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[elpa] externals/modus-vivendi-theme aa99261 1/2: Merge tag '0.13.0' int

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/modus-vivendi-theme aa99261 1/2: Merge tag '0.13.0' into elpa/modus-vivendi-theme
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:48:13 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/modus-vivendi-theme
commit aa99261259b923a241d07e68855e213cc25398b3
Merge: b94329f a5832c9
Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
Commit: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>

    Merge tag '0.13.0' into elpa/modus-vivendi-theme
    Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.13.0
    By Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com> on 2020-10-08
    This entry documents the changes since version 0.12.0 (2020-08-26).
    There have been around 150 commits in the meantime, making this the
    largest release to date (though sheer volume should not be conflated
    with quality, of which there is plenty).
    As always, everything described herein conforms with the overarching
    accessibility objective of the themes for a minimum contrast ratio of
    7:1 between background and foreground values in their given combinations
    (conformance with the WCAG AAA standard).
    1. There is a new Info manual that documents the customisation options
       as well as every other piece of information pertinent to the themes.
       You will find it in the Info pages inside of Emacs.  Or browse it
       online: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes>.
    2. New customisation options grant users more power to further adapt the
       active theme to their preferences.
    3. Extended coverage for even more faces and face groups, adding to the
       already comprehensive list of directly supported ones.
    4. Lots of tweaks to improve the use of colour and avoid exaggerations
       (well, "exaggerations" is relative, since the prior state was already
       carefully designed).
    5. A new page hosts all pictures that demo the themes across a wide
       range of scenaria: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures>.
    6. Similarly, the change log also has its own dedicated web page:
    New customisation options
    Note that all customisation options are documented at length in the new
    Info manual.  What is offered here is not necessarily exhaustive.
    Diff styles
    Symbol names ("choice" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-diffs
    + modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
    Possible values:
    1. nil (default)
    2. desaturated
    2. fg-only
    DEPRECATED ("boolean" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diffs
    + modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs
    This option supersedes older ones while retaining their functionality.
    The default remains unaltered, meaning that the diffs will use fairly
    prominent colour-coded combinations for the various elements (e.g. green
    text on an unambiguously green backdrop).
    A 'desatured' value will tone down the default aesthetic, giving a less
    vibrant feel.
    While 'fg-only' removes almost all coloured backgrounds, opting to apply
    colour only to the relevant text (this was the case with the
    now-deprecated options).  There are some exceptions, like word-wise or
    "refined" diffs, which still use coloured backgrounds to convey their
    Modeline styles
    Symbol names ("choice" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-mode-line
    + modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line
    Possible values:
    1. nil (default)
    2. 3d
    3. moody
    DEPRECATED ("boolean" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline
    + modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline
    The default modeline continues to be a two-dimensional rectangle with a
    border around it.  Active and inactive modelines use different colour
    combinations for their main background and foreground.
    Option '3d' produces an effect similar to what you get in a generic
    Emacs session, where the active modeline has a pseudo three-dimensional
    effect applied to it.  This option offers the same functionality as that
    of the deprecated variables.
    Option 'moody' is designed specifically for use with the Moody library,
    though it can also be used without it.  Instead of implementing a box
    effect, it applies an overline and underline instead, while also toning
    down the inactive modeline.
    Thanks to Nicolas De Jaeghere for the feedback and code samples in issue
    80: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/80>
    Headline styles
    Symbol names ("alist" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-headings
    + modus-vivendi-theme-headings
    DEPRECATED ("boolean" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings
    + modus-operandi-theme-section-headings
    + modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings
    + modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
    Possible values, which can be specified for each heading level (examples
    further below):
    0.  nil (default fallback option---covers all heading levels)
    1.  t (default style for a single heading, when the fallback differs)
    2.  no-bold
    3.  line
    4.  line-no-bold
    5.  rainbow
    6.  rainbow-line
    7.  rainbow-line-no-bold
    8.  highlight
    9.  highlight-no-bold
    10. rainbow-highlight
    11. rainbow-highlight-no-bold
    12. section
    13. section-no-bold
    14. rainbow-section
    15. rainbow-section-no-bold
    This supersedes and greatly expands upon what the deprecated variables
    once offered.  It is now possible to (i) benefit from more stylistic
    choices, and (ii) apply them on a per-level basis.
    As always, the defaults remain in tact: headings are just rendered in a
    bold weight and their colours are not too saturated to offer a plain
    text impression that relies on typography to convey its meaning.
    The info manual explains the details.  A few examples:
        ;; Per-level styles (t means everything else)
        (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
              '((1 . highlight)
                (2 . line)
                (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
        ;; Uniform style for all levels
        (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
              '((t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
        ;; Default style for level 1, while others differ
        (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
              '((1 . t)
                (2 . line)
                (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
    Thanks to Adam Spiers for the feedback in issue 81:
    <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/81>.  Also thanks
    to Nicolas De Jaeghere for helping refine relevant stylistic choices:
    No link underlines
    Symbol names ("boolean" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-no-link-underline
    + modus-vivendi-theme-no-link-underline
    Possible values:
    1. nil (default)
    2. t
    By default, the themes apply an underline effect to links, symbolic
    links, and buttons.  Users can now disable this style by setting the new
    option to 't'.
    Thanks to Utkarsh Singh for the feedback in issue 94:
    No mixed fonts
    Symbol names ("boolean" type):
    + modus-operandi-theme-no-mixed-fonts
    + modus-vivendi-theme-no-mixed-fonts
    Possible values:
    1. nil (default)
    2. t
    By default, the themes configure some spacing-sensitive faces, such as
    Org tables and code blocks, to always inherit from the 'fixed-pitch'
    face (documented in the manual).  This is to ensure that those
    constructs remain monospaced when users opt for something like the
    built-in 'M-x variable-pitch-mode'.  Otherwise the layout would break.
    The obvious downside with this theme design is that users need to
    explicitly configure the font family of 'fixed-pitch' in order to apply
    their desired typeface (how to do this is also covered in the manual).
    That may be something they do not want to do.  Hence this option to
    disable any kind of font mixing done by the active theme.  Set it to
    Support for new faces or face groups
    + awesome-tray
    + binder
    + cperl-mode
    + eldoc-highlight-function-argument
    + erc escaped colour sequences
    + eshell-syntax-highlighting
    + flycheck-color-mode-line
    + isearch regexp groups (Emacs version >= 28)
    + mpdel
    + objed
    + org 9.4 new faces: 'org-headline-todo' and 'org-table-header'
    + racket-mode
    + typescript-mode
    Thanks to:
    + Damien Cassou for reporting the issue with mpdel:
    + Dario Gjorgjevski for reporting the issue with erc:
    + Markus Beppler for contributing the patch for cperl-mode:
    + User "Moesasji" for reporting the issue with objed:
    Refinements to existing faces
    + calfw applies colours and styles in a way that makes it consistent
      with the rest of the themes' metaphors.
    + diredfl makes more considerate use of colour.  We still apply colour
      everywhere (the whole point of this package) but make sure to avoid
    + doom-modeline-battery-error face fits better with the rest of the
    + elfeed search buffers use less intense colours, while still keeping
      all elements fairly distinct.  The intent is to avoid a "rainbow
      effect" in such a dense interface.
    + elfeed read and unread items are more distinct.
    + git commit and vc log edit messages benefit from refined colour
      combinations for their various constructs.  The commit's summary is
      now rendered in a bold weight, to better convey the idea that this is
      a quasi heading element.
    + gnus heading colours are more consistent.  All information remains
      clearly distinct, but we now avoid using colours that are on opposite
      sides of the colour spectrum.  Basically to keep things distinct
      without going over the top.
    + gnus read and unread items are easier to tell apart.  Thanks to user
      "Nick" for reporting the issue:
    + help-argument-name has a distinct foreground colour, so that it is
      easier to spot it in "*Help*" buffers.  Its slant is also controlled
      by the active theme's customisation option for slanted constructs (nil
      by default---check the manual).
    + helpful-heading now is consistent with other heading styles.  Thanks
      to Nicolas De Jaeghere for reporting the issue:
    + icomplete, ido, orderless are all tweaked to work better under various
    + info-menu-star uses a red colour to make it easier to select a menu
      entry by estimating its number.  This face applies to every third
      element and is a nice little extra to have.
    + info quoted strings are configured to always render in 'fixed-pitch',
      in line with the themes' design for mixed fonts (remember to check the
      relevant customisation option).
    + line numbers work properly with 'text-scale-adjust'.  Thanks to user
      "jixiuf" for reporting the issue:
    + line-number-current-line no longer applies a bold weight to its text.
      This is to avoid a certain "jump effect" while moving between lines,
      where the affected numbers grow and shrink in weight as the line
      changes (once you see it, you will know what I mean).
    + line-number-major-tick and line-number-minor-tick do use a bold weight
      because they are fixed on the scale.  Their colours are also improved
      to better complement their intended role (these faces are for Emacs 27
      or higher).
    + magit-diff-file-heading-selection, magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection
      use more appropriate colour combinations.
    + markdown blockquotes and org quote blocks use a different foreground,
      which is colder than the previous one.  Just to make sure that they
      are not mistaken for inline code.
    + message headers use less exaggerated colour combinations.  The
      differences are fairly minor.
    + message-mml no longer uses a green foreground, as that could
      potentially cause confusion with quoted text in some cases.  A unique,
      albeit less saturated, foreground is used instead.
    + message-separator uses a more neutral colour combination, while
      retaining its overall uniqueness within its context (i.e. mail
    + modeline colours are refined to improve the contrast between active
      and inactive states.
    + mu4e-replied-face has a new colour that accounts for colour distance
      relative to its context.  Thanks to Shreyas Ragavan for reporting the
      issue: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/69>.
    + org agenda date and structure no longer behave like headings in other
      Org buffers.  Instead, they have their own styles to better perform
      their intended function and to avoid exaggerations.
    + org agenda dimmed to-do items (which have blocked sub-items) are no
      longer assigned a subtle grey background colour.  They are instead
      rendered with a bold weight and a subtle grey foreground to minimise
      distractions.  Thanks to Roman Rudakov for reporting this in issue
      101: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/101>.
    + org agenda clocked items are configured to extend their background to
      the edge of the window.  Otherwise they are cut off at the last text
      character, which creates inconsistencies while using tags: a tag is
      placed to the right so the background extends further than without
      them.  Based again on the feedback of Roman Rudakov in issue 101:
    + org agenda current time no longer uses a background.  A bold weight
      and a blue foreground are applied instead.  The intent is to keep
      things clean.  This is also covered by Roman Rudakov's feedback in
      issue 101: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/101>.
    + org-checkbox-statistics-done, org-checkbox-statistics-todo inherit
      from org-done and org-todo respectively, instead of defining their own
    + org drawers and their data now use 'fixed-pitch' in the interest of
      consistency with other metadata-like faces.  Thanks (yet again!) to
      Nicolas De Jaeghere for reporting the issue:
    + org-footnote underlines will now always use the same colour, instead
      of applying the one of other coloured constructs (e.g. when the
      footnote is inline and part of the text is rendered as verbatim).
    + org-meta-line is less prominent and, thus, more consistent with other
      metadata-related constructs.
    + org-roam faces are updated to match the current state of the upstream
      project.  The main colour of org-roam links is now different than that
      of standard links in an attempt to differentiate between the two (due
      to their unique semantics).  If this is not desired, you can evaluate
      the following:
          (setq org-roam-link-use-custom-faces nil)
    + org-todo, org-done, as well as relevant faces such as priorities and
      statistics are reviewed to work better with all heading combinations.
      Though please read the next section about "adaptive headings", as such
      workarounds will no longer be necessary for future stable releases of
    + selectrum uses different styles than before to account for its unique
      property of overlaying matching characters on top of the current
      line's background.  We want to avoid scenaria where matches are
      difficult to discern and the current line is not clear.
    + vc modeline states benefit from improved colour choices.  Just minor
      adjustments to account for the review of the base modeline colours.
    + vterm base colours now are variants of gray to ensure that some tools,
      such as zsh suggestions work properly.  Thanks to user "jixiuf" for
      reporting this issue and suggesting a possible solution:
    Contributions to the wider community
    Sometimes the themes reveal bugs in other packages.  It is of paramount
    importance that we report those to the upstream developers, try to help
    them reproduce the issue, and, where possible, support them in tracing
    the problem's root cause.
    Four such cases during this release:
    1. Adaptive Org headings.  Solved upstream and documented on my website:
       Reported and discussed on the themes' issue tracker:
    2. Alignment of Org tags with proportional fonts.  Ongoing thread:
       Reported and discussed on the themes' issue tracker:
    3. Org priority cookie has extra space.  Ongoing thread:
       Reported and discussed on the themes' issue tracker, with feedback
       from Roman Rudakov:
    4. Company overlay pop-up misaligns items.  Reported upstream and
       acknowledged as a known issue that occurs in certain cases:
       Discussion on the themes' issue tracker, with feedback from Iris
       Garcia: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/96>.
    + Belatedly (by about 2 weeks) pushed tag for version 0.12.0.  Thanks to
      Alex Griffin for bringing this to my attention:
    + Fixed a bug with how some older customisation options were declared as
      obsolete.  Thanks to Tassilo Horn for noticing and reporting the
      problem: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/88>.
    + Fixed a misplaced optional prefix argument in the manual for how to
      switch themes using a custom function.  Thanks to Manuel Uberti for
      catching this omission of mine and reporting it:
    + Silenced the Elisp package linter for a spurious error on a single
      eldoc face.  Thanks to Steve Purcell for the guidance:
    + Defined two new dedicated background colours for exceptional cases.
      These are intended for internal use in very special circumstances.
    + Reword GuixSD to "Guix System" in the list of package formats
      currently available.
    + Reviewed the main blue colours for both themes.  While the changes are
      practically impossible to discern upon first sight, the process was
      far from straightforward.  A complete report documents the minutia:
    + Reviewed the "active" palette subset, typically used in the modelines.
      No report was necessary for those, as the changes were fairly simple.
    + Reviewed the "intense" background colour that comes into effect when
      users opt for the customisation option for intense paren-match styles
      (check the manual).  Both the hue and the saturation have been changed
      to better conform with the intended function of this particular entry.
    + Reviewed the fringe-specific accented backgrounds.  Commit 7316e3320
      contains tables that compare the relative luminance of old and new
    + Improved the advice for setting fonts using 'set-face-attribute'.  The
      information is in the manual and is also available as a blog entry:
    + Rewrote an expression as "(or x y)" instead of "(if x x y)" in one
      place.  Just goes to show that tweaking the code is also part of the
    + Abstracted and simplified heading level properties by using bespoke
      theme faces.  Makes it easier to keep things consistent across the
      various face groups.
    + Same principle as above for diff-related styles.
    + Users who prefer to do things their own way or who just wish to
      contribute code to the Modus themes may wish to read my "Notes for
      aspiring Emacs theme developers":
    This has been yet another period of intense work: reviewing faces and
    applying colours is never easy, adding new customisation options is
    always tricky, and documenting everything takes a lot of time (unless
    you do all of those on a whimsy, which hopefully is not the case here).
    Thanks again to everyone who helped improve the themes!
 .gitignore             |    2 +
 CHANGELOG.org          |  542 +++++++++-
 COPYING                |    4 +-
 README.md              |   30 +
 README.org             | 1451 ---------------------------
 doc/modus-themes.info  | 2568 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/modus-themes.org   | 1864 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 modus-vivendi-theme.el | 1378 +++++++++++++++++---------
 8 files changed, 5894 insertions(+), 1945 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cb62d01..5af5831 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.org b/CHANGELOG.org
index 439b080..c8bca0d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.org
+++ b/CHANGELOG.org
@@ -1,11 +1,547 @@
 #+TITLE: Change log of the Modus Themes for GNU Emacs
 #+AUTHOR: Protesilaos Stavrou
 #+EMAIL: public@protesilaos.com
+#+OPTIONS: ':nil toc:nil num:nil author:nil email:nil
 This document contains the release notes that are included in each
-tagged commit on https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes.  The
-newest release is at the top.  Since the notes are meant to be plain
-text, I copy them verbatim.
+tagged commit on the project's main git repository:
+The newest release is at the top.  Since the notes are meant to be in
+plain text format, I copy them verbatim.
+For further details, please consult these additional resources:
++ Manual :: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes>
++ Screenshots :: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures>
+* 0.13.0
+#+begin_src text
+Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.13.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com> on 2020-10-08
+This entry documents the changes since version 0.12.0 (2020-08-26).
+There have been around 150 commits in the meantime, making this the
+largest release to date (though sheer volume should not be conflated
+with quality, of which there is plenty).
+As always, everything described herein conforms with the overarching
+accessibility objective of the themes for a minimum contrast ratio of
+7:1 between background and foreground values in their given combinations
+(conformance with the WCAG AAA standard).
+1. There is a new Info manual that documents the customisation options
+   as well as every other piece of information pertinent to the themes.
+   You will find it in the Info pages inside of Emacs.  Or browse it
+   online: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes>.
+2. New customisation options grant users more power to further adapt the
+   active theme to their preferences.
+3. Extended coverage for even more faces and face groups, adding to the
+   already comprehensive list of directly supported ones.
+4. Lots of tweaks to improve the use of colour and avoid exaggerations
+   (well, "exaggerations" is relative, since the prior state was already
+   carefully designed).
+5. A new page hosts all pictures that demo the themes across a wide
+   range of scenaria: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures>.
+6. Similarly, the change log also has its own dedicated web page:
+   <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-changelog>.
+New customisation options
+Note that all customisation options are documented at length in the new
+Info manual.  What is offered here is not necessarily exhaustive.
+Diff styles
+Symbol names ("choice" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-diffs
++ modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+Possible values:
+1. nil (default)
+2. desaturated
+2. fg-only
+DEPRECATED ("boolean" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diffs
++ modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs
+This option supersedes older ones while retaining their functionality.
+The default remains unaltered, meaning that the diffs will use fairly
+prominent colour-coded combinations for the various elements (e.g. green
+text on an unambiguously green backdrop).
+A 'desatured' value will tone down the default aesthetic, giving a less
+vibrant feel.
+While 'fg-only' removes almost all coloured backgrounds, opting to apply
+colour only to the relevant text (this was the case with the
+now-deprecated options).  There are some exceptions, like word-wise or
+"refined" diffs, which still use coloured backgrounds to convey their
+Modeline styles
+Symbol names ("choice" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-mode-line
++ modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line
+Possible values:
+1. nil (default)
+2. 3d
+3. moody
+DEPRECATED ("boolean" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline
++ modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline
+The default modeline continues to be a two-dimensional rectangle with a
+border around it.  Active and inactive modelines use different colour
+combinations for their main background and foreground.
+Option '3d' produces an effect similar to what you get in a generic
+Emacs session, where the active modeline has a pseudo three-dimensional
+effect applied to it.  This option offers the same functionality as that
+of the deprecated variables.
+Option 'moody' is designed specifically for use with the Moody library,
+though it can also be used without it.  Instead of implementing a box
+effect, it applies an overline and underline instead, while also toning
+down the inactive modeline.
+Thanks to Nicolas De Jaeghere for the feedback and code samples in issue
+80: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/80>
+Headline styles
+Symbol names ("alist" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-headings
++ modus-vivendi-theme-headings
+DEPRECATED ("boolean" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings
++ modus-operandi-theme-section-headings
++ modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings
++ modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
+Possible values, which can be specified for each heading level (examples
+further below):
+0.  nil (default fallback option---covers all heading levels)
+1.  t (default style for a single heading, when the fallback differs)
+2.  no-bold
+3.  line
+4.  line-no-bold
+5.  rainbow
+6.  rainbow-line
+7.  rainbow-line-no-bold
+8.  highlight
+9.  highlight-no-bold
+10. rainbow-highlight
+11. rainbow-highlight-no-bold
+12. section
+13. section-no-bold
+14. rainbow-section
+15. rainbow-section-no-bold
+This supersedes and greatly expands upon what the deprecated variables
+once offered.  It is now possible to (i) benefit from more stylistic
+choices, and (ii) apply them on a per-level basis.
+As always, the defaults remain in tact: headings are just rendered in a
+bold weight and their colours are not too saturated to offer a plain
+text impression that relies on typography to convey its meaning.
+The info manual explains the details.  A few examples:
+    ;; Per-level styles (t means everything else)
+    (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+          '((1 . highlight)
+            (2 . line)
+            (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+    ;; Uniform style for all levels
+    (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+          '((t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+    ;; Default style for level 1, while others differ
+    (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+          '((1 . t)
+            (2 . line)
+            (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+Thanks to Adam Spiers for the feedback in issue 81:
+<https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/81>.  Also thanks
+to Nicolas De Jaeghere for helping refine relevant stylistic choices:
+No link underlines
+Symbol names ("boolean" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-no-link-underline
++ modus-vivendi-theme-no-link-underline
+Possible values:
+1. nil (default)
+2. t
+By default, the themes apply an underline effect to links, symbolic
+links, and buttons.  Users can now disable this style by setting the new
+option to 't'.
+Thanks to Utkarsh Singh for the feedback in issue 94:
+No mixed fonts
+Symbol names ("boolean" type):
++ modus-operandi-theme-no-mixed-fonts
++ modus-vivendi-theme-no-mixed-fonts
+Possible values:
+1. nil (default)
+2. t
+By default, the themes configure some spacing-sensitive faces, such as
+Org tables and code blocks, to always inherit from the 'fixed-pitch'
+face (documented in the manual).  This is to ensure that those
+constructs remain monospaced when users opt for something like the
+built-in 'M-x variable-pitch-mode'.  Otherwise the layout would break.
+The obvious downside with this theme design is that users need to
+explicitly configure the font family of 'fixed-pitch' in order to apply
+their desired typeface (how to do this is also covered in the manual).
+That may be something they do not want to do.  Hence this option to
+disable any kind of font mixing done by the active theme.  Set it to
+Support for new faces or face groups
++ awesome-tray
++ binder
++ cperl-mode
++ eldoc-highlight-function-argument
++ erc escaped colour sequences
++ eshell-syntax-highlighting
++ flycheck-color-mode-line
++ isearch regexp groups (Emacs version >= 28)
++ mpdel
++ objed
++ org 9.4 new faces: 'org-headline-todo' and 'org-table-header'
++ racket-mode
++ typescript-mode
+Thanks to:
++ Damien Cassou for reporting the issue with mpdel:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/99>
++ Dario Gjorgjevski for reporting the issue with erc:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/92>
++ Markus Beppler for contributing the patch for cperl-mode:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/merge_requests/11>
++ User "Moesasji" for reporting the issue with objed:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/79>
+Refinements to existing faces
++ calfw applies colours and styles in a way that makes it consistent
+  with the rest of the themes' metaphors.
++ diredfl makes more considerate use of colour.  We still apply colour
+  everywhere (the whole point of this package) but make sure to avoid
+  exaggerations.
++ doom-modeline-battery-error face fits better with the rest of the
+  design.
++ elfeed search buffers use less intense colours, while still keeping
+  all elements fairly distinct.  The intent is to avoid a "rainbow
+  effect" in such a dense interface.
++ elfeed read and unread items are more distinct.
++ git commit and vc log edit messages benefit from refined colour
+  combinations for their various constructs.  The commit's summary is
+  now rendered in a bold weight, to better convey the idea that this is
+  a quasi heading element.
++ gnus heading colours are more consistent.  All information remains
+  clearly distinct, but we now avoid using colours that are on opposite
+  sides of the colour spectrum.  Basically to keep things distinct
+  without going over the top.
++ gnus read and unread items are easier to tell apart.  Thanks to user
+  "Nick" for reporting the issue:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/97>.
++ help-argument-name has a distinct foreground colour, so that it is
+  easier to spot it in "*Help*" buffers.  Its slant is also controlled
+  by the active theme's customisation option for slanted constructs (nil
+  by default---check the manual).
++ helpful-heading now is consistent with other heading styles.  Thanks
+  to Nicolas De Jaeghere for reporting the issue:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/90>.
++ icomplete, ido, orderless are all tweaked to work better under various
+  circumstances.
++ info-menu-star uses a red colour to make it easier to select a menu
+  entry by estimating its number.  This face applies to every third
+  element and is a nice little extra to have.
++ info quoted strings are configured to always render in 'fixed-pitch',
+  in line with the themes' design for mixed fonts (remember to check the
+  relevant customisation option).
++ line numbers work properly with 'text-scale-adjust'.  Thanks to user
+  "jixiuf" for reporting the issue:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/98>.
++ line-number-current-line no longer applies a bold weight to its text.
+  This is to avoid a certain "jump effect" while moving between lines,
+  where the affected numbers grow and shrink in weight as the line
+  changes (once you see it, you will know what I mean).
++ line-number-major-tick and line-number-minor-tick do use a bold weight
+  because they are fixed on the scale.  Their colours are also improved
+  to better complement their intended role (these faces are for Emacs 27
+  or higher).
++ magit-diff-file-heading-selection, magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection
+  use more appropriate colour combinations.
++ markdown blockquotes and org quote blocks use a different foreground,
+  which is colder than the previous one.  Just to make sure that they
+  are not mistaken for inline code.
++ message headers use less exaggerated colour combinations.  The
+  differences are fairly minor.
++ message-mml no longer uses a green foreground, as that could
+  potentially cause confusion with quoted text in some cases.  A unique,
+  albeit less saturated, foreground is used instead.
++ message-separator uses a more neutral colour combination, while
+  retaining its overall uniqueness within its context (i.e. mail
+  composition).
++ modeline colours are refined to improve the contrast between active
+  and inactive states.
++ mu4e-replied-face has a new colour that accounts for colour distance
+  relative to its context.  Thanks to Shreyas Ragavan for reporting the
+  issue: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/69>.
++ org agenda date and structure no longer behave like headings in other
+  Org buffers.  Instead, they have their own styles to better perform
+  their intended function and to avoid exaggerations.
++ org agenda dimmed to-do items (which have blocked sub-items) are no
+  longer assigned a subtle grey background colour.  They are instead
+  rendered with a bold weight and a subtle grey foreground to minimise
+  distractions.  Thanks to Roman Rudakov for reporting this in issue
+  101: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/101>.
++ org agenda clocked items are configured to extend their background to
+  the edge of the window.  Otherwise they are cut off at the last text
+  character, which creates inconsistencies while using tags: a tag is
+  placed to the right so the background extends further than without
+  them.  Based again on the feedback of Roman Rudakov in issue 101:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/101>.
++ org agenda current time no longer uses a background.  A bold weight
+  and a blue foreground are applied instead.  The intent is to keep
+  things clean.  This is also covered by Roman Rudakov's feedback in
+  issue 101: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/101>.
++ org-checkbox-statistics-done, org-checkbox-statistics-todo inherit
+  from org-done and org-todo respectively, instead of defining their own
+  properties.
++ org drawers and their data now use 'fixed-pitch' in the interest of
+  consistency with other metadata-like faces.  Thanks (yet again!) to
+  Nicolas De Jaeghere for reporting the issue:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/91>.
++ org-footnote underlines will now always use the same colour, instead
+  of applying the one of other coloured constructs (e.g. when the
+  footnote is inline and part of the text is rendered as verbatim).
++ org-meta-line is less prominent and, thus, more consistent with other
+  metadata-related constructs.
++ org-roam faces are updated to match the current state of the upstream
+  project.  The main colour of org-roam links is now different than that
+  of standard links in an attempt to differentiate between the two (due
+  to their unique semantics).  If this is not desired, you can evaluate
+  the following:
+      (setq org-roam-link-use-custom-faces nil)
++ org-todo, org-done, as well as relevant faces such as priorities and
+  statistics are reviewed to work better with all heading combinations.
+  Though please read the next section about "adaptive headings", as such
+  workarounds will no longer be necessary for future stable releases of
+  Org.
++ selectrum uses different styles than before to account for its unique
+  property of overlaying matching characters on top of the current
+  line's background.  We want to avoid scenaria where matches are
+  difficult to discern and the current line is not clear.
++ vc modeline states benefit from improved colour choices.  Just minor
+  adjustments to account for the review of the base modeline colours.
++ vterm base colours now are variants of gray to ensure that some tools,
+  such as zsh suggestions work properly.  Thanks to user "jixiuf" for
+  reporting this issue and suggesting a possible solution:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/93>.
+Contributions to the wider community
+Sometimes the themes reveal bugs in other packages.  It is of paramount
+importance that we report those to the upstream developers, try to help
+them reproduce the issue, and, where possible, support them in tracing
+the problem's root cause.
+Four such cases during this release:
+1. Adaptive Org headings.  Solved upstream and documented on my website:
+   <https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-09-24-org-headings-adapt/>.
+   Reported and discussed on the themes' issue tracker:
+   <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/37>.
+2. Alignment of Org tags with proportional fonts.  Ongoing thread:
+   <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2020-09/msg00415.html>.
+   Reported and discussed on the themes' issue tracker:
+   <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/85>.
+3. Org priority cookie has extra space.  Ongoing thread:
+   <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2020-09/msg00696.html>.
+   Reported and discussed on the themes' issue tracker, with feedback
+   from Roman Rudakov:
+   <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/95>.
+4. Company overlay pop-up misaligns items.  Reported upstream and
+   acknowledged as a known issue that occurs in certain cases:
+   <https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/issues/1010>.
+   Discussion on the themes' issue tracker, with feedback from Iris
+   Garcia: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/96>.
++ Belatedly (by about 2 weeks) pushed tag for version 0.12.0.  Thanks to
+  Alex Griffin for bringing this to my attention:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/89>
++ Fixed a bug with how some older customisation options were declared as
+  obsolete.  Thanks to Tassilo Horn for noticing and reporting the
+  problem: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/88>.
++ Fixed a misplaced optional prefix argument in the manual for how to
+  switch themes using a custom function.  Thanks to Manuel Uberti for
+  catching this omission of mine and reporting it:
+  <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/84>.
++ Silenced the Elisp package linter for a spurious error on a single
+  eldoc face.  Thanks to Steve Purcell for the guidance:
+  <https://github.com/purcell/package-lint/issues/187>.
++ Defined two new dedicated background colours for exceptional cases.
+  These are intended for internal use in very special circumstances.
++ Reword GuixSD to "Guix System" in the list of package formats
+  currently available.
++ Reviewed the main blue colours for both themes.  While the changes are
+  practically impossible to discern upon first sight, the process was
+  far from straightforward.  A complete report documents the minutia:
+  <https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-09-14-modus-themes-review-blues/>.
++ Reviewed the "active" palette subset, typically used in the modelines.
+  No report was necessary for those, as the changes were fairly simple.
++ Reviewed the "intense" background colour that comes into effect when
+  users opt for the customisation option for intense paren-match styles
+  (check the manual).  Both the hue and the saturation have been changed
+  to better conform with the intended function of this particular entry.
++ Reviewed the fringe-specific accented backgrounds.  Commit 7316e3320
+  contains tables that compare the relative luminance of old and new
+  values.
++ Improved the advice for setting fonts using 'set-face-attribute'.  The
+  information is in the manual and is also available as a blog entry:
+  <https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-09-05-emacs-note-mixed-font-heights/>.
++ Rewrote an expression as "(or x y)" instead of "(if x x y)" in one
+  place.  Just goes to show that tweaking the code is also part of the
+  deal.
++ Abstracted and simplified heading level properties by using bespoke
+  theme faces.  Makes it easier to keep things consistent across the
+  various face groups.
++ Same principle as above for diff-related styles.
++ Users who prefer to do things their own way or who just wish to
+  contribute code to the Modus themes may wish to read my "Notes for
+  aspiring Emacs theme developers":
+  <https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-08-28-notes-emacs-theme-devs/>.
+This has been yet another period of intense work: reviewing faces and
+applying colours is never easy, adding new customisation options is
+always tricky, and documenting everything takes a lot of time (unless
+you do all of those on a whimsy, which hopefully is not the case here).
+Thanks again to everyone who helped improve the themes!
 * 0.12.0
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
index 0bef919..4a8a104 100644
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have 
at least
 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    Copyright (C) 2019  Protesilaos Stavrou
+    Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic 
and paper mail.
   If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
 notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    modus-themes  Copyright (C) 2019  Protesilaos Stavrou
+    modus-themes  Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..944db20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Modus themes (Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi)
+A pair of highly accessible themes that conform with the WCAG AAA
+standard for colour contrast between background and foreground colour
+The themes are currently built into GNU Emacs (Emacs' git `master`
+branch, aka version `28.0.50`).  They are also distributed in several
+packages formats (see next section).
++ 'modus-operandi' is light
++ 'modus-vivendi' is dark
+## Further information
+Read the [Info manual HTML](https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes)
+version for how to install, load, enable, and customise the themes.
+If you are using the latest version of the themes from this repository's
+`master` branch (e.g. the MELPA packages), the manual is already
+installed on your machine: evaluate `(info "(modus-themes) Top")` to
+start reading it.  All other packages, including upstream Emacs, will
+get it in version `0.13.0` at the end of September 2020.
+The themes cover a lot of packages and are highly customisable.
+For some demo content, check:
++ the screenshots https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures/
++ my videos https://protesilaos.com/code-casts/
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
deleted file mode 100644
index fd477bb..0000000
--- a/README.org
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1451 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Modus Themes for GNU Emacs
-#+AUTHOR: Protesilaos Stavrou
-#+EMAIL: public@protesilaos.com
-#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
-+ README HTML version on my website :: 
-+ Git repo :: 
-#+TOC: headlines 8 insert TOC here, with eight headline levels
-* Overview
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:d42d56a4-9252-4858-ac8e-3306cdd24e19
-This is a set of accessible themes for GNU Emacs.  The contrast ratio
-between foreground and background values should always be >= 7:1, which
-conforms with the WCAG AAA accessibility standard.  This is the highest
-standard of its kind.
-The /Modus themes/ project consists of two standalone items, one where
-dark text is cast on a light backdrop (Modus Operandi) and another where
-light text is displayed against a dark background (Modus Vivendi).
