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[elpa] externals/rec-mode 969c03a 01/98: experimental/rec-mode.el rename

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/rec-mode 969c03a 01/98: experimental/rec-mode.el renamed to etc/rec-mode.el
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 13:18:28 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/rec-mode
commit 969c03a54cf5e8820365d6b48a26402a9702e3e0
Author: Jose E. Marchesi <jemarch@gnu.org>
Commit: Antoine Kalmbach <ane@iki.fi>

    experimental/rec-mode.el renamed to etc/rec-mode.el
 etc/rec-mode.el | 1620 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1620 insertions(+)

diff --git a/etc/rec-mode.el b/etc/rec-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed83d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/rec-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1620 @@
+;;; rec-mode.el --- Major mode for viewing/editing rec files
+;; Copyright (C) 2009 Jose E. Marchesi
+;; Maintainer: Jose E. Marchesi
+;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; A major mode for editing rec files.
+;; To see the structure of this file activate the outline minor mode
+;; and execute M-xhide-body
+;;; Code:
+;;;; Customization
+(defgroup rec-mode nil
+  "rec-mode subsystem"
+  :group 'applications
+  :link '(url-link "http://www.gnu.org/software/rec";))
+(defcustom rec-open-mode 'edit
+  "Default mode to use when switching a buffer to rec-mode.
+Valid values are `edit' and `navigation'.  The default is `edit'"
+  :type 'symbol
+  :group 'rec-mode)
+(defvar rec-recsel "recsel"
+  "Name of the 'recsel' utility from the GNU recutils.")
+(defvar rec-recinf "recinf"
+  "Name of the 'recinf' utility from the GNU recutils.")
+;;;; Variables and constants that the user does not want to touch (really!)
+(defconst rec-keyword-rec "%rec"
+  ;; Remember to update `rec-font-lock-keywords' if you change this
+  ;; value!!
+  "Rec keyword.")
+(defvar rec-comment-re "^#.*"
+  "regexp denoting a comment line")
+(defvar rec-comment-field-re "^\\(#.*\n\\)*\\([a-zA-Z0-1_%-]+:\\)+"
+  "regexp denoting the beginning of a record")
+(defvar rec-field-name-re
+  "^\\([a-zA-Z0-1_%-]+:\\)+"
+  "Regexp matching a field name")
+(defvar rec-field-value-re
+  (let ((ret-re "\n\\+ ?")
+        (esc-ret-re "\\\\\n"))
+    (concat
+     "\\("
+     "\\(" ret-re "\\)*"
+     "\\(" esc-ret-re "\\)*"
+     "\\(" "\\\\[^\n]" "\\)*"
+     "[^\\\n]*"
+     "\\)*"))
+  "Regexp matching a field value")
+(defvar rec-field-re
+  (concat rec-field-name-re
+          rec-field-value-re
+          "\n")
+  "Regexp matching a field")
+(defvar rec-record-re
+  (concat rec-field-re "\\(" rec-field-re "\\|" rec-comment-re "\\)*")
+  "Regexp matching a record")
+(defvar rec-mode-syntax-table
+  (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<" st)   ; Comment start
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" st)  ; Comment end
+    st)
+  "Syntax table used in rec-mode")
+(defvar rec-font-lock-keywords
+  `(("^%\\(rec\\|key\\|unique\\|type\\|prohibit\\|mandatory\\|doc\\|fsort\\):" 
. font-lock-keyword-face)
+    (,rec-field-name-re . font-lock-variable-name-face)
+    ("^\\+" . font-lock-constant-face))
+  "Font lock keywords used in rec-mode")
+(defvar rec-mode-edit-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "\C-cn" 'rec-cmd-goto-next-rec)
+    (define-key map "\C-cp" 'rec-cmd-goto-previous-rec)
+    (define-key map "\C-ce" 'rec-cmd-edit-field)
+    (define-key map "\C-ct" 'rec-cmd-show-descriptor)
+    (define-key map "\C-c#" 'rec-cmd-count)
+    (define-key map "\C-cl" 'rec-cmd-sel)
+    (define-key map "\C-cs" 'rec-cmd-search)
+    (define-key map "\C-cm" 'rec-cmd-trim-field-value)
+    (define-key map [remap move-beginning-of-line] 'rec-cmd-beginning-of-line)
+    (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'rec-cmd-goto-next-field)
+    (define-key map (concat "\C-c" (kbd "RET")) 'rec-cmd-jump)
+    (define-key map "\C-cb" 'rec-cmd-jump-back)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'rec-finish-editing)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for rec-mode")
+(defvar rec-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "n" 'rec-cmd-goto-next-rec)
+    (define-key map "p" 'rec-cmd-goto-previous-rec)
+    (define-key map "e" 'rec-cmd-edit-field)
+    (define-key map "R" 'rec-edit-record)
+    (define-key map "T" 'rec-edit-type)
+    (define-key map "B" 'rec-edit-buffer)
+    (define-key map "A" 'rec-cmd-append-field)
+    (define-key map "t" 'rec-cmd-show-descriptor)
+    (define-key map "l" 'rec-cmd-sel)
+    (define-key map "s" 'rec-cmd-search)
+    (define-key map "m" 'rec-cmd-trim-field-value)
+    (define-key map "\C-ct" 'rec-find-type)
+    (define-key map [remap move-beginning-of-line] 'rec-cmd-beginning-of-line)
+    (define-key map "#" 'rec-cmd-count)
+    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'rec-cmd-jump)
+    (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'rec-cmd-goto-next-field)
+    (define-key map "b" 'rec-cmd-jump-back)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for rec-mode")
+;;;; Parsing functions (rec-parse-*)
+;; Those functions read the contents of the buffer (starting at the
+;; current position of the pointer) and try to parse field, comment
+;; and records structures.
+(defun rec-parse-comment ()
+  "Parse and return a comment starting at point.
+Return a list whose first element is the symbol 'comment and the
+second element is the string with the contents of the comment,
+including the leading #:
+   (comment \"# foo\")
+If the point is not at the beginning of a comment return nil"
+  (when (and (equal (current-column) 0)
+             (looking-at rec-comment-re))
+    (goto-char (match-end 0))
+    (list 'comment (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0)
+                                                   (match-end 0)))))
+(defun rec-parse-field-name ()
+  "Parse and return a field name starting at point.
