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[elpa] externals/eev 1b90845: Added `(find-lexical-intro)' and `ee-eval-

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/eev 1b90845: Added `(find-lexical-intro)' and `ee-eval-last-sexp-11'.
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2021 01:57:09 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/eev
commit 1b908454516a9b475412b56058dfe9d86e2f7e4f
Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
Commit: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>

    Added `(find-lexical-intro)' and `ee-eval-last-sexp-11'.
 ChangeLog    |  10 +++
 VERSION      |   4 +-
 eev-eval.el  | 216 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 eev-intro.el | 209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 4 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 627b0ad..9b6e4ab 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
+2021-08-13  Eduardo Ochs  <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
+       * eev-intro.el (find-lexical-intro): new function.
+       * eev-eval.el (ee-eval-lexical): new function.
+       (ee-eval-last-sexp-11): new function.
 2021-08-11  Eduardo Ochs  <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
+       * eev-eval.el (ee-eval-last-sexp): rewrote completely.
+       (ee-eval-last-sexp-9): commented out.
        * eev-prepared.el (octal-to-num): renamed to `ee-octal-to-num'.
        * eepitch.el (at-eepitch-target): deleted. It was a copy of
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 64fed88..c845d25 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Wed Aug 11 10:44:32 GMT 2021
-Wed Aug 11 07:44:32 -03 2021
+Fri Aug 13 05:54:51 GMT 2021
+Fri Aug 13 02:54:51 -03 2021
diff --git a/eev-eval.el b/eev-eval.el
index ee997f1..9f86aab 100644
--- a/eev-eval.el
+++ b/eev-eval.el
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ;; Author:     Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
 ;; Maintainer: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-;; Version:    20201130
+;; Version:    20210813
 ;; Keywords:   e-scripts
 ;; Latest version: <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/eev-eval.el>
@@ -40,24 +40,33 @@
 ;;   (find-eev-quick-intro "2. Evaluating Lisp" "When you type `M-e'")
 ;;   (find-eev-quick-intro "2. Evaluating Lisp" "numeric prefixes")
 ;;   (find-eev-quick-intro "2. Evaluating Lisp" "`M-0 M-e'")
+;;   (find-eval-intro "`M-E' (meta-shift-e)")
 ;; Note that `M-2 M-e' and `M-3 M-e' only make sense when the sexp is
 ;; a hyperlink.
+;; Index:
+;; «.tools»                    (to "tools")
+;; «.arg-variants»             (to "arg-variants")
+;; «.ee-eval-last-sexp»                (to "ee-eval-last-sexp")
+;; «.two-old-definitions»      (to "two-old-definitions")
 (require 'eev-flash)           ; (find-eev "eev-flash.el")
 (require 'eev-multiwindow)     ; (find-eev "eev-multiwindow.el")
-;;;                  _                                            _ 
-;;;   _____   ____ _| |      ___  _____  ___ __         ___  ___ | |
-;;;  / _ \ \ / / _` | |_____/ __|/ _ \ \/ / '_ \ _____ / _ \/ _ \| |
-;;; |  __/\ V / (_| | |_____\__ \  __/>  <| |_) |_____|  __/ (_) | |
-;;;  \___| \_/ \__,_|_|     |___/\___/_/\_\ .__/       \___|\___/|_|
-;;;                                       |_|                       
-;;; Evaluating sexps (alternatives to eval-last-sexp)
+;;;  _____           _     
+;;; |_   _|__   ___ | |___ 
+;;;   | |/ _ \ / _ \| / __|
+;;;   | | (_) | (_) | \__ \
+;;;   |_|\___/ \___/|_|___/
+;; «tools»  (to ".tools")
+;; Move backward and forward by sexps, get sexp, eval in special ways.
 ;; See (find-efunction 'eval-last-sexp-1)
 (defun ee-backward-sexp ()
@@ -89,11 +98,36 @@ This is an internal function used by `ee-eval-last-sexp'."
