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[elpa] master 039c58a 254/348: counsel.el: added three new counsel comma

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: [elpa] master 039c58a 254/348: counsel.el: added three new counsel commands.
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2017 11:04:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 039c58a8d3736252e1994361b86ebcbb2af1854e
Author: joe di castro <address@hidden>
Commit: Oleh Krehel <address@hidden>

    counsel.el: added three new counsel commands.
    Added `counsel-colors-web`, `counsel-colors-emacs` and `counsel-faces`.
    Fixes #815
 counsel.el | 377 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 376 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/counsel.el b/counsel.el
index e251173..eaaa6de 100644
--- a/counsel.el
+++ b/counsel.el
@@ -2664,7 +2664,382 @@ And insert it into the minibuffer. Useful during
     (ivy-read "company cand: " company-candidates
               :action #'ivy-completion-in-region-action)))
-;;** `counsel-mode'
+;;;** `counsel-colors'
+(defun counsel-colors--best-contrast-color (color)
+  "Choose the best-contrast foreground color for a background color COLOR.
+Use the relative luminance formula to improve the perceived contrast.
+If the relative luminance is beyond a given threshold, in this case a
+midpoint, then the chosen color is black, otherwise is white.  This
+helps to improve the contrast and readability of a text regardless of
+the background color."
+  (let ((rgb (color-name-to-rgb color)))
+    (if (>
+         (+ (* (nth 0 rgb) 0.299)
+            (* (nth 1 rgb) 0.587)
+            (* (nth 2 rgb) 0.114))
+         0.5)
+        "#000000"
+      "#FFFFFF")))
+(defun counsel-colors--update-highlight (cand)
+  "Update the highlight face for the current candidate CAND.
+This is necessary because the default `ivy-current-match' face
+background mask most of the colors and you can not see the current
+candidate color when is selected, which is counter-intuitive and not
+user friendly.  The default Emacs command `list-colors-display' have
+the same problem."
+  (when (> (length cand) 0)
+    (let ((color (substring-no-properties cand 26 33)))
+      (face-remap-add-relative
+       'ivy-current-match
+       :background color
+       ;; Another alternatives like use the attribute
+       ;; `distant-foreground' or the function `color-complement-hex'
+       ;; do not work well here because they use the absolute
+       ;; luminance difference between the colors, when the human eye
+       ;; does not perceive all the colors with the same brightness.
+       :foreground (counsel-colors--best-contrast-color color)))))
+(defun counsel-colors-action-insert-name (x)
+  "Insert the X color name."
+  (let ((color (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
+    (insert color)))
+(defun counsel-colors-action-insert-hex (x)
+  "Insert the X color hexadecimal rgb value."
+  (let ((rgb (substring x 26 33)))
+    (insert rgb)))
+(defun counsel-colors-action-kill-name (x)
+  "Kill the X color name."
+  (let ((color (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
+    (kill-new color)))
+(defun counsel-colors-action-kill-hex (x)
+  "Kill the X color hexadecimal rgb value."
+  (let ((rgb (substring x 26 33)))
+    (kill-new rgb)))
+;;** `counsel-colors-emacs'
+ 'counsel-colors-emacs
+ '(("n" counsel-color-action-insert-name "insert color name")
+   ("h" counsel-color-action-insert-hex "insert color hexadecimal value")
+   ("N" counsel-color-action-kill-name "kill color name")
+   ("H" counsel-color-action-kill-hex "kill color hexadecimal value")))
+(defvar counsel-colors-emacs-history nil
+  "History for `counsel-colors-emacs'.")
+(defun counsel-colors--name-to-hex (color)
+  "Return hexadecimal rgb value of a color from his name COLOR."
+  (apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (color-name-to-rgb color)))
+(defun counsel-colors-emacs ()
+  "Show a list of all supported colors for a particular frame.
