+  (ert-info ("Replace and restore consecutive characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     ";; [T]his buffer is for notes"
+     ("Rfoo")
+     ";; foo[s] buffer is for notes"
+     ([backspace backspace backspace])
+     ";; [T]his buffer is for notes"))
+  (ert-info ("Replace and restore consecutive characters beyond eol")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     ";; [T]his buffer is for notes"
+     ("wwwwRxxxxxxx")
+     ";; This buffer is for xxxxxxx[]"
+     ([backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace])
+     ";; This buffer is for [n]otes"))
+  (ert-info ("Replace from line below and restore")
+    (define-key evil-replace-state-map (kbd "C-e") 'evil-copy-from-below)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     ";; [f]oo bar\n;; qux quux"
+     ("R\C-e\C-e\C-e")
+     ";; qux[ ]bar\n;; qux quux"
+     ([backspace backspace backspace])
+     ";; [f]oo bar\n;; qux quux")
+    (define-key evil-replace-state-map (kbd "C-e") nil))
+  (ert-info ("Replace from line above and restore")
+    (define-key evil-replace-state-map (kbd "C-y") 'evil-copy-from-above)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     ";; foo bar\n;; [q]ux quux"
+     ("R\C-y\C-y\C-y")
+     ";; foo bar\n;; foo[ ]quux"
+     ([backspace backspace backspace])
+     ";; foo bar\n;; [q]ux quux")
+    (define-key evil-replace-state-map (kbd "C-y") nil)))
+;;; Ex
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-parse ()
+  "Test `evil-ex-parse'"
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,2cmd arg")
+                 '(evil-ex-call-command
+                   (evil-ex-range
+                    (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                    (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "2") nil))
+                   "cmd"
+                   "arg")))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,2cmd !arg")
+                 '(evil-ex-call-command
+                   (evil-ex-range
+                    (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                    (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "2") nil))
+                   "cmd"
+                   "!arg")))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,2 arg")
+                 '(evil-ex-call-command
+                   (evil-ex-range
+                    (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                    (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "2") nil))
+                   "arg"
+                   nil))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-parse-ranges ()
+  "Test parsing of ranges"
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "%" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-full-range)))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,27" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                   (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "27") nil))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,$" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                   (evil-ex-line (evil-ex-last-line) nil))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,'x" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                   (evil-ex-line (evil-ex-marker "x") nil))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "`x,`y" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-char-marker-range "x" "y")))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,+" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    nil (+ (evil-ex-signed-number (intern "+") nil))))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,-" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    nil (+ (evil-ex-signed-number (intern "-") nil))))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "5,4+2-7-3+10-" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line (string-to-number "5") nil)
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    (string-to-number "4")
+                    (+ (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "+") (string-to-number "2"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") (string-to-number "7"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") (string-to-number "3"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "+") (string-to-number "10"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number (intern "-") nil))))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse ".-2,4+2-7-3+10-" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    (evil-ex-current-line)
+                    (+ (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") (string-to-number "2"))))
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    (string-to-number "4")
+                    (+ (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "+") (string-to-number "2"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") (string-to-number "7"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") (string-to-number "3"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "+") (string-to-number "10"))
+                       (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") nil))))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "'a-2,$-10" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    (evil-ex-marker "a")
+                    (+ (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") (string-to-number "2"))))
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    (evil-ex-last-line)
+                    (+ (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "-") (string-to-number "10")))))))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse ".+42" nil 'range)
+                 '(evil-ex-range
+                   (evil-ex-line
+                    (evil-ex-current-line)
+                    (+ (evil-ex-signed-number
+                        (intern "+") (string-to-number "42"))))
+                   nil))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-parse-emacs-commands ()
+  "Test parsing of Emacs commands"
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "ido-mode")
+                 '(evil-ex-call-command nil "ido-mode" nil)))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "yas/reload-all")
+                 '(evil-ex-call-command nil "yas/reload-all" nil)))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-parse "mu4e")
+                 '(evil-ex-call-command nil "mu4e" nil))))
+(ert-deftest evil-text-ex-search-offset ()
+  "Test for addresses like /base//pattern/"
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (ert-info ("without base")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 1\naaa\nbbb\naaa\nccc\nddd"
+      (":/aaa/d")
+      "line 1\nbbb\naaa\nccc\nddd"))
+  (ert-info ("with base")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 1\naaa\nbbb\naaa\nccc\nddd"
+      (":/bbb//aaa/d")
+      "line 1\naaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd"))
+  (ert-info ("range without base")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 1\naaa\nbbb\naaa\nccc\nddd\nccc\neee\n"
+      (":/aaa/;/ccc/d")
+      "line 1\nddd\nccc\neee\n"))
+  (ert-info ("range with base")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 1\naaa\nbbb\naaa\nccc\nddd\nccc\neee\n"
+      (":/bbb//aaa/;/ddd//ccc/d")
+      "line 1\naaa\nbbb\neee\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-goto-line ()
+  "Test if :number moves point to a certain line"
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (ert-info ("Move to line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      :visual line
+      "1\n 2\n [ ]3\n   4\n    5\n"
+      (":4" [return])
+      "1\n 2\n  3\n   [4]\n    5\n"
+      (":2" [return])
+      "1\n [2]\n  3\n   4\n    5\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-repeat ()
+  "Test :@: command."
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (ert-info ("Repeat in current line")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[a]bcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        (":s/[be]/X/g" [return])
+        "[a]XcdXf\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        ("jj:@:" [return])
+        "aXcdXf\nabcdef\n[a]XcdXf"))
+    (ert-info ("Repeat in specified line")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[a]bcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        (":s/[be]/X/g" [return])
+        "[a]XcdXf\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        (":3@:" [return])
+        "aXcdXf\nabcdef\n[a]XcdXf"))
+    (ert-info ("Double repeat, first without then with specified line")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[a]bcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        (":s/[be]/X/" [return])
+        "[a]Xcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        ("jj:@:" [return] ":1@:" [return])
+        "[a]XcdXf\nabcdef\naXcdef"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-repeat2 ()
+  "Test @: command."
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (ert-info ("Repeat in current line")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[a]bcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        (":s/[be]/X" [return])
+        "[a]Xcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        ("jj@:")
+        "aXcdef\nabcdef\n[a]Xcdef"))
+    (ert-info ("Repeat with count in current line")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[a]bcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        (":s/[be]/X" [return])
+        "[a]Xcdef\nabcdef\nabcdef"
+        ("jj2@:")
+        "aXcdef\nabcdef\n[a]XcdXf"))
+    (ert-info ("Do not record dot repeat")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ""
+        ("OAAAAAA" [escape] "^")
+        "[A]AAAAA\n"
+        (":s/A/X" [return])
+        "[X]AAAAA\n"
+        ("@:")
+        "[X]XAAAA\n"
+        (".")
+        "AAAAAA\nXXAAAA\n"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-visual-char-range ()
+  "Test visual character ranges in ex state."
