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[elpa] externals/brief 8d90987 08/17: Brief Mode v5.86 release.

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/brief 8d90987 08/17: Brief Mode v5.86 release.
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 18:49:14 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/brief
commit 8d90987a13521c381cf444fcfc7b7cb9a77c7813
Author: Luke Lee <luke.yx.lee@gmail.com>
Commit: Luke Lee <luke.yx.lee@gmail.com>

    Brief Mode v5.86 release.
    Add README.org file with full key commands table & post on EmacsWiki.
    Completed key commands supported by the legacy msdos Brief(tm) v3.1.
    * packages/brief/README.org: A categorized full key commands list table.
    * packages/brief/b: Bash launcher script to new users.
    * packages/brief/b.el: A launcher elisp script.
    * packages/brief/brief.el (brief-search-replace-using-regexp)
    (brief-enable-less-frequent-keys, brief-toggle-search-replace-regexp):
    New custom variables and toggle function.
    (brief-meta-l-key, brief-mark-line-up/down-with-<*>):
    Macro to generate M-L prefixed keys functions, and the generated
    (brief-search-.*-pattern, brief-query-replace-.*-pattern)
    Rename from .*-regexp to .*-pattern and referenced to variable
    `brief-search-replace-using-regexp' selecting between regexp or
    string, also change all functions that referenced them.
    Prevent Xselection change during search & replace operation.
    (brief--kbd-macro-seq, brief-define-macro, brief-call-last-kbd-macro)
    (brief-toggle-pause-kbd-macro, brief-call-last-kbd-macro)
    Toggle keyboard macro recording.
    (brief-scroll-up-one-line, brief-scroll-down-one-line)
    (brief-toggle-auto-backup, brief-beginning-of-file, brief-end-of-file)
    (brief-end-of-window, brief-open-new-line-next)
    New key commands to complete less frequently used Brief keys.
 README.org | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 b          | 150 ++++++++++++
 b.el       |   9 +
 brief.el   | 813 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 4 files changed, 980 insertions(+), 302 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb3aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Brief Mode / Brief Emulator                  -*- mode: org; -*-
+#+STARTUP: showall
+#+STARTUP: hidestars
+* Brief
+The Brief editor is famous for its easy-to-learn.  Most of the command 'K'eys 
+associated with meaningful 'K'eywords.  Usually, it can be mastered within an
+hour and difficult to forget.
+For example, the first <home> key bring the cursor to home (beginning) of 
+line, a consecutive second <home> key to the home (beginning) of the window 
and a
+third <home> to the home (beginning) of the file.  Similarly for the <end> key.
+To paste/insert clipboard contents into current file just press <insert>... and
+so on.
+Personally, I've been using this key combination for over 27+ years (by the 
+Y2018 this guide was written) and have never changed, since the beginning of 
+MS-DOS Brief Editor days; the later 17+ years of the 27 are using Emacs with
+this Brief Mode.
+[Actually, after 17+ years of Emacs I still can't (or simply, don't need to)
+ remember the default Emacs keys except for <Ctrl-g> (cancel half-entered
+ commands) and <Ctrl>-x <Ctrl>-c (quit Emacs, in case I don't have my Brief
+ mode at hand).]
+* Installation
+** Quick steps for non-Emacs users:
+  1. Install Emacs package, better be Emacs version 24 above (Emacs26 
+     For Debian/Ubuntu users:
+     $ sudo apt install emacs -y
+  2. Download Brief package using emacs command line:
+     $ emacs -Q -eval "(progn (package-initialize) (package-refresh-contents) 
(package-install 'brief) (save-buffers-kill-emacs))"
+  3. Now the Brief package (currently v5.86) should be presented in
+     "~/.emacs.d/elpa/brief-5.86".  You can either add this into PATH, or copy
+     (link) the launcher bash script "~/.emacs.d/elpa/brief-5.86/b" to anywhere
+     within your PATH.
+     Now you can start Emacs brief emulator, just run the launcher:
+     $ b
+     That's it!
+     (If 'b' fail to launch, use 'b -h' and adjust the associated environment
+      variables.)
+** For Emacs users, just install the ELPA brief package with menu -> "Options"
+   -> "Manage Emacs Packages", then add "(require 'brief) (brief-mode 1)" into
+   ~/.emacs to enable it.
+* Key Commands:
+** Basic editing commands are just like any other editor, cursor movement
+   using arrow up/down/left/right; page up/down; line home/end; with
+   <shift> key pressed cursor movement keys mark text selection.  <Enter>,
+   <Backspace>, and <Delete> also behaves the same as other editors;  when
+   text region is selected, <Backspace> and <Delete> deletes the whole
+   selection.
+** The first thing need to memorize about Emacs is that the cancellation
+   is usually *not* done by the <Esc> key but mostly by <Ctrl>-g key.
+** All of the <Alt> command keys are easy to memorize by the meaningful
+   'K'eyword associated 'K'ey:
+  +|---------------------------------------------|---------------------|+
+   | *Command meaning & 'K'eyword*               | *Key*               |
+  +|---------------------------------------------|---------------------|+
+   | e'X'it Emacs Brief Emulator:                | <Alt>-X             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'E'dit a file:                              | <Alt>-E             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'B'uffer list:                              | <Alt>-B             |
+   | press <q> to quit buffer list               |                     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Go to 'home' (beginning) of line:           | <Home>              |
+   | Go to 'home' (beginning) of window:         | <Home> (2nd <Home>) |
+   | Go to 'home' (beginning) of file:           | <Home> (3rd <Home>) |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Go to 'end' of line:                        | <End>               |
+   | Go to 'end' of window:                      | <End> (2nd <End>)   |
+   | Go to 'end' of file:                        | <End> (3rd <End>)   |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'H'elp:                                     | <Alt>-H             |
+   | press <q> or <Esc> to quit help system      |                     |
+   | (For key-specific help, press "<Alt>-h k",  |                     |
+   | then followed by the key command sequence.  |                     |
+   | For example: "<Alt>-h k" "<Home>")          |                     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'G'oto line:                                | <Alt>-G             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'L'ine oriented text selecting:             | <Alt>-L             |
+   | followed by cursor commands                 |                     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'C'olumn oriented text selecting:           | <Alt>-C             |
+   | followed by cursor commands                 |                     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Start line 'M'arking:                       | <Alt>-M             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Copy ('+') text selection into clipboard:   | <Keypad +>          |
+   | if no text selected, copy current line      | <Ctrl>-<Insert>     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Cut ('-') text selection into clipboard:    | <Keypad ->          |
+   | if no text selected, cut current line       | <Shift>-<Delete>    |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Paste clipboard texts into current line:    | <Insert>            |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'D'elete a line(s):                         | <Alt>-D             |
+   | if text selected, delete selected           |                     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'K'ill till end of line:                    | <Alt>-K             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'R'ead a file and insert into current line: | <Alt>-R             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'W'rite (save) editing file:                | <Alt>-W             |
+   | if text selected, save selected region to   |                     |
+   | a file (will prompt for a file name)        |                     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'O'utput as another file name:              | <Alt>-O             |
+   | (save as, will prompt for a file name)      |                     |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'P'rint buffer/selected region:             | <Alt>-P             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Toggle 'I'nserting/overwriting mode:        | <Alt>-I             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | 'U'ndo:                                     | <Alt>-U             |
+   |                                             | <Keypad *>          |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Buffer 'F'ilename:                          | <Alt>-F             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Jump to bookmark '0' ... '9':               | <Alt>-0 .. <Alt>-9  |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Set a bookmark 'J'ump:                      | <Alt>-J             |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Switch to previous ('-') buffer:            | <Alt>-<->           |
+   |                                             | <Alt>-<_>           |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+   | Switch to next ('+') buffer:                | <Alt>-<+>           |
+   |                                             | <Alt>-<=>           |
+   |---------------------------------------------+---------------------|
+** Frequently used commands adjusted for Emacs:
+   |----------------------------------------------+-------------------|
+   | Cancel a command                             | <Ctrl>-G          |
+   |                                              | <Esc> <Esc> <Esc> |
+   |----------------------------------------------+-------------------|
+   | Execute Emacs extended command (the original | <F10>             |
+   | Emacs M-x)                                   |                   |
+   |----------------------------------------------+-------------------|
+** Search (<F5>) and Replace (<F6>) commands:
+   By default the un-prefixed commands search/replace forwards. Prefixed key
+   change their meaning: <shift> means "repeat", <alt> means "backward" and
+   <control> means "current" or sometimes "forwards".
