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[elpa] externals/company 15bd239 4/6: company-text-icons-margin: Always

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/company 15bd239 4/6: company-text-icons-margin: Always adjust bg on select
Date: Wed, 5 May 2021 15:57:09 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/company
commit 15bd239a1c611e39613188e4c3a1789f74c0de8e
Author: Mohsin Kaleem <mohkale@kisara.moe>
Commit: Mohsin Kaleem <mohkale@kisara.moe>

    company-text-icons-margin: Always adjust bg on select
    Before when users specified a BG entry in `company-text-icons-mapping`
    it either had to be a face, a string or a CONS of the above to indicate
    variants for when the item was selected and when it wasn't. If the CONS
    wasn't given then the same background color was used both for selected
    and unselected items. With this patch the BG is now always adjusted in
    this case. If for example you add `(array "a" fg-face "red")` to
    `company-text-icons-mapping` then when the tooltip selects an array
    entry the foreground will now change slightly to indicate it's selected.
    If you want to maintain the previous behaviour you can set the BG entry
    to a cons of the same color (eg: `(array "a" fg-face ("red" . "red"))`).
 company.el | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/company.el b/company.el
index e80afb2..e4ebe85 100644
--- a/company.el
+++ b/company.el
@@ -1557,32 +1557,42 @@ See `company-text-icons-mapping'."
 (declare-function color-gradient "color")
 (defun company-text-icons--face (fg bg selected)
-  ;; Narrow to specific bg used for current candidate when a CONS cell.
-  (when (consp bg)
-    (setq bg (if selected (cdr bg) (car bg))))
-  (let ((bg-color (if (facep bg) (face-attribute bg :background) bg))
-        (fg-color (if (facep fg) (face-attribute fg :foreground) fg)))
+  (let ((fg-color (if (facep fg) (face-attribute fg :foreground) fg)))
-      ,@(cond
-         ;; When bg is given, but the bg face has no color then don't set a
-         ;; bg color. Leave it as the default from `company-tooltip'.
-         (bg (and bg-color
-                  (list :background bg-color)))
-         ;; Otherwise try to generate a decent background from the foreground.
-         ((and fg-color
-               company-text-icons-add-background)
-          (when-let ((tooltip-bg-color (face-attribute
-                                        (if selected
-                                            'company-tooltip-selection
-                                          'company-tooltip)
-                                        :background)))
+      ,@(and fg-color
+             (list :foreground fg-color))
+      ,@(let* ((bg-is-cons (consp bg))
+               (bg (if bg-is-cons (if selected (cdr bg) (car bg)) bg))
+               (bg-color (if (facep bg) (face-attribute bg :background) bg))
+               (bg-color (unless (eq bg-color 'unspecified)
+                           bg-color))
+               (tooltip-bg-color (face-attribute
+                                  (if selected
+                                      'company-tooltip-selection
+                                    'company-tooltip)
+                                  :background)))
+          (cond
+           ((and company-text-icons-add-background selected
+                 (not bg-is-cons) bg-color tooltip-bg-color)
+            ;; Adjust the coloring of the background when *selected* but user 
+            ;; specified an alternate background color for selected item icons.
+            (list :background
+                  (apply #'color-rgb-to-hex
+                         (nth 0 (color-gradient (color-name-to-rgb 
+                                                (color-name-to-rgb bg-color)
+                                                2)))))
+           (bg
+            ;; When background is configured we use it as is, even if it 
+            ;; constrast well with other candidates when selected.
+            (and bg-color
+                 (list :background bg-color)))
+           ((and company-text-icons-add-background fg-color tooltip-bg-color)
+            ;; Lastly attempt to generate a background from the foreground.
             (list :background
                   (apply #'color-rgb-to-hex
                          (nth 0 (color-gradient (color-name-to-rgb 
                                                 (color-name-to-rgb fg-color)
-                                                10)))))))
-      ,@(and fg-color
-             (list :foreground fg-color)))))
+                                                10))))))))))
 (defcustom company-dot-icons-format "●"
   "Format string for `company-dot-icons-margin'."

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