+  :tags '(evil ex visual)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (ert-info ("No character range, inclusive")
+      (let ((evil-visual-char 'inclusive)
+            evil-ex-visual-char-range)
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "li[n]e 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+          ("vjll:d" [return])
+          "line 3\nline 4\n")))
+    (ert-info ("No character range, exclusive")
+      (let ((evil-visual-char 'inclusive)
+            evil-ex-visual-char-range)
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "li[n]e 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+          ("vjll:d" [return])
+          "line 3\nline 4\n")))
+    (ert-info ("Character range, inclusive")
+      (let ((evil-visual-char 'inclusive)
+            (evil-ex-visual-char-range t))
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "li[n]e 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+          ("vjll:d" [return])
+          "li2\nline 3\nline 4\n")))
+    (ert-info ("Character range, exclusive")
+      (let ((evil-visual-char 'exclusive)
+            (evil-ex-visual-char-range t))
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "li[n]e 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\n"
+          ("vjll:d" [return])
+          "li 2\nline 3\nline 4\n")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-substitute-replacement ()
+  "Test `evil-ex-substitute' with special replacements."
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper first on first match in line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/\\(foo\\|bar\\)/\\u\\1" [return])
+      "[x]xx Foo bar foo bar foo bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper first on first match in line with confirm")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/\\(foo\\|bar\\)/\\u\\1/c" [return] "y")
+      "[x]xx Foo bar foo bar foo bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper first on whole line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/\\(foo\\|bar\\)/\\u\\1/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx Foo Bar Foo Bar Foo Bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper first on whole line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/\\(foo\\|bar\\)/\\u\\1/gc" [return] "yynyyn")
+      "[x]xx Foo Bar foo Bar Foo bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper/lower on first match in line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo BAR foo BAR foo BAR"
+      (":s/\\(f[[:alpha:]]*\\>\\)\\s-*\\(b[[:alpha:]]*\\>\\)/\\L\\2_\\e\\U\\1" 
+      "[x]xx bar_FOO foo BAR foo BAR"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper/lower on first match in line with confirm")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo BAR foo BAR foo BAR"
[return] "y")
+      "[x]xx bar_FOO foo BAR foo BAR"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper/lower on whole line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo BAR foo BAR foo BAR"
+      "[x]xx bar_FOO bar_FOO bar_FOO"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute upper/lower on whole line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo BAR foo BAR foo BAR"
[return] "yny")
+      "[x]xx bar_FOO foo BAR bar_FOO"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute with escaped characters in replacement")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bcXdefXghiXjkl\n"
+      (":s/X/\\|\\/\\|/g" [return])
+      "[a]bc|/|def|/|ghi|/|jkl\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute with register")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\niiiXiiiXiiiXiii\n"
+      ("\"ayiwj:s/X/\\=@a/g" [return])
+      "abc\n[i]iiabciiiabciiiabciii\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute newlines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\ndef\nghi\n"
+      (":%s/\n/z/" [return])
+      "[a]bczdefzghiz"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute newlines with g flag")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\ndef\nghi\n"
+      (":%s/\n/z/g" [return])
+      "[a]bczdefzghiz"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute n flag does not replace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\naef\nahi\n"
+      (":%s/a//n" [return])
+      "[a]bc\naef\nahi\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute n flag does not replace with g flag")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\naef\nahi\n"
+      (":%s/a//gn" [return])
+      "[a]bc\naef\nahi\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute $ does not loop infinitely")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\ndef\nghi"
+      (":%s/$/ END/g" [return])
+      "abc END\ndef END\n[g]hi END"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute the zero-length beginning of line character")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\ndef\nghi"
+      (":s/^/ #/" [return])
+      " [#]abc\ndef\nghi"))
+  (ert-info ("Substitute the zero-length beginning of line character with g 
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[a]bc\ndef\nghi"
+      (":s/^/ #/g" [return])
+      " [#]abc\ndef\nghi"))
+  (ert-info ("Use Substitute to delete individual characters")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xyxxz"
+      (":%s/x//g" [return])
+      "[y]z")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-repeat-substitute-replacement ()
+  "Test `evil-ex-substitute' with repeating of previous substitutions."
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (ert-info ("Repeat previous pattern")
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s//BBB" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar BBB bar foo bar"
+      ("/bar" [return] ":s//CCC" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA CCC BBB bar foo bar"
+      (":s/ar/XX" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA CCC BBB bXX foo bar"
+      (":s//YY" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA CCC BBB bXX foo bYY"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat previous replacement")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/bar/~" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA AAA foo bar foo bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat with previous flags")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar"
+      (":s/bar/BBB/&" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA BBB AAA BBB AAA BBB"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat previous substitute without flags")
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("j:s" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\n[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("/bar" [return] ":s" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\n[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar foo bar")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("j&")
+      "xxx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\n[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("j:&" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\n[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat previous substitute with the same flags")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("j:s//~/&" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\n[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("j:&&" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\n[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat previous substitute with new flags")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("j:s g" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\n[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("j:& g" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\n[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat with previous search pattern")
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("/bar" [return])
+      "xxx AAA [b]ar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":2s rg" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\n[x]xx foo AAA foo AAA foo AAA")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("/bar" [return])
+      "xxx AAA [b]ar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":2~ g" [return])
+      "xxx AAA bar foo bar foo bar\n[x]xx foo AAA foo AAA foo AAA"))
+  (ert-info ("Repeat previous substitute globally")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[x]xx foo bar foo bar foo bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      (":s/foo/AAA/g" [return])
+      "[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\nxxx foo bar foo bar foo bar"
+      ("g&")
+      "xxx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar\n[x]xx AAA bar AAA bar AAA bar")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-regex-without-case ()
+  "Test `evil-ex-regex-without-case'"
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-without-case "cdeCDE")
+                 "cdeCDE"))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-without-case "\\ccde\\CCDE")
+                 "cdeCDE"))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-without-case "\\\\ccde\\\\CCDE")
+                 "\\\\ccde\\\\CCDE"))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-without-case "\\\\\\ccde\\\\\\CCDE")
+                 "\\\\cde\\\\CDE")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-regex-case ()
+  "Test `evil-ex-regex-case'"
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "cde" 'smart) 'insensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "cDe" 'smart) 'sensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "cde" 'sensitive) 'sensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "cde" 'insensitive) 'insensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\ccde" 'smart) 'insensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\cCde" 'smart) 'insensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\Ccde" 'smart) 'sensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\CCde" 'smart) 'sensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\ccd\\Ce" 'smart) 'insensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\cCd\\Ce" 'smart) 'insensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\Ccd\\ce" 'smart) 'sensitive))
+  (should (equal (evil-ex-regex-case "\\CCd\\ce" 'smart) 'sensitive)))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-search ()
+  "Test evil internal search."
