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[nongnu] elpa/tuareg e98e55d 06/10: Add sample OCaml code to test highli

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/tuareg e98e55d 06/10: Add sample OCaml code to test highlighting
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:57:36 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/tuareg
commit e98e55debc047f04d7301bcb333a2341d18b96ab
Author: Christophe Troestler <Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be>
Commit: Christophe Troestler <Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be>

    Add sample OCaml code to test highlighting
 sample_highlight.ml | 313 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 313 insertions(+)

diff --git a/sample_highlight.ml b/sample_highlight.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3fd5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample_highlight.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+type 'a t = Int : int t | String : string t
+let trois : type a . a t -> a = f
+type a
+type 'a t
+type 'al t
+type 'al'l t
+type +'b u
+type ('a, 'b) t
+type (+'a, 'b) t
+type t =
+  | A
+type t +=
+   | A
+type t =
+  { first: A.t; (* and *)
+    second: B.t;
+    third: C.t }
+(* FAIL sprintf (but if one change the line it get well re-highlighted) *)
+(* Probably an effect of [let ...] *)
+let html_date_of_post p =
+  match p.date with
+  | None -> []
+  | Some d ->
+     let date =
+       let open Syndic.Date in
+       let open! Infix in
+       sprintf "%s %02d, %d" (string_of_month(month d)) (day d) (year d) in
+     [`Data date]
+let (x: t) = expr
+let (x:t) = expr
+let (x: t list) = exp
+let (x:t list) = 1
+let x : t = expr
+let x, (yyy: t) = 1
+let (x, y) = A.f ()
+let x, y = A.f ()
+let x, y, z = A.f ()
+let (x, y), z = A.f ()
+let (x: y :> u) = 1
+let x as y = 1
+let (x,y) as z = (1,2)
+let X x = A.f ()
+let X(x) = A.f ()
+let `X x = A.f ()
+let A.X x, A.Y (y:t) = f()
+let A.X x, (`Y y:t) = f()
+let X(x, y) = A.f ()
+let X (x, y) = A.f ()
+let A.X(x, y, z) = A.f ()
+let A.X x = A.f ()
+let x : ('a, 'b) t = A.f ()
+let x = (x : X.t)
+let x = (val X : X.t)
+let m = __MODULE__
+let typecheck ast = ast_starts_with_as
+let _ = (x :: not_a_type)
+let _ = (x : 'a t)
+let _ = (x :> t)
+let _ = (let x : t = 1 in x)   (* not a type *)
+let _ = (1 + let x : t = 1 in x)
+let _ = (1 + 1 : int)
+let _ = (z : Map.t)
+let _ = (z x : Map.t)
+let _ = (z x : _ Map.t)
+let _ = (z x : ('a, int) Map.t)
+let _ = {first = x; second = y; third = z}
+let () =
+  printf "(v:t) in strings (expected: %g" n; printf ")"
+let x = ref 1
+let f x = ignore(x+1)
+let f ref c = 1
+let f (x, (y, z)) = 1
+let (x, (y, z)) = 1
+let ((x, y): t) = 1
+let f () = 1
+let f (type t) x = 1
+let f (module M: T) = M.f
+let _ = f (module M)
+let x = A.b
+let z = (compare (x: int) (1 + y: int) : t)
+let f x = A.B.c
+let f x
+      y = 3
+let f = fun x -> 4
+let f = function x -> 1
+let f x y z : t = 2
+let f (x,y) z : t = 2
+let f (x: t) (y: ('a, (a, int)) t) = 2
+let f ~x y = 3
+let f ~x ?(y=2) = 3
+let f (X x) y = 1
+let f = fun (x: int) u (y,z) -> 4
+let f = fun (x: int) u
+            (y,z) -> 1
+let f (x: int) u
+      (y,z) = 1
+let f = fun ?(x=y-1) z -> 1
+let f = fun ?(x=true) z -> 1
+let f = fun ?(x=1=1) z -> "two type of '=' in option 'x'"
+let f x = fun u v (u,c) ?(u=v-1) ~(e: int) -> 1
+let f = fun x u->1
+let f u0 ~s:a s = "s: does not introduce a type"
+let f u0 ~s:(a,b) s = "s: does not introduce a type"
+let f x : ret = body
+let f (x) : ret = body
+let f ?x:(y = 1) ?(y = (x: t)) = body
+let f ?x:(y = 1) ?(y = (x: t)) : ret = body
+let f ?x:(y = expr + 1) (y: t) ~z:u : ret = body
+let f ?x:(y = (expr + 1)) (y: t) ?z:t : ret = body
+let x = call ~l:(fun x -> y = z)
+let f {first; second; third} = body
+let f ({first; second; third} as all) = body
+let f a {first; second; third} b = body
+let f a ({first; second; third} as all) b = body
+let f a ({first = x; second = y; third} as all) b = body
+let f a [x; y; z] u = body
+let f (type a) x (type b) y = body
+let f (A(x:t), B x, {z = s; p = Q e}) = body
+let f' u =
+  (* function *)
+  if u.low >= 0. then f'_pos u.low u.high
+let f' u =
+  (* fun *)
+  if u.low >= 0. then f'_pos u.low u.high
+let rec f (A(x:t), B x, {z = s; p = Q e}) = body
+(* Labels, type annotations, and operators *)
+let _ =
+  f ~foo:x;