 (defmacro ee-no-debug (&rest body)
   `(let ((debug-on-error nil)) ,@body))
-;; `ee-eval' is also defined elsewhere:
+;; `ee-eval' is also defined in this other file:
 ;;   (find-eevfile "eepitch.el" "defun ee-eval")
 ;;   (defun ee-eval (sexp) (let ((debug-on-error nil)) (eval sexp)))
+(defun ee-eval (sexp)
+  "Eval SEXP with `debug-on-error' turned off."
+  (ee-no-debug (eval sexp)))
+(defun ee-eval-lexical (sexp)
+  "Like `ee-eval', but uses lexical binding."
+  (ee-no-debug (eval sexp 'lexical)))
-(defun ee-eval (sexp) (ee-no-debug (eval sexp)))
+;;;                                    _             _       
+;;;   __ _ _ __ __ _  __   ____ _ _ __(_) __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ 
+;;;  / _` | '__/ _` | \ \ / / _` | '__| |/ _` | '_ \| __/ __|
+;;; | (_| | | | (_| |  \ V / (_| | |  | | (_| | | | | |_\__ \
+;;;  \__,_|_|  \__, |   \_/ \__,_|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__|___/
+;;;            |___/                                         
+;; «arg-variants»  (to ".arg-variants")
+;; The variants that are executed when we run `M-0 M-e', `M-1 M-e',
+;; etc instead of just `M-e'. To implement a variant for, for example,
+;; `M-4 M-2 M-e' you just need to define `ee-eval-last-sexp-42'.
+(defun ee-eval-last-sexp-default (&optional arg)
+  "Evaluate the sexp before point and show the result in the echo area."
+  (prin1 (ee-eval (read (ee-last-sexp)))))
 (defun ee-eval-last-sexp-0 ()
   "Highlight the sexp before point."
@@ -133,47 +167,123 @@ This is an internal function used by 
   "Evaluate the sexp before point and pretty-print its result in other buffer."
   (find-epp (ee-eval (read (ee-last-sexp)))))
-(defun ee-eval-last-sexp-9 ()
-  "A hack for testing `call-interactively'"
-  (let ((interactive-clause (read (ee-last-sexp))))
-    (let ((debug-on-error nil))
-      (call-interactively
-       `(lambda (&rest args) ,interactive-clause
-         (message "%S" args))))))
+(defun ee-eval-last-sexp-11 ()
+  "Like `ee-eval-last-sexp-default', but uses lexical binding."
+  (prin1 (ee-eval-lexical (read (ee-last-sexp)))))
+;; ;; The old definition for `ee-eval-last-sexp-default',
+;; ;; that contained an undocumented hack:
+;; ;;
+;; (defun ee-eval-last-sexp-default (&optional arg)
+;;   "Evaluate the sexp before point and show the result in the echo area."
+;;   (prin1 (let ((ee-arg arg)) (ee-eval (read (ee-last-sexp))))))
+;; ;; This was hard to explain and to use...
+;; ;;
+;; (defun ee-eval-last-sexp-9 ()
+;;   "A hack for testing `call-interactively'."
+;;   (let ((interactive-clause (read (ee-last-sexp))))
+;;     (let ((debug-on-error nil))
+;;       (call-interactively
+;;        `(lambda (&rest args) ,interactive-clause
+;;       (message "%S" args))))))
-(defun ee-eval-last-sexp (&optional arg)
-  "By default, evaluate sexp before point, and print value in minibuffer.
-This is eev's variant of `eval-last-sexp', and it can behave in
+;;;  __  __            
+;;; |  \/  |       ___ 
+;;; | |\/| |_____ / _ \
+;;; | |  | |_____|  __/
+;;; |_|  |_|      \___|
+;; «ee-eval-last-sexp»  (to ".ee-eval-last-sexp")
+;; See: (find-emacs-keys-intro "1. Basic keys (eev)")
+;;      (find-emacs-keys-intro "1. Basic keys (eev)" "M-e")
+(defun ee-eval-sexp-eol (&optional arg)
+"Go to the end of line, then run `ee-eval-last-sexp'.
+By default, evaluate sexp before eol, and print value in minibuffer.
+This is eev's variant of `C-e C-x C-e', and it can behave in
 several different ways depending on the prefix argument ARG.