+You can insert or kill the name or the hexadecimal rgb value of the
+selected candidate."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((minibuffer-allow-text-properties t))
+    (ivy-read "%d Emacs color: "
+              (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                        (concat
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "%-25s" (car x))
+                          'result (car x))
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "%8s  "
+                                  (counsel-colors--name-to-hex (car x)))
+                          'face (list :foreground (car x)))
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "%10s" " ")
+                          'face (list :background (car x)))
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "  %-s" (mapconcat #'identity (cdr x) ", "))
+                          'face (list :foreground (car x)))))
+                      (list-colors-duplicates))
+              :require-match t
+              :update-fn (lambda ()
+                           (counsel-colors--update-highlight ivy--current))
+              :action #'counsel-colors-action-insert-name
+              :history 'counsel-colors-emacs-history
+              :caller 'counsel-colors-emacs
+              :sort nil)))
+;;** `counsel-colors-web'
+(defvar counsel-colors--web-colors-alist
+  '(("aliceblue"            .  "#f0f8ff")
+    ("antiquewhite"         .  "#faebd7")
+    ("aqua"                 .  "#00ffff")
+    ("aquamarine"           .  "#7fffd4")
+    ("azure"                .  "#f0ffff")
+    ("beige"                .  "#f5f5dc")
+    ("bisque"               .  "#ffe4c4")
+    ("black"                .  "#000000")
+    ("blanchedalmond"       .  "#ffebcd")
+    ("blue"                 .  "#0000ff")
+    ("blueviolet"           .  "#8a2be2")
+    ("brown"                .  "#a52a2a")
+    ("burlywood"            .  "#deb887")
+    ("cadetblue"            .  "#5f9ea0")
+    ("chartreuse"           .  "#7fff00")
+    ("chocolate"            .  "#d2691e")
+    ("coral"                .  "#ff7f50")
+    ("cornflowerblue"       .  "#6495ed")
+    ("cornsilk"             .  "#fff8dc")
+    ("crimson"              .  "#dc143c")
+    ("cyan"                 .  "#00ffff")
+    ("darkblue"             .  "#00008b")
+    ("darkcyan"             .  "#008b8b")
+    ("darkgoldenrod"        .  "#b8860b")
+    ("darkgray"             .  "#a9a9a9")
+    ("darkgreen"            .  "#006400")
+    ("darkkhaki"            .  "#bdb76b")
+    ("darkmagenta"          .  "#8b008b")
+    ("darkolivegreen"       .  "#556b2f")
+    ("darkorange"           .  "#ff8c00")
+    ("darkorchid"           .  "#9932cc")
+    ("darkred"              .  "#8b0000")
+    ("darksalmon"           .  "#e9967a")
+    ("darkseagreen"         .  "#8fbc8f")
+    ("darkslateblue"        .  "#483d8b")
+    ("darkslategray"        .  "#2f4f4f")
+    ("darkturquoise"        .  "#00ced1")
+    ("darkviolet"           .  "#9400d3")
+    ("deeppink"             .  "#ff1493")
+    ("deepskyblue"          .  "#00bfff")
+    ("dimgray"              .  "#696969")
+    ("dodgerblue"           .  "#1e90ff")
+    ("firebrick"            .  "#b22222")
+    ("floralwhite"          .  "#fffaf0")
+    ("forestgreen"          .  "#228b22")
+    ("fuchsia"              .  "#ff00ff")
+    ("gainsboro"            .  "#dcdcdc")
+    ("ghostwhite"           .  "#f8f8ff")
+    ("goldenrod"            .  "#daa520")
+    ("gold"                 .  "#ffd700")
+    ("gray"                 .  "#808080")
+    ("green"                .  "#008000")
+    ("greenyellow"          .  "#adff2f")
+    ("honeydew"             .  "#f0fff0")
+    ("hotpink"              .  "#ff69b4")
+    ("indianred"            .  "#cd5c5c")