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (ert-info ("Test smart case insensitive")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[s]tart you YOU You you YOU You"
+        ("/you" [return])
+        "start [y]ou YOU You you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you [Y]OU You you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you YOU [Y]ou you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you YOU You [y]ou YOU You"))
+    (ert-info ("Test smart case sensitive")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[s]tart you YOU You you YOU You"
+        ("/You" [return])
+        "start you YOU [Y]ou you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you YOU You you YOU [Y]ou"))
+    (ert-info ("Test insensitive")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[s]tart you YOU You you YOU You"
+        ("/\\cyou" [return])
+        "start [y]ou YOU You you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you [Y]OU You you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you YOU [Y]ou you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you YOU You [y]ou YOU You"))
+    (ert-info ("Test sensitive")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[s]tart you YOU You you YOU You"
+        ("/\\Cyou" [return])
+        "start [y]ou YOU You you YOU You"
+        ("n")
+        "start you YOU You [y]ou YOU You"))
+    (ert-info ("Test failing search does not move point")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "foo [f]oo foo\nbar bar2 bar\nbaz baz baz\n"
+        (error search-failed "/foofoo" [return])
+        "foo [f]oo foo\nbar bar2 bar\nbaz baz baz\n"
+        ("/bar2" [return])
+        "foo foo foo\nbar [b]ar2 bar\nbaz baz baz\n"
+        ("dw")
+        "foo foo foo\nbar [b]ar\nbaz baz baz\n"
+        (error search-failed "n")
+        "foo foo foo\nbar [b]ar\nbaz baz baz\n"
+        (error search-failed "N")
+        "foo foo foo\nbar [b]ar\nbaz baz baz\n"))
+    (ert-info ("Test search for newline")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[s]tart\nline 2\nline 3\n\n"
+        ("/\\n" [return])
+        "star[t]\nline 2\nline 3\n\n"
+        ("n")
+        "start\nline [2]\nline 3\n\n"
+        ("n")
+        "start\nline 2\nline [3]\n\n"
+        ("n")
+        "start\nline 2\nline 3\n[]\n"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-search-offset ()
+  "Test search offsets."
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (ert-info ("Test line offsets")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar/2")
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\n[A]nother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("?bar?-")
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/r bar/")
+        "foo foo\nba[r] bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test end offsets")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar/e")
+        "foo foo\nba[r] bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/baz/e+2")
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\nbaz [b]az\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/line/e-1")
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother li[n]e\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test begin offsets")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar/b")
+        "foo foo\n[b]ar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/baz/b+2")
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\nba[z] baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/line/b-")
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother[ ]line\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test search-next with offset")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/ ba/+1" [return])
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\n[b]az baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("n")
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\n[A]nother line\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test search next after /$")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[l]ine 1\nline 2\n\n\line 4\n"
+        ("/$" [return])
+        "line [1]\nline 2\n\n\line 4\n"
+        ("n")
+        "line 1\nline [2]\n\n\line 4\n"
+        ("n")
+        "line 1\nline 2\n[\n]\line 4\n"
+        ("n")
+        "line 1\nline 2\n\n\line [4]\n"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-search-pattern-offset ()
+  "Test pattern offsets."
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (ert-info ("Test simple pattern offsets")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nfoo foo\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another 
+        ("/bar/;/foo" [return])
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\n[f]oo foo\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another 
+    (ert-info ("Test simple pattern offsets in backward direction")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nfoo foo\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another 
+        ("/bar/;?foo" [return])
+        "foo [f]oo\nbar bar\nfoo foo\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another 
+    (ert-info ("Ensure second pattern is used for search repeat")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nfoo foo\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another 
+        ("/bar/;?foo" [return] "n")
+        "foo foo\nbar bar\n[f]oo foo\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another 
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-search-repeat ()
+  "Test repeat of search."
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (ert-info ("Test repeat of simple pattern")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar" [return] "/" [return])
+        "foo foo\nbar [b]ar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test repeat of simple pattern with new offset")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar" [return] "//e" [return])
+        "foo foo\nbar ba[r]\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test repeat of pattern with offset")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar/e" [return] "/" [return])
+        "foo foo\nbar ba[r]\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test repeat of pattern with offset without offset")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar/e" [return] "//" [return])
+        "foo foo\nbar [b]ar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"))
+    (ert-info ("Test repeat of pattern with offset with new offset")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[f]oo foo\nbar bar\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"
+        ("/bar/e" [return] "//b+1" [return])
+        "foo foo\nbar b[a]r\nbaz baz\nAnother line\nAnd yet another line"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-search-word ()
+  "Test search for word under point."
+  :tags '(evil ex search)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+    (setq evil-ex-search-history nil)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "so[m]e text with a strange word
+and here some other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with some text\n"
+      (setq evil-symbol-word-search nil)
+      ("*")
+      "some text with a strange word
+and here [s]ome other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with some text\n"
+      ("n")
+      "some text with a strange word
+and here some other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with [s]ome text\n"
+      (ert-info ("Search history")
+        (should (equal evil-ex-search-history '("\\<some\\>"))))
+      ("*")
+      "[s]ome text with a strange word
+and here some other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with some text\n"
+      (ert-info ("Search history with double pattern")
+        (should (equal evil-ex-search-history '("\\<some\\>")))))
+    (ert-info ("Test unbounded search")
+      (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+      (setq evil-ex-search-history nil)
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[s]ymbol\n(defun my-symbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-symbolvar)\nanother 
+        ("*")
+        (setq evil-symbol-word-search nil)
+        "symbol\n(defun my-symbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-symbolvar)\nanother 
+        ("ggg*")
+        "symbol\n(defun my-[s]ymbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-symbolvar)\nanother 
+        (should (equal evil-ex-search-history '("symbol" "\\<symbol\\>")))
+        ("n")
+        "symbol\n(defun my-symbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-[s]ymbolvar)\nanother 
+    (ert-info ("Test symbol search")
+      (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "(defun my-s[y]mbol-func ())\n(defvar 
my-symbol-var)\n(my-symbol-func)\n(setq my-symbol-func2 (my-symbol-func))\n"
+        (setq evil-symbol-word-search t)
+        ("*")
+        "(defun my-symbol-func ())\n(defvar 
my-symbol-var)\n([m]y-symbol-func)\n(setq my-symbol-func2 (my-symbol-func))\n"
+        ("n")
+        "(defun my-symbol-func ())\n(defvar 
my-symbol-var)\n(my-symbol-func)\n(setq my-symbol-func2 
+(ert-deftest evil-test-isearch-word ()
+  "Test isearch for word under point."