 See: (find-eev-quick-intro \"`M-0 M-e'\")
 If ARG is:
-  nil:  evaluate the sexp with `debug-on-error' turned off
+  nil:  evaluate the sexp (with `debug-on-error' turned off)
     0:  highlight the sexp temporarily
     1:  show the sexp as a string
-    2:  show the target of the sexp in another window
-    3:  same, but also switch to the new window
+    2:  eval and show the target of the sexp in another window
+    3:  same as 2, but also switch to the new window
     4:  evaluate the sexp in debug mode
     5:  run the sexp with `debug-on-error' turned on
-    7:  this is equivalent to `M-e <down>'
+    7:  evaluate then move down
     8:  eval then pretty-print the result in another buffer
-    9:  a hack for testing `call-interactively'
-other: set EE-ARG to ARG and eval (ee-last-sexp)."
+   11:  like nil, but using lexical binding.
+The listing above shows the default behaviors. To add a special
+behavior for, say, ARG=42, define a function
   (interactive "P")
-  (cond ((eq arg 0) (ee-eval-last-sexp-0))
-       ((eq arg 1) (ee-eval-last-sexp-1))
-       ((eq arg 2) (ee-eval-last-sexp-2))
-       ((eq arg 3) (ee-eval-last-sexp-3))
-       ((eq arg 4) (ee-eval-last-sexp-4))
-       ((eq arg 5) (ee-eval-last-sexp-5))
-       ((eq arg 7) (ee-eval-last-sexp-7))
-       ((eq arg 8) (ee-eval-last-sexp-8))
-       ((eq arg 9) (ee-eval-last-sexp-9))
-       (t (prin1 (let ((ee-arg arg))
-                   (ee-eval (read (ee-last-sexp))))))))
-;; (defun ee-eval-last-sexp (&optional arg)
+  (end-of-line)
+  (ee-eval-last-sexp arg))
+;; See: (find-eval-intro "`M-E' (meta-shift-e)")
+(defun ee-eval-last-sexp (&optional arg)
+  "By default, evaluate sexp before point, and show the result.
+This is eev's variant of `eval-last-sexp', and it can behave in
+several different ways depending on the prefix argument ARG.
+See `ee-eval-sexp-eol'."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (null arg)
+      (ee-eval-last-sexp-default)
+    (if (fboundp (intern (format "ee-eval-last-sexp-%d" arg)))
+       (funcall (intern (format "ee-eval-last-sexp-%d" arg)))
+      (ee-eval-last-sexp-default arg))))
+;; «two-old-definitions»  (to ".two-old-definitions")
+;; Two old definitions for `ee-eval-last-sexp'.
+;; I'm keeping them here in comments because they are nice to discuss
+;; in workshops (when we have time to discuss basic elisp).
+;; (defun ee-eval-last-sexp-OLD (&optional arg)
+;;   "By default, evaluate sexp before point, and print value in minibuffer.
+;; This is eev's variant of `eval-last-sexp', and it can behave in
+;; several different ways depending on the prefix argument ARG.
+;; See: (find-eev-quick-intro \"`M-0 M-e'\")
+;; If ARG is:
+;;   nil:  evaluate the sexp with `debug-on-error' turned off
+;;     0:  highlight the sexp temporarily
+;;     1:  show the sexp as a string
+;;     2:  show the target of the sexp in another window
+;;     3:  same, but also switch to the new window
+;;     4:  evaluate the sexp in debug mode
+;;     5:  run the sexp with `debug-on-error' turned on
+;;     7:  this is equivalent to `M-e <down>'
+;;     8:  eval then pretty-print the result in another buffer
+;;     9:  a hack for testing `call-interactively'
+;; other: set EE-ARG to ARG and eval (ee-last-sexp)."
+;;   (interactive "P")
+;;   (cond ((eq arg 0) (ee-eval-last-sexp-0))
+;;         ((eq arg 1) (ee-eval-last-sexp-1))
+;;         ((eq arg 2) (ee-eval-last-sexp-2))
+;;         ((eq arg 3) (ee-eval-last-sexp-3))
+;;         ((eq arg 4) (ee-eval-last-sexp-4))
+;;         ((eq arg 5) (ee-eval-last-sexp-5))
+;;         ((eq arg 7) (ee-eval-last-sexp-7))
+;;         ((eq arg 8) (ee-eval-last-sexp-8))
+;;         ((eq arg 9) (ee-eval-last-sexp-9))
+;;         (t (prin1 (let ((ee-arg arg))
+;;                     (ee-eval (read (ee-last-sexp))))))))
+;; (defun ee-eval-last-sexp-VERY-OLD (&optional arg)
 ;;   "By default, evaluate sexp before point, and print value in minibuffer.