-The themes are *highly customisable* and can be made to look much
-different than their default austere aesthetic.  Make sure to read the
-section on the [[#h:d414ca47-6dce-4905-9f2e-de1465bf23bb][customisation 
-** Links with demo content
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:3b1b8ad9-f08f-4329-b9ee-d817b610708f
-Check the 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/wikis/Screenshots][Wiki page with 
the screen shots]].  There are lots of scenaria
-on display that draw attention to details and important aspects in the
-design of the themes.  They also showcase the numerous customisation
-Also note that I use these themes in [[https://protesilaos.com/code-casts][my 
Emacs-related screen casts]]
-(although older videos contain earlier, "alpha" versions).
-* Install and auto-load
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:25c3ecd3-8025-414c-9b96-e4d6266c6fe8
-** Install the packages
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:c3e293e8-8464-4196-aefd-184027116ded
-I maintain /Modus Operandi/ (light theme) and /Modus Vivendi/ (dark) as
-standalone packages in Emacs-specific archives: GNU ELPA, MELPA, and
-MELPA Stable.  There also exist 
[[#h:f696763b-5db1-4717-a90a-964e127d1a73][GNU/Linux distro packages]].
-For an interactive method, just run:
-M-x package-install RET modus-operandi-theme RET
-M-x package-install RET modus-vivendi-theme RET
-To be clear, that sequence means:
-+ press `Meta-X'
-+ type `package-install'
-+ hit the Return key
-+ type the name of the package
-+ hit Return to confirm your choice
-*Remember to refresh your package lists* (=M-x package-refresh-contents= or
-=M-x list-packages=), in case Emacs complains that a package is no longer
-*** With the "use-package" configuration manager
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:3ab0ac39-38fb-405b-8a15-771cbd843b6d
-For a declarative approach with =use-package= and the built-in =package.el=,
-you can write something like this (also see 
[[#h:d414ca47-6dce-4905-9f2e-de1465bf23bb][the customisation options]]
-for how to expand these package declarations):
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(use-package modus-operandi-theme :ensure)
-(use-package modus-vivendi-theme :ensure)
-*** GNU/Linux distro packages
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:f696763b-5db1-4717-a90a-964e127d1a73
-The themes are also available from the archives of some GNU/Linux
-distributions.  These should correspond to a tagged release rather than
-building directly from the latest Git commit.  It all depends on the
-distro's packaging policies.
-/Note for package maintainers:/ Feel free to 
[[https://protesilaos.com/contact/][contact me]] for any questions
-you may have and/or to update this section.
-**** Debian ("Sid" or "Unstable")
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:a3d891ff-3dc3-4455-a482-b251e59bb21a
-The two themes are distributed as 
[[https://packages.debian.org/sid/elpa-modus-themes][a single package for 
Debian]] and its
-derivatives.  Currently in the unstable suite and should be available in
-time for Debian 11 "Bullseye" (next stable).
-Get them with:
-#+begin_src sh
-sudo apt install elpa-modus-themes
-Special thanks to package maintainer Dhavan Vaidya and the rest of the
-Debian Emacsen team!
-**** GNU Guix
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:fea43d19-b307-46d7-81ab-d0e77e9cbede
-Users of either GuixSD (the distro) or just Guix (the package manager)
-can get each theme as a standalone package.
-#+begin_src sh
-guix package -i modus-operandi-theme
-#+begin_src sh
-guix package -i modus-vivendi-theme
-I do not know who the package maintainer is, but I wish to thank you
-*** Manual installation method
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:0317c29a-3ddb-4a0a-8ffd-16c781733ea2
-Download the files in this repository ending in =*-theme.el= and place
-them in an appropriate directory, such as =~/.emacs.d/themes/=.  To make
-sure the filesystem path of your choice is read by Emacs, insert the
-following in your initialisation file:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")
-** Load automatically
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:ae978e05-526f-4509-a007-44a0925b8bce
-To load the theme from your Emacs initialisation file use the relevant
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(load-theme 'modus-operandi t)          ; Light theme
-(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)           ; Dark theme
-Make sure to /remove any other theme/ that is being loaded, otherwise you
-might run into unexpected issues (you can also =M-x disable-theme=).
-*** Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:4e936e31-e9eb-4b50-8fdd-45d827a03cca
-This is a neat trick contributed by 
 on r/emacs]].  It will select the
-appropriate theme based on the time of the day and it will also switch
-themes when the time comes.
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-;; Light for the day
-(load-theme 'modus-operandi t t)
-(run-at-time "05:00" (* 60 60 24)
-             (lambda () (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
-;; Dark for the night
-(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t t)
-(run-at-time "21:00" (* 60 60 24)
-             (lambda () (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
-A modified version of the above technique was contributed by 
-Alexandre Gomes]].  If you set =calendar-latitude= and =calendar-longitude=
-(defined in the built-in =solar.el= library) in your =init.el=, you can
-automatically switch between both themes at sunrise and sunset.  Note
-that /those calendar variables need to be set before loading the themes/.
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-;; Light at sunrise
-(load-theme 'modus-operandi t t)
-(run-at-time (nth 1 (split-string (sunrise-sunset)))
-             (* 60 60 24)
-             (lambda () (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
-;; Dark at sunset
-(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t t)
-(run-at-time (nth 4 (split-string (sunrise-sunset)))
-             (* 60 60 24)
-             (lambda () (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
-For the sake of completeness, the =load-theme= call in these snippets is
-slightly different than the one in the section right above, because it
-does not enable the theme directly: the subsequent =enable-theme= does
-that when needed.
-* Customisation options
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:d414ca47-6dce-4905-9f2e-de1465bf23bb
-Both of the Modus themes expose variables that allow users to tweak how
-certain styles are configured.  Check the 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/wikis/Screenshots][Wiki with the 
screen shots]] to
-see how these will change things.
-By default, all variables are deactivated (=nil=), meaning that *you need
-to explicitly opt in* like this:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-;; example with "rainbow" headings for Modus Operandi:
-(setq modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings t)
-Put the point (cursor) exactly to the right of the closing parenthesis
-and use =C-x C-e= to evaluate each =setq= form individually, or the entire
-expression that holds it (e.g. a function or =use-package= declaration).
-All customisation *options must be declared before loading the theme*,
-else they will not be parsed and have no immediate effect.  To [re-]load
-a theme, you can evaluate either of these:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(load-theme 'modus-operandi t)
-(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)
-Consult the section below with the 
[[#h:0e3b8a62-8d72-4439-be2d-cb12ed98f4cb][complete example configuration]] for 
-fully fledged =use-package= declaration.
-** Option for "greyscale" or "rainbow" Org blocks
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:ca57a3af-6f79-4530-88c0-e35eda9d3bf7
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =greyscale=
-3. =rainbow=
-=greyscale= will apply a subtle neutral grey background to the block's
-contents.  It will also extend to the edge of the window the background
-of the "begin" and "end" block delimiter lines (only relevant for Emacs
-versions >= 27 where the ':extend' keyword is recognised by
-=rainbow= will instead use an accented background for the contents of the
-block.  The exact colour will depend on the programming language and is
-controlled by the =org-src-block-faces= variable (refer to the theme's
-source code for the current association list).  This is most suitable
-for users who work on literate programming documents that mix and match
-several languages.
-The default is to use the same background as the rest of the buffer for
-the contents of the block.
-Note that the "rainbow" blocks may require you to also reload the
-major-mode so that the colours are applied properly: =M-x org-mode= to
-refresh the buffer.  Or start typing in each code block.
-** Option for colourful "rainbow" headings
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:1be42afb-bcd2-4425-b956-0ba93eb960c2
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Apply more saturated colours to headings in =org-mode= and =outline-mode=
-while retaining all other heading properties (such as a bold weight and
-the optional scaled height ---see relevant customisation toggle).  The
-colours follow the rainbow's spectrum.  In Org headings, some additional
-tweaks are made to adapt keywords (like "TODO") to the more vivid
-The default uses a more frugal aesthetic for headings, letting their
-bold typography and the nuances between the various heading levels
-provide the elements of differentiation.
-** Option for sectioned headings
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:c1c9a380-7a05-4c0d-b714-2acac88f10ad
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-section-headings=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Uses a background colour and an overline to mark section headings in
-=org-mode= and =outline-mode=.  These attributes are applied in addition to
-the existing foreground colour and the bold weight and can, therefore,
-be combined with the "rainbow" headings option (as well as all the other
-options pertaining to headings).  For Org several additional faces are
-configured accordingly, such as TODO keywords which gain a box style.
-The default is to use only a subtle foreground and a bold weight for
-headings, while no boxes or {under,over}-line effects are present.
-Note that the background for sectioned headings will extend to the edge
-of the window.  To make it cover just the area occupied by the heading's
-text, use this:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq org-fontify-whole-heading-line nil)
-** Option for scaled headings
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:db0275ea-11c2-47c9-82a9-10b65d8df0f8
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-scale-headings=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Make headings larger in size relative to the main text.  This is
-noticeable in modes like Org.  The default is to use the same size for
-headers and body copy.
-In addition to toggles for enabling scaled headings, users can also
-specify a number of their own.
-+ If it is a *floating point*, say, =1.5=, it is interpreted as a multiple
-  of the base font size (there are many ways to set the main font in
-  Emacs, such as those 
documented in issue 43]], though the most robust
-  method is covered below in [[#h:ea30ff0e-3bb6-4801-baf1-d49169d94cd5][Font 
configurations for Org (and others)]]).
-+ If it is an *integer*, it is read as an absolute font height.  The
-  number is basically the point size multiplied by a hundred.  So if you
-  want it to be =18pt= you must pass =180=.
-Below are the variables in their default values, using the floating
-point paradigm.  The numbers are very conservative, but you are free to
-change them to your liking, such as =1.2=, =1.4=, =1.6=, =1.8=, =2.0=---or use 
-resource for finding a consistent scale, like 
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq modus-operandi-theme-scale-1 1.05
-      modus-operandi-theme-scale-2 1.1
-      modus-operandi-theme-scale-3 1.15
-      modus-operandi-theme-scale-4 1.2
-      modus-operandi-theme-scale-5 1.3)
-(setq modus-vivendi-theme-scale-1 1.05
-      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-2 1.1
-      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-3 1.15
-      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-4 1.2
-      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-5 1.3)
-Note that in Org, scaling only increases the size of the heading, but
-not of keywords that are added to it, like "TODO".  This is outside the
-control of the themes and I am not aware of any way to make such
-keywords scale accordingly (see [[*Font configurations for Org (and 
others)][issue 37]]).
-** Option for "subtle" or "intense" fringe visibility
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:d989f116-7559-40bc-bf94-ef508d480960
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-fringes=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-fringes=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =subtle=
-3. =intense=
-The "subtle" symbol will apply a greyscale background that is visible,
-yet close enough to the main background colour.  While the "intense"
-symbol will use a more noticeable greyscale background.
-The default is to use the same colour as that of the main background,
-meaning that the fringes are not obvious though they still occupy the
-space given to them by =fringe-mode= (8 pixels on either side by default).
-** Option for more slanted constructs
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:cb327797-b303-47c5-8171-4587a911ccc2
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-slanted-constructs=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-slanted-constructs=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Choose to render more faces in slanted text (italics).  This typically
-affects documentation strings and code comments.
-The default is to not use italics unless it is absolutely necessary.
-** Option for more bold constructs
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:9a77e814-5eca-488f-9a67-119a95c2d28a
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-bold-constructs=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Display several constructs in bold weight.  This concerns keywords and
-other important aspects of code syntax.  It also affects certain mode
-line indicators.
-The default is to only use a bold weight when it is necessary.
-*Optionally, to define the precise weight* for bold constructs, you only
-need to change the attribute of the =bold= face.  So, assuming your
-typeface of choice supports a "semibold" weight, here is how you specify
-it throughout the theme:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(set-face-attribute 'bold nil :weight 'semibold)
-** Option for three-dimensional focused mode line
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:ce155208-fdd6-4ada-9e0c-54aab7e2aff8
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Use a three-dimensional, "released button" effect for the focused
-window's mode line.  When enabled, this option will also affect the
-styles of any inactive mode lines, making them slightly less intense in
-order to accommodate the added element of depth.
-The default is to present the mode lines as rectangles with a border
-around them and with the active one having more intense colours than any
-inactive ones.
-** Option for subtle diffs
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:e3933a53-cbd9-4e44-958a-1d6d133f0816
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diff=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diff=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Display =diff-mode=, =ediff=, =smerge-mode=, =magit= diff buffers with fewer
-and/or less intense background colours or, where possible, with no
-background colours applied to the presentation of the added and removed
-lines.  Concerning =magit=, an extra set of tweaks are introduced for the
-effect of highlighting the current diff hunk, so as to remain consistent
-with the overall experience of that mode.
-The default is to use colour-coded backgrounds for line-wise highlights.
-"Refined" changes (word-wise highlights) always use a background value
-which is, nonetheless, more subtle with this option than with its
-default equivalent.
-** Option for faint code syntax highlighting
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:9f05eef0-9d0d-4305-98a1-c4e49f41e1c8
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Use less saturated colours in programming modes for highlighting code
-syntax.  The intent is to offer an impression of minimalism.  The
-default is to use saturated colours.
-Consider using the "bold constructs" and/or "slanted constructs" options
-when opting for this one.  Some packages that may further improve the
-effect of focusing on the current text are (feel free to help expand
-this list):
-+ [[https://github.com/larstvei/Focus][focus]]
-+ [[https://github.com/tarsius/paren-face][paren-face]]
-** Option for intense line highlight (hl-line-mode)
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:e19092a4-7204-40d3-ac35-3644b72de937
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-intense-hl-line=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Draw the current line of =hl-line-mode= or its global equivalent in a more
-prominent background colour.  This would also affect several packages
-that enable =hl-line-mode=, such as =elfeed= and =mu4e=.
-The default is to use a more subtle grey.
-** Option for intense parenthesis matching (show-paren-mode)
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-intense-paren-match=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Apply a more intense background to the matching parentheses (or
-delimiters).  This affects tools such as the built-in =show-paren-mode= as
-well as the =smartparens= package.  The default is to use a subtle warm
-colour for the background of those overlays.
-** Option for "subtle" or "intense" prompts
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:53b947f7-c713-4ac2-97f7-9be44a41a67a
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-prompts=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-prompts=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =subtle=
-3. =intense=
-The symbols "subtle" and "intense" will apply a combination of accented
-background and foreground to the minibuffer and other REPL prompts (like
-=M-x shell=).  The difference between the two is that the latter has a
-more pronounced/noticeable effect than the former.
-The default is to not use any background for such prompts, while only
-relying on an accented foreground colour.
-** Option for "moderate" or "opinionated" completion UIs
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:5b0b1e66-8287-4f3f-ba14-011c29320a3f
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-completions=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-completions=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =moderate=
-3. =opinionated=
-This is a special option that has different effects depending on the
-completion UI.  The interfaces can be grouped in two categories: (i)
-those that only or mostly use foreground colours for their interaction
-model, and (ii) those that combine background and foreground values for
-some of their metaphors.  The former category encompasses the built-in
-tools, namely, Icomplete and Ido, as well as packages like Orderless and
-Flx.  The latter covers Ivy, Helm, Selectrum, and similar.
-The symbol =moderate= will apply a combination of background and
-foreground that is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and friends this
-constitutes a departure from their default aesthetics, however the
-difference is small.  While Ivy et al will appear slightly different
-than their original looks, as they are toned down a bit.
-The symbol =opinionated= will apply colour combinations that refashion the
-completion UI.  For the Icomplete camp this means that intense
-background and foreground combinations are used: in effect their looks
-emulate those of Ivy and co. in their original style.  Whereas the other
-group of packages will revert to an even more nuanced aesthetic with
-some additional changes to the choice of hues.
-To appreciate the scope of this customisation option, you should spend
-some time with every one of the =nil= (default), =moderate=, and =opinionated=
-** Option for variable-pitch fonts in headings
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:33023fa6-6482-45d4-9b5e-3c73c945718f
-Symbol names:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings=
-Possible values:
-1. =nil= (default)
-2. =t=
-Choose to apply a proportionately-spaced, else "variable-pitch",
-typeface to headings (such as in Org mode).  The default is to use
-whatever the main typeface is, typically a monospaced family.
-Though also read [[#h:ea30ff0e-3bb6-4801-baf1-d49169d94cd5][Font 
configurations for Org (and others)]] as the themes
-are designed to cope well with more prose-friendly typeface
-configurations (e.g. using a proportionately-spaced sans-serif font for
-the main text, while letting inline code and some other space-sensitive
-constructs use a monospaced font).
-** Complete example configuration for the above
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:0e3b8a62-8d72-4439-be2d-cb12ed98f4cb
-This is a complete =use-package= declaration with Modus Operandi as an
-example.  You can modify it to your preferences.  Here we enable all
-variables /before/ loading the theme.  You can also see a different form
-of =setq= that sets the value of multiple variables at once: use one =setq=
-expression for each variable, if in doubt.
-*Do not forget* to =M-x package-refresh-contents= to get your package list
-up-to-date, else the initial download may fail due to a newer version
-being available.
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(use-package modus-operandi-theme
-  :ensure t
-  :init
-  ;; NOTE: Everything is disabled by default.
-  (setq modus-operandi-theme-slanted-constructs t
-        modus-operandi-theme-bold-constructs t
-        modus-operandi-theme-fringes 'subtle ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
-        modus-operandi-theme-3d-modeline t
-        modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax t
-        modus-operandi-theme-intense-hl-line t
-        modus-operandi-theme-intense-paren-match t
-        modus-operandi-theme-prompts 'subtle ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
-        modus-operandi-theme-completions 'moderate ; 
-        modus-operandi-theme-subtle-diffs t
-        modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks 'greyscale ; {nil,'greyscale,'rainbow}
-        modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings t
-        modus-operandi-theme-rainbow-headings t
-        modus-operandi-theme-section-headings t
-        modus-operandi-theme-scale-headings t
-        modus-operandi-theme-scale-1 1.05
-        modus-operandi-theme-scale-2 1.1
-        modus-operandi-theme-scale-3 1.15
-        modus-operandi-theme-scale-4 1.2
-        modus-operandi-theme-scale-5 1.3)
-  :config
-  (load-theme 'modus-operandi t))
-Need more ideas?  Check the 
 themes section of my dotemacs]] (though
-do not try to interpret the values of the variables, as I always test
-different combinations and scenaria).
-** Full access to the palette for further tweaks (advanced)
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:b7282635-4fe9-415a-abdf-962b736ff5b6
-Unlike the previous options which follow a straightforward pattern of
-allowing the user to quickly select their preference, the themes also
-provide a more powerful, albeit difficult, mechanism of controlling
-things with precision.
-*** Option 1 to redefine colour values
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:149e23b6-ada1-480f-95cd-c56fb40999b5
-The variables are:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist=
-Users can specify an association list that maps the names of colour
-variables to hexadecimal RGB values (in the form of =#RRGGBB=).  This
-means that it is possible to override the entire palette or subsets
-thereof (see the source code for the actual names and values).
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-;; Redefine the values of those three variables for the given theme
-(setq modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist
-      '(("magenta" . "#ffaabb")
-        ("magenta-alt" . "#ee88ff")
-        ("magenta-alt-other" . "#bbaaff")))
-You can then use this as a basis for creating a spin-off theme, such as
-what [[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/45][Vincent Foley 
did in issue 45]].  The customisations were used to
-emulate the aesthetic of Vincent's [[https://github.com/gnuvince/purp][purp 
-Excerpt of what was used in issue 45:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(use-package modus-operandi-theme
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (defun customize-modus-operandi ()
-    (when (member 'modus-operandi custom-enabled-themes)
-      (setq modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist
-            '(("magenta" . "#ff00ff"))) ; Redefine the value of the `magenta' 
-      (modus-operandi-theme-with-color-variables
-        (custom-theme-set-faces
-         'modus-operandi
-         `(font-lock-builtin-face              ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face    ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,green))))
-         `(font-lock-comment-face              ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,green))))
-         `(font-lock-constant-face             ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-doc-face                  ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,green))))
-         `(font-lock-function-name-face        ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,magenta)))) ; gets the value from the above alist
-         `(font-lock-keyword-face              ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-negation-char-face        ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-preprocessor-face         ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-string-face               ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,yellow))))
-         `(font-lock-type-face                 ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-variable-name-face        ((t (:background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,fg-main))))
-         `(font-lock-warning-face              ((t (:weight bold :background 
,bg-main :foreground ,red))))
-         ))))
-  (add-hook 'after-load-theme-hook 'customize-modus-operandi))
-The code for the bespoke =after-load-theme-hook= could be something like
-the following (courtesy of the 
 Emacs project]]):
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(defvar after-load-theme-hook nil
-  "Hook run after a color theme is loaded using `load-theme'.")
-(defun run-after-load-theme-hook (&rest _)
-  "Run `after-load-theme-hook'."
-  (run-hooks 'after-load-theme-hook))
-(advice-add #'load-theme :after #'run-after-load-theme-hook)
-*** Option 2 to apply colour variables to faces
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:9754abfd-c890-4af3-91a8-1a2cb2b5be44
-The macro symbols are:
-+ =modus-operandi-theme-with-color-variables=
-+ =modus-vivendi-theme-with-color-variables=
-Users can wrap face customisation snippets inside this macro in order to
-pass the variables that the themes use and map them to face attributes.
-This means that one can essentially override or extend the original
-design (also in tandem with option 1).
-Len Trigg who proposed 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/39][the whole idea in 
issue 39]] uses this method to
-tweak how a couple of Magit faces will look in GUI and terminal Emacs
-respectively (follow the link for screen shots and details).  This is
-Len's sample package declaration (with comments by me):
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(use-package modus-vivendi-theme
-  :init
-  ;; enable some of the customisation options before loading the theme
-  (setq modus-vivendi-theme-visible-fringe t
-        modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline t)
-  :config
-  (defun customize-modus-vivendi ()
-    "Customize modus-vivendi theme"
-    (if (member 'modus-vivendi custom-enabled-themes)
-        ;; this macro allows us to access the colour palette
-        (modus-vivendi-theme-with-color-variables
-          (custom-theme-set-faces
-           'modus-vivendi
-           `(magit-branch-current
-             ((;; use a box property if the current display terminal
-               ;; supports it and also apply a background
-               ((supports :box t))
-               (:foreground ,blue-alt-other :background ,bg-alt :box t))
-              (t
-               ;; use an underline instead of a box for other terminals
-               (:foreground ,blue-alt-other :background ,bg-alt :underline 
-           `(magit-branch-remote-head
-             ((((supports :box t))
-               (:foreground ,magenta-alt-other :background ,bg-alt :box t))
-              (t
-               (:foreground ,magenta-alt-other :background ,bg-alt :underline 
-           ))))
-  ;; invoke the above function when appropriate in order to override the
-  ;; styles of the desired faces
-  (add-hook 'after-load-theme-hook 'customize-modus-vivendi)
-  ;; load the theme
-  (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t))
-Perhaps you want something simpler, such as a nice style for the cursor:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-  (custom-theme-set-faces
-   'modus-operandi
-   `(cursor ((t (:background ,blue-alt))))))
-  (custom-theme-set-faces
-   'modus-vivendi
-   `(cursor ((t (:background ,green-alt))))))
-Remember that the =after-load-theme-hook= is not built into Emacs.  The
-code for it was shown under heading 
[[#h:149e23b6-ada1-480f-95cd-c56fb40999b5][Option 1 to redefine colour values]].
-If you need more ideas check how I configure the themes in 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/dotemacs][my dotemacs]].
-If something is not clear or not working as intended, please let me
-*** Further considerations
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:4acda0f1-564e-48ff-8998-ebf7618377dd
-Please understand that these customisation methods are meant for
-advanced users or those who are prepared to do their own research.  If
-you think that the themes do not work well in some context you can
-inform me about it: maybe you do not need to carry your own
-customisations.  We can just fix the issue in its source.
-To harness the potential of this method you will need to study the
-source code of the themes.  You can always open an issue in case you
-need some help.  To support you in this task, try the =rainbow-mode=
-package which offers live colour previews.  This is how I configure it:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(use-package rainbow-mode
-  :ensure
-  :diminish                             ; optional if you use `diminish'
-  :commands rainbow-mode                ; optional
-  :config
-  (setq rainbow-ansi-colors nil)
-  (setq rainbow-x-colors nil))
-As for the means to check the contrast in perceived luminance between a
-foreground colour and its expected background combination, refer to the
-methods documented in my 
 Operandi theme subtle palette review]]
-** Font configurations for Org (and others)
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:ea30ff0e-3bb6-4801-baf1-d49169d94cd5
-The themes are designed to cope well with mixed font settings.
-Currently this applies to =org-mode= (courtesy of 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/40][Ben in issue 40]]) 
-In practice it means that the user can safely opt for a more
-prose-friendly proportionately-spaced typeface as their default for
-paragraphs and headings, while allowing spacing-sensitive elements like
-tables and inline code to always use a monospaced font.  Users can try
-the built-in function of Emacs called =variable-pitch-mode=.  This is to
-ensure that code blocks, tables, and other relevant elements use the
-appropriate type settings and are positioned correctly.
-*To make everything use your desired font families*, you need to configure
-the =variable-pitch= (proportional spacing) and =fixed-pitch= (monospaced)
-faces respectively.  Otherwise you may get unintended combinations (such
-as those experienced by Mark in 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/42][issue 42]] or what I 
documented at length
-in [[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/54][issue 54]]).
-Put something like this in your initialisation file:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans" :height 110)
-(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "Source Code Pro" :height 110)
-You can also set your standard font the same way.  For example:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "Fira Code" :height 120)
-The value of the =:height= attribute essentially is the point size × 100.
-So if you want to use Fira Code at point size =12=, you set the height to
-=120=.  Values do not need to be rounded to multiples of ten, so the likes
-of =125= are perfectly valid.
-*Alternatively* you may want to review my elaborate setup for fonts,
-focused writing, etc.  Start with the 
 font configurations]] of my
-dotemacs (includes documentation and code).  For video demonstrantions
-check these:
editing” tools for Emacs]] (2020-07-16)
 mixed fonts for Org mode and others]] (2020-07-17)
-* Face coverage
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:944a3bdf-f545-40a0-a26c-b2cec8b2b316
-This list will always be updated to reflect the current state of the
-project.  The idea is to offer an overview of the /known status/ of all
-affected face groups.
-** Full support
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:5ea98392-1376-43a4-8080-2d42a5b690ef
-The items with an appended asterisk =*= tend to have lots of extensions, so
-the "full support" may not be 100% true…
-+ ace-window
-+ ag
-+ alert
-+ all-the-icons
-+ annotate
-+ anzu
-+ apropos
-+ apt-sources-list
-+ artbollocks-mode
-+ auctex and TeX
-+ auto-dim-other-buffers
-+ avy
-+ bm
-+ bongo
-+ boon
-+ breakpoint (provided by the built-in =gdb-mi.el= library)
-+ buffer-expose
-+ calendar and diary
-+ calfw
-+ centaur-tabs
-+ change-log and log-view (=vc-print-log= and =vc-print-root-log=)
-+ cider
-+ circe
-+ color-rg
-+ column-enforce-mode
-+ company-mode*
-+ company-posframe
-+ compilation-mode
-+ completions
-+ counsel*
-+ counsel-css
-+ counsel-notmuch
-+ counsel-org-capture-string
-+ cov
-+ csv-mode
-+ ctrlf
-+ custom (=M-x customize=)
-+ dap-mode
-+ dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
-+ deadgrep
-+ debbugs
-+ define-word
-+ deft
-+ dictionary
-+ diff-hl
-+ diff-mode
-+ dim-autoload
-+ dired
-+ dired-async
-+ dired-git
-+ dired-git-info
-+ dired-narrow
-+ dired-subtree
-+ diredfl
-+ disk-usage
-+ doom-modeline
-+ dynamic-ruler
-+ easy-jekyll
-+ easy-kill
-+ ebdb
-+ ediff
-+ eglot
-+ el-search
-+ eldoc-box
-+ elfeed
-+ elfeed-score
-+ emms
-+ enhanced-ruby-mode
-+ epa
-+ equake
-+ erc
-+ eros
-+ ert
-+ eshell
-+ eshell-fringe-status
-+ eshell-git-prompt
-+ eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
-+ evil* (evil-mode)
-+ evil-goggles
-+ evil-visual-mark-mode
-+ eww
-+ eyebrowse
-+ fancy-dabbrev
-+ flycheck
-+ flycheck-indicator
-+ flycheck-posframe
-+ flymake
-+ flyspell
-+ flyspell-correct
-+ flx
-+ freeze-it
-+ frog-menu
-+ focus
-+ fold-this
-+ font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
-+ forge
-+ fountain (fountain-mode)
-+ geiser
-+ git-commit
-+ git-gutter (and variants)
-+ git-lens
-+ git-rebase
-+ git-timemachine
-+ git-walktree
-+ gnus
-+ golden-ratio-scroll-screen
-+ helm* (also see [[#h:e4408911-e186-4825-bd4f-4d0ea55cd6d6][section below on 
Helm's grep-related functions]])
-+ helm-ls-git
-+ helm-switch-shell
-+ helm-xref
-+ helpful
-+ highlight-blocks
-+ highlight-defined
-+ highlight-escape-sequences (=hes-mode=)
-+ highlight-indentation
-+ highlight-numbers
-+ highlight-symbol
-+ highlight-tail
-+ highlight-thing
-+ hl-defined
-+ hl-fill-column
-+ hl-line-mode
-+ hl-todo
-+ hydra
-+ hyperlist
-+ ibuffer
-+ icomplete
-+ icomplete-vertical
-+ ido-mode
-+ iedit
-+ iflipb
-+ imenu-list
-+ indium
-+ info
-+ info-colors
-+ interaction-log
-+ ioccur
-+ isearch, occur, etc.
-+ ivy*
-+ ivy-posframe
-+ jira (org-jira)
-+ journalctl-mode
-+ js2-mode
-+ julia
-+ jupyter
-+ kaocha-runner
-+ keycast
-+ line numbers (=display-line-numbers-mode= and global variant)
-+ lsp-mode
-+ lsp-ui
-+ magit
-+ magit-imerge
-+ man
-+ markdown-mode
-+ markup-faces (=adoc-mode=)
-+ mentor
-+ messages
-+ minibuffer-line
-+ minimap
-+ modeline
-+ mood-line
-+ mu4e
-+ mu4e-conversation
-+ multiple-cursors
-+ neotree
-+ no-emoji
-+ notmuch
-+ num3-mode
-+ nxml-mode
-+ orderless
-+ org*
-+ org-journal
-+ org-noter
-+ org-pomodoro
-+ org-recur
-+ org-roam
-+ org-superstar
-+ org-table-sticky-header
-+ org-treescope
-+ origami
-+ outline-mode
-+ outline-minor-faces
-+ package (=M-x list-packages=)
-+ page-break-lines
-+ paradox
-+ paren-face
-+ parrot
-+ pass
-+ persp-mode
-+ perspective
-+ phi-grep
-+ phi-search
-+ pkgbuild-mode
-+ pomidor
-+ powerline
-+ powerline-evil
-+ proced
-+ prodigy
-+ rainbow-blocks
-+ rainbow-identifiers
-+ rainbow-delimiters
-+ rcirc
-+ regexp-builder (also known as =re-builder=)
-+ rg (rg.el)
-+ ripgrep
-+ rmail
-+ ruler-mode
-+ sallet
-+ selectrum
-+ semantic
-+ sesman
-+ shell-script-mode
-+ show-paren-mode
-+ side-notes
-+ skewer-mode
-+ smart-mode-line
-+ smartparens
-+ smerge
-+ spaceline
-+ speedbar
-+ spell-fu
-+ stripes
-+ suggest
-+ switch-window
-+ swiper
-+ swoop
-+ sx
-+ symbol-overlay
-+ syslog-mode
-+ table (built-in table.el)
-+ telephone-line
-+ term
-+ tomatinho
-+ transient (pop-up windows such as Magit's)
-+ trashed
-+ treemacs
-+ tty-menu
-+ tuareg
-+ undo-tree
-+ vc (built-in mode line status for version control)
-+ vc-annotate (=C-x v g=)
-+ vdiff
-+ vimish-fold
-+ visible-mark
-+ visual-regexp
-+ volatile-highlights
-+ vterm
-+ wcheck-mode
-+ web-mode
-+ wgrep
-+ which-function-mode
-+ which-key
-+ whitespace-mode
-+ window-divider-mode
-+ winum
-+ writegood-mode
-+ woman
-+ xah-elisp-mode
-+ xref
-+ xterm-color (and ansi-colors)
-+ yaml-mode
-+ yasnippet
-+ ztree
-Plus many other miscellaneous faces that are provided by the upstream
-GNU Emacs distribution.
-** Covered but not styled explicitly
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:8ada963d-046d-4c67-becf-eee18595f902
-These do not require any extra styles because they are configured to
-inherit from some basic faces.  Please confirm.
-+ edit-indirect
-+ php-mode
-+ swift-mode
-** Will NOT be supported
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:46756fcc-0d85-4f77-b0e3-64f890e1c2ea
-I have thus far identified a single package that does fit into the
-overarching objective of this project: 
[[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-solaire-mode][solaire]].  It basically 
tries to
-cast a less intense background on the main file-visiting buffers, so
-that secondary elements like sidebars can have the default (pure
-white/black) background.
-/I will only support this package if it ever supports the inverse
-effect/: less intense colours (but still accessible) for supportive
-interfaces and the intended styles for the content you are actually
-working on.
-** Note for powerline or spaceline users
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:a7d956e5-c4fa-4586-bd84-770bf2c16666
-After making changes to the theme configuration, in order to reset any
-color irregularities in the mode line, both Powerline and Spaceline
-package users can use the command =powerline-reset=.
-** Note on colour rendering of HTML buffers
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:61875051-b284-40f0-a74d-1574f41b3d42
-Emacs' HTML rendering mechanism (=shr=) may need explicit configuration to
-respect the theme's colours instead of whatever specifications the
-webpage provides.  Consult =C-h v shr-use-colors=.  This has been
-demonstrated in 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/60][issue 60]] with 
respect to viewing mails in mu4e.
-** Note for HELM users of grep or grep-like functions
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:e4408911-e186-4825-bd4f-4d0ea55cd6d6
-There is one face from the Helm package that is meant to highlight the
-matches of a grep or grep-like command (=ag= or =ripgrep=).  It is
-=helm-grep-match=.  However, this face can only apply when the user does
-not pass =--color=always= as a command-line option for their command.