+  :tags '(evil isearch)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'isearch)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "so[m]e text with a strange word
+and here some other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with some text\n"
+      (setq evil-symbol-word-search nil)
+      ("*")
+      "some text with a strange word
+and here [s]ome other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with some text\n"
+      ("n")
+      "some text with a strange word
+and here some other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with [s]ome text\n"
+      ("*")
+      "[s]ome text with a strange word
+and here some other stuff
+maybe we need one line more with some text\n")
+    (ert-info ("Test unbounded search")
+      (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'isearch)
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[s]ymbol\n(defun my-symbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-symbolvar)\nanother 
+        (setq evil-symbol-word-search nil)
+        ("*")
+        "symbol\n(defun my-symbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-symbolvar)\nanother 
+        ("ggg*")
+        "symbol\n(defun my-[s]ymbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-symbolvar)\nanother 
+        ("n")
+        "symbol\n(defun my-symbolfunc ())\n(defvar my-[s]ymbolvar)\nanother 
+    (ert-info ("Test symbol search")
+      (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'isearch)
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "(defun my-s[y]mbol-func ())\n(defvar 
my-symbol-var)\n(my-symbol-func)\n(setq my-symbol-func2 (my-symbol-func))\n"
+        (setq evil-symbol-word-search t)
+        ("*")
+        "(defun my-symbol-func ())\n(defvar 
my-symbol-var)\n([m]y-symbol-func)\n(setq my-symbol-func2 (my-symbol-func))\n"
+        ("n")
+        "(defun my-symbol-func ())\n(defvar 
my-symbol-var)\n(my-symbol-func)\n(setq my-symbol-func2 
+(ert-deftest evil-test-read ()
+  "Test of `evil-read'"
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (evil-without-display
+    (ert-info ("Test insertion of file with trailing newline")
+      (evil-with-temp-file name
+          "temp file 1\ntemp file 2\n"
+        (ert-info ("At first line")
+          (evil-test-buffer
+            "[l]ine 1\nline 2"
+            ((vconcat ":read " name [return]))
+            "line 1\n[t]emp file 1\ntemp file 2\nline 2"))
+        (ert-info ("At last line")
+          (evil-test-buffer
+            "line 1\n[l]ine 2"
+            ((vconcat ":read " name [return]))
+            "line 1\nline 2\n[t]emp file 1\ntemp file 2\n"))
+        (ert-info ("After specified line number")
+          (evil-test-buffer
+            "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\line 5"
+            ((vconcat ":3read " name [return]))
+            "line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n[t]emp file 1\ntemp file 2\nline 4\line 
+        (ert-info ("After specified line 0")
+          (evil-test-buffer
+            "line 1\nline [2]\nline 3\nline 4\line 5"
+            ((vconcat ":0read " name [return]))
+            "[t]emp file 1\ntemp file 2\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\line 
+    (ert-info ("Test insertion of file without trailing newline")
+      (evil-with-temp-file name
+          "temp file 1\ntemp file 2"
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "[l]ine 1\nline 2"
+          ((vconcat ":read " name [return]))
+          "line 1\n[t]emp file 1\ntemp file 2\nline 2")))
+    (ert-info ("Test insertion of shell command")
+      (ert-info ("with space")
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "[l]line 1\nline 2"
+          (":read !echo cmd line 1" [return])
+          "line 1\n[c]md line 1\nline 2"))
+      (ert-info ("without space")
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "[l]line 1\nline 2"
+          (":read!echo cmd line 1" [return])
+          "line 1\n[c]md line 1\nline 2")))
+    (ert-info ("Test insertion of shell command without trailing newline")
+      (ert-info ("with space")
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "[l]line 1\nline 2"
+          (":read !echo -n cmd line 1" [return])
+          "line 1\n[c]md line 1\nline 2"))
+      (ert-info ("without space")
+        (evil-test-buffer
+          "[l]line 1\nline 2"
+          (":read!echo -n cmd line 1" [return])
+          "line 1\n[c]md line 1\nline 2")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-shell-command ()
+  "Test `evil-shell-command'."
+  (ert-info ("ex shell command")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 5\nline 4\nline 3\nline 2\nline 1\n"
+      (":2,3!sort" [return])
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 3\nline 4\nline 2\nline 1\n"))
+  (ert-info ("shell command operator with count")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 4\nline 3\nline 2\nline 1\n"
+      ("2!!sort" [return])
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 3\nline 4\nline 2\nline 1\n"))
+  (ert-info ("shell command operator with motion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 4\nline 3\nline 2\nline 1\n"
+      ("!jsort" [return])
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 3\nline 4\nline 2\nline 1\n"))
+  (ert-info ("shell command operator with backward motion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line 5\nline 4\n[l]ine 3\nline 2\nline 1\n"
+      ("!ksort" [return])
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 3\nline 4\nline 2\nline 1\n"))
+  (ert-info ("shell command operator with visual selection")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 4\nline 3\nline 2\nline 1\n"
+      ("vj!sort" [return])
+      "line 5\n[l]ine 3\nline 4\nline 2\nline 1\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-global ()
+  "Test `evil-ex-global'."
+  :tags '(evil ex global)
+  (ert-info ("global delete")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[n]o 1\nno 2\nno 3\nyes 4\nno 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+      (":g/yes/d" [return])
+      "no 1\nno 2\nno 3\n[n]o 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"))
+  (ert-info ("global substitute")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[n]o 1\nno 2\nno 3\nyes 4\nno 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+      (":g/no/s/[3-6]/x" [return])
+      "no 1\nno 2\nno x\nyes 4\nno x\nno x\n[n]o 7\n"
+      ("u")
+     "no 1\nno 2\nno [3]\nyes 4\nno 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"))
+  (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'evil-search)
+  (ert-info ("global use last match if none given, with evil-search")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[n]o 1\nno 2\nno 3\nyes 4\nno 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+      ("/yes" [return])
+      "no 1\nno 2\nno 3\nyes 4\nno 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+      (":g//d" [return])
+      "no 1\nno 2\nno 3\n[n]o 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+      (":v//d" [return])
+      ""))
+  (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module 'isearch)
+  (ert-info ("global use last match if none given, with isearch")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "[n]o 1\nno 2\nno 3\nisearch 4\nno 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+     ("/isearch" [return])
+     "no 1\nno 2\nno 3\nisearch 4\nno 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+     (":g//d" [return])
+     "no 1\nno 2\nno 3\n[n]o 5\nno 6\nno 7\n"
+     (":v//d" [return])
+     "")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-normal ()
+  "Test `evil-ex-normal'."
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  (let (evil-want-fine-undo)
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n"
+      (":normal lxIABC" [escape] "AXYZ" [return])
+      "ABClne 1XY[Z]\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n"
+      (":3,4normal lxIABC" [escape] "AXYZ" [return])
+      "ABClne 1XYZ\nline 2\nABClne 3XYZ\nABClne 4XY[Z]\nline 5\n"
+      ("u")
+      "ABClne 1XYZ\nline 2\nl[i]ne 3\nline 4\nline 5\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-copy ()
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  "Test `evil-copy'."
+  (ert-info ("Copy to last line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,3copy$")
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\nline2\n[l]ine3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Copy to last incomplete line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5"
+      (":2,3copy$")
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\nline2\n[l]ine3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Copy incomplete line to last incomplete line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5"
+      (":4,5copy$")
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\nline4\n[l]ine5\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Copy to first line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,3copy0")
+      "line2\n[l]ine3\nline1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Copy to intermediate line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,4copy2")
+      "line1\nline2\nline2\nline3\n[l]ine4\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Copy to current line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\nli[n]e4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,4copy.")
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline2\nline3\n[l]ine4\nline5\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-move ()
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  "Test `evil-move'."
+  (ert-info ("Move to last line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,3move$")
+      "line1\nline4\nline5\nline2\n[l]ine3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Move to last incomplete line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5"
+      (":2,3move$")
+      "line1\nline4\nline5\nline2\n[l]ine3\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Move incomplete line to last incomplete line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5"
+      (":4,5move$")
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n[l]ine5\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Move to first line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,3move0")
+      "line2\n[l]ine3\nline1\nline4\nline5\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Move to intermediate line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,4move2")
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\n[l]ine4\nline5\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Move to other line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,3move4")
+      "line1\nline4\nline2\n[l]ine3\nline5\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Move to current line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\nli[n]e4\nline5\n"
+      (":2,4move.")
