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[elpa] externals/bluetooth 0627cceab3 08/32: clean up the info view code

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: [elpa] externals/bluetooth 0627cceab3 08/32: clean up the info view code and add an adapter info view
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 15:11:06 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/bluetooth
commit 0627cceab37dbb6478634c15e39f43beae3c7a12
Author: Raffael Stocker <r.stocker@mnet-mail.de>
Commit: Raffael Stocker <r.stocker@mnet-mail.de>

    clean up the info view code and add an adapter info view
    * bluetooth.el (bluetooth--ins-heading): new function
    (bluetooth--ins-line): new function
    (bluetooth--ins-attr): new function
    (bluetooth--ins-classes): new function
    (bluetooth--ins-services): new function
    (bluetooth--ins-rf-info): new function
    (bluetooth--ins-mfc-info): new function
    (bluetooth-show-adapter-info): new command
 bluetooth.el | 174 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bluetooth.el b/bluetooth.el
index cdd58af108..2c57e48a50 100644
--- a/bluetooth.el
+++ b/bluetooth.el
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ This is usually `:system' if bluetoothd runs as a system 
service, or
 (defconst bluetooth-buffer-name "*Bluetooth*"
   "Name of the buffer in which to list bluetooth devices.")
+(defconst bluetooth-info-buffer-name "*Bluetooth info*"
+  "Name of the bluetooth info buffer.")
 (defconst bluetooth--mode-name "Bluetooth" "Pretty print mode name.")
 (defvar bluetooth--mode-info
@@ -273,6 +276,7 @@ profiles."
        (define-key map [?D] #'bluetooth-toggle-discoverable)
        (define-key map [?x] #'bluetooth-toggle-pairable)
        (define-key map [?i] #'bluetooth-show-device-info)
+       (define-key map [?A] #'bluetooth-show-adapter-info)
        (define-key map [?k] #'bluetooth-remove-device)
        (define-key map [?<] #'bluetooth-beginning-of-list)
        (define-key map [?>] #'bluetooth-end-of-list)
@@ -297,6 +301,9 @@ profiles."
        (define-key map [menu-bar bluetooth toggle-powered]
          '(menu-item "Toggle powered" bluetooth-toggle-powered
                                  :help "Toggle power supply of adapter"))
+       (define-key map [menu-bar bluetooth show-adapter-info]
+         '(menu-item "Show adapter info" bluetooth-show-adapter-info
+                                 :help "Show bluetooth adapter info"))
        (define-key map [menu-bar bluetooth device show-info]
          '(menu-item "Show device info" bluetooth-show-device-info
@@ -4106,73 +4113,114 @@ scanning the bus, displaying device info etc."
   "Bluetooth manufacturer IDs.")
-;;;; device info display
+;;;; device and adapter info display
+(defun bluetooth--ins-heading (heading)
+  "Insert HEADING in info view."
+  (insert (propertize heading 'face
+                                         'bluetooth-info-heading)))
+(defun bluetooth--ins-line (attr text)
+  "Insert attribute ATTR and corresponding TEXT in info view."
+  (insert (propertize (format "%21s" attr)
+                                         'face
+                                         'bluetooth-info-attribute)
+                 ": " text "\n"))
+(defun bluetooth--ins-attr (props attr)
+  "Insert information on attribute ATTR in properties alist PROPS."
+  (let ((value (cl-rest (assoc attr props))))
+       (bluetooth--ins-line attr
+                                                (cond ((stringp value) value)
+                                                          ((numberp value)
(number-to-string value))
+                                                          ((consp value)
+                                                               (mapconcat 
#'identity value ", "))
+                                                          ((null value) "no")
+                                                          (t "yes")))))
+(defun bluetooth--ins-classes (props)
+  "Insert device classes from properties alist PROPS."
+  (when-let (class (cl-rest (assoc "Class" props)))
+       (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
+         (bluetooth--ins-heading "\nService and device classes\n")
+         (--map (cl-destructuring-bind (type value) it
+                          (if (listp value)
+                                  (bluetooth--ins-line type
(mapconcat #'identity
                   ", "))
+                                (bluetooth--ins-line type value)))
+                        p-class))))
+(defun bluetooth--ins-services (props)
+  "Insert device services from properties alist PROPS."
+  (when (cl-rest (assoc "UUIDs" props))
+       (bluetooth--ins-heading "\nServices (UUIDs)\n")
+       (mapc (lambda (id-pair)
+                       (--zip-with (insert (format it other))
+                                               '("%36s  " "%s " "(%s)")
+                                               (cl-second id-pair))
+                       (insert "\n"))
+                 (bluetooth--device-uuids props))))
+(defun bluetooth--ins-rf-info (props)
+  "Insert rf information from properties alist PROPS."
+  (let* ((rssi (cl-rest (assoc "RSSI" props)))
+                (tx-power (cl-rest (assoc "TxPower" props)))
+                (loss (when (and rssi tx-power) (- tx-power rssi))))
+       (--zip-with (when other
+                                 (bluetooth--ins-line (cl-first it)
(format (cl-second it) other)))
+                               '(("RSSI" "%4d dBm") ("Tx Power" "%4d dBm")
+                                 ("Path loss" "%4d dB"))
+                               (list rssi tx-power loss))))
+(defun bluetooth--ins-mfc-info (props)
+  "Insert manufacturer information from properties alist PROPS."
