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[elpa] externals/phps-mode 31ca9d5 007/405: More cleaning up

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode 31ca9d5 007/405: More cleaning up
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 09:59:28 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit 31ca9d5506e2c5ee5705da54816d84e2311ca2b7
Author: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>
Commit: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>

    More cleaning up
 README.md        |  20 ++-
 phps-keywords.wy | 400 -------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 402 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d29d10b..6853e33 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,12 +4,28 @@ An Emacs major mode for PHP scripting language which aims at 
making a full seman
 ## Goals
-With current progress estimates
+With current progress estimates:
 * Flycheck support (100%)
 * Lexer based on official PHP re2c lexer (90%)
 * Syntax coloring based on lexer tokens (90%)
-* Wisent LALR parser based on official PHP yac parser automatically converter 
+* Wisent LALR parser based on official PHP yacc parser automatically converted 
 * Flymake support (0%)
 * Full integration with Emacs Semantic subsystem (0%)
 * PSR based indentation (0%)
+## Unit testing
+Not ready yet.
+### Lexer
+``` bash
+make test-lexer
+### Parser
+``` bash
+make test-parser
diff --git a/phps-keywords.wy b/phps-keywords.wy
deleted file mode 100644
index d39eecc..0000000
--- a/phps-keywords.wy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-;; -----------------
-;; Keyword terminals
-;; -----------------
-;; Generate a keyword analyzer
-;; https://secure.php.net/manual/en/reserved.keywords.php
-;; https://secure.php.net/manual/en/language.constants.predefined.php
-%type  <keyword> ;;syntax "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+" matchdatatype keyword
-%keyword __CLASS__ "__CLASS__"
-%put __CLASS__ summary
-"The class name. The class name includes the namespace it was declared in 
(e.g. Foo\\Bar)."
-%keyword __CONSTRUCT "__construct"
-%put     __CONSTRUCT summary
-"Class constructor method"
-%keyword __DIR__ "__DIR__"
-%put __DIR__ summary
-"The directory of the file."
-%keyword __FILE__ "__FILE__"
-%put __FILE__ summary
-"The full path and filename of the file with symlinks resolved."
-%keyword __FUNCTION__ "__FUNCTION__"
-%put __FUNCTION__ summary
-"The current function name."
-%keyword __LINE__ "__LINE__"
-%put __LINE__ summary
-"The current line number of the file."
-%keyword __METHOD__ "__METHOD__"
-%put __METHOD__ summary
-"The current method name."
-%keyword __NAMESPACE__ "__NAMESPACE__"
-%put __NAMESPACE__ summary
-"The current namespace name."
-%keyword __TRAIT__ "__TRAIT__"
-%put __TRAIT__ summary
-"The trait name. The trait name includes the namespace it was declared in 
(e.g. Foo\\Bar)."
-%keyword HALT_COMPILER     "__halt_compiler"
-%put     HALT_COMPILER summary
-"Halts the execution of the compiler. This can be useful to embed data in PHP 
scripts, like the installation files."
-%keyword ABSTRACT     "abstract"
-%put     ABSTRACT summary
-"Class|Method declaration modifier: abstract {class <name>|<name>} <name> ..." 
;; TODO Methods too?
-%keyword AND2     "and"
-%put     AND2 summary
-"<expr> and <expr>"
-%keyword ARRAY     "array"
-%put     ARRAY summary
-%keyword AS     "as"
-%put     AS summary
-"foreach(<expr> as <expr) | use <expr> as <expr>"
-%keyword BREAK        "break"
-%put     BREAK summary
-"break[ <levels>];"
-%keyword CALLABLE         "callable"
-%put     CALLABLE summary
-"callable $<stmt>"
-%keyword CASE         "case"
-%put     CASE summary
-"switch(<expr>) {case <const-expr>: <stmts> ... }"
-%keyword CATCH        "catch"
-%put     CATCH summary
-"try {<stmts>} catch(<parm>) {<stmts>} ... "
-%keyword CLASS        "class"
-%put     CLASS summary
-"Class declaration: class <name> { <exprs> }"
-%keyword CLONE        "clone"
-%put     CLONE summary
-"<stmt> = clone <stmt>;"
-%keyword CONST        "const"
-%put     CONST summary
-"const <stmt> = <stmt>;"