+      "line1\nline2\nline3\n[l]ine4\nline5\n")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-write ()
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  "Test `evil-write'."
+  (ert-info ("Write open file")
+    (evil-with-temp-file filename "line1\nline2\nline3\n"
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        ((vconcat ":e " filename [return]))
+        "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\n"
+        ("Galine4\nline5\n" [escape])
+        "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+        (":w")
+        (file filename "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"))))
+  (let ((filename (evil-temp-filename)))
+    (ert-info ("Write current buffer to new file")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+        ((vconcat ":w " filename [return]))
+        (file filename "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n")
+        (delete-file filename)))
+    (ert-info ("Write part of a buffer")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+        ((vconcat ":2,3w " filename [return]))
+        (file filename "line2\nline3\n")
+        (delete-file filename)))
+    (ert-info ("Appending a file")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[l]ine1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"
+        ((vconcat ":4w " filename [return]))
+        (file filename "line4\n")
+        ((vconcat ":1,2w >>" filename [return]))
+        (file filename "line4\nline1\nline2\n")
+        ((vconcat ":w >> " filename [return]))
+        (file filename
+              "line4\nline1\nline2\nline1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n")
+        (delete-file filename)))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-ex-sort ()
+  :tags '(evil ex)
+  "Text ex command :sort `evil-ex-sort`."
+  (ert-info ("Plain sort")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[z]zyy\ntest\ntEst\ntesT\nTEST\ntest\n"
+      (":sort")
+      "[T]EST\ntEst\ntesT\ntest\ntest\nzzyy\n"))
+  (ert-info ("Reverse sort")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[z]zyy\ntest\ntEst\ntesT\nTEST\ntest\n"
+      (":sort!")
+      "[z]zyy\ntest\ntest\ntesT\ntEst\nTEST\n"))
+  (ert-info ("case insensitive")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[z]zyy\ntest\ntEst\ntesT\nTEST\ntest\n"
+      (":sort i")
+      "[t]est\ntEst\ntesT\nTEST\ntest\nzzyy\n"))
+  (ert-info ("unique")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[z]zyy\ntest\ntEst\ntesT\nTEST\ntest\n"
+      (":sort u")
+      "[T]EST\ntEst\ntesT\ntest\nzzyy\n"))
+  (ert-info ("case insensitive and unique")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[z]zyy\ntest\ntEst\ntesT\nTEST\ntest\n"
+      (":sort iu")
+      "[t]est\nzzyy\n")))
+;;; Command line window
+;; (ert-deftest evil-test-command-window-ex ()
+;;   "Test command line window for ex commands"
+;;   (let (evil-ex-history)
+;;     (evil-test-buffer
+;;       "[f]oo foo foo"
+;;       (":s/foo/bar" [return])
+;;       "[b]ar foo foo"
+;;       (":s/foo/baz" [return])
+;;       "[b]ar baz foo"
+;;       ("q:")
+;;       "s/foo/bar\ns/foo/baz\n[]\n"
+;;       ("kk:s/bar/quz" [return])
+;;       "[s]/foo/quz\ns/foo/baz\n"
+;;       ("fzrx")
+;;       "s/foo/qu[x]\ns/foo/baz\n"
+;;       ([return])
+;;       "[b]ar baz qux"
+;;       (should (equal (car evil-ex-history)
+;;                      "s/foo/qux")))))
+;; (ert-deftest evil-test-command-window-recursive ()
+;;   "Test that recursive command windows shouldn't be allowed"
+;;   (let ((evil-command-window-height 0))
+;;     (evil-test-buffer
+;;       "[f]oo foo foo"
+;;       (":s/foo/bar" [return])
+;;       ("q:")
+;;       (should-error (execute-kbd-macro "q:")))))
+;; (ert-deftest evil-test-command-window-noop ()
+;;   "Test that executing a blank command does nothing"
+;;   (evil-test-buffer
+;;     "[f]oo foo foo"
+;;     ("q:")
+;;     "[]\n"
+;;     ([return])
+;;     "[f]oo foo foo"))
+;; (ert-deftest evil-test-command-window-multiple ()
+;;   "Test that multiple command line windows can't be visible at the same 
+;;   (let ((evil-command-window-height 0))
+;;     (evil-test-buffer
+;;       "[f]oo foo foo"
+;;       ("q:")
+;;       (let ((num-windows (length (window-list))))
+;;         (select-window (previous-window))
+;;         (execute-kbd-macro "q:")
+;;         (should (= (length (window-list)) num-windows))))))
+(defmacro evil-with-both-search-modules (&rest body)
+  `(mapc (lambda (search-module)
+           (setq evil-search-forward-history nil
+                 evil-search-backward-history nil
+                 evil-ex-search-history nil)
+           (evil-select-search-module 'evil-search-module search-module)
+           ,@body)
+         '(isearch evil-search)))
+;; (ert-deftest evil-test-command-window-search-history ()
+;;   "Test command window with forward and backward search history"
+;;   (let ((evil-search-module 'isearch))
+;;     (evil-test-buffer
+;;       "[f]oo bar baz qux one two three four"
+;;       ("/qux" [return])
+;;       "foo bar baz [q]ux one two three four"
+;;       ("/three" [return])
+;;       "foo bar baz qux one two [t]hree four"
+;;       ("?bar" [return])
+;;       "foo [b]ar baz qux one two three four"
+;;       ("/four" [return])
+;;       "foo bar baz qux one two three [f]our"
+;;       ("?baz" [return])
+;;       "foo bar [b]az qux one two three four"
+;;       ("q/")
+;;       "qux\nthree\nfour\n[]\n"
+;;       ("k" [return])
+;;       "foo bar baz qux one two three [f]our"
+;;       ("0N")
+;;       "foo bar baz qux one two three [f]our"
+;;       ("q?")
