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[nongnu] elpa/iedit e9a94852d8 001/301: updates

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/iedit e9a94852d8 001/301: updates
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 22:58:44 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/iedit
commit e9a94852d8331291c8742bfa446061e2511463a8
Author: anybody <anybody@emacswiki.org>
Commit: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>

 iedit.el | 319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 319 insertions(+)

diff --git a/iedit.el b/iedit.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a3052379a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iedit.el
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+;;; iedit.el --- Edit multiple regions with the same content simultaneously.
+;; Copyright (C) 2010 Victor Ren
+;; Time-stamp: <2010-03-07 22:48:30 Victor Ren>
+;; Author: Victor Ren <victorhge@gmail.com>
+;; Keywords: occurrence region replace simultaneous
+;; Version: 0.60
+;; X-URL: 
+;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs: 22.x, 23.x
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs, but it is distributed under
+;; the same terms as GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides a more intuitive way of replace-string operation:
+;; - Select the occurrence in the buffer
+;;   In Transient Mark mode, just mark a region, the content of the 
+;;   region will be used as the occurrence. (if Transient Mark mode is 
+;;   using C-u C-x C-x or C-SPC C-SPC to activate it just for this one time).
+;; - Start iedit minor mode - by press C-;
+;;   All occurrences of the content in the buffer are highlighted
+;; - Edit one of the contents
+;;   The change is applied to other contents simultaneously
+;; - Finish - by pressing C-; again
+;; If Transient Mark mode is disabled or the region is not active,
+;; the `current-word' is used as the occurrence by default.
+;; You can also switch to iedit mode from isearch mode directly. The current
+;; search string is used as the occurrence.
+;; If you would like to replace-string on certain region, use "narrowing" 
+;;; Suggested key bindings:
+;; (define-key global-map (kbd "C-;") 'iedit-mode)
+;; (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-;") 'iedit-mode)
+;;; todo:
+;; - wrapping around navigating 
+;; - Lazy highlight feature (from isearch)
+;; - Help information
+;; - Option of enabling linum-mode when unmatched lines are hided.
+;; - face for current occurrence
+;; - blank line between matched lines
+;; - fix problem of iedit-next-occurrence with linum-mode
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(defgroup iedit nil
+  "Edit multiple regions with the same content simultaneously."
+  :prefix "iedit-"
+  :group 'replace
+  :group 'convenience)
+(defcustom iedit-occurrence-face 'highlight
+  "*Face used for the occurrences' default values."
+  :type 'face
+  :group 'iedit)
+(defcustom iedit-current-word-default 't
+  "If no-nil, use current word by default for the occurrence."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'iedit)
+(defcustom iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible-default nil
+  "If no-nil, hide lines that do not cover any occurrences by default."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'iedit)
+(defvar iedit-mode-hook nil
+  "Function(s) to call after starting up an iedit.")
+(defvar iedit-mode-end-hook nil
+  "Function(s) to call after terminating an iedit.")
+(defvar iedit-mode nil) ;; Name of the minor mode
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'iedit-mode)
+(or (assq 'iedit-mode minor-mode-alist)
+    (nconc minor-mode-alist
+          (list '(iedit-mode iedit-mode))))
+(defvar iedit-occurrences-overlays nil
+  "The occurrences slot contains a list of overlays used to indicate
+the position of each occurrence.  In addition, the occurrence overlay is
+used to provide a different face configurable via
+`iedit-occurrence-face'."  )
+(defvar iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible nil
+  "This is buffer local variable which indicates whether unmatched
+lines are hided.")
+(defvar iedit-last-occurrence-in-history nil
+  "This is buffer local variable which is the occurrence when
+  iedit mode is turned off last time.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'iedit-occurrences-overlays)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible)
+(defconst iedit-occurrence-overlay-name 'iedit-occurrence-overlay-name)
+(defconst iedit-invisible-overlay-name 'iedit-invisible-overlay-name)
+(defvar iedit-mode-map nil
+  "Keymap used while iedit mode is enabled.")