+*** Search:
+   | Search regular expression forwards               | <F5>                   
+   | Search regular expression backwards              | <Alt>-<F5>             
+   | Repeat previous search in the last direction     | <Shift>-<F5>           
+   | Repeat previous search forwards                  | <Shift>-<Control>-<F5> 
+   | Repeat previous search backwards                 | <Shift>-<Alt>-<F5>     
+   | Search current word (at cursor) forwards         | <Control>-<F5>         
+   | Search current word (at cursor) backwards        | <Control>-<Alt>-<F5>   
+   | Interactive search forwards                      | <Control>-S            
+   | Interactive search backwards                     | <Alt>-S                
+*** Replace:
+   | Replace regular expression forwards               | <F6>                  
+   | Replace regular expression backwards              | <Alt>-<F6>            
+   | Repeat previous replacement in the last direction | <Shift>-<F6>          
+   | Repeat previous replacement forwards              | 
<Shift>-<Control>-<F6> |
+   | Repeat previous replacement backwards             | <Shift>-<Alt>-<F6>    
+   | Replace current word (at cursor) forwards         | <Control>-<F6>        
+   | Replace current word (at cursor) backwards        | <Control>-<Alt>-<F6>  
+*** Toggle search & replace behavior (for current buffer):
+   | Toggle case sensitivity (default case sensitive)     | <Control>-<X> <F5> 
+   | Toggle regular expression (default) or simple string | <Control>-<X> <F6> 
+** Window control commands:
+   All commands are relative to the current cursor location:
+   |----------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Switch to the window the arrow points to           | <F1> <arrow> |
+   |----------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Adjust current window size at the border the arrow | <F2> <arrow> |
+   | points to                                          |              |
+   |----------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Split a new window in the direction that the arrow | <F3> <arrow> |
+   | points to                                          |              |
+   |----------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Delete the window that the arrow points to         | <F4> <arrow> |
+   |----------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Delete current window                              | <Ctrl>-<F4>  |
+   |----------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+** Keystroke macro commands:
+   |--------------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Start/End remembering keystroke commands into a macro  | <F7>         |
+   |--------------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Pause recording keystroke macro                        | <Shift>-<F7> |
+   |--------------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Playback just recorded macro                           | <F8>         |
+   |--------------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Load keystroke macro from a file, will prompt for a    | <Alt>-<F7>   |
+   | file name                                              |              |
+   |--------------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+   | Save keystroke macro to a file, will prompt for a file | <Alt>-<F8>   |
+   | name                                                   |              |
+   |--------------------------------------------------------+--------------|
+** Compilation commands:
+   |-------------------------------------------------------+-------------|
+   | Compile buffer, will prompt for a compilation command | <Alt>-<F10> |
+   |-------------------------------------------------------+-------------|
+   | Jump to the first compilation error message in the    | <Ctrl>-P    |
+   | compilation buffer                                    |             |
+   |-------------------------------------------------------+-------------|
+   | Jump to the next compilation error message            | <Ctrl>-N    |
+   |-------------------------------------------------------+-------------|
+* Emacs specific or miscellaneous extended commands:
+   | Move backwards an expression, or matching         | <Alt>-<Left>          
+   | parenthesis backwards                             |                       
+   | Move forwards an expression, or matching          | <Alt>-<Right>         
+   | parenthesis forwards                              |                       
+   | Move backwards a word                             | <Ctrl>-<Left>         
+   | Move forwards a word                              | <Ctrl>-<Right>        
+   | Indent current line, or region if text selected   | <Tab>                 
+   | Indent whole buffer                               | <Ctrl>-<Alt>-<Tab>    
+   | Emacs C-x prefix                                  | <Ctrl>-X              
+   | Emacs C-u universal prefix argument               | <Ctrl>-U              
+   | Open menu bar                                     | <Shift>-<F10>         
+   | Open shell                                        | <Alt>-Z               
+   | Find a file                                       | <F9>                  
+   | Toggle current buffer read only                   | <Alt>-<F11>           
+   | Delete following word                             | <Alt>-<Backspace>     
+   | Delete previous word                              | <Ctrl>-<Backspace>    
+   |                                                   | <Shift>-<Backspace>   
+   | Redo during undo: one arrow key, then do undos    | <arrow> <Alt>-Us      
+   | Show Brief mode version                           | <Alt>-V               
+   | Scroll up one line                                | <Ctrl>-E              
+   | Scroll down one line                              | <Ctrl>-D              
+   | Go to beginning of file                           | <Ctrl>-<PageUp>       
+   | Go to end of file                                 | <Ctrl>-<PageDown>     
+   | Go to beginning of window                         | <Alt>-<Home>          
+   | Go to end of window                               | <Alt>-<End>           
+   | Go to first line of window                        | <Ctrl>-<Home>         
+   | Go to last line of window                         | <Ctrl>-<End>          
+   | Open a new next line and goto it, but does not    | <Ctrl>-<Enter>        
+   | split current line                                |                       
+   | Recenter horizontally, this is usually used for a | <Ctrl>-<Shift>-L      
+   | long line in truncation mode to scroll texts      |                       
+   | leftwards or rightwards to left/middle/right of   |                       
+   | current window.  It's an implementation against   |                       
+   | Emacs default <Ctrl>-L which recenter vertically  |                       
+   | to top/middle/bottom of current window            |                       
+   | Save buffer and exit Emacs immediately            | 
<Ctrl>-<Alt>-<Shift>-X |
+* For more details like Cygwin 2.x users note, please check the comments in the
+  source code "brief.el".
+Luke Lee
diff --git a/b b/b
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d5bd9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/b
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Brief Emulator/Brief Mode Launcher with Emacs
+# A support script associated with ELPA package "brief"
+# Version    : 1.0
+# Written by : Luke Lee since Brief mode 5.86
+# Environment variables and default values
+function help ()
+  cat <<EOF
+b : Brief Emulator/Brief Mode using Emacs
+usage: b [-h] [-nq] [-nw] [<emacs-args>]
+    -h               show short help message and exit
+    -nq              no quick launch (no -q argument for Emacs)
+    -nw              force run in terminal mode (-nw for Emacs)
+    <emacs-args>     arguments for Emacs, -q or -Q overrides -nq
+Environment variables:
+    BRIEFVERSION     ELPA brief version, default "5.86"
+    BRIEFPATH        default path to search brief.el[c]
+    BRIEFQUICK       launch Emacs with -q, default=1
+    BRIEFTERMINAL    launch Emacs in terminal mode with -nw, default=0
+    EMACS            default Emacs binary to launch
+Example: editing ~/.bashrc in the background
+    b ~/.bashrc &
+  if [ $HELP == 1 ]; then
+    exit 3
+  elif [ $HELP == 2 ]; then
+    echo -e "\n\n$(basename ${EMACS}) : The Emacs Program"
+    echo -e "---------------------------------"
+  fi
+  if [ "$1" == "notfound" ]; then
+    echo "Error: brief.el[c] file(s) not found."
+    exit 2
+  fi
+function find_brief ()
+  if [ -f $1/brief.el ] || [ -f $1/brief.elc ]; then
+    BRIEFPATH="$1"
+    return `true`
+  fi
+  return `false`
+# Try if $EMACS can be found and executed, if not, exit
+function find_emacs ()
+  if ! which ${EMACS} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    if [ "${EMACS}" != "emacs" ]; then
+      local PREVEMACS=${EMACS}
+      if ! EMACS=`which emacs`; then
+        echo "Error: neither '${PREVEMACS}' nor 'emacs' be found in PATH."
+        echo "Please specify a valid emacs or install it."
+        exit 1
+      else
+        echo "Warning: '${PREVEMACS}' can't be found; running defaut 'emacs' 
found in PATH."
+      fi
+    else
+      echo "Error: 'emacs' cannot be found; please specify a valid one or 
install it."
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+# Search for brief.el or brief.elc through default path list
+find_brief ${BRIEFPATH} \
+  || find_brief ~/.emacs.d/elpa/brief-${BRIEFVERSION} \
+  || find_brief ~/.emacs.d/elpa/brief \
+  || find_brief ~/.emacs.d/brief \
+  || find_brief ~/bin/elisp/brief \
+  || help notfound
+# Scan arguments
+while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
+  case "$1" in
+    -h)
+      HELP=1
+      ;;
+    --help) # both b and emacs's help
+      HELP=2
+      ;;
+    -nq)
+      shift
+      continue
+      ;;
+    -nw|--no-window-system)
+      BRIEFTERMINAL=0 # no duplicate
+      ;;
+    --version)
+      ;;
+    -Q|-q|--quick|--no-init-file)
+      BRIEFQUICK=0 # no duplicate
+      ;;
+  esac
+  ((j++))
+  EMACSARGS[$j]="$1"
+  shift
+# Process extra arguments
+[ "$HELP" != "0" ] && help
+[ "$SHOWVERSION" == "1" ] && echo -e "Brief mode/emulator version 
+[ "$BRIEFTERMINAL" == "1" ] && EMACSARGS=("-nw" "${EMACSARGS[@]}")
+[ "$BRIEFQUICK" == "1" ] && EMACSARGS=("-q" "${EMACSARGS[@]}")
+# Launch Emacs with Brief mode default settings
+exec ${EMACS} --load ${BRIEFPATH}/brief --eval \
+"(progn \
+  (setq-default truncate-lines t) \
+  (setq scroll-step 1 \
+        scroll-conservatively 101) \
+  (setq hscroll-margin 1 \
+        hscroll-step 1) \
+  (scroll-bar-mode -1) \
+  (brief-mode 1))" \
diff --git a/b.el b/b.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0ab6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/b.el
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+(setq-default truncate-lines t)
+;;(setq-default global-visual-line-mode t)
+(setq scroll-step 1
+      scroll-conservatively 101)
+(setq hscroll-margin 1
+      hscroll-step 1)
+(scroll-bar-mode -1)
+(load "~/bin/elisp/brief/brief")
+(brief-mode 1)
diff --git a/brief.el b/brief.el
index 1dd3181..66d3790 100644
--- a/brief.el
+++ b/brief.el
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-;;; brief.el --- Brief Editor Emulator
+;;; brief.el --- Brief Editor Emulator (Brief Mode)
 ;; Copyright (C) 2018  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author:     Luke Lee <luke.yx.lee@gmail.com>
 ;; Maintainer: Luke Lee <luke.yx.lee@gmail.com>
 ;; Keywords:   brief, emulations, crisp
-;; Version:    5.85
+;; Version:    5.86
 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This Extended Brief editor emulator was originally based on the
-;; CRiSP mode emulator (listed below), with extensive rewriting over
-;; 17+ years.  Almost all of the original Brief 3.1 Editor keys are
-;; implemented and extended.
+;; This Extended Brief editor emulator (Brief mode) was originally
+;; based on the CRiSP mode emulator (listed below), with completely
+;; rewriting over 17+ years.  Almost all of the original Brief 3.1
+;; Editor keys are implemented and extended.
 ;; A lot of editor behaviors were also adapted to Emacs.  One example
 ;; is that this Brief emulator is able to respect `visual-line-mode',
@@ -35,9 +35,14 @@
 ;; and hideif mode (hide C/C++ "#ifdef" conditional compilation units,
 ;; another package that I had rewritten).  When texts are hidden at
 ;; cursor line, Brief line-oriented commands like line-cut, line-copy,
-;; line-deletion ... will operate on all hidden lines.  For a complete
-;; description of the functions extended, search the "brief.el" source
-;; code for ";;; Brief Extension:".  Main TOC is:
+;; line-deletion ... will operate on all hidden lines.
+;; For a full key commands list of this Brief Mode, please read the
+;; file `README.org' in this package.