+Return a list with whose elements are the parts of the field
+name.  For the name a:b:c:d: the following list is returned:
+   ('a' 'b' 'c' 'd')
+If the point is not at the beginning of a field name return nil"
+  (when (and (equal (current-column) 0)
+             (looking-at rec-field-name-re))
+    (goto-char (match-end 0))
+    (split-string
+     (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0)
+                                     (- (match-end 0) 1))
+     ":")))
+(defun rec-parse-field-name-from-string (str)
+  "Parse and return a field name parsed from a string.
+If the string does not contain a field name, then return nil."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert str)
+    ;; Add a colon to the end if does not exist
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (unless (equal (char-before) ?:)
+        (insert ?:)))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (rec-parse-field-name)))
+(defun rec-parse-field-value ()
+  "Return the field value under the pointer.
+Return a string containing the value of the field.
+If the pointer is not at the beginning of a field value, return
+  (when (looking-at rec-field-value-re)
+    (goto-char (match-end 0))
+    (let ((val (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0)
+                                               (match-end 0))))
+      ;; Replace escaped newlines
+      (setq val (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\\n" "" val))
+      ;; Replace continuation lines
+      (setq val (replace-regexp-in-string "\n\\+ ?" "\n" val))
+      ;; Remove the initial blank
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert val)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (if (equal (char-after (point)) ? )
+            (progn
+              (delete-char 1)))
+        (setq val (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+                                                  (point-max))))
+;;      (with-temp-buffer
+;;        (insert val)
+;;        (goto-char (point-min))
+;;        (when (looking-at "[ \t\n]+")
+;;          (delete-region (match-beginning 0)
+;;                         (match-end 0)))
+;;        (setq val (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+;;                                                  (point-max))))
+      val)))
+(defun rec-parse-field ()
+  "Return a structure describing the field starting from the
+The returned structure is a list whose first element is the
+symbol 'field', the second element is the name of the field and
+the second element is the value of the field:
+If the pointer is not at the beginning of a field
+descriptor then return nil"
+  (let ((there (point))
+        field-name field-value)
+    (and (setq field-name (rec-parse-field-name))
+         (setq field-value (rec-parse-field-value)))
+    (when (and field-name field-value)
+        (list 'field there field-name field-value))))
+(defun rec-parse-record ()
+  "Return a structure describing the record starting from the pointer.
+The returned structure is a list of fields preceded by the symbol
+   (record FIELD-1 FIELD-2 ... FIELD-N)
+If the pointer is not at the beginning of a record, then return
+  (let ((there (point))
+        record field-or-comment)
+    (while (setq field-or-comment (or (rec-parse-field)
+                                      (rec-parse-comment)))
+      (setq record (cons field-or-comment record))
+      ;; Skip the newline finishing the field or the comment
+      (when (looking-at "\n") (goto-char (match-end 0))))
+    (setq record (list 'record there (reverse record)))))
+;;;; Writer functions (rec-insert-*)
+;; Those functions dump the written representation of the parser
+;; structures (field, comment, record, etc) into the current buffer
+;; starting at the current position.
+(defun rec-insert-comment (comment)
+  "Insert the written form of COMMENT in the current buffer"
+  (when (and (listp comment) 
+             (equal (car comment) 'comment))
+    (insert (cadr comment))))
+(defun rec-insert-field-name (field-name)
+  "Insert the written form of FIELD-NAME in the current buffer"
+  (when (listp field-name)
+    (mapcar (lambda (elem)
+              (when (stringp elem) (insert elem ":")))
+            field-name)))
+(defun rec-insert-field-value (field-value)
+  "Insert the written form of FIELD-VALUE in the current buffer"
+  (when (stringp field-value)
+    (let ((val field-value))
+      ;; FIXME: Maximum line size
+      (insert (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\n+ " val)))
+    (insert "\n")))
+(defun rec-insert-field (field)
+  "Insert the written form of FIELD in the current buffer"
+  (when (and (listp field)
+             (equal (car field) 'field))
+    (when (rec-insert-field-name (cadr field))
+      (insert " ")
+      (rec-insert-field-value (nth 2 field)))))
+(defun rec-insert-record (record &optional fields)
+  "Insert the written form of RECORD in the current buffer.
+If FIELDS is specified, it is a list of fields to include in the
+insertion.  If a field in the list does not exist in the record
+it is ignored."
+  (when (and (listp record)
+             (equal (car record) 'record))
+    (rec-insert-record-2 (cdr record) fields)))
+(defun rec-insert-record-2 (record fields)
+  "Insert the written form of RECORD in the current buffer.
+Recursive part"
+  (when (and record (listp record))
+    (let ((elem (car record)))
+      (cond
+       ((and (not fields)
+             (equal (car elem) 'comment))
+        (rec-insert-comment elem))
+       ((and (equal (car elem) 'field)
+             (or (not fields)
+                 (member (nth 1 elem) fields)))
+        (rec-insert-field elem))))
+    (rec-insert-record-2 (cdr record) fields)))
+;;;; Operations on record structures
+;; Those functions retrieve or set properties of field structures.
+(defun rec-record-p (record)
+  "Determine if the provided structure is a record."
+  (and (listp record)
+       (= (length record) 3)
+       (equal (car record) 'record)))
+(defun rec-record-position (record)
+  "Return the start position of the given record."
+  (when (rec-record-p record)
+    (nth 1 record)))
+(defun rec-record-fields (record)
+  "Return a list with the fields of the given record."
+  (when (rec-record-p record)
+    (nth 2 record)))
+(defun rec-record-assoc (name record)
+  "Get a list with the values of the fields in RECORD named NAME.
+XXX: describe NAME.
+If no such field exists in RECORD then nil is returned."
+  (if (stringp name)
+      (setq name (rec-parse-field-name-from-string name)))
+  (when (and (listp record)
+             (equal (car record) 'record))
+    (let (result)
+      (mapcar (lambda (field)
+                (when (and (equal (car field) 'field)
+                           (equal name (rec-field-name field)))
+                  (setq result (cons (nth 3 field) result))))
+              (rec-record-fields record))
+      (reverse result))))
+(defun rec-record-names (record)
+  "Get a list of the field names in the record"
+  (when (and (listp record)
+             (equal (car record) 'record))
+    (let (result)
+      (mapcar (lambda (field)
+                (when (and (equal (car field) 'field))
+                  (setq result (cons (nth 1 field) result))))
+              (cdr record))
+      (reverse result))))
+;;;; Operations on field structures
+;; Those functions retrieve or set properties of field structures.
+(defun rec-field-p (field)
+  "Determine if the provided structure is a field"
+  (and (listp field)
+       (= (length field) 4)
+       (equal (car field) 'field)))
+(defun rec-field-position (field)
+  "Return the start position of the given field."