-Here is the docstring for that face, which is defined in the
-=helm-grep.el= library (view a library with =M-x find-library=).
-Face used to highlight grep matches. Have no effect when grep backend
-use "--color="
-The user must either remove =--color= from the flags passed to the grep
-function, or explicitly use =--color=never= (or equivalent).  Helm
-provides user-facing customisation options for controlling the grep
-function's parameters, such as =helm-grep-default-command= and
-When =--color=always= is in effect, the grep output will use red text in
-bold letter forms to present the matching part in the list of
-candidates.  *That style still meets the contrast ratio target of >= 7:1*
-(accessibility standard WCAG AAA), because it draws the reference to
-ANSI colour number 1 (red) from the already-supported array of
-I presented 
screen shots of this in issue 21]].
-A similar scenario was 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/-/issues/49][also encountered in 
issue 49]] which was promptly
-fixed by the Helm maintainer.
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:5b5d4420-50cc-4d53-a9f8-825cba6b68f1
-Due to the unique way =vc-annotate= (=C-x v g=) applies colours, support for
-its background mode (=vc-annotate-background-mode=) is disabled at the
-theme level.
-Normally, such a drastic measure should not belong in a theme: assuming
-the user's preferences is bad practice.  However, it has been deemed
-necessary in the interest of preserving colour contrast accessibility
-while still supporting a useful built-in tool.
-If there actually is a way to avoid such a course of action, without
-prejudice to the accessibility standard of this project, then please
-report as much (or send patches, per the information in the 
-* Contributing
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:25ba8d6f-6604-4338-b774-bbe531d467f6
-A few tasks you can help me with:
-+ Suggest refinements to packages that are covered.
-+ Report packages not covered thus far.
-+ Report bugs, inconsistencies, shortcomings.
-+ Help expand the documentation of covered-but-not-styled packages.
-+ Suggest refinements to the colour palette.
-+ Help expand this document or any other piece of documentation.
-It would be great if your feedback also includes some screenshots, GIFs,
-or short videos.  Though this is not a requirement.
-Whatever you do, please bear in mind the overarching objective of the
-Modus themes: to keep a contrast ratio that is greater or equal to 7:1
-between background and foreground colours.  If a compromise is ever
-necessary between aesthetics and accessibility, it shall always be made
-in the interest of the latter.
-** Code contributions require copyright assignment to the FSF
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:d3fb2fc7-6c34-4e68-b2d6-6048849b0319
-I accept code contributions as well (send merge requests!).  But for any
-major contribution (more than 15 lines, or so, in aggregate), you need
-to make a copyright assignment to the Free Software Foundation.  This is
-necessary because the themes are distributed through the official GNU
-ELPA repository and the FSF must be in a position to enforce the GNU
-General Public License.
-Copyright assignment /is a simple process/ that I had to follow as well.
-Check the 
 form]].  You must write an email to the address
-mentioned in the form and then wait for the FSF to send you a legal
-agreement.  Sign the document and file it back to them.  This should all
-happen via email and take about a week.
-I encourage you to go through this process.  You only need to do it
-once.  It will allow you to make contributions to Emacs in general.
-* External projects (ports)
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:2a473296-2dd4-4575-9991-b89f83ef70aa
-The present section documents projects that extend the scope of the
-Modus themes.  The following list will be updated whenever relevant
-information is brought to my attention.  If you already have or intend
-to produce such a port, feel welcome [[https://protesilaos.com/contact][to 
contact me]].
-+ Modus exporter :: This is [[https://github.com/polaris64/modus-exporter][an 
Elisp library written by Simon Pugnet]].
-  It is meant to capture the colour values of the active Modus theme
-  (Operandi or Vivendi) and output it as a valid theme for some other
-  application.  As of this writing (2020-08-18), the project supports
-  exporting to a valid yaml format that can be applied to the Alacritty
-  terminal emulator.  Other templates are expected to be made available
-  in the near future.
-* Meta
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:4c338a51-509e-42c0-8820-1f5014fb477b
-If you are curious about the principles that govern the development of
-this project, read my article 
[[https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-03-17-design-modus-themes-emacs/][On the 
design of the Modus themes]]
-Here are some more publications for those interested in the kind of work
-that goes into this project:
 Operandi theme subtle palette review]] (2020-05-10)
 Vivendi theme subtle palette review]] (2020-06-13)
themes: new "faint syntax" option]] (2020-07-04)
 themes: major review of "nuanced" colours]] (2020-07-08)
-:CUSTOM_ID: h:66652183-2fe0-46cd-b4bb-4121bad78d57
-The Modus Themes are distributed under the terms of the GNU General
-Public License version 3 or, at your choice, any later version.  See the
-COPYING file distributed in the 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes][project's Git repository]].
diff --git a/doc/modus-themes.info b/doc/modus-themes.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0beb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/modus-themes.info
@@ -0,0 +1,2568 @@
+This is modus-themes.info, produced by makeinfo version 6.7 from
+* Modus Themes: (modus-themes). Highly accessible themes (WCAG AAA).
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Overview,  Up: (dir)
+Modus themes for GNU Emacs
+This manual, written by Protesilaos Stavrou, describes the customisation
+options for the ‘modus-operandi’ and ‘modus-vivendi’ themes, and
+provides every other piece of information pertinent to them.
+   The documentation furnished herein corresponds to version 0.13.0,
+released on 2020-10-08.  Any reference to a newer feature which does not
+yet form part of the latest tagged commit, is explicitly marked as such.
+   Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+     document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
+     Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
+     Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts,
+     and with no Back-Cover Texts.
+* Menu:
+* Overview::
+* Installation::
+* Enable and load::
+* Customisation Options::
+* Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)::
+* Face coverage::
+* Notes for individual packages::
+* Contributing::
+* Acknowledgements::
+* Meta::
+* External projects (ports)::
+* GNU Free Documentation License::
+— The Detailed Node Listing —
+* How do the themes look like::
+* Learn about the latest changes::
+* Install from the archives::
+* Install on GNU/Linux::
+Install on GNU/Linux
+* Debian 11 Bullseye::
+* GNU Guix::
+Enable and load
+* Load automatically::
+* Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise::
+* Toggle between the themes on demand::
+* Configure options prior to loading::
+Customisation Options
+* Bold constructs::              Toggle bold constructs in code
+* Slanted constructs::           Toggle slanted constructs (italics) in code
+* Syntax highlighting::          Toggle subtle colouration in programming modes
+* No mixed fonts::               Toggle mixing of font families
+* Link underline::               Toggle underlined text in links
+* Command prompts::              Choose among plain, subtle, or intense prompts
+* Mode line::                    Choose among plain, three-dimension, or 
moody-compliant styles
+* Completion UIs::               Choose among standard, moderate, or 
opinionated looks
+* Fringes::                      Choose among plain, subtle, or intense fringe 
+* Line highlighting::            Toggle intense style for current line 
+* Matching parentheses::         Toggle intense style for matching 
+* Diffs::                        Choose among intense, desaturated, or 
text-only diffs
+* Org mode blocks::              Choose among plain, greyscale, or rainbow 
+* Heading styles::               Choose among several styles, also per heading 
+* Scaled headings::              Toggle scaling of headings
+* Headings' font::               Toggle proportionately spaced fonts in 
+Scaled headings
+* Scaled heading sizes::         Specify rate of increase for scaled headings
+Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)
+* Tweak colours (DIY)::          Declare your own palette overrides
+* Font configs (DIY)::           Optimise for mixed typeface buffers
+* Org user faces (DIY)::         Extend styles for org-mode keywords and 
+Face coverage
+* Supported packages::           Full list of covered face groups
+* Covered indirectly::
+* Will NOT be supported::
+Notes for individual packages
+* Note on company-mode overlay pop-up::
+* Note for ERC escaped colour sequences::
+* Note for powerline or spaceline::
+* Note on shr colours::
+* Note for Helm grep::
+* Note on vc-annotate-background-mode::
+* Sources of the themes::
+* Issues you can help with::
+* Merge requests::               Legal considerations for code patches
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Overview,  Next: Installation,  Prev: Top,  
Up: Top
+1 Overview
+The Modus themes are designed for accessible readability.  They conform
+with the highest standard for colour contrast between any given
+combination of background and foreground values.  This corresponds to
+the WCAG AAA standard, which specifies a minimum rate of distance in
+relative luminance of 7:1.
+   Modus Operandi (‘modus-operandi’) is a light theme, while Modus
+Vivendi (‘modus-vivendi’) is dark.  Each theme’s colour palette is
+designed to meet the needs of the numerous interfaces that are possible
+in the Emacs computing environment.
+   The overarching objective of this project is to always offer
+accessible colour combinations.  There shall never be a compromise on
+this principle.  If there arises an inescapable trade-off between
+readability and stylistic considerations, we will always opt for the
+   To ensure that users have a consistently accessible experience, the
+themes strive to achieve as close to full face coverage as possible (see
+*note Face coverage::).
+   Starting with version 0.12.0 and onwards, the themes are built into
+GNU Emacs (current version is 0.13.0).
+* Menu:
+* How do the themes look like::
+* Learn about the latest changes::
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: How do the themes look like,  Next: Learn 
about the latest changes,  Up: Overview
+1.1 How do the themes look like
+Check the web page with the screen shots
+(https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures/).  There are lots of
+scenaria on display that draw attention to details and important aspects
+in the design of the themes.  They also showcase the numerous
+customisation options.
+   *note Customisation options: Customisation Options.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Learn about the latest changes,  Prev: How do 
the themes look like,  Up: Overview
+1.2 Learn about the latest changes
+Please refer to the web page with the change log
+(https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-changelog).  It is comprehensive
+and covers everything that goes into every tagged release of the themes.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Installation,  Next: Enable and load,  Prev: 
Overview,  Up: Top
+2 Installation
+The Modus themes are built into Emacs’ development branch (‘master’)
+which corresponds to the nominal version 28.0.50.  Otherwise they can be
+installed using Emacs’ package manager or manually from their code
+   Modus Operandi (light theme) and Modus Vivendi (dark) are normally
+distributed as standalone packages in Emacs-specific archives: GNU ELPA,
+MELPA, and MELPA Stable.  There also exist packages for GNU/Linux
+* Menu:
+* Install from the archives::
+* Install on GNU/Linux::
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Install from the archives,  Next: Install on 
GNU/Linux,  Up: Installation
+2.1 Install from the archives
+‘modus-operandi-theme’ and ‘modus-vivendi-theme’ are available from GNU
+   Prior to querying any package archive, make sure to have updated the
+index, with ‘M-x package-refresh-contents’.  Then all you need to do is
+type ‘M-x package-install’ and specify the theme of your choice.
+   GNU ELPA and MELPA Stable contain the last tagged release.  While
+MELPA builds from the latest commit to the Modus theme’s Git repository
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Install on GNU/Linux,  Prev: Install from the 
archives,  Up: Installation
+2.2 Install on GNU/Linux
+The themes are also available from the archives of some GNU/Linux
+distributions.  These should correspond to a tagged release rather than
+building directly from the latest Git commit.  It all depends on the
+distro’s packaging policies.
+* Menu:
+* Debian 11 Bullseye::
+* GNU Guix::
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Debian 11 Bullseye,  Next: GNU Guix,  Up: 
Install on GNU/Linux
+2.2.1 Debian 11 Bullseye
+The two themes are distributed as a single package for Debian and its
+derivatives.  Currently in the unstable and testing suites and should be
+available in time for Debian 11 Bullseye (next stable).
+   Get them with:
+     sudo apt install elpa-modus-themes
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: GNU Guix,  Prev: Debian 11 Bullseye,  Up: 
Install on GNU/Linux
+2.2.2 GNU Guix
+Users of either the Guix System (the distro) or just Guix (the package
+manager) can get each theme as a standalone package.
+     guix package -i modus-operandi-theme
+   And/or:
+     guix package -i modus-vivendi-theme
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Enable and load,  Next: Customisation Options, 
 Prev: Installation,  Up: Top
+3 Enable and load
+This section documents techniques on how to load the theme of your
+choice and how to further control its initialisation.  It also includes
+some sample code snippets that could help you in the task, especially if
+you intend to use both Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi.
+* Menu:
+* Load automatically::
+* Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise::
+* Toggle between the themes on demand::
+* Configure options prior to loading::
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Load automatically,  Next: Load at a given 
time or at sunset/sunrise,  Up: Enable and load
+3.1 Load automatically
+A simple way to load the theme from your Emacs initialisation file is to
+include either of the following expressions:
+     (load-theme 'modus-operandi t)          ; Light theme
+     (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)           ; Dark theme
+   Make sure to remove any other theme that is being loaded, otherwise
+you might run into unexpected issues.
+   Note that you can always ‘M-x disable-theme’ and specify an item.
+The command does exactly what its name suggests.  To deactivate all
+enabled themes at once, in case you have multiple of them enabled, you
+may evaluate the expression:
+     (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise,  
Next: Toggle between the themes on demand,  Prev: Load automatically,  Up: 
Enable and load
+3.2 Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise
+It is possible to schedule a time during the day at or after which a
+given theme will be loaded.(1)
+     ;; Light for the day
+     (load-theme 'modus-operandi t t)
+     (run-at-time "05:00" (* 60 60 24)
+                  (lambda ()
+                    (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
+     ;; Dark for the night
+     (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t t)
+     (run-at-time "21:00" (* 60 60 24)
+                  (lambda ()
+                    (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
+   A modified version of the above technique is to use the sunrise and
+sunset as references, instead of specifying a fixed hour value.(2)  If
+you set ‘calendar-latitude’ and ‘calendar-longitude’ (defined in the
+built-in ‘solar.el’ library—read it with ‘M-x find-library’), you can
+automatically switch between both themes at the appropriate time-of-day.
+Note that _those calendar variables need to be set before loading the
+     ;; Define coordinates
+     (setq calendar-latitude 35.17
+           calendar-longitude 33.36)
+     ;; Light at sunrise
+     (load-theme 'modus-operandi t t)
+     (run-at-time (nth 1 (split-string (sunrise-sunset)))
+                  (* 60 60 24)
+                  (lambda ()
+                    (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
+     ;; Dark at sunset
+     (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t t)
+     (run-at-time (nth 4 (split-string (sunrise-sunset)))
+                  (* 60 60 24)
+                  (lambda ()
+                    (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
+   For the sake of completeness, the ‘load-theme’ call in these snippets
+is slightly different than the one shown in *note Load automatically::,
+because it does not enable the theme directly: the subsequent
+‘enable-theme’ does that when needed.
+   ---------- Footnotes ----------
+   (1) Contributed on Reddit by user b3n
+   (2) Contributed directly by André Alexandre Gomes
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Toggle between the themes on demand,  Next: 
Configure options prior to loading,  Prev: Load at a given time or at 
sunset/sunrise,  Up: Enable and load
+3.3 Toggle between the themes on demand
+With both themes available, it is possible to design a simple command to
+switch between them on demand.
+     (defun modus-themes-toggle ()
+       "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes."
+       (interactive)
+       (if (eq (car custom-enabled-themes) 'modus-operandi)
+           (progn
+             (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+             (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t))
+         (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+         (load-theme 'modus-operandi t)))
+   You could use ‘(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)’ instead
+of disabling a single target, but you get the idea.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Configure options prior to loading,  Prev: 
Toggle between the themes on demand,  Up: Enable and load
+3.4 Configure options prior to loading
+If you plan to use both themes and wish to apply styles consistently
+(see *note Customisation Options::), you could define wrapper functions
+around the standard ‘load-theme’ command.  These extend the simple
+function we presented in *note Toggle between the themes on demand::.
+   Here is a comprehensive setup (the values assigned to the variables
+are just for the sake of this demonstration):(1)
+     (defmacro modus-themes-format-sexp (sexp &rest objects)
+       `(eval (read (format ,(format "%S" sexp) ,@objects))))
+     (dolist (theme '("operandi" "vivendi"))
+       (modus-themes-format-sexp
+        (defun modus-%1$s-theme-load ()
+          (setq modus-%1$s-theme-slanted-constructs t
+                modus-%1$s-theme-bold-constructs t
+                modus-%1$s-theme-fringes 'subtle ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
+                modus-%1$s-theme-mode-line '3d ; {nil,'3d,'moody}
+                modus-%1$s-theme-faint-syntax nil
+                modus-%1$s-theme-intense-hl-line nil
+                modus-%1$s-theme-intense-paren-match nil
+                modus-%1$s-theme-no-link-underline t
+                modus-%1$s-theme-no-mixed-fonts nil
+                modus-%1$s-theme-prompts nil ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
+                modus-%1$s-theme-completions 'moderate ; 
+                modus-%1$s-theme-diffs nil ; {nil,'desaturated,'fg-only}
+                modus-%1$s-theme-org-blocks 'greyscale ; 
+                modus-%1$s-theme-headings  ; Read further below in the manual 
for this one
+                '((1 . section)
+                  (2 . line)
+                  (t . rainbow-line-no-bold))
+                modus-%1$s-theme-variable-pitch-headings nil
+                modus-%1$s-theme-scale-headings t
+                modus-%1$s-theme-scale-1 1.1
+                modus-%1$s-theme-scale-2 1.15
+                modus-%1$s-theme-scale-3 1.21
+                modus-%1$s-theme-scale-4 1.27
+                modus-%1$s-theme-scale-5 1.33)
+          (load-theme 'modus-%1$s t))
+        theme))
+     (defun modus-themes-toggle ()
+       "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes."
+       (interactive)
+       (if (eq (car custom-enabled-themes) 'modus-operandi)
+           (progn
+             (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+             (modus-vivendi-theme-load))
+         (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+         (modus-operandi-theme-load)))
+   ---------- Footnotes ----------
+   (1) The ‘defmacro’ and ‘dolist’ method were contributed on Reddit by
+user b3n
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Customisation Options,  Next: Advanced 
customisation (do-it-yourself),  Prev: Enable and load,  Up: Top
+4 Customisation Options
+The Modus themes are highly configurable.  Though they should work well
+without any further tweaks.
+   By default, all customisation options are set to ‘nil’.
+   All customisation options need to be evaluated before loading their
+theme (see *note Enable and load::).
+* Menu:
+* Bold constructs::              Toggle bold constructs in code
+* Slanted constructs::           Toggle slanted constructs (italics) in code
+* Syntax highlighting::          Toggle subtle colouration in programming modes
+* No mixed fonts::               Toggle mixing of font families
+* Link underline::               Toggle underlined text in links
+* Command prompts::              Choose among plain, subtle, or intense prompts
+* Mode line::                    Choose among plain, three-dimension, or 
moody-compliant styles
+* Completion UIs::               Choose among standard, moderate, or 
opinionated looks
+* Fringes::                      Choose among plain, subtle, or intense fringe 
+* Line highlighting::            Toggle intense style for current line 
+* Matching parentheses::         Toggle intense style for matching 
+* Diffs::                        Choose among intense, desaturated, or 
text-only diffs
+* Org mode blocks::              Choose among plain, greyscale, or rainbow 
+* Heading styles::               Choose among several styles, also per heading 
+* Scaled headings::              Toggle scaling of headings
+* Headings' font::               Toggle proportionately spaced fonts in 
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Bold constructs,  Next: Slanted constructs,  
Up: Customisation Options
+4.1 Option for more bold constructs
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-bold-constructs’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Display several constructs in bold weight.  This concerns keywords
+and other important aspects of code syntax.  It also affects certain
+mode line indicators and command-line prompts.
+   The default is to only use a bold weight when it is required.
+   Additionally, and while not necessary, to define the precise weight
+for bold constructs, you can change the typographic intensity of the
+‘bold’ face.  The standard is a bold weight.  It requires no further
+intervention.  Assuming though that your typeface of choice supports a
+“semibold” weight, adding the following snippet to your init file should
+     (set-face-attribute 'bold nil :weight 'semibold)
+   Note that if you are switching themes, you need to re-evaluate this
+expression after the new theme is loaded.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Slanted constructs,  Next: Syntax 
highlighting,  Prev: Bold constructs,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.2 Option for more slanted constructs
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-slanted-constructs’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-slanted-constructs’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Choose to render more faces in slanted text (italics).  This
+typically affects documentation strings and code comments.
+   The default is to not use italics unless it is absolutely necessary.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Syntax highlighting,  Next: No mixed fonts,  
Prev: Slanted constructs,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.3 Option for faint code syntax highlighting
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Use less saturated colours in programming modes for highlighting code
+syntax.  The default is to use saturated colours.
+   This option essentially affects the font-lock faces, so it may also
+have implications in other places that are hard-wired to rely directly
+on them instead of specifying their own faces (which could inherit from
+font-lock if that is the intent).  The author is aware of ‘vc-dir’ as a
+case in point.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: No mixed fonts,  Next: Link underline,  Prev: 
Syntax highlighting,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.4 Option for no font mixing
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-no-mixed-fonts’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-no-mixed-fonts’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   By default, the themes configure some spacing-sensitive faces, such
+as Org tables and code blocks, to always inherit from the ‘fixed-pitch’
+face.  This is to ensure that those constructs remain monospaced when
+users opt for something like the built-in ‘M-x variable-pitch-mode’.
+Otherwise the layout would appear broken.  To disable this behaviour,
+set the option to ‘t’.
+   Users may prefer to use another package for handling mixed typeface
+configurations, rather than letting the theme do it, perhaps because a
+purpose-specific package has extra functionality.  Two possible options
+are org-variable-pitch (https://melpa.org/#/org-variable-pitch) and
+mixed-pitch (https://melpa.org/#/mixed-pitch).
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Link underline,  Next: Command prompts,  Prev: 
No mixed fonts,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.5 Option for no link underline
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-no-link-underline’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-no-link-underline’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Remove the underline effect from links, symbolic links, and buttons.
+The default is to apply an underline.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Command prompts,  Next: Mode line,  Prev: Link 
underline,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.6 Option for command prompt styles
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-prompts’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-prompts’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘subtle’
+  3. ‘intense’
+   The symbols “subtle” and “intense” will apply a combination of
+accented background and foreground to the minibuffer and other REPL
+prompts (like ‘M-x shell’ and ‘M-x eshell’).  The difference between the
+two is that the latter has a more pronounced/noticeable effect than the
+   The default is to not use any background for such prompts, while
+relying exclusively on an accented foreground colour.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Mode line,  Next: Completion UIs,  Prev: 
Command prompts,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.7 Option for mode line presentation
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-mode-line’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘3d’
+  3. ‘moody’
+   The default value (‘nil’) produces a two-dimensional effect both for
+the active and inactive modelines.  The differences between the two are
+limited to distinct shades of greyscale values, with the active being
+more intense than the inactive.
+   A ‘3d’ symbol will make the active modeline look like a
+three-dimensional rectangle.  Inactive modelines remain 2D, though they
+are slightly toned down relative to the default.  This aesthetic is the
+same as what you get when you run Emacs without any customisations
+(‘emacs -Q’ on the command line).
+   While ‘moody’ removes all box effects from the modelines and applies
+underline and overline properties instead.  It also tones down a bit the
+inactive modelines.  This is meant to optimise things for use with the
+moody package (https://github.com/tarsius/moody) (hereinafter referred
+to as “Moody”), though it can work fine even without it.
+   Note that Moody does not expose any faces that the themes could style
+directly.  Instead it re-purposes existing ones to render its tabs and
+ribbons.  As such, there may be cases where the contrast ratio falls
+below the 7:1 target that the themes conform with (WCAG AAA). To hedge
+against this, we configure a fallback foreground for the ‘moody’ option,
+which will come into effect when the background of the modeline changes
+to something less accessible, such as Moody ribbons (read the doc string
+of ‘set-face-attribute’, specifically ‘:distant-foreground’).  This
+fallback comes into effect when Emacs determines that the background and
+foreground of the given construct are too close to each other in terms
+of colour distance.  In effect, users would need to experiment with the
+variable ‘face-near-same-color-threshold’ to trigger the fallback
+colour.  We find that a value of ‘45000’ would suffice, contrary to the
+default ‘30000’.  Do not set the value too high, because that would have
+the adverse effect of always overriding the default colour (which has
+been carefully designed to be highly accessible).
+   Furthermore, because Moody expects an underline and overline instead
+of a box style, it is recommended you also include this in your setup:
+     (setq x-underline-at-descent-line t)
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Completion UIs,  Next: Fringes,  Prev: Mode 
line,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.8 Option for completion framework aesthetics
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-completions’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-completions’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘moderate’
+  3. ‘opinionated’
+   This is a special option that has different effects depending on the
+completion UI.  The interfaces can be grouped in two categories, based
+on their default aesthetics: (i) those that only or mostly use
+foreground colours for their interaction model, and (ii) those that
+combine background and foreground values for some of their metaphors.
+The former category encompasses Icomplete, Ido, Selectrum as well as
+pattern matching styles like Orderless and Flx.  The latter covers Helm,
+Ivy, and similar.
+   A value of ‘nil’ will respect the metaphors of each completion
+   The symbol ‘moderate’ will apply a combination of background and
+foreground that is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and friends this
+constitutes a departure from their default aesthetics, however the
+difference is small.  While Helm et al will appear slightly different
+than their original looks, as they are toned down a bit.
+   The symbol ‘opinionated’ will apply colour combinations that
+refashion the completion UI.  For the Icomplete camp this means that
+intense background and foreground combinations are used: in effect their
+looks emulate those of Ivy and co.  in their original style.  Whereas
+the other group of packages will revert to an even more nuanced
+aesthetic with some additional changes to the choice of hues.
+   To appreciate the scope of this customisation option, you should
+spend some time with every one of the ‘nil’ (default), ‘moderate’, and
+‘opinionated’ possibilities.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Fringes,  Next: Line highlighting,  Prev: 
Completion UIs,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.9 Option for fringe visibility
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-fringes’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-fringes’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘subtle’
+  3. ‘intense’
+   The “subtle” symbol will apply a greyscale background that is
+visible, yet close enough to the main background colour.  While the
+“intense” symbol will use a more noticeable greyscale background.
+   The default is to use the same colour as that of the main background,
+meaning that the fringes are not obvious though they still occupy the
+space given to them by ‘fringe-mode’.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Line highlighting,  Next: Matching 
parentheses,  Prev: Fringes,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.10 Option for line highlighting (hl-line-mode)
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-intense-hl-line’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Draw the current line of ‘hl-line-mode’ or its global equivalent in a
+more prominent background colour.  This would also affect several
+packages that enable ‘hl-line-mode’, such as ‘elfeed’ and ‘mu4e’.
+   The default is to use a more subtle grey.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Matching parentheses,  Next: Diffs,  Prev: 
Line highlighting,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.11 Option for parenthesis matching (show-paren-mode)
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-intense-paren-match’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Apply a more intense background to the matching parentheses (or
+delimiters).  This affects tools such as the built-in ‘show-paren-mode’.
+The default is to use a subtle warm colour for the background of those
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Diffs,  Next: Org mode blocks,  Prev: Matching 
parentheses,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.12 Option for diff buffer looks
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-diffs’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-diffs’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘desaturated’
+  3. ‘fg-only’
+   By default the themes will apply richly coloured backgrounds to the
+output of diffs, such as those of ‘diff-mode’, ‘ediff’, ‘smerge-mode’,
+and ‘magit’.  These are colour combinations of an accented background
+and foreground so that, for example, added lines have a pronounced green
+background with an appropriate shade of green for the affected text.
+Word-wise or “refined” changes follow this pattern but use different
+shades of those colours to remain distinct.
+   A ‘desaturated’ value tones down all relevant colour values.  It
+still combines an accented background with an appropriate foreground,
+yet its overall impression is very subtle.  Refined changes are a bit
+more intense to fulfil their intended function, though still less
+saturated than default.
+   While ‘fg-only’ will remove all accented backgrounds and instead rely
+on colour-coded text to denote changes.  For instance, added lines use
+an intense green foreground, while their background is the same as the
+rest of the buffer.  Word-wise highlights still use a background value
+which is, nonetheless, more subtle than its default equivalent.
+   Concerning ‘magit’, an extra set of tweaks are introduced for the
+effect of highlighting the current diff hunk, so as to remain consistent
+with the overall experience of that mode.  Expect changes that are
+consistent with the overall intent of the aforementioned.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Org mode blocks,  Next: Heading styles,  Prev: 
Diffs,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.13 Option for org-mode block styles
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘greyscale’
+  3. ‘rainbow’
+   The default is to use the same background as the rest of the buffer
+for the contents of the block.
+   A value of ‘greyscale’ will apply a subtle neutral grey background to
+the block’s contents.  It will also extend to the edge of the window the
+background of the “begin” and “end” block delimiter lines (only relevant
+for Emacs versions >= 27 where the ’extend’ keyword is recognised by
+   While ‘rainbow’ will instead use an accented background for the
+contents of the block.  The exact colour will depend on the programming
+language and is controlled by the ‘org-src-block-faces’ variable (refer
+to the theme’s source code for the current association list).  This is
+most suitable for users who work on literate programming documents that
+mix and match several languages.
+   Note that the “rainbow” blocks may require you to also reload the
+major-mode so that the colours are applied properly: use ‘M-x org-mode’
+or ‘M-x org-mode-restart’ to refresh the buffer.  Or start typing in
+each code block (inefficient at scale, but it still works).
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Heading styles,  Next: Scaled headings,  Prev: 
Org mode blocks,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.14 Option for headings’ overall style
+This is defined as an alist and, therefore, uses a different approach
+than other customisation options documented in this manual.
+   Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-headings’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-headings’
+   Possible values, which can be specified for each heading level
+(examples further below):
+   • nil (default fallback option—covers all heading levels)
+   • ‘t’ (default style for a single heading, when the fallback differs)
+   • ‘no-bold’
+   • ‘line’
+   • ‘line-no-bold’
+   • ‘rainbow’
+   • ‘rainbow-line’
+   • ‘rainbow-line-no-bold’
+   • ‘highlight’
+   • ‘highlight-no-bold’
+   • ‘rainbow-highlight’
+   • ‘rainbow-highlight-no-bold’
+   • ‘section’
+   • ‘section-no-bold’
+   • ‘rainbow-section’
+   • ‘rainbow-section-no-bold’
+   To control faces per level from 1-8, use something like this (same
+for ‘modus-vivendi-theme-headings’):
+     (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+           '((1 . section)
+             (2 . line)
+             (3 . highlight)
+             (t . rainbow-no-bold)))
+   The above uses the ‘section’ value for heading levels 1, the ‘line’
+for headings 2, ‘highlight’ for 3.  All other levels fall back to
+   To set a uniform value for all heading levels, use this pattern:
+     ;; A given style for every heading
+     (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+           '((t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+     ;; Default aesthetic for every heading
+     (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+           '((t . nil)))
+   The default style for headings uses a fairly desaturated foreground
+value in combination with a bold typographic weight.  To specify this
+style for a given level N (assuming you wish to have another fallback
+option), just specify the value ‘t’ like this:
+     (setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+           '((1 . t)
+             (2 . line)
+             (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+   A description of all other possible styles:
+   • ‘no-bold’ retains the default text colour while removing the
+     typographic weight.
+   • ‘line’ is the same as the default plus an overline over the
+     heading.
+   • ‘line-no-bold’ is the same as ‘line’ without bold weight.
+   • ‘rainbow’ uses a more colourful foreground in combination with bold
+     weight.
+   • ‘rainbow-line’ is the same as ‘rainbow’ plus an overline.
+   • ‘rainbow-line-no-bold’ is the same as ‘rainbow-line’ without the
+     bold weight.
+   • ‘highlight’ retains the default style of a fairly desaturated
+     foreground combined with a bold weight and adds to it a subtle
+     accented background.
+   • ‘highlight-no-bold’ is the same as ‘highlight’ without a bold
+     weight.
+   • ‘rainbow-highlight’ is the same as ‘highlight’ but with a more
+     colourful foreground.
+   • ‘rainbow-highlight-no-bold’ is the same as ‘rainbow-highlight’
+     without a bold weight.
+   • ‘section’ retains the default looks and adds to them both an
+     overline and a slightly accented background.  It is, in effect, a
+     combination of the ‘line’ and ‘highlight’ values.
+   • ‘section-no-bold’ is the same as ‘section’ without a bold weight.
+   • ‘rainbow-section’ is the same as ‘section’ but with a more
+     colourful foreground.
+   • ‘rainbow-section-no-bold’ is the same as ‘rainbow-section’ without
+     a bold weight.“
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Scaled headings,  Next: Headings' font,  Prev: 
Heading styles,  Up: Customisation Options
+4.15 Option for scaled headings
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-scale-headings’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Make headings larger in height relative to the main text.  This is
+noticeable in modes like Org.  The default is to use the same size for
+headings and body copy.
+* Menu:
+* Scaled heading sizes::         Specify rate of increase for scaled headings
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Scaled heading sizes,  Up: Scaled headings
+4.15.1 Control the scale of headings
+In addition to toggles for enabling scaled headings, users can also
+specify a number of their own.
+   • If it is a floating point, say, ‘1.5’, it is interpreted as a
+     multiple of the base font size.  This is the recommended method.
+   • If it is an integer, it is read as an absolute font height.  The
+     number is basically the point size multiplied by ten.  So if you
+     want it to be ‘18pt’ you must pass ‘180’.  Please understand that
+     setting an absolute value is discouraged, as it will break the
+     layout when you try to change font sizes with the built-in
+     ‘text-scale-adjust’ command (see *note Font configurations: Font
+     configs (DIY).).
+   Below are the variables in their default values, using the floating
+point paradigm.  The numbers are very conservative, but you are free to
+change them to your liking, such as ‘1.2’, ‘1.4’, ‘1.6’, ‘1.8’, ‘2.0’—or
+use a resource for finding a consistent scale:
+     (setq modus-operandi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+           modus-operandi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+           modus-operandi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+           modus-operandi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+           modus-operandi-theme-scale-5 1.3)
+     (setq modus-vivendi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+           modus-vivendi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+           modus-vivendi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+           modus-vivendi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+           modus-vivendi-theme-scale-5 1.3)
+   Note that in earlier versions of Org, scaling would only increase the
+size of the heading, but not of keywords that were added to it, like
+“TODO”.  The issue has been fixed upstream:
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Headings' font,  Prev: Scaled headings,  Up: 
Customisation Options
+4.16 Option for variable-pitch font in headings
+Symbol names:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings’
+   Possible values:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   Choose to apply a proportionately spaced, else “variable-pitch”,
+typeface to headings (such as in Org mode).  The default is to use the
+main font family.
