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[nongnu] elpa/gotham-theme 44bc3ece9f 055/214: Merge pull request #7 fro

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/gotham-theme 44bc3ece9f 055/214: Merge pull request #7 from wasamasa/bugfix-4
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 17:58:41 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/gotham-theme
commit 44bc3ece9feb47c47bdd40e6eac3936834a8601d
Merge: 18b56915ec f5b1c8f44b
Author: Vasilij Schneidermann <v.schneidermann@gmail.com>
Commit: Vasilij Schneidermann <v.schneidermann@gmail.com>

    Merge pull request #7 from wasamasa/bugfix-4
    Bugfix 4
 gotham-theme.el | 367 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 331 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gotham-theme.el b/gotham-theme.el
index 4806d1ff1e..2e480c8274 100644
--- a/gotham-theme.el
+++ b/gotham-theme.el
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;; Author: Vasilij Schneidermann <v.schneidermann@gmail.com>
 ;; URL: https://github.com/wasamasa/gotham-theme
-;; Version: 0.2
+;; Version: 1.0
 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -42,9 +42,7 @@
 (deftheme gotham "The Gotham color theme")
-;; TODO test with ruby, python, tex, c, html
-(defcustom gotham-tty-extended-palette-p nil
+(defcustom gotham-tty-extended-palette nil
   "Use the extended 256-color palette in the terminal?
 When t, assume a regular 256-color palette, otherwise assume a
 customized 16-color palette."
@@ -52,25 +50,24 @@ customized 16-color palette."
                   (const :tag "256 colors" t))
   :group 'gotham)
-(setq gotham-tty-switch 'extended)
 (defvar gotham-color-alist
-  `((base0   "#0c1014" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-232" "black"))
-    (base1   "#11151c" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-233" 
-    (base2   "#091f2e" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-17"  
-    (base3   "#0a3749" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-18"  
-    (base4   "#245361" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-24"  
-    (base5   "#599cab" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-81"  
-    (base6   "#99d1ce" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-122" "white"))
-    (base7   "#d3ebe9" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-194" 
-    (red     "#c23127" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-124" "red"))
-    (orange  "#d26937" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-166" 
-    (yellow  "#edb443" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-214" 
-    (magenta "#888ca6" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-67"  
-    (violet  "#4e5166" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-60"  
-    (blue    "#195466" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-24"  "blue"))
-    (cyan    "#33859e" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-44"  "cyan"))
-    (green   "#2aa889" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette-p "color-78"  
+  `((base0   "#0c1014" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-232" "black"))
+    (base1   "#11151c" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-233" 
+    (base2   "#091f2e" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-17"  
+    (base3   "#0a3749" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-18"  
+    (base4   "#245361" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-24"  
+    (base5   "#599cab" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-81"  
+    (base6   "#99d1ce" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-122" "white"))
+    (base7   "#d3ebe9" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-194" 
+    (red     "#c23127" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-124" "red"))
+    (orange  "#d26937" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-166" 
+    (yellow  "#edb443" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-214" "yellow"))
+    (magenta "#888ca6" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-67"  
+    (violet  "#4e5166" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-60"  "magenta"))
+    (blue    "#195466" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-24"  "blue"))
+    (cyan    "#33859e" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-44"  "cyan"))
+    (green   "#2aa889" ,(if gotham-tty-extended-palette "color-78"  "green")))
   "List of colors the theme consists of.")
 (defun gotham-set-faces (faces)
@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ See `gotham-transform-face' for the transformation, see
 FACE is a list where the first element is the name of the
 affected face and the remaining elements specify the face
 attributes which are transformed into face attributes for both
-graphical and terminal displays. See `gotham-transform-spec' for
+graphical and terminal displays.  See `gotham-transform-spec' for
 the rules that are applied to the face attributes."