+  (when (rec-field-p field)
+    (nth 1 field)))
+(defun rec-field-name (field)
+  "Return the name of the provided field"
+  (when (rec-field-p field)
+    (nth 2 field)))
+(defun rec-field-value (field)
+  "Return the value of the provided field"
+  (when (rec-field-p field)
+    (nth 3 field)))
+(defun rec-field-trim-value (field)
+  "Trim the value of the given field."
+  (when (rec-field-p field)
+    (let ((value (nth 2 field))
+          c)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert value)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (looking-at "[ \t\n]+")
+          (delete-region (match-beginning 0)
+                         (match-end 0)))
+        (goto-char (point-max))
+        (setq c (char-before))
+        (while (and c
+                    (or (equal c ?\n)
+                        (equal c ?\t)
+                        (equal c ? )))
+          (backward-char)
+          (setq c (char-before)))
+        (delete-region (point) (point-max))
+        (setq value (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+                                                    (point-max))))
+      (setcar (cddr field) value))))
+;;;; Get entities under pointer
+;; Those functions retrieve structures of the entities under pointer
+;; like comments, fields and records.  If the especified entity is not
+;; under the pointer then nil is returned.
+(defun rec-beginning-of-field-pos ()
+  "Return the position of the beginning of the current field, or
+nil if the pointer is not on a field."
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (let (res exit)
+      (while (not exit)
+        (cond
+         ((and (not (= (line-beginning-position) 1))
+               (or (looking-at "+")
+                   (looking-back "\\\\\n" 2)))
+          (forward-line -1))
+         ((looking-at rec-field-name-re)
+          (setq res (point))
+          (setq exit t))
+         (t
+          (setq exit t))))
+      res)))
+(defun rec-end-of-field-pos ()
+  "Return the position of the end of the current field, or nil if
+the pointer is not on a field."
+  (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-field-pos)))
+    (when begin-pos
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char begin-pos)
+        ;; The following hack is due to the fact that
+        ;; the regular expressions search engine is
+        ;; hanging on rec-field-re
+        (when (looking-at rec-field-name-re)
+          (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+        (when (looking-at rec-field-value-re)
+          ;; The +1 is to include the \n at the beginning of the
+          ;; record value, that is part of the field but not part of
+          ;; the value
+          (+ (match-end 0) 1))))))
+(defun rec-beginning-of-comment-pos ()
+  "Return the position of the beginning of the current comment,
+or nil if the pointer is not on a comment."
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (when (looking-at rec-comment-re)
+      (point))))
+(defun rec-end-of-comment-pos ()
+  "Return the position of the end of the current comment,
+or nil if the pointer is not on a comment."
+  (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-comment-pos)))
+    (when begin-pos
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char begin-pos)
+        (when (looking-at rec-comment-re)
+          (match-end 0))))))
+(defun rec-beginning-of-record-pos ()
+  "Return the position of the beginning of the current record, or nil if
+the pointer is not on a record."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (field-pos prev-pos)
+      (setq prev-pos (point))
+      (while (and (not (equal (point) (point-min)))
+                  (or (setq field-pos (rec-beginning-of-field-pos))
+                      (setq field-pos (rec-beginning-of-comment-pos))))
+        (goto-char field-pos)
+        (if (not (equal (point) (point-min)))
+            (backward-char)))
+      (unless (or (eobp)
+                  (looking-at rec-comment-field-re))
+          (forward-char))
+      (when (looking-at rec-comment-field-re)
+        (point)))))
+(defun rec-end-of-record-pos ()
+  "Return the position of the end of the current record,
+or nil if the pointer is not on a record."
+  (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-record-pos)))
+    (when begin-pos
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char begin-pos)
+        (while (or (looking-at rec-field-name-re)
+                   (looking-at rec-comment-re))
+          (goto-char (match-end 0))
+          (when (or (looking-at rec-field-value-re)
+                    (looking-at rec-comment-re))
+            (goto-char (+ (match-end 0) 1))))
+        (point)))))
+(defun rec-current-field ()
+  "Return a structure with the contents of the current field.
+The current field is the field where the pointer is."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-field-pos)))
+      (when begin-pos
+        (goto-char begin-pos)
+        (rec-parse-field)))))
+(defun rec-current-record ()
+  "Return a structure with the contents of the current record.
+The current record is the record where the pointer is"
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-record-pos)))
+      (when begin-pos
+        (goto-char begin-pos)
+        (rec-parse-record)))))
+;;;; Visibility
+;; These functions manage the visibility in the rec buffer.
+(defun rec-narrow-to-record ()
+  "Narrow to the current record, if any"
+  (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-record-pos))
+        (end-pos (rec-end-of-record-pos)))
+    (if (and begin-pos end-pos)
+        (narrow-to-region begin-pos end-pos))))
+(defun rec-narrow-to-type (type)
+  "Narrow to the specified type, if any"
+  (let ((begin-pos (or (rec-type-pos type) (point-min)))
+        (end-pos (or (rec-type-pos (rec-type-next type)) (point-max))))
+    (narrow-to-region begin-pos end-pos)))
+;;;; Record collection management
+;; These functions perform the management of the collection of records
+;; in the buffer.
+(defun rec-update-buffer-descriptors ()
+  "Get a list of the record descriptors in the current buffer."
+  (message "Updating record descriptors...")
+  (setq rec-buffer-descriptors
+        (save-excursion
+          (let ((rec-file-name (if buffer-file-name
+                                   buffer-file-name
+                                 ""))
+                descriptors records)
+            ;; Call 'recinf' to get the list of record descriptors in
+            ;; sexp format.
+            (with-temp-buffer
+              (call-process rec-recinf
+                            nil ; infile
+                            t   ; output to current buffer
+                            nil ; display
+                            "-S" "-d" rec-file-name)
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (insert "(")
+              (goto-char (point-max))
+              (insert ")")
+              (setq descriptors (read (buffer-substring-no-properties 
(point-min) (point-max)))))
+            ;; Calculate the value of 'rec-buffer-descriptors'.
+            (mapcar (lambda (descriptor)
+                      (let ((marker (make-marker)))
+                        (set-marker marker (rec-record-position descriptor))
+                        (setq records (cons (list 'descriptor descriptor 
marker) records))))
+                    descriptors)
+            (reverse records))))
+  (message ""))
+(defun rec-update-buffer-descriptors-xxx ()
+  "Get a list of the record descriptors in the current buffer."
+  (message "Updating record descriptors...")