+   *note Font configurations for Org (and others): Font configs (DIY).
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself),  
Next: Face coverage,  Prev: Customisation Options,  Up: Top
+5 Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)
+Unlike the predefined customisation options which follow a
+straightforward pattern of allowing the user to quickly specify their
+preference, the themes also provide a more flexible, albeit difficult,
+mechanism to control things with precision (see *note Customisation
+   This section is of interest only to users who are prepared to
+maintain their own local tweaks and who are willing to deal with any
+possible incompatibilities between versioned releases of the themes.  As
+such, they are labelled as “do-it-yourself” or “DIY”.
+* Menu:
+* Tweak colours (DIY)::          Declare your own palette overrides
+* Font configs (DIY)::           Optimise for mixed typeface buffers
+* Org user faces (DIY)::         Extend styles for org-mode keywords and 
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Tweak colours (DIY),  Next: Font configs 
(DIY),  Up: Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)
+5.1 Full access to the themes’ palette
+The variables are:
+   • ‘modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist’
+   • ‘modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist’
+   Users can specify an association list that maps the names of colour
+variables to hexadecimal RGB values (in the form of ‘#RRGGBB’).  This
+means that it is possible to override the entire palette or subsets
+thereof (see the source code for the actual names and values).
+   Example:
+     ;; Redefine the values of those three variables for the given theme
+     (setq modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist
+           '(("magenta" . "#ffaabb")
+             ("magenta-alt" . "#ee88ff")
+             ("magenta-alt-other" . "#bbaaff")))
+   If you want to be creative, you can define a minor mode that
+refashions the themes on demand.  The following is a minor mode that
+gets activated on demand.  We combine it with the function to switch
+between Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi (see *note Toggle between the
+themes on demand:: for a basic command, and/or *note Configure options
+prior to loading:: for a more comprehensive setup).
+     (define-minor-mode modus-themes-alt-mode
+       "Override Modus themes' palette variables with custom values.
+     This is intended as a proof-of-concept.  It is, nonetheless, a
+     perfectly accessible alternative, conforming with the design
+     principles of the Modus themes.  It still is not as good as the
+     default colours."
+       :init-value nil
+       :global t
+       (if modus-themes-alt-mode
+           (setq modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist
+                 '(("bg-main" . "#fefcf4")
+                   ("bg-dim" . "#faf6ef")
+                   ("bg-alt" . "#f7efe5")
+                   ("bg-hl-line" . "#f4f0e3")
+                   ("bg-active" . "#e8dfd1")
+                   ("bg-inactive" . "#f6ece5")
+                   ("bg-region" . "#c6bab1")
+                   ("bg-header" . "#ede3e0")
+                   ("bg-tab-bar" . "#dcd3d3")
+                   ("bg-tab-active" . "#fdf6eb")
+                   ("bg-tab-inactive" . "#c8bab8")
+                   ("fg-unfocused" . "#55556f"))
+                 modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist
+                 '(("bg-main" . "#100b17")
+                   ("bg-dim" . "#161129")
+                   ("bg-alt" . "#181732")
+                   ("bg-hl-line" . "#191628")
+                   ("bg-active" . "#282e46")
+                   ("bg-inactive" . "#1a1e39")
+                   ("bg-region" . "#393a53")
+                   ("bg-header" . "#202037")
+                   ("bg-tab-bar" . "#262b41")
+                   ("bg-tab-active" . "#120f18")
+                   ("bg-tab-inactive" . "#3a3a5a")
+                   ("fg-unfocused" . "#9a9aab")))
+         (setq modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist nil
+               modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist nil)))
+     (defun modus-themes-toggle (&optional arg)
+       "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes.
+     With optional \\[universal-argument] prefix, enable
+     `modus-themes-alt-mode' for the loaded theme."
+       (interactive "P")
+       (if arg
+           (modus-themes-alt-mode 1)
+         (modus-themes-alt-mode -1))
+       (if (eq (car custom-enabled-themes) 'modus-operandi)
+           (progn
+             (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+             (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t))
+         (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+         (load-theme 'modus-operandi t)))
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Font configs (DIY),  Next: Org user faces 
(DIY),  Prev: Tweak colours (DIY),  Up: Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)
+5.2 Font configurations for Org (and others)
+The themes are designed to cope well with mixed font settings (*note
+Option for no font mixing: No mixed fonts.).  Currently this applies to
+‘org-mode’ and ‘markdown-mode’.
+   In practice it means that the user can safely opt for a more
+prose-friendly proportionately spaced typeface as their default, while
+letting spacing-sensitive elements like tables and inline code always
+use a monospaced font, by inheriting from the ‘fixed-pitch’ face.
+   Users can try the built-in ‘M-x variable-pitch-mode’ to see the
+effect in action.
+   To make everything use your desired font families, you need to
+configure the ‘variable-pitch’ (proportional spacing) and ‘fixed-pitch’
+(monospaced) faces respectively.  It may also be convenient to set your
+main typeface by configuring the ‘default’ face the same way.
+   Put something like this in your initialisation file (make sure to
+read the documentation of ‘set-face-attribute’, with ‘M-x
+     ;; Main typeface
+     (set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 110)
+     ;; Proportionately spaced typeface
+     (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Serif" :height 
+     ;; Monospaced typeface
+     (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 
+   Note the differences in the ‘:height’ property.  The ‘default’ face
+must specify an absolute value, which is the point size × 10.  So if you
+want to use a font at point size ‘11’, you set the height at ‘110’.(1)
+Whereas every other face must have a value that is relative to the
+default, represented as a floating point (if you use an integer, say,
+‘15’ then that means an absolute height).  This is of paramount
+importantance: it ensures that all fonts can scale gracefully when using
+something like the ‘text-scale-adjust’ command which only operates on
+the base font size (i.e.  the ‘default’ face’s absolute height).
+   An alternative syntax for the ‘default’ face, is to pass all typeface
+parameters directly to a ‘font’ property.(2)  Note that here we use a
+standard point size:
+     (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "DejaVu Sans Mono-11")
+   Again, remember to only ever specify an absolute height for the
+   ---------- Footnotes ----------
+   (1) ‘:height’ values do not need to be rounded to multiples of ten:
+the likes of ‘115’ are perfectly valid—some typefaces will change to
+account for those finer increments.
+   (2) Has the benefit of accepting ‘fontconfig’ parameters (GNU/Linux),
+such as ‘"DejaVu Sans Mono-11:hintstyle=hintslight:autohint=false"’.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Org user faces (DIY),  Prev: Font configs 
(DIY),  Up: Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)
+5.3 Org user faces (DIY)
+Users of ‘org-mode’ have the option to configure various keywords and
+priority cookies to better match their workflow.  User options are
+‘org-todo-keyword-faces’ and ‘org-priority-faces’.
+   As those are meant to be custom faces, it would be futile to have the
+themes try to guess what each user would want to use, which keywords to
+target, and so on.  Instead, we can provide guidelines on how to
+customise things to one’s liking with the intent of retaining the
+overall aesthetics of the theme.
+   Please bear in mind that the end result of those is not controlled by
+the active theme but by how Org maps faces to its constructs.  Editing
+those while ‘org-mode’ is active requires ‘M-x org-mode-restart’ for
+changes to take effect.
+   Let us assume you wish to visually differentiate your keywords.  You
+have something like this:
+     (setq org-todo-keywords
+           '((sequence "TODO(t)" "|" "DONE(D)" "CANCEL(C)")
+             (sequence "MEET(m)" "|" "MET(M)")
+             (sequence "STUDY(s)" "|" "STUDIED(S)")
+             (sequence "WRITE(w)" "|" "WROTE(W)")))
+   You could then use a variant of the following to inherit from a face
+that uses the styles you want and also to preserve the properties
+applied by the ‘org-todo’ face:
+     (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
+           '(("MEET" . '(font-lock-preprocessor-face org-todo))
+             ("STUDY" . '(font-lock-variable-name-face org-todo))
+             ("WRITE" . '(font-lock-type-face org-todo))))
+   This will refashion the keywords you specify, while letting the other
+items in ‘org-todo-keywords’ use their original styles (which are
+defined in the ‘org-todo’ and ‘org-done’ faces).
+   If you want back the defaults, try specifying just the ‘org-todo’
+     (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
+           '(("MEET" . org-todo)
+             ("STUDY" . org-todo)
+             ("WRITE" . org-todo)))
+   When you inherit from multiple faces, you need to quote the list as
+shown further above.  The order is important: the last item is applied
+over the previous ones.  If you do not want to blend multiple faces, you
+do not need a quoted list.  A pattern of ‘keyword . face’ would suffice.
+   Both approaches can be used simultaneously, as illustrated in this
+configuration of the priority cookies:
+     (setq org-priority-faces
+           '((?A . '(org-scheduled-today org-priority))
+             (?B . org-priority)
+             (?C . '(shadow org-priority))))
+   To find all the faces that are loaded in your current Emacs session,
+use ‘M-x list-faces-display’.  Also try ‘M-x describe-variable’ and then
+specify the name of each of those Org variables demonstrated above.
+Their documentation strings will offer you further guidance.
+   Furthermore, consider reading the “Notes for aspiring Emacs theme
+developers”, published on 2020-08-28 by me (Protesilaos Stavrou):
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Face coverage,  Next: Notes for individual 
packages,  Prev: Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself),  Up: Top
+6 Face coverage
+Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi try to provide as close to full face
+coverage as possible.  This is necessary to ensure a consistently
+accessible reading experience across all possible interfaces.
+* Menu:
+* Supported packages::           Full list of covered face groups
+* Covered indirectly::
+* Will NOT be supported::
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Supported packages,  Next: Covered indirectly, 
 Up: Face coverage
+6.1 Full support for packages or face groups
+This list will always be updated to reflect the current state of the
+project.  The idea is to offer an overview of the known status of all
+affected face groups.  The items with an appended asterisk ‘*’ tend to
+have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
+   • ace-window
+   • ag
+   • alert
+   • all-the-icons
+   • annotate
+   • anzu
+   • apropos
+   • apt-sources-list
+   • artbollocks-mode
+   • auctex and TeX
+   • auto-dim-other-buffers
+   • avy
+   • awesome-tray
+   • binder
+   • bm
+   • bongo
+   • boon
+   • breakpoint (provided by the built-in ‘gdb-mi.el’ library)
+   • buffer-expose
+   • calendar and diary
+   • calfw
+   • centaur-tabs
+   • change-log and log-view (such as ‘vc-print-log’ and
+     ‘vc-print-root-log’)
+   • cider
+   • circe
+   • color-rg
+   • column-enforce-mode
+   • company-mode*
+   • company-posframe
+   • compilation-mode
+   • completions
+   • counsel*
+   • counsel-css
+   • counsel-notmuch
+   • counsel-org-capture-string
+   • cov
+   • cperl-mode
+   • csv-mode
+   • ctrlf
+   • custom (‘M-x customize’)
+   • dap-mode
+   • dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
+   • deadgrep
+   • debbugs
+   • define-word
+   • deft
+   • dictionary
+   • diff-hl
+   • diff-mode
+   • dim-autoload
+   • dir-treeview
+   • dired
+   • dired-async
+   • dired-git
+   • dired-git-info
+   • dired-narrow
+   • dired-subtree
+   • diredfl
+   • disk-usage
+   • doom-modeline
+   • dynamic-ruler
+   • easy-jekyll
+   • easy-kill
+   • ebdb
+   • ediff
+   • eglot
+   • el-search
+   • eldoc-box
+   • elfeed
+   • elfeed-score
+   • emms
+   • enhanced-ruby-mode
+   • epa
+   • equake
+   • erc
+   • eros
+   • ert
+   • eshell
+   • eshell-fringe-status
+   • eshell-git-prompt
+   • eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
+   • eshell-syntax-highlighting
+   • evil* (evil-mode)
+   • evil-goggles
+   • evil-visual-mark-mode
+   • eww
+   • eyebrowse
+   • fancy-dabbrev
+   • flycheck
+   • flycheck-color-mode-line
+   • flycheck-indicator
+   • flycheck-posframe
+   • flymake
+   • flyspell
+   • flyspell-correct
+   • flx
+   • freeze-it
+   • frog-menu
+   • focus
+   • fold-this
+   • font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
+   • forge
+   • fountain (fountain-mode)
+   • geiser
+   • git-commit
+   • git-gutter (and variants)
+   • git-lens
+   • git-rebase
+   • git-timemachine
+   • git-walktree
+   • gnus
+   • golden-ratio-scroll-screen
+   • helm*
+   • helm-ls-git
+   • helm-switch-shell
+   • helm-xref
+   • helpful
+   • highlight-blocks
+   • highlight-defined
+   • highlight-escape-sequences (‘hes-mode’)
+   • highlight-indentation
+   • highlight-numbers
+   • highlight-symbol
+   • highlight-tail
+   • highlight-thing
+   • hl-defined
+   • hl-fill-column
+   • hl-line-mode
+   • hl-todo
+   • hydra
+   • hyperlist
+   • ibuffer
+   • icomplete
+   • icomplete-vertical
+   • ido-mode
+   • iedit
+   • iflipb
+   • imenu-list
+   • indium
+   • info
+   • info-colors
+   • interaction-log
+   • ioccur
+   • isearch, occur, etc.
+   • ivy*
+   • ivy-posframe
+   • jira (org-jira)
+   • journalctl-mode
+   • js2-mode
+   • julia
+   • jupyter
+   • kaocha-runner
+   • keycast
+   • line numbers (‘display-line-numbers-mode’ and global variant)
+   • lsp-mode
+   • lsp-ui
+   • magit
+   • magit-imerge
+   • man
+   • markdown-mode
+   • markup-faces (‘adoc-mode’)
+   • mentor
+   • messages
+   • minibuffer-line
+   • minimap
+   • modeline
+   • mood-line
+   • moody
+   • mpdel
+   • mu4e
+   • mu4e-conversation
+   • multiple-cursors
+   • neotree
+   • no-emoji
+   • notmuch
+   • num3-mode
+   • nxml-mode
+   • objed
+   • orderless
+   • org*
+   • org-journal
+   • org-noter
+   • org-pomodoro
+   • org-recur
+   • org-roam
+   • org-superstar
+   • org-table-sticky-header
+   • org-treescope
+   • origami
+   • outline-mode
+   • outline-minor-faces
+   • package (‘M-x list-packages’)
+   • page-break-lines
+   • paradox
+   • paren-face
+   • parrot
+   • pass
+   • persp-mode
+   • perspective
+   • phi-grep
+   • phi-search
+   • pkgbuild-mode
+   • pomidor
+   • powerline
+   • powerline-evil
+   • proced
+   • prodigy
+   • racket-mode
+   • rainbow-blocks
+   • rainbow-identifiers
+   • rainbow-delimiters
+   • rcirc
+   • regexp-builder (also known as ‘re-builder’)
+   • rg (rg.el)
+   • ripgrep
+   • rmail
+   • ruler-mode
+   • sallet
+   • selectrum
+   • semantic
+   • sesman
+   • shell-script-mode
+   • show-paren-mode
+   • side-notes
+   • skewer-mode
+   • smart-mode-line
+   • smartparens
+   • smerge
+   • spaceline
+   • speedbar
+   • spell-fu
+   • stripes
+   • suggest
+   • switch-window
+   • swiper
+   • swoop
+   • sx
+   • symbol-overlay
+   • syslog-mode
+   • table (built-in table.el)
+   • telephone-line
+   • term
+   • tomatinho
+   • transient (pop-up windows such as Magit’s)
+   • trashed
+   • treemacs
+   • tty-menu
+   • tuareg
+   • typescript
+   • undo-tree
+   • vc (built-in mode line status for version control)
+   • vc-annotate (‘C-x v g’)
+   • vdiff
+   • vimish-fold
+   • visible-mark
+   • visual-regexp
+   • volatile-highlights
+   • vterm
+   • wcheck-mode
+   • web-mode
+   • wgrep
+   • which-function-mode
+   • which-key
+   • whitespace-mode
+   • window-divider-mode
+   • winum
+   • writegood-mode
+   • woman
+   • xah-elisp-mode
+   • xref
+   • xterm-color (and ansi-colors)
+   • yaml-mode
+   • yasnippet
+   • ztree
+   Plus many other miscellaneous faces that are provided by the upstream
+GNU Emacs distribution.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Covered indirectly,  Next: Will NOT be 
supported,  Prev: Supported packages,  Up: Face coverage
+6.2 Covered indirectly
+These do not require any extra styles because they are configured to
+inherit from some basic faces.  Please confirm.
+   • edit-indirect
+   • evil-owl
+   • perl-mode
+   • php-mode
+   • rjsx-mode
+   • swift-mode
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Will NOT be supported,  Prev: Covered 
indirectly,  Up: Face coverage
+6.3 Will NOT be supported
+I have thus far identified a single package that does fit into the
+overarching objective of this project: solaire
+(https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-solaire-mode).  It basically tries to
+cast a less intense background on the main file-visiting buffers, so
+that secondary elements like sidebars can have the default (pure
+white/black) background.
+   I will only cover this package if it ever supports the inverse
+effect: less intense colours (but still accessible) for supportive
+interfaces and the intended styles for the content you are actually
+working on.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Notes for individual packages,  Next: 
Contributing,  Prev: Face coverage,  Up: Top
+7 Notes for individual packages
+This section covers information that may be of interest to users of
+individual packages.
+* Menu:
+* Note on company-mode overlay pop-up::
+* Note for ERC escaped colour sequences::
+* Note for powerline or spaceline::
+* Note on shr colours::
+* Note for Helm grep::
+* Note on vc-annotate-background-mode::
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up,  Next: 
Note for ERC escaped colour sequences,  Up: Notes for individual packages
+7.1 Note on company-mode overlay pop-up
+By default, the ‘company-mode’ pop-up that lists completion candidates
+is drawn using an overlay.  This creates alignment issues every time it
+is placed above a piece of text that has a different height than the
+   The solution recommended by the project’s maintainer is to use an
+alternative front-end for drawing the pop-up which uses child frames
+instead of overlays.(1)(2)
+   ---------- Footnotes ----------
+   (1) <https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/issues/1010>
+   (2) <https://github.com/tumashu/company-posframe/>
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Note for ERC escaped colour sequences,  Next: 
Note for powerline or spaceline,  Prev: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up,  
Up: Notes for individual packages
+7.2 Note for ERC escaped colour sequences
+The built-in IRC client ‘erc’ has the ability to colourise any text
+using escape sequences that start with ‘^C’ (inserted with ‘C-q C-c’)
+and are followed by a number for the foreground and background.(1)
+Possible numbers are 0-15, with the first entry being the foreground and
+the second the background, separated by a comma.  Like this ‘^C1,6’.
+The minimum setup is this:
+     (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'irccontrols)
+     (setq erc-interpret-controls-p t
+           erc-interpret-mirc-color t)
+   As this allows users to make arbitrary combinations, it is impossible
+to guarantee a consistently high contrast ratio.  All we can we do is
+provide guidance on the combinations that satisfy the accessibility
+standard of the themes:
+Modus Operandi
+     Use foreground colour 1 for all backgrounds from 2-15.  Like so:
+     ‘C-q C-c1,N’ where ‘N’ is the background.
+Modus Vivendi
+     Use foreground colour 0 for all backgrounds from 2-13.  Use
+     foreground ‘1’ for backgrounds 14, 15.
+   Colours 0 and 1 are white and black respectively.  So combine them
+together, if you must.
+   ---------- Footnotes ----------
+   (1) This page explains the basics, though it is not specific to
+Emacs: <https://www.mirc.com/colors.html>
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Note for powerline or spaceline,  Next: Note 
on shr colours,  Prev: Note for ERC escaped colour sequences,  Up: Notes for 
individual packages
+7.3 Note for powerline or spaceline
+Both Powerline and Spaceline package users will likely need to use the
+command ‘powerline-reset’ whenever they make changes to their themes
+and/or modeline setup.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Note on shr colours,  Next: Note for Helm 
grep,  Prev: Note for powerline or spaceline,  Up: Notes for individual packages
+7.4 Note on shr colours
+Emacs’ HTML rendering mechanism (‘shr’) may need explicit configuration
+to respect the theme’s colours instead of whatever specifications the
+webpage provides.  Consult ‘C-h v shr-use-colors’.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Note for Helm grep,  Next: Note on 
vc-annotate-background-mode,  Prev: Note on shr colours,  Up: Notes for 
individual packages
+7.5 Note for Helm grep
+There is one face from the Helm package that is meant to highlight the
+matches of a grep or grep-like command (‘ag’ or ‘ripgrep’).  It is
+‘helm-grep-match’.  However, this face can only apply when the user does
+not pass ‘--color=always’ as a command-line option for their command.
+   Here is the docstring for that face, which is defined in the
+‘helm-grep.el’ library (view a library with ‘M-x find-library’).
+     Face used to highlight grep matches.  Have no effect when grep
+     backend use “–color=”
+   The user must either remove ‘--color’ from the flags passed to the
+grep function, or explicitly use ‘--color=never’ (or equivalent).  Helm
+provides user-facing customisation options for controlling the grep
+function’s parameters, such as ‘helm-grep-default-command’ and
+   When ‘--color=always’ is in effect, the grep output will use red text
+in bold letter forms to present the matching part in the list of
+candidates.  That style still meets the contrast ratio target of >= 7:1
+(accessibility standard WCAG AAA), because it draws the reference to
+ANSI colour number 1 (red) from the already-supported array of
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Note on vc-annotate-background-mode,  Prev: 
Note for Helm grep,  Up: Notes for individual packages
+7.6 Note on vc-annotate-background-mode
+Due to the unique way ‘vc-annotate’ (‘C-x v g’) applies colours, support
+for its background mode (‘vc-annotate-background-mode’) is disabled at
+the theme level.
+   Normally, such a drastic measure should not belong in a theme:
+assuming the user’s preferences is bad practice.  However, it has been
+deemed necessary in the interest of preserving colour contrast
+accessibility while still supporting a useful built-in tool.
+   If there actually is a way to avoid such a course of action, without
+prejudice to the accessibility standard of this project, then please
+report as much or send patches (see *note Contributing::).
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Contributing,  Next: Acknowledgements,  Prev: 
Notes for individual packages,  Up: Top
+8 Contributing
+This section documents the canonical sources of the themes and the ways
+in which you can contribute to their ongoing development.
+* Menu:
+* Sources of the themes::
+* Issues you can help with::
+* Merge requests::               Legal considerations for code patches
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Sources of the themes,  Next: Issues you can 
help with,  Up: Contributing
+8.1 Sources of the themes
+The ‘modus-operandi’ and ‘modus-vivendi’ themes are built into Emacs.
+Currently they are in the project’s ‘master’ branch, which is tracking
+the nominal development release target of ‘28.0.50’.
+   The source code of the themes is available on Gitlab
+(https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/), for the time being.  A
+mirror on Github (https://github.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/) is also
+on offer.
+   An HTML version of this manual is available as an extension to the
+author’s personal website (https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes/) (does
+not rely on any non-free code).
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Issues you can help with,  Next: Merge 
requests,  Prev: Sources of the themes,  Up: Contributing
+8.2 Issues you can help with
+A few tasks you can help with:
+   • Suggest refinements to packages that are covered.
+   • Report packages not covered thus far.
+   • Report bugs, inconsistencies, shortcomings.
+   • Help expand the documentation of covered-but-not-styled packages.
+   • Suggest refinements to the colour palette.
+   • Help expand this document or any other piece of documentation.
+   • Merge requests for code refinements.
+   *note Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF: Merge
+   It would be great if your feedback also includes some screenshots,
+GIFs, or short videos, as well as further instructions to reproduce a
+given setup.  Though this is not a requirement.
+   Whatever you do, bear in mind the overarching objective of the Modus
+themes: to keep a contrast ratio that is greater or equal to 7:1 between
+background and foreground colours.  If a compromise is ever necessary
+between aesthetics and accessibility, it shall always be made in the
+interest of the latter.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Merge requests,  Prev: Issues you can help 
with,  Up: Contributing
+8.3 Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF
+Code contributions are most welcome.  For any major edit (more than 15
+lines, or so, in aggregate per person), you need to make a copyright
+assignment to the Free Software Foundation.  This is necessary because
+the themes are part of the upstream Emacs distribution: the FSF must at
+all times be in a position to enforce the GNU General Public License.
+   Copyright assignment is a simple process.  Check the request form
+below (please adapt it accordingly).  You must write an email to the
+address mentioned in the form and then wait for the FSF to send you a
+legal agreement.  Sign the document and file it back to them.  This
+could all happen via email and take about a week.  You are encouraged to
+go through this process.  You only need to do it once.  It will allow
+you to make contributions to Emacs in general.
+     Please email the following information to assign@gnu.org, and we
+     will send you the assignment form for your past and future changes.
+     Please use your full legal name (in ASCII characters) as the subject
+     line of the message.
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     [What is the name of the program or package you're contributing to?]
+     GNU Emacs
+     [Did you copy any files or text written by someone else in these changes?
+     Even if that material is free software, we need to know about it.]
+     Copied a few snippets from the same files I edited.  Their author,
+     Protesilaos Stavrou, has already assigned copyright to the Free Software
+     Foundation.
+     [Do you have an employer who might have a basis to claim to own
+     your changes?  Do you attend a school which might make such a claim?]
+     [For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?]
+     [What year were you born?]
+     [Please write your email address here.]
+     [Please write your postal address here.]
+     [Which files have you changed so far, and which new files have you written
+     so far?]
+     Changed a couple of themes that are part of the Emacs source code:
+     ./etc/themes/modus-operandi-theme.el
+     ./etc/themes/modus-vivendi-theme.el
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Acknowledgements,  Next: Meta,  Prev: 
Contributing,  Up: Top
+9 Acknowledgements
+The Modus themes are a collective effort.  Every contribution counts.
+     Protesilaos Stavrou.
+Code contributions
+     Anders Johansson, Basil L.  Contovounisios, Markus Beppler, Matthew
+     Stevenson.
+Ideas and user feedback
+     Aaron Jensen, Adam Spiers, Alex Griffin, Alex Peitsinis, Alexey
+     Shmalko, Anders Johansson, André Alexandre Gomes, Arif Rezai, Basil
+     L.  Contovounisios, Damien Cassou, Dario Gjorgjevski, David
+     Edmondson, Davor Rotim, Divan Santana, Gerry Agbobada, Gianluca
+     Recchia, Iris Garcia, Len Trigg, Manuel Uberti, Mark Burton, Markus
+     Beppler, Michael Goldenberg, Murilo Pereira, Nicolas De Jaeghere,
+     Pierre Téchoueyres, Roman Rudakov, Ryan Phillips, Shreyas Ragavan,
+     Tassilo Horn, Thibaut Verron, Trey Merkley, Uri Sharf, Utkarsh
+     Singh, Vincent Foley.  As well as users: Ben, Fourchaux, Fredrik,
+     Moesasji, Nick, TheBlob42, dinko, doolio, jixiuf, okamsn, tycho
+     garen.
+     Dhavan Vaidya (Debian), Stefan Kangas (core Emacs), Stefan Monnier
+     (GNU Elpa).
+Inspiration for certain features
+     Fabrice Niessen (leuven-theme), Bozhidar Batsov (zenburn-theme).
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Meta,  Next: External projects (ports),  Prev: 
Acknowledgements,  Up: Top
+10 Meta
+If you are curious about the principles that govern the development of
+this project read the essay On the design of the Modus themes
+   Here are some more publications for those interested in the kind of
+work that goes into this project (sometimes the commits also include
+details of this sort):
+   • Modus Operandi theme subtle palette review
+     (2020-05-10)
+   • Modus Vivendi theme subtle palette review
+     (https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-06-13-modus-vivendi-palette-review/)
+     (2020-06-13)
+   • Modus themes: new “faint syntax” option
+     (https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-07-04-modus-themes-faint-colours/)
+     (2020-07-04)
+   • Modus themes: major review of “nuanced” colours
+     (https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-07-08-modus-themes-nuanced-colours/)
+     (2020-07-08)
+   • Modus themes: review of blue colours
+     (https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-09-14-modus-themes-review-blues/)
+     (2020-09-14)
+   And here are the canonical sources for this project’s documentation:
+     <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes>
+Change Log
+     <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-changelog>
+     <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures>
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: External projects (ports),  Next: GNU Free 
Documentation License,  Prev: Meta,  Up: Top
+11 External projects (ports)
+The present section documents projects that extend the scope of the
+Modus themes.  The following list will be updated whenever relevant
+information is brought to my attention.  If you already have or intend
+to produce such a port, feel welcome to contact me
+Modus exporter
+     This is an Elisp library written by Simon Pugnet
+     (https://github.com/polaris64/modus-exporter).  Licensed under the
+     terms of the GNU General Public License.  It is meant to capture
+     the colour values of the active Modus theme (Operandi or Vivendi)
+     and output it as a valid theme for some other application.
+File: modus-themes.info,  Node: GNU Free Documentation License,  Prev: 
External projects (ports),  Up: Top
+Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License
+                     GNU Free Documentation License
+                      Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
+      Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+          <https://fsf.org/>
+      Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+      of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+     0. PREAMBLE
+     The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+     functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
+     assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
+     with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
+     Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
+     to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
+     for modifications made by others.
+     This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+     works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.  It
+     complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
+     license designed for free software.
+     We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
+     software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
+     program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
+     software does.  But this License is not limited to software manuals;
+     it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
+     whether it is published as a printed book.  We recommend this License
+     principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
+     This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
+     contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
+     distributed under the terms of this License.  Such a notice grants a
+     world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
+     work under the conditions stated herein.  The "Document", below,
+     refers to any such manual or work.  Any member of the public is a
+     licensee, and is addressed as "you".  You accept the license if you
+     copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission
+     under copyright law.
+     A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
+     Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
+     modifications and/or translated into another language.
+     A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
+     the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
+     publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
+     subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall
+     directly within that overall subject.  (Thus, if the Document is in
+     part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain
+     any mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of historical
+     connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
+     commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding
+     them.
+     The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
+     are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
+     that says that the Document is released under this License.  If a
+     section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
+     allowed to be designated as Invariant.  The Document may contain zero
+     Invariant Sections.  If the Document does not identify any Invariant
+     Sections then there are none.
+     The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
+     as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
+     the Document is released under this License.  A Front-Cover Text may
+     be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.
+     A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
+     represented in a format whose specification is available to the
+     general public, that is suitable for revising the document
+     straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
+     pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
+     drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
+     for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
+     to text formatters.  A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
+     format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
+     or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
+     An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
+     of text.  A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".
+     Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
+     ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
+     or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
+     HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification.  Examples of
+     transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG.  Opaque formats
+     include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by
+     proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
+     processing tools are not generally available, and the
+     machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word
+     processors for output purposes only.
+     The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
+     plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
+     this License requires to appear in the title page.  For works in
+     formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
+     the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
+     preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
+     The "publisher" means any person or entity that distributes copies of
+     the Document to the public.
+     A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document whose
+     title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
+     text that translates XYZ in another language.  (Here XYZ stands for a
+     specific section name mentioned below, such as "Acknowledgements",
+     "Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".)  To "Preserve the Title"
+     of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
+     section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition.
+     The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
+     states that this License applies to the Document.  These Warranty
+     Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
+     License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
+     implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
+     no effect on the meaning of this License.
+     You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
+     commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
+     copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
+     to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no
+     other conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You may not use
+     technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
+     copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However, you may accept
+     compensation in exchange for copies.  If you distribute a large enough
+     number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
+     You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
+     you may publicly display copies.
+     If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
+     printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
+     Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
+     copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
+     Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
+     the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
+     you as the publisher of these copies.  The front cover must present
+     the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
+     visible.  You may add other material on the covers in addition.
+     Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
+     the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
+     as verbatim copying in other respects.
+     If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
+     legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
+     reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent
+     pages.
+     If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
+     more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
+     copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
+     a computer-network location from which the general network-using
+     public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
+     a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
+     If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
+     when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
+     that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
+     location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
+     Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
+     edition to the public.
+     It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
+     Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to
+     give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the
+     Document.
+     You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
+     the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
+     the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
+     Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
+     and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
+     of it.  In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
+     A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
+        from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
+        (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
+        of the Document).  You may use the same title as a previous version
+        if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
+     B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
+        responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
+        Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
+        Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five),
+        unless they release you from this requirement.
+     C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
+        Modified Version, as the publisher.
+     D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
+     E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
+        adjacent to the other copyright notices.
+     F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
+        giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
+        terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
+     G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
+        and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
+     H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
+     I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add
+        to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
+        publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page.  If
+        there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one
+        stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
+        given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
+        Version as stated in the previous sentence.
+     J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
+        public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
+        the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
+        it was based on.  These may be placed in the "History" section.
+        You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
+        least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
+        publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
+     K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
+        Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all
+        the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
+        and/or dedications given therein.
+     L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
+        unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
+        or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
+     M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
+        may not be included in the Modified Version.
+     N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements"
+        or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
+     O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
+     If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
+     appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
+     copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
+     of these sections as invariant.  To do this, add their titles to the
+     list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
+     These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
+     You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
+     nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
+     parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
+     been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a
+     standard.
+     You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
+     passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
+     of Cover Texts in the Modified Version.  Only one passage of
+     Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
+     through arrangements made by) any one entity.  If the Document already
+     includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
+     by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
+     you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
+     permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
+     The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
+     give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
+     imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
+     You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
+     License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
+     versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
+     Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
+     list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
+     license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.
+     The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
+     multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
+     copy.  If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
+     different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
+     adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
+     author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
+     Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
+     Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
+     In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History"
+     in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
+     "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements",
+     and any sections Entitled "Dedications".  You must delete all sections
+     Entitled "Endorsements".
+     You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
+     documents released under this License, and replace the individual
+     copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
+     that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules
+     of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all
+     other respects.
+     You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
+     distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a
+     copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this
+     License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that
+     document.
+     A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
+     and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
+     distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright
+     resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
+     of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
+     When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
+     apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
+     derivative works of the Document.
