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[elpa] externals/bbdb 4b20ac7: Use cl-defstruct to define BBDB record ty

From: Roland Winkler
Subject: [elpa] externals/bbdb 4b20ac7: Use cl-defstruct to define BBDB record type
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2020 16:29:34 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/bbdb
commit 4b20ac7d3ab3f17904509bc4e2b00bd5117cdc33
Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
Commit: Roland Winkler <winkler@gnu.org>

    Use cl-defstruct to define BBDB record type
 bbdb-com.el     | 114 +++++++++++++++--------------
 bbdb-migrate.el | 123 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 bbdb-snarf.el   |  91 +++++++++++------------
 bbdb.el         | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 4 files changed, 285 insertions(+), 261 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bbdb-com.el b/bbdb-com.el
index d4cd581..3d13c14 100644
--- a/bbdb-com.el
+++ b/bbdb-com.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; bbdb-com.el --- user-level commands of BBDB -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2019  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; This file is part of the Insidious Big Brother Database (aka BBDB),
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ If RECORDS is a single record turn it into a list.
 If FULL is non-nil, assume that RECORDS include display information."
   (if records
       (if full
-          (if (vectorp (car records)) (list records) records)
-        (if (vectorp records) (list records) records))))
+          (if (bbdb-record-p (car records)) (list records) records)
+        (if (bbdb-record-p records) (list records) records))))
 ;; Note about BBDB prefix commands:
 ;; `bbdb-do-all-records', `bbdb-append-display' and `bbdb-search-invert'
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ Return a list containing four numbers or one string."
   ;; Is this always correct?  What about an extension zero?
   ;; Should we use nil instead of zeros?
   (unless style (setq style bbdb-phone-style))
-  (let ((area-regexp (concat "(?[ \t]*\\+?1?[ \t]*[-\(]?[ \t]*[-\(]?[ \t]*"
+  (let ((area-regexp (concat "(?[ \t]*\\+?1?[ \t]*[-(]?[ \t]*[-(]?[ \t]*"
                              "\\([2-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[ \t]*)?[-./ \t]*"))
         (main-regexp (concat "\\([1-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[ \t]*[-.]?[ \t]*"
                              "\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[ \t]*"))
@@ -827,18 +827,18 @@ but does ensure that there will not be name collisions."
        (setq name (bbdb-read-name first-and-last))
        (bbdb-check-name name))
-      (bbdb-record-set-firstname record (car name))
-      (bbdb-record-set-lastname record (cdr name)))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-firstname record) (car name))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-lastname record) (cdr name)))
     ;; organization
-    (bbdb-record-set-organization record (bbdb-read-organization))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-organization record) (bbdb-read-organization))
     ;; mail
     (let (mail)
        (setq mail (bbdb-split 'mail (bbdb-read-string "E-Mail Addresses: ")))
        (bbdb-check-mail mail))
-      (bbdb-record-set-mail record mail))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-mail record) mail))
     ;; address
     (let (addresses label)
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ but does ensure that there will not be name collisions."
                                   nil bbdb-address-label-list))))
         ;; Here we could also already update the completion lists.  Bother?
         (push (bbdb-record-edit-address nil label) addresses))
-      (bbdb-record-set-address record (nreverse addresses)))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-address record) (nreverse addresses)))
     ;; phones
     (let (phones label)
@@ -859,13 +859,13 @@ but does ensure that there will not be name collisions."
                                   "Phone Label [RET when done]: "
                                   nil bbdb-phone-label-list))))
         (push (bbdb-record-edit-phone nil label) phones))
-      (bbdb-record-set-phone record (nreverse phones)))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-phone record) (nreverse phones)))
     ;; `bbdb-default-xfield'
     (let ((xfield (bbdb-read-xfield bbdb-default-xfield)))
       (unless (string= "" xfield)
-        (bbdb-record-set-xfields
-         record (list (cons bbdb-default-xfield xfield)))))
+        (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+              (list (cons bbdb-default-xfield xfield)))))
@@ -966,7 +966,8 @@ The following keywords are supported in SPEC:
       (setq spec (apply #'append newspec))))
   (let ((record (bbdb-empty-record))
-        (record-type (cdr bbdb-record-type))
+        ;; FIXME: Use something like `bbdb-record--make' i.s.o `vector'.
+        (record-type (apply #'vector (cdr bbdb-record-type)))
         (check (prog1 (memq :check spec)
                  (setq spec (delq :check spec))))
@@ -983,57 +984,57 @@ The following keywords are supported in SPEC:
                                                    (cons string string))
            (bbdb-check-name name) ; check for duplicates
-           (bbdb-record-set-firstname record (car name))
-           (bbdb-record-set-lastname record (cdr name))))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-firstname record) (car name))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-lastname record) (cdr name))))
          (let ((affix (bbdb-split-maybe 'affix (pop spec))))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type affix (bbdb-record-affix record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-affix record affix)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-affix record) affix)))
          (let ((organization (bbdb-split-maybe 'organization (pop spec))))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type
                       organization (bbdb-record-organization record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-organization record organization)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-organization record) organization)))
          (let ((aka (bbdb-split-maybe 'aka (pop spec))))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type aka (bbdb-record-aka record-type) t))
            (bbdb-check-name aka)
-           (bbdb-record-set-aka record aka)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-aka record) aka)))
          (let ((mail (bbdb-split-maybe 'mail (pop spec))))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type mail (bbdb-record-mail record-type) t))
            (bbdb-check-mail mail)
-           (bbdb-record-set-mail record mail)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-mail record) mail)))
          (let ((phone (pop spec)))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type phone (bbdb-record-phone record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-phone record phone)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-phone record) phone)))
          (let ((address (pop spec)))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type address (bbdb-record-address 
record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-address record address)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-address record) address)))
          (let ((xfields (pop spec)))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type xfields (bbdb-record-xfields 
record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-xfields record xfields)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record) xfields)))
          (let ((uuid (pop spec)))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type uuid (bbdb-record-uuid record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-uuid record uuid)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-uuid record) uuid)))
          (let ((creation-date (pop spec)))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type
                       creation-date (bbdb-record-creation-date record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-creation-date record creation-date)))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-creation-date record) creation-date)))
         (_ (error "Keyword `%s' undefined" keyw))))
@@ -1362,7 +1363,7 @@ If the country field of ADDRESS is nonempty and 
 use the rule from `bbdb-address-format-list' matching this country.