+;;       "bar\nbaz\n[]\n"
+;;       ("k$rr" [return])
+;;       "foo [b]ar baz qux one two three four"
+;;       (should-error
+;;        (progn (execute-kbd-macro "q/iNOT THERE")
+;;               (execute-kbd-macro [return])))
+;;       "foo [b]ar baz qux one two three four")))
+;; (ert-deftest evil-test-command-window-search-word ()
+;;   "Test command window history when searching for word under cursor"
+;;   (let ((evil-search-module 'isearch))
+;;     (evil-test-buffer
+;;       "[f]oo bar foo bar foo"
+;;       ("**")
+;;       "foo bar foo bar [f]oo"
+;;       ("B#")
+;;       "foo [b]ar foo bar foo"
+;;       ("q/k" [return])
+;;       "foo bar [f]oo bar foo"
+;;       ("q?k" [return])
+;;       "foo [b]ar foo bar foo")))
+;;; Utilities
+(ert-deftest evil-test-parser ()
+  "Test `evil-parser'"
+  (let ((grammar '((number "[0-9]+" #'string-to-number)
+                   (plus "\\+" #'intern)
+                   (minus "-" #'intern)
+                   (operator
+                    plus
+                    minus)
+                   (sign
+                    ((\? operator) #'$1))
+                   (signed-number
+                    (sign number))
+                   (inc
+                    (number #'(lambda (n) (1+ n))))
+                   (expr
+                    (number operator number)
+                    ("2" #'"1+1"))
+                   (epsilon nil))))
+    (ert-info ("Nothing")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1+2" nil grammar t)
+                     nil))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1+2" nil grammar)
+                     '(nil . "1+2")))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1+2" 'epsilon grammar t)
+                     nil))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1+2" 'epsilon grammar)
+                     '(nil . "1+2"))))
+    (ert-info ("Strings")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1" 'number grammar t)
+                     '((string-to-number "1"))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "11" 'number grammar)
+                     '((string-to-number "11") . ""))))
+    (ert-info ("Sequences")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1" '(number) grammar t)
+                     '((list (string-to-number "1")))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1+2" '(number operator number) grammar t)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        (intern "+")
+                        (string-to-number "2"))))))
+    (ert-info ("Symbols")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "+" 'plus grammar t)
+                     '((intern "+"))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "+" 'operator grammar t)
+                     '((intern "+"))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1" 'number grammar t)
+                     '((string-to-number "1")))))
+    (ert-info ("Whitespace")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser " 1" 'number grammar t)
+                     '((string-to-number "1")))))
+    (ert-info ("One or more")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1 2 3" '(+ number) grammar t)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        (string-to-number "2")
+                        (string-to-number "3")))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1 2 3" '(* number) grammar t)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        (string-to-number "2")
+                        (string-to-number "3")))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1 2 3" '(\? number) grammar)
+                     '((string-to-number "1") . " 2 3")))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1 2 3" '(\? number number) grammar)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        (string-to-number "2"))
+                       . " 3")))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1 2 3" '(number (\? number)) grammar)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        (string-to-number "2"))
+                       . " 3")))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1 2 3" '(number (\? number number)) grammar)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        (list
+                         (string-to-number "2")
+                         (string-to-number "3")))
+                       . "")))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1 a 3" '(number (\? number)) grammar)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        nil)
+                       . " a 3")))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1" 'signed-number grammar t t)
+                     '((signed-number (sign "") (number "1")) . ""))))
+    (ert-info ("Lookahead")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "foobar" '("foo" (& "bar")) grammar)
+                     '((list "foo") . "bar")))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "foobar" '("foo" (! "bar")) grammar)
+                     nil))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "foobar" '("foo" (& "baz")) grammar)
+                     nil))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "foobar" '("foo" (! "baz")) grammar)
+                     '((list "foo") . "bar"))))
+    (ert-info ("Semantic actions")
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1" 'inc grammar t)
+                     '((funcall (lambda (n)
+                                  (1+ n))
+                                (string-to-number "1")))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "1+1" 'expr grammar t)
+                     '((list
+                        (string-to-number "1")
+                        (intern "+")
+                        (string-to-number "1")))))
+      (should (equal (evil-parser "2" 'expr grammar t)
+                     '((list (string-to-number "1")
+                             (intern "+")
+                             (string-to-number "1"))))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-delimited-arguments ()
+  "Test `evil-delimited-arguments'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (ert-info ("Any number of arguments")
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/b/c/")
+                   '("a" "b" "c")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/b/c")
+                   '("a" "b" "c")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/b//")
+                   '("a" "b" "")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a///")
+                   '("a" "" "")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/   ")
+                   '("a" "   ")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/")
+                   '("a")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "//b//")
+                   '("" "b" "")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a//c")
+                   '("a" "" "c")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "////")
+                   '("" "" "")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/")
+                   nil))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "    ")
+                   nil))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "")
+                   nil)))
+  (ert-info ("Two arguments")
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/b/c" 2)
+                   '("a" "b/c")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/b/" 2)
+                   '("a" "b")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/b" 2)
+                   '("a" "b")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a//" 2)
+                   '("a" "")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/   " 2)
+                   '("a" "   ")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/" 2)
+                   '("a" nil)))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a" 2)
+                   '("a" nil)))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "    " 2)
+                   '(nil nil)))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "" 2)
+                   '(nil nil))))
+  (ert-info ("One argument")
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/b/c" 1)
+                   '("a/b/c")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/   " 1)
+                   '("a")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a/" 1)
+                   '("a")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a" 1)
+                   '("a")))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/" 1)
+                   '(nil)))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "    " 1)
+                   '(nil)))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "" 1)
+                   '(nil))))
+  (ert-info ("Zero arguments")
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/a" 0)
+                   nil))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "/" 0)
+                   nil))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "    " 0)
+                   nil))
+    (should (equal (evil-delimited-arguments "" 0)
+                   nil))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-concat-charsets ()
+  "Test `evil-concat-charsets'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (ert-info ("Bracket")
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-charsets "abc" "]def")
+                   "]abcdef")))
+  (ert-info ("Complement")
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-charsets "^abc" "def")
+                   "^abcdef"))
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-charsets "^abc" "^def")
+                   "^abcdef")))
+  (ert-info ("Hyphen")
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-charsets "abc" "-def")