+    ("indigo"               .  "#4b0082")
+    ("ivory"                .  "#fffff0")
+    ("khaki"                .  "#f0e68c")
+    ("lavenderblush"        .  "#fff0f5")
+    ("lavender"             .  "#e6e6fa")
+    ("lawngreen"            .  "#7cfc00")
+    ("lemonchiffon"         .  "#fffacd")
+    ("lightblue"            .  "#add8e6")
+    ("lightcoral"           .  "#f08080")
+    ("lightcyan"            .  "#e0ffff")
+    ("lightgoldenrodyellow" .  "#fafad2")
+    ("lightgreen"           .  "#90ee90")
+    ("lightgrey"            .  "#d3d3d3")
+    ("lightpink"            .  "#ffb6c1")
+    ("lightsalmon"          .  "#ffa07a")
+    ("lightseagreen"        .  "#20b2aa")
+    ("lightskyblue"         .  "#87cefa")
+    ("lightslategray"       .  "#778899")
+    ("lightsteelblue"       .  "#b0c4de")
+    ("lightyellow"          .  "#ffffe0")
+    ("lime"                 .  "#00ff00")
+    ("limegreen"            .  "#32cd32")
+    ("linen"                .  "#faf0e6")
+    ("magenta"              .  "#ff00ff")
+    ("maroon"               .  "#800000")
+    ("mediumaquamarine"     .  "#66cdaa")
+    ("mediumblue"           .  "#0000cd")
+    ("mediumorchid"         .  "#ba55d3")
+    ("mediumpurple"         .  "#9370d8")
+    ("mediumseagreen"       .  "#3cb371")
+    ("mediumslateblue"      .  "#7b68ee")
+    ("mediumspringgreen"    .  "#00fa9a")
+    ("mediumturquoise"      .  "#48d1cc")
+    ("mediumvioletred"      .  "#c71585")
+    ("midnightblue"         .  "#191970")
+    ("mintcream"            .  "#f5fffa")
+    ("mistyrose"            .  "#ffe4e1")
+    ("moccasin"             .  "#ffe4b5")
+    ("navajowhite"          .  "#ffdead")
+    ("navy"                 .  "#000080")
+    ("oldlace"              .  "#fdf5e6")
+    ("olive"                .  "#808000")
+    ("olivedrab"            .  "#6b8e23")
+    ("orange"               .  "#ffa500")
+    ("orangered"            .  "#ff4500")
+    ("orchid"               .  "#da70d6")
+    ("palegoldenrod"        .  "#eee8aa")
+    ("palegreen"            .  "#98fb98")
+    ("paleturquoise"        .  "#afeeee")
+    ("palevioletred"        .  "#d87093")
+    ("papayawhip"           .  "#ffefd5")
+    ("peachpuff"            .  "#ffdab9")
+    ("peru"                 .  "#cd853f")
+    ("pink"                 .  "#ffc0cb")
+    ("plum"                 .  "#dda0dd")
+    ("powderblue"           .  "#b0e0e6")
+    ("purple"               .  "#800080")
+    ("rebeccapurple"        .  "#663399")
+    ("red"                  .  "#ff0000")
+    ("rosybrown"            .  "#bc8f8f")
+    ("royalblue"            .  "#4169e1")
+    ("saddlebrown"          .  "#8b4513")
+    ("salmon"               .  "#fa8072")
+    ("sandybrown"           .  "#f4a460")
+    ("seagreen"             .  "#2e8b57")
+    ("seashell"             .  "#fff5ee")
+    ("sienna"               .  "#a0522d")
+    ("silver"               .  "#c0c0c0")
+    ("skyblue"              .  "#87ceeb")
+    ("slateblue"            .  "#6a5acd")
+    ("slategray"            .  "#708090")
+    ("snow"                 .  "#fffafa")
+    ("springgreen"          .  "#00ff7f")
+    ("steelblue"            .  "#4682b4")
+    ("tan"                  .  "#d2b48c")
+    ("teal"                 .  "#008080")
+    ("thistle"              .  "#d8bfd8")
+    ("tomato"               .  "#ff6347")
+    ("turquoise"            .  "#40e0d0")
+    ("violet"               .  "#ee82ee")
+    ("wheat"                .  "#f5deb3")
+    ("white"                .  "#ffffff")
+    ("whitesmoke"           .  "#f5f5f5")
+    ("yellow"               .  "#ffff00")
+    ("yellowgreen"          .  "#9acd32"))
+  "These are the colors defined by the W3C consortium to use in CSS sheets.