+  (setq rec-buffer-descriptors
+        (save-excursion
+          (let (records rec marker)
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (while (and (not (= (point) (point-max)))
+                        (re-search-forward
+                         (concat "^" (regexp-quote rec-keyword-rec) ":") nil 
+              (rec-beginning-of-record)
+              (setq marker (point-marker))
+              (setq rec (rec-parse-record))
+              (when (rec-record-assoc (list rec-keyword-rec) rec)
+                (setq records (cons (list 'descriptor rec marker) records)))
+              (if (not (= (point) (point-max)))
+                  (forward-char)))
+            (reverse records))))
+  (message ""))
+(defun rec-buffer-types ()
+  "Return a list with the names of the record types in the
+existing buffer."
+  ;; If a descriptor has more than a %rec field, then the first one is
+  ;; used.  The rest are ignored.
+  (mapcar
+   (lambda (elem) (car elem))
+   (mapcar
+    (lambda (elem)
+      (rec-record-assoc (list rec-keyword-rec) (cadr elem)))
+    rec-buffer-descriptors)))
+(defun rec-type-p (type)
+  "Determine if there are records of type TYPE in the current
+  (member type (rec-buffer-types)))
+(defun rec-goto-type (type)
+  "Goto the beginning of the descriptor with type TYPE.
+If the type do not exist in the current buffer then
+this function returns nil."
+  (if (or (not type)
+          (equal type ""))
+      ;; If there is a regular record in the 
+      ;; beginning of the file, go there.
+      (if (save-excursion
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (unless (looking-at rec-comment-field-re)
+              (rec-goto-next-rec))
+            (rec-regular-p))
+          (progn
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (unless (looking-at rec-comment-field-re)
+              (rec-goto-next-rec))
+            t)
+        nil)
+    (let (found
+          (descriptors rec-buffer-descriptors))
+      (mapcar
+       (lambda (elem)
+         (when (equal (car (rec-record-assoc (list rec-keyword-rec)
+                                             (cadr elem)))
+                      type)
+           (setq found t)
+           (goto-char (nth 2 elem))))
+       descriptors)
+      found)))
+(defun rec-type-pos (type)
+  "Return the position where the records of type TYPE start in
+the current file.  If no records of type TYPE are defined in the
+current file then return nil."
+  (when (rec-type-p type)
+    (save-excursion
+      (rec-goto-type type)
+      (point))))
+(defun rec-type-next (type)
+  "Return the name of the type following TYPE in the file, if
+any.  If the specified type is the last appearing in the file,
+or the specified type does not exist, then return nil."
+  (let ((types (member type (rec-buffer-types))))
+    (nth 1 types)))
+(defun rec-type-previous (type)
+  "Return the name of the type preceding TYPE in the file, if
+any.  If the specified type is the first appearing in the file,
+or the specified type does not exist, then return nil."
+  (let ((types (member type (reverse (rec-buffer-types)))))
+    (nth 1 types)))
+(defun rec-goto-next-field ()
+  "Move the pointer to the beginning of the next field in the
+  (let ((pos (save-excursion
+               (rec-end-of-field)
+               (when (re-search-forward rec-field-name-re nil t)
+                 (match-beginning 0)))))
+    (when pos
+      (goto-char pos)
+      t)))
+(defun rec-goto-next-rec ()
+  "Move the pointer to the beginning of the next record in the
+  (let ((pos (save-excursion
+               (rec-end-of-record)
+               (when (re-search-forward rec-comment-field-re nil t)
+                 (match-beginning 0)))))
+    (when pos 
+        (goto-char pos)
+        t)))
+(defun rec-goto-previous-rec ()
+  "Move the pointer to the end of the previous record in the
+    (let ((pos (save-excursion
+                 (rec-beginning-of-record)
+                 (if (not (= (point) (point-min)))
+                     (backward-char))
+                 (when (and (re-search-backward rec-record-re nil t)
+                            (rec-beginning-of-record))
+                   (point)))))
+      (when pos
+        (goto-char pos)
+        t)))
+(defun rec-type-first-rec-pos (type)
+  "Return the position of the first record of the specified TYPE.
+If TYPE is nil then return the position of the first regular record in the 
+If there are no regular records in the file, return nil."
+  (save-excursion
+    (when (or (not type) (rec-type-p type))
+      (if type
+          (rec-goto-type type)
+        (goto-char (point-min)))
+      ;; Find the next regular record
+      (when (and (rec-goto-next-rec)
+                 (rec-regular-p))
+        (point)))))
+(defun rec-goto-type-first-rec (type)
+  "Goto to the first record of type TYPE present in the file.
+If TYPE is nil then goto to the first Unknown record on the file.
+If the record is found, return its position.
+If no such record exist then don't move and return nil."
+  (let ((pos (rec-type-first-rec-pos type)))
+    (when pos
+      (goto-char pos))))
+(defun rec-count (&optional type)
+  "If TYPE is a string, return the number of records of the
+specified type in the current file."
+  (let (num
+        (rec-file-name (if buffer-file-name
+                           buffer-file-name
+                         "")))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (if (stringp type)
+        (call-process rec-recsel
+                      nil ; infile
+                      t   ; output to current buffer.
+                      nil ; display
+                      "-t" type "-c" rec-file-name)
+        (call-process rec-recsel
+                      nil ; infile
+                      t   ; output to current buffer.
+                      nil ; display
+                      "-c" rec-file-name))
+      (setq num (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+    (string-to-number num)))
+(defun rec-do (rec-do-func &optional type descriptors)
+  "Apply REC-DO-FUNC for each record of type TYPE.  If TYPE is nil
+then the function is applied for all the records existing in the
+file (including the record descriptors).  A third optional
+parameter specify whether to include the record descriptors in
+the list of records."
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-restriction
+      (widen)
+      (unless (rec-goto-type type)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (rec-goto-next-rec))
+      (let ((in-type t)
+            (first-time t)
+            exit)
+        (while (and (not exit)
+                    in-type
+                    (if (not first-time)
+                        (rec-goto-next-rec)
+                      t))
+          (setq first-time nil)
+          (setq in-type (or (not type)
+                            (equal (rec-record-type) type)))
+          (when (and in-type
+                     (or descriptors
+                         (rec-regular-p)))
+            (setq exit (not (funcall rec-do-func)))))))))
+(defun rec-map (rec-map-func &optional type descriptors)
+  "XXX"
+  (let (res)
+    (rec-do (lambda ()
+              (setq res 
+                    (cons (funcall rec-map-func)
+                          res))
+              t)
+            type
+            descriptors)
+    (reverse res)))
+(defun rec-regular-p ()
+  "Return t if the record under point is a regular record.
+Return nil otherwise."