   (let* ((name (car face))
          (spec (cdr face))
@@ -108,8 +105,11 @@ depending on DISPLAY for keys which are either :foreground 
                           ((eq display 'tty) 2)))
              (color (nth index (assoc value gotham-color-alist))))
-         ((or (eq key :foreground) (eq key :background))
+         ((memq key '(:foreground :background :overline :color))
           (setq output (append output (list key color))))
+         ((and (memq key '(:box :underline)) (listp value))
+          (setq output (append output
+                               (list key (gotham-transform-spec value 
          (t (setq output (append output (list key value))))))
       (setq spec (cddr spec)))
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ depending on DISPLAY for keys which are either :foreground 
    (link-visited :foreground yellow)
    (cursor :background base6)
    (region :foreground unspecified :background base3)
-   (secondary-selection :foreground unspecified :background base4)
+   (secondary-selection :foreground unspecified :background violet)
    (hl-line :background base1)
    (linum :foreground base4 :background base1)
    (fringe :foreground base6 :background base1)
@@ -148,16 +148,15 @@ depending on DISPLAY for keys which are either 
:foreground or
    (font-lock-type-face :foreground orange)
    (font-lock-variable-name-face :foreground base5)
    (font-lock-warning-face :foreground red)
+   (error :foreground red)
    (success :foreground green)
-   (warning :foreground red)
+   (warning :foreground orange)
    ;; search and highlighting
    (match :background base5)
    (isearch :inverse-video t)
    (isearch-fail :foreground red)
    (lazy-highlight :foreground base2 :background yellow)
-   (show-paren-match :foreground base1 :background orange)
-   (show-paren-mismatch :foreground base1 :background red)
    ;; mode and header lines
    (minibuffer-prompt :foreground cyan)
@@ -172,17 +171,118 @@ depending on DISPLAY for keys which are either 
:foreground or
    (custom-button :foreground base4 :box t)
    (custom-button-mouse :foreground base5 :box t)
    (custom-group-tag :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground magenta)
+   (custom-state :foreground cyan)
+   ;; compilation
+   (compilation-mode-line-fail :foreground unspecified :inherit 
+   (compilation-mode-line-exit :foreground unspecified :inherit 
+   ;;diff
+   (diff-added :foreground green)
+   (diff-changed :foreground cyan)
+   (diff-header :foreground yellow)
+   (diff-file-header :weight bold)
+   (diff-refine-added :weight bold)
+   (diff-refine-change :weight bold)
+   (diff-refine-removed :weight bold)
+   (diff-removed :foreground red)
+   ;; ediff
+   ;; FIXME add support for threeway diffs (*-diff-c)
+   ;; FIXME add support for threeway merges (*-diff-ancestor)
+   (ediff-current-diff-A :foreground red :background base2)
+   (ediff-current-diff-B :foreground green :background base2)
+   (ediff-even-diff-A :background base2)
+   (ediff-even-diff-B :background base2)
+   (ediff-fine-diff-A :foreground red :background base3)
+   (ediff-fine-diff-B :foreground green :background base3)
+   (ediff-odd-diff-A :background base2)
+   (ediff-odd-diff-B :background base2)
+   ;; eshell
+   (eshell-prompt :foreground yellow :weight bold)
+   (eshell-ls-archive :foreground magenta)
+   (eshell-ls-backup :foreground violet :weight bold)
+   (eshell-ls-clutter :foreground base5)
+   (eshell-ls-directory :foreground cyan :weight bold)
+   (eshell-ls-executable :foreground green)
+   (eshell-ls-missing :foreground red :weight bold)
+   (eshell-ls-product :foreground base3)
+   (eshell-ls-readonly :foreground red)
+   (eshell-ls-special :foreground orange :weight bold)
+   (eshell-ls-symlink :foreground blue :weight bold)
+   (eshell-ls-unreadable :foreground red)
+   ;; flymake
+   (flymake-errline :underline (:style wave :color red))
+   (flymake-warnline :underline (:style wave :color orange))
+   ;; flyspell
+   (flyspell-duplicate :underline (:style wave :color orange))
+   (flyspell-incorrect :underline (:style wave :color red))