+All of these colors are compatible with any common browser.  The
+colors gray, green, maroon and purple have alternative values as
+defined by the X11 standard, here they follow the W3C one.")
+ 'counsel-colors-web
+ '(("n" counsel-colors-action-insert-name "insert name")
+   ("h" counsel-colors-action-insert-hex "insert hex")
+   ("N" counsel-colors-action-kill-name "kill rgb")
+   ("H" counsel-colors-action-kill-hex "kill hex")))
+(defvar counsel-colors-web-history nil
+  "History for `counsel-colors-web'.")
+(defun counsel-colors-web ()
+  "Show a list of all W3C web colors for use in CSS.
+You can insert or kill the name or the hexadecimal rgb value of the
+selected candidate."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((minibuffer-allow-text-properties t))
+    (ivy-read "%d Web color: "
+              (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                        (concat
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "%-25s" (car x)))
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "%8s  " (cdr x))
+                          'face (list :foreground (car x)))
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "%10s" " ")
+                          'face (list :background (cdr x)))))
+                      counsel-colors--web-colors-alist)
+              :require-match t
+              :action #'counsel-colors-action-insert-name
+              :update-fn (lambda ()
+                           (counsel-colors--update-highlight ivy--current))
+              :history 'counsel-colors-web-history
+              :caller 'counsel-colors-web
+              :sort t)))
+;;** `counsel-faces'
+(defun counsel-faces--update-highlight (cand)
+  "Update the highlight face for the current candidate CAND.
+This is necessary because the default `ivy-current-match' face
+background mask most of the faces and you can not see the current
+candidate face when is selected, which is counter-intuitive and not
+user friendly.  The default Emacs command `list-faces-display' have
+the same problem."
+  (when (> (length cand) 0)
+    (let ((face
+           (intern (car (split-string (substring-no-properties cand))))))
+      (face-remap-add-relative
+       'ivy-current-match
+       :background (face-attribute face :background nil 'default)
+       :foreground (face-attribute face :foreground nil 'default)))))
+(defun counsel-faces-action-describe (x)
+  "Describe the face X."
+  (let ((face (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
+    (describe-face (intern face))))
+(defun counsel-faces-action-customize (x)
+  "Customize the face X."
+  (let ((face (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
+    (customize-face (intern face))))
+(defun counsel-faces-action-insert-name (x)
+  "Insert the name of face X."
+  (let ((face (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
+    (insert face)))
+(defun counsel-faces-action-kill-name (x)
+  "Kill the name of face X."
+  (let ((face (car (split-string (substring x 0 25)))))
+    (kill-new face)))
+ 'counsel-faces
+ '(("d" counsel-faces-action-describe "describe face")
+   ("c" counsel-faces-action-customize "customize face")
+   ("i" counsel-faces-action-insert-name "insert face name")
+   ("k" counsel-faces-action-kill-name "kill face name")))
+(defvar counsel-faces-history nil
+  "History for `counsel-faces'.")
+(defvar counsel-faces--sample-text
+  "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789"
+  "Text string to display as the sample text for `counsel-faces'.")
+(defun counsel-faces ()
+  "Show a list of all defined faces.
+You can describe, customize, insert or kill the name or selected
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((minibuffer-allow-text-properties t)
+        (max-length
+         (apply #'max
+                (mapcar
+                 (lambda (x)
+                   (length (symbol-name x)))
+                 (face-list)))))
+    (ivy-read "%d Face: "
+              (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                        (concat
+                         (propertize
+                          (format (format "%%-%ds  " max-length) x))
+                         (propertize
+                          (format "%s" counsel-faces--sample-text)
+                          'face x)))
+                      (face-list))
+              :require-match t
+              :action #'counsel-faces-action-describe
+              :update-fn (lambda ()
+                           (counsel-faces--update-highlight ivy--current))
+              :history 'counsel-faces-history
+              :caller 'counsel-faces
+              :sort t)))
+;** `counsel-mode'
 (defvar counsel-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (dolist (binding

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