+  (let ((rec (rec-current-record)))
+    (when rec
+      (= (length (rec-record-assoc (list rec-keyword-rec) rec))
+         0))))
+(defun rec-record-type ()
+  "Return the type of the record under point.
+If the record is of no known type, return nil."
+  (let ((descriptor (rec-record-descriptor)))
+    (cond
+     ((listp descriptor)
+      (car (rec-record-assoc (list rec-keyword-rec)
+                             (cadr descriptor))))
+     ((equal descriptor "")
+      "")
+     (t
+      nil))))
+(defun rec-record-descriptor ()
+  "Return the record descriptor of the record under point.
+Return \"\" if no proper record descriptor is found in the file.
+Return nil if the point is not on a record."
+  (when (rec-current-record)
+    (let ((descriptors rec-buffer-descriptors)
+          descriptor type position found
+          (i 0))
+      (while (and (not found)
+                  (< i (length descriptors)))
+        (setq descriptor (nth i rec-buffer-descriptors))
+        (setq position (marker-position (nth 2 descriptor)))
+        (if (and (>= (point) position)
+                 (or (= i (- (length rec-buffer-descriptors) 1))
+                     (< (point) (marker-position (nth 2 (nth (+ i 1) 
+            (setq found t)
+          (setq i (+ i 1))))
+      (if found
+          descriptor
+        ""))))
+;;;; Searching functions
+(defun rec-search-first (type name value)
+  "Return the position of the beginning of the record of type TYPE
+containing a field NAME:VALUE.
+If such a record is not found then return nil."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let (found end-of-type record)
+      (when (rec-goto-type type)
+        (while (and (not found) (not end-of-type)
+                    (rec-goto-next-rec))
+          ;; Read a record
+          (setq record (rec-current-record))
+          ;; Check if found
+          (if (member value (rec-record-assoc name record))
+              (setq found t)
+            ;; Check end-of-type
+            (if (rec-record-assoc (list rec-keyword-rec) record)
+                (setq end-of-type t))))
+        (when found (point))))))
+;;;; Selecting
+(defun rec-sel (what func &optional type write-descriptor)
+  "Make a selection on the rec file.
+FUNC is a function that will be evaluated XXX.
+If some of the fields specified in WHAT does not exist in the
+matching records, then they are not included in the result.
+NAME is the name of a field, like \"Name\", that will be compared
+with \"VALUE\".
+If WRITE-DESCRIPTOR is t, then record descriptors are included in
+the result buffer."
+  (let ((sel-buffer
+         (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name "Rec Sel ")))
+        inserted-types)
+    (with-current-buffer sel-buffer
+      (insert "# -*- mode: rec -*- \n"
+              "#\n"
+              "# Result of rec-sel with \n# ")
+      (print func (lambda (c) (unless (equal c ?\n) (insert c))))
+      (insert "\n\n"))
+    (message "Searching...")
+    (rec-do
+     (lambda ()
+       (save-excursion
+         (let* ((rec (rec-parse-record))
+                (type (rec-record-type))
+                (descriptor (rec-record-descriptor)))
+           (when (apply func (list rec))
+             ;; Matching record
+             ;; Print it (the requested fields)
+             (with-current-buffer sel-buffer
+               (let (buffer-read-only)
+                 (when (and descriptor
+                            (not (member type inserted-types)))
+                   (when write-descriptor
+                     ;; Insert the type descriptor
+                     (rec-insert-record (cadr descriptor)))
+                   (insert "\n")
+                   (setq inserted-types 
+                         (cons type inserted-types)))
+                 (rec-insert-record rec what)
+                 (insert "\n")))))
+         t))
+     type)
+    (with-current-buffer sel-buffer
+      (insert "\n"
+              "# End of rec-sel\n")
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (rec-mode))
+    (switch-to-buffer-other-window sel-buffer)
+    (message "")))
+;;;; Selection macros
+;; Note that in the context of the body in the following macros `rec'
+;; is a record data structure.
+(defmacro rec-field-eq (name val)
+  `(let ((value (rec-record-assoc ,name rec)))
+     (if value
+         (equal (car value) ,val)
+       nil)))
+(defmacro rec-field-count (name)
+  `(lenth (rec-record-assoc ,name rec)))
+;;;; Navigation
+(defun rec-show-type (type)
+  "Show the records of the given type"
+  (widen)
+  (unless (rec-goto-type type)
+    (message "No records with that type found in the file"))
+  (rec-show-record))
+(defun rec-show-record ()
+  "Show the record under the point"
+  (setq buffer-read-only t)
+  (rec-narrow-to-record)
+  (use-local-map rec-mode-map)
+  ;; TODO: Update field names for autocompletion
+  ;;  (let ((names (rec-record-field-names (rec-current-record)))))
+  (rec-set-mode-line (rec-record-type)))
+;;;; Mode line
+(defun rec-set-mode-line (str)
+  "Set the modeline in rec buffers"
+  (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
+        (list 20
+              "%b " str)))
+;;;; Fast selection
+(defun rec-fast-selection (names prompt)
+  "Fast group tag selection with single keys.
+NAMES is an association list of the form:
+    ((\"NAME1\" char1) ...)
+Each character should identify only one name."