 Otherwise, use the default rule according to `bbdb-address-format-list'."
   (unless address
-    (setq address (make-vector bbdb-address-length nil)))
+    (setq address (bbdb-address--make)))
   (unless label
     (setq label (bbdb-read-string "Label: "
                                   (bbdb-address-label address)
@@ -1410,19 +1411,20 @@ Otherwise, use the default rule according to 
                       "Country: " (or (bbdb-address-country address)
-    (bbdb-address-set-label address label)
-    (bbdb-address-set-streets address (elt new-addr 0))
-    (bbdb-address-set-city address (elt new-addr 1))
-    (bbdb-address-set-state address (elt new-addr 2))
-    (bbdb-address-set-postcode address (elt new-addr 3))
-    (if (string= "" (bbdb-concat "" (elt new-addr 0) (elt new-addr 1)
-                                 (elt new-addr 2) (elt new-addr 3)
-                                 (elt new-addr 4)))
-        ;; User did not enter anything. this causes a display bug.
-        ;; The following is a temporary fix.  Ideally, we would simply discard
-        ;; the entire address, but that requires bigger hacking.
-        (bbdb-address-set-country address "Emacs")
-      (bbdb-address-set-country address (elt new-addr 4)))
+    (setf (bbdb-address-label address) label)
+    (setf (bbdb-address-streets address) (elt new-addr 0))
+    (setf (bbdb-address-city address) (elt new-addr 1))
+    (setf (bbdb-address-state address) (elt new-addr 2))
+    (setf (bbdb-address-postcode address) (elt new-addr 3))
+    (setf (bbdb-address-country address)
+          (if (string= "" (bbdb-concat "" (elt new-addr 0) (elt new-addr 1)
+                                       (elt new-addr 2) (elt new-addr 3)
+                                       (elt new-addr 4)))
+              ;; User did not enter anything. this causes a display bug.
+              ;; The following is a temporary fix.  Ideally, we would simply 
+              ;; the entire address, but that requires bigger hacking.
+              "Emacs"
+            (elt new-addr 4)))
 (defun bbdb-edit-address-street (streets)
@@ -1469,7 +1471,7 @@ If LABEL is nil, edit the label sub-field of PHONE as 
   ;; two or four elements.  We do not know whether after editing PHONE
   ;; we still have a number requiring the same format as PHONE.
   ;; So we throw away the argument PHONE and return a new vector.
-  (apply #'vector
+  (apply #'bbdb-phone--make
          (or label
              (bbdb-read-string "Label: "
                                (and phone (bbdb-phone-label phone))
@@ -1857,9 +1859,11 @@ in `bbdb-change-hook')."
   (interactive (list (bbdb-do-records) t))
   (dolist (record (bbdb-record-list records))
-    (bbdb-record-set-address
-     record (sort (bbdb-record-address record)
-                  (lambda (xx yy) (string< (aref xx 0) (aref yy 0)))))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-address record)
+          (sort (bbdb-record-address record)
+                ;; FIXME: Should these `aref's be replaced by
+                ;; `bbdb-address-label'?
+                (lambda (xx yy) (string< (aref xx 0) (aref yy 0)))))
     (if update
         (bbdb-change-record record))))
@@ -1874,9 +1878,11 @@ in `bbdb-change-hook')."
   (interactive (list (bbdb-do-records) t))
   (dolist (record (bbdb-record-list records))
-    (bbdb-record-set-phone
-     record (sort (bbdb-record-phone record)
-                  (lambda (xx yy) (string< (aref xx 0) (aref yy 0)))))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-phone record)
+          (sort (bbdb-record-phone record)
+                ;; FIXME: Should these `aref's be replaced by
+                ;; `bbdb-phone-label'?
+                (lambda (xx yy) (string< (aref xx 0) (aref yy 0)))))
     (if update
         (bbdb-change-record record))))
@@ -1891,11 +1897,11 @@ in `bbdb-change-hook')."
   (interactive (list (bbdb-do-records) t))
   (dolist (record (bbdb-record-list records))
-    (bbdb-record-set-xfields
-     record (sort (bbdb-record-xfields record)
-                  (lambda (a b)
-                    (< (or (cdr (assq (car a) bbdb-xfields-sort-order)) 100)
-                       (or (cdr (assq (car b) bbdb-xfields-sort-order)) 
+    (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+          (sort (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+                (lambda (a b)
+                  (< (or (cdr (assq (car a) bbdb-xfields-sort-order)) 100)
+                     (or (cdr (assq (car b) bbdb-xfields-sort-order)) 100)))))
     (if update
         (bbdb-change-record record))))
 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'bbdb-sort-notes #'bbdb-sort-xfields "3.0")
@@ -2108,7 +2114,7 @@ Completion is done according to `bbdb-completion-list'.  
If the user
 just hits return, nil is returned.  Otherwise, a valid response is forced."
   (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
          (string (completing-read prompt bbdb-hashtable
-                                  'bbdb-completion-predicate t)))
+                                  #'bbdb-completion-predicate t)))
     (unless (string= "" string)
       (let (records)
         (dolist (record (gethash string bbdb-hashtable))
@@ -2224,7 +2230,7 @@ as part of the MUA insinuation."
          (completion-ignore-case t)
          (completion (and orig
                           (try-completion orig bbdb-hashtable
-                                          'bbdb-completion-predicate)))
+                                          #'bbdb-completion-predicate)))
          all-completions dwim-completions one-record)
     (unless done
@@ -2243,7 +2249,7 @@ as part of the MUA insinuation."
