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[elpa] master ad8d826 2/2: Merge branch 'master' of git.sv.gnu.org:/srv/

From: Mario Lang
Subject: [elpa] master ad8d826 2/2: Merge branch 'master' of git.sv.gnu.org:/srv/git/emacs/elpa
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 08:12:56 +0000 (UTC)

branch: master
commit ad8d826e80836478286b55247639b1288d35f47f
Merge: a5038a2 1f9393b
Author: Mario Lang <address@hidden>
Commit: Mario Lang <address@hidden>

    Merge branch 'master' of git.sv.gnu.org:/srv/git/emacs/elpa
 packages/loc-changes/el-get-install.el |  104 --------------------------------
 packages/stream/stream.el              |   14 ++++-
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/loc-changes/el-get-install.el 
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c55ec..0000000
--- a/packages/loc-changes/el-get-install.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-  (defvar el-get-sources)
-(declare-function el-get-post-install 'el-get)
-(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/el-get/el-get")
-;;; el-get-install.el --- installer for the lazy
-;; Copyright (C) 2010 Dimitri Fontaine
-;; Author: Dimitri Fontaine <address@hidden>
-;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get.el
-;; Created: 2010-06-17
-;; Keywords: emacs package elisp install elpa git git-svn bzr cvs apt-get fink 
http http-tar
-;; Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
-;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
-;; bootstrap your el-get installation, the goal is then to use el-get to
-;; update el-get.
-;; So the idea is that you copy/paste this code into your *scratch* buffer,
-;; hit C-j, and you have a working el-get.
-(let ((el-get-root
-       (file-name-as-directory
-       (or (bound-and-true-p el-get-dir)
-           (concat (file-name-as-directory user-emacs-directory) "el-get")))))
-  (when (file-directory-p el-get-root)
-    (add-to-list 'load-path el-get-root))
-  ;; try to require el-get, failure means we have to install it
-  (unless (require 'el-get nil t)
-    (unless (file-directory-p el-get-root)
-      (make-directory el-get-root t))
-    (let* ((package   "el-get")
-          (buf       (switch-to-buffer "*el-get bootstrap*"))
-          (pdir      (file-name-as-directory (concat el-get-root package)))
-          (git       (or (executable-find "git")
-                         (error "Unable to find `git'")))
-          (url       (or (bound-and-true-p el-get-git-install-url)
-                         "http://github.com/dimitri/el-get.git";))
-          (default-directory el-get-root)
-          (process-connection-type nil)   ; pipe, no pty (--no-progress)
-          ;; First clone el-get
-          (status
-           (call-process
-            git nil `(,buf t) t "--no-pager" "clone" "-v" url package)))
-      (unless (zerop status)
-       (error "Couldn't clone el-get from the Git repository: %s" url))
-      ;; switch branch if we have to
-      (let* ((branch (cond
-                      ;; Check if a specific branch is requested
-                      ((bound-and-true-p el-get-install-branch))
-                      ;; Check if master branch is requested
-                      ((boundp 'el-get-master-branch) "master")
-                      ;; Read the default branch from the el-get recipe
-                      ((plist-get (with-temp-buffer
-                                    (insert-file-contents-literally
-                                     (expand-file-name "recipes/el-get.rcp" 
-                                    (read (current-buffer)))
-                                  :branch))
-                      ;; As a last resort, use the master branch
-                      ("master")))
-             (remote-branch (format "origin/%s" branch))
-             (default-directory pdir)
-             (bstatus
-               (if (string-equal branch "master")
-                 0
-                 (call-process git nil (list buf t) t "checkout" "-t" 
-        (unless (zerop bstatus)
-          (error "Couldn't `git checkout -t %s`" branch)))
-      (add-to-list 'load-path pdir)
-      (load package)
-      (let ((el-get-default-process-sync t) ; force sync operations for 
-            (el-get-verbose t))                    ; let's see it all
-        (el-get-post-install "el-get"))
-      (with-current-buffer buf
-       (goto-char (point-max))
-       (insert "\nCongrats, el-get is installed and ready to serve!")))))
-(declare-function el-get 'el-get)
-;; now either el-get is `require'd already, or have been `load'ed by the
-;; el-get installer.
- el-get-sources
- '(el-get                      ; el-get is self-hosting
-   loc-changes                         ; loc marks in buffers
-   load-relative               ; load emacs lisp relative to emacs source
-   test-simple                 ; simple test framework
-   ))
-;; install new packages and init already installed packages
-(el-get 'sync '(loc-changes list-utils load-relative test-simple))
diff --git a/packages/stream/stream.el b/packages/stream/stream.el
index 8b71a1b..853251e 100644
--- a/packages/stream/stream.el
+++ b/packages/stream/stream.el
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;; Author: Nicolas Petton <address@hidden>
 ;; Keywords: stream, laziness, sequences
-;; Version: 2.2.0
+;; Version: 2.2.1
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25"))
 ;; Package: stream
@@ -377,7 +377,17 @@ will be found by calling FUNCTION on the preceding 
   "Concatenate all streams in STREAM-OF-STREAMS and return the result.
 All elements in STREAM-OF-STREAMS must be streams.  The result is
 a stream."
-  (seq-reduce #'stream-append stream-of-streams (stream-empty)))
+  (stream-make
+   (while (and (not (stream-empty-p stream-of-streams))
+               (stream-empty-p (stream-first stream-of-streams)))
+     (cl-callf stream-rest stream-of-streams))
+   (if (stream-empty-p stream-of-streams)
+       nil
+     (cons
+      (stream-first (stream-first stream-of-streams))
+      (stream-concatenate
+       (stream-cons (stream-rest (stream-first stream-of-streams))
+                    (stream-rest stream-of-streams)))))))
 (defun stream-of-directory-files-1 (directory &optional nosort recurse 
   "Helper for `stream-of-directory-files'."

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