+   ;; ido
+   (ido-first-match :foreground yellow :weight bold)
+   (ido-indicator :foreground red)
+   (ido-only-match :foreground green)
+   (ido-subdir :foreground red)
+   ;; makefile
+   (makefile-space :background magenta)
+   ;; outline
+   (outline-1 :foreground red)
+   (outline-2 :foreground cyan)
+   (outline-3 :foreground orange)
+   (outline-4 :foreground green)
+   (outline-5 :foreground red)
+   (outline-6 :foreground cyan)
+   (outline-7 :foreground orange)
+   (outline-8 :foreground green)
+   ;; show-paren-mode
+   (show-paren-match :foreground base2 :background orange :inverse-video nil)
+   (show-paren-mismatch :foreground base2 :background red :inverse-video nil)
+   ;; term
+   (term-color-black :foreground black :background black)
+   (term-color-red :foreground red :background red)
+   (term-color-green :foreground green :background green)
+   (term-color-yellow :foreground yellow :background yellow)
+   (term-color-blue :foreground blue :background blue)
+   (term-color-magenta :foreground magenta :background magenta)
+   (term-color-cyan :foreground cyan :background cyan)
+   (term-color-white :foreground base6 :background base6)
+   (term-default-fg-color :inherit term-color-white)
+   (term-default-bg-color :inherit term-color-black)
+   ;; widget
+   (widget-button-pressed :foreground red)
+   (widget-documentation :foreground green)
+   (widget-field :background base4)
+   (widget-single-line-field :inherit widget-field)
+   ;; which-func-mode
+   (which-func :foreground orange)
+   ;; whitespace-mode
+   (whitespace-empty :foreground base7 :background cyan)
+   (whitespace-hspace :foreground base7 :background magenta)
+   (whitespace-indentation :background yellow)
+   (whitespace-line :foreground base6 :background violet)
+   (whitespace-newline :foreground base3)
+   (whitespace-space :foreground base7 :background base2)
+   (whitespace-space-after-tab :foreground base7 :background orange)
+   (whitespace-space-before-tab :foreground base7 :background orange)
+   (whitespace-tab :background base3)
+   (whitespace-trailing :foreground base7 :background red)
    ;; external packages
-   ;; enh-ruby-mode
-   (enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face :foreground green :weight bold)
-   (enh-ruby-op-face :foreground magenta)
-   (enh-ruby-regexp-face :foreground green)
-   (enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face :foreground green :weight bold)
-   (enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face :foreground green)
-   (erm-syn-errline :foreground red)
-   (erm-syn-warnline :foreground orange)
+   ;; ace-jump
+   (ace-jump-face-foreground :foreground red :background unspecified)
+   (ace-jump-face-background :foreground base4 :background unspecified)
    ;; auctex
    (font-latex-bold-face :inherit bold)
@@ -201,6 +301,201 @@ depending on DISPLAY for keys which are either 
:foreground or
    (font-latex-string-face :inherit font-lock-string-face)
    (font-latex-verbatim-face :inherit font-lock-string-face)
    (font-latex-warning-face :inherit warning)
+   ;; auto-complete
+   (ac-completion-face :foreground base7 :background base4)
+   ;; company
+   (company-echo-common :foreground red)
+   (company-preview :inherit company-tooltip-selection)
+   (company-preview-common :inherit company-preview :foreground orange)
+   (company-preview-search :inherit company-preview)
+   (company-scrollbar-bg :background base2)
+   (company-scrollbar-fg :background base4)
+   (company-tooltip :foreground base6 :background base2)
+   (company-tooltip-annotation :inherit company-tooltip :foreground red)
+   (company-tooltip-common :background base2 :weight bold)
+   (company-tooltip-common-selection :foreground base7 :background base4 
:weight bold)
+   (company-tooltip-mouse :foreground base7 :background base4)
+   (company-tooltip-selection :foreground base7 :background base4)
+   ;; flycheck
+   (flycheck-error :underline (:style wave :color red))
+   (flycheck-info :underline (:style wave :color green))
+   (flycheck-warning :underline (:style wave :color orange))