+;; For a complete description of the functions extended, please search
+;; the "brief.el" source code for ";;; Brief Extension:".
+;; Main TOC is:
 ;;  * Visual mode, line truncation and hidden texts
 ;;  * Fast line number computation cache
@@ -94,11 +99,11 @@
 ;; This Brief mode extends a lot of functionalities that the original
 ;; Brief editor don't have.  For example, the original Brief <ctrl>-<->
-;; (C--) kills current buffer; however, when prefixed with <ctrl>-<u>
+;; (C--) kills current buffer; however, when prefixed with <ctrl>-u
 ;; (C-u) the <ctrl>-<-> (C--) command will restore the just killed
 ;; buffer.  This is convenient as sometimes user accidentally hit C--
 ;; for some reason and lost the buffer.  Another simple example is the
-;; original Brief command <alt>-<f> (M-f) which shows the file name of
+;; original Brief command <alt>-f (M-f) which shows the file name of
 ;; the current buffer; while prefixed with C-u it will also copy the
 ;; file name into the clipboard.  The following sections list some of
 ;; the major extensions of this extended Brief mode.
@@ -106,19 +111,19 @@
 ;; * Visual mode, line truncation and hidden texts:
 ;;   (config option: `brief-linecmd-respect-visual')
-;; In the original DOS Brief editor, press [home] key once brings the
-;; cursor to the beginning of the current line; a second [home] key to
-;; the top of the window and the third [home] to the beginning of the
+;; In the original DOS Brief editor, press <home> key once brings the
+;; cursor to the beginning of the current line; a second <home> key to
+;; the top of the window and the third <home> to the beginning of the
 ;; file.  In Emacs it's a bit different; it has `toggle-truncate-lines'
 ;; to wrap long lines and `visual-line-mode' to do smart word-warp.
 ;; This Brief mode emulator thus adapted to Emacs accordingly: if long
-;; lines are wrapped, the first [home] keystroke brings the cursor to
-;; the beginning of the "visual line"; a second [home] then brings the
-;; cursor to the beginning of the "physical line".  The third [home] to
-;; the top of the window and finally the fourth [home] to the beginning
+;; lines are wrapped, the first <home> keystroke brings the cursor to
+;; the beginning of the "visual line"; a second <home> then brings the
+;; cursor to the beginning of the "physical line".  The third <home> to
+;; the top of the window and finally the fourth <home> to the beginning
 ;; of the file.  When `toggle-truncate-lines' is enabled and
 ;; `visual-line-mode' is off, Brief mode then behaves the same as DOS
-;; Brief.  Similar behavior applies to the [end] key, as well as many
+;; Brief.  Similar behavior applies to the <end> key, as well as many
 ;; other keyboard commands like clipboard copy/paste functions.
 ;; This further leads to an user-customizable option:
@@ -291,22 +296,23 @@
 ;;; Key Binding Compatibility Note:
-;; Notice that the original brief commands keypad-'+' (copy line) and
-;; keypad-'-' (cut line) are now duplicated into <control>-<insert>
-;; (copy line) and <shift>-<delete> (cut line).  This is mainly for
+;; Notice that the original brief commands <Keypad-'+'> (copy line) and
+;; <Keypad-'-'> (cut line) are now duplicated into <Ctrl>-<insert>
+;; (copy line) and <Shift>-<delete> (cut line).  This is mainly for
 ;; keyboards and notebooks without a keypad.
-;; As both <Alt>-<n> (M-n) and <Alt>-<p> (M-p) are so widely used in
-;; various Emacs modes so in the Brief mode M-n and M-p are assigned
-;; "weakly". This means any major mode can override the assignment of
-;; M-n and M-p.  In Brief mode, M-n is used for switching to next
-;; buffer while M-- for the previous buffer.  Both of them are
-;; frequently used commands, therefore, we also weakly assigned M-+
-;; and M-= for M-n and M-_ for M--.  However, for M-p (brief-print)
-;; we do not provide other key combinations for the same key.
+;; As both <Alt>-n (M-n) and <Alt>-p (M-p) are so widely used in
+;; various Emacs modes so in the Brief mode [M-n] and [M-p] are
+;; assigned "weakly". This means any major mode can override the
+;; assignment of [M-n] and [M-p].  In Brief mode, [M-n] is used for
+;; switching to next buffer while [M--] for the previous buffer.  Both
+;; of them are frequently used commands, therefore, we also weakly
+;; assigned [M-+] and [M-=] for [M-n] and [M-_] for [M--].  However,
+;; for [M-p] (brief-prit) we do not provide other key combinations for
+;; the same key.
 ;; For line marking commands, as Emacs regions always start/end at
-;; cursor so the Brief mode region commands <Alt>-<L> <arrow> (M-L
+;; cursor so the Brief mode region commands <Alt>-<L> <arrow> ([M-L]
 ;; prefixed arrow keys) behave a bit differently from the original
 ;; Brief ones (unless I implemented it using the secondary Xselection,
 ;; which could lead to more issues).  This Brief mode does not
@@ -317,8 +323,28 @@
 ;; 'delete line' commands work on the beginning of current line like
 ;; the original Brief editor did.
+;; The Brief 3.1 <Ctrl>-<X> (C-x) key for "write all and exit brief"
+;; is disabled as it's a prefix key used frequently in various Emacs
+;; commands.  This is similarly for <Ctrl>-<U> (C-u), the Brief 'redo'
+;; command.  To perform a redo during a sequence of undos (using
+;; <Alt>-<U>s (M-u)), just hit any arrow key then the 'undo' command
+;; will start redo .  The <Esc> key in Brief 3.1 was for command
+;; cancellation; however in Emacs it's replaced by <Ctrl>-<G> (C-g)
+;; , the standard `keyboard-quit' command.  Usually, pressing three
+;; continuous <Esc> has the same effect.
+;; For search and replace commands, originally the case-sensitivity
+;; toggling key was <Ctrl>-<F5> (C-f5); in this Brief mode it's rebind
+;; to key sequence <Ctrl>-<X> <F5> (C-x f5).  The original <Ctrl>-<F5>
+;; is used for forward searching the "current" word at cursor, which
+;; is a more frequently used command.  The original <Ctrl>-<F6> (C-f6)
+;; command for toggling regular expression search is also now used for
+;; replacing "current" word at cursor and the regular expression/simple
+;; string toggling is rebinded to <Ctrl>-<X> <F6> (C-x f6).
 ;; For a complete keybinding list, check the following source code
 ;; commented with "Brief mode key bindings".
 ;;; Platform Compatibility Notes:
@@ -430,7 +456,7 @@
 ;; backward compatibility issues.
 ;;(require 'replace)
-(defconst brief-version "5.85"
+(defconst brief-version "5.86"
   "The version of this Brief emulator.")
@@ -438,7 +464,7 @@
 (defvar brief-is-cygwin nil
-  "Check if we're currently running under Cygwin")
+  "Check if we're currently running under Cygwin.")
 ;; This value don't change so we only need to check at load/eval time.
 (setq brief-is-cygwin
@@ -594,19 +620,6 @@ If FILE1 or FILE2 does not exist, the return value is 
     (defmacro window-body-width ()
-;; [07/11/2007] modified old function no longer works
-;;(defun brief-region-active ()
-;;  "Compatibility function to test for an active region."
-;;  (if (boundp 'zmacs-region-active-p)
-;;      zmacs-region-active-p
-;;    mark-active))
-;; replaced by (use-region-p)
-;;;; mark active means either line region active or rectangle active
-;;(defalias 'brief-mark-active 'use-region-p)
-;;  "Compatibility function to test for an active marked area."
-;;  mark-active)
 ;; Helper functions and macros
 (defun brief-current-time ()
   "Epoch time in floating point."
@@ -812,19 +825,36 @@ use either M-x customize or the function `brief-mode'."
   :type       'boolean
   :group      'brief)
+(defcustom brief-search-replace-using-regexp t
+  "An option determine if search & replace using regular expression or string.
+This is a buffer local variable with default value 't which means
+regular expression is used for search & replace commands by default."
+  :type  'boolean
+  :group 'brief)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'brief-search-replace-using-regexp)
 (defcustom brief-mode-mode-line-string " Brief"
   "String to display in the mode line when Brief emulation mode is enabled."
   :type  'string
   :group 'brief)
 (defcustom brief-override-meta-x t
-  "*Controls overriding the normal Emacs M-x key binding in this Brief
-emulator.  Normally the Brief emulator rebinds M-x to 
+  "Controls overriding the normal Emacs M-x key binding in this Brief emulator.
+Normally the Brief emulator rebinds M-x to `save-buffers-exit-emacs',
 and provides the usual M-x functionality on the F10 key.  If this
 variable is non-nil, M-x will exit Emacs."
   :type  'boolean
   :group 'brief)
+(defcustom brief-enable-less-frequent-keys t
+  "Enable less frequently used Brief keys that Emacs native commands are using.
+By disabling this flag Emacs native key commands like C-e and C-d are
+kept unaltered.  This works only on Brief mode load time. Changing this
+variable at run-time has no effect."
+  :type  'boolean
+  :group 'brief)
 (defcustom brief-warn-meta-x-moved t
   "Show help message when `brief-override-meta-x' is non-nil.
 New user might be wondering where the original <M-x> key has gone,
@@ -1157,7 +1187,7 @@ marked region changed according to our cursor."
 (defcustom brief-fake-region-face 'region ; 'secondary-selection
   "The face (color) of fake region when `brief-search-fake-region-mark' is t."
-  :type  'boolean
+  :type  'sexp
   :group 'brief)
 (defcustom brief-after-search-hook nil
@@ -1268,6 +1298,13 @@ slowdown factor; otherwise, return 1.0."
 (defvar brief-get-current-word nil)
 (defvar brief-search-history nil)
+(defvar brief--kbd-macro-seq nil
+  "Internal variable for saving paused keyboard macro")
+(defvar-local brief-search-overlay nil
+  "A buffer local overlay which records the current search selection.
+It is deleted when the search ends or region deactivated.")