           (setq completion (substring completion 0 (match-beginning 0))))
       (setq all-completions (all-completions orig bbdb-hashtable
-                                             'bbdb-completion-predicate))
+                                             #'bbdb-completion-predicate))
       ;; Resolve the records matching ORIG:
       ;; Multiple completions may match the same record
       (let ((records (delete-dups
@@ -2716,7 +2722,7 @@ is non-nil.  Do not dial the extension."
       (setq phone (car (bbdb-record-phone (bbdb-current-record)))))
   (if (eq (car-safe phone) 'phone)
       (setq phone (car (cdr phone))))
-  (or (vectorp phone) (error "Not on a phone field"))
+  (or (bbdb-phone-p phone) (error "Not on a phone field"))
   (let ((number (bbdb-phone-string phone))
diff --git a/bbdb-migrate.el b/bbdb-migrate.el
index 7bce4da..0270c72 100644
--- a/bbdb-migrate.el
+++ b/bbdb-migrate.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;;; bbdb-migrate.el --- migration functions for BBDB -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; bbdb-migrate.el --- migration functions for BBDB -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2017  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; This file is part of the Insidious Big Brother Database (aka BBDB),
@@ -97,22 +97,16 @@
 (defconst bbdb-migrate-alist
-  '((3 (bbdb-record-xfields bbdb-record-set-xfields
-        bbdb-migrate-dates))
-    (4 (bbdb-record-address bbdb-record-set-address
-        bbdb-migrate-add-country))
-    (5 (bbdb-record-address bbdb-record-set-address
-        bbdb-migrate-streets-to-list))
-    (6 (bbdb-record-address bbdb-record-set-address
-        bbdb-migrate-postcode-to-string))
-    (7 (bbdb-record-xfields bbdb-record-set-xfields
-        bbdb-migrate-xfields-to-list)
-       (bbdb-record-organization bbdb-record-set-organization
-        bbdb-migrate-organization-to-list)))
+  '((3 (bbdb-record-xfields bbdb-migrate-dates))
+    (4 (bbdb-record-address bbdb-migrate-add-country))
+    (5 (bbdb-record-address bbdb-migrate-streets-to-list))
+    (6 (bbdb-record-address bbdb-migrate-postcode-to-string))
+    (7 (bbdb-record-xfields bbdb-migrate-xfields-to-list)
+       (bbdb-record-organization bbdb-migrate-organization-to-list)))
   ;; Formats 8 and 9: do nothing
   "Alist (VERSION . CHANGES).
-CHANGES is a list with elements (GET SET FUNCTION) that expands
-to action (SET record (FUNCTION (GET record))).")
+CHANGES is a list with elements (GETTER FUNCTION) that expands
+to action (setf (GETTER record) (FUNCTION (GETTER record))).")
 (defun bbdb-migrate-lambda (old)
   "Return the function to migrate from OLD to `bbdb-file-format'.
@@ -121,60 +115,61 @@ The manipulations are defined by `bbdb-migrate-alist'."
     (while (<= old bbdb-file-format)
       (setq spec (append spec (cdr (assoc old bbdb-migrate-alist)))
             old (1+ old)))
-    `(lambda (record)
-       ,@(mapcar (lambda (change)
-                   ;; (SET record (FUNCTION (GET record)))
-                   `(,(nth 1 change) record ; SET
-                     (,(nth 2 change) ; FUNCTION
-                      (,(nth 0 change) record)))) ; GET
-                 spec)
-       record)))
+    (eval
+     `(lambda (record)
+        ,@(mapcar (lambda (change)
+                    (pcase-let ((`(,getter ,migrate-function) change))
+                      ;; (SET record (FUNCTION (GET record)))
+                      `(cl-callf ,migrate-function (,getter record))))
+                  spec)
+        record)
+     'lexical)))
 (defun bbdb-migrate-postcode-to-string (addresses)
   "Make all postcodes plain strings.
 This uses the code that used to be in `bbdb-address-postcode'."
   ;; apply the function to all addresses in the list and return a
   ;; modified list of addresses
-  (mapcar (lambda (address)
-            (let ((postcode (bbdb-address-postcode address)))
-              (bbdb-address-set-postcode
-               address
-               (cond ((stringp postcode)
-                      postcode)
-                     ;; nil or zero
-                     ((or (zerop postcode)
-                          (null postcode))
-                      "")
-                     ;; a number
-                     ((numberp postcode)
-                      (format "%d" postcode))
-                     ;; list with two strings
-                     ((and (stringp (nth 0 postcode))
-                           (stringp (nth 1 postcode)))
-                      ;; the second string starts with 4 digits
-                      (if (string-match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
-                                        (nth 1 postcode))
-                          (format "%s-%s" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode))
-                        ;; ("abc" "efg")
-                        (format "%s %s" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode))))
-                     ;; list with two numbers
-                     ((and (integerp (nth 0 postcode))
-                           (integerp (nth 1 postcode)))
-                      (format "%05d-%04d" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode)))
-                     ;; list with a string and a number
-                     ((and (stringp (nth 0 postcode))
-                           (integerp (nth 1 postcode)))
-                      (format "%s-%d" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode)))
-                     ;; ("SE" (123 45))
-                     ((and (stringp (nth 0 postcode))
-                           (integerp (nth 0 (nth 1 postcode)))
-                           (integerp (nth 1 (nth 1 postcode))))
-                      (format "%s-%d %d" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 0 (nth 1 
-                              (nth 1 (nth 1 postcode))))
-                     ;; last possibility
-                     (t (format "%s" postcode)))))
-            address)
-          addresses))
+  (mapcar
+   (lambda (address)
+     (let ((postcode (bbdb-address-postcode address)))
+       (setf (bbdb-address-postcode address)
+             (cond ((stringp postcode)
+                    postcode)
+                   ;; nil or zero
+                   ((or (zerop postcode)
+                        (null postcode))
+                    "")
+                   ;; a number
+                   ((numberp postcode)
+                    (format "%d" postcode))
+                   ;; list with two strings
+                   ((and (stringp (nth 0 postcode))
+                         (stringp (nth 1 postcode)))
+                    ;; the second string starts with 4 digits
+                    (if (string-match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
+                                      (nth 1 postcode))
+                        (format "%s-%s" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode))
+                      ;; ("abc" "efg")
+                      (format "%s %s" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode))))
+                   ;; list with two numbers
+                   ((and (integerp (nth 0 postcode))
+                         (integerp (nth 1 postcode)))
+                    (format "%05d-%04d" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode)))
+                   ;; list with a string and a number
+                   ((and (stringp (nth 0 postcode))
+                         (integerp (nth 1 postcode)))
+                    (format "%s-%d" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 1 postcode)))
+                   ;; ("SE" (123 45))
+                   ((and (stringp (nth 0 postcode))
+                         (integerp (nth 0 (nth 1 postcode)))
+                         (integerp (nth 1 (nth 1 postcode))))
+                    (format "%s-%d %d" (nth 0 postcode) (nth 0 (nth 1 
+                            (nth 1 (nth 1 postcode))))
+                   ;; last possibility
+                   (t (format "%s" postcode)))))
+     address)
+   addresses))
 (defun bbdb-migrate-dates (xfields)
   "Change date formats.