+   ;; enh-ruby-mode
+   (enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face :foreground green :weight bold)
+   (enh-ruby-op-face :foreground magenta)
+   (enh-ruby-regexp-face :foreground green)
+   (enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face :foreground green :weight bold)
+   (enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face :foreground green)
+   (erm-syn-errline :foreground red)
+   (erm-syn-warnline :foreground orange)
+   ;; helm
+   (helm-bookmark-addressbook :foreground orange)
+   (helm-bookmark-file :foreground cyan)
+   (helm-bookmark-gnus :foreground magenta)
+   (helm-bookmark-info :foreground green)
+   (helm-bookmark-man :foreground violet)
+   (helm-bookmark-w3m :foreground yellow)
+   (helm-buffer-directory :weight bold)
+   (helm-buffer-not-saved :foreground red)
+   (helm-buffer-process :foreground orange)
+   (helm-buffer-saved-out :foregrount base7 :background red)
+   (helm-buffer-size :foreground magenta)
+   (helm-candidate-number :background base3)
+   (helm-ff-directory :weight bold)
+   (helm-ff-executable :forground green)
+   (helm-ff-invalid-symlink :foreground base2 :background red)
+   (helm-ff-prefix :foreground base2 :background yellow)
+   (helm-ff-symlink :foreground orange)
+   (helm-grep-file :foreground cyan)
+   (helm-grep-finish :foreground green)
+   (helm-grep-lineno :foreground orange)
+   (helm-grep-match :foreground yellow)
+   (helm-grep-running :foreground red)
+   (helm-history-remote :foreground orange)
+   (helm-locate-finish :foreground green)
+   (helm-match :foreground yellow)
+   (helm-moccur-buffer :foreground cyan)
+   (helm-prefarg :foreground green)
+   (helm-resume-need-update :foreground base7 :background red)
+   (helm-selection :inherit highlight)
+   (helm-selection-line :inherit highlight)
+   (helm-separator :inherit shadow)
+   (helm-source-header :foreground base2 :background blue :weight bold)
+   (helm-time-zone-current :foreground green)
+   (helm-time-zone-home :foreground red)
+   (helm-visible-mark :inherit secondary-selection)
+   ;; magit
+   (magit-cherry-equivalent :foreground magenta)
+   (magit-cherry-unmatched :foreground cyan)
+   (magit-item-highlight :inherit highlight)
+   (magit-log-author :foreground orange)
+   (magit-log-graph :foreground base5)
+   (magit-log-head-label-bisect-bad :foreground base1 :background red :box 
(:color base6))
+   (magit-log-head-label-bisect-good :foreground base2 :background green :box 
(:color base7))
+   (magit-log-head-label-bisect-skip :foreground base2 :background yellow :box 
(:color base7))
+   (magit-log-head-label-default :background base4)
+   (magit-log-head-label-head :foreground yellow :background base1 :box t)
+   (magit-log-head-label-local :background base1 :box (:color cyan))
+   (magit-log-head-label-patches :foreground base2 :background orange :box 
(:color base6))
+   (magit-log-head-label-remote :background base1 :box (:color magenta))
+   (magit-log-head-label-tags :inherit magit-log-head-label-bisect-skip)
+   (magit-log-head-label-wip :foreground base4 :background base1 :box t)
+   (magit-log-reflog-label-checkout :background base1 :box t)
+   (magit-log-reflog-label-cherry-pick :inherit 
+   (magit-log-reflog-label-commit :foreground base2 :background base5 :box 
(:color base7))
+   (magit-log-reflog-label-other :inherit magit-log-head-label-wip)
+   (magit-log-reflog-label-rebase :foreground green :background base1 :box t)
+   (magit-log-reflog-label-remote :background base1 :box t)
+   (magit-log-reflog-label-reset :inherit magit-log-head-label-bisect-bad)
+   (magit-log-sha1 :foreground orange)
+   (magit-process-ng :foreground red)
+   (magit-process-ok :foreground green)
+   (magit-signature-bad :foreground red)
+   (magit-signature-good :foreground green)
+   (magit-signature-untrusted :foreground cyan)
+   ;; markdown-mode
+   (markdown-header-face-1 :background base2)
+   (markdown-header-face-2 :background base3)
+   (markdown-header-face-3 :background base4)
+   (markdown-header-face-4 :background base2)
+   (markdown-header-face-5 :background base3)
