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[nongnu] elpa/autothemer 6510a81209 01/21: First working version

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/autothemer 6510a81209 01/21: First working version
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 02:58:05 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/autothemer
commit 6510a81209f375d78d0d0c3b1d60042ad0ad35fa
Author: Sebastian Sturm <sturm@itp.uni-leipzig.de>
Commit: Sebastian Sturm <sturm@itp.uni-leipzig.de>

    First working version
 autothemer.el | 174 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 174 insertions(+)

diff --git a/autothemer.el b/autothemer.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c888f38c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autothemer.el
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+;;; autothemer.el --- Conveniently define themes. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; TODO: Allow the user to define different colors for different terminal 
+;;       maybe also allow for finer-grained distinctions as made, e.g.,
+;;       by solarized-emacs?
+;;; Commentary:
+;; TODO: add description
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'dash)
+(cl-defstruct autothemer--color name value)
+(cl-defstruct autothemer--theme colors defined-faces)
+(defvar autothemer--current-theme nil
+  "Internal variable of type `autothemer--theme' used by autothemer.
+Contains the color palette and the list of faces most recently
+customized using `autothemer-defautotheme'.")
+(defun autothemer--reduced-spec-to-facespec (reduced-spec)
+  "Convert REDUCED-SPEC into a face spec.
+E.g., (button (:underline t :foreground red))
+-> `(button ((t (:underline ,t :foreground ,red))))."
+  (let* ((face (elt reduced-spec 0))
+         (properties (elt reduced-spec 1))
+         (spec (autothemer--demote-heads `(list (t ,properties)))))
+    `(list ',face ,spec)))
+(defun autothemer--demote-heads (expr)
+  "Demote every list head within EXPR by one element.
+E.g., (a (b c d) e (f g)) -> (list a (list b c d) e (list f g))."
+  (mapcar (lambda (it) (if (and (listp it) (not (eq (car it) 'quote)))
+                           `(list ,@(autothemer--demote-heads it)) it))
+          expr))
+(defmacro autothemer-defautotheme (name description colors reduced-specs &rest 
+  "Define a theme NAME with description DESCRIPTION.
+A set of color definitions COLORS can be used as let-like
+bindings within both the REDUCED-SPECS and the arbitrary BODY.
+As an example, the following snippet defines a theme named
+useless-theme that customizes the faces button and error
+and prints the color value #550000.
+(autothemer-defautotheme useless-theme \"This is a truly useless theme.\"
+                         ((red \"#550000\") (orange \"DarkGoldenrod4\"))
+                         ((error (:underline t :foreground red :weight 
+                          (button (:box nil :background orange)))
+                         (print red))"
+  (let ((temp-defined-colors (make-symbol "defined-colors"))
+        (temp-color-structs (make-symbol "color-structs")))
+    `(let* (,@colors)
+       (deftheme ,name ,description)
+       (setq ,temp-defined-colors
+             (list ,@(--map (list 'list `',(car it) (car it)) colors)))
+       (setq ,temp-color-structs
+             (cl-loop for (colorname color) in ,temp-defined-colors
+                      collect (make-autothemer--color :name colorname
+                                                      :value color)))
+       (setq autothemer--current-theme
+             (make-autothemer--theme
+              :colors ,temp-color-structs
+              :defined-faces (list ,@(--map `',(car it) reduced-specs))))
+       ,@body
+       (custom-theme-set-faces ',name
+                               ,@(-map 'autothemer--reduced-spec-to-facespec 
+(defun autothemer--color-distance (color autothemer-color)
+  "Return the distance in rgb space between COLOR and AUTOTHEMER-COLOR.
+Here, COLOR is an Emacs color specification and AUTOTHEMER-COLOR is of
+type `autothemer--color'."
+  (let ((rgb-1 (color-values color))
+        (rgb-2 (color-values (autothemer--color-value autothemer-color))))
+    (-sum (--zip-with (abs (- it other)) rgb-1 rgb-2))))