diff --git a/bbdb-snarf.el b/bbdb-snarf.el
index 7649501..f1c84ad 100644
--- a/bbdb-snarf.el
+++ b/bbdb-snarf.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; bbdb-snarf.el --- convert free-form text to BBDB records -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2017  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; This file is part of the Insidious Big Brother Database (aka BBDB),
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ The first subexpression becomes the URL."
       (let ((name (match-string 1)))
         (replace-match "")
         (setq name (bbdb-divide-name name))
-        (bbdb-record-set-firstname record (car name))
-        (bbdb-record-set-lastname record (cdr name)))))
+        (setf (bbdb-record-firstname record) (car name))
+        (setf (bbdb-record-lastname record) (cdr name)))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-name-mail (record)
   "Snarf name from mail address for RECORD."
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ The first subexpression becomes the URL."
                (setq name (car (bbdb-extract-address-components
                                 (car (bbdb-record-mail record)))))
                (setq name (bbdb-divide-name name)))
-      (bbdb-record-set-firstname record (car name))
-      (bbdb-record-set-lastname record (cadr name)))))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-firstname record) (car name))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-lastname record) (cadr name)))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-mail-address (record)
   "Snarf name and mail address for RECORD."
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ The first subexpression becomes the URL."
   ;; a more complex rule, the buffer should be narrowed appropriately.
   (let* ((data (bbdb-extract-address-components (buffer-string)))
          (name (and (car data) (bbdb-divide-name (car data)))))
-    (bbdb-record-set-firstname record (car name))
-    (bbdb-record-set-lastname  record (cdr name))
-    (bbdb-record-set-mail record (list (cadr data)))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-firstname record) (car name))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-lastname  record) (cdr name))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-mail record) (list (cadr data)))
     (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-mail (record)
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ This uses the first subexpresion of 
     (while (re-search-forward bbdb-snarf-mail-regexp nil t)
       (push (match-string 1) mails)
       (replace-match ""))
-    (bbdb-record-set-mail record (nconc (bbdb-record-mail record) mails))))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-mail record) (nconc (bbdb-record-mail record) mails))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-label (field)
   "Extract the label before point, or return default label for FIELD."
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ This uses the first subexpresion of 
                          (bbdb-parse-phone (match-string 1))))
         (replace-match "")))
-    (bbdb-record-set-phone record (nconc (bbdb-record-phone record)
-                                         (nreverse phones)))))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-phone record) (nconc (bbdb-record-phone record)
+                                            (nreverse phones)))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-phone-eu (record &optional phone-regexp)
   "Snarf European phone numbers for RECORD.
@@ -259,41 +259,44 @@ PHONE-REGEXP is the regexp to match a phone number.
 It defaults to `bbdb-snarf-phone-eu-regexp'."
   (let ((case-fold-search t) phones)
     (while (re-search-forward (or phone-regexp
-                                  bbdb-snarf-phone-eu-regexp) nil t)
+                                  bbdb-snarf-phone-eu-regexp)
+                              nil t)
       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
       (push (vector (bbdb-snarf-label 'phone)
                     (match-string 1))
       (replace-match ""))
-    (bbdb-record-set-phone record (nconc (bbdb-record-phone record)
-                                         (nreverse phones)))))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-phone record) (nconc (bbdb-record-phone record)
+                                            (nreverse phones)))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-streets (address)
   "Snarf streets for ADDRESS.  This assumes a narrowed region."
-  (bbdb-address-set-streets address (bbdb-split "\n" (buffer-string)))
+  (setf (bbdb-address-streets address) (bbdb-split "\n" (buffer-string)))
   (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-address-us (record)
   "Snarf a US address for RECORD."
-  (let ((address (make-vector bbdb-address-length nil)))
+  (let ((address (bbdb-address--make)))
     (cond ((re-search-forward bbdb-snarf-postcode-us-regexp nil t)
            ;; Streets, City, State Postcode
              (narrow-to-region (point-min) (match-end 0))
              ;; Postcode
              (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
-             (bbdb-address-set-postcode address
-              (bbdb-parse-postcode (match-string 1)))
+             (setf (bbdb-address-postcode address)
+                   (bbdb-parse-postcode (match-string 1)))
              ;; State
              (skip-chars-backward " \t")
              (let ((pos (point)))
                (skip-chars-backward "^ \t,")
-               (bbdb-address-set-state address (buffer-substring (point) pos)))
+               (setf (bbdb-address-state address)
+                     (buffer-substring (point) pos)))
              ;; City
              (skip-chars-backward " \t,")
              (let ((pos (point)))
-               (bbdb-address-set-city address (buffer-substring (point) pos)))
+               (setf (bbdb-address-city address)
+                     (buffer-substring (point) pos)))
              ;; Toss it
              (forward-char -1)
              (delete-region (point) (point-max))
@@ -303,8 +306,8 @@ It defaults to `bbdb-snarf-phone-eu-regexp'."