+(if iedit-mode-map
+    nil
+  (setq iedit-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+  ;; Default key bindings
+  (define-key iedit-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'iedit-next-occurrence)
+  (define-key iedit-mode-map (kbd "<S-tab>") 'iedit-prev-occurrence)
+  (define-key iedit-mode-map (kbd "<S-iso-lefttab>") 'iedit-prev-occurrence)
+  (define-key iedit-mode-map (kbd "C-'") 
+(or (assq 'iedit-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+    (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+         (cons (cons 'iedit-mode iedit-mode-map) minor-mode-map-alist)))
+(defun iedit-mode (&optional arg)
+  "Toggle iedit mode.
+If iedit mode is off, turn iedit mode on, off otherwise.
+In Transient Mark mode, when iedit mode is turned on, all the
+occurrences of the current region are highlighted. If one
+occurrence is modified, the change are propagated to all other
+occurrences simultaneously.
+If Transient Mark mode is disabled or the region is not active,
+the `current-word' is used as occurrence. All the occurrences of
+the `current-word' are highlighted.
+You can also switch to iedit mode from isearch mode directly. The
+current search string is used as occurrence.  All occurrences of
+the current search string are highlighted.
+With a prefix argument, the occurrence when iedit is turned off
+last time is used as occurrence.  This is intended to recover
+last iedit which is turned off by mistake.
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if iedit-mode
+      (iedit-done)
+    (let ((occurrence nil))
+      (cond ((and arg iedit-last-occurrence-in-history)
+             (setq occurrence iedit-last-occurrence-in-history))
+            ((and transient-mark-mode mark-active (not (equal (mark) (point))))
+             (setq occurrence (buffer-substring (mark) (point))))
+            ((and isearch-mode (not (string= isearch-string "")))
+             (setq occurrence isearch-string)
+             (isearch-exit))
+            ((and iedit-current-word-default (current-word t))
+             (setq occurrence (current-word)))
+            (t (error "No candidate of the occurrence, cannot enable iedit 
+      (deactivate-mark)
+      (iedit-start occurrence))))
+(defun iedit-start (occurrence-exp)
+  "Start an iedit for the occurrence-exp in the current buffer."
+  (setq        iedit-mode " Iedit")
+  (setq iedit-occurrences-overlays nil)
+  (setq iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible 
+  (force-mode-line-update)
+  (run-hooks 'iedit-mode-hook)
+  (add-hook 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook 'iedit-done)
+  (add-hook 'kbd-macro-termination-hook 'iedit-done)
+  ;; Find and record each occurrence's markers and add the overlay to the 
+  (let ((counter 0))
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (while (search-forward occurrence-exp nil t)
+      (push (iedit-make-occurrence-overlay (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+            iedit-occurrences-overlays)
+      (setq counter (1+ counter)))      ; at less 1
+      (setq iedit-occurrences-overlays (nreverse iedit-occurrences-overlays))
+      (if iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible
+          (iedit-hide-unmatched-lines))
+      (message "%d matches for \"%s\"" 
+               counter 
+               (if (> (length occurrence-exp) 50)
+                   (concat (substring occurrence-exp 0 50) "...")
+                 occurrence-exp)))))
+(defun iedit-hide-unmatched-lines ()
+  "Hide unmatched lines using invisible overlay."
+  (let ((prev-occurrence-end 0)
+        (unmatched-lines nil))
+    (save-excursion
+      (dolist (overlay iedit-occurrences-overlays)
+        (let ((match-start (overlay-start overlay))
+              (match-end (overlay-end overlay)))
+          (goto-char match-start)
+          (if (> (line-beginning-position) (1+ prev-occurrence-end))
+              (let ((unmatch-start (1+ prev-occurrence-end))
+                    (unmatch-end (1- (line-beginning-position))))
+                (push  (list unmatch-start unmatch-end) unmatched-lines)))
+          (goto-char match-end)
+          (setq prev-occurrence-end (line-end-position))))
+      (if (< prev-occurrence-end (point-max))
+          (push (list (1+ prev-occurrence-end) (point-max)) unmatched-lines))
+      (when unmatched-lines
+        (dolist (unmatch unmatched-lines)
+          (iedit-make-unmatched-lines-overlay (car unmatch) (cadr 
+(defun iedit-done ()
+  "Exit iedit mode."