+                   "-abcdef"))
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-charsets "^abc" "-def")
+                   "^-abcdef")))
+  (ert-info ("Newline")
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-charsets "^ \t\r\n" "[:word:]_")
+                   "^ \t\r\n[:word:]_"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-properties ()
+  "Test `evil-get-property' and `evil-put-property'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (let (alist)
+    (ert-info ("Set properties")
+      (evil-put-property 'alist 'wibble :foo t)
+      (should (equal alist '((wibble . (:foo t)))))
+      (evil-put-property 'alist 'wibble :bar nil)
+      (should (equal alist '((wibble . (:foo t :bar nil)))))
+      (evil-put-property 'alist 'wobble :foo nil :bar nil :baz t)
+      (should (equal alist '((wobble . (:foo nil :bar nil :baz t))
+                             (wibble . (:foo t :bar nil))))))
+    (ert-info ("Get properties")
+      (should (evil-get-property alist 'wibble :foo))
+      (should-not (evil-get-property alist 'wibble :bar))
+      (should-not (evil-get-property alist 'wobble :foo))
+      (should-not (evil-get-property alist 'wibble :baz))
+      (should (equal (evil-get-property alist t :foo)
+                     '((wibble . t) (wobble . nil))))
+      (should (equal (evil-get-property alist t :bar)
+                     '((wibble . nil) (wobble . nil))))
+      (should (equal (evil-get-property alist t :baz)
+                     '((wobble . t)))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-filter-list ()
+  "Test `evil-filter-list'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (ert-info ("Return filtered list")
+    (should (equal (evil-filter-list #'null '(nil)) nil))
+    (should (equal (evil-filter-list #'null '(nil 1)) '(1)))
+    (should (equal (evil-filter-list #'null '(nil 1 2 nil)) '(1 2)))
+    (should (equal (evil-filter-list #'null '(nil nil 1)) '(1)))
+    (should (equal (evil-filter-list #'null '(nil 1 nil 2 nil 3))
+                   '(1 2 3))))
+  (ert-info ("Remove matches by side-effect when possible")
+    (let (list)
+      (setq list '(1 nil))
+      (evil-filter-list #'null list)
+      (should (equal list '(1)))
+      (setq list '(1 nil nil))
+      (evil-filter-list #'null list)
+      (should (equal list '(1)))
+      (setq list '(1 nil nil 2))
+      (evil-filter-list #'null list)
+      (should (equal list '(1 2)))
+      (setq list '(1 nil 2 nil 3))
+      (evil-filter-list #'null list)
+      (should (equal list '(1 2 3))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-concat-lists ()
+  "Test `evil-concat-lists' and `evil-concat-alists'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (ert-info ("Remove duplicates across lists")
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-lists
+                    nil '(a b) '(b c))
+                   '(a b c))))
+  (ert-info ("Remove duplicates inside lists")
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-lists
+                    '(a a b) nil '(b c) nil)
+                   '(a b c))))
+  (ert-info ("Remove duplicate associations")
+    (should (equal (evil-concat-alists
+                    '((a . b)) '((a . c)))
+                   '((a . c))))
+    (should-not (equal (evil-concat-lists
+                        '((a . b)) '((a . c)))
+                       '((a . b))))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-sort ()
+  "Test `evil-sort' and `evil-swap'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (let (a b c d)
+    (ert-info ("Two elements")
+      (setq a 2 b 1)
+      (evil-sort a b)
+      (should (= a 1))
+      (should (= b 2))
+      (evil-swap a b)
+      (should (= a 2))
+      (should (= b 1)))
+    (ert-info ("Three elements")
+      (setq a 3 b 1 c 2)
+      (evil-sort a b c)
+      (should (= a 1))
+      (should (= b 2))
+      (should (= c 3)))
+    (ert-info ("Four elements")
+      (setq a 4 b 3 c 2 d 1)
+      (evil-sort a b c d)
+      (should (= a 1))
+      (should (= b 2))
+      (should (= c 3))
+      (should (= d 4)))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-read-key ()
+  "Test `evil-read-key'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (let ((unread-command-events '(?A)))
+    (ert-info ("Prevent downcasing in `this-command-keys'")
+      (should (eq (evil-read-key) ?A))
+      (should (equal (this-command-keys) "A")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-extract-count ()
+  "Test `evil-extract-count'"
+  :tags '(evil util)
+  (evil-test-buffer
+    (ert-info ("Exact without count")
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "x")
+                     (list nil 'evil-delete-char "x" nil)))
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "g0")
+                     (list nil 'evil-beginning-of-visual-line "g0" nil))))
+    (ert-info ("Exact with count")
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "420x")
+                     (list 420 'evil-delete-char "x" nil)))
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count (vconcat "420" [M-right]))
+                     (list 420 (key-binding [M-right]) (vconcat [M-right]) 
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "2301g0")
+                     (list 2301 'evil-beginning-of-visual-line "g0" nil))))
+    (ert-info ("Extra elements without count")
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "xAB")
+                     (list nil 'evil-delete-char "x" "AB")))
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "g0CD")
+                     (list nil 'evil-beginning-of-visual-line "g0" "CD"))))
+    (ert-info ("Extra elements with count")
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "420xAB")
+                     (list 420 'evil-delete-char "x" "AB")))
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "2301g0CD")
+                     (list 2301 'evil-beginning-of-visual-line "g0" "CD"))))
+    (ert-info ("Exact \"0\" count")
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "0")
+                     (list nil 'evil-digit-argument-or-evil-beginning-of-line
+                           "0" nil))))
+    (ert-info ("Extra elements and \"0\"")
+      (should (equal (evil-extract-count "0XY")
+                     (list nil 'evil-digit-argument-or-evil-beginning-of-line
+                           "0" "XY"))))
+    (ert-info ("Count only")
+      (should-error (evil-extract-count "1230")))
+    (ert-info ("Unknown command")
+      (should-error (evil-extract-count "°"))
+      (should-error (evil-extract-count "12°")))))
+(ert-deftest evil-transform-vim-style-regexp ()
+  "Test `evil-transform-vim-style-regexp'"
+  (dolist (repl '((?s . "[[:space:]]")
+                  (?S . "[^[:space:]]")
+                  (?d . "[[:digit:]]")
+                  (?D . "[^[:digit:]]")
+                  (?x . "[[:xdigit:]]")
+                  (?X . "[^[:xdigit:]]")
+                  (?o . "[0-7]")
+                  (?O . "[^0-7]")
+                  (?a . "[[:alpha:]]")
+                  (?A . "[^[:alpha:]]")
+                  (?l . "[a-z]")
+                  (?L . "[^a-z]")
+                  (?u . "[A-Z]")
+                  (?U . "[^A-Z]")
+                  (?y . "\\s")
+                  (?Y . "\\S")
+                  (?w . "\\w")
+                  (?W . "\\W")))
+    (ert-info ((format "Test transform from '\\%c' to '%s'"
+                       (car repl) (cdr repl)))
+      (should (equal (evil-transform-vim-style-regexp
+                      (concat "xxx\\"
+                              (char-to-string (car repl))
+                              "\\"
+                              (char-to-string (car repl))
+                              "\\\\"
+                              (char-to-string (car repl))
+                              "\\\\\\"
+                              (char-to-string (car repl))
+                              "yyy"))
+                     (concat "xxx"
+                             (cdr repl)
+                             (cdr repl)
+                             "\\\\"
+                             (char-to-string (car repl))
+                             "\\\\"
+                             (cdr repl)
+                             "yyy"))))))
+;;; Advice
+(ert-deftest evil-test-eval-last-sexp ()
+  "Test advised `evil-last-sexp'"
+  :tags '(evil advice)
+  (ert-info ("Normal state")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(+ 1 (+ 2 3[)])"
+      ("1" (kbd "C-x C-e"))
+      "(+ 1 (+ 2 35[)])"))
+  (ert-info ("Insert state")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(+ 1 (+ 2 3[)])"
+      ("i" (kbd "C-u") (kbd "C-x C-e") [escape])
+      "(+ 1 (+ 2 3[3]))"))
+  (ert-info ("Emacs state")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "(+ 1 (+ 2 3[)])"
+      ((kbd "C-z") (kbd "C-u") (kbd "C-x C-e"))
+      "(+ 1 (+ 2 33[)])")))
+;;; ESC
+(ert-deftest evil-test-esc-count ()
+  "Test if prefix-argument is transfered for key sequences with meta-key"
+  :tags '(evil esc)
+  (unless noninteractive
+    (ert-info ("Test M-<right>")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[A]BC DEF GHI JKL MNO"
+        ("3" (kbd "ESC <right>"))
+        "ABC DEF GHI[ ]JKL MNO"))
+    (ert-info ("Test shell-command")
+      (evil-test-buffer
+        "[A]BC DEF GHI JKL MNO"
+        ("1" (kbd "ESC !") "echo TEST" [return])
+        "[T]EST\nABC DEF GHI JKL MNO"))))
+(when (or evil-tests-profiler evil-tests-run)
+  (evil-tests-initialize))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-black-hole-register ()
+  :tags '(evil)
+  (ert-info ("Test \"_ on delete word")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[E]vil evil is awesome."