           ;; Try for just Streets, City, State
           ((let (case-fold-search)
              (re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\), \\([A-Z][A-Za-z]\\)$" nil t))
-           (bbdb-address-set-city address (match-string 1))
-           (bbdb-address-set-state address (match-string 2))
+           (setf (bbdb-address-city address) (match-string 1))
+           (setf (bbdb-address-state address) (match-string 2))
            (replace-match "")
              (narrow-to-region (point-min) (match-beginning 0))
@@ -312,13 +315,13 @@ It defaults to `bbdb-snarf-phone-eu-regexp'."
              (bbdb-snarf-streets address))))
     (when (bbdb-address-city address)
       (if bbdb-snarf-address-us-country
-          (bbdb-address-set-country address bbdb-snarf-address-us-country))
+          (setf (bbdb-address-country address) bbdb-snarf-address-us-country))
       ;; Fixme: There are no labels anymore.  `bbdb-snarf-streets' snarfed
       ;; everything that was left!
-      (bbdb-address-set-label address (bbdb-snarf-label 'address))
-      (bbdb-record-set-address record
-                               (nconc (bbdb-record-address record)
-                                      (list address))))))
+      (setf (bbdb-address-label address) (bbdb-snarf-label 'address))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-address record)
+            (nconc (bbdb-record-address record)
+                   (list address))))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-address-eu (record &optional postcode-regexp country)
   "Snarf a European address for RECORD.
@@ -328,27 +331,29 @@ is used in many continental European countries.
 POSTCODE-REGEXP defaults to `bbdb-snarf-postcode-eu-regexp'.
 COUNTRY is the country to use.  It defaults to 
   (when (re-search-forward (or postcode-regexp
-                               bbdb-snarf-postcode-eu-regexp) nil t)
-    (let ((address (make-vector bbdb-address-length nil)))
+                               bbdb-snarf-postcode-eu-regexp)
+                           nil t)
+    (let ((address (bbdb-address--make)))
         (goto-char (match-end 0))
         (narrow-to-region (point-min) (line-end-position))
         ;; Postcode
-        (bbdb-address-set-postcode address (match-string 1))
+        (setf (bbdb-address-postcode address) (match-string 1))
         ;; City
         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-        (bbdb-address-set-city address (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
+        (setf (bbdb-address-city address)
+              (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
         ;; Toss it
         (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (point-max))
         ;; Streets
         (goto-char (point-min))
         (bbdb-snarf-streets address))
       (unless country (setq country bbdb-snarf-address-eu-country))
-      (if country (bbdb-address-set-country address country))
-      (bbdb-address-set-label address (bbdb-snarf-label 'address))
-      (bbdb-record-set-address record
-                               (nconc (bbdb-record-address record)
-                                      (list address))))))
+      (if country (setf (bbdb-address-country address) country))
+      (setf (bbdb-address-label address) (bbdb-snarf-label 'address))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-address record)
+            (nconc (bbdb-record-address record)
+                   (list address))))))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-url (record)
   "Snarf URL for RECORD.
@@ -356,19 +361,17 @@ This uses the first subexpresion of 
   (when (and bbdb-snarf-url
              (let ((case-fold-search t))
                (re-search-forward bbdb-snarf-url-regexp nil t)))
-    (bbdb-record-set-xfields
-     record
-     (nconc (bbdb-record-xfields record)
-            (list (cons bbdb-snarf-url (match-string 1)))))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+          (nconc (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+                 (list (cons bbdb-snarf-url (match-string 1)))))
     (replace-match "")))
 (defun bbdb-snarf-notes (record)
   "Snarf notes for RECORD."
   (when (/= (point-min) (point-max))
-    (bbdb-record-set-xfields
-     record
-     (nconc (bbdb-record-xfields record)
-            (list (cons bbdb-default-xfield (buffer-string)))))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+          (nconc (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+                 (list (cons bbdb-default-xfield (buffer-string)))))
 (defsubst bbdb-snarf-rule-interactive ()
diff --git a/bbdb.el b/bbdb.el
index 9030978..05967ec 100644
--- a/bbdb.el
+++ b/bbdb.el
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; bbdb.el --- core of BBDB -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2019  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Maintainer: Roland Winkler <winkler@gnu.org>
 ;; Version: 3.2
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24") (cl-lib "0.5"))
 ;; This file is part of the Insidious Big Brother Database (aka BBDB),
@@ -2344,57 +2344,68 @@ This strips garbage from the user full NAME string."
   (substring-no-properties name))
 ;; BBDB data structure
-(defmacro bbdb-defstruct (name &rest elts)
-  ;; FIXME: Use cl-defstruct instead!
-  "Define two functions to operate on vector NAME for each symbol ELT in ELTS.
-The function bbdb-NAME-ELT returns the element ELT in vector NAME.
-The function bbdb-NAME-set-ELT sets ELT.
-Also define a constant bbdb-NAME-length that holds the number of ELTS
-in vector NAME."
+(defmacro bbdb--defun-obsolete-setters (type &optional fields)
+  "Define obsolete setters that used to be defined by the old 
   (declare (indent 1))
-  (let* ((count 0)
-         (sname (symbol-name name))
-         (uname (upcase sname))
-         (cname (concat "bbdb-" sname "-"))
-         body)
-    (dolist (elt elts)
-      (let* ((selt (symbol-name elt))
-             (setname  (intern (concat cname "set-" selt))))
-        (push (list 'defsubst (intern (concat cname selt)) `(,name)
-                    (format "For BBDB %s read element %i `%s'."
-                            uname count selt)
-                    ;; Use `elt' instead of `aref' so that these functions
-                    ;; also work for the `bbdb-record-type' pseudo-code.
-                    `(elt ,name ,count))
-              body)
-        (push (list 'defsubst setname `(,name value)
-                    (format "For BBDB %s set element %i `%s' to VALUE.  \
-Return VALUE.
-Do not call this function directly.  Call instead `bbdb-record-set-field'
-which ensures the integrity of the database.  Also, this makes your code
-more robust with respect to possible future changes of BBDB's innermost
-                            uname count selt)
-                    `(aset ,name ,count value))
-              body))
-      (setq count (1+ count)))
-    (push (list 'defconst (intern (concat cname "length")) count
-                (concat "Length of BBDB `" sname "'."))