-%keyword CONTINUE     "continue"
-%put     CONTINUE summary
-"continue[ <levels>];"
-%keyword DECLARE      "declare"
-%put     DECLARE summary
-"declare (<expr>) { <stmts> }"
-%keyword DEFAULT      "default"
-%put     DEFAULT summary
-"switch(<expr>) { case <expr> { ... } default: { <stmts> } }"
-%keyword DIE           "die"
-%put     DIE summary
-%keyword DO           "do"
-%put     DO summary
-"do { <stmts> } while (<expr>);"
-%keyword ECHO       "echo"
-%put     ECHO summary
-"echo <stmts>;"
-%keyword ELSE         "else"
-%put     ELSE summary
-"if (<expr>) { <stmt> } else { <stmt> }"
-%keyword ELSEIF         "elseif"
-%put     ELSEIF summary
-"if (<expr>) { <stmt> } elseif { <stmt> }"
-%keyword EMPTY         "empty"
-%put     EMPTY summary
-"empty(<stmt>): bool"
-%keyword ENDDECLARE "enddeclare"
-%put     ENDDECLARE summary
-"declare(<expr>): <exprs> enddeclare;"
-%keyword ENDFOR "endfor"
-%put     ENDFOR summary
-"for (<start>; <condition>; <increment>): <exprs>; endfor;"
-%keyword ENDFOREACH "endforeach"
-%put     ENDFOREACH summary
-"foreach (<stmt> as <expr>): <exprs>; endforeach;"
-%keyword ENDIF "endif"
-%put     ENDIF summary
-"if (<stmt>): <exprs>; endif;"
-%keyword ENDSWITCH "endswitch"
-%put     ENDSWITCH summary
-"switch (<stmt>): <exprs>; endswitch;"
-%keyword ENDWHILE "endwhile"
-%put     ENDWHILE summary
-"while (<stmt>): <exprs>; endwhile;"
-%keyword EVAL "eval"
-%put     EVAL summary
-%keyword EXIT "exit"
-%put     EXIT summary
-"exit[ <code>];"
-%keyword EXTENDS      "extends"
-%put     EXTENDS summary
-"SuperClass|SuperInterfaces declaration: extends <name> [, ...]"
-%keyword FINAL        "final"
-%put     FINAL summary
-"Class|Member declaration modifier: final {class|<type>} <name> ..."
-%keyword FINALLY      "finally"
-%put     FINALLY summary
-"try {<stmts>} ... finally {<stmts>}"
-%keyword FOR          "for"
-%put     FOR summary
-"for ([<init-expr>]; [<expr>]; [<update-expr>]) { <stmts> }"
-%keyword FOREACH          "foreach"
-%put     FOREACH summary
-"foreach (<expr> as <expr>) { <exprs> }"
-%keyword FUNCTION          "function"
-%put     FUNCTION summary
-"function <name>(<args>) { <exprs> }"
-%keyword GOTO         "goto"
-%put     GOTO summary
-"goto <stmt>;"
-%keyword IF           "if"
-%put     IF summary
-"if (<expr>) { <stmts> } [else { <stmt> }]"
-%keyword IMPLEMENTS   "implements"
-%put     IMPLEMENTS summary
-"Class SuperInterfaces declaration: implements <name> [, ...]"
-%keyword INCLUDE       "include"
-%put     INCLUDE summary
-%keyword INCLUDE_ONCE       "include_once"
-%put     INCLUDE_ONCE summary
-%keyword INSTANCEOF   "instanceof"
-%put     INSTANCEOF summary
-"<expr> instanceof <expr>"
-%keyword INSTEADOF   "insteadof"
-%put     INSTEADOF summary
-"<expr> insteadof <expr>"
-%keyword INTERFACE    "interface"
-%put     INTERFACE summary
-"Interface declaration: interface <name>"
-%keyword ISSET    "isset"
-%put     ISSET summary
-"isset(<expr>): bool"
-%keyword LIST    "list"
-%put     LIST summary
-"list(<stmt>[, <stmts]) = $list;"
-%keyword NAMESPACE      "namespace"
-%put     NAMESPACE summary
-"Namespace declaration: namespace <stmt>"
-%keyword NEW          "new"
-%put     NEW summary
-"new <type>"
-%keyword OR           "or"
-%put     OR summary
-"(<stmt> or <stmt>): bool"
-%keyword PRINT           "print"
-%put     PRINT summary
-"print <stmt>[,<stmt>,...];"
-%keyword PRIVATE      "private"
-%put     PRIVATE summary
-"Access level modifier: private {method|field} ..."
-%keyword PROTECTED    "protected"
-%put     PROTECTED summary
-"Access level modifier: protected {method|field} ..."
-%keyword PUBLIC       "public"
-%put     PUBLIC summary
-"Access level modifier: public {method|field} ..."
-%keyword REQUIRE       "require"
-%put     REQUIRE summary
-%keyword REQUIRE_ONCE       "require_once"
-%put     REQUIRE_ONCE summary
-%keyword RETURN       "return"
-%put     RETURN summary
-"return [<expr>];"
-%keyword SELF       "self"
-%put     SELF summary
-"Reference to current object" ;; TODO Update description
-%keyword STATIC       "static"
-%put     STATIC summary
-"Declaration modifier: static {method|field} ..."