+     If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
+     copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
+     the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
+     covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
+     electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
+     Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole
+     aggregate.
+     Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
+     distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
+     Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
+     permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
+     translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
+     original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
+     translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
+     Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
+     the original English version of this License and the original versions
+     of those notices and disclaimers.  In case of a disagreement between
+     the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
+     or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.
+     If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
+     "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
+     its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual
+     title.
+     You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
+     except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+     otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and
+     will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+     However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
+     from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
+     unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally
+     terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
+     fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to
+     60 days after the cessation.
+     Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+     reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+     violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+     received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+     copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+     your receipt of the notice.
+     Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+     licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+     this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+     reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does
+     not give you any rights to use it.
+     The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the
+     GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new versions
+     will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in
+     detail to address new problems or concerns.  See
+     https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+     Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
+     If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
+     License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
+     following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
+     of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
+     Free Software Foundation.  If the Document does not specify a version
+     number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
+     as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.  If the Document
+     specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this
+     License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a
+     version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the
+     Document.
+     "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any
+     World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also
+     provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works.  A
+     public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server.  A
+     "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the site
+     means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.
+     "CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
+     license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit
+     corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco,
+     California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license
+     published by that same organization.
+     "Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in
+     part, as part of another Document.
+     An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this
+     License, and if all works that were first published under this License
+     somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or
+     in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and
+     (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.
+     The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site
+     under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009,
+     provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.
+     ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
+     To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
+     the License in the document and put the following copyright and
+     license notices just after the title page:
+         Copyright (c)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
+         Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+         under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
+         or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+         with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover 
+         A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
+         Free Documentation License".
+     If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts,
+     replace the "with...Texts." line with this:
+         with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
+         Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being 
+     If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
+     combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the
+     situation.
+     If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
+     recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
+     free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
+     to permit their use in free software.
+Tag Table:
+Node: Top218
+Node: Overview3998
+Node: How do the themes look like5299
+Node: Learn about the latest changes5806
+Node: Installation6188
+Node: Install from the archives6838
+Node: Install on GNU/Linux7525
+Node: Debian 11 Bullseye7970
+Node: GNU Guix8379
+Node: Enable and load8730
+Node: Load automatically9307
+Node: Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise10120
+Ref: Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise-Footnote-112163
+Ref: Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise-Footnote-212291
+Node: Toggle between the themes on demand12374
+Node: Configure options prior to loading13250
+Ref: Configure options prior to loading-Footnote-115932
+Node: Customisation Options16108
+Node: Bold constructs17852
+Node: Slanted constructs18999
+Node: Syntax highlighting19590
+Node: No mixed fonts20415
+Node: Link underline21496
+Node: Command prompts21978
+Node: Mode line22783
+Node: Completion UIs25407
+Node: Fringes27319
+Node: Line highlighting28083
+Node: Matching parentheses28751
+Node: Diffs29395
+Node: Org mode blocks31188
+Node: Heading styles32691
+Node: Scaled headings36445
+Node: Scaled heading sizes37062
+Node: Headings' font38895
+Node: Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)39519
+Node: Tweak colours (DIY)40523
+Node: Font configs (DIY)44157
+Ref: Font configs (DIY)-Footnote-146745
+Ref: Font configs (DIY)-Footnote-246932
+Node: Org user faces (DIY)47154
+Node: Face coverage50312
+Node: Supported packages50814
+Node: Covered indirectly56856
+Node: Will NOT be supported57258
+Node: Notes for individual packages57976
+Node: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up58464
+Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-159128
+Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-259195
+Node: Note for ERC escaped colour sequences59250
+Ref: Note for ERC escaped colour sequences-Footnote-160677
+Node: Note for powerline or spaceline60787
+Node: Note on shr colours61205
+Node: Note for Helm grep61618
+Node: Note on vc-annotate-background-mode63065
+Node: Contributing63919
+Node: Sources of the themes64338
+Node: Issues you can help with65100
+Node: Merge requests66287
+Node: Acknowledgements68705
+Node: Meta70008
+Node: External projects (ports)71515
+Node: GNU Free Documentation License72338
+End Tag Table
+Local Variables:
+coding: utf-8
diff --git a/doc/modus-themes.org b/doc/modus-themes.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e00ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/modus-themes.org
@@ -0,0 +1,1864 @@
+#+TITLE: Modus themes for GNU Emacs
+#+AUTHOR: Protesilaos Stavrou
+#+EMAIL: info@protesilaos.com
+#+OPTIONS: ':t toc:nil author:t email:t
+#+MACRO: version-tag 0.13.0
+#+MACRO: release-date 2020-10-08
+#+TEXINFO_FILENAME: modus-themes.info
+#+TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE: Modus Themes: (modus-themes)
+#+TEXINFO_DIR_DESC: Highly accessible themes (WCAG AAA)
+This manual, written by Protesilaos Stavrou, describes the customisation
+options for the =modus-operandi= and =modus-vivendi= themes, and provides
+every other piece of information pertinent to them.
+The documentation furnished herein corresponds to version {{{version-tag}}},
+released on {{{release-date}}}.  Any reference to a newer feature which does
+not yet form part of the latest tagged commit, is explicitly marked as
+Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
+Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts,
+and with no Back-Cover Texts.
+#+TOC: headlines 8 insert TOC here, with eight headline levels
+* Overview
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:f0f3dbcb-602d-40cf-b918-8f929c441baf
+The Modus themes are designed for accessible readability.  They conform
+with the highest standard for colour contrast between any given
+combination of background and foreground values.  This corresponds to
+the WCAG AAA standard, which specifies a minimum rate of distance in
+relative luminance of 7:1.
+Modus Operandi (=modus-operandi=) is a light theme, while Modus Vivendi
+(=modus-vivendi=) is dark.  Each theme's colour palette is designed to
+meet the needs of the numerous interfaces that are possible in the Emacs
+computing environment.
+The overarching objective of this project is to always offer accessible
+colour combinations.  There shall never be a compromise on this
+principle.  If there arises an inescapable trade-off between readability
+and stylistic considerations, we will always opt for the former.
+To ensure that users have a consistently accessible experience, the
+themes strive to achieve as close to full face coverage as possible
+(see [[#h:a9c8f29d-7f72-4b54-b74b-ddefe15d6a19][Face coverage]]).
+Starting with version 0.12.0 and onwards, the themes are built into GNU
+Emacs (current version is {{{version-tag}}}).
+** How do the themes look like
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:69b92089-069c-4ba1-9d94-cc3415fc4f87
+Check the web page with [[https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures/][the 
screen shots]].  There are lots of scenaria on
+display that draw attention to details and important aspects in the
+design of the themes.  They also showcase the numerous customisation
+[[#h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f][Customisation options]].
+** Learn about the latest changes
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:2cc37c36-6c1a-48b2-a010-1050b270ee18
+Please refer to the [[https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-changelog][web page 
with the change log]].  It is comprehensive
+and covers everything that goes into every tagged release of the themes.
+* Installation
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:1af85373-7f81-4c35-af25-afcef490c111
+The Modus themes are built into Emacs' development branch (=master=) which
+corresponds to the nominal version 28.0.50.  Otherwise they can be
+installed using Emacs' package manager or manually from their code
+Modus Operandi (light theme) and Modus Vivendi (dark) are normally
+distributed as standalone packages in Emacs-specific archives: GNU ELPA,
+MELPA, and MELPA Stable.  There also exist packages for GNU/Linux
+** Install from the archives
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:c4b10085-149f-43e2-bd4d-347f33aee054
+=modus-operandi-theme= and =modus-vivendi-theme= are available from GNU
+Prior to querying any package archive, make sure to have updated the
+index, with =M-x package-refresh-contents=.  Then all you need to do is
+type =M-x package-install= and specify the theme of your choice.
+GNU ELPA and MELPA Stable contain the last tagged release.  While MELPA
+builds from the latest commit to the 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes][Modus theme's Git repository]].
+** Install on GNU/Linux
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:da640eb1-95dd-4e86-bb4e-1027b27885f0
+The themes are also available from the archives of some GNU/Linux
+distributions.  These should correspond to a tagged release rather than
+building directly from the latest Git commit.  It all depends on the
+distro's packaging policies.
+*** Debian 11 Bullseye
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:7e570360-9ee6-4bc5-8c04-9dc11418a3e4
+The two themes are distributed as a single package for Debian and its
+derivatives.  Currently in the unstable and testing suites and should be
+available in time for Debian 11 Bullseye (next stable).
+Get them with:
+#+begin_src sh
+sudo apt install elpa-modus-themes
+*** GNU Guix
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:a4ca52cd-869f-46a5-9e16-4d9665f5b88e
+Users of either the Guix System (the distro) or just Guix (the package
+manager) can get each theme as a standalone package.
+#+begin_src sh
+guix package -i modus-operandi-theme
+#+begin_src sh
+guix package -i modus-vivendi-theme
+* Enable and load
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9
+This section documents techniques on how to load the theme of your
+choice and how to further control its initialisation.  It also includes
+some sample code snippets that could help you in the task, especially if
+you intend to use both Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi.
+** Load automatically
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:1777c247-1b56-46b7-a4ce-54e720b33d06
+A simple way to load the theme from your Emacs initialisation file is to
+include either of the following expressions:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+(load-theme 'modus-operandi t)          ; Light theme
+(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)           ; Dark theme
+Make sure to remove any other theme that is being loaded, otherwise you
+might run into unexpected issues.
+Note that you can always =M-x disable-theme= and specify an item.  The
+command does exactly what its name suggests.  To deactivate all enabled
+themes at once, in case you have multiple of them enabled, you may
+evaluate the expression:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
+** Load at a given time or at sunset/sunrise
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:4e936e31-e9eb-4b50-8fdd-45d827a03cca
+It is possible to schedule a time during the day at or after which a
+given theme will be loaded.[fn:: Contributed on Reddit by user b3n
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Light for the day
+(load-theme 'modus-operandi t t)
+(run-at-time "05:00" (* 60 60 24)
+             (lambda ()
+               (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
+;; Dark for the night
+(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t t)
+(run-at-time "21:00" (* 60 60 24)
+             (lambda ()
+               (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
+A modified version of the above technique is to use the sunrise and
+sunset as references, instead of specifying a fixed hour value.[fn::
+Contributed directly by André Alexandre Gomes https://gitlab.com/aadcg.]
+If you set =calendar-latitude= and =calendar-longitude= (defined in the
+built-in =solar.el= library---read it with =M-x find-library=), you can
+automatically switch between both themes at the appropriate time-of-day.
+Note that /those calendar variables need to be set before loading the
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Define coordinates
+(setq calendar-latitude 35.17
+      calendar-longitude 33.36)
+;; Light at sunrise
+(load-theme 'modus-operandi t t)
+(run-at-time (nth 1 (split-string (sunrise-sunset)))
+             (* 60 60 24)
+             (lambda ()
+               (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
+;; Dark at sunset
+(load-theme 'modus-vivendi t t)
+(run-at-time (nth 4 (split-string (sunrise-sunset)))
+             (* 60 60 24)
+             (lambda ()
+               (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
+For the sake of completeness, the =load-theme= call in these snippets is
+slightly different than the one shown in 
[[#h:1777c247-1b56-46b7-a4ce-54e720b33d06][Load automatically]], because it
+does not enable the theme directly: the subsequent =enable-theme= does
+that when needed.
+** Toggle between the themes on demand
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:2a0895a6-3281-4e55-8aa1-8a737555821e
+With both themes available, it is possible to design a simple command to
+switch between them on demand.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun modus-themes-toggle ()
+  "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq (car custom-enabled-themes) 'modus-operandi)
+      (progn
+        (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+        (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t))
+    (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+    (load-theme 'modus-operandi t)))
+You could use =(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)= instead of
+disabling a single target, but you get the idea.
+** Configure options prior to loading
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:a897b302-8e10-4a26-beab-3caaee1e1193
+If you plan to use both themes and wish to apply styles consistently
+(see [[#h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f][Customisation Options]]), you 
could define wrapper functions around
+the standard =load-theme= command.  These extend the simple function we
+presented in [[#h:2a0895a6-3281-4e55-8aa1-8a737555821e][Toggle between the 
themes on demand]].
+Here is a comprehensive setup (the values assigned to the variables are
+just for the sake of this demonstration):[fn:: The =defmacro= and =dolist=
+method were contributed on Reddit by user b3n
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defmacro modus-themes-format-sexp (sexp &rest objects)
+  `(eval (read (format ,(format "%S" sexp) ,@objects))))
+(dolist (theme '("operandi" "vivendi"))
+  (modus-themes-format-sexp
+   (defun modus-%1$s-theme-load ()
+     (setq modus-%1$s-theme-slanted-constructs t
+           modus-%1$s-theme-bold-constructs t
+           modus-%1$s-theme-fringes 'subtle ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
+           modus-%1$s-theme-mode-line '3d ; {nil,'3d,'moody}
+           modus-%1$s-theme-faint-syntax nil
+           modus-%1$s-theme-intense-hl-line nil
+           modus-%1$s-theme-intense-paren-match nil
+           modus-%1$s-theme-no-link-underline t
+           modus-%1$s-theme-no-mixed-fonts nil
+           modus-%1$s-theme-prompts nil ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
+           modus-%1$s-theme-completions 'moderate ; 
+           modus-%1$s-theme-diffs nil ; {nil,'desaturated,'fg-only}
+           modus-%1$s-theme-org-blocks 'greyscale ; {nil,'greyscale,'rainbow}
+           modus-%1$s-theme-headings  ; Read further below in the manual for 
this one
+           '((1 . section)
+             (2 . line)
+             (t . rainbow-line-no-bold))
+           modus-%1$s-theme-variable-pitch-headings nil
+           modus-%1$s-theme-scale-headings t
+           modus-%1$s-theme-scale-1 1.1
+           modus-%1$s-theme-scale-2 1.15
+           modus-%1$s-theme-scale-3 1.21
+           modus-%1$s-theme-scale-4 1.27
+           modus-%1$s-theme-scale-5 1.33)
+     (load-theme 'modus-%1$s t))
+   theme))
+(defun modus-themes-toggle ()
+  "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq (car custom-enabled-themes) 'modus-operandi)
+      (progn
+        (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+        (modus-vivendi-theme-load))
+    (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+    (modus-operandi-theme-load)))
+* Customisation Options
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f
+The Modus themes are highly configurable.  Though they should work well
+without any further tweaks.
+By default, all customisation options are set to =nil=.
+All customisation options need to be evaluated before loading their
+theme (see [[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]]).
+** Option for more bold constructs
+:ALT_TITLE: Bold constructs
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle bold constructs in code
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:b25714f6-0fbe-41f6-89b5-6912d304091e
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-bold-constructs=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Display several constructs in bold weight.  This concerns keywords and
+other important aspects of code syntax.  It also affects certain mode
+line indicators and command-line prompts.
+The default is to only use a bold weight when it is required.
+Additionally, and while not necessary, to define the precise weight for
+bold constructs, you can change the typographic intensity of the =bold=
+face.  The standard is a bold weight.  It requires no further
+intervention.  Assuming though that your typeface of choice supports a
+"semibold" weight, adding the following snippet to your init file should
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(set-face-attribute 'bold nil :weight 'semibold)
+Note that if you are switching themes, you need to re-evaluate this
+expression after the new theme is loaded.
+** Option for more slanted constructs
+:ALT_TITLE: Slanted constructs
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle slanted constructs (italics) in code
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:977c900d-0d6d-4dbb-82d9-c2aae69543d6
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-slanted-constructs=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-slanted-constructs=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Choose to render more faces in slanted text (italics).  This typically
+affects documentation strings and code comments.
+The default is to not use italics unless it is absolutely necessary.
+** Option for faint code syntax highlighting
+:ALT_TITLE: Syntax highlighting
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle subtle colouration in programming modes
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:741379fe-7203-4dad-a7f8-ab71f61b43e6
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-faint-syntax=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Use less saturated colours in programming modes for highlighting code
+syntax.  The default is to use saturated colours.
+This option essentially affects the font-lock faces, so it may also have
+implications in other places that are hard-wired to rely directly on
+them instead of specifying their own faces (which could inherit from
+font-lock if that is the intent).  The author is aware of =vc-dir= as a
+case in point.
+** Option for no font mixing
+:ALT_TITLE: No mixed fonts
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle mixing of font families
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:115e6c23-ee35-4a16-8cef-e2fcbb08e28b
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-no-mixed-fonts=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-no-mixed-fonts=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+By default, the themes configure some spacing-sensitive faces, such as
+Org tables and code blocks, to always inherit from the =fixed-pitch= face.
+This is to ensure that those constructs remain monospaced when users opt
+for something like the built-in =M-x variable-pitch-mode=.  Otherwise the
+layout would appear broken.  To disable this behaviour, set the option
+to =t=.
+Users may prefer to use another package for handling mixed typeface
+configurations, rather than letting the theme do it, perhaps because a
+purpose-specific package has extra functionality.  Two possible options
+are [[https://melpa.org/#/org-variable-pitch][org-variable-pitch]] and 
+** Option for no link underline
+:ALT_TITLE: Link underline
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle underlined text in links
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:a1a639e9-d247-414c-a0ad-08adadcbc6c1
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-no-link-underline=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-no-link-underline=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Remove the underline effect from links, symbolic links, and buttons.
+The default is to apply an underline.
+** Option for command prompt styles
+:ALT_TITLE: Command prompts
+:DESCRIPTION: Choose among plain, subtle, or intense prompts
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:db5a9a7c-2928-4a28-b0f0-6f2b9bd52ba1
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-prompts=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-prompts=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =subtle=
+3. =intense=
+The symbols "subtle" and "intense" will apply a combination of accented
+background and foreground to the minibuffer and other REPL prompts (like
+=M-x shell= and =M-x eshell=).  The difference between the two is that the
+latter has a more pronounced/noticeable effect than the former.
+The default is to not use any background for such prompts, while relying
+exclusively on an accented foreground colour.
+** Option for mode line presentation
+:ALT_TITLE: Mode line
+:DESCRIPTION: Choose among plain, three-dimension, or moody-compliant styles
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:27943af6-d950-42d0-bc23-106e43f50a24
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-mode-line=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =3d=
+3. =moody=
+The default value (=nil=) produces a two-dimensional effect both for the
+active and inactive modelines.  The differences between the two are
+limited to distinct shades of greyscale values, with the active being
+more intense than the inactive.
+A =3d= symbol will make the active modeline look like a three-dimensional
+rectangle.  Inactive modelines remain 2D, though they are slightly toned
+down relative to the default.  This aesthetic is the same as what you
+get when you run Emacs without any customisations (=emacs -Q= on the
+command line).
+While =moody= removes all box effects from the modelines and applies
+underline and overline properties instead.  It also tones down a bit the
+inactive modelines.  This is meant to optimise things for use with the
+[[https://github.com/tarsius/moody][moody package]] (hereinafter referred to 
as "Moody"), though it can work
+fine even without it.
+Note that Moody does not expose any faces that the themes could style
+directly.  Instead it re-purposes existing ones to render its tabs and
+ribbons.  As such, there may be cases where the contrast ratio falls
+below the 7:1 target that the themes conform with (WCAG AAA).  To hedge
+against this, we configure a fallback foreground for the =moody= option,
+which will come into effect when the background of the modeline changes
+to something less accessible, such as Moody ribbons (read the doc string
+of =set-face-attribute=, specifically =:distant-foreground=).  This fallback
+comes into effect when Emacs determines that the background and
+foreground of the given construct are too close to each other in terms
+of colour distance.  In effect, users would need to experiment with the
+variable =face-near-same-color-threshold= to trigger the fallback colour.
+We find that a value of =45000= would suffice, contrary to the default
+=30000=.  Do not set the value too high, because that would have the
+adverse effect of always overriding the default colour (which has been
+carefully designed to be highly accessible).
+Furthermore, because Moody expects an underline and overline instead of
+a box style, it is recommended you also include this in your setup:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq x-underline-at-descent-line t)
+** Option for completion framework aesthetics
+:ALT_TITLE: Completion UIs
+:DESCRIPTION: Choose among standard, moderate, or opinionated looks
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:f1c20c02-7b34-4c35-9c65-99170efb2882
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-completions=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-completions=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =moderate=
+3. =opinionated=
+This is a special option that has different effects depending on the
+completion UI.  The interfaces can be grouped in two categories, based
+on their default aesthetics: (i) those that only or mostly use
+foreground colours for their interaction model, and (ii) those that
+combine background and foreground values for some of their metaphors.
+The former category encompasses Icomplete, Ido, Selectrum as well as
+pattern matching styles like Orderless and Flx.  The latter covers Helm,
+Ivy, and similar.
+A value of =nil= will respect the metaphors of each completion framework.
+The symbol =moderate= will apply a combination of background and
+foreground that is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and friends this
+constitutes a departure from their default aesthetics, however the
+difference is small.  While Helm et al will appear slightly different
+than their original looks, as they are toned down a bit.
+The symbol =opinionated= will apply colour combinations that refashion the
+completion UI.  For the Icomplete camp this means that intense
+background and foreground combinations are used: in effect their looks
+emulate those of Ivy and co. in their original style.  Whereas the other
+group of packages will revert to an even more nuanced aesthetic with
+some additional changes to the choice of hues.
+To appreciate the scope of this customisation option, you should spend
+some time with every one of the =nil= (default), =moderate=, and =opinionated=
+** Option for fringe visibility
+:ALT_TITLE: Fringes
+:DESCRIPTION: Choose among plain, subtle, or intense fringe visibility
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:1983c3fc-74f6-44f3-b917-967c403bebae
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-fringes=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-fringes=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =subtle=
+3. =intense=
+The "subtle" symbol will apply a greyscale background that is visible,
+yet close enough to the main background colour.  While the "intense"
+symbol will use a more noticeable greyscale background.
+The default is to use the same colour as that of the main background,
+meaning that the fringes are not obvious though they still occupy the
+space given to them by =fringe-mode=.
+** Option for line highlighting (hl-line-mode)
+:ALT_TITLE: Line highlighting
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle intense style for current line highlighting
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:1dba1cfe-d079-4c13-a810-f768e8789177
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-intense-hl-line=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Draw the current line of =hl-line-mode= or its global equivalent in a more
+prominent background colour.  This would also affect several packages
+that enable =hl-line-mode=, such as =elfeed= and =mu4e=.
+The default is to use a more subtle grey.
+** Option for parenthesis matching (show-paren-mode)
+:ALT_TITLE: Matching parentheses
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle intense style for matching delimiters/parentheses
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:e66a7e4d-a512-4bc7-9f86-fbbb5923bf37
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-intense-paren-match=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Apply a more intense background to the matching parentheses (or
+delimiters).  This affects tools such as the built-in =show-paren-mode=.
+The default is to use a subtle warm colour for the background of those
+** Option for diff buffer looks
+:ALT_TITLE: Diffs
+:DESCRIPTION: Choose among intense, desaturated, or text-only diffs
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:ea7ac54f-5827-49bd-b09f-62424b3b6427
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-diffs=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-diffs=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =desaturated=
+2. =fg-only=
+By default the themes will apply richly coloured backgrounds to the
+output of diffs, such as those of =diff-mode=, =ediff=, =smerge-mode=, and
+=magit=.  These are colour combinations of an accented background and
+foreground so that, for example, added lines have a pronounced green
+background with an appropriate shade of green for the affected text.
+Word-wise or "refined" changes follow this pattern but use different
+shades of those colours to remain distinct.
+A =desaturated= value tones down all relevant colour values.  It still
+combines an accented background with an appropriate foreground, yet its
+overall impression is very subtle.  Refined changes are a bit more
+intense to fulfil their intended function, though still less saturated
+than default.
+While =fg-only= will remove all accented backgrounds and instead rely on
+colour-coded text to denote changes.  For instance, added lines use an
+intense green foreground, while their background is the same as the rest
+of the buffer.  Word-wise highlights still use a background value which
+is, nonetheless, more subtle than its default equivalent.
+Concerning =magit=, an extra set of tweaks are introduced for the effect
+of highlighting the current diff hunk, so as to remain consistent with
+the overall experience of that mode.  Expect changes that are consistent
+with the overall intent of the aforementioned.
+** Option for org-mode block styles
+:ALT_TITLE: Org mode blocks
+:DESCRIPTION: Choose among plain, greyscale, or rainbow styles
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:b7e328c0-3034-4db7-9cdf-d5ba12081ca2
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-org-blocks=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =greyscale=
+3. =rainbow=
+The default is to use the same background as the rest of the buffer for
+the contents of the block.
+A value of =greyscale= will apply a subtle neutral grey background to the
+block's contents.  It will also extend to the edge of the window the
+background of the "begin" and "end" block delimiter lines (only relevant
+for Emacs versions >= 27 where the 'extend' keyword is recognised by
+While =rainbow= will instead use an accented background for the contents
+of the block.  The exact colour will depend on the programming language
+and is controlled by the =org-src-block-faces= variable (refer to the
+theme's source code for the current association list).  This is most
+suitable for users who work on literate programming documents that mix
+and match several languages.
+Note that the "rainbow" blocks may require you to also reload the
+major-mode so that the colours are applied properly: use =M-x org-mode= or
+=M-x org-mode-restart= to refresh the buffer.  Or start typing in each
+code block (inefficient at scale, but it still works).
+** Option for headings' overall style
+:ALT_TITLE: Heading styles
+:DESCRIPTION: Choose among several styles, also per heading level
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:271eff19-97aa-4090-9415-a6463c2f9ae1
+This is defined as an alist and, therefore, uses a different approach
+than other customisation options documented in this manual.
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-headings=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-headings=
+Possible values, which can be specified for each heading level (examples
+further below):
++ nil (default fallback option---covers all heading levels)
++ =t= (default style for a single heading, when the fallback differs)
++ =no-bold=
++ =line=
++ =line-no-bold=
++ =rainbow=
++ =rainbow-line=
++ =rainbow-line-no-bold=
++ =highlight=
++ =highlight-no-bold=
++ =rainbow-highlight=
++ =rainbow-highlight-no-bold=
++ =section=
++ =section-no-bold=
++ =rainbow-section=
++ =rainbow-section-no-bold=
+To control faces per level from 1-8, use something like this (same for
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+      '((1 . section)
+        (2 . line)
+        (3 . highlight)
+        (t . rainbow-no-bold)))
+The above uses the =section= value for heading levels 1, the =line= for
+headings 2, =highlight= for 3.  All other levels fall back to
+To set a uniform value for all heading levels, use this pattern:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; A given style for every heading
+(setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+      '((t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+;; Default aesthetic for every heading
+(setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+      '((t . nil)))
+The default style for headings uses a fairly desaturated foreground
+value in combination with a bold typographic weight.  To specify this
+style for a given level N (assuming you wish to have another fallback
+option), just specify the value =t= like this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-operandi-theme-headings
+      '((1 . t)
+        (2 . line)
+        (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+A description of all other possible styles:
++ =no-bold= retains the default text colour while removing the typographic
+  weight.
++ =line= is the same as the default plus an overline over the heading.
++ =line-no-bold= is the same as =line= without bold weight.
++ =rainbow= uses a more colourful foreground in combination with bold
+  weight.
++ =rainbow-line= is the same as =rainbow= plus an overline.
++ =rainbow-line-no-bold= is the same as =rainbow-line= without the bold
+  weight.
++ =highlight= retains the default style of a fairly desaturated foreground
+  combined with a bold weight and adds to it a subtle accented
+  background.
++ =highlight-no-bold= is the same as =highlight= without a bold weight.
++ =rainbow-highlight= is the same as =highlight= but with a more colourful
+  foreground.
++ =rainbow-highlight-no-bold= is the same as =rainbow-highlight= without a
+  bold weight.
++ =section= retains the default looks and adds to them both an overline
+  and a slightly accented background.  It is, in effect, a combination
+  of the =line= and =highlight= values.
++ =section-no-bold= is the same as =section= without a bold weight.
++ =rainbow-section= is the same as =section= but with a more colourful
+  foreground.
++ =rainbow-section-no-bold= is the same as =rainbow-section= without a bold
+  weight."
+** Option for scaled headings
+:ALT_TITLE: Scaled headings
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle scaling of headings
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:075eb022-37a6-41a4-a040-cc189f6bfa1f
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-scale-headings=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Make headings larger in height relative to the main text.  This is
+noticeable in modes like Org.  The default is to use the same size for
+headings and body copy.
+*** Control the scale of headings
+:ALT_TITLE: Scaled heading sizes
+:DESCRIPTION: Specify rate of increase for scaled headings
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:6868baa1-beba-45ed-baa5-5fd68322ccb3
+In addition to toggles for enabling scaled headings, users can also
+specify a number of their own.
++ If it is a floating point, say, =1.5=, it is interpreted as a multiple
+  of the base font size.  This is the recommended method.
++ If it is an integer, it is read as an absolute font height.  The
+  number is basically the point size multiplied by ten.  So if you want
+  it to be =18pt= you must pass =180=.  Please understand that setting an
+  absolute value is discouraged, as it will break the layout when you
+  try to change font sizes with the built-in =text-scale-adjust= command
+  (see [[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations]]).
+Below are the variables in their default values, using the floating
+point paradigm.  The numbers are very conservative, but you are free to
+change them to your liking, such as =1.2=, =1.4=, =1.6=, =1.8=, =2.0=---or use 
+resource for finding a consistent scale:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-operandi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+      modus-operandi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+      modus-operandi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+      modus-operandi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+      modus-operandi-theme-scale-5 1.3)
+(setq modus-vivendi-theme-scale-1 1.05
+      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-2 1.1
+      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-3 1.15
+      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-4 1.2
+      modus-vivendi-theme-scale-5 1.3)
+Note that in earlier versions of Org, scaling would only increase the
+size of the heading, but not of keywords that were added to it, like
+"TODO".  The issue has been fixed upstream:
+** Option for variable-pitch font in headings
+:ALT_TITLE: Headings' font
+:DESCRIPTION: Toggle proportionately spaced fonts in headings
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:97caca76-fa13-456c-aef1-a2aa165ea274
+Symbol names:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-variable-pitch-headings=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings=
+Possible values:
+1. =nil= (default)
+2. =t=
+Choose to apply a proportionately spaced, else "variable-pitch",
+typeface to headings (such as in Org mode).  The default is to use the
+main font family.
+[[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org (and 
+* Advanced customisation (do-it-yourself)
+:INDEX: cp
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb
+Unlike the predefined customisation options which follow a
+straightforward pattern of allowing the user to quickly specify their
+preference, the themes also provide a more flexible, albeit difficult,
+mechanism to control things with precision (see 
[[#h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f][Customisation Options]]).
+This section is of interest only to users who are prepared to maintain
+their own local tweaks and who are willing to deal with any possible
+incompatibilities between versioned releases of the themes.  As such,
+they are labelled as "do-it-yourself" or "DIY".
+** Full access to the themes' palette
+:ALT_TITLE: Tweak colours (DIY)
+:DESCRIPTION: Declare your own palette overrides
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:1487c631-f4fe-490d-8d58-d72ffa3bd474
+The variables are:
++ =modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist=
++ =modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist=
+Users can specify an association list that maps the names of colour
+variables to hexadecimal RGB values (in the form of =#RRGGBB=).  This
+means that it is possible to override the entire palette or subsets
+thereof (see the source code for the actual names and values).
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Redefine the values of those three variables for the given theme
+(setq modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist
+      '(("magenta" . "#ffaabb")
+        ("magenta-alt" . "#ee88ff")
+        ("magenta-alt-other" . "#bbaaff")))
+If you want to be creative, you can define a minor mode that refashions
+the themes on demand.  The following is a minor mode that gets activated
+on demand.  We combine it with the function to switch between Modus
+Operandi and Modus Vivendi (see 
[[#h:2a0895a6-3281-4e55-8aa1-8a737555821e][Toggle between the themes on 
demand]] for
+a basic command, and/or [[*Configure options prior to loading][Configure 
options prior to loading]] for a more
+comprehensive setup).
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(define-minor-mode modus-themes-alt-mode
+  "Override Modus themes' palette variables with custom values.
+This is intended as a proof-of-concept.  It is, nonetheless, a
+perfectly accessible alternative, conforming with the design
+principles of the Modus themes.  It still is not as good as the
+default colours."
+  :init-value nil
+  :global t
+  (if modus-themes-alt-mode
+      (setq modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist
+            '(("bg-main" . "#fefcf4")
+              ("bg-dim" . "#faf6ef")
+              ("bg-alt" . "#f7efe5")
+              ("bg-hl-line" . "#f4f0e3")
+              ("bg-active" . "#e8dfd1")
+              ("bg-inactive" . "#f6ece5")
+              ("bg-region" . "#c6bab1")
+              ("bg-header" . "#ede3e0")
+              ("bg-tab-bar" . "#dcd3d3")
+              ("bg-tab-active" . "#fdf6eb")
+              ("bg-tab-inactive" . "#c8bab8")
+              ("fg-unfocused" . "#55556f"))
+            modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist
+            '(("bg-main" . "#100b17")
+              ("bg-dim" . "#161129")
+              ("bg-alt" . "#181732")
+              ("bg-hl-line" . "#191628")
+              ("bg-active" . "#282e46")
+              ("bg-inactive" . "#1a1e39")
+              ("bg-region" . "#393a53")
+              ("bg-header" . "#202037")
+              ("bg-tab-bar" . "#262b41")
+              ("bg-tab-active" . "#120f18")
+              ("bg-tab-inactive" . "#3a3a5a")
+              ("fg-unfocused" . "#9a9aab")))
+    (setq modus-operandi-theme-override-colors-alist nil
+          modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist nil)))
+(defun modus-themes-toggle (&optional arg)
+  "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes.
+With optional \\[universal-argument] prefix, enable
+`modus-themes-alt-mode' for the loaded theme."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if arg
+      (modus-themes-alt-mode 1)
+    (modus-themes-alt-mode -1))
+  (if (eq (car custom-enabled-themes) 'modus-operandi)
+      (progn
+        (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+        (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t))
+    (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+    (load-theme 'modus-operandi t)))
+** Font configurations for Org (and others)
+:ALT_TITLE: Font configs (DIY)
+:DESCRIPTION: Optimise for mixed typeface buffers
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929
+The themes are designed to cope well with mixed font settings 
+for no font mixing]]).  Currently this applies to =org-mode= and
+In practice it means that the user can safely opt for a more
+prose-friendly proportionately spaced typeface as their default, while
+letting spacing-sensitive elements like tables and inline code always
+use a monospaced font, by inheriting from the =fixed-pitch= face.