 ;; Brief key commands
@@ -1301,9 +1338,9 @@ it calls `buffer-menu' instead."
     (call-interactively 'buffer-menu)))
 (defvar brief-latest-killed-buffer-info nil
-  "This variable records the info of the most recently killed file
-buffer.  If user accidentally killed a file buffer, it can be
-recovered accordingly.
+  "This variable records the info of the most recently killed file buffer.
+If user accidentally killed a file buffer, it can be recovered
 Information is a list of:
   buffer file name
@@ -1470,7 +1507,7 @@ When prefixed (\\[universal-argument]) it will put 
current buffer file name into
   "Version number of the Brief emulator package.
 If ARG is non-NIL, insert results at point."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((foo (concat "Brief version " brief-version)))
+  (let ((foo (concat "Brief mode version " brief-version)))
     (if arg
         (insert (message foo))
       (message foo))))
@@ -1481,8 +1518,8 @@ If ARG is non-NIL, insert results at point."
 (defun brief-set-mark-here-if-not-active ()
   "Sets the mark at point if it is not active."
   (if (not (brief-use-region))
-      ;;(set-mark (point))
-      (push-mark (point) t)))
+      ;;(push-mark (point) t)
+      (set-mark (point))))
 (defun brief-call-list-interactively (alist)
   (if (not (equal alist nil))
@@ -1498,6 +1535,24 @@ If ARG is non-NIL, insert results at point."
    (cons 'brief-mark-line-down (list (key-binding key)))))
+(defun brief-mark-line-down-with-meta-l ()
+  "Double M-L"
+  (interactive)
+  (brief-call-list-interactively (list 'brief-mark-line-down)))
+(defmacro brief-meta-l-key (updown key)
+  "Define key function and associated the key in `brief-prefix-meta-l'."
+  (let* ((dir     (symbol-name updown))
+         (keydesc (key-description key))
+         (keyfunc (intern (concat "brief-mark-line-" dir "-with-" keydesc))))
+    `(progn
+       (defun ,keyfunc ()
+         ,(concat "Mark line " dir " with " keydesc " key")
+         (interactive)
+         (,(intern (concat "brief-call-mark-line-" dir "-with-key"))
+          ,key))
+       (define-key brief-prefix-meta-l ,key ',keyfunc))))
 ;; Brief bookmarks
@@ -1517,8 +1572,8 @@ mode to access root frame windows."
    (and (bound-and-true-p server-process)
         (car (last (frame-list)))) ;; root frame
-   (cons (current-frame) ;; let current frame be the 1st frame to test
-         (remove (current-frame) (frame-list)))))
+   (cons (selected-frame) ;; let current frame be the 1st frame to test
+         (remove (selected-frame) (frame-list)))))
 (defun brief-bookmark-try-switch-frame-window (bookmark)
   "Try to find a window containing BOOKMARK then jump to the frame and window.
@@ -1692,7 +1747,6 @@ example, add the following into .emacs:
       (let ((current-prefix-arg nil))
         (brief-bookmark-do-jump (string-to-char arg))))))
 (defun brief-bookmark-jump-set (bookmark) ;; 06/02/'08 ins 1 func
   "Jump to bookmark 0~9 if `brief-shorter-bookmark-jump-key' is t.
 Otherwise, set the bookmark at cursor.
@@ -2978,7 +3032,7 @@ The 'key-up' is actually emulated by running an idle 
   "Brief internal variable to store received bytes count.")
 (defvar brief--backing-up-clipboard nil
-  "Brief internal flag to indicate we're currently backing up external 
+  "Brief internal flag to indicate we're currently backing up external 
 (defun brief--external-clipboard-filter (proc string)
   "Brief internal function to filter external clipboard helper program data."
@@ -3682,30 +3736,36 @@ able to restore it back if we have no backups.")
                       (brief-external-set-selection type data)))))))
         (defadvice gui-set-selection (around brief-advice-gui-set-selection
-                                             (type data) disable activate 
+                                             (type data)
+                                             disable activate compile)
           (if (or (eq type 'SECONDARY)
             (let ((brief-ad-gui-set-selection-reenter t))
-              (if brief-is-gui-set-selection-postponed
-                  ;; Activate timer to start postponing gui-set-selection.
-                  ;; In terminal mode this will not run.
-                  (brief-activate-postpone-gui-selection-timer)
-                (unless (brief-multiple-cursor-in-action)
-                  (if (or (brief-is-winnt)
-                          (and (brief-is-x)
-                               ;; [2017-12-12 Tue] The following is no longer 
-                               ;; Cannot reproduce it any longer, maybe a 
-                               ;; during the development?
-                               ;; [2017-07-13 Thu] When running in X11, the
-                               ;; function `x-own-selection-internal' will fail
-                               ;; if the data is longer than 262040 bytes.  
-                               ;; bug is caught thru many experiments.
-                               ;; When data is long, use external helper 
-                               ;;(< (length data) 262041)
-                               (not 
-                      ad-do-it
-                    (brief-external-set-selection type data)))))))))
+              (unless (and brief-search-overlay
+                           (overlay-start brief-search-overlay))
+                ;; Bypass `gui-set-selection' due to searching
+                (if brief-is-gui-set-selection-postponed
+                    ;; Activate timer to start postponing gui-set-selection.
+                    ;; In terminal mode this will not run.
+                    (brief-activate-postpone-gui-selection-timer)
+                  (unless (brief-multiple-cursor-in-action)
+                    (if (or (brief-is-winnt)
+                            (and
+                             (brief-is-x)
+                             ;; [2017-12-12 Tue] The following is no longer 
+                             ;; Cannot reproduce it any longer, maybe a glitch
+                             ;; during the development?
+                             ;; [2017-07-13 Thu] When running in X11, the
+                             ;; function `x-own-selection-internal' will fail
+                             ;; if the data is longer than 262040 bytes.  This
+                             ;; bug is caught thru many experiments.
+                             ;; When data is long, use external helper program.
+                             ;;(< (length data) 262041)
+                             (not brief-use-external-clipboard-when-possible)))
+                        ad-do-it
+                      (brief-external-set-selection type data))))))))))
   ;; `advice-add' defined
@@ -3761,30 +3821,34 @@ able to restore it back if we have no backups.")
             (brief-gui-set-selection-reentry t))
         (if (eq type 'SECONDARY)
             (apply orig-func args)
-          (if brief-is-gui-set-selection-postponed
-              ;; Activate timer to start postponing gui-set-selection
-              ;; (in terminal mode this will not run)
-              (brief-activate-postpone-gui-selection-timer)
-            ;;(deactivate-mark) ;; this will cause reenter as this will invoke
-            ;;                  ;; `gui-set-selection'
-            (unless (brief-multiple-cursor-in-action)
-              (if (or (brief-is-winnt)
-                      (and (brief-is-x)
-                           ;; [2017-12-12 Tue] The following is no longer true.
-                           ;; Cannot reproduce it any longer, maybe a glitch
-                           ;; during the development?
-                           ;; [2017-07-13 Thu] When running in X11, the 
-                           ;; `x-own-selection-internal' will fail if the data
-                           ;; is longer than 262040 bytes.  This bug is caught
-                           ;; by many experiments.
-                           ;; When data is long, use external helper program.
-                           ;; TODO: verify if this bug persists for emacs 
-                           ;; > 26.0.50. if bug persists, fix it.
-                           ;;(< (length data) 262041)
-                           (not brief-use-external-clipboard-when-possible)))
-                  (apply orig-func args)
-                (apply #'brief-external-set-selection args))))))
+          (unless (and brief-search-overlay
+                       (overlay-start brief-search-overlay))
+            ;; Bypass `gui-set-selection' due to searching
+            (if brief-is-gui-set-selection-postponed
+                ;; Activate timer to start postponing gui-set-selection
+                ;; (in terminal mode this will not run)
+                (brief-activate-postpone-gui-selection-timer)
+              ;;(deactivate-mark) ;; this will cause reenter as this will 
+              ;;                  ;; `gui-set-selection'
+              (unless (brief-multiple-cursor-in-action)
+                (if (or (brief-is-winnt)
+                        (and
+                         (brief-is-x)
+                         ;; [2017-12-12 Tue] The following is no longer true.
+                         ;; Cannot reproduce it any longer, maybe a glitch
+                         ;; during the development?
+                         ;; [2017-07-13 Thu] When running in X11, the function
+                         ;; `x-own-selection-internal' will fail if the data
+                         ;; is longer than 262040 bytes.  This bug is caught
+                         ;; by many experiments.
+                         ;; When data is long, use external helper program.
+                         ;; TODO: verify if this bug persists for emacs version
+                         ;; > 26.0.50. if bug persists, fix it.
+                         ;;(< (length data) 262041)
+                         (not brief-use-external-clipboard-when-possible)))
+                    (apply orig-func args)
+                  (apply #'brief-external-set-selection args)))))))
       (brief-dbg-message "leave brief-gui-set-selection"))))
@@ -3901,7 +3965,7 @@ able to restore it back if we have no backups.")
 (defun brief-copy-region-into-clipboard (&optional thetext interruptible)
-  "Copy current region or THETEXT into X clipboard, return text"
+  "Copy current region or THETEXT into X clipboard then return it."
   ;;(if window-system ;; <2011-09-19 Mon 15:01> prevent run this on pure 
   (unless (brief-multiple-cursor-mode-is-on)
     ;; [2016-05-24 17:06:41 +0800] support multiple-cursors mode
@@ -4065,6 +4129,12 @@ restored, otherwise NIL."
   (setq brief-postponed-mark-selection-copy-completed nil))
+(defun brief-reset-for-keyboard-quit (&rest _)
+  "Reset Brief internal state for `keyboard-quit' command."
+  (brief-reset-for-command-cancellation)
+  ;; reset keyboard macro definition
+  (setq brief--kbd-macro-seq nil))
 (defun brief-cua-rectangle-undo-helper ()
   ;; `cua--rect-undo-handler' relies on this function to restore rectangle,
   ;; so we do advice here
@@ -4089,7 +4159,7 @@ restored, otherwise NIL."