+  (let ((ov (car iedit-occurrences-overlays)))
+    (if ov 
+        (setq iedit-last-occurrence-in-history 
+              (buffer-substring (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov)))))
+  (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) iedit-occurrence-overlay-name t)
+  (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) iedit-invisible-overlay-name t)
+  (setq iedit-occurrences-overlays nil)
+  (remove-hook 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook 'iedit-done)
+  (remove-hook 'kbd-macro-termination-hook 'iedit-done)
+  (setq iedit-mode nil)
+  (force-mode-line-update)
+  (run-hooks 'iedit-mode-end-hook))
+(defun iedit-make-occurrence-overlay (begin end)
+  "Create an overlay for an occurrence in iedit mode.
+Add the properties for the overlay: a face used to display a
+occurrence's default value, and modification hooks to update
+occurrences if the user starts typing."
+  (let ((occurrence (make-overlay begin end (current-buffer) nil t)))
+    (overlay-put occurrence iedit-occurrence-overlay-name t)
+    (overlay-put occurrence 'face iedit-occurrence-face)
+    (overlay-put occurrence 'insert-in-front-hooks '(iedit-occurrence-update))
+    (overlay-put occurrence 'insert-behind-hooks '(iedit-occurrence-update))
+    (overlay-put occurrence 'modification-hooks '(iedit-occurrence-update))
+    occurrence))
+(defun iedit-make-unmatched-lines-overlay (begin end)
+  "Create an overlay for lines between two occurrences in iedit mode."
+  (let ((unmatched-lines-overlay (make-overlay begin end (current-buffer) nil 
+    (overlay-put unmatched-lines-overlay iedit-invisible-overlay-name t)
+    (overlay-put unmatched-lines-overlay 'invisible t)
+    (overlay-put unmatched-lines-overlay 'intangible t)
+    unmatched-lines-overlay))
+(defun iedit-occurrence-update (occurrence after beg end &optional change)
+  "Update all occurrences.
+This modification hook is triggered when a user edits any occurrence
+and is responsible for updating all other occurrences."
+  (when (and after (not undo-in-progress)) ; undo will do all the work
+    (let ((value (buffer-substring (overlay-start occurrence) (overlay-end 
+          (inhibit-modification-hooks t))
+      (save-excursion
+        (dolist (like-occurrence iedit-occurrences-overlays)
+          (if (not (eq like-occurrence occurrence))
+              (progn
+              (goto-char (overlay-start like-occurrence))
+              (delete-region (overlay-start like-occurrence)
+                             (overlay-end like-occurrence))
+              (insert value))))))))
+(defun iedit-next-occurrence ()
+  "Move point forward to the next occurrence in the `iedit'.
+If there are no more occurrences, point stays at the last
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((occurrences iedit-occurrences-overlays)
+         (next-pos (loop for occurrence in occurrences
+                         for start = (overlay-start occurrence)
+                         when (< (point) start)
+                         return start)))
+    (if (not (null next-pos))
+        (goto-char next-pos)
+      )))
+(defun iedit-prev-occurrence ()
+  "Move point backward to the previous occurrence in the `iedit'.
+If there are no more occurrences, point stays at the first
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((occurrences iedit-occurrences-overlays)
+         (prev-pos (loop for occurrence in (reverse occurrences)
+                         for end = (overlay-end occurrence)
+                         when  (> (point) end)
+                         return (overlay-start occurrence))))
+    (if (not (null prev-pos))
+        (goto-char prev-pos))))
+(defun iedit-toggle-unmatched-lines-visible ()
+  "Toggle whether to display unmatched lines."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible (not iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible))
+  (if iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible
+      (iedit-hide-unmatched-lines)
+    (remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) iedit-invisible-overlay-name t)))
+(provide 'iedit)
+;;; iedit.el ends here

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