 ;; This is eev's variant of `eval-last-sexp', and it can behave in
 ;; several different ways depending on the prefix argument ARG.
@@ -208,30 +318,6 @@ other: set EE-ARG to ARG and eval (ee-last-sexp)."
 ;;         (t (prin1 (let ((ee-arg arg))
 ;;                     (ee-eval (read (ee-last-sexp))))))))
-(defun ee-eval-sexp-eol (&optional arg)
-"Go to the end of line, then run `ee-eval-last-sexp'.
-By default, evaluate sexp before eol, and print value in minibuffer.
-This is eev's variant of `C-e C-x C-e', and it can behave in
-several different ways depending on the prefix argument ARG.
-See: (find-eev-quick-intro \"`M-0 M-e'\")
-If ARG is:
-  nil:  evaluate the sexp with `debug-on-error' turned off
-    0:  highlight the sexp temporarily
-    1:  show the sexp as a string
-    2:  show the target of the sexp in another window
-    3:  same, but also switch to the new window
-    4:  evaluate the sexp in debug mode
-    5:  run the sexp with `debug-on-error' turned on
-    8:  eval then pretty-print the result in another buffer
-    9:  a hack for testing `call-interactively'
-other: set EE-ARG to ARG and eval (ee-last-sexp)."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (end-of-line)
-  (ee-eval-last-sexp arg))
 (provide 'eev-eval)
diff --git a/eev-intro.el b/eev-intro.el
index 58a274e..a052010 100644
--- a/eev-intro.el
+++ b/eev-intro.el
@@ -56,49 +56,50 @@
 ;; Quick index:
-;; «.find-intro-dual»          (to "find-intro-dual")
-;; «.find-eintro»              (to "find-eintro")
+;; «.find-intro-dual»                  (to "find-intro-dual")
+;; «.find-eintro»                      (to "find-eintro")
-;; «.find-eev-quick-intro»     (to "find-eev-quick-intro")
-;; «.find-emacs-keys-intro»    (to "find-emacs-keys-intro")
-;; «.find-eev-install-intro»   (to "find-eev-install-intro")
-;; «.find-eev-intro»           (to "find-eev-intro")
-;; «.find-here-links-intro»    (to "find-here-links-intro")
-;; «.find-refining-intro»      (to "find-refining-intro")
+;; «.find-eev-quick-intro»             (to "find-eev-quick-intro")
+;; «.find-emacs-keys-intro»            (to "find-emacs-keys-intro")
+;; «.find-eev-install-intro»           (to "find-eev-install-intro")
+;; «.find-eev-intro»                   (to "find-eev-intro")
+;; «.find-here-links-intro»            (to "find-here-links-intro")
+;; «.find-refining-intro»              (to "find-refining-intro")
-;; «.find-eval-intro»          (to "find-eval-intro")
-;; «.find-links-conv-intro»    (to "find-links-conv-intro")
-;; «.find-links-intro»         (to "find-links-intro")
-;; «.find-eepitch-intro»       (to "find-eepitch-intro")
-;; «.find-wrap-intro»          (to "find-wrap-intro")
-;; «.find-eejump-intro»                (to "find-eejump-intro")
-;; «.find-anchors-intro»       (to "find-anchors-intro")
-;; «.find-code-c-d-intro»      (to "find-code-c-d-intro")
-;; «.find-pdf-like-intro»      (to "find-pdf-like-intro")
-;; «.find-brxxx-intro»         (to "find-brxxx-intro")
-;; «.find-psne-intro»          (to "find-psne-intro")
+;; «.find-eval-intro»                  (to "find-eval-intro")
+;; «.find-links-conv-intro»            (to "find-links-conv-intro")
+;; «.find-links-intro»                 (to "find-links-intro")
+;; «.find-eepitch-intro»               (to "find-eepitch-intro")
+;; «.find-wrap-intro»                  (to "find-wrap-intro")