     (defadvice keyboard-quit
         (before brief-keyboard-quit () disable activate compile)
-      (brief-reset-for-command-cancellation))
+      (brief-reset-for-keyboard-quit))
     (defadvice keyboard-escape-quit
         (before brief-keyboard-escape-quit () disable activate compile)
@@ -4303,7 +4373,7 @@ This is a backward compatibility function for older Emacs 
 (defvar brief-delete-entire-line-debounce nil
-  "MSoffice debouncing variable for `brief-delete-entire-line' command")
+  "MSoffice debouncing variable for `brief-delete-entire-line' command.")
 (defun brief-is-visual-operation ()
   "Test if Brief need to respect visual mode or not.
@@ -4835,12 +4905,26 @@ contexts left to the cursor."
 (defun brief-toggle-search-case-sensitivity ()
-  "Toggle case sensitivity for search or replace commands."
+  "Toggle case sensitivity for search or replace commands in current buffer.
+This function toggles buffer-local variable `case-fold-search'.
+Notice that this will also affect replacement operation.  When `case-replace'
+is non-nil the replacement transfers the case pattern.  For more details on the
+case-pattern-transfer behavior please refer to `query-replace'."
   (setf case-fold-search (not case-fold-search))
   (message (concat "Toggle search in this buffer to case-"
                    (if case-fold-search "in") "sensitive.")))
+(defun brief-toggle-search-replace-regexp ()
+  "Toggle search & replace commands using regular expression or string.
+Buffer-local variable `brief-search-replace-using-regexp' will be toggled."
+  (interactive)
+  (message (concat "Toggle search & replace using "
+                   (if (setq brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                             (not brief-search-replace-using-regexp))
+                       "regular expression"
+                     "simple string"))))
 ;; Search/Query&replace command type test functions
 (defun brief-is-prefix-command (cmd)
   "Check if CMD is a prefix command."
@@ -4893,13 +4977,9 @@ contexts left to the cursor."
       (brief-is-query-replace-forward-command cmd)
       (brief-is-query-replace-backward-command cmd)))
-(defvar-local brief-search-overlay nil
-  "A buffer local overlay which records the current search selection.
-It is deleted when the search ends or region deactivated.")
 (defvar brief-hold-overlay nil
   "A dynamically scoped temporarily variable to allow region deactivation
-not affecting the overylay.  Used by `brief-search-replace'.")
+without affecting the overylay.  Used by `brief-search-replace'.")
 (defun brief-delete-search-overlay ()
   "Delete the search overlay when region deactivated."
@@ -5001,9 +5081,9 @@ For example, moving cursor around should reshape the 
 ;; Forward Search
-(defun brief-search-forward-rectangle-regexp (regexp
-                                              &optional regend noerror count)
-  "Search REGEXP forwards within current rectangle.
+(defun brief-search-forward-rectangle-pattern (pattern
+                                               &optional regend noerror count)
+  "Search PATTERN forwards within current rectangle.
 If REGEND presents, the forward search does not extend beyond of REGEND.
 When repeat searching within a rectangle, the cursor will temporarily
 stopped at the searched point if found.  If we really want to set cursor
@@ -5023,8 +5103,11 @@ there, press \\[keyboard-quit] to cancel the rectangle."
                      ;;(move-to-column left)
                      ;;(setq lineend (+ (point) width))
                      (while (< (point) regend)
-                       (if (search-forward-regexp
-                            regexp
+                       (if (funcall
+                            (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                                #'search-forward-regexp
+                              #'search-forward)
+                            pattern
                             (min lineend
                                  (+ (point) width))
@@ -5048,13 +5131,13 @@ there, press \\[keyboard-quit] to cancel the rectangle."
 (defvar-local brief-last-search-begin  nil)
 (defvar-local brief-last-search-end    nil)
-(defun brief-search-forward-regexp (regexp &optional noerror count)
-  "Search forwards for a REGEXP.
+(defun brief-search-forward-pattern (pattern &optional noerror count)
+  "Search forwards for a PATTERN.
 The search is limited in the currently marked (rectangle) region.
 Cursor will jump the match position only if the search is successful.
 The cursor jump is only temporarily when searching in a (rectangle)
 region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the (rectangle) region."
+  (brief-dbg-message "enter brief-search-forward-pattern")
   (let* ((point      (point))
          (is-rect    (brief-rectangle-active))
          (is-region  (or (brief-use-region)
@@ -5160,9 +5243,11 @@ region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the 
(rectangle) region."
       (setq result
             (funcall (or (and (brief-rectangle-active)
-                              'brief-search-forward-rectangle-regexp)
-                         'search-forward-regexp)
-                     regexp
+                              #'brief-search-forward-rectangle-pattern)
+                         (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                             #'search-forward-regexp
+                           #'search-forward))
+                     pattern
                      noerror count))
       (setq point (point))) ;; save the point we find the pattern
@@ -5212,7 +5297,7 @@ region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the 
(rectangle) region."
   (if (and (string= "" arg) ;; no input, search last if exists
            (car brief-search-history))
       (setq arg (car brief-search-history)))
-  (if (prog1 (brief-search-forward-regexp arg t)
+  (if (prog1 (brief-search-forward-pattern arg t)
         ;;(prog1 (setq brief-search-forward-last
         ;;             (car minibuffer-history)) ;; 04/03/2008 rem 1 ins 1
         (setq brief-search-last arg)
@@ -5238,7 +5323,7 @@ region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the 
(rectangle) region."
   (if (and (string= "" arg) ;; no input, search last if exists
            (car brief-search-history))
       (setq arg (car brief-search-history)))
-  (if (prog1 (brief-search-forward-regexp arg t)
+  (if (prog1 (brief-search-forward-pattern arg t)
         ;;(prog1 (setq brief-search-forward-last
         ;;       (car minibuffer-history)) ;; 04/03/2008 rem 1 ins 1
         (setq brief-search-last arg)
@@ -5252,9 +5337,9 @@ region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the 
(rectangle) region."
 ;; Backward Search
-(defun brief-search-backward-rectangle-regexp (regexp
-                                               &optional regstart noerror 
-  "Search REGEXP backwards within current rectangle.
+(defun brief-search-backward-rectangle-pattern (pattern
+                                                &optional regstart noerror 
+  "Search PATTERN backwards within current rectangle.
 If REGSTART presents, the backward search does not go ahead of REGSTART.
 When repeat searching within a rectangle, the cursor will temporarily
 stopped at the searched point if found.  If we really want to set
@@ -5272,8 +5357,11 @@ cursor there, press \\[keyboard-quit] to cancel the 
          (result (catch 'found
                      (while (> (point) regstart)
-                       (if (search-backward-regexp
-                            regexp
+                       (if (funcall
+                            (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                                #'search-backward-regexp
+                              #'search-backward)
+                            pattern
                             (max linestart
                                  (- (point) width))
@@ -5293,8 +5381,8 @@ cursor there, press \\[keyboard-quit] to cancel the 
            (goto-char result)))))
-(defun brief-search-backward-regexp (regexp &optional noerror count)
-  "Search backwards for a REGEXP.
+(defun brief-search-backward-pattern (pattern &optional noerror count)
+  "Search backwards for a PATTERN.
 The search is limited in the currently marked (rectangle) region.
 Cursor will jump the match position only if the search is successful.
 The cursor jump is only temporarily when searching in a (rectangle)
@@ -5398,9 +5486,11 @@ region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the 
(rectangle) region."
       (setq result
             (funcall (or (and (brief-rectangle-active)
-                              'brief-search-backward-rectangle-regexp)
-                         'search-backward-regexp)
-                     regexp
+                              #'brief-search-backward-rectangle-pattern)
+                         (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                             #'search-backward-regexp
+                           #'search-backward))
+                     pattern
                      noerror count))
       (setq point (point))) ;; save the point we find the pattern
@@ -5449,7 +5539,7 @@ region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the 
(rectangle) region."
   (if (and (string= "" arg) ;; no input, search last if exists
            (car brief-search-history))
       (setq arg (car brief-search-history)))
-  (if (prog1 (brief-search-backward-regexp arg t)
+  (if (prog1 (brief-search-backward-pattern arg t)
         ;;(prog1 (setq brief-search-backward-last
         ;;             (car minibuffer-history)) ;; 04/03/2008 rem 1 ins 1
         (prog1 (setq brief-search-last arg)
@@ -5475,7 +5565,7 @@ region.  To settle the cursor there, cancel the 
(rectangle) region."
   (if (and (string= "" arg) ;; no input, search last if exists
            (car brief-search-history))
       (setq arg (car brief-search-history)))
-  (if (prog1 (brief-search-backward-regexp arg t)
+  (if (prog1 (brief-search-backward-pattern arg t)
         ;;(prog1 (setq brief-search-backward-last
         ;;             (car minibuffer-history)) ;; 04/03/2008 rem 1 ins 1
         (setq brief-search-last arg)
@@ -5512,6 +5602,10 @@ command (\\[universal-argument]), it is also repeated."
   (setq brief-last-search-action-forward nil)
+;; Query & Replace
 (defvar brief-query-replace-automatic-keys nil)
 (defvar brief-query-replace-quit-keys nil)
@@ -5527,17 +5621,17 @@ command (\\[universal-argument]), it is also repeated."
                        (push ev brief-query-replace-quit-keys)))
-;;(defalias query-replace brief-query-replace)
-(defun brief-query-replace-rectangle-regexp (regexp to
+(defun brief-query-replace-rectangle (pattern to
                                              &optional _delimited start end)
-  "Backward compatibility function for Emacs version < 25.1."
+  "Backward compatibility function for Emacs version < 25.1.
+Replace string/regexp PATTERN in a rectangle."
   ;;(save-excursion ;; `apply-on-rectangle' already did this
   (let* ((message-list nil)
          (replace-count 0)
           (catch 'break
-             (lambda (startcol _endcol regexp to)
+             (lambda (startcol _endcol pattern to)
                (move-to-column startcol)
                (let ((last-key (aref (this-command-keys)
                                      (1- (length (this-command-keys))))))
@@ -5547,9 +5641,13 @@ command (\\[universal-argument]), it is also repeated."