-          body)
-    (cons 'progn body)))
+  (unless fields
+    ;; This only works in Emacsā‰„25!
+    (let* ((class (cl-find-class type))
+           (slots (cl--class-slots class)))
+      (setq fields (mapcar #'cl--slot-descriptor-name slots))))
+  `(progn
+     ,@(mapcar (lambda (field)
+                 (let ((accessor (intern (format "%s-%s" type field))))
+                   `(defun ,(intern (format "%s-set-%s" type field)) (obj val)
+                      (declare (obsolete
+                                ,(format "use (setf (%s OBJ) VAL)) instead"
+                                         accessor)
+                                "BBDB-3.3"))
+                      (setf (,accessor obj) val))))
+               fields)))
 ;; Define RECORD:
-(bbdb-defstruct record
+(defalias 'bbdb-record-p #'vectorp)
+(cl-defstruct (bbdb-record
+               (:type vector)
+               (:constructor nil)
+               (:constructor bbdb-record--make ()))
   firstname lastname affix aka organization phone address mail xfields
   uuid creation-date timestamp cache)
+(bbdb--defun-obsolete-setters bbdb-record
+  (firstname lastname affix aka organization phone address mail xfields
+   uuid creation-date timestamp cache))
 ;; Define PHONE:
-(bbdb-defstruct phone
+;; FIXME: Currently, the PHONE structure can have two internal formats.
+;; - It can be a vector with elements (LABEL AREA EXCHANGE SUFFIX EXTENSION),
+;;   where LABEL is a string and the remaining elements are integer numbers.
+;;   This scheme refers to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
+;; - It can be a vector with elements (LABEL STRING) both of which are strings.
+;; Does the NANP format have any real benefits for NANP numbers?
+;; There should be only one internal format for all phone numbers.  Likely,
+;; this scheme should represent all phone numbers as strings.
+;; Also, it should allow comments as a separate string.
+;; Inspired by RFC3966, it could be something like
+;;   [country code [area code [local number]]] [extension} [comment]
+;; However, this will often require sophisticated parsing.  Is it
+;; worth the effort compared with using a single string?
+(defalias 'bbdb-phone-p #'vectorp)
+(defalias 'bbdb-phone--make #'vector)
+(cl-defstruct (bbdb-phone
+               (:type vector)
+               (:constructor nil))
   label area exchange suffix extension)
+(bbdb--defun-obsolete-setters bbdb-phone (label area exchange suffix 
 ;; Define ADDRESS:
-(bbdb-defstruct address
+(cl-defstruct (bbdb-address
+               (:type vector)
+               (:constructor nil)
+               (:constructor bbdb-address--make ()))
   label streets city state postcode country)
+(bbdb--defun-obsolete-setters bbdb-address
+  (label streets city state postcode country))
 ;; Define record CACHE:
 ;; - fl-name (first and last name of the person referred to by the record),
@@ -2403,7 +2414,10 @@ internals."
 ;; - mail-canon (list of canonical mail addresses)
 ;; - sortkey (the concatenation of the elements used for sorting the record),
 ;; - marker  (position of beginning of record in `bbdb-file')
-(bbdb-defstruct cache
+(cl-defstruct (bbdb-cache
+               (:type vector)
+               (:constructor nil)
+               (:constructor bbdb-cache--make ()))
   fl-name lf-name mail-aka mail-canon sortkey marker)
 (defsubst bbdb-record-mail-aka (record)
@@ -2417,8 +2431,8 @@ internals."
 (defun bbdb-empty-record ()
   "Return a new empty record structure with a cache.
 It is the caller's responsibility to make the new record known to BBDB."
-  (let ((record (make-vector bbdb-record-length nil)))
-    (bbdb-record-set-cache record (make-vector bbdb-cache-length nil))
+  (let ((record (bbdb-record--make)))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) (bbdb-cache--make))
 ;; `bbdb-hashtable' associates with each KEY a list of matching records.
@@ -2510,10 +2524,10 @@ KEY must be a string or nil.  Empty strings and nil are 
         (bbdb-puthash (car address) record))
       (push (nth 1 address) mail-canon)
       (bbdb-puthash (nth 1 address) record))
-    (bbdb-cache-set-mail-aka (bbdb-record-cache record)
-                             (nreverse mail-aka))
-    (bbdb-cache-set-mail-canon (bbdb-record-cache record)
-                               (nreverse mail-canon))))
+    (setf (bbdb-cache-mail-aka (bbdb-record-cache record))
+          (nreverse mail-aka))
+    (setf (bbdb-cache-mail-canon (bbdb-record-cache record))
+          (nreverse mail-canon))))
 (defun bbdb-hash-update (record old new)
   "Update hash for RECORD.  Remove OLD, insert NEW.
@@ -2601,16 +2615,16 @@ Set full name in cache and hash.  Return first-last 
     (if lf-name (bbdb-remhash lf-name record)))
   (if (eq t first)
       (setq first (bbdb-record-firstname record))
-    (bbdb-record-set-firstname record first))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-firstname record) first))
   (if (eq t last)
       (setq last (bbdb-record-lastname record))
-    (bbdb-record-set-lastname record last))
+    (setf (bbdb-record-lastname record) last))
   (let ((fl-name (bbdb-concat 'name-first-last first last))
         (lf-name (bbdb-concat 'name-last-first last first))
         (cache (bbdb-record-cache record)))
     ;; Set cache of RECORD
-    (bbdb-cache-set-fl-name cache fl-name)
-    (bbdb-cache-set-lf-name cache lf-name)
+    (setf (bbdb-cache-fl-name cache) fl-name)
+    (setf (bbdb-cache-lf-name cache) lf-name)
     ;; Set hash.  For convenience, the hash contains the full name
     ;; as first-last and last-fist.
     (bbdb-puthash fl-name record)
@@ -2625,12 +2639,11 @@ Set and store it if necessary."
 (defun bbdb-record-set-sortkey (record)
   "Record cache function: Set and return RECORD's sortkey."