+  (f ~foo:x);
+  (f ~foo:x y);
+  (grault ~garply:(x));
+  let x = 1 + 3 / 2 in
+  I.(1 +:2);
+  I.(1 +: 2);
+  K.(x |+ y ?: z);
+  (expr ~- expr : ty);
+  (expr ~label : ty)
+let andfoo = 1.
+let[@x] andfoo = 1.
+and+ andfoo = 2
+let valfoo = 1
+let x = 1 [@@@x rzfhjoi[x]]
+let x = 1 [@@x "payload"]
+let z = [%%foo let x = 2 in x + 1]
+let[@foo] x = 2 in x + 1
+let%m[@foo] x = 2 in x + 1
+let _ = begin[@foo][@bar x] ... end
+module[@foo] M = struct end
+type[@foo] t = T
+type%foo[@foo] nonrec t = t
+let x = first ;%x second
+let%xx x = 1
+let%xx f x = 1
+let%x f x = 1
+let%foo x = 2 in x + 1
+let x = begin%foo ... end
+val%foo f : t -> t
+val%foo[@bar] f : t -> t
+module%foo Mo = struct end
+module%foo type Mo = struct%loo[@bah] end
+[%%foo module M = struct end ]
+val%foo f : t -> t
+let f = fun%foo x -> x + 1
+let f = fun%foo[@bar] x -> x + 1
+let f = fun[@bar] x -> x + 1
+let f = function%foo[@bar] x -> x + 1
+let content = [%html{|<div id="content">some content</div>|}]
+let svgpath = [%svg{|<path d="M 0 1 L 1 0"></path>|}]
+let my_text =
+  [%html
+      {|This is an <b>HTML</b> formated <i>content</i>.|}]
+let my_span = Html.(span ~a:[a_class ["mytext"]] my_text)
+let%html content = {|<div id="content">some content</div>|}
+let my_head = [%html "<head>" my_title "</head>"]
+let x = `failwith  (* Constructor, not builtin *)
+let y = `Not_found (* Constructor, not builtin *)
+(* FIXME: not a type*)
+let _ = (Jacobi.jacobi n ~alpha:nu ~beta:nu x)**3.
+open A.B
+open! A.B
+module X = Y
+module rec X = struct end
+module rec A.B  (* path not allowed *)
+module type x   (* lowercase allowed! *)
+(* with type t open! mutable virtual *)
+module type X = Y with module Z = A
+module type X = Y with module Z.U = A
+                   and module A = B.C
+module type X = Y with type t = u
+                   and type u = l
+module A = B.C
+module A = B.C(String)
+module A = B.C(U(V).T)
+module A = B.C(U(V))
+module A : E = B.C(U(V))
+module A : B.C(String).T = A
+module F(A : Y) = T
+module F(A: X.Y) = T
+module F(A : X.t) = T
+module F(A : X(Y).T) = T
+module F(A : X(Y(Z)).T) = A
+module F(A : A1)(B:B1) = Z
+module F = functor (A: A1) -> functor(B:B1) -> A.B.f
+let module X = F(G) in ()
+include Make  (* make sure the coloring does not extend on spaces *)
+include Make(IO)
+include (Make(IO) : module type of Make(IO) with type t := t)
+include Make(IO).T  (* in a module sig *)
+module Make_client
+         (IO:S.IO with type 'a t = 'a Lwt.t)
+         (Request:Request with module IO = IO)
+         (Response:Response with module IO = IO)
+         (Net:Net with module IO = IO) = struct end
+class printable_point x_init =
+object (s)
+  val mutable x = x_init
+  method get_x = x
+  method move d = x <- x + d
+  method print = print_int s#get_x
+class virtual abstract_point x_init =
+        object (self)
+          method virtual get_x : int
+          method get_offset = self#get_x - x_init
+          method! virtual move : int -> unit
+          method private virtual x = body
+          method virtual private y = body
+        end;;
+class ['a] re x_init = object
+  val mutable x = (x_init : 'a)
+  method get = x
+  method set y = x <- y
+class type c2 = object ('a) method m : 'a end;;
+class type c2 = object (_) method m : 'a end;;
+class type virtual c2 = object ('a) method m : 'a end;;
+class xx x y z = object
+  method x yellow
+           zero = 1
+  method virtual x ?(y=1) t = 1
+  method virtual private x (y:t) z = 1
+  method private x y z = body
+  method private x y z : t = body
+  method private virtual x y z
+  method x private x = 1
+val x
+val! x
+val mutable x
+val mutable virtual x
+val virtual x
+val virtual mutable x
+val mutable
+val f : int -> 'a t
+class virtual x = object
+          method virtual x : int -> float
+        end;;
+class x = object
+  method virtual x : int -> float
+class ['a] x ~ne (z: y) = object
+  method virtual x : int -> float
+object(self) end;;
+object (self) end;;
+object(self : ('a) t) end;;
+object (self : ('a, 'b) t) end;;
+external f
+let x = if x then y else z
+exception E of string
+let _ = failwithf {| message |}
+let z = .< x + 1 .>
+module type T = sig
+  val f : t -> t -> t
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* End: *)
+(* tuareg-support-metaocaml: t *)

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