                               (memq last-key
-                              'replace-regexp) ; No query, go through all lines
-                             'query-replace-regexp) ;; Query one by one
-                            regexp to nil
+                              (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                                  #'replace-regexp
+                                #'replace-string)) ; No query, go through all 
+                             (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                                 #'query-replace-regexp
+                               #'query-replace)) ;; Query one by one
+                            pattern to nil
                             (min (line-end-position)
                                  ;; Not safe so comment it out, since cua
@@ -5560,9 +5658,9 @@ command (\\[universal-argument]), it is also repeated."
                    ;; For later calculating how many "Replaced #n 
                    (push (current-message) message-list))))
-             start end regexp to))))
+             start end pattern to))))
     (dolist (m message-list)
-      ;; TODO: if `preform-replace' change the following text message,
+      ;; TODO: if `preform-replace' changed the following text message,
       ;; the following need to be changed as well.
       ;; TODO: also parse the remaining "(skip ...)" in the message string
       (and (string-match "Replaced \\([0-9]+\\) occurrence" m)
@@ -5573,7 +5671,7 @@ command (\\[universal-argument]), it is also repeated."
              (if (= replace-count 1) "" "s"))
-(defun brief-query-replace-regexp (regexp to-string)
+(defun brief-query-replace-pattern (pattern to-string)
   "Backward compatibility function for Emacs version < 25.1."
   (let ((reg-start (or (and (brief-rectangle-active)
@@ -5588,13 +5686,15 @@ command (\\[universal-argument]), it is also repeated."
-    (assert (and (equal regexp (car brief-query-replace-from-history))
+    (assert (and (equal pattern (car brief-query-replace-from-history))
                  (equal to-string (car brief-query-replace-to-history))))
     (funcall (or (and ;;(brief-use-region)
-                      (brief-rectangle-active)
-                      #'brief-query-replace-rectangle-regexp)
-                 #'query-replace-regexp)
-             regexp
+                  (brief-rectangle-active)
+                  #'brief-query-replace-rectangle)
+                 (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                     #'query-replace-regexp
+                   #'query-replace))
+             pattern
              nil reg-start reg-end)
     ;;(brief-recenter)) ;; recenter after replacements is a bit weird so 
@@ -5612,10 +5712,15 @@ command (\\[universal-argument]), it is also repeated."
     ;;         undo-before)))
-(defun brief-query-replace (&optional from to)
-  "Query and replace pattern forwards.
+;;(defalias query-replace brief-query-replace)
+(defun brief-query-replace (&optional pattern to)
+  "Query and replace a PATTERN.
 If a marked (rectangle) region is active, the search and replacement
-will be restricted within the (rectangle) region."
+will be restricted within the (rectangle) region.
+The PATTERN could either be a regular expression, or a simple string,
+depending on the internal variable `brief-search-replace-using-regexp'
+toggled by `brief-toggle-search-replace-regexp' 
   (interactive "*")
   (let* ((point       (point))
          (is-rect     (brief-rectangle-active))
@@ -5644,6 +5749,7 @@ will be restricted within the (rectangle) region."
          (this-command this-command)
          (brief-hold-overlay t)
          (justquit    nil)
+         (lasterr     nil)
          (result      nil))
     (when is-region
@@ -5662,7 +5768,7 @@ will be restricted within the (rectangle) region."
              (move-overlay brief-search-overlay reg-start reg-end))))
-      (condition-case nil
+      (condition-case err
           ;; Catch 'quit signal
             (when is-rect
@@ -5681,21 +5787,26 @@ will be restricted within the (rectangle) region."
             (setq result
                   (if (not (version< emacs-version "25.1"))
                       ;; Emacs 25.1 and above
-                      (if (and from to)
-                          (query-replace-regexp from to nil
-                                                reg-start reg-end
-                                                (> 0 (prefix-numeric-value
-                                                      current-prefix-arg))
-                                                is-rect)
-                        (call-interactively 'query-replace-regexp))
+                      (if (and pattern to)
+                          (funcall (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                                       #'query-replace-regexp
+                                     #'query-replace)
+                                   pattern to nil
+                                   reg-start reg-end
+                                   (> 0 (prefix-numeric-value
+                                         current-prefix-arg))
+                                   is-rect)
+                        (call-interactively
+                         (if brief-search-replace-using-regexp
+                             'query-replace-regexp
+                           'query-replace)))
                     ;; Emacs version below 25.1, no backward replacement
                     ;; supported here.
                     (let ((default
                             (car (symbol-value
-                          (or (and from to)
+                          (or (and pattern to)
                                "" ;; no input
                                (read-string (format "Query replace: ")
@@ -5714,7 +5825,7 @@ will be restricted within the (rectangle) region."
                          ;; If user input empty string, then he is trying to
                          ;; do query and delete.
-                      (brief-query-replace-regexp
+                      (brief-query-replace-pattern
                        (car (symbol-value query-replace-from-history-variable))
                        (car (symbol-value query-replace-to-history-variable)))
                       ;; Remove the just-pushed empty string if in the
@@ -5726,6 +5837,10 @@ will be restricted within the (rectangle) region."
                                (cdr (symbol-value
+        ;; Catch error and continue so that the overlay will be removed 
+        (error      (setq lasterr (list 'error err)))
+        (user-error (setq lasterr (list 'user-error err)))
         ;; Take care of 'quit signal
         ;; Quit signal will cancel the (rectangle) region operation and keep
         ;; cursor at the current position
@@ -5768,12 +5883,16 @@ will be restricted within the (rectangle) region."
           (push nil undo-before))
       (setq buffer-undo-list
             (append ;; `nconc' seems to cause unknown problems here, some
-                    ;; pointers must be corrupted
+             ;;     ;; pointers must be corrupted
              (delq nil ;; remove the undo boundary in the undo-after list
                    (butlast buffer-undo-list undo-len))
+    ;; In case of any error or user error, signal it now
+    (and lasterr
+         (signal (car lasterr) (cdr lasterr)))
     ;; prevent existing mark from being deactivated
     (setq deactivate-mark nil)
@@ -5857,7 +5976,7 @@ Perform `brief-query-replace' in backward direction."
     (call-interactively 'brief-query-replace-forward-currword)))
 (defun brief-delete (arg)
-  "Delete marked region/rectangle or delete a char"
+  "Delete marked region/rectangle or delete a char."
   (interactive "*p")
   (if (brief-use-region)
       ;; <2011-06-02 Thu 15:24> Fix for Emacs 23
@@ -5961,10 +6080,10 @@ When in minibuffer it will do completion unless 
prefixed with \\[universal-argum
 (defun brief-goto-xy (x y)  ;; [06/12/2008] ins 1 func
-  ;;  (goto-line y)
   (goto-char (point-min))
-  (forward-line (1- y)) ;; <2011-06-09 Thu 14:56> for emacs, according to the
-  ;;           ;; help page of 'goto-line' : "not to use 'goto-line' directly"
+  ;; (goto-line y)      ;; <2011-06-09 Thu 14:56> for emacs, according to the
+  (forward-line (1- y)) ;; help page of 'goto-line' : "not to use 'goto-line'
+  ;;                    ;; directly"
   (move-to-column x))
 ;; TODO: rewrite this ugly function, remove `brief-goto-xy'
@@ -6013,9 +6132,34 @@ When in minibuffer it will do completion unless prefixed 
with \\[universal-argum
 (defun brief-define-macro ()
   "Start defining a keyboard macro. Press another (\\[brief-define-macro]) to 
end defining."
-  (call-interactively (if defining-kbd-macro
-                          'end-kbd-macro
-                        'start-kbd-macro)))
+  (if defining-kbd-macro
+      (progn
+        (call-interactively 'end-kbd-macro)
+        (if brief--kbd-macro-seq
+            (setq last-kbd-macro
+                  (vconcat brief--kbd-macro-seq last-kbd-macro)))
+        (setq brief--kbd-macro-seq nil))
+    (if brief--kbd-macro-seq
+        (message "Use <Shift>-<F7> to continue a paused macro")
+      (call-interactively 'start-kbd-macro)
+      (setq brief--kbd-macro-seq []))))
+(defun brief-toggle-pause-kbd-macro ()
+  "Toggle to pause/continue keyboard macro recording."
+  (interactive)
+  (if defining-kbd-macro
+      (let ((inhibit-message t))
+        (call-interactively 'end-kbd-macro)
+        (setq inhibit-message nil)
+        (message "Pause recording keyboard macro")
+        (setq brief--kbd-macro-seq
+              (vconcat brief--kbd-macro-seq last-kbd-macro)))
+    (if brief--kbd-macro-seq
+        (let ((inhibit-message t))
+          (call-interactively 'start-kbd-macro)
+          (setq inhibit-message nil)
+          (message "Resume recording keyboard macro"))
+      (error "Brief: not defining keyboard macro"))))
 ;; <2010-07-21 Wed 11:57> added
 (defun brief-call-last-kbd-macro ()
@@ -6040,7 +6184,7 @@ When in minibuffer it will do completion unless prefixed 
with \\[universal-argum
         (push nil buffer-undo-list))))
 (defun brief-save-kbd-macro (arg)
-  "Save last keyboard macro into a file"
+  "Save last keyboard macro into a file."
   (interactive (or (and last-kbd-macro
                          '(lambda (filename)
@@ -6059,13 +6203,14 @@ When in minibuffer it will do completion unless 
prefixed with \\[universal-argum
 (defun brief-load-kbd-macro (arg)
-  "Load keyboard macro from a file"
+  "Load keyboard macro from a file."
   (interactive "fLoading keyboard macro file : ")
     (and (find-file arg "*.kbm")
          (or (eval-buffer) t)
-         (message (format "Keyboard macro file \"%s\" loaded" arg)))))
+         (message (format "Keyboard macro file \"%s\" loaded" arg))
+         (setq brief--kbd-macro-seq nil))))
 ;; [06/17/2008] commented out, no need, <alt>-<left> and <alt>-<right> servers
 ;; for left/right paren searching.