+  ;; Adapted from `org-fast-tag-selection' in org.el by Carsten Dominic
+  ;; Thanks Carsten! :D
+  (let* ((maxlen (apply 'max (mapcar (lambda (name)
+                                       (string-width (car name))) names)))
+         (buf (current-buffer))
+         (fwidth (+ maxlen 3 1 3))
+         (ncol (/ (- (window-width) 4) fwidth))
+         name count result char i key-list)
+    (save-window-excursion
+      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Rec Fast Selection*"))
+      (delete-other-windows)
+      (split-window-vertically)
+      (switch-to-buffer-other-window (get-buffer-create " *Rec Fast 
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (insert prompt ":")
+      (insert "\n\n")
+      (setq count 0)
+      (while (setq name (pop names))
+        (setq key-list (cons (cadr name) key-list))
+        (insert "[" (cadr name) "] "
+                (car name)
+                (make-string (- fwidth 4 (length (car name))) ?\ ))
+        (when (= (setq count (+ count 1)) ncol)
+          (insert "\n")
+          (setq count 0)))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (if (fboundp 'fit-window-to-buffer)
+          (fit-window-to-buffer))
+      (catch 'exit
+        (while t
+          (message "[a-z0-9...]: Select entry   [RET]: Exit")
+          (setq char (let ((inhibit-quit t)) (read-char-exclusive)))
+          (cond
+           ((= char ?\r)
+            (setq result nil)
+            (throw 'exit t))
+           ((member char key-list)
+            (setq result char)
+            (throw 'exit t)))))
+      result)))
+(defun rec-selection-list ()
+  "XXX"
+  (let (search-list)
+    ;; Add standard searches
+    (add-to-list 'search-list
+                 (list "Generic search" ?E))
+    ;; Add custom searches
+    (append search-list
+            (mapcar 
+             (lambda (elem)
+               (if (and (listp elem)
+                        (>= (length elem) 4))
+                   (let ((char (car elem))
+                         (descr (cadr elem)))
+                     (list descr char))
+                 (error "Invalid entry in rec-custom-searches")))
+             rec-custom-searches))))
+(defun rec-init-selections ()
+  "XXX"
+  (let (res)
+    (rec-do
+     (lambda ()
+       (let* ((rec (rec-parse-record))
+              (name (rec-record-assoc (list "Name") rec))
+              (letter (rec-record-assoc (list "Letter") rec))
+              (fields (rec-record-assoc (list "Field") rec))
+              (type (rec-record-assoc (list "Type") rec))
+              (expr (rec-record-assoc (list "Predicate") rec)))
+         (when (and (equal (length name) 1)
+                    (equal (length letter) 1)
+                    (equal (length (car letter)) 1)
+                    (equal (length expr) 1))
+           (add-to-list 'res
+                        (list (aref (car letter) 0)
+                              (car name)
+                              (mapcar (lambda (elem) 
+                                        (rec-parse-field-name-from-string 
elem)) fields)
+                              (read (car expr))
+                              type)))
+         t))
+     "RecModeSelection")
+    (setq rec-custom-searches res)))
+;;;; Rec Idle mode
+;; This section is heavily inspired in semantic-idle.el
+(defvar rec-idle-scheduler-timer nil
+  "*Timer used to schedule tasks in idle time.")
+(defvar rec-idle-scheduler-work-timer nil
+  "*Timer used to schedule tasks in idle time that may take a
+  while.")
+(defcustom rec-idle-scheduler-idle-time 2
+  "*Time in seconds of idle before scheduling events.
+This time should be short enough to ensure that idle-scheduler
+will be run as soon as Emacs is idle."
+  :group 'rec
+  :type 'number
+  :set (lambda (sym val)
+         (set-default sym val)
+         (when (timerp rec-idle-scheduler-timer)
+           (cancel-timer rec-idle-scheduler-timer)
+           (setq rec-idle-scheduler-timer nil)
+           (rec-idle-scheduler-setup-timers))))
+(defcustom rec-idle-scheduler-work-idle-time 60
+  "*Time in seconds of idle before scheduling big work.
+This time should be long enough that once any big work is
+started, it is unlikely the user would be ready to type again
+right away."
+  :group 'rec
+  :type 'number
+  :set (lambda (sym val)
+         (set-default sym val)
+         (when (timerp rec-idle-scheduler-work-timer)
+           (cancel-timer rec-idle-scheduler-work-timer)
+           (setq semantic-idle-scheduler-work-timer nil)
+           (rec-idle-scheduler-setup-timers))))
+(defun rec-idle-scheduler-setup-timers ()
+  "Lazy initialization of the auto parse idle timer."
+  (or (timerp rec-idle-scheduler-timer)
+      (setq rec-idle-scheduler-timer
+            (run-with-idle-timer
+             rec-idle-scheduler-idle-time t
+             #'rec-idle-scheduler-function)))
+  (or (timerp rec-idle-scheduler-work-timer)
+      (setq rec-idle-scheduler-work-timer
+            (run-with-idle-timer
+             rec-idle-scheduler-work-idle-time t
+             #'rec-idle-scheduler-work-function))))
+(defun rec-idle-scheduler-kill-timer ()
+  "Kill the rec idle timer."
+  (if (timerp rec-idle-scheduler-timer)
+      (cancel-timer rec-idle-scheduler-timer))
+  (setq rec-idle-scheduler-timer nil))
+(defcustom rec-idle-scheduler-mode-hook nil
+  "*HOok run at the end of function `rec-idle-scheduler-mode'."
+  :group 'semantic
+  :type 'hook)
+(defvar rec-idle-scheduler-mode nil
+  "Non-nil if idle-scheduler minor mode is enabled.
+Use the command `rec-idle-scheduler-mode' to change this variable.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'rec-idle-scheduler-mode)
+(defcustom rec-idle-scheduler-max-buffer-size 0
+  "*Maximum size in bytes of buffers where idle-scheduler is enabled.
+If this value is less than or equal to 0, idle-schedule is enabled in
+all buffers regardless of their size."
+  :group 'rec
+  :type 'number)
+(defsubst rec-idle-scheduler-enabled-p ()
+  "Return non-nil if idle-scheduler is enabled for this buffer.
+idle-scheduler is disabled when debugging or if the buffer size
+exceeds the `rec-idle-scheduler-max-buffer-size' threshold."
+  (and rec-idle-scheduler-mode
+       (or (<= rec-idle-scheduler-max-buffer-size 0)
+           (< (buffer-size) rec-idle-scheduler-max-buffer-size))))
+(defun rec-idle-scheduler-mode-setup ()
+  "Setup option `rec-idle-scheduler-mode'.
+The minor mode can be turned on only if rec is available.  When
+minor mode is enabled process the current buffer if needed.
+Return non-nil if the minor mode is enabled."
+  (if rec-idle-scheduler-mode
+      (if (not (featurep 'rec-mode))
+          (progn
+            ;; Disable minor mode if rec-mode not available
+            (setq rec-idle-scheduler-mode nil)
+            (error "Buffer %s was not set up idle time scheduling"
+                   (buffer-name)))
+        (rec-idle-scheduler-setup-timers)))
+  rec-idle-scheduler-mode)
+(defun rec-idle-scheduler-mode (&optional arg)
+  "Minor mode to auto analyze buffer following a change.
+When this mode is off, a buffer is only rescanned for record
+types when some command requests the list of available types.
+When idle-scheduler is enabled, Emacs periodically checks to see
+if the buffer is out of date, and reanalyzes while the user is
+idle (not typing).
+With prefix argument ARG, turn on if positive, otherwise off.
+The minor mode can be turned on only if rec-mode feature is
+available and the current buffer is in rec mode.  Return non-nil
+if the minor mode is enabled."
