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[nongnu] elpa/gruvbox-theme 372451c92e 053/258: Merge pull request #11 f

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/gruvbox-theme 372451c92e 053/258: Merge pull request #11 from emacsfodder/add-js2mode-support
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2022 01:59:28 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/gruvbox-theme
commit 372451c92ea2ab8cf13679a7a936bd43bf18bc9f
Merge: 7add3befbf ca7f47d044
Author: Eduán <eduan@websharks-inc.com>
Commit: Eduán <eduan@websharks-inc.com>

    Merge pull request #11 from emacsfodder/add-js2mode-support
    Add js2 mode support (and align face definition attributes)
 gruvbox-theme.el | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gruvbox-theme.el b/gruvbox-theme.el
index 013906f9c7..480d9a74b5 100644
--- a/gruvbox-theme.el
+++ b/gruvbox-theme.el
@@ -89,38 +89,38 @@
     ;; UI
-    `(default ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground ,gruvbox-light0))))
-    `(cursor ((t (:background ,gruvbox-light0))))
-    `(mode-line ((t (:box nil :background ,gruvbox-dark4 :foreground 
-    `(mode-line-inactive ((t (:box nil :background ,gruvbox-dark2 :foreground 
-    `(fringe ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0))))
-    `(linum ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
-    `(hl-line ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1))))
-    `(region ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark2)))) ;;selection
-    `(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
,gruvbox-neutral_green :bold t))))
+    `(default                           ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-light0))))
+    `(cursor                            ((t (:background ,gruvbox-light0))))
+    `(mode-line                         ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark4 :foreground ,gruvbox-dark0))))
+    `(mode-line-inactive                ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark2 :foreground ,gruvbox-light4))))
+    `(fringe                            ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0))))
+    `(linum                             ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(hl-line                           ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1))))
+    `(region                            ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark2)))) 
+    `(minibuffer-prompt                 ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_green :bold t))))
     ;; Built-in syntax
-    `(font-lock-builtin-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_orange))))
-    `(font-lock-constant-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_purple))))
-    `(font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
-    `(font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_green))))
-    `(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red))))
-    `(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_green))))
-    `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_blue))))
-    `(font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_purple))))
-    `(font-lock-warning-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red :bold t))))
+    `(font-lock-builtin-face            ((t (:foreground 
+    `(font-lock-constant-face           ((t (:foreground 
+    `(font-lock-comment-face            ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(font-lock-function-name-face      ((t (:foreground 
+    `(font-lock-keyword-face            ((t (:foreground 
+    `(font-lock-string-face             ((t (:foreground 
+    `(font-lock-variable-name-face      ((t (:foreground 
+    `(font-lock-type-face               ((t (:foreground 
+    `(font-lock-warning-face            ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red 
:bold t))))
     ;; whitespace-mode
-    `(whitespace-space ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-hspace ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-tab ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-newline ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-trailing ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-line ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-space-before-tab ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-indentation ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
-    `(whitespace-empty ((t (:background nil :foreground nil))))
-    `(whitespace-space-after-tab ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 :foreground 
+    `(whitespace-space                  ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(whitespace-hspace                 ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(whitespace-tab                    ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(whitespace-newline                ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(whitespace-trailing               ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1 
:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red))))
+    `(whitespace-line                   ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1 
:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red))))
+    `(whitespace-space-before-tab       ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(whitespace-indentation            ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
+    `(whitespace-empty                  ((t (:background nil :foreground 
+    `(whitespace-space-after-tab        ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0 
:foreground ,gruvbox-dark4))))
     ;; RainbowDelimiters
     `(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face   ((t (:foreground 
@@ -138,44 +138,58 @@
     `(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((t (:background nil :foreground 
     ;; linum-relative
-    `(linum-relative-current-face ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1 :foreground 
+    `(linum-relative-current-face       ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark1 
:foreground ,gruvbox-light4))))
     ;; Smartparens
-    `(sp-pair-overlay-face ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark2))))
-    ;`(sp-wrap-overlay-face ((t (:inherit sp-wrap-overlay-face))))