+  (when-let (mf-info (cl-second (assoc "ManufacturerData" props)))
+       (bluetooth--ins-line "Manufacturer"
+                                                (or (gethash (cl-first mf-info)
+                                                        "unknown"))))
 (defun bluetooth-show-device-info ()
   "Show detailed information on the device at point."
-  (cl-labels ((ins-heading (text)
-                                                  (insert (propertize text 
-                         (ins-line (attr text)
-                                               (insert (propertize (format 
"%15s" attr)
-                                               (insert ": " text "\n"))
-                         (ins-attr (dev-id attr)
-                                               (when-let (value 
(bluetooth--device-property dev-id
-                                                 (ins-line attr value))))
-       (let ((dev-id (gethash (tabulated-list-get-id)
-                                                  bluetooth--device-info)))
-         (when dev-id
-               (with-current-buffer-window
-                       "*Bluetooth device info*" nil nil
-                 (ins-heading "Bluetooth device info\n\n")
-                 (ins-attr dev-id "Alias")
-                 (ins-attr dev-id "Address")
-                 (ins-attr dev-id "AddressType")
-                 (let ((rssi (bluetooth--device-property dev-id "RSSI"))
-                               (tx-power (bluetooth--device-property dev-id 
-                       (when rssi
-                         (ins-line "RSSI" (format "%4d dBm" rssi)))
-                       (when tx-power
-                         (ins-line "Tx Power" (format "%4d dBm" tx-power)))
-                       (when (and rssi tx-power)
-                         (ins-line "Path loss" (format "%4d dB" (- tx-power 
-                 (when-let (mf-info (car (bluetooth--device-property dev-id
-                       (ins-line "Manufacturer" (or (gethash (car mf-info)
-                 (when-let (class (bluetooth--device-property dev-id "Class"))
-                       (let ((p-class (bluetooth--parse-class class)))
-                         (ins-heading "\nService and device classes\n")
-                         (dolist (x p-class)
-                               (insert (propertize
-                                                (format "%s:\n"  (car x))
-                                                'face 
-                               (let ((services (cadr x)))
-                                 (if (listp services)
-                                         (dolist (elt services)
-                                               (insert (format "%16s %s\n" "" 
-                                       (insert (format "%16s %s\n" "" 
-                 (when (bluetooth--device-property dev-id "UUIDs")
-                       (ins-heading "\nServices (UUIDs)\n")
-                       (mapc (lambda (id-pair)
-                                       (let ((desc (cl-second id-pair)))
-                                         (let ((service (cl-first desc))
-                                                       (long-desc (cl-second 
-                                                       (short-desc (cl-third 
-                                               (when service
-                                                 (insert (format "%36s  " 
-                                               (when long-desc
-                                                 (insert (format "%s " 
-                                               (when short-desc
-                                                 (insert (format "(%s)" 
-                                               (insert "\n"))))
-                                 (bluetooth--device-uuids 
(bluetooth-device-properties dev-id))))
-                 (special-mode))))))
+  (when-let (dev-id (gethash (tabulated-list-get-id)
+       (with-current-buffer-window bluetooth-info-buffer-name nil nil
+         (let ((props (bluetooth-device-properties dev-id)))
+               (bluetooth--ins-heading "Bluetooth device info\n\n")
+               (--map (bluetooth--ins-attr props it)
+                          '("Alias" "Address" "AddressType" "Paired" "Trusted"
+                                "Blocked" "LegacyPairing" "Connected" 
+                                "ServicesResolved" "WakeAllowed" "Adapter"))
+               (funcall (-juxt #'bluetooth--ins-rf-info
+                                               #'bluetooth--ins-mfc-info
+                                               #'bluetooth--ins-classes
+                                               #'bluetooth--ins-services)
+                                props)
+               (special-mode)))))
+;; TODO extend this to multiple adapters
+(defun bluetooth-show-adapter-info ()
+  "Show detailed information on the (first) bluetooth adapter."
+  (interactive)
+  (-let (((adapter props) (bluetooth--adapter-properties)))
+       (with-current-buffer-window bluetooth-info-buffer-name nil nil
+         (bluetooth--ins-heading "Bluetooth adapter info\n\n")
+         (--map (bluetooth--ins-attr props it)
+                        '("Alias" "Address" "AddressType" "Powered" 
+                          "DiscoverableTimeout" "Pairable" "PairableTimeout"
+                          "Discovering" "Roles" "Modalias"))
+         (bluetooth--ins-line "Adapter" (concat bluetooth--root "/"
+         (funcall (-juxt #'bluetooth--ins-mfc-info
+                                         #'bluetooth--ins-classes
+                                         #'bluetooth--ins-services)
+                          props)
+         (special-mode))))
 (provide 'bluetooth)

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