-  (bbdb-cache-set-sortkey
-   (bbdb-record-cache record)
-   (downcase
-    (bbdb-concat "" (bbdb-record-lastname record)
-                 (bbdb-record-firstname record)
-                 (bbdb-record-organization record)))))
+  (setf (bbdb-cache-sortkey (bbdb-record-cache record))
+        (downcase
+         (bbdb-concat "" (bbdb-record-lastname record)
+                      (bbdb-record-firstname record)
+                      (bbdb-record-organization record)))))
 (defsubst bbdb-record-marker (record)
   "Record cache function: Return the marker for RECORD."
@@ -2638,7 +2651,7 @@ Set and store it if necessary."
 (defsubst bbdb-record-set-marker (record marker)
   "Record cache function: Set and return RECORD's MARKER."
-  (bbdb-cache-set-marker (bbdb-record-cache record) marker))
+  (setf (bbdb-cache-marker (bbdb-record-cache record)) marker))
 (defsubst bbdb-record-xfield (record label)
   "For RECORD return value of xfield LABEL.
@@ -2688,16 +2701,17 @@ Return VALUE."
            (setcdr old-xfield value))
           (value ; new xfield
            (bbdb-pushnewq label bbdb-xfield-label-list)
-           (bbdb-record-set-xfields record
-                                    (append (bbdb-record-xfields record)
-                                            (list (cons label value)))))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+                 (append (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+                         (list (cons label value)))))
           (old-xfield ; remove
-           (bbdb-record-set-xfields record
-                                    (delq old-xfield
-                                          (bbdb-record-xfields record))))))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record)
+                 (delq old-xfield
+                       (bbdb-record-xfields record))))))
 (defun bbdb-check-type (object type &optional abort extended)
+  ;; FIXME: Use `cl-typep'?
   "Return non-nil if OBJECT is of type TYPE.
 TYPE is a pseudo-code as in `bbdb-record-type'.
 If ABORT is non-nil, abort with error message if type checking fails.
@@ -2722,7 +2736,8 @@ symbols, numbers, markers, and strings."
                            (setq tmp (= type object)) t)
                           ((stringp type)
                            (setq tmp (and (stringp object)
-                                          (string= type object))) t)))
+                                          (string= type object)))
+                           t)))
               ((not (consp type))
                (error "Atomic type `%s' undefined" type))
@@ -2838,6 +2853,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-set-field'."
 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'bbdb-record-get-field #'bbdb-record-field 
 (defun bbdb-record-set-field (record field value &optional merge check)
+  ;; FIXME: No caller passes the `check' argument!
   "For RECORD set FIELD to VALUE.  Return VALUE.
 If MERGE is non-nil, merge VALUE with the current value of FIELD.
 If CHECK is non-nil, check syntactically whether FIELD may take VALUE.
@@ -2867,7 +2883,8 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
   (if (memq field '(name-lf mail-aka mail-canon aka-all))
       (error "`%s' is not allowed as the name of a field" field))
-  (let ((record-type (cdr bbdb-record-type)))
+  ;; FIXME: Use something like `bbdb-record--make' i.s.o `vector'.
+  (let ((record-type (apply #'vector (cdr bbdb-record-type))))
     (cond ((eq field 'firstname) ; First name
            (if merge (error "Does not merge names"))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type value (bbdb-record-firstname 
record-type) t))
@@ -2896,7 +2913,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
                                                    value 'bbdb-string=)))
            (if check (bbdb-check-type value (bbdb-record-affix record-type) t))
            (setq value (bbdb-list-strings value))
-           (bbdb-record-set-affix record value))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-affix record) value))
           ;; Organization
           ((eq field 'organization)
@@ -2907,7 +2924,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
            (bbdb-hash-update record (bbdb-record-organization record) value)
            (dolist (organization value)
              (bbdb-pushnew organization bbdb-organization-list))
-           (bbdb-record-set-organization record value))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-organization record) value))
           ;; AKA
           ((eq field 'aka)
@@ -2917,7 +2934,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
            (setq value (bbdb-list-strings value))
            (bbdb-check-name value record)
            (bbdb-hash-update record (bbdb-record-aka record) value)
-           (bbdb-record-set-aka record value))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-aka record) value))
           ;; Mail
           ((eq field 'mail)
@@ -2930,7 +2947,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
              (bbdb-remhash aka record))
            (dolist (mail (bbdb-record-mail-canon record))
              (bbdb-remhash mail record))
-           (bbdb-record-set-mail record value)
+           (setf (bbdb-record-mail record) value)
            (bbdb-puthash-mail record))
           ;; Phone
@@ -2940,7 +2957,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
            (if check (bbdb-check-type value (bbdb-record-phone record-type) t))
            (dolist (phone value)
              (bbdb-pushnew (bbdb-phone-label phone) bbdb-phone-label-list))
-           (bbdb-record-set-phone record value))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-phone record) value))
           ;; Address
           ((eq field 'address)
@@ -2955,7 +2972,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
              (bbdb-pushnewt (bbdb-address-state address) bbdb-state-list)
              (bbdb-pushnewt (bbdb-address-postcode address) bbdb-postcode-list)
              (bbdb-pushnewt (bbdb-address-country address) bbdb-country-list))
-           (bbdb-record-set-address record value))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-address record) value))
           ;; uuid
           ((eq field 'uuid)
@@ -2964,20 +2981,20 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
            (let ((old-uuid (bbdb-record-uuid record)))
              (unless (string= old-uuid value)
                (remhash old-uuid bbdb-uuid-table)
-               (bbdb-record-set-uuid record value)
+               (setf (bbdb-record-uuid record) value)
                (puthash value record bbdb-uuid-table))))
           ;; creation-date
           ((eq field 'creation-date)
            ;; MERGE not meaningful
            (if check (bbdb-check-type value (bbdb-record-creation-date 
record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-creation-date record value))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-creation-date record) value))
           ;; timestamp
           ((eq field 'timestamp)
            ;; MERGE not meaningful
            (if check (bbdb-check-type value (bbdb-record-timestamp 
record-type) t))
-           (bbdb-record-set-timestamp record value))
+           (setf (bbdb-record-timestamp record) value))
           ;; all xfields
           ((eq field 'xfields)
@@ -2997,7 +3014,7 @@ See also `bbdb-record-field'."