+(defun autothemer--find-closest-color (colors color)
+  "Return the element of COLORS that is closest in rgb space to COLOR.
+Here, COLOR is an Emacs color specification and COLORS is a list
+of `autothemer--color' structs."
+  (let ((mindistance 0)
+        (closest-color nil))
+    (mapc (lambda (candidate)
+            (let ((distance (autothemer--color-distance color candidate)))
+              (if (or (not closest-color) (< distance mindistance))
+                  (setq closest-color candidate
+                        mindistance distance))))
+          colors)
+    closest-color))
+(defun autothemer--unthemed-faces ()
+  "Find uncustomized faces.
+Iterate through all currently defined faces and return those that
+were left uncustomized by the most recent call to
+  (let ((all-faces (face-list))
+        (themed-faces (autothemer--theme-defined-faces 
+    (--filter (not (-contains? themed-faces it)) all-faces)))
+(defun autothemer--face-to-alist (face)
+  "Return the attribute alist for FACE in frame (selected-frame)."
+  (face-all-attributes face (selected-frame)))
+(defun autothemer--cons-to-tree (the-cons)
+  "Turn THE-CONS into a list, unless its cdr is `unspecified'."
+  (let ((property-name (car the-cons))
+        (property-value (cdr the-cons))
+        (result))
+    (unless (eq property-value 'unspecified)
+      (setq result (list property-name property-value)))
+    result))
+(defun autothemer--alist-to-reduced-spec (facename alist)
+  "Generate a reduced-spec for FACENAME, based on the face attribute ALIST."
+  (list facename
+        (--reduce-from (append acc it) nil
+                       (mapcar 'autothemer--cons-to-tree
+                               alist))))
+(defun autothemer--transform-reduced-spec (reduced-spec theme)
+  "Replace colors in REDUCED-SPEC by their closest approximations in THEME.
+Replace every expression in REDUCED-SPEC that passes
+`color-defined-p' by the closest approximation found in
+`autothemer--current-theme'.  Also quote all face names and
+unbound symbols, such as `normal' or `demibold'."
+  (let ((colors (autothemer--theme-colors theme))
+        (face (car reduced-spec))
+        (spec (cdr reduced-spec)))
+    `(,face ,@(--tree-map (cond ((color-defined-p it)
+                                 (autothemer--color-name
+                                  (autothemer--find-closest-color colors it)))
+                                ((stringp it) it)
+                                ((numberp it) it)
+                                ((facep it) `(quote ,it))
+                                ((not (boundp it)) `(quote ,it))
+                                (t it))
+                          spec))))
+(defun autothemer-generate-templates ()
+  "Autogenerate customizations for all unthemed faces.
+Iterate through all currently defined faces, select those that
+have been left uncustomized by the most recent call to
+`autothemer-defautotheme' and generate customizations that best
+approximate the faces' current definitions using the color
+palette used in the most recent invocation of
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((missing-faces (autothemer--unthemed-faces))
+         (templates (--map (autothemer--transform-reduced-spec
+                            (autothemer--alist-to-reduced-spec
+                             it (autothemer--face-to-alist it))
+                            autothemer--current-theme)
+                           missing-faces))
+         (buffer (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name "*Autothemer: 
unthemed faces*"))))
+    (with-current-buffer buffer (emacs-lisp-mode) (insert (pp templates)))
+    (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
+;; (macroexpand '(autothemer-defautotheme
+;;                sometheme "somethemename"
+;;                ((red "#880011")
+;;                 (orange "DarkGoldenrod4")
+;;                 (blue "#001199"))
+;;                ((flycheck-error (:underline t :foreground red :weight 
+;;                 (button (:box nil :background blue))
+;;                 ;; etc.
+;;                 )
+;;                ;; execute code that uses red, orange, blue
+;;                ))
+(provide 'autothemer)
+;;; autothemer.el ends here

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