-    ;`(sp-wrap-tag-overlay-face ((t (:inherit sp-wrap-overlay-face))))
-    `(sp-show-pair-match-face ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark2)))) ;; Pair tags 
-    `(sp-show-pair-mismatch-face ((t (:background ,gruvbox-neutral_red)))) ;; 
Highlight for bracket without pair
+    `(sp-pair-overlay-face              ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark2))))
+    ;`(sp-wrap-overlay-face             ((t (:inherit sp-wrap-overlay-face))))
+    ;`(sp-wrap-tag-overlay-face         ((t (:inherit sp-wrap-overlay-face))))
+    `(sp-show-pair-match-face           ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark2)))) ;; 
Pair tags highlight
+    `(sp-show-pair-mismatch-face        ((t (:background 
,gruvbox-neutral_red)))) ;; Highlight for bracket without pair
     ;; elscreen
-    `(elscreen-tab-background-face ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark0)))) ;; Tab bar, not the tabs
-    `(elscreen-tab-control-face ((t (:box nil :background ,gruvbox-dark2 
:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red :underline nil)))) ;; The controls
-    `(elscreen-tab-current-screen-face ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark4 :foreground ,gruvbox-dark0)))) ;; Current tab
-    `(elscreen-tab-other-screen-face ((t (:box nil :background ,gruvbox-dark2 
:foreground ,gruvbox-light4 :underline nil)))) ;; Inactive tab
+    `(elscreen-tab-background-face      ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark0)))) ;; Tab bar, not the tabs
+    `(elscreen-tab-control-face         ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark2 :foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red :underline nil)))) ;; The 
+    `(elscreen-tab-current-screen-face  ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark4 :foreground ,gruvbox-dark0)))) ;; Current tab
+    `(elscreen-tab-other-screen-face    ((t (:box nil :background 
,gruvbox-dark2 :foreground ,gruvbox-light4 :underline nil)))) ;; Inactive tab
     ;; ag (The Silver Searcher)
-    `(ag-hit-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_blue))))
-    `(ag-match-face ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red))))
+    `(ag-hit-face                       ((t (:foreground 
+    `(ag-match-face                     ((t (:foreground 
     ;; Diffs
-    `(diff-changed ((t (:background nil :foreground ,gruvbox-light1))))
-    `(diff-added ((t (:background nil :foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_green))))
-    `(diff-removed ((t (:background nil :foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red))))
-    `(diff-indicator-changed ((t (:inherit diff-changed))))
-    `(diff-indicator-added ((t (:inherit diff-added))))
-    `(diff-indicator-removed ((t (:inherit diff-removed))))
+    `(diff-changed                      ((t (:background nil :foreground 
+    `(diff-added                        ((t (:background nil :foreground 
+    `(diff-removed                      ((t (:background nil :foreground 
+    `(diff-indicator-changed            ((t (:inherit diff-changed))))
+    `(diff-indicator-added              ((t (:inherit diff-added))))
+    `(diff-indicator-removed            ((t (:inherit diff-removed))))
+    `(js2-warning                       ((t (:underline (:color 
,gruvbox-bright_yellow :style wave)))))
+    `(js2-error                         ((t (:underline (:color 
,gruvbox-bright_red :style wave)))))
+    `(js2-external-variable             ((t (:underline (:color 
,gruvbox-bright_aqua :style wave)))))
+    `(js2-jsdoc-tag                     ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-medium ))))
+    `(js2-jsdoc-type                    ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-light4 ))))
+    `(js2-jsdoc-value                   ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-light3 ))))
+    `(js2-function-param                ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-bright_aqua ))))
+    `(js2-function-call                 ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-bright_blue ))))
+    `(js2-instance-member               ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-bright_orange ))))
+    `(js2-private-member                ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-faded_yellow ))))
+    `(js2-private-function-call         ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-faded_aqua ))))
+    `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name           ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-light4 ))))
+    `(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter      ((t (:background nil :foreground 
,gruvbox-light3 ))))
     ;; Term
-    `(term-color-black ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-dark1))))
-    `(term-color-blue ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_blue))))
-    `(term-color-cyan ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_aqua))))
-    `(term-color-green ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_green))))
-    `(term-color-magenta ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_purple))))
-    `(term-color-red ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_red))))
-    `(term-color-white ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-light1))))
-    `(term-color-yellow ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-neutral_yellow))))
-    `(term-default-fg-color ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-light0))))
-    `(term-default-bg-color ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0)))))
+    `(term-color-black                  ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-dark1))))
+    `(term-color-blue                   ((t (:foreground 
+    `(term-color-cyan                   ((t (:foreground 
+    `(term-color-green                  ((t (:foreground 
+    `(term-color-magenta                ((t (:foreground 
+    `(term-color-red                    ((t (:foreground 
+    `(term-color-white                  ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-light1))))
+    `(term-color-yellow                 ((t (:foreground 
+    `(term-default-fg-color             ((t (:foreground ,gruvbox-light0))))
+    `(term-default-bg-color             ((t (:background ,gruvbox-dark0)))))

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