@@ -6124,15 +6269,15 @@ When in minibuffer it will do completion unless 
prefixed with \\[universal-argum
   "The previous value of `brief-last-last-command'.")
 (defun brief-home ()
-  "\"Home\" the cursor the way that Brief editor do it.
+  "Move the cursor (point) to the home (top) of a line, window or buffer.
 When `visual-line-mode' is nil and `truncate-lines' is non-nil, the
-first \\[brief-home] moves point to beginning of the line.
-Second consecutive \\[brief-home] moves point to top of the screen.
-Third consecutive \\[brief-home] moves point to the beginning of the buffer.
+first \\[brief-home] moves point to the beginning of current line.
+The second consecutive \\[brief-home] moves point to top of the window.
+The thrid consecutive \\[brief-home] moves point to the beginning of the 
 When `visual-line-mode' is non-nil or `truncate-lines' is nil, the first
-\\[brief-home] goes to the beginning of visible line and the second 
\\[brief-home] then
+\\[brief-home] goes to the beginning of visible line and the second 
 goes to the physical beginning of line.  Consecutive 3rd and 4th 
 then goes to the top of screen and beginning of buffer."
   (interactive "^")
@@ -6164,6 +6309,7 @@ then goes to the top of screen and beginning of buffer."
      ;; 1st press
   (setq brief-last-3rd-command brief-last-last-command
         brief-last-last-command last-command))
@@ -6184,13 +6330,29 @@ then goes to the top of screen and beginning of buffer."
         (1- we)
+(defun brief-end-of-visual-line ()
+  "Move to the visual end of current line."
+  (let* (c1
+         (p1 (save-excursion
+               (end-of-visual-line)
+               (setq c1 (following-char)) (point)))
+         (p2 (save-excursion
+               (end-of-line) (point)))) ;; `end-of-line' of course is at crlf
+    (goto-char (if (and (/= p1 p2)
+                        ;; Check if we're at the abbreviated text '...'
+                        (not (brief-is-crlf c1)))
+                   (1- p1)
+                 ;; `end-of-visual-line' on line wrapping will have cursor
+                 ;; at the beginning of next line
+                 p1))))
 (defun brief-end ()
-  "\"End\" the cursor the way that Brief editor do it.
+  "Move the cursor (point) to the end (bottom) of a line, window or buffer.
 When `visual-line-mode' is nil and `truncate-lines' is non-nil, the
-first \\[brief-end] moves point to end of the line.
-Second consecutive \\[brief-end] moves point to bottom of the screen.
-Third consecutive \\[brief-end] moves point to the end of the buffer.
+first \\[brief-end] moves point to end of current line.
+The second consecutive \\[brief-end] moves point to bottom of the window.
+The third consecutive \\[brief-end] moves point to the end of the buffer.
 When `visual-line-mode' is non-nil or `truncate-lines' is nil, the first
 \\[brief-end] goes to the end of visible line and the second \\[brief-end] 
then goes to
@@ -6218,7 +6380,10 @@ bottom of screen and end of buffer."
      ;; 2rd press
       (if truncate-lines
-          (goto-char (brief-window-end))
+          ;;(goto-char (brief-window-end))
+          (progn
+            (move-to-window-line -1)
+            (move-end-of-line 1))
         (setq p1 (save-excursion
                    ;; if we're at the abbreviated text '...' we will need to
                    ;; go beyond that.
@@ -6231,23 +6396,14 @@ bottom of screen and end of buffer."
       (if truncate-lines
           (move-end-of-line 1)
-        (setq p1 (save-excursion
-                   (end-of-visual-line)
-                   (setq c1 (following-char)) (point))
-              p2 (save-excursion
-                   (end-of-line) (point))) ;; `end-of-line' of course is at 
-        (goto-char (if (and (/= p1 p2)
-                            ;; Check if we're at the abbreviated text '...'
-                            (not (brief-is-crlf c1)))
-                       (1- p1)
-                     ;; `end-of-visual-line' on line wrapping will have cursor
-                     ;; at the beginning of next line
-                     p1))))))
+        (brief-end-of-visual-line)))))
   (setq brief-last-3rd-command brief-last-last-command
         brief-last-last-command last-command))
 (defun brief-move-to-window-line-0 ()
-  (interactive)
+  "Goto the first character of this window."
+  (interactive "^")
   (move-to-window-line 0))
 (defun brief-mark-move-to-window-line-0 ()
@@ -6256,7 +6412,7 @@ bottom of screen and end of buffer."
   (move-to-window-line 0))
 (defun brief-move-to-window-line-end ()
-  (interactive)
+  (interactive "^")
   (move-to-window-line -1))
 (defun brief-mark-move-to-window-line-end () ;; <2011-06-02 Thu 17:40>
@@ -6487,6 +6643,49 @@ from `write-file'."
       (write-region (region-beginning) (region-end) filename))
+;; Miscellaneous, infrequently used commands
+(defun brief-scroll-up-one-line ()
+  "Scroll one line up."
+  (interactive)
+  (scroll-up 1))
+(defun brief-scroll-down-one-line ()
+  "Scroll one line down."
+  (interactive)
+  (scroll-up -1))
+(defun brief-toggle-auto-backup ()
+  "Toggle auto-backup on or off."
+  (interactive)
+  (message "Turn Emacs auto-backup %s"
+           (if (setq auto-save-default (not auto-save-default))
+               "ON" "OFF")))
+(defun brief-beginning-of-file ()
+  "Goto beginning of file."
+  (interactive "^")
+  (goto-char (point-min)))
+(defun brief-end-of-file ()
+  "Goto end of file."
+  (interactive "^")
+  (goto-char (point-max)))
+(defun brief-end-of-window ()
+  "Goto the last visible character of window."
+  (interactive "^")
+  (move-to-window-line -1)
+  (brief-end-of-visual-line))
+(defun brief-open-new-line-next ()
+  "Open a new line right below the current line and go there."
+  (interactive)
+  (move-end-of-line 1)
+  (newline))
 ;;; Brief mode key bindings
@@ -6547,15 +6746,14 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key         [(shift f5)]     'brief-repeat-search)
 (brief-key [(control shift f5)]     'brief-repeat-search-forward)
 (brief-key    [(meta shift f5)]     'brief-repeat-search-backward)
-;; 06/17/2005 ins 1 : as (shift f5) does not work, add control f5
-;; 02/09/2005 as [(shift f5)] works, comment this line
-;;(brief-key [(control f5)]           'brief-search-again)
 ;; 02/10/2005 ins 2, Search forward/backward, default current word
 ;; "control" key here means "current", as "f5" without "meta" already means
 ;; "forward"
 (brief-key       [(control f5)]     'brief-search-forward-currword)
 (brief-key  [(meta control f5)]     'brief-search-backward-currword)
+(brief-key    [(control x)(f5)]     'brief-toggle-search-case-sensitivity)
 ;; Replace commands
 ;; 04/03/'08 rem 1 ins 1
@@ -6565,11 +6763,12 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key         [(shift f6)]     'brief-repeat-query-replace)
 (brief-key [(control shift f6)]     'brief-repeat-query-replace-forward)
 (brief-key    [(meta shift f6)]     'brief-repeat-query-replace-backward)
-;; 06/17/2005 ins 1 : as (shift f6) does not work, add control f6
-;; add 04/02/2008 brief-query-replace-currword for ctrl-f6
 (brief-key       [(control f6)]     'brief-query-replace-forward-currword)
 (brief-key  [(meta control f6)]     'brief-query-replace-backward-currword)
+(brief-key    [(control x)(f6)]     'brief-toggle-search-replace-regexp)
 (brief-key [(control s)]            'isearch-forward)
 (brief-key [(meta s)]               'isearch-backward)
@@ -6586,6 +6785,7 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key [(f10)]                  'execute-extended-command)
 (brief-key [(meta f10)]             'compile)
+(brief-key [(shift f10)]            'menu-bar-open)
 (brief-key [(control p)]            'brief-view-compilation-output)
 (brief-key [(meta b)]               'brief-buffer-list-window)
@@ -6597,12 +6797,10 @@ from `write-file'."
 ;; [2012-02-24 14:35:58 +0800] This seems to work only after Emacs 24,
 ;;  Emacs 23 won't work.
 (brief-key "\t"                     'brief-indent-tab)
-;; 02/21/2006 modify from <f12> to <ctrl>-<alt>-<tab>
 ;; 06/02/2008 Original function can be replaced by 'ctrl-q' <tab>,
 ;;   change this key combination to brief-indent-buffer
 (brief-key [(control meta tab)]     'brief-indent-buffer)
 ;; 06/21/2005 ins 1 08/10/2005 change to meta-f11 for Fedora4
-;;(brief-key [(meta f12)]             'brief-buffer-read-only-toggle)
 (brief-key [(meta f11)]             'brief-buffer-read-only-toggle)
 (brief-key [(meta p)]               'brief-print) ;; 04/15/'08 ins 1
@@ -6622,6 +6820,7 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key [(meta w)]               'brief-save-buffer)
 (brief-key [(meta x)]               'brief-meta-x-wrapper)
+;;(brief-key [(control x)]            'save-buffers-kill-emacs) ;; Emacs prefix
 (brief-key [(control meta shift x)] 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
 (brief-key [(control meta shift X)] 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
@@ -6632,13 +6831,11 @@ from `write-file'."