+;; «.find-eejump-intro»                        (to "find-eejump-intro")
+;; «.find-anchors-intro»               (to "find-anchors-intro")
+;; «.find-code-c-d-intro»              (to "find-code-c-d-intro")
+;; «.find-pdf-like-intro»              (to "find-pdf-like-intro")
+;; «.find-brxxx-intro»                 (to "find-brxxx-intro")
+;; «.find-psne-intro»                  (to "find-psne-intro")
-;; «.find-audiovideo-intro»    (to "find-audiovideo-intro")
-;; «.find-multiwindow-intro»   (to "find-multiwindow-intro")
-;; «.find-rcirc-intro»         (to "find-rcirc-intro")
-;; «.find-templates-intro»     (to "find-templates-intro")
-;; «.find-prepared-intro»      (to "find-prepared-intro")
-;; «.find-bounded-intro»       (to "find-bounded-intro")
-;; «.find-channels-intro»      (to "find-channels-intro")
-;; «.find-videos-intro»                (to "find-videos-intro")
-;; «.find-defun-intro»         (to "find-defun-intro")
-;; «.find-emacs-intro»         (to "find-emacs-intro")
-;; «.find-org-intro»           (to "find-org-intro")
-;; «.find-escripts-intro»      (to "find-escripts-intro")
-;; «.find-git-intro»           (to "find-git-intro")
+;; «.find-audiovideo-intro»            (to "find-audiovideo-intro")
+;; «.find-multiwindow-intro»           (to "find-multiwindow-intro")
+;; «.find-rcirc-intro»                 (to "find-rcirc-intro")
+;; «.find-templates-intro»             (to "find-templates-intro")
+;; «.find-prepared-intro»              (to "find-prepared-intro")
+;; «.find-bounded-intro»               (to "find-bounded-intro")
+;; «.find-channels-intro»              (to "find-channels-intro")
+;; «.find-videos-intro»                        (to "find-videos-intro")
+;; «.find-defun-intro»                 (to "find-defun-intro")
+;; «.find-emacs-intro»                 (to "find-emacs-intro")
+;; «.find-org-intro»                   (to "find-org-intro")
+;; «.find-escripts-intro»              (to "find-escripts-intro")
+;; «.find-git-intro»                   (to "find-git-intro")
 ;; «.find-little-languages-intro»      (to "find-little-languages-intro")
 ;; «.find-windows-beginner-intro»      (to "find-windows-beginner-intro")
 ;; Videos:
 ;; «.find-three-main-keys-intro»       (to "find-three-main-keys-intro")
-;; «.find-elisp-intro»         (to "find-elisp-intro")
+;; «.find-elisp-intro»                 (to "find-elisp-intro")
+;; «.find-lexical-intro»               (to "find-lexical-intro")
 ;; See: (find-anchors-intro)
@@ -2591,50 +2592,51 @@ recommended reading order. These are the basic ones:
    9. (find-psne-intro)
   10. (find-rcirc-intro)
   11. (find-elisp-intro)
-  12. (find-eev-install-intro)
+  12. (find-lexical-intro)
+  13. (find-eev-install-intro)
 This is a very basic tutorial intended mainly for M$ Windows
-  13. (find-windows-beginner-intro)
+  14. (find-windows-beginner-intro)
 These ones explain ideas, conventions, and usage patterns:
-  14. (find-escripts-intro)
-  15. (find-links-conv-intro)
+  15. (find-escripts-intro)
+  16. (find-links-conv-intro)
 These are older and more technical versions of sections of the
-  16. (find-eval-intro)
-  17. (find-links-intro)
-  18. (find-brxxx-intro)
-  19. (find-wrap-intro)
-  20. (find-eejump-intro)
-  21. (find-anchors-intro)
-  22. (find-code-c-d-intro)
+  17. (find-eval-intro)
+  18. (find-links-intro)
+  19. (find-brxxx-intro)
+  20. (find-wrap-intro)
+  21. (find-eejump-intro)
+  22. (find-anchors-intro)