+Users can try the built-in =M-x variable-pitch-mode= to see the effect in
+To make everything use your desired font families, you need to configure
+the =variable-pitch= (proportional spacing) and =fixed-pitch= (monospaced)
+faces respectively.  It may also be convenient to set your main typeface
+by configuring the =default= face the same way.
+Put something like this in your initialisation file (make sure to read
+the documentation of =set-face-attribute=, with =M-x describe-function=):
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Main typeface
+(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 110)
+;; Proportionately spaced typeface
+(set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Serif" :height 1.0)
+;; Monospaced typeface
+(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 1.0)
+Note the differences in the =:height= property.  The =default= face must
+specify an absolute value, which is the point size × 10.  So if you want
+to use a font at point size =11=, you set the height at =110=.[fn:: =:height=
+values do not need to be rounded to multiples of ten: the likes of =115=
+are perfectly valid—some typefaces will change to account for those
+finer increments.]  Whereas every other face must have a value that is
+relative to the default, represented as a floating point (if you use an
+integer, say, =15= then that means an absolute height).  This is of
+paramount importantance: it ensures that all fonts can scale gracefully
+when using something like the =text-scale-adjust= command which only
+operates on the base font size (i.e. the =default= face's absolute
+An alternative syntax for the =default= face, is to pass all typeface
+parameters directly to a =font= property.[fn:: Has the benefit of
+accepting =fontconfig= parameters (GNU/Linux), such as ="DejaVu Sans
+Note that here we use a standard point size:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "DejaVu Sans Mono-11")
+Again, remember to only ever specify an absolute height for the =default=.
+** Org user faces (DIY)
+:DESCRIPTION: Extend styles for org-mode keywords and priorities
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:89f0678d-c5c3-4a57-a526-668b2bb2d7ad
+Users of =org-mode= have the option to configure various keywords and
+priority cookies to better match their workflow.  User options are
+=org-todo-keyword-faces= and =org-priority-faces=.
+As those are meant to be custom faces, it would be futile to have the
+themes try to guess what each user would want to use, which keywords to
+target, and so on.  Instead, we can provide guidelines on how to
+customise things to one's liking with the intent of retaining the
+overall aesthetics of the theme.
+Please bear in mind that the end result of those is not controlled by
+the active theme but by how Org maps faces to its constructs.  Editing
+those while =org-mode= is active requires =M-x org-mode-restart= for changes
+to take effect.
+Let us assume you wish to visually differentiate your keywords.  You
+have something like this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq org-todo-keywords
+      '((sequence "TODO(t)" "|" "DONE(D)" "CANCEL(C)")
+        (sequence "MEET(m)" "|" "MET(M)")
+        (sequence "STUDY(s)" "|" "STUDIED(S)")
+        (sequence "WRITE(w)" "|" "WROTE(W)")))
+You could then use a variant of the following to inherit from a face
+that uses the styles you want and also to preserve the properties
+applied by the =org-todo= face:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
+      '(("MEET" . '(font-lock-preprocessor-face org-todo))
+        ("STUDY" . '(font-lock-variable-name-face org-todo))
+        ("WRITE" . '(font-lock-type-face org-todo))))
+This will refashion the keywords you specify, while letting the other
+items in =org-todo-keywords= use their original styles (which are defined
+in the =org-todo= and =org-done= faces).
+If you want back the defaults, try specifying just the =org-todo= face:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
+      '(("MEET" . org-todo)
+        ("STUDY" . org-todo)
+        ("WRITE" . org-todo)))
+When you inherit from multiple faces, you need to quote the list as
+shown further above.  The order is important: the last item is applied
+over the previous ones.  If you do not want to blend multiple faces, you
+do not need a quoted list.  A pattern of =keyword . face= would suffice.
+Both approaches can be used simultaneously, as illustrated in this
+configuration of the priority cookies:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq org-priority-faces
+      '((?A . '(org-scheduled-today org-priority))
+        (?B . org-priority)
+        (?C . '(shadow org-priority))))
+To find all the faces that are loaded in your current Emacs session, use
+=M-x list-faces-display=.  Also try =M-x describe-variable= and then specify
+the name of each of those Org variables demonstrated above.  Their
+documentation strings will offer you further guidance.
+Furthermore, consider reading the "Notes for aspiring Emacs theme
+developers", published on 2020-08-28 by me (Protesilaos Stavrou):
+* Face coverage
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:a9c8f29d-7f72-4b54-b74b-ddefe15d6a19
+Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi try to provide as close to full face
+coverage as possible.  This is necessary to ensure a consistently
+accessible reading experience across all possible interfaces.
+** Full support for packages or face groups
+:ALT_TITLE: Supported packages
+:DESCRIPTION: Full list of covered face groups
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:60ed4275-60d6-49f8-9287-9a64e54bea0e
+This list will always be updated to reflect the current state of the
+project.  The idea is to offer an overview of the known status of all
+affected face groups.  The items with an appended asterisk =*= tend to
+have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
++ ace-window
++ ag
++ alert
++ all-the-icons
++ annotate
++ anzu
++ apropos
++ apt-sources-list
++ artbollocks-mode
++ auctex and TeX
++ auto-dim-other-buffers
++ avy
++ awesome-tray
++ binder
++ bm
++ bongo
++ boon
++ breakpoint (provided by the built-in =gdb-mi.el= library)
++ buffer-expose
++ calendar and diary
++ calfw
++ centaur-tabs
++ change-log and log-view (such as =vc-print-log= and =vc-print-root-log=)
++ cider
++ circe
++ color-rg
++ column-enforce-mode
++ company-mode*
++ company-posframe
++ compilation-mode
++ completions
++ counsel*
++ counsel-css
++ counsel-notmuch
++ counsel-org-capture-string
++ cov
++ cperl-mode
++ csv-mode
++ ctrlf
++ custom (=M-x customize=)
++ dap-mode
++ dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
++ deadgrep
++ debbugs
++ define-word
++ deft
++ dictionary
++ diff-hl
++ diff-mode
++ dim-autoload
++ dir-treeview
++ dired
++ dired-async
++ dired-git
++ dired-git-info
++ dired-narrow
++ dired-subtree
++ diredfl
++ disk-usage
++ doom-modeline
++ dynamic-ruler
++ easy-jekyll
++ easy-kill
++ ebdb
++ ediff
++ eglot
++ el-search
++ eldoc-box
++ elfeed
++ elfeed-score
++ emms
++ enhanced-ruby-mode
++ epa
++ equake
++ erc
++ eros
++ ert
++ eshell
++ eshell-fringe-status
++ eshell-git-prompt
++ eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
++ eshell-syntax-highlighting
++ evil* (evil-mode)
++ evil-goggles
++ evil-visual-mark-mode
++ eww
++ eyebrowse
++ fancy-dabbrev
++ flycheck
++ flycheck-color-mode-line
++ flycheck-indicator
++ flycheck-posframe
++ flymake
++ flyspell
++ flyspell-correct
++ flx
++ freeze-it
++ frog-menu
++ focus
++ fold-this
++ font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
++ forge
++ fountain (fountain-mode)
++ geiser
++ git-commit
++ git-gutter (and variants)
++ git-lens
++ git-rebase
++ git-timemachine
++ git-walktree
++ gnus
++ golden-ratio-scroll-screen
++ helm*
++ helm-ls-git
++ helm-switch-shell
++ helm-xref
++ helpful
++ highlight-blocks
++ highlight-defined
++ highlight-escape-sequences (=hes-mode=)
++ highlight-indentation
++ highlight-numbers
++ highlight-symbol
++ highlight-tail
++ highlight-thing
++ hl-defined
++ hl-fill-column
++ hl-line-mode
++ hl-todo
++ hydra
++ hyperlist
++ ibuffer
++ icomplete
++ icomplete-vertical
++ ido-mode
++ iedit
++ iflipb
++ imenu-list
++ indium
++ info
++ info-colors
++ interaction-log
++ ioccur
++ isearch, occur, etc.
++ ivy*
++ ivy-posframe
++ jira (org-jira)
++ journalctl-mode
++ js2-mode
++ julia
++ jupyter
++ kaocha-runner
++ keycast
++ line numbers (=display-line-numbers-mode= and global variant)
++ lsp-mode
++ lsp-ui
++ magit
++ magit-imerge
++ man
++ markdown-mode
++ markup-faces (=adoc-mode=)
++ mentor
++ messages
++ minibuffer-line
++ minimap
++ modeline
++ mood-line
++ moody
++ mpdel
++ mu4e
++ mu4e-conversation
++ multiple-cursors
++ neotree
++ no-emoji
++ notmuch
++ num3-mode
++ nxml-mode
++ objed
++ orderless
++ org*
++ org-journal
++ org-noter
++ org-pomodoro
++ org-recur
++ org-roam
++ org-superstar
++ org-table-sticky-header
++ org-treescope
++ origami
++ outline-mode
++ outline-minor-faces
++ package (=M-x list-packages=)
++ page-break-lines
++ paradox
++ paren-face
++ parrot
++ pass
++ persp-mode
++ perspective
++ phi-grep
++ phi-search
++ pkgbuild-mode
++ pomidor
++ powerline
++ powerline-evil
++ proced
++ prodigy
++ racket-mode
++ rainbow-blocks
++ rainbow-identifiers
++ rainbow-delimiters
++ rcirc
++ regexp-builder (also known as =re-builder=)
++ rg (rg.el)
++ ripgrep
++ rmail
++ ruler-mode
++ sallet
++ selectrum
++ semantic
++ sesman
++ shell-script-mode
++ show-paren-mode
++ side-notes
++ skewer-mode
++ smart-mode-line
++ smartparens
++ smerge
++ spaceline
++ speedbar
++ spell-fu
++ stripes
++ suggest
++ switch-window
++ swiper
++ swoop
++ sx
++ symbol-overlay
++ syslog-mode
++ table (built-in table.el)
++ telephone-line
++ term
++ tomatinho
++ transient (pop-up windows such as Magit's)
++ trashed
++ treemacs
++ tty-menu
++ tuareg
++ typescript
++ undo-tree
++ vc (built-in mode line status for version control)
++ vc-annotate (=C-x v g=)
++ vdiff
++ vimish-fold
++ visible-mark
++ visual-regexp
++ volatile-highlights
++ vterm
++ wcheck-mode
++ web-mode
++ wgrep
++ which-function-mode
++ which-key
++ whitespace-mode
++ window-divider-mode
++ winum
++ writegood-mode
++ woman
++ xah-elisp-mode
++ xref
++ xterm-color (and ansi-colors)
++ yaml-mode
++ yasnippet
++ ztree
+Plus many other miscellaneous faces that are provided by the upstream
+GNU Emacs distribution.
+** Covered indirectly
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:2cb359c7-3a84-4262-bab3-dcdc1d0034d7
+These do not require any extra styles because they are configured to
+inherit from some basic faces.  Please confirm.
++ edit-indirect
++ evil-owl
++ perl-mode
++ php-mode
++ rjsx-mode
++ swift-mode
+** Will NOT be supported
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:6c6e8d94-6782-47fc-9eef-ad78671e9eea
+I have thus far identified a single package that does fit into the
+overarching objective of this project: 
[[https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-solaire-mode][solaire]].  It basically 
tries to
+cast a less intense background on the main file-visiting buffers, so
+that secondary elements like sidebars can have the default (pure
+white/black) background.
+I will only cover this package if it ever supports the inverse effect:
+less intense colours (but still accessible) for supportive interfaces
+and the intended styles for the content you are actually working on.
+* Notes for individual packages
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:4c4d901a-84d7-4f20-bd99-0808c2b06eba
+This section covers information that may be of interest to users of
+individual packages.
+** Note on company-mode overlay pop-up
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:20cef8c4-d11f-4053-8b2c-2872925780b1
+By default, the =company-mode= pop-up that lists completion candidates is
+drawn using an overlay.  This creates alignment issues every time it is
+placed above a piece of text that has a different height than the
+The solution recommended by the project's maintainer is to use an
+alternative front-end for drawing the pop-up which uses child frames
+instead of overlays.[fn::
+** Note for ERC escaped colour sequences
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:98bdf319-1e32-4469-8a01-771200fba65c
+The built-in IRC client =erc= has the ability to colourise any text using
+escape sequences that start with =^C= (inserted with =C-q C-c=) and are
+followed by a number for the foreground and background.[fn:: This page
+explains the basics, though it is not specific to Emacs:
+https://www.mirc.com/colors.html] Possible numbers are 0-15, with the
+first entry being the foreground and the second the background,
+separated by a comma.  Like this =^C1,6=.  The minimum setup is this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'irccontrols)
+(setq erc-interpret-controls-p t
+      erc-interpret-mirc-color t)
+As this allows users to make arbitrary combinations, it is impossible to
+guarantee a consistently high contrast ratio.  All we can we do is
+provide guidance on the combinations that satisfy the accessibility
+standard of the themes:
++ Modus Operandi :: Use foreground colour 1 for all backgrounds from
+  2-15.  Like so: =C-q C-c1,N= where =N= is the background.
++ Modus Vivendi :: Use foreground colour 0 for all backgrounds from
+  2-13.  Use foreground =1= for backgrounds 14, 15.
+Colours 0 and 1 are white and black respectively.  So combine them
+together, if you must.
+** Note for powerline or spaceline
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:9130a8ba-d8e3-41be-a58b-3cb1eb7b6d17
+Both Powerline and Spaceline package users will likely need to use the
+command =powerline-reset= whenever they make changes to their themes
+and/or modeline setup.
+** Note on shr colours
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:4cc767dc-ffef-4c5c-9f10-82eb7b8921bf
+Emacs' HTML rendering mechanism (=shr=) may need explicit configuration to
+respect the theme's colours instead of whatever specifications the
+webpage provides.  Consult =C-h v shr-use-colors=.
+** Note for Helm grep
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:d28879a2-8e4b-4525-986e-14c0f873d229
+There is one face from the Helm package that is meant to highlight the
+matches of a grep or grep-like command (=ag= or =ripgrep=).  It is
+=helm-grep-match=.  However, this face can only apply when the user does
+not pass =--color=always= as a command-line option for their command.
+Here is the docstring for that face, which is defined in the
+=helm-grep.el= library (view a library with =M-x find-library=).
+Face used to highlight grep matches.  Have no effect when grep backend
+use "--color="
+The user must either remove =--color= from the flags passed to the grep
+function, or explicitly use =--color=never= (or equivalent).  Helm
+provides user-facing customisation options for controlling the grep
+function's parameters, such as =helm-grep-default-command= and
+When =--color=always= is in effect, the grep output will use red text in
+bold letter forms to present the matching part in the list of
+candidates.  That style still meets the contrast ratio target of >= 7:1
+(accessibility standard WCAG AAA), because it draws the reference to
+ANSI colour number 1 (red) from the already-supported array of
+** Note on vc-annotate-background-mode
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:5095cbd1-e17a-419c-93e8-951c186362a3
+Due to the unique way =vc-annotate= (=C-x v g=) applies colours, support for
+its background mode (=vc-annotate-background-mode=) is disabled at the
+theme level.
+Normally, such a drastic measure should not belong in a theme: assuming
+the user's preferences is bad practice.  However, it has been deemed
+necessary in the interest of preserving colour contrast accessibility
+while still supporting a useful built-in tool.
+If there actually is a way to avoid such a course of action, without
+prejudice to the accessibility standard of this project, then please
+report as much or send patches (see 
+* Contributing
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:9c3cd842-14b7-44d7-84b2-a5c8bc3fc3b1
+This section documents the canonical sources of the themes and the ways
+in which you can contribute to their ongoing development.
+** Sources of the themes
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:89504f1c-c9a1-4bd9-ab39-78fd0eddb47c
+The =modus-operandi= and =modus-vivendi= themes are built into Emacs.
+Currently they are in the project's =master= branch, which is tracking the
+nominal development release target of =28.0.50=.
+The source code of the themes is 
[[https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/][available on Gitlab]], for the 
+being.  A [[https://github.com/protesilaos/modus-themes/][mirror on Github]] 
is also on offer.
+An HTML version of this manual is available as an extension to the
+[[https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes/][author's personal website]] (does not 
rely on any non-free code).
+** Issues you can help with
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:6536c8d5-3f98-43ab-a787-b94120e735e8
+A few tasks you can help with:
++ Suggest refinements to packages that are covered.
++ Report packages not covered thus far.
++ Report bugs, inconsistencies, shortcomings.
++ Help expand the documentation of covered-but-not-styled packages.
++ Suggest refinements to the colour palette.
++ Help expand this document or any other piece of documentation.
++ Merge requests for code refinements.
+[[#h:111773e2-f26f-4b68-8c4f-9794ca6b9633][Patches require copyright 
assignment to the FSF]].
+It would be great if your feedback also includes some screenshots, GIFs,
+or short videos, as well as further instructions to reproduce a given
+setup.  Though this is not a requirement.
+Whatever you do, bear in mind the overarching objective of the Modus
+themes: to keep a contrast ratio that is greater or equal to 7:1 between
+background and foreground colours.  If a compromise is ever necessary
+between aesthetics and accessibility, it shall always be made in the
+interest of the latter.
+** Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF
+:ALT_TITLE: Merge requests
+:DESCRIPTION: Legal considerations for code patches
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:111773e2-f26f-4b68-8c4f-9794ca6b9633
+Code contributions are most welcome.  For any major edit (more than 15
+lines, or so, in aggregate per person), you need to make a copyright
+assignment to the Free Software Foundation.  This is necessary because
+the themes are part of the upstream Emacs distribution: the FSF must at
+all times be in a position to enforce the GNU General Public License.
+Copyright assignment is a simple process.  Check the request form below
+(please adapt it accordingly).  You must write an email to the address
+mentioned in the form and then wait for the FSF to send you a legal
+agreement.  Sign the document and file it back to them.  This could all
+happen via email and take about a week.  You are encouraged to go
+through this process.  You only need to do it once.  It will allow you
+to make contributions to Emacs in general.
+#+begin_example text
+Please email the following information to assign@gnu.org, and we
+will send you the assignment form for your past and future changes.
+Please use your full legal name (in ASCII characters) as the subject
+line of the message.
+[What is the name of the program or package you're contributing to?]
+GNU Emacs
+[Did you copy any files or text written by someone else in these changes?
+Even if that material is free software, we need to know about it.]
+Copied a few snippets from the same files I edited.  Their author,
+Protesilaos Stavrou, has already assigned copyright to the Free Software
+[Do you have an employer who might have a basis to claim to own
+your changes?  Do you attend a school which might make such a claim?]
+[For the copyright registration, what country are you a citizen of?]
+[What year were you born?]
+[Please write your email address here.]
+[Please write your postal address here.]
+[Which files have you changed so far, and which new files have you written
+so far?]
+Changed a couple of themes that are part of the Emacs source code:
+* Acknowledgements
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:95c3da23-217f-404e-b5f3-56c75760ebcf
+The Modus themes are a collective effort.  Every contribution counts.
++ Author/maintainer :: Protesilaos Stavrou.
++ Code contributions :: Anders Johansson, Basil L. Contovounisios,
+  Markus Beppler, Matthew Stevenson.
++ Ideas and user feedback :: Aaron Jensen, Adam Spiers, Alex Griffin,
+  Alex Peitsinis, Alexey Shmalko, Anders Johansson, André Alexandre
+  Gomes, Arif Rezai, Basil L. Contovounisios, Damien Cassou, Dario
+  Gjorgjevski, David Edmondson, Davor Rotim, Divan Santana, Gerry
+  Agbobada, Gianluca Recchia, Iris Garcia, Len Trigg, Manuel Uberti,
+  Mark Burton, Markus Beppler, Michael Goldenberg, Murilo Pereira,
+  Nicolas De Jaeghere, Pierre Téchoueyres, Roman Rudakov, Ryan Phillips,
+  Shreyas Ragavan, Tassilo Horn, Thibaut Verron, Trey Merkley, Uri
+  Sharf, Utkarsh Singh, Vincent Foley.  As well as users: Ben,
+  Fourchaux, Fredrik, Moesasji, Nick, TheBlob42, dinko, doolio, jixiuf,
+  okamsn, tycho garen.
++ Packaging :: Dhavan Vaidya (Debian), Stefan Kangas (core Emacs),
+  Stefan Monnier (GNU Elpa).
++ Inspiration for certain features :: Fabrice Niessen (leuven-theme),
+  Bozhidar Batsov (zenburn-theme).
+* Meta
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:13752581-4378-478c-af17-165b6e76bc1b
+If you are curious about the principles that govern the development of
+this project read the essay 
[[https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-03-17-design-modus-themes-emacs/][On the 
design of the Modus themes]]
+Here are some more publications for those interested in the kind of work
+that goes into this project (sometimes the commits also include details
+of this sort):
 Operandi theme subtle palette review]] (2020-05-10)
 Vivendi theme subtle palette review]] (2020-06-13)
themes: new "faint syntax" option]] (2020-07-04)
 themes: major review of "nuanced" colours]] (2020-07-08)
themes: review of blue colours]] (2020-09-14)
+And here are the canonical sources for this project's documentation:
++ Manual :: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes>
++ Change Log :: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-changelog>
++ Screenshots :: <https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes-pictures>
+* External projects (ports)
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:21adb7c8-2208-41e8-803c-052e42e2c05d
+The present section documents projects that extend the scope of the
+Modus themes.  The following list will be updated whenever relevant
+information is brought to my attention.  If you already have or intend
+to produce such a port, feel welcome [[https://protesilaos.com/contact][to 
contact me]].
++ Modus exporter :: This is [[https://github.com/polaris64/modus-exporter][an 
Elisp library written by Simon Pugnet]].
+  Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.  It is
+  meant to capture the colour values of the active Modus theme (Operandi
+  or Vivendi) and output it as a valid theme for some other application.
+* GNU Free Documentation License
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:3077c3d2-7f90-4228-8f0a-73124f4026f6
+#+INCLUDE: fdl-1.3.txt src txt
diff --git a/modus-vivendi-theme.el b/modus-vivendi-theme.el
index eb70d87..d45c3ca 100644
--- a/modus-vivendi-theme.el
+++ b/modus-vivendi-theme.el
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 ;;; modus-vivendi-theme.el --- Accessible dark theme (WCAG AAA) -*- 
lexical-binding:t -*-
-;; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
 ;; URL: https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/modus-themes
-;; Version: 0.12.0
+;; Version: 0.13.0
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
 ;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
-;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -42,17 +42,18 @@
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-slanted-constructs             (boolean)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs                (boolean)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings        (boolean)
-;;     modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings               (boolean)
-;;     modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings               (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-no-mixed-fonts                 (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-headings                       (alist)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings                 (boolean)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-fringes                        (choice)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks                     (choice)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-prompts                        (choice)
-;;     modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline                    (boolean)
-;;     modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs                   (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line                      (choice)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-diffs                          (choice)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax                   (boolean)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line                (boolean)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match            (boolean)
+;;     modus-vivendi-theme-no-link-underline              (boolean)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-completions                    (choice)
 ;;     modus-vivendi-theme-override-colors-alist          (alist)
@@ -81,6 +82,8 @@
 ;;     auctex and TeX
 ;;     auto-dim-other-buffers
 ;;     avy
+;;     awesome-tray
+;;     binder
 ;;     bm
 ;;     bongo
 ;;     boon
@@ -103,6 +106,7 @@
 ;;     counsel-notmuch
 ;;     counsel-org-capture-string
 ;;     cov
+;;     cperl-mode
 ;;     csv-mode
 ;;     ctrlf
 ;;     custom (M-x customize)
@@ -116,6 +120,7 @@
 ;;     diff-hl
 ;;     diff-mode
 ;;     dim-autoload
+;;     dir-treeview
 ;;     dired
 ;;     dired-async
 ;;     dired-git
@@ -132,6 +137,7 @@
 ;;     ediff
 ;;     eglot
 ;;     el-search
+;;     eldoc
 ;;     eldoc-box
 ;;     elfeed
 ;;     elfeed-score
@@ -146,6 +152,7 @@
 ;;     eshell-fringe-status
 ;;     eshell-git-prompt
 ;;     eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
+;;     eshell-syntax-highlighting
 ;;     evil (evil-mode)
 ;;     evil-goggles
 ;;     evil-visual-mark-mode
@@ -153,6 +160,7 @@
 ;;     eyebrowse
 ;;     fancy-dabbrev
 ;;     flycheck
+;;     flycheck-color-mode-line
 ;;     flycheck-indicator
 ;;     flycheck-posframe
 ;;     flymake
@@ -229,6 +237,7 @@
 ;;     minimap
 ;;     modeline
 ;;     mood-line
+;;     mpdel
 ;;     mu4e
 ;;     mu4e-conversation
 ;;     multiple-cursors
@@ -237,6 +246,7 @@
 ;;     notmuch
 ;;     num3-mode
 ;;     nxml-mode
+;;     objed
 ;;     orderless
 ;;     org
 ;;     org-journal
@@ -266,6 +276,7 @@
 ;;     powerline-evil
 ;;     proced
 ;;     prodigy
+;;     racket-mode
 ;;     rainbow-blocks
 ;;     rainbow-identifiers
 ;;     rainbow-delimiters
@@ -308,6 +319,7 @@
 ;;     treemacs
 ;;     tty-menu
 ;;     tuareg
+;;     typescript
 ;;     undo-tree
 ;;     vc (built-in mode line status for version control)
 ;;     vc-annotate (C-x v g)
@@ -411,11 +423,19 @@ between foreground and background is >= 7:1)."
 (defface modus-theme-diff-focus-changed nil nil)
 (defface modus-theme-diff-focus-removed nil nil)
 (defface modus-theme-diff-heading nil nil)
-(defface modus-theme-header nil nil)    ; Name is tentative
+(defface modus-theme-pseudo-header nil nil)
 (defface modus-theme-mark-alt nil nil)
 (defface modus-theme-mark-del nil nil)
 (defface modus-theme-mark-sel nil nil)
 (defface modus-theme-mark-symbol nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-1 nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-2 nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-3 nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-4 nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-5 nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-6 nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-7 nil nil)
+(defface modus-theme-heading-8 nil nil)
 (defface modus-theme-hl-line nil nil)
 ;;; Customisation options
@@ -441,14 +461,125 @@ between foreground and background is >= 7:1)."
   "Use proportional fonts (variable-pitch) in headings."
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-no-mixed-fonts nil
+  "Disable inheritance from `fixed-pitch' in some faces.
+This is done by default to allow spacing-sensitive constructs,
+such as Org tables and code blocks, to remain monospaced when
+users opt for something like the command `variable-pitch-mode'.
+The downside with the default is that users need to explicitly
+configure the font family of `fixed-pitch' in order to get a
+consistent experience.  That may be something they do not want to
+do.  Hence this option to disable any kind of technique for
+mixing fonts."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-headings
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.13.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings nil
   "Use more saturated colours for headings."
   :type 'boolean)
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-headings
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.13.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings nil
   "Use a background and an overline in headings."
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-headings
+  '((t . nil))
+  "Alist of styles for headings, with optional value per level.
+To control faces per level from 1-8, use something like this:
+  (setq modus-vivendi-theme-headings
+        '((1 . highlight)
+          (2 . line)
+          (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+To set a uniform value for all heading levels, use this pattern:
+  (setq modus-vivendi-theme-headings
+        '((t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+The default uses a fairly desaturated foreground value in
+combination with a bold typographic weight.  To specify this
+style for a given level N (assuming you wish to have another
+fallback option), just specify the value t like this:
+  (setq modus-vivendi-theme-headings
+        '((1 . t)
+          (2 . line)
+          (t . rainbow-line-no-bold)))
+A description of all possible values:
++ `no-bold' retains the default text colour while removing
+  the typographic weight.
++ `line' is the same as the default plus an overline over the
+  heading.
++ `line-no-bold' is the same as `line' without bold weight.
++ `rainbow' uses a more colourful foreground in combination
+  with bold weight.
++ `rainbow-line' is the same as `rainbow' plus an overline.
++ `rainbow-line-no-bold' is the same as `rainbow-line' without
+  the bold weight.
++ `highlight' retains the default style of a fairly desaturated
+  foreground combined with a bold weight and add to it a subtle
+  accented background.
++ `highlight-no-bold' is the same as `highlight' without a bold
+  weight.
++ `rainbow-highlight' is the same as `highlight' but with a more
+  colourful foreground.
++ `rainbow-highlight-no-bold' is the same as `rainbow-highlight'
+  without a bold weight.
++ `section' retains the default looks and adds to them both an
+  overline and a slightly accented background.  It is, in effect,
+  a combination of the `line' and `highlight' values.
++ `section-no-bold' is the same as `section' without a bold
+  weight.
++ `rainbow-section' is the same as `section' but with a more
+  colourful foreground.
++ `rainbow-section-no-bold' is the same as `rainbow-section'
+  without a bold weight."
+  :type
+  '(alist
+    :key-type symbol
+    :value-type
+    (choice (const :tag "Fairly desaturated foreground with bold weight 
(default)" t)
+            (const :tag "Like the default without bold weight" no-bold)
+            (const :tag "Like the default plus overline" line)
+            (const :tag "Like `line' without bold weight" line-no-bold)
+            (const :tag "Like the default but with more colourful foreground" 
+            (const :tag "Like `rainbow' plus overline" rainbow-line)
+            (const :tag "Like `rainbow' without bold weight" rainbow-no-bold)
+            (const :tag "Like `rainbow-line' without bold weight" 
+            (const :tag "Like the default plus subtle background" highlight)
+            (const :tag "Like `highlight' without bold weight" 
+            (const :tag "Like `highlight' with more colourful foreground" 
+            (const :tag "Like `rainbow-highlight' without bold weight" 
+            (const :tag "Like `highlight' plus overline" section)
+            (const :tag "Like `section' without bold weight" section-no-bold)
+            (const :tag "Like `section' with more colourful foreground" 
+            (const :tag "Like `rainbow-section' without bold weight" 
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-scale-headings nil
   "Use font scaling for headings."
   :type 'boolean)
@@ -508,8 +639,9 @@ For more on the matter, read the documentation of
 `set-face-attribute', specifically the ':height' section."
   :type 'number)
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-vivendi-theme-visible-fringes
-  'modus-vivendi-theme-fringes "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.12.0")
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-visible-fringes
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-fringes
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.12.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-visible-fringes nil
   "Use a visible style for fringes."
@@ -527,15 +659,17 @@ pronounced greyscale value."
           (const :tag "Subtle greyscale background" subtle)
           (const :tag "Intense greyscale background" intense)))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-vivendi-theme-distinct-org-blocks
-  'modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.11.0")
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-distinct-org-blocks
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.11.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-distinct-org-blocks nil
   "Use a distinct neutral background for `org-mode' blocks."
   :type 'boolean)
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-org-src-blocks
-  'modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.11.0")
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-org-src-blocks
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.11.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-org-src-blocks nil
   "Use colour-coded backgrounds for `org-mode' source blocks.
@@ -565,16 +699,69 @@ association list)."
           (const :tag "Subtle grey block background" greyscale)
           (const :tag "Colour-coded background per programming language" 
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.13.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline nil
   "Use a three-dimensional style for the active mode line."
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line nil
+  "Adjust the overall style of the mode line.
+Nil is a two-dimensional rectangle with a border around it.  The
+active and the inactive modelines use different shades of
+greyscale values for the background and foreground.
+A `3d' value will apply a three-dimensional effect to the active
+modeline.  The inactive modelines remain two-dimensional and are
+toned down a bit, relative to the nil value.
+The `moody' option is meant to optimise the modeline for use with
+the library of the same name.  This practically means to remove
+the box effect and rely on underline and overline properties
+instead.  It also tones down the inactive modelines.  Despite its
+intended purpose, this option can also be used without the
+`moody' library."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "Two-dimensional box (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Three-dimensional style for the active mode line" 3d)
+          (const :tag "No box effects, which are optimal for use with the 
`moody' library" moody)))
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.13.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs nil
   "Use fewer/dim backgrounds in `diff-mode', `ediff',`magit'."
   :type 'boolean)
-  'modus-vivendi-theme-completions "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.12.0")
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-diffs nil
+  "Adjust the overall styles of diffs.
+Nil means to use fairly intense colour combinations for diffs.
+For example, you get a rich green background with a green
+foreground for added lines.  Word-wise or 'refined' diffs follow
+the same pattern but use different shades of those colours to
+remain distinct.
+A `desaturated' value follows the same principles as with the nil
+option, while it tones down all relevant colours.
+Option `fg-only' will remove all accented backgrounds, except
+from word-wise changes.  It instead uses colour-coded foreground
+values to differentiate between added/removed/changed lines.  If
+a background is necessary, such as with `ediff', then a subtle
+greyscale value is used."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "Intensely coloured backgrounds (default)" nil)
+          (const :tag "Slightly accented backgrounds with tinted text" 
+          (const :tag "No backgrounds, except for refined diffs" fg-only)))
+(make-obsolete 'modus-vivendi-theme-intense-standard-completions
+               'modus-vivendi-theme-completions
+               "`modus-vivendi-theme' 0.12.0")
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-intense-standard-completions nil
   "Use prominent backgrounds for Icomplete, Ido, or similar."
@@ -582,6 +769,7 @@ association list)."
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-completions nil
   "Apply special styles to the UI of completion frameworks.
 This concerns Icomplete, Ivy, Helm, Selectrum, Ido, as well as
 any other tool meant to enhance their experience.  The effect
 will vary depending on the completion framework.
@@ -621,7 +809,7 @@ effect than the former."
           (const :tag "Intense background and foreground for the prompt" 
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line nil
-  "Use more prominent background for `hl-line-mode'."
+  "Use more prominent background for command `hl-line-mode'."
   :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-intense-paren-match nil
@@ -632,6 +820,10 @@ effect than the former."
   "Use less saturated colours for code syntax highlighting."
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom modus-vivendi-theme-no-link-underline nil
+  "Do not underline links."