+  (interactive
+   (list (or current-prefix-arg
+             (if rec-idle-scheduler-mode 0 1))))
+  (setq rec-idle-scheduler-mode
+        (if arg
+            (>
+             (prefix-numeric-value arg)
+             0)
+          (not rec-idle-scheduler-mode)))
+  (rec-idle-scheduler-mode-setup)
+  (run-hooks 'rec-idle-scheduler-mode-hook)
+  (if (interactive-p)
+      (message "rec-idle-scheduler minor mode %sabled"
+               (if rec-idle-scheduler-mode "en" "dis")))
+  ;; FIXME: add a note in the modeline
+  rec-idle-scheduler-mode)
+(defun rec-idle-scheduler-function ()
+  "Function run when after `rec-idle-scheduler-idle-time'.
+This function will reanalyze the current buffer, and if successful,
+call additional functions registered with the timer calls."
+  (when (zerop (recursion-depth))
+    (let ((debug-on-error nil))
+      (save-match-data (rec-idle-core-handler)))))
+;;;; Commands
+;; The following functions are implementing commands available in the
+;; modes.
+(defun rec-cmd-edit-field ()
+  "Edit the contents of the field under point in a separate
+  (interactive)
+  (let* (edit-buf
+         (field (rec-current-field))
+         (field-value (rec-field-value field))
+         (field-name (rec-field-name field))
+         (pointer (rec-beginning-of-field-pos))
+         (prev-buffer (current-buffer)))
+    (if field-value
+        (progn
+          (setq edit-buf (get-buffer-create "Rec Edit"))
+          (set-buffer edit-buf)
+          (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+          (rec-edit-field-mode)
+          (make-local-variable 'rec-field-name)
+          (setq rec-field-name field-name)
+          (make-local-variable 'rec-marker)
+          (setq rec-marker (make-marker))
+          (set-marker rec-marker pointer prev-buffer)
+          (make-local-variable 'rec-buffer)
+          (setq rec-prev-buffer prev-buffer)
+          (setq rec-pointer pointer)
+          (insert field-value)
+          (switch-to-buffer-other-window edit-buf)
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (message "Edit the value of the field and press C-c C-c to exit"))
+      (message "Not in a field"))))
+(defun rec-finish-editing-field ()
+  "Stop editing the value of a field."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((marker rec-marker)
+        (prev-pointer rec-pointer)
+        (edit-buffer (current-buffer))
+        (name rec-field-name)
+        (value (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+    (delete-window)
+    (switch-to-buffer rec-prev-buffer)
+    (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+      (kill-buffer edit-buffer)
+      (goto-char marker)
+      (rec-delete-field)
+      (rec-insert-field (list 'field
+                              name
+                              value))
+      (goto-char prev-pointer)))
+  (rec-init-selections))
+(defun rec-beginning-of-field ()
+  "Goto to the beginning of the current field"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (rec-beginning-of-field-pos)))
+    (when pos
+      (goto-char pos))))
+(defun rec-end-of-field ()
+  "Goto to the end of the current field"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (rec-end-of-field-pos)))
+    (when pos
+      (goto-char pos))))
+(defun rec-beginning-of-record ()
+  "Goto to the beginning of the current record"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (rec-beginning-of-record-pos)))
+    (when pos
+      (goto-char pos))))
+(defun rec-end-of-record ()
+  "Goto to the end of the current record"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((pos (rec-end-of-record-pos)))
+    (when pos
+      (goto-char pos))))
+(defun rec-kill-field ()
+  "Kill the current field"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-field-pos))
+        (end-pos (rec-end-of-field-pos)))
+    (when (and begin-pos end-pos)
+      (kill-region begin-pos end-pos))))
+(defun rec-copy-field ()
+  "Copy the current field"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-field-pos))
+        (end-pos (rec-end-of-field-pos)))
+    (when (and begin-pos end-pos)
+      (copy-region-as-kill begin-pos end-pos))))
+(defun rec-delete-field ()
+  "Delete the current field"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((begin-pos (rec-beginning-of-field-pos))
+        (end-pos (rec-end-of-field-pos)))
+    (when (and begin-pos end-pos)
+      (delete-region begin-pos end-pos))))
+(defun rec-copy-record ()
+  "Copy the current record"
+  (interactive))
+(defun rec-find-type ()
+  "Goto the beginning of the descriptor with a given type."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((type (completing-read "Record type: "
+                               (save-restriction
+                                 (widen)
+                                 (rec-buffer-types)))))
+    (if (equal type "") (setq type nil))
+    (rec-show-type type)))
+(defun rec-cmd-goto-next-field ()
+  "Move the pointer to the beginning of the next field in the
+record.  Interactive version."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (save-excursion
+        (not (rec-goto-next-field)))
+      (if rec-editing
+          (progn
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (unless (looking-at rec-field-name-re)
+              (rec-goto-next-field)))
+      (rec-beginning-of-record))
+    (rec-goto-next-field)))
+(defun rec-cmd-goto-next-rec ()
+  "Move the pointer to the beginning of the next record in the
+file.  Interactive version."
+  (interactive)
+  (widen)
+  (if (save-excursion
+        (not (rec-goto-next-rec)))
+      (message "No more records")
+    (rec-goto-next-rec))
+  (unless rec-editing
+    (rec-show-record)))
+(defun rec-cmd-goto-previous-rec ()
+  "Move the pointer to the beginning of the previous record in
+the file.  Interactive version."
+  (interactive)
+  (widen)
+  (if (save-excursion
+        (not (rec-goto-previous-rec)))
+      (message "No more records")
+    (rec-goto-previous-rec))
+  (unless rec-editing
+    (rec-show-record)))
+(defun rec-cmd-jump ()
+  "Jump to the first record containing the reference under
+  (interactive)
+  (widen)
+  (let (size field name value)
+    (if (setq field (rec-current-field))
+        (progn (setq name (rec-field-name field))
+               (setq value (rec-field-value field))
+               (if (or (= (length name) 2)
+                       (= (length name) 3))
+                   (progn
+                     (let* ((field-type (nth 0 name))
+                            (field-name (nth 1 name))
+                            (pos (rec-search-first field-type
+                                                   (list field-name)
+                                                   value)))
+                       (if pos
+                           (progn
+                             (setq rec-jump-back (point-marker))
+                             (goto-char pos)
+                             (unless rec-editing
+                               (rec-narrow-to-record)))
+                         (message "Not found.")
+                         (unless rec-editing
+                           (rec-show-record)))))
+                 (message "Not in a reference.")
+                 (unless rec-editing
+                   (rec-show-record))))
+      (message "Not in a reference.")