-%keyword SWITCH       "switch"
-%put     SWITCH summary
-"switch(<expr>) {[case <const-expr>: <stmts> ...] [default: <stmts>]}"
-%keyword THIS         "$this"
-%put     THIS summary
-"Reference to current object"
-%keyword THROW        "throw"
-%put     THROW summary
-"throw <expr> ;"
-%keyword TRAIT        "trait"
-%put     TRAIT summary
-"trait <stmt> { <stmts> }"
-%keyword TRY          "try"
-%put     TRY summary
-"try {<stmts>} [catch(<parm>) {<stmts>} ...] [finally {<stmts>}]"
-%keyword UNSET         "unset"
-%put     UNSET summary
-"unset(<stmt>[, <stmt>, ...])"
-%keyword USE     "use"
-%put     USE summary
-"use <stmt>[ as <expr>];"
-%keyword VAR     "var"
-%put     VAR summary
-"Public field declaration. var <stmt> = <expr>"
-%keyword WHILE        "while"
-%put     WHILE summary
-"while (<expr>) <stmt> | do <stmt> while (<expr>);"
-%keyword XOR        "xor"
-%put     XOR summary
-"(<stmt> xor <stmt>): bool"
-%keyword YIELD        "yield"
-%put     YIELD summary
-"yield <expr>;"
-;; --------------------------
-;; Official PHPDoc line tags
-;; --------------------------
-;; PHPDoc tags are identified by a 'phpdoc' keyword property.  The
-;; value of this property must be itself a property list where the
-;; following properties are recognized:
-;; - `seq' (mandatory) is the tag sequence number used to check if tags
-;;   are correctly ordered in a PHPDoc comment block.
-;; - `usage' (mandatory) is the list of token categories for which this
-;;   documentation tag is allowed.
-;; - `opt' (optional) if non-nil indicates this is an optional tag.
-;;   By default tags are mandatory.
-;; - `with-name' (optional) if non-nil indicates that this tag is
-;;   followed by an identifier like in "@param <var-name> description"
-;;   or "@exception <class-name> description".
-;; - `with-ref' (optional) if non-nil indicates that the tag is
-;;   followed by a reference like in "@see <reference>".
-;; https://docs.phpdoc.org/references/phpdoc/index.html
-;; TODO Verify parameters below
-%keyword _API          "@api"
-%put     _API          phpdoc (seq 1 usage (type))
-%keyword _AUTHOR       "@author"
-%put     _AUTHOR       phpdoc (seq 1 usage (type))
-%keyword _CATEGORY     "@category"
-%put     _CATEGORY      phpdoc (seq 1 usage (type))
-%keyword _EXAMPLE      "@example"
-%put     _EXAMPLE      phpdoc (seq 1 usage (type))
-%keyword _FILESOURCE   "@filesource"
-%put     _FILESOURCE   phpdoc (seq 1 usage (type))
-%keyword _GLOBAL       "@global"
-%put     _GLOBAL       phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))
-%keyword _IGNORE       "@ignore"
-%put     _IGNORE       phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))
-%keyword _INTERNAL     "@internal"
-%put     _INTERNAL     phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))
-%keyword _LICENSE     "@license"
-%put     _LICENSE     phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))
-%keyword _LINK        "@link"
-%put     _LINK        phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))
-%keyword _METHOD      "@method"
-%put     _METHOD      phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))
-%keyword _PACKAGE     "@package"
-%put     _PACKAGE     phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))
-%keyword _PARAM       "@param"
-%put     _PARAM       phpdoc (seq 3 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _PROPERTY    "@property"
-%put     _PROPERTY    phpdoc (seq 3 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _PROPERTY_READ   "@property-read"
-%put     _PROPERTY_READ    phpdoc (seq 3 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _PROPERTY_WRITE   "@property-write"
-%put     _PROPERTY_WRITE    phpdoc (seq 3 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _RETURN      "@return"
-%put     _RETURN      phpdoc (seq 4 usage (function))
-%keyword _SEE         "@see"
-%put     _SEE         phpdoc (seq 7 usage (type function variable) opt t 
with-ref t)
-%keyword _SINCE       "@since"
-%put     _SINCE       phpdoc (seq 8 usage (type function variable) opt t)
-%keyword _SOURCE      "@source"
-%put     _SOURCE      phpdoc (seq 8 usage (type function variable) opt t)
-%keyword _SUBPACKAGE  "@subpackage"
-%put     _SUBPACKAGE  phpdoc (seq 8 usage (type function variable) opt t)
-%keyword _THROWS      "@throws"
-%put     _THROWS      phpdoc (seq 6 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _TODO      "@todo"
-%put     _TODO      phpdoc (seq 6 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _USES      "@uses"
-%put     _USES      phpdoc (seq 6 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _USED_BY   "@used-by"
-%put     _USES_BY   phpdoc (seq 6 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _VAR   "@var"
-%put     _VAR   phpdoc (seq 6 usage (function) with-name t)
-%keyword _VERSION     "@version"
-%put     _VERSION     phpdoc (seq 2 usage (type))

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