+   (markdown-header-face-6 :background base4)
+   ;; org-mode
+   (org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face :inherit shadow)
+   (org-agenda-done :foreground green)
+   (org-agenda-restriction-lock :inherit highlight)
+   (org-agenda-structure :foreground base5)
+   (org-clock-overlay :inherit secondary-selection)
+   (org-column :background base2)
+   (org-column-title :inherit org-column :underline t)
+   (org-date :foreground cyan :underline t)
+   (org-date-selected :foreground base2 :background magenta)
+   (org-document-info :foreground base5)
+   (org-document-title :weight bold)
+   (org-done :foreground green :weight bold)
+   (org-drawer :foreground base5)
+   (org-ellipsis :inherit shadow :weight bold)
+   (org-footnote :foreground base5 :underline t)
+   (org-formula :foreground orange)
+   (org-habit-alert-face :background yellow)
+   (org-habit-alert-future-face :background yellow)
+   (org-habit-clear-face :background blue)
+   (org-habit-clear-future-face :background blue)
+   (org-habit-overdue-face :background red)
+   (org-habit-overdue-future-face :background red)
+   (org-habit-ready-face :background green)
+   (org-habit-ready-future-face :background green)
+   (org-headline-done :foreground yellow)
+   (org-hide :background base0)
+   (org-latex-and-related :foreground orange)
+   (org-scheduled :foreground green)
+   (org-scheduled-previously :foreground orange)
+   (org-scheduled-today :inherit org-scheduled)
+   (org-sexp-date :foreground cyan)
+   (org-table :foreground violet)
+   (org-time-grid :foreground yellow)
+   (org-todo :foreground red :weight bold)
+   (org-upcoming-deadline :foreground orange)
+   ;; popup
+   (popup-face :foreground base6 :background base2)
+   (popup-isearch-match :foreground base7 :background base4)
+   (popup-menu-mouse-face :foreground base7 :background base4)
+   (popup-menu-selection-face :foreground base7 :background base4)
+   (popup-scroll-bar-background-face :background base2)
+   (popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face :background base4)
+   (popup-summary-face :foreground base4)
+   (popup-tip-face :foreground base7 :background base4)
+   ;; powerline
+   (powerline-active1 :foreground base5 :background base2)
+   (powerline-active2 :foreground base5 :background base3)
+   (powerline-inactive1 :foreground base4 :background base1)
+   (powerline-inactive2 :foreground base4 :background base2)
+   ;; rainbow-delimiters
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground base6)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :inherit outline-1)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :inherit outline-2)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :inherit outline-3)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :inherit outline-4)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :inherit outline-5)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :inherit outline-6)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face :inherit outline-7)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face :inherit outline-8)
+   (rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face :foreground base2 :background base6)
+   ;; rst-mode
+   (rst-level-1 :background base2)
+   (rst-level-2 :background base3)
+   (rst-level-3 :background base4)
+   (rst-level-4 :background base2)
+   (rst-level-5 :background base3)
+   (rst-level-6 :background base4)
+   ;; smartparens
+   (sp-show-pair-match-face :inherit show-paren-match)
+   (sp-show-pair-mismatch-face :inherit show-paren-mismatch)
+   ;; smart-mode-line
+   (sml/charging :foreground green)
+   (sml/discharging :foreground red)
+   (sml/filename :foreground cyan :weight normal)
+   (sml/global :foreground base6)
+   (sml/line-number :foreground base5)
+   (sml/modes :foreground base4)
+   (sml/modified :foreground red :weight bold)
+   (sml/outside-modified :foreground base7 :background red)
+   (sml/prefix :foreground orange)
+   (sml/read-only :foreground yellow)

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