+  :type 'boolean)
 ;;; Internal functions
 ;; Helper functions that are meant to ease the implementation of the
@@ -641,6 +833,11 @@ effect than the former."
   (when modus-vivendi-theme-bold-constructs
     (list :inherit 'bold)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts ()
+  "Conditional application of `fixed-pitch' inheritance."
+  (unless modus-vivendi-theme-no-mixed-fonts
+    (list :inherit 'fixed-pitch)))
 (defun modus-vivendi-theme-fringe (subtlebg intensebg)
   "Conditional use of background colours for fringes.
 SUBTLEBG should be a subtle greyscale value.  INTENSEBG must be a
@@ -679,29 +876,65 @@ FAINT is the less saturated colour."
       (list :foreground faint)
     (list :foreground normal)))
-(defun modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground (subtle rainbow)
-  "Apply foreground value to headings.
-SUBTLE is the default aesthetic.  RAINBOW is the saturated one."
-  (if modus-vivendi-theme-rainbow-headings
-      (list :foreground rainbow)
-    (list :foreground subtle)))
-(defun modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block (bg fg)
-  "Conditionally extend heading styles.
-Apply BG to background and FG to overline."
-  (if modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
-      (append
-       (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
-       (list :background bg :overline fg))
-    (list :background nil :overline nil)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-heading-p (key)
+  "Query style of KEY in `modus-vivendi-theme-headings'."
+  (cdr (assoc key modus-vivendi-theme-headings)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-heading (level fg fg-alt bg border)
+  "Conditional styles for `modus-vivendi-theme-headings'.
-(defun modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block (bgbox fgbox fg)
-  "Conditionally extend the styles of Org keywords.
-BGBOX applies to the background.  FGBOX applies to the foreground
-and the border.  FG is used when no block style is in effect."
-  (if modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
-      (list :background bgbox :foreground fgbox :box (list :color fgbox))
-    (list :foreground fg)))
+LEVEL is the heading's position in their order.  FG is the
+default text colour.  FG-ALT is an accented, more saturated value
+than the default.  BG is a nuanced, typically accented,
+background that can work well with either of the foreground
+values.  BORDER is a colour value that combines well with the
+background and alternative foreground."
+  (let* ((key (modus-vivendi-theme-heading-p `,level))
+         (style (or key (modus-vivendi-theme-heading-p t)))
+         (var (if modus-vivendi-theme-variable-pitch-headings
+                  'variable-pitch
+                'default)))
+    (pcase style
+      ('no-bold
+       (list :inherit `,var :foreground fg))
+      ('line
+       (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :foreground fg :overline border))
+      ('line-no-bold
+       (list :inherit `,var :foreground fg :overline border))
+      ('rainbow
+       (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :foreground fg-alt))
+      ('rainbow-no-bold
+       (list :inherit `,var :foreground fg-alt))
+      ('rainbow-line
+       (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :foreground fg-alt :overline border))
+      ('rainbow-line-no-bold
+       (list :inherit `,var :foreground fg-alt :overline border))
+      ('highlight
+       (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :background bg :foreground fg))
+      ('highlight-no-bold
+       (list :inherit `,var :background bg :foreground fg))
+      ('rainbow-highlight
+       (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :background bg :foreground fg-alt))
+      ('rainbow-highlight-no-bold
+       (list :inherit `,var :background bg :foreground fg-alt))
+      ('section
+       (append
+        (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+        (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :background bg :foreground fg :overline 
+      ('section-no-bold
+       (append
+        (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+        (list :inherit `,var :background bg :foreground fg :overline border)))
+      ('rainbow-section
+       (append
+        (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+        (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :background bg :foreground fg-alt 
:overline border)))
+      ('rainbow-section-no-bold
+       (append
+        (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
+        (list :inherit `,var :background bg :foreground fg-alt :overline 
+      (_
+       (list :inherit `(bold ,var) :foreground fg)))))
 (defun modus-vivendi-theme-org-block (bgblk)
   "Conditionally set the background of Org blocks.
@@ -737,46 +970,64 @@ set to `rainbow'."
     ('rainbow (list :background bgaccent :foreground fgaccent))
     (_ (list :background bg :foreground fg))))
-(defun modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box (col3d col &optional btn int)
-  "Control the box properties of the mode line.
-COL3D is the border that is intended for the three-dimensional
-modeline.  COL applies to the two-dimensional modeline.  Optional
-BTN provides the 3d button style.  Optional INT defines a border
-  (let* ((style (if btn 'released-button nil))
-         (int (if int int 1)))
-    (if modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline
-        (list :line-width int :color col3d :style style)
-      (list :line-width 1 :color col :style nil))))
-(defun modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props (bg3d fg3d &optional bg fg)
-  "Control the background and foreground of the mode line.
-BG is the modeline's background.  FG is the modeline's
-foreground.  BG3D and FG3D apply to the three-dimensional
-modeline style."
-  (if modus-vivendi-theme-3d-modeline
-      (list :background bg3d :foreground fg3d)
-    (list :background bg :foreground fg)))
-(defun modus-vivendi-theme-diffs (subtle-bg subtle-fg intense-bg intense-fg)
-  "Colour combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs'.
-SUBTLE-BG should be similar or the same as the main background.
-SUBTLE-FG should be an appropriate accent value.  INTENSE-BG
-should be one of the dedicated backgrounds for diffs.  INTENSE-FG
-should be one of the dedicated foregrounds for diffs"
-  (if modus-vivendi-theme-subtle-diffs
-      (list :background subtle-bg :foreground subtle-fg)
-    (list :background intense-bg :foreground intense-fg)))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line-attrs
+    (fg bg fg-alt bg-alt border border-3d &optional alt-style border-width 
+  "Colour combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line'.
+FG and BG are the default colours.  FG-ALT and BG-ALT are meant
+to accommodate the options for a 3D modeline or a `moody'
+compliant one.  BORDER applies to all permutations of the
+modeline, except the three-dimensional effect, where BORDER-3D is
+used instead.
+Optional ALT-STYLE applies an appropriate style to the mode
+line's box property.
+Optional BORDER-WIDTH specifies an integer for the width of the
+rectangle that produces the box effect.
+Optional FG-DISTANT should be close to the main background
+values.  It is intended to be used as a distant-foreground
+  (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line
+    ('3d
+     `(:background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt
+                   :box (:line-width ,(or border-width 1)
+                                     :color ,border-3d
+                                     :style ,(and alt-style 
+    ('moody
+     `(:background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt :underline ,border :overline 
+                   :distant-foreground ,fg-distant))
+    (_
+     `(:foreground ,fg :background ,bg :box ,border))))
+(defun modus-vivendi-theme-diff (fg-only-bg fg-only-fg mainbg mainfg altbg 
+  "Colour combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-diffs'.
+FG-ONLY-BG should be similar or the same as the main background.
+FG-ONLY-FG should be a saturated accent value that can be
+combined with the former.
+MAINBG must be one of the dedicated backgrounds for diffs while
+MAINFG must be the same for the foreground.
+ALTBG needs to be a slightly accented background that is meant to
+be combined with ALTFG.  Both must be less intense than MAINBG
+and MAINFG respectively."
+  (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+    ('fg-only (list :background fg-only-bg :foreground fg-only-fg))
+    ('desaturated (list :background altbg :foreground altfg))
+    (_ (list :background mainbg :foreground mainfg))))
 (defun modus-vivendi-theme-standard-completions (mainfg subtlebg intensebg 
   "Combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-completions'.
-These are intended for Icomplete, Ido, and related.
 MAINFG is an accented foreground value.  SUBTLEBG is an accented
 background value that can be combined with MAINFG.  INTENSEBG and
 INTENSEFG are accented colours that are designed to be used in
+These are intended for Icomplete, Ido, and related."
   (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-completions
     ('opinionated (list :background intensebg :foreground intensefg))
     ('moderate (list :background subtlebg :foreground mainfg))
@@ -784,7 +1035,6 @@ tandem."
 (defun modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions (subtleface intenseface altface 
&optional altfg bold)
   "Combinations for `modus-vivendi-theme-completions'.
-These are intended for Helm, Ivy, Selectrum, etc.
 SUBTLEFACE and INTENSEFACE are custom theme faces that combine a
 background and foreground value.  The difference between the two
@@ -794,10 +1044,12 @@ ALTFACE is a combination of colours that represents a 
 from the UI's default aesthetics.  Optional ALTFG is meant to be
 used in tandem with it.
-Optional BOLD will apply a heavier weight to the text."
+Optional BOLD will apply a heavier weight to the text.
+These are intended for Helm, Ivy, etc."
   (pcase modus-vivendi-theme-completions
     ('opinionated (list :inherit (list altface bold)
-                        :foreground (if altfg altfg 'unspecified)))
+                        :foreground (or altfg 'unspecified)))
     ('moderate (list :inherit (list subtleface bold)))
     (_ (list :inherit (list intenseface bold)))))
@@ -826,8 +1078,8 @@ AMOUNT is a customisation option."
       ;; specifically for on/off states (e.g. `mode-line')
       ;; must be combined with themselves
-      ("bg-active" . "#2f2f2f") ("fg-active" . "#f5f5f5")
-      ("bg-inactive" . "#202020") ("fg-inactive" . "#bebebe")
+      ("bg-active" . "#323232") ("fg-active" . "#f4f4f4")
+      ("bg-inactive" . "#1e1e1e") ("fg-inactive" . "#bfc0c4")
       ;; special base values, used only for cases where the above
       ;; fg-* or bg-* cannot or should not be used (to avoid confusion)
       ;; must be combined with: {fg,bg}-{main,alt,dim}
@@ -839,19 +1091,19 @@ AMOUNT is a customisation option."
       ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
       ("red" . "#ff8059") ("green" . "#44bc44")
-      ("yellow" . "#eecc00") ("blue" . "#29aeff")
+      ("yellow" . "#eecc00") ("blue" . "#2fafff")
       ("magenta" . "#feacd0") ("cyan" . "#00d3d0")
       ;; styles for common, but still specialised constructs
       ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
       ("red-alt" . "#f4923b") ("green-alt" . "#80d200")
-      ("yellow-alt" . "#cfdf30") ("blue-alt" . "#72a4ff")
+      ("yellow-alt" . "#cfdf30") ("blue-alt" . "#79a8ff")
       ("magenta-alt" . "#f78fe7") ("cyan-alt" . "#4ae8fc")
       ;; same purpose as above, just slight differences
       ;; must be combined with: `bg-main', `bg-alt', `bg-dim'
       ("red-alt-other" . "#ff9977") ("green-alt-other" . "#00cd68")
-      ("yellow-alt-other" . "#f0ce43") ("blue-alt-other" . "#00bdfa")
+      ("yellow-alt-other" . "#f0ce43") ("blue-alt-other" . "#00bcff")
       ("magenta-alt-other" . "#b6a0ff") ("cyan-alt-other" . "#6ae4b9")
       ;; styles for desaturated foreground text, intended for use with
       ;; the `modus-vivendi-theme-faint-syntax' option
@@ -915,21 +1167,24 @@ AMOUNT is a customisation option."
       ;; styles that are meant exclusively for the mode line
       ;; must be combined with: `bg-active', `bg-inactive'
-      ("red-active" . "#ffa49e") ("green-active" . "#70e030")
-      ("yellow-active" . "#efdf00") ("blue-active" . "#00ccff")
-      ("magenta-active" . "#d0acff") ("cyan-active" . "#00ddc0")
+      ("red-active" . "#ffa7ba") ("green-active" . "#70d73f")
+      ("yellow-active" . "#dbbe5f") ("blue-active" . "#34cfff")
+      ("magenta-active" . "#d5b1ff") ("cyan-active" . "#00d8b4")
       ;; styles that are meant exclusively for the fringes
-      ;; must have a minimum contrast ratio of 1.5:1 with `bg-inactive'
-      ;; and be combined with `fg-main' or `fg-dim'
-      ("red-fringe-bg" . "#8f0040") ("green-fringe-bg" . "#006000")
-      ("yellow-fringe-bg" . "#6f4a00") ("blue-fringe-bg" . "#3a30ab")
-      ("magenta-fringe-bg" . "#692089") ("cyan-fringe-bg" . "#0068a0")
+      ;; must be combined with `fg-main'
+      ("red-fringe-bg" . "#8f1f4b") ("green-fringe-bg" . "#006700")
+      ("yellow-fringe-bg" . "#6f4f00") ("blue-fringe-bg" . "#3f33af")
+      ("magenta-fringe-bg" . "#6f2f89") ("cyan-fringe-bg" . "#004f8f")
       ;; styles reserved for specific faces
       ;; `bg-hl-line' is between `bg-dim' and `bg-alt', so it should
       ;; work with all accents that cover those two, plus `bg-main'
+      ;; `bg-hl-alt' and `bg-hl-alt-intense' should only be used when no
+      ;; other greyscale or fairly neutral background is available to
+      ;; properly draw attention to a given construct
+      ;;
       ;; `bg-header' is between `bg-active' and `bg-inactive', so it
       ;; can be combined with any of the "active" values, plus the
       ;; "special" and base foreground colours
@@ -960,8 +1215,11 @@ AMOUNT is a customisation option."
       ;; all pairs are combinable with themselves
       ("bg-hl-line" . "#151823")
+      ("bg-hl-line-intense" . "#2f2f2f")
+      ("bg-hl-alt" . "#181732")
+      ("bg-hl-alt-intense" . "#282e46")
       ("bg-paren-match" . "#5f362f")
-      ("bg-paren-match-intense" . "#255650")
+      ("bg-paren-match-intense" . "#7416b5")
       ("bg-region" . "#3c3c3c")
       ("bg-tab-bar" . "#2c2c2c")
@@ -1094,12 +1352,12 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(modus-theme-nuanced-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg
                                        ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) 
'(:extend t)))))
 ;;;;; fringe-specific combinations
-   `(modus-theme-fringe-red ((,class :background ,red-fringe-bg :foreground 
-   `(modus-theme-fringe-green ((,class :background ,green-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
-   `(modus-theme-fringe-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
-   `(modus-theme-fringe-blue ((,class :background ,blue-fringe-bg :foreground 
-   `(modus-theme-fringe-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-dim)))
-   `(modus-theme-fringe-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-fringe-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-red ((,class :background ,red-fringe-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-green ((,class :background ,green-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-blue ((,class :background ,blue-fringe-bg :foreground 
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-fringe-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-fringe-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-fringe-bg :foreground 
 ;;;;; special base values
    ;; these are closer to the grayscale than the accents defined above
    ;; and should only be used when the next closest alternative would be
@@ -1110,26 +1368,96 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(modus-theme-special-calm ((,class :background ,bg-special-calm 
:foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
 ;;;;; diff-specific combinations
    ;; intended for `diff-mode' or equivalent
-   `(modus-theme-diff-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added :foreground 
-   `(modus-theme-diff-changed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-changed 
:foreground ,fg-diff-changed)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-removed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-removed 
:foreground ,fg-diff-removed)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-refine-added 
:foreground ,fg-diff-refine-added)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-changed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-refine-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-refine-changed)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-removed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-refine-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-refine-removed)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-focus-added 
:foreground ,fg-diff-focus-added)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-changed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-focus-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-focus-changed)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-removed ((,class :background 
,bg-diff-focus-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-focus-removed)))
-   `(modus-theme-diff-heading ((,class :background ,bg-diff-heading 
:foreground ,fg-diff-heading)))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-added
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-main green
+                 bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added
+                 green-nuanced-bg fg-diff-added))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-changed
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-main yellow
+                 bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed
+                 yellow-nuanced-bg fg-diff-changed))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-removed
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-main red
+                 bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed
+                 red-nuanced-bg fg-diff-removed))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-added
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                 bg-diff-refine-added fg-diff-refine-added
+                 bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-changed
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
+                 bg-diff-refine-changed fg-diff-refine-changed
+                 bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-refine-removed
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
+                 bg-diff-refine-removed fg-diff-refine-removed
+                 bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-added
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-dim green
+                 bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added
+                 bg-diff-added fg-diff-added))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-changed
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-dim yellow
+                 bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed
+                 bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-focus-removed
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-dim red
+                 bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed
+                 bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
+   `(modus-theme-diff-heading
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                 bg-alt blue-alt
+                 bg-diff-heading fg-diff-heading
+                 blue-nuanced-bg blue))))
 ;;;;; mark indicators
    ;; colour combinations intended for Dired, Ibuffer, or equivalent
-   `(modus-theme-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(modus-theme-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(modus-theme-mark-alt ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-alt 
:foreground ,fg-mark-alt)))
    `(modus-theme-mark-del ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-del 
:foreground ,fg-mark-del)))
    `(modus-theme-mark-sel ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-sel 
:foreground ,fg-mark-sel)))
    `(modus-theme-mark-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+;;;;; heading levels
+   ;; styles for regular headings used in Org, Markdown, Info, etc.
+   `(modus-theme-heading-1
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 1 fg-main magenta-alt-other magenta-nuanced-bg bg-region)
+              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale modus-vivendi-theme-scale-4))))
+   `(modus-theme-heading-2
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 2 fg-special-warm magenta-alt red-nuanced-bg bg-region)
+              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale modus-vivendi-theme-scale-3))))
+   `(modus-theme-heading-3
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 3 fg-special-cold blue blue-nuanced-bg bg-region)
+              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale modus-vivendi-theme-scale-2))))
+   `(modus-theme-heading-4
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 4 fg-special-mild cyan cyan-nuanced-bg bg-region)
+              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale modus-vivendi-theme-scale-1))))
+   `(modus-theme-heading-5
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 5 fg-special-calm green-alt-other green-nuanced-bg 
+   `(modus-theme-heading-6
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 6 yellow-nuanced yellow-alt-other yellow-nuanced-bg 
+   `(modus-theme-heading-7
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 7 red-nuanced red-alt red-nuanced-bg bg-region))))
+   `(modus-theme-heading-8
+     ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading
+                 8 fg-dim magenta bg-alt bg-region))))
 ;;;;; other custom faces
    `(modus-theme-hl-line ((,class :background ,(if 
-                                                   bg-active bg-hl-line)
+                                                   bg-hl-line-intense 
                                   (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
 ;;;; standard faces
 ;;;;; absolute essentials
@@ -1149,26 +1477,25 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(bold ((,class :weight bold)))
    `(comint-highlight-input ((,class :inherit bold)))
    `(comint-highlight-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight)
-                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt cyan
-                                                                    blue-alt
-                                                                    fg-main))))
+                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt
+                                         cyan
+                                         blue-nuanced-bg blue-alt
+                                         blue-refine-bg fg-main))))
    `(error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
    `(escape-glyph ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
    `(file-name-shadow ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
    `(header-line ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
    `(header-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
+   `(help-argument-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
    `(homoglyph ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
    `(ibuffer-locked-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
    `(italic ((,class :slant italic)))
    `(nobreak-hyphen ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
    `(nobreak-space ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct :underline 
-   `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt cyan-alt-other
-                                                              cyan-nuanced-bg
-                                                              cyan
-                                                              cyan-refine-bg
-                                                              fg-main))))
+   `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt
+                                   cyan-alt-other
+                                   cyan-nuanced-bg cyan
+                                   cyan-refine-bg fg-main))))
    `(mm-command-output ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
    `(mm-uu-extract ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
    `(next-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
@@ -1180,9 +1507,11 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(trailing-whitespace ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg)))
    `(warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
 ;;;;; buttons, links, widgets
-   `(button ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
-   `(link ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
-   `(link-visited ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(button ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other
+                     ,@(unless modus-vivendi-theme-no-link-underline
+                         (list :underline t)))))
+   `(link ((,class :inherit button)))
+   `(link-visited ((,class :inherit link :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(widget-button ((,class :inherit button)))
    `(widget-button-pressed ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,magenta)))
@@ -1249,13 +1578,13 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(anzu-replace-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow 
:underline t)))
    `(anzu-replace-to ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-intense-green bold))))
 ;;;;; apropos
-   `(apropos-function-button ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(apropos-function-button ((,class :inherit button :foreground 
    `(apropos-keybinding ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
-   `(apropos-misc-button ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(apropos-misc-button ((,class :inherit button :foreground 
    `(apropos-property ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
-   `(apropos-symbol ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
,blue-nuanced :underline t)))
-   `(apropos-user-option-button ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other 
:underline t)))
-   `(apropos-variable-button ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(apropos-symbol ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(apropos-user-option-button ((,class :inherit button :foreground 
+   `(apropos-variable-button ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,blue)))
 ;;;;; apt-sources-list
    `(apt-sources-list-components ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(apt-sources-list-options ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
@@ -1310,6 +1639,24 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(aw-leading-char-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.5 :background 
,bg-main :foreground ,red-intense)))
    `(aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
    `(aw-mode-line-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; awesome-tray
+   `(awesome-tray-module-awesome-tab-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-battery-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-buffer-name-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-circe-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-date-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-evil-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-git-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-last-command-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-location-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-mode-name-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-parent-dir-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(awesome-tray-module-rvm-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+;;;;; binder
+   `(binder-sidebar-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
+   `(binder-sidebar-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
+   `(binder-sidebar-missing ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-red)))
+   `(binder-sidebar-tags ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; bm
    `(bm-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow
                       ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t)))))
@@ -1351,26 +1698,27 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(diary-time ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
    `(holiday ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
 ;;;;; calfw
-   `(cfw:face-annotation ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-   `(cfw:face-day-title ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cfw:face-annotation ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(cfw:face-day-title ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(cfw:face-default-content ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
    `(cfw:face-default-day ((,class :inherit (cfw:face-day-title bold))))
-   `(cfw:face-disable ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
-   `(cfw:face-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
-   `(cfw:face-header ((,class :inherit bold ::foreground ,fg-main)))
-   `(cfw:face-holiday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-disable ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+   `(cfw:face-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-window-divider-outer)))
+   `(cfw:face-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(cfw:face-holiday ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(cfw:face-periods ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-   `(cfw:face-saturday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-saturday ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(cfw:face-select ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
-   `(cfw:face-sunday ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cfw:face-sunday ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(cfw:face-title ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch
-                             :foreground ,fg-special-warm
-                             ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-   `(cfw:face-today ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
-   `(cfw:face-today-title ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild :box t)))
-   `(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,bg-active)))
-   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
-   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-main 
:foreground ,blue-intense)))
+                             :foreground ,fg-special-cold
+                             ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(cfw:face-today ((,class :background ,bg-inactive)))
+   `(cfw:face-today-title ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class :inherit bold :background 
+                                         :foreground ,blue-alt)))
 ;;;;; centaur-tabs
    `(centaur-tabs-active-bar-face ((,class :background ,fg-tab-active)))
    `(centaur-tabs-close-mouse-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,red-active :underline t)))
@@ -1392,8 +1740,8 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(change-log-function ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
    `(change-log-list ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(change-log-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-   `(log-edit-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
-   `(log-edit-summary ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(log-edit-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(log-edit-summary ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(log-edit-unknown-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(log-view-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
    `(log-view-message ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
@@ -1437,7 +1785,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(circe-highlight-nick-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
    `(circe-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(circe-server-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-   `(lui-button-face ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(lui-button-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,blue)))
    `(lui-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
    `(lui-time-stamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
 ;;;;; color-rg
@@ -1490,12 +1838,12 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
 ;;;;; completions
    `(completions-annotations ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
    `(completions-common-part ((,class 
-                                         cyan-alt-other cyan-nuanced-bg
-                                         yellow-refine-bg yellow-refine-fg))))
+                                         blue-alt blue-nuanced-bg
+                                         cyan-refine-bg cyan-refine-fg))))
    `(completions-first-difference ((,class :inherit bold
-                                              blue-alt-other blue-nuanced-bg
-                                              cyan-subtle-bg fg-dim))))
+                                              magenta-alt blue-nuanced-bg
+                                              magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
 ;;;;; counsel
    `(counsel-active-mode ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(counsel-application-name ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
@@ -1531,6 +1879,10 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(cov-light-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
    `(cov-med-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
    `(cov-none-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
+;;;;; cperl-mode
+   `(cperl-nonoverridable-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(cperl-array-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
+   `(cperl-hash-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
,red-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
 ;;;;; csv-mode
    `(csv-separator-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground 
 ;;;;; ctrlf
@@ -1609,7 +1961,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(deft-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; dictionary
    `(dictionary-button-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
-   `(dictionary-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline 
+   `(dictionary-reference-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground 
    `(dictionary-word-definition-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(dictionary-word-entry-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
 ;;;;; diff-hl
@@ -1623,47 +1975,54 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(diff-hl-insert ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
    `(diff-hl-reverted-hunk-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-active-magenta bold))))
 ;;;;; diff-mode
-   `(diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                            bg-main green
-                            bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added))))
-   `(diff-changed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                              bg-main yellow
-                              bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
+   `(diff-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-added)))
+   `(diff-changed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-changed)))
    `(diff-context ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
    `(diff-file-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
    `(diff-function ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
    `(diff-header ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
-   `(diff-hunk-header ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                  bg-alt blue-alt
-                                  bg-diff-heading fg-diff-heading))))
+   `(diff-hunk-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-heading)))
    `(diff-index ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
    `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :inherit diff-added)))
    `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :inherit diff-changed)))
    `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :inherit diff-removed)))
    `(diff-nonexistent ((,class :inherit (modus-theme-neutral bold))))
-   `(diff-refine-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                   bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
-                                   bg-diff-refine-added 
-   `(diff-refine-changed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                     bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
-                                     bg-diff-refine-changed 
-   `(diff-refine-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                     bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
-                                     bg-diff-refine-removed 
-   `(diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                              bg-main red
-                              bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
+   `(diff-refine-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-refine-added)))
+   `(diff-refine-changed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-refine-changed)))
+   `(diff-refine-removed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-refine-removed)))
+   `(diff-removed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-removed)))
 ;;;;; dim-autoload
    `(dim-autoload-cookie-line ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+;;;;; dir-treeview
+   `(dir-treeview-archive-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(dir-treeview-archive-icon-face ((,class :inherit 
dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(dir-treeview-audio-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(dir-treeview-audio-icon-face ((,class :inherit 
dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(dir-treeview-control-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(dir-treeview-control-mouse-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
+   `(dir-treeview-default-icon-face ((,class :inherit bold :family "Font 
Awesome" :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(dir-treeview-default-filename-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(dir-treeview-directory-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(dir-treeview-directory-icon-face ((,class :inherit 
dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(dir-treeview-executable-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(dir-treeview-executable-icon-face ((,class :inherit 
dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+   `(dir-treeview-image-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(dir-treeview-image-icon-face ((,class :inherit 
dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(dir-treeview-indent-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(dir-treeview-label-mouse-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
+   `(dir-treeview-start-dir-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-pseudo-header)))
+   `(dir-treeview-symlink-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(dir-treeview-video-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(dir-treeview-video-icon-face ((,class :inherit 
dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; dired
    `(dired-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
    `(dired-flagged ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
-   `(dired-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-header)))
+   `(dired-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-pseudo-header)))
    `(dired-ignored ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(dired-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
    `(dired-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
    `(dired-perm-write ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-   `(dired-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+   `(dired-symlink ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
    `(dired-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
 ;;;;; dired-async
    `(dired-async-failures ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
@@ -1688,43 +2047,44 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(dired-subtree-depth-6-face ((,class :background nil)))
 ;;;;; diredfl
    `(diredfl-autofile-name ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
-   `(diredfl-compressed-file-name ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
-   `(diredfl-compressed-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
-   `(diredfl-date-time ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(diredfl-compressed-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(diredfl-compressed-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-date-time ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(diredfl-deletion ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
    `(diredfl-deletion-file-name ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-del)))
-   `(diredfl-dir-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-header)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-pseudo-header)))
    `(diredfl-dir-name ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
-   `(diredfl-dir-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
-   `(diredfl-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
-   `(diredfl-executable-tag ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-dir-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(diredfl-executable-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
    `(diredfl-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-   `(diredfl-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(diredfl-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(diredfl-flag-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
    `(diredfl-flag-mark-line ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
-   `(diredfl-ignored-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(diredfl-ignored-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(diredfl-link-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-   `(diredfl-no-priv ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
-   `(diredfl-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(diredfl-no-priv ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
    `(diredfl-other-priv ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-   `(diredfl-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-   `(diredfl-read-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-   `(diredfl-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+   `(diredfl-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(diredfl-read-priv ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(diredfl-symlink ((,class :inherit dired-symlink)))
    `(diredfl-tagged-autofile-name ((,class :inherit 
-   `(diredfl-write-priv ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(diredfl-write-priv ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; disk-usage
    `(disk-usage-children ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
    `(disk-usage-inaccessible ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
    `(disk-usage-percent ((,class :foreground ,green)))
    `(disk-usage-size ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-   `(disk-usage-symlink ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+   `(disk-usage-symlink ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,blue)))
    `(disk-usage-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
 ;;;;; doom-modeline
    `(doom-modeline-bar ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue)))
    `(doom-modeline-bar-inactive ((,class :background ,fg-inactive :foreground 
    `(doom-modeline-battery-charging ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
    `(doom-modeline-battery-critical ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
-   `(doom-modeline-battery-error ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
+   `(doom-modeline-battery-error ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width -2)
+                                          :foreground ,red-active)))
    `(doom-modeline-battery-full ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
    `(doom-modeline-battery-normal ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
    `(doom-modeline-battery-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
@@ -1781,18 +2141,24 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(ebdb-role-defunct ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(eieio-custom-slot-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
 ;;;;; ediff
-   `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                      bg-alt red
-                                      bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
-   `(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                             bg-alt fg-special-cold
-                                             bg-special-cold 
-   `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                      bg-alt green
-                                      bg-diff-added fg-diff-added))))
-   `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                      bg-alt yellow
-                                      bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
+   ;; NOTE: here we break from the pattern of inheriting from the
+   ;; modus-theme-diff-* faces.