+      ("dw\"_dwP")
+      "Evil[ ]is awesome."))
+  (ert-info ("Test \"_ on delete line")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[T]his line is a keeper!\nThis line is not."
+      ("dd\"_ddP")
+      "[T]his line is a keeper!"))
+  (ert-info ("Test \"_ on delete region")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "<This region is a keeper>!\nThis line is not."
+      ("d\gg\"_dGP")
+      "This region is a keepe[r]")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-pasteable-macros ()
+  "Test if we can yank and paste macros containing
+                  <escape>"
+  :tags '(evil)
+  (ert-info ("Execute yanked macro")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      "[i]foo\e"
+      ("\"qd$@q\"qp"
+       "fooifoo\e")))
+  (ert-info ("Paste recorded marco")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+      ""
+      (evil-set-register ?q (vconcat "ifoo" [escape]))
+      ("@q\"qp")
+      "fooifoo\e")))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-forward-symbol ()
+  :tags '(evil)
+  (ert-info ("Test symbol deletion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "(test [t]his (hello there) with dao)"
+     ("dao")
+     "(test [(]hello there) with dao)"))
+  (ert-info ("Test symbol motion")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "(test[ ](hello there) with dao)"
+     (should (eq 0 (forward-evil-symbol 1)))
+     "(test ([h]ello there) with dao)"
+     (should (eq 0 (forward-evil-symbol 1)))
+     "(test (hello[ ]there) with dao)"))
+  (ert-info ("Test dio on whitespace")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "(test[ ]dio with whitespace)"
+     ("dio")
+     "(test[d]io with whitespace)"))
+  (ert-info ("Test dao/dio with empty lines")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "there are two lines in this file\n[\n]and some whitespace between them"
+     ("dao")
+     "there are two lines in this file\n[a]nd some whitespace between them")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "here are another two lines\n[\n]with a blank line between them"
+     ("dio")
+     "here are another two lines\n[w]ith a blank line between them"))
+  (ert-info ("Test dao/dio with empty lines and punctuation")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "These two lines \n[\n]!have punctuation on them"
+     ("dao")
+     "These two lines \n[!]have punctuation on them")))
+;; (ert-deftest evil-test-jump ()
+;;   :tags '(evil jumps)
+;;   (let ((evil--jumps-buffer-targets "\\*\\(new\\|scratch\\|test\\)\\*"))
+;;     (ert-info ("Test jumping backward and forward in a single buffer")
+;;       (evil-test-buffer
+;;         "[z] z z z z z z z z z"
+;;         ("/z" [return])
+;;         "z [z] z z z z z z z z"
+;;         ("nnnn")
+;;         "z z z z z [z] z z z z"
+;;         ("\C-o")
+;;         "z z z z [z] z z z z z"
+;;         ("\C-o")
+;;         "z z z [z] z z z z z z"
+;;         ("\C-i\C-i")
+;;         "z z z z z [z] z z z z"))
+;;     (ert-info ("Test jumping backward and forward across buffers")
+;;       (evil-test-buffer
+;;         "[z] z z z z z z z z z"
+;;         (":new" [return] "inew buffer" [escape])
+;;         "new buffe[r]"
+;;         ("\C-o")
+;;         "[z] z z z z z z z z z"
+;;         ("\C-i")
+;;         "new buffe[r]"))
+;;     (ert-info ("Test jumping backward and forward with counts")
+;;       (evil-test-buffer
+;;         "[z] z z z z z z z z z"
+;;         ("/z" [return] "nnnn")
+;;         "z z z z z [z] z z z z"
+;;         ("3\C-o")
+;;         "z z [z] z z z z z z z"
+;;         ("2\C-i")
+;;         "z z z z [z] z z z z z"
+;;         ))
+;;     (ert-info ("Jump list branches off when new jump is set")
+;;       (evil-test-buffer
+;;         "[z] z z z z z z z"
+;;         ("/z" [return] "nnnn4\C-o") ;; adds a bunch of jumps after the 2nd z
+;;         "z [z] z z z z z z"
+;;         ("/z" [return]) ;; sets a new jump, list should be reset
+;;         "z z [z] z z z z z"
+;;         ("\C-o")
+;;         "z [z] z z z z z z"
+;;         ("3\C-i") ;; even after jumping forward 3 times it can't get past 
the 3rd z
+;;         "z z [z] z z z z z"))))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-abbrev-expand ()
+  :tags '(evil abbrev)
+  (ert-info ("Test abbrev expansion on insert state exit")
+    (define-abbrev-table 'global-abbrev-table
+      '(("undef" "undefined"))) ;; add global abbrev
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "foo unde[f] bar"
+     ("a" [escape])
+     "foo undefine[d] bar") ;; 'undef' should be expanded
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "fo[o] undef bar"
+     ("a" [escape])
+     "fo[o] undef bar") ;; 'foo' shouldn't be expanded, it's not an abbrev
+    (kill-all-abbrevs) ;; remove abbrevs
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "foo unde[f] bar"
+     ("a" [escape])
+     "foo unde[f] bar") ;; 'undef' is not an abbrev, shouldn't be expanded
+    (setq abbrevs-changed nil)))
+(ert-deftest evil-test-text-object-macro ()
+  :tags '(evil abbrev)
+  (ert-info ("Test pipe character and other delimiters as object delimiters")
+    ;; This is the macro that broke after pull #747.
+    (defmacro evil-test-define-and-bind-text-object (name key start-regex 
+      (let ((inner-name (make-symbol (concat "evil-inner-" name)))
+            (outer-name (make-symbol (concat "evil-a-" name))))
+        `(progn
+           (evil-define-text-object ,inner-name (count &optional beg end type)
+             (evil-select-paren ,start-regex ,end-regex beg end type count 
+           (evil-define-text-object ,outer-name (count &optional beg end type)
+             (evil-select-paren ,start-regex ,end-regex beg end type count t))
+           (define-key evil-inner-text-objects-map ,key #',inner-name)
+           (define-key evil-outer-text-objects-map ,key #',outer-name))))
+    (evil-test-define-and-bind-text-object "pipe" "|" "|" "|")
+    (evil-test-define-and-bind-text-object "rackety" "#" "#|" "|#")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "#|this i[s] a test #|with rackety|# multiline
+  and nestable comments|#"
+     ("vi#")
+     "#|<this is a test #|with rackety|# multiline
+  and nestable comments>|#")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "| foo | aoe[u] | bar |"
+     ("vi|")
+     "| foo |< aoeu >| bar |"
+     ("a|")
+     "| foo <| aoeu |> bar |"
+     ("a|")
+     "<| foo | aoeu | bar |>")
+    (evil-test-buffer
+     "| foo | aoe[u] | bar |"
+     ("ci|testing" [escape])
+     "| foo |testing| bar |")))
+(provide 'evil-tests)
+;;; evil-tests.el ends here

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