                (when (and (cdr xfield) (not (equal "" (cdr xfield))))
                  (push xfield new-xfields)
                  (bbdb-pushnewq (car xfield) bbdb-xfield-label-list)))
-             (bbdb-record-set-xfields record (nreverse new-xfields))))
+             (setf (bbdb-record-xfields record) (nreverse new-xfields))))
           ;; Single xfield
           ((symbolp field)
@@ -3107,7 +3124,7 @@ Do this only if `bbdb-check-postcode' is non-nil."
 (defun bbdb-phone-string (phone)
-  "Massage string PHONE into a standard format."
+  "Massage vector PHONE into a standard format."
   ;; Phone numbers should come in two forms:
   (if (= 2 (length phone))
       ;; (1) ["where" "the number"]
@@ -3268,7 +3285,10 @@ BBDB is not editable if it is read-only."
-(defsubst bbdb-records ()
+(defun bbdb-records ()
+  ;; We used to define it as a `defsubst' but those are treated differently
+  ;; by the ;;;###autoload machinery: calling the function didn't load
+  ;; bbdb.el, so the call to bbdb-buffer then failed :-(
   "Return a list of all BBDB records; read in and parse the db if necessary.
 This function also notices if the corresponding file on disk has been 
   (with-current-buffer (bbdb-buffer)
@@ -3405,9 +3425,9 @@ If `bbdb-file' uses an outdated format, migrate to 
               (unless (looking-at "\\[")
                 (error "BBDB corrupted: junk between records at %s" (point))))
-            (bbdb-cache-set-marker
-             (bbdb-record-set-cache record (make-vector bbdb-cache-length nil))
-             (point-marker))
+            (setf (bbdb-cache-marker
+                   (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) (bbdb-cache--make)))
+                  (point-marker))
             (forward-line 1)
             ;; Every record must have a unique uuid in `bbdb-uuid-table'.
@@ -3552,12 +3572,12 @@ They are present only for backward compatibility."
                                 (let ((cache (bbdb-record-cache record))
                                       (inhibit-quit t))
-                                  (bbdb-record-set-cache record nil)
+                                  (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) nil)
                                   (prog1 (bbdb-with-print-loadably
                                            (prin1-to-string record))
-                                    (bbdb-record-set-cache record cache))))))
-          (bbdb-record-set-timestamp
-           record (format-time-string bbdb-time-stamp-format nil t))
+                                    (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) 
+          (setf (bbdb-record-timestamp record)
+                (format-time-string bbdb-time-stamp-format nil t))
           (run-hook-with-args 'bbdb-change-hook record)
           (let ((sort (not (equal (bbdb-cache-sortkey (bbdb-record-cache 
                                   (bbdb-record-set-sortkey record)))))
@@ -3575,12 +3595,12 @@ They are present only for backward compatibility."
       ;; Record is new and not yet in BBDB.
       (unless (bbdb-record-cache record)
-        (bbdb-record-set-cache record (make-vector bbdb-cache-length nil)))
+        (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) (bbdb-cache--make)))
       (unless (bbdb-record-uuid record)
-        (bbdb-record-set-uuid record (bbdb-uuid)))
+        (setf (bbdb-record-uuid record) (bbdb-uuid)))
       (unless (bbdb-record-creation-date record)
-        (bbdb-record-set-creation-date
-         record (format-time-string bbdb-time-stamp-format nil t))
+        (setf (bbdb-record-creation-date record)
+              (format-time-string bbdb-time-stamp-format nil t))
         (run-hook-with-args 'bbdb-create-hook record))
       (let ((old-record (gethash (bbdb-record-uuid record) bbdb-uuid-table)))
@@ -3590,8 +3610,8 @@ They are present only for backward compatibility."
                      record old-record)
           ;; RECORD is really new.
-          (bbdb-record-set-timestamp
-           record (format-time-string bbdb-time-stamp-format nil t))
+          (setf (bbdb-record-timestamp record)
+                (format-time-string bbdb-time-stamp-format nil t))
           (run-hook-with-args 'bbdb-change-hook record)
           (bbdb-register-record record) ; Call this earlier?
           (bbdb-insert-record-internal record)
@@ -3661,11 +3681,11 @@ that calls the hooks, too."
         (if (and (/= point bbdb-end-marker)
                  (not (looking-at "^\\[")))
             (error "Not inserting before a record (%s)" point)))
-      (bbdb-record-set-cache record nil)
+      (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) nil)
        (bbdb-with-print-loadably (prin1-to-string record)) "\n")
       (set-marker (bbdb-cache-marker cache) point)
-      (bbdb-record-set-cache record cache))
+      (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) cache))
 (defun bbdb-overwrite-record-internal (record)
@@ -3687,13 +3707,13 @@ that calls the hooks, too."
                  (not (looking-at "\\[")))
             (error "Not inserting before a record (%s)" (point))))
-      (bbdb-record-set-cache record nil)
+      (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) nil)
       (insert (bbdb-with-print-loadably (prin1-to-string record)) "\n")
       (delete-region (point)
                      (if (cdr tail)
                          (bbdb-record-marker (car (cdr tail)))
-      (bbdb-record-set-cache record cache)
+      (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) cache)
         (if (<= (if (cdr tail)
@@ -4721,9 +4741,9 @@ however, after having used other programs to add records 
to the BBDB."
             ;; and update the cache's marker.
             (setq cache (bbdb-record-cache record))
             (set-marker (bbdb-cache-marker cache) (point))
-            (bbdb-record-set-cache record nil)
+            (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) nil)
             (bbdb-with-print-loadably (prin1 record buf))
-            (bbdb-record-set-cache record cache)
+            (setf (bbdb-record-cache record) cache)
             (insert ?\n)))
         (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
           (with-current-buffer buffer

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