+  23. (find-code-c-d-intro)
 These are etcs:
-  23. (find-multiwindow-intro)
-  24. (find-templates-intro)
-  25. (find-org-intro)
-  26. (find-git-intro)
+  24. (find-multiwindow-intro)
+  25. (find-templates-intro)
+  26. (find-org-intro)
+  27. (find-git-intro)
 These ones explain advanced features that require extra setup:
-  27. (find-prepared-intro)
-  28. (find-bounded-intro)
-  29. (find-channels-intro)
+  28. (find-prepared-intro)
+  29. (find-bounded-intro)
+  30. (find-channels-intro)
 This one is used in a video:
-  30. (find-three-main-keys-intro)
+  31. (find-three-main-keys-intro)
 These ones are obsolete:
-  31. (find-emacs-intro)
-  32. (find-defun-intro)
+  32. (find-emacs-intro)
+  33. (find-defun-intro)
 Item 25 is an index of old video tutorials, with scripts for
 downloading local copies of them and links to important positions
@@ -13465,6 +13467,103 @@ will give you information about the current 
+;;;  _           _           _ 
+;;; | | _____  _(_) ___ __ _| |
+;;; | |/ _ \ \/ / |/ __/ _` | |
+;;; | |  __/>  <| | (_| (_| | |
+;;; |_|\___/_/\_\_|\___\__,_|_|
+;; «find-lexical-intro»  (to ".find-lexical-intro")
+;; Skel: (find-intro-links "lexical")
+(defun find-lexical-intro (&rest pos-spec-list) (interactive)
+  (let ((ee-buffer-name "*(find-lexical-intro)*"))
+    (apply 'find-eintro "\
+\(Re)generate: (find-lexical-intro)
+Source code:  (find-efunction 'find-lexical-intro)
+More intros:  (find-eev-quick-intro)
+              (find-eev-intro)
+              (find-eepitch-intro)
+This buffer is _temporary_ and _editable_.
+It is meant as both a tutorial and a sandbox.
+This will become a _tutorial_ on lexical binding in the future,
+and it will be a complement to this elisp tutorial:
+  (find-elisp-intro)
+but at this moment I know far less about lexical binding that I
+should, and this is just an embarassingly small collection of
+links, tests, and examples...
+  (find-eevfile \"eev-template0.el\" \"intrinsically INCOMPATIBLE with 
+0. `ee-eval-lexical'
+See: (find-eev \"eev-eval.el\" \"ee-eval-last-sexp\")
+     (find-eev \"eev-eval.el\" \"ee-eval-last-sexp\" \"11:\")
+     (find-eev \"eev-eval.el\" \"tools\")
+     (find-eev \"eev-eval.el\" \"tools\" \"ee-eval-lexical\")
+     (find-efunctiondescr 'eval)
+Try to evaluate this sexp with `M-e' and with `M-1 M-1 M-e':
+  (let ((x 42))
+    (defun foo () (* x x))
+    (symbol-function 'foo))
+1. Creating closures
+Long form:
+  (eval '(let ((x 42)) (defun foo () (* x x))) 'lexical)
+  (eval '(let ((x 42)) (defun foo () (* x x))) nil)
+  (symbol-function 'foo)
+Short form:
+  (let ((x 42))
+    (defun foo () (* x x))
+    (symbol-function 'foo))
+Even shorter:
+  (let ((x 42))
+    (function (lambda foo () (* x x))))
+2. `letxgetx'
+See: (find-elnode \"Dynamic Binding\" \"defun getx\")
+     (find-elnode \"Lexical Binding\" \"defun getx\")
+     (find-elnode \"Void Variables\")
+  (makunbound   'x)
+  (defun getx () x)
+                                             (getx)
+                                (let ((x 1)) (getx))
+             (defun letxgetx () (let ((x 1)) (getx)))
+                   (letxgetx)
+  (symbol-function 'letxgetx)
+" pos-spec-list)))
+;; (find-lexical-intro)
 ;; «find-little-languages-intro»  (to ".find-little-languages-intro")
 ;; Skel: (find-intro-links "little-languages")

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