 ;; modify start-kbd-macro to brief-define-macro
 (brief-key [(f7)]                   'brief-define-macro)
-;;(brief-key [(f7)]                   'start-kbd-macro)
-;; modify end-kbd-macro to load-kbd-macro
-(brief-key [(meta f7)]              'brief-load-kbd-macro)
-;;(brief-key [(meta f7)]              'end-kbd-macro)
+(brief-key [(shift f7)]             'brief-toggle-pause-kbd-macro)
-;; <2010-07-21 Wed 11:26> change call-last-kbd-macro to 
 (brief-key [(f8)]                   'brief-call-last-kbd-macro)
+(brief-key [(meta f7)]              'brief-load-kbd-macro)
 (brief-key [(meta f8)]              'brief-save-kbd-macro)
 ;; Region / Xselection(Clipboard) commands
@@ -6651,78 +6848,41 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key [(insert)]               'brief-yank)
 (brief-key [(insertchar)]           'brief-yank)
-;; Preventing the need of a keypad; for notebooks and a lot of new keyboards
+;; Preventing the need for a keypad; for notebooks and a lot of new keyboards
 (brief-key [(control insert)]       'brief-copy-line)
 (brief-key [(shift delete)]         'brief-kill-line)
 ;; Defining meta-L keymaps
 (brief-key [(meta l)]               brief-prefix-meta-l)
 (brief-key [(meta L)]               brief-prefix-meta-l)
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(up)]
-  (lambda () (interactive) (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [up])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(left)]
-  (lambda () (interactive) (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [left])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(home)]
-  (lambda () (interactive) (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [home])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(prior)]
-  (lambda () (interactive) (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [prior])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control up)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [(control up)])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control left)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [(control left)])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control home)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [(control home)])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control prior)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-up-with-key [(control prior)])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(meta l)]  ;; 04/28/2008 ins 2
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-list-interactively (list 'brief-mark-line-down))))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(down)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [down])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(right)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [right])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(end)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [end])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(next)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [next])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control down)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [control down])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control right)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [control right])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control end)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [control end])))
-(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(control next)]
-  (lambda ()
-    (interactive)
-    (brief-call-mark-line-down-with-key [control next])))
+;; marking upwards
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(up)])            ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<up>
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(left)])          ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<left>
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(home)])          ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<home>
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(prior)])         ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<prior>
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(control up)])    ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-up>
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(control left)])  ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-left>
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(control home)])  ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-home>
+(brief-meta-l-key up   [(control prior)]) ;; 'brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-prior>
+;; marking downwards
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(down)])          ;; 'brief-mark-line-down-with-<down>
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(right)])         ;; 'brief-mark-line-down-with-<right>
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(end)])           ;; 'brief-mark-line-down-with-<end>
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(next)])          ;; 'brief-mark-line-down-with-<next>
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(control down)])  ;; 
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(control right)]) ;; 
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(control end)])   ;; 'brief-mark-line-down-with-<C-end>
+(brief-meta-l-key down [(control next)])  ;; 
+;; 04/28/2008 ins
+(define-key brief-prefix-meta-l [(meta l)]   'brief-mark-line-down-with-meta-l)
 (brief-key [(meta m)]               'set-mark-command)
@@ -6731,6 +6891,7 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key [(meta u)]               'brief-undo)
 ;;(brief-key [(control u)]            'undo) ;; a prefix key
+(brief-key [(kp-multiply)]          'brief-undo)
 ;; General editing commands
@@ -6749,13 +6910,10 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key [(delete)]               'brief-delete)
 (brief-key [(shift backspace)]      'backward-kill-word)
-;;(brief-key [(control f)]    'fill-paragraph-or-region) ;; no such function
 (brief-key [(meta i)]               'overwrite-mode)
 ;; Bookmark commands
-;; [06/02/'08] All bookmark set are changed to 'brief-bookmark-set'
 (brief-key [(meta ?0)]              'brief-bookmark-jump-set-0)
 (brief-key [(meta ?1)]              'brief-bookmark-jump-set-1)
 (brief-key [(meta ?2)]              'brief-bookmark-jump-set-2)
@@ -6778,21 +6936,15 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key [(control right)]        'brief-forward-word)
 (brief-key [(home)]                 'brief-home)
-;; <2011-06-02 Thu 17:02> ins 1
-;;(brief-key [(shift home)]           'brief-shift-home)
 (brief-key [(control home)]         'brief-move-to-window-line-0)
 (brief-key [(control shift home)]   'brief-mark-move-to-window-line-0)
 (brief-key [(meta home)]            'beginning-of-line)
 (brief-key [(end)]                  'brief-end)
-;; <2011-06-02 Thu 17:03> ins 1
-;;(brief-key [(shift end)]            'brief-shift-end)
 (brief-key [(control end)]          'brief-move-to-window-line-end)
 (brief-key [(control shift end)]    'brief-mark-move-to-window-line-end)
 (brief-key [(meta end)]             'end-of-line)
-;;(brief-key [(control c) (b)]        'brief-submit-bug-report)
 (brief-key [prior]                  'brief-fixed-cursor-page-up)
 (brief-key [next]                   'brief-fixed-cursor-page-down)
@@ -6808,15 +6960,47 @@ from `write-file'."
 (brief-key [(control shift l)]      'brief-recenter-left-right)
+;; Miscellaneous infrequently used Brief keys
+(when brief-enable-less-frequent-keys
+  ;; Change Emacs native key binding for infrequently used commands
+  (brief-key [(meta v)]               'brief-version)
+  (define-key cua--cua-keys-keymap [(meta v)] 'brief-version)
+  (brief-key [(control e)]            'brief-scroll-up-one-line)
+  (brief-key [(control d)]            'brief-scroll-down-one-line)
+  (brief-key [(control w)]            'brief-toggle-auto-backup)
+  (brief-key [(control prior)]        'brief-beginning-of-file)
+  (brief-key [(control next)]         'brief-end-of-file)
+  ;;(brief-meta-l-key up   [(control prior)]) ;;already defined
+  ;;(brief-meta-l-key down [(control next)])  ;;already defined
+  (brief-key [(meta home)]            'brief-move-to-window-line-0)
+  (brief-key [(meta end)]             'brief-end-of-window)
+  (brief-meta-l-key up   [(meta home)])     ; brief-mark-line-up-with-<M-home>
+  (brief-meta-l-key down [(meta end)])      ; brief-mark-line-down-with-<M-end>
+  (brief-key [(control return)]       'brief-open-new-line-next)
+  (define-key cua-global-keymap [(control return)] 'brief-open-new-line-next)
+  (brief-key [(meta z)]               'eshell))
 ;; [2016-04-01 18:20:22 +0800] Fix CUA C-v behavior which is not consistent
 ;; with my brief-yank All CUA keymaps starts from `cua--keymap-alist', which
 ;; exists in `emulation-mode-map-alists'. In `cua--keymap-alist', the
 ;; `cua--cua-keys-keymap' was listed near the head so it got higher priority.
 (when (and (fboundp 'cua-paste)
            (boundp 'cua--cua-keys-keymap))
   (define-key cua--cua-keys-keymap [remap yank] 'brief-yank)
   (define-key cua--cua-keys-keymap [(control v)] 'brief-yank))
 ;; Brief mode definitions
@@ -6841,6 +7025,7 @@ Also set internal variable `brief--prev-brief-mode'."
 (defvar brief-backup-select-enable-clipboard
   (and (boundp 'select-enable-clipboard) select-enable-clipboard)
   "(Backup variable for Win32/Win64 only)")
 (defvar brief-backup-select-enable-primary
   (and (boundp 'select-enable-primary) select-enable-primary)
   "(Backup variable for Win32/Win64 only)")
@@ -6953,7 +7138,7 @@ toggle brief-mode."
                 (advice-remove 'cua-cancel
                 (advice-remove 'keyboard-quit
-                               'brief-reset-for-command-cancellation)
+                               'brief-reset-for-keyboard-quit)
                 (advice-remove 'keyboard-escape-quit
                 (advice-remove 'cua-clear-rectangle-mark
@@ -7064,7 +7249,7 @@ toggle brief-mode."
             (advice-add 'cua-cancel
                         :before   'brief-reset-for-command-cancellation)
             (advice-add 'keyboard-quit
-                        :before   'brief-reset-for-command-cancellation)
+                        :before   'brief-reset-for-keyboard-quit)
             (advice-add 'keyboard-escape-quit
                         :before   'brief-reset-for-command-cancellation)
             (advice-add 'cua-clear-rectangle-mark
@@ -7149,14 +7334,6 @@ toggle brief-mode."
       ;; calibrate current system UI performance
       (call-interactively 'brief-calibration))
-;;(if (fboundp 'add-minor-mode)
-;;    (add-minor-mode 'brief-mode 'brief-mode-mode-line-string
-;;                    nil nil 'brief-mode)
-;;  (or (assq 'brief-mode minor-mode-alist)
-;;      (setq minor-mode-alist
-;;            (cons '(brief-mode brief-mode-mode-line-string)
-;;                  minor-mode-alist))))
 ;; Interaction with other packages.
 (eval-after-load 'cua-base
@@ -7221,7 +7398,20 @@ toggle brief-mode."
-                 brief-call-last-kbd-macro)))
+                 brief-call-last-kbd-macro
+                 brief-open-new-line-next
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<up>
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<left>
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<home>
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<prior>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<down>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<right>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<end>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<next>
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-up>
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-left>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<C-down>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<C-right>)))
        ;; Run once
@@ -7238,6 +7428,8 @@ toggle brief-mode."
+                 brief-toggle-search-case-sensitivity
+                 brief-toggle-search-replace-regexp
@@ -7260,6 +7452,13 @@ toggle brief-mode."
+                 brief-toggle-pause-kbd-macro
+                 brief-scroll-up-one-line
+                 brief-scroll-down-one-line
+                 brief-toggle-auto-backup
+                 brief-beginning-of-file
+                 brief-end-of-file
+                 brief-end-of-window
@@ -7270,7 +7469,15 @@ toggle brief-mode."
-                 brief-bookmark-set-jump))))
+                 brief-bookmark-set-jump
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-home>
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<C-prior>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<C-end>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<C-next>
+                 brief-end-of-window
+                 brief-mark-line-up-with-<M-home>
+                 brief-mark-line-down-with-<M-end>
+                 brief-version))))
      ;; Non-brief commands, but mapped in brief keymap
@@ -7283,8 +7490,8 @@ toggle brief-mode."
-                   backward-sexp
-                   eval-last-sexp)))
+                   backward-sexp)))
          ;; Extend run-once
           (nconc mc/cmds-to-run-once
@@ -7303,7 +7510,9 @@ toggle brief-mode."
-                   help)))))
+                   help
+                   eshell)))))
      (add-hook 'brief-mode-mode 'brief-setup-multicurs-cmds)))

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