+   `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                                      bg-dim red
+                                      bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
+                                      red-nuanced-bg red-faint))))
+   `(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                                             bg-dim fg-special-cold
+                                             bg-special-cold fg-special-cold
+                                             blue-nuanced-bg blue))))
+   `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                                      bg-dim green
+                                      bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                      green-nuanced-bg green-faint))))
+   `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
+                                      bg-dim yellow
+                                      bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
+                                      yellow-nuanced-bg yellow-faint))))
    `(ediff-even-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
    `(ediff-even-diff-Ancestor ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-1)))
    `(ediff-even-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 :foreground 
@@ -1812,6 +2178,9 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(el-search-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-green)))
    `(el-search-other-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-mild)))
    `(el-search-occur-match ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
+;;;;; eldoc
+   ;; NOTE: see https://github.com/purcell/package-lint/issues/187
+   (list 'eldoc-highlight-function-argument `((,class :inherit bold 
:foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; eldoc-box
    `(eldoc-box-body ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(eldoc-box-border ((,class :background ,fg-alt)))
@@ -1821,14 +2190,14 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(elfeed-log-error-level-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
    `(elfeed-log-info-level-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
    `(elfeed-log-warn-level-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-   `(elfeed-search-date-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-   `(elfeed-search-feed-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
-   `(elfeed-search-filter-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
-   `(elfeed-search-last-update-face ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
-   `(elfeed-search-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-   `(elfeed-search-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-   `(elfeed-search-unread-count-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
-   `(elfeed-search-unread-title-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(elfeed-search-date-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(elfeed-search-feed-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(elfeed-search-filter-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(elfeed-search-last-update-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(elfeed-search-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+   `(elfeed-search-unread-count-face ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+   `(elfeed-search-unread-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
 ;;;;; elfeed-score
    `(elfeed-score-date-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
    `(elfeed-score-debug-level-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
@@ -1888,6 +2257,38 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(erc-prompt-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(erc-timestamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
    `(erc-underline-face ((,class :underline t)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face0 ((,class :background "white")))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face1 ((,class :background "black")))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face10 ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face11 ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face12 ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face13 ((,class :background ,magenta-subtle-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face14 ((,class :background "gray60")))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face15 ((,class :background "gray80")))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face2 ((,class :background ,blue-intense-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face3 ((,class :background ,green-intense-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face4 ((,class :background ,red-subtle-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face5 ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face6 ((,class :background ,magenta-refine-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face7 ((,class :background ,yellow-subtle-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face8 ((,class :background ,yellow-refine-bg)))
+   `(bg:erc-color-face9 ((,class :background ,green-subtle-bg)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face0 ((,class :foreground "white")))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face1 ((,class :foreground "black")))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face10 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face11 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face12 ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face13 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face14 ((,class :foreground "gray60")))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face15 ((,class :foreground "gray80")))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face2 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face3 ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face4 ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face5 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face6 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face7 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face8 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+   `(fg:erc-color-face9 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; eros
    `(eros-result-overlay-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,blue)
                                        :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
@@ -1904,14 +2305,13 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(eshell-ls-product ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
    `(eshell-ls-readonly ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
    `(eshell-ls-special ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
-   `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(eshell-ls-unreadable ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground 
    `(eshell-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight)
-                            ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt green-alt-other
-                                                          green-nuanced-bg
-                                                          green-alt
-                                                          green-refine-bg
-                                                          fg-main))))
+                            ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-prompt
+                               green-alt-other
+                               green-nuanced-bg green-alt
+                               green-refine-bg fg-main))))
 ;;;;; eshell-fringe-status
    `(eshell-fringe-status-failure ((,class :foreground ,red)))
    `(eshell-fringe-status-success ((,class :foreground ,green)))
@@ -1939,6 +2339,15 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(epe-remote-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
    `(epe-status-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(epe-venv-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; eshell-syntax-highlighting
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-alias-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-directory-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-envvar-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-invalid-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-lisp-function-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-shell-command-face ((,class :foreground 
+   `(eshell-syntax-highlighting-string-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
 ;;;;; evil-mode
    `(evil-ex-commands ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(evil-ex-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
@@ -2006,6 +2415,11 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
      ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
        :underline (:color ,fg-lang-warning :style wave))
       (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-warning :underline t)))
+;;;;; flycheck-color-mode-line
+   `(flycheck-color-mode-line-error-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(flycheck-color-mode-line-info-face ((,class :inherit 
+   `(flycheck-color-mode-line-running-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive 
:slant italic)))
+   `(flycheck-color-mode-line-info-face ((,class :inherit 
 ;;;;; flycheck-indicator
    `(flycheck-indicator-disabled ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive :slant 
    `(flycheck-indicator-error ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
@@ -2049,7 +2463,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
-                                    magenta-alt-other
+                                    magenta-alt
 ;;;;; freeze-it
    `(freeze-it-show ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
@@ -2157,13 +2571,13 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(git-commit-comment-branch-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt :slant 
    `(git-commit-comment-detached ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :slant 
    `(git-commit-comment-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
-   `(git-commit-comment-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+   `(git-commit-comment-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-dim 
:slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
    `(git-commit-keyword ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-   `(git-commit-known-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(git-commit-known-pseudo-header ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(git-commit-nonempty-second-line ((,class :inherit 
    `(git-commit-overlong-summary ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
-   `(git-commit-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-   `(git-commit-summary ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+   `(git-commit-pseudo-header ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(git-commit-summary ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; git-gutter
    `(git-gutter:added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-green)))
    `(git-gutter:deleted ((,class :inherit modus-theme-fringe-red)))
@@ -2200,7 +2614,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-detail-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
 ;;;;; git-walktree
    `(git-walktree-commit-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-   `(git-walktree-symlink-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(git-walktree-symlink-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(git-walktree-tree-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
 ;;;;; gnus
    `(gnus-button ((,class :inherit button)))
@@ -2239,9 +2653,9 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(gnus-group-news-6-empty ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(gnus-group-news-low ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-nuanced)))
    `(gnus-group-news-low-empty ((,class :foreground ,green-nuanced)))
-   `(gnus-header-content ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
-   `(gnus-header-from ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline 
-   `(gnus-header-name ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(gnus-header-content ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(gnus-header-from ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other 
:underline nil)))
+   `(gnus-header-name ((,class :foreground ,green)))
    `(gnus-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
    `(gnus-header-subject ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(gnus-server-agent ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
@@ -2260,12 +2674,12 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(gnus-summary-high-undownloaded ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(gnus-summary-high-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(gnus-summary-low-ancient ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant italic)))
-   `(gnus-summary-low-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
+   `(gnus-summary-low-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant italic)))
    `(gnus-summary-low-ticked ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg :slant 
    `(gnus-summary-low-undownloaded ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg 
:slant italic)))
    `(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(gnus-summary-normal-ancient ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
-   `(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(gnus-summary-normal-ticked ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
    `(gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
    `(gnus-summary-normal-unread ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -2309,11 +2723,11 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(helm-ff-directory ((,class :inherit helm-buffer-directory)))
    `(helm-ff-dirs ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
    `(helm-ff-dotted-directory ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-alt)))
-   `(helm-ff-dotted-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit 
helm-ff-dotted-directory :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-dotted-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit (button 
    `(helm-ff-executable ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
    `(helm-ff-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(helm-ff-file-extension ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-   `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,red)))
    `(helm-ff-pipe ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
@@ -2330,7 +2744,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
-   `(helm-ff-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+   `(helm-ff-symlink ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(helm-ff-truename ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
    `(helm-grep-cmd-line ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
    `(helm-grep-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
@@ -2366,7 +2780,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(helm-minibuffer-prompt ((,class :inherit minibuffer-prompt)))
-   `(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(helm-mode-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-extra-completions
@@ -2416,8 +2830,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
    `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
 ;;;;; helpful
-   `(helpful-heading  ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
-                               ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(helpful-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-1)))
 ;;;;; highlight region or ad-hoc regexp
    `(hi-black-b ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
    `(hi-blue ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
@@ -2487,23 +2900,23 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
 ;;;;; icomplete
    `(icomplete-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
-                                       magenta magenta-nuanced-bg
-                                       magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
+                                       magenta bg-alt
+                                       bg-active fg-main))))
 ;;;;; icomplete-vertical
    `(icomplete-vertical-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
 ;;;;; ido-mode
    `(ido-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
-                                 magenta magenta-nuanced-bg
-                                 magenta-subtle-bg fg-main))))
+                                 magenta bg-alt
+                                 bg-active fg-main))))
    `(ido-incomplete-regexp ((,class :inherit error)))
    `(ido-indicator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-yellow)))
    `(ido-only-match ((,class :inherit bold
-                                magenta-intense red-nuanced-bg
-                                magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
-   `(ido-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-   `(ido-virtual ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+                                green green-nuanced-bg
+                                green-intense-bg fg-main))))
+   `(ido-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(ido-virtual ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
 ;;;;; iedit
    `(iedit-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
    `(iedit-read-only-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
@@ -2521,29 +2934,25 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
,red-alt-other :underline t)))
 ;;;;; indium
    `(indium-breakpoint-face ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
-   `(indium-frame-url-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :underline t)))
+   `(indium-frame-url-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(indium-keyword-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(indium-litable-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :slant 
    `(indium-repl-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
    `(indium-repl-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(indium-repl-stdout-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; info
-   `(Info-quoted ((,class :foreground ,magenta))) ; the capitalisation is 
+   `(Info-quoted ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                          :foreground ,magenta))) ; the capitalisation is 
    `(info-header-node ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(info-header-xref ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
    `(info-index-match ((,class :inherit match)))
-   `(info-menu-header ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
-                               ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-   `(info-menu-star ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(info-menu-header ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-3)))
+   `(info-menu-star ((,class :foreground ,red)))
    `(info-node ((,class :inherit bold)))
-   `(info-title-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-main
-                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-   `(info-title-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-warm
-                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-   `(info-title-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold
-                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-   `(info-title-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild
-                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(info-title-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-1)))
+   `(info-title-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-2)))
+   `(info-title-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-3)))
+   `(info-title-4 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-4)))
 ;;;;; info-colors
    `(info-colors-lisp-code-block ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
    `(info-colors-ref-item-command ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
@@ -2689,13 +3098,14 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(kaocha-runner-warning-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
 ;;;;; keycast
    `(keycast-command ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
-   `(keycast-key ((,class :box ,(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box blue-alt 
blue-active t -3)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props
-                             blue-active bg-main
-                             blue-active bg-active))))
+   `(keycast-key ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line-attrs
+                             bg-main blue-active
+                             bg-main blue-active
+                             blue-active blue-intense
+                             'alt-style -3))))
 ;;;;; line numbers (display-line-numbers-mode and global variant)
-   `(line-number ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-   `(line-number-current-line ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-active)))
+   `(line-number ((,class :inherit default :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(line-number-current-line ((,class :inherit default :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; lsp-mode
    `(lsp-face-highlight-read ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue 
:underline t)))
    `(lsp-face-highlight-textual ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-blue)))
@@ -2725,7 +3135,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(lsp-lens-mouse-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,blue-alt-other 
:underline t)))
    `(lsp-ui-doc-background ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
    `(lsp-ui-doc-header ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
-   `(lsp-ui-doc-url ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(lsp-ui-doc-url ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
    `(lsp-ui-peek-filename ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
    `(lsp-ui-peek-footer ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
    `(lsp-ui-peek-header ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground 
@@ -2757,37 +3167,43 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(magit-branch-upstream ((,class :slant italic)))
    `(magit-cherry-equivalent ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
    `(magit-cherry-unmatched ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground 
-   `(magit-diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+   ;; NOTE: here we break from the pattern of inheriting from the
+   ;; modus-theme-diff-* faces, though only for the standard actions,
+   ;; not the highlighted ones.  This is because Magit's interaction
+   ;; model relies on highlighting the current diff hunk.
+   `(magit-diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
                                   bg-main green
-                                  bg-diff-added fg-diff-added))))
-   `(magit-diff-added-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                            bg-dim green
-                                            bg-diff-focus-added 
-   `(magit-diff-base ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+                                  bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
+                                  green-nuanced-bg fg-diff-added))))
+   `(magit-diff-added-highlight ((,class :inherit 
+   `(magit-diff-base ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
                                  bg-main yellow
-                                 bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
-   `(magit-diff-base-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                           bg-dim yellow
-                                           bg-diff-focus-changed 
+                                 bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
+                                 yellow-nuanced-bg fg-diff-changed))))
+   `(magit-diff-base-highlight ((,class :inherit 
    `(magit-diff-context ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-   `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+   `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
                                               bg-dim fg-dim
-                                              bg-inactive fg-inactive))))
+                                              bg-inactive fg-inactive
+                                              bg-dim fg-alt))))
    `(magit-diff-file-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(magit-diff-file-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-special-cold bold))))
-   `(magit-diff-file-heading-selection ((,class :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,cyan)))
-   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active 
:foreground ,fg-inactive)))
-   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit 
(modus-theme-diff-heading bold))))
-   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection ((,class :inherit 
+   `(magit-diff-file-heading-selection ((,class :inherit 
+   ;; NOTE: here we break from the pattern of inheriting from the
+   ;; modus-theme-diff-* faces.
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active
+                                      :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit bold :background 
+                                                :foreground ,fg-diff-heading)))
+   `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection ((,class :inherit 
    `(magit-diff-hunk-region ((,class :inherit bold)))
    `(magit-diff-lines-boundary ((,class :background ,fg-main)))
    `(magit-diff-lines-heading ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-magenta)))
-   `(magit-diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
+   `(magit-diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diff
                                     bg-main red
-                                    bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
-   `(magit-diff-removed-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                              bg-dim red
-                                              bg-diff-focus-removed 
+                                    bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
+                                    red-nuanced-bg fg-diff-removed))))
+   `(magit-diff-removed-highlight ((,class :inherit 
    `(magit-diffstat-added ((,class :foreground ,green)))
    `(magit-diffstat-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))
    `(magit-dimmed ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
@@ -2846,26 +3262,40 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(Man-reverse ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-magenta)))
    `(Man-underline ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
 ;;;;; markdown-mode
-   `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :slant 
+   `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
    `(markdown-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
-   `(markdown-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+   `(markdown-code-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts))))
    `(markdown-comment-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
    `(markdown-footnote-marker-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(markdown-footnote-text-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main :slant 
    `(markdown-gfm-checkbox-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(markdown-header-delimiter-face ((,class 
,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-   `(markdown-header-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+   `(markdown-header-face ((t nil)))
+   `(markdown-header-face-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-1)))
+   `(markdown-header-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-2)))
+   `(markdown-header-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-3)))
+   `(markdown-header-face-4 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-4)))
+   `(markdown-header-face-5 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-5)))
+   `(markdown-header-face-6 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-6)))
    `(markdown-header-rule-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(markdown-hr-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-   `(markdown-html-attr-name-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
-   `(markdown-html-attr-value-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
-   `(markdown-html-entity-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
-   `(markdown-html-tag-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-   `(markdown-html-tag-name-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
-   `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-html-attr-name-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                           :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(markdown-html-attr-value-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                            :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(markdown-html-entity-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                        :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(markdown-html-tag-delimiter-face ((,class 
+                                               :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(markdown-html-tag-name-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                          :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+   `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                        :foreground ,magenta)))
    `(markdown-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
-   `(markdown-language-info-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
-   `(markdown-language-keyword-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(markdown-language-info-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                          :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(markdown-language-keyword-face ((,class 
+                                             :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
    `(markdown-line-break-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-cyan 
:underline t)))
    `(markdown-link-face ((,class :inherit link)))
    `(markdown-link-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
@@ -2877,12 +3307,14 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(markdown-missing-link-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
    `(markdown-plain-url-face ((,class :inherit markdown-link-face)))
    `(markdown-pre-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
-                                :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,bg-dim
+                                ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                :background ,bg-dim
                                 :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
    `(markdown-reference-face ((,class :inherit markdown-markup-face)))
    `(markdown-strike-through-face ((,class :strike-through t)))
-   `(markdown-table-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
-   `(markdown-url-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(markdown-table-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                  :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(markdown-url-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
 ;;;;; markup-faces (`adoc-mode')
    `(markup-anchor-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
    `(markup-attribute-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive :slant italic)))
@@ -2896,7 +3328,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(markup-emphasis-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
    `(markup-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
    `(markup-gen-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-   `(markup-internal-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive 
:underline t)))
+   `(markup-internal-reference-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground 
    `(markup-italic-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant italic)))
    `(markup-list-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
    `(markup-meta-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
@@ -2935,32 +3367,30 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(message-cited-text-2 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
    `(message-cited-text-3 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
    `(message-cited-text-4 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-   `(message-header-cc ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(message-header-cc ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
    `(message-header-name ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
-   `(message-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(message-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-alt)))
    `(message-header-other ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(message-header-subject ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
-   `(message-header-to ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-   `(message-header-xheader ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-   `(message-mml ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
-   `(message-separator ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(message-header-to ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(message-header-xheader ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(message-mml ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+   `(message-separator ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-neutral)))
 ;;;;; minibuffer-line
    `(minibuffer-line ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; minimap
    `(minimap-active-region-background ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
    `(minimap-current-line-face ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; modeline
-   `(mode-line ((,class :box ,(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box bg-active 
fg-alt t)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props
-                           bg-active fg-dim
-                           bg-active fg-active))))
+   `(mode-line ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line-attrs
+                           fg-active bg-active fg-dim bg-active
+                           fg-alt bg-active 'alt-style nil bg-main))))
    `(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class :inherit bold)))
    `(mode-line-emphasis ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
    `(mode-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-blue :box 
(:line-width -1 :style pressed-button))))
-   `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box ,(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-box 
bg-active bg-region)
-                                 ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-modeline-props
-                                    bg-dim fg-inactive
-                                    bg-inactive fg-inactive))))
+   `(mode-line-inactive ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line-attrs
+                                    fg-inactive bg-inactive fg-alt bg-dim
+                                    bg-region bg-active))))
 ;;;;; mood-line
    `(mood-line-modified ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
    `(mood-line-status-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
@@ -2969,6 +3399,9 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(mood-line-status-success ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
    `(mood-line-status-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(mood-line-unimportant ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+;;;;; mpdel
+   `(mpdel-browser-directory-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+   `(mpdel-playlist-current-song-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
 ;;;;; mu4e
    `(mu4e-attach-number-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
    `(mu4e-cited-1-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
@@ -2979,7 +3412,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(mu4e-cited-6-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
    `(mu4e-cited-7-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
    `(mu4e-compose-header-face ((,class :inherit mu4e-compose-separator-face)))
-   `(mu4e-compose-separator-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground 
+   `(mu4e-compose-separator-face ((,class :inherit 
    `(mu4e-contact-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(mu4e-context-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
    `(mu4e-draft-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
@@ -2998,7 +3431,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(mu4e-moved-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
    `(mu4e-ok-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
    `(mu4e-region-code ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-calm)))
-   `(mu4e-replied-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+   `(mu4e-replied-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-faint)))
    `(mu4e-special-header-value-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(mu4e-system-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-mark-del :slant 
    `(mu4e-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -3129,10 +3562,15 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(nxml-ref ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-syntax-foreground
                           green-alt-other green-alt-other-faint)
+;;;;; objed
+   `(objed-hl ((,class :background ,(if modus-vivendi-theme-intense-hl-line
+                                        bg-hl-alt-intense bg-hl-alt))))
+   `(objed-mark ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+   `(objed-mode-line ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
 ;;;;; orderless
    `(orderless-match-face-0 ((,class :inherit bold
-                                        blue-alt blue-nuanced-bg
+                                        blue-alt-other blue-nuanced-bg
                                         blue-refine-bg blue-refine-fg))))
    `(orderless-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit bold
@@ -3140,70 +3578,62 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
                                         magenta-refine-bg magenta-refine-fg))))
    `(orderless-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit bold
-                                        green-alt-other green-nuanced-bg
+                                        green green-nuanced-bg
                                         green-refine-bg green-refine-fg))))
    `(orderless-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold
-                                        yellow-alt-other yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                        yellow yellow-nuanced-bg
                                         yellow-refine-bg yellow-refine-fg))))
 ;;;;; org
    `(org-agenda-calendar-event ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-   `(org-agenda-clocking ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
+   `(org-agenda-clocking ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold
+                                  ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend 
    `(org-agenda-column-dateline ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
-   `(org-agenda-current-time ((,class :inherit modus-theme-subtle-cyan)))
-   `(org-agenda-date ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch :foreground 
-                              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                              ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced))))
-   `(org-agenda-date-today ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                                    :background ,cyan-intense-bg :foreground 
-                                    ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-   `(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch 
:foreground ,cyan
-                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                                      ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
blue-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced))))
+   `(org-agenda-current-time ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
+   `(org-agenda-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+   `(org-agenda-date-today ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main 
:underline t)))
+   `(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
    `(org-agenda-diary ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-   `(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class :inherit 
-   `(org-agenda-done ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block 
green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced green))))
+   `(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+   `(org-agenda-done ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
    `(org-agenda-filter-category ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(org-agenda-filter-effort ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(org-agenda-filter-regexp ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(org-agenda-filter-tags ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
    `(org-agenda-restriction-lock ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
-   `(org-agenda-structure ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch
-                                   :foreground ,fg-special-mild
-                                   ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
+   `(org-agenda-structure ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
    `(org-archived ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-   `(org-block ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-block bg-dim)
-                        :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-main)))
-   `(org-block-begin-line ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-block-delim
+   `(org-block ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-block bg-dim)
+                        :foreground ,fg-main)))
+   `(org-block-begin-line ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                   ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-block-delim
                                       bg-dim fg-special-cold
-                                      bg-alt fg-special-mild)
-                                   :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+                                      bg-alt fg-special-mild))))
    `(org-block-end-line ((,class :inherit org-block-begin-line)))
    `(org-checkbox ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,bg-active)
                            :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-active)))
-   `(org-checkbox-statistics-done ((,class :foreground ,green
-                                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block
-                                              green-nuanced-bg 
-   `(org-checkbox-statistics-todo ((,class 
,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground red-alt red)
-                                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block
-                                              red-nuanced-bg red-nuanced))))
+   `(org-checkbox-statistics-done ((,class :inherit org-done)))
+   `(org-checkbox-statistics-todo ((,class :inherit org-todo)))
    `(org-clock-overlay ((,class :inherit modus-theme-special-cold)))
-   `(org-code ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,magenta)))
+   `(org-code ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts) :foreground 
    `(org-column ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
    `(org-column-title ((,class :inherit bold :underline t :background 
-   `(org-date ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,cyan-alt-other 
:underline t)))
+   `(org-date ((,class :inherit (button fixed-pitch) :foreground 
    `(org-date-selected ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt 
:inverse-video t)))
-   `(org-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(org-document-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-   `(org-document-info-keyword ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground 
+   `(org-document-info-keyword ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                        :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(org-document-title ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch) 
:foreground ,fg-special-cold
-   `(org-done ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block green-nuanced-bg 
green-nuanced green))))
-   `(org-drawer ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+   `(org-done ((,class :box ,bg-region :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(org-drawer ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                         :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(org-ellipsis ((,class :foreground nil))) ; inherits from the heading's 
-   `(org-footnote ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt :underline t)))
-   `(org-formula ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(org-footnote ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(org-formula ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                          :foreground ,red-alt)))
    `(org-habit-alert-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-yellow)))
    `(org-habit-alert-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-yellow)))
    `(org-habit-clear-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))
@@ -3212,69 +3642,48 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(org-habit-overdue-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-red)))
    `(org-habit-ready-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
    `(org-habit-ready-future-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-refine-blue)))
-   `(org-headline-done ((,class :foreground ,green-nuanced
-                                ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block
-                                   green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced))))
+   `(org-headline-done ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch 
:foreground ,green-nuanced)))
+   `(org-headline-todo ((,class :inherit ,modus-theme-variable-pitch 
:foreground ,red-nuanced)))
    `(org-hide ((,class :foreground ,bg-main)))
    `(org-indent ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch org-hide))))
    `(org-latex-and-related ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
-   `(org-level-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-main 
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced))))
-   `(org-level-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-warm magenta-alt)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
-   `(org-level-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-cold blue)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block blue-nuanced-bg 
-   `(org-level-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-mild cyan)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block cyan-nuanced-bg 
-   `(org-level-5 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-calm green-alt-other)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
green-nuanced-bg green-nuanced))))
-   `(org-level-6 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
yellow-nuanced yellow-alt-other)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
yellow-nuanced-bg yellow-nuanced))))
-   `(org-level-7 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
red-nuanced red-alt)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
-   `(org-level-8 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-dim 
-                          ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block bg-alt 
+   `(org-level-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-1)))
+   `(org-level-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-2)))
+   `(org-level-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-3)))
+   `(org-level-4 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-4)))
+   `(org-level-5 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-5)))
+   `(org-level-6 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-6)))
+   `(org-level-7 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-7)))
+   `(org-level-8 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-8)))
    `(org-link ((,class :inherit link)))
    `(org-list-dt ((,class :inherit bold)))
-   `(org-macro ((,class :inherit org-latex-and-related)))
-   `(org-meta-line ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
+   `(org-macro ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :foreground 
+   `(org-meta-line ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts) :foreground 
    `(org-mode-line-clock ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-red)))
-   `(org-priority ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced magenta)
-                           ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground magenta 
-   `(org-quote ((,class ,@(if modus-vivendi-theme-org-blocks
-                              (append
-                               (and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
-                               (list :background bg-dim))
-                            (list :background nil))
-                        :foreground ,fg-special-calm :slant 
+   `(org-priority ((,class :box ,bg-region :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
+   `(org-property-value ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                 :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+   `(org-quote ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-block bg-dim)
+                        :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
    `(org-scheduled ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
    `(org-scheduled-previously ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
    `(org-scheduled-today ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(org-sexp-date ((,class :inherit org-date)))
-   `(org-special-keyword ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block 
cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced cyan-alt))))
-   `(org-table ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-   `(org-tag ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
+   `(org-special-keyword ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                                  :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
+   `(org-table ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                        :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+   `(org-table-header ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch 
+   `(org-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-nuanced)))
    `(org-tag-group ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-nuanced)))
    `(org-target ((,class :underline t)))
    `(org-time-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-   `(org-todo ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-org-todo-block red-nuanced-bg 
red-nuanced red-alt)
-                       ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground red-alt 
+   `(org-todo ((,class :box ,bg-region :background ,bg-dim :foreground 
    `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
    `(org-upcoming-distant-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced)))
-   `(org-verbatim ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,bg-alt 
:foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+   `(org-verbatim ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-mixed-fonts)
+                           :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
    `(org-verse ((,class :inherit org-quote)))
    `(org-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; org-journal
@@ -3291,8 +3700,11 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
 ;;;;; org-recur
    `(org-recur ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
 ;;;;; org-roam
-   `(org-roam-link ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
-   `(org-roam-backlink ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other :underline t)))
+   `(org-roam-link ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,green)))
+   `(org-roam-link-current ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(org-roam-link-invalid ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,red)))
+   `(org-roam-link-shielded ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,yellow)))
+   `(org-roam-tag ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant italic)))
 ;;;;; org-superstar
    `(org-superstar-item ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(org-superstar-leading ((,class :foreground ,fg-whitespace)))
@@ -3305,37 +3717,16 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(origami-fold-header-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim 
:box t)))
    `(origami-fold-replacement-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground 
 ;;;;; outline-mode
-   `(outline-1 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-main 
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block 
magenta-nuanced-bg magenta-nuanced))))
-   `(outline-2 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-warm magenta-alt)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
-   `(outline-3 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-cold blue)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block blue-nuanced-bg 
-   `(outline-4 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-mild cyan)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-scale 
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block cyan-nuanced-bg 
-   `(outline-5 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
fg-special-calm green-alt-other)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block green-nuanced-bg 
-   `(outline-6 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground 
yellow-nuanced yellow-alt-other)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block yellow-nuanced-bg 
-   `(outline-7 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground red-nuanced 
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block red-nuanced-bg 
-   `(outline-8 ((,class :inherit (bold ,modus-theme-variable-pitch)
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-foreground fg-dim 
-                        ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-heading-block bg-alt fg-alt))))
+   `(outline-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-1)))
+   `(outline-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-2)))
+   `(outline-3 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-3)))
+   `(outline-4 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-4)))
+   `(outline-5 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-5)))
+   `(outline-6 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-6)))
+   `(outline-7 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-7)))
+   `(outline-8 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-heading-8)))
 ;;;;; outline-minor-faces
-   `(outline-minor-0 ((,class ,@(unless modus-vivendi-theme-section-headings
-                                  (list :background cyan-nuanced-bg)))))
+   `(outline-minor-0 ((,class nil)))
 ;;;;; package (M-x list-packages)
    `(package-description ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
    `(package-help-section-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground 
@@ -3423,6 +3814,23 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(prodigy-green-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
    `(prodigy-red-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
    `(prodigy-yellow-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; racket-mode
+   `(racket-debug-break-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-red)))
+   `(racket-debug-locals-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color nil)
+                                       :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+   `(racket-debug-result-face ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width -1 
:color nil)
+                                       :foreground ,green)))
+   `(racket-here-string-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+   `(racket-keyword-argument-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+   `(racket-logger-config-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :slant 
+   `(racket-logger-debug-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+   `(racket-logger-info-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-lang-note)))
+   `(racket-logger-topic-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta :slant 
+   `(racket-selfeval-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
+   `(racket-xp-error-face
+     ((,(append '((supports :underline (:style wave))) class)
+       :underline (:color ,fg-lang-error :style wave))
+      (,class :foreground ,fg-lang-error :underline t)))
 ;;;;; rainbow-blocks
    `(rainbow-blocks-depth-1-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
    `(rainbow-blocks-depth-2-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
@@ -3544,24 +3952,19 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
 ;;;;; selectrum
-   `(selectrum-current-candidate ((,class 
-                                             'modus-theme-refine-magenta
-                                             'modus-theme-intense-magenta
-                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-magenta
-                                             magenta
-                                             'bold))))
-   `(selectrum-primary-highlight ((,class 
-                                             'modus-theme-refine-blue
-                                             'modus-theme-intense-blue
-                                             'modus-theme-nuanced-blue
-                                             blue
-                                             'bold))))
-   `(selectrum-secondary-highlight ((,class 
-                                               'modus-theme-refine-cyan
-                                               'modus-theme-intense-cyan
-                                               'modus-theme-nuanced-cyan
-                                               cyan
-                                               'bold))))
+   `(selectrum-current-candidate
+     ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main :underline ,fg-main
+              :background ,@(pcase modus-vivendi-theme-completions
+                              ('opinionated (list bg-active))
+                              (_ (list bg-inactive))))))
+   `(selectrum-primary-highlight ((,class :inherit bold
+                                             magenta-alt magenta-nuanced-bg
+                                             magenta-refine-bg 
+   `(selectrum-secondary-highlight ((,class :inherit bold
+                                               cyan-alt-other cyan-nuanced-bg
+                                               cyan-refine-bg 
 ;;;;; semantic
    `(semantic-complete-inline-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm 
:underline t)))
    `(semantic-decoration-on-private-members-face ((,class :inherit 
@@ -3628,23 +4031,13 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(sp-wrap-overlay-opening-pair ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
    `(sp-wrap-tag-overlay-face ((,class :inherit sp-pair-overlay-face)))
 ;;;;; smerge
-   `(smerge-base ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                             bg-main yellow
-                             bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
-   `(smerge-lower ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                              bg-main green
-                              bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added))))
+   `(smerge-base ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-changed)))
+   `(smerge-lower ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-added)))
    `(smerge-markers ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-2 :foreground 
-   `(smerge-refined-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                      bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
-                                      bg-diff-refine-added 
+   `(smerge-refined-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-refine-added)))
    `(smerge-refined-changed ((,class)))
-   `(smerge-refined-removed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                        bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
-                                        bg-diff-refine-removed 
-   `(smerge-upper ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                              bg-main red
-                              bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
+   `(smerge-refined-removed ((,class :inherit 
+   `(smerge-upper ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-removed)))
 ;;;;; spaceline
    `(spaceline-evil-emacs ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-magenta)))
    `(spaceline-evil-insert ((,class :inherit modus-theme-active-green)))
@@ -3804,7 +4197,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(trashed-mark ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-symbol)))
    `(trashed-marked ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-alt)))
    `(trashed-restored ((,class :inherit modus-theme-mark-sel)))
-   `(trashed-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
+   `(trashed-symlink ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
 ;;;;; treemacs
    `(treemacs-directory-collapsed-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
    `(treemacs-directory-face ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
@@ -3870,39 +4263,33 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(tuareg-opam-pkg-variable-name-face ((,class 
                                                     cyan cyan-faint)
                                                  :slant ,modus-theme-slant)))
+;;;;; typescript
+   `(typescript-jsdoc-tag ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild :slant 
+   `(typescript-jsdoc-type ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm :slant 
+   `(typescript-jsdoc-value ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :slant 
 ;;;;; undo-tree
    `(undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face ((,class :inherit bold 
:foreground ,fg-main)))
    `(undo-tree-visualizer-current-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
    `(undo-tree-visualizer-default-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
    `(undo-tree-visualizer-register-face ((,class :foreground 
    `(undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face ((,class :foreground 
-;;;;; vc
-   `(vc-conflict-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,red-active)))
-   `(vc-edited-state ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+;;;;; vc (vc-hooks.el)
+   `(vc-conflict-state ((,class :foreground ,red-active :slant 
+   `(vc-edited-state ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
    `(vc-locally-added-state ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
-   `(vc-locked-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
-   `(vc-missing-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) :foreground 
-   `(vc-needs-update-state ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-bold-weight) 
:foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+   `(vc-locked-state ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+   `(vc-missing-state ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active :slant 
+   `(vc-needs-update-state ((,class :foreground ,green-active :slant 
    `(vc-removed-state ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
    `(vc-state-base ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
    `(vc-up-to-date-state ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
 ;;;;; vdiff
-   `(vdiff-addition-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                     bg-main green
-                                     bg-diff-focus-added 
-   `(vdiff-change-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                   bg-main yellow
-                                   bg-diff-focus-changed 
+   `(vdiff-addition-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-added)))
+   `(vdiff-change-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-changed)))
    `(vdiff-closed-fold-face ((,class :background ,bg-diff-neutral-1 
:foreground ,fg-diff-neutral-1)))
-   `(vdiff-refine-added ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                    bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
-                                    bg-diff-refine-added 
-   `(vdiff-refine-changed ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                      bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
-                                      bg-diff-refine-changed 
-   `(vdiff-subtraction-face ((,class ,@(modus-vivendi-theme-diffs
-                                        bg-main red
-                                        bg-diff-focus-removed 
+   `(vdiff-refine-added ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-refine-added)))
+   `(vdiff-refine-changed ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-refine-changed)))
+   `(vdiff-subtraction-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-diff-removed)))
    `(vdiff-target-face ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
 ;;;;; vimish-fold
    `(vimish-fold-fringe ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
@@ -3925,7 +4312,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(vhl/default-face ((,class ,@(and (>= emacs-major-version 27) '(:extend t))
                                :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue-nuanced)))
 ;;;;; vterm
-   `(vterm-color-black ((,class :background "black" :foreground "black")))
+   `(vterm-color-black ((,class :background "gray35" :foreground "gray35")))
    `(vterm-color-blue ((,class :background ,blue :foreground ,blue)))
    `(vterm-color-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan :foreground ,cyan)))
    `(vterm-color-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -3934,7 +4321,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(vterm-color-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta :foreground ,magenta)))
    `(vterm-color-red ((,class :background ,red :foreground ,red)))
    `(vterm-color-underline ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :underline 
-   `(vterm-color-white ((,class :background "white" :foreground "white")))
+   `(vterm-color-white ((,class :background "gray65" :foreground "gray65")))
    `(vterm-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
 ;;;;; wcheck-mode
    `(wcheck-default-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
@@ -4135,7 +4522,6 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(ztreep-node-count-children-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
    `(ztreep-node-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main))))
 ;;;; Emacs 27+
-  ;; EXPERIMENTAL this form is subject to review
   (when (>= emacs-major-version 27)
@@ -4143,8 +4529,12 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
      ;; NOTE that this is specifically for the faces that were
      ;; introduced in Emacs 27, as the other faces are already
      ;; supported.
-     `(line-number-major-tick ((,class (:background ,yellow-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,yellow-nuanced))))
-     `(line-number-minor-tick ((,class (:background ,cyan-nuanced-bg 
:foreground ,cyan-nuanced))))
+     `(line-number-major-tick ((,class :inherit (bold default)
+                                       :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                       :foreground ,yellow-nuanced)))
+     `(line-number-minor-tick ((,class :inherit (bold default)
+                                       :background ,bg-inactive
+                                       :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
 ;;;;; tab-bar-mode
      `(tab-bar ((,class :background ,bg-tab-bar :foreground ,fg-main)))
      `(tab-bar-tab ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width 2 :color 
@@ -4160,12 +4550,22 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
      `(tab-line-tab-current ((,class :inherit tab-line-tab)))
      `(tab-line-tab-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color 
                                       :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground 
+;;;; Emacs 28+
+  (when (>= emacs-major-version 28)
+    (custom-theme-set-faces
+     'modus-vivendi
+;;;;; isearch regexp groups
+     `(isearch-group-1 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-blue)))
+     `(isearch-group-2 ((,class :inherit modus-theme-intense-magenta)))))
 ;;; variables
 ;;;; ansi-colors
    `(ansi-color-faces-vector [default bold shadow italic underline success 
warning error])
    `(ansi-color-names-vector [,bg-main ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue ,magenta 
,cyan ,fg-main])
+;;;; awesome-tray
+   `(awesome-tray-mode-line-active-color ,blue)
+   `(awesome-tray-mode-line-inactive-color ,bg-active)
 ;;;; flymake fringe indicators
    `(flymake-error-bitmap '(flymake-double-exclamation-mark 
    `(flymake-warning-bitmap '(exclamation-mark modus-theme-fringe-yellow))
@@ -4174,7 +4574,7 @@ Also bind `class' to ((class color) (min-colors 89))."
    `(ibuffer-deletion-face 'modus-theme-mark-del)
    `(ibuffer-filter-group-name-face 'modus-theme-mark-symbol)
    `(ibuffer-marked-face 'modus-theme-mark-sel)
-   `(ibuffer-title-face 'modus-theme-header)
+   `(ibuffer-title-face 'modus-theme-pseudo-header)
 ;;;; highlight-tail
      '((,green-subtle-bg . 0)

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