+      (save-excursion
+        (rec-goto-previous-rec)
+        (unless rec-editing
+          (rec-show-record))))))
+(defun rec-cmd-jump-back ()
+  "Undo the previous jump"
+  (interactive)
+  (if rec-jump-back
+      (progn
+        (widen)
+        (goto-char (marker-position rec-jump-back))
+        (unless rec-editing
+          (rec-show-record))
+        (setq rec-jump-back nil))
+    (message "No previous position to jump")))
+(defun rec-edit-record ()
+  "Go to the record edition mode"
+  (interactive)
+  (setq rec-editing t)
+  (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+  (use-local-map rec-mode-edit-map)
+  (rec-set-mode-line "Edit record")
+  (setq rec-update-p t)
+  (setq rec-preserve-last-newline t)
+  (message "Editing: Press C-c C-c when you are done"))
+(defun rec-edit-type ()
+  "Go to the type edition mode"
+  (interactive)
+  (setq rec-editing t)
+  (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+  (use-local-map rec-mode-edit-map)
+  (widen)
+  (rec-narrow-to-type (rec-record-type))
+  (setq rec-update-p t)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (rec-set-mode-line "Edit type")
+  (message "Editing:  Press C-c C-c when you are done"))
+(defun rec-edit-buffer ()
+  "Go to the buffer edition mode"
+  (interactive)
+  (setq rec-editing t)
+  (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+  (use-local-map rec-mode-edit-map)
+  (widen)
+  (setq rec-update-p t)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (rec-set-mode-line "Edit buffer")
+  (message "Editing: Press C-c C-c when you are done"))
+(defun rec-finish-editing ()
+  "Go back from the record edition mode"
+  (interactive)
+  (or (rec-current-record)
+      (rec-goto-next-rec)
+      (rec-goto-previous-rec))
+  (when rec-preserve-last-newline
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (unless (equal (char-before) ?\n)
+        (insert ?\n))))
+  (when rec-update-p
+    (save-restriction
+      (widen)
+      (rec-update-buffer-descriptors))
+    (setq rec-update-p nil))
+  (rec-show-record)
+  ;; TODO: Restore modeline
+  (rec-set-mode-line (rec-record-type))
+  (setq rec-editing nil)
+  (rec-init-selections)
+  (message "End of edition"))
+(defun rec-cmd-show-descriptor ()
+  "Show the descriptor record of the current record.
+This jump sets jump-back."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((type (rec-record-type)))
+    (when type
+      (setq rec-jump-back (point-marker))
+      (if rec-editing
+          (rec-goto-type type)
+        (rec-show-type type)))))
+(defun rec-cmd-count ()
+  "Display a message in the minibuffer showing the number of
+records of the current type"
+  (interactive)
+  (message "Counting records...")
+  (let ((type (rec-record-type)))
+    (message (concat (number-to-string (rec-count type))
+                     (if (or (not type)
+                             (equal type ""))
+                         " records"
+                       (concat " records of type " type))))))
+(defun rec-cmd-append-field ()
+  "Goto the end of the record and switch to edit record mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless rec-editing
+    (rec-edit-record)
+    (goto-char (point-max))
+    (insert "\n")
+    (backward-char)))
+(defun rec-cmd-sel ()
+  "XXX"
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((res (rec-fast-selection
+              (rec-selection-list)
+              "Selection Type")))
+    (cond
+     ((equal res ?E)
+      ;; Prompt the user for an expression and search
+      (let (what func name type)
+        (setq type (read-from-minibuffer "Type of record (empty for all): "))
+        (if (equal type "")
+            (setq type nil)
+          (when (not (member type (rec-buffer-types)))
+            (error (concat "cannot find type " type))))
+        (while (not (equal
+                     (setq name
+                           (read-from-minibuffer "Field to print (empty when 
done): "))
+                     ""))
+          (add-to-list 'what
+                       (rec-parse-field-name-from-string name)))
+        (setq func (read-from-minibuffer "Search expression: "))
+        (rec-sel what (read (concat "(lambda (rec) " func ")")) type)))
+     (res
+      ;; Launch the appropriate expression
+      (let* ((search (assoc res rec-custom-searches))
+             (what (nth 2 search))
+             (func (nth 3 search))
+             (type (nth 4 search)))
+        (rec-sel what (list 'lambda (list 'rec) func) type))))))
+(defun rec-cmd-trim-field-value ()
+  "Trim the value of the field under point, if any."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
+          (field (rec-current-field)))
+      (rec-field-trim-value field)
+      (rec-delete-field)
+      (rec-insert-field field))))
+(defun rec-cmd-beginning-of-line ()
+  "Move the point to the beginning of the current line.
+If the current line is part of the value of a field then go to
+the first character of the line being part of the value."
+  (interactive)
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  ;; Skip a field name or a continuation line.
+  (cond 
+   ((looking-at rec-field-name-re)
+    (rec-parse-field-name)
+    (when (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))
+   ((looking-at "\+ ?")
+    (forward-char 1)
+    (when (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))))
+;;;; Definition of modes
+(defun rec-mode ()
+  "A major mode for editing rec files.
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  ;; Local variables
+  (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-type)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-buffer-descriptors)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-jump-back)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-update-p)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-preserve-last-newline)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-editing)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-field-names)
+  (make-local-variable 'rec-custom-searches)
+  (setq rec-editing nil)
+  (setq rec-jump-back nil)
+  (setq rec-update-p nil)
+  (setq rec-preserve-last-newline nil)
+  (setq rec-field-names nil)
+  (setq rec-custom-searches nil)
+  (setq font-lock-defaults '(rec-font-lock-keywords))
+  (use-local-map rec-mode-map)
+  (set-syntax-table rec-mode-syntax-table)
+  (setq mode-name "Rec")
+  (setq major-mode 'rec-mode)
+  ;; Goto the first record of the first type (including the Unknown)
+  (rec-update-buffer-descriptors)
+  ;; Initialize the value of rec-custom-searches
+  (rec-init-selections)
+  (if (equal rec-open-mode 'navigation)
+    (progn
+      (setq buffer-read-only t)
+      (setq rec-type (car (rec-buffer-types)))
+      (rec-show-type rec-type))
+    ;; Edit mode
+    (use-local-map rec-mode-edit-map)
+    (setq rec-editing t)
+    (rec-set-mode-line "Edit buffer")))
+(defvar rec-edit-field-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'rec-finish-editing-field)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for rec-edit-field-mode")
+(defun rec-edit-field-mode ()
+  "A major mode for editing rec field values.
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (use-local-map rec-edit-field-mode-map)
+  (setq mode-name "Rec Edit")
+  (setq major-mode 'rec-edit-field-mode))
+(provide 'rec-mode)
+;; Local variables:
+;; outline-regexp: ";;;;"
+;; End:
+;;; rec-mode.el ends here

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