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[elpa] master 5cc0037 157/215: Improve visibility of breakpoints

From: Rocky Bernstein
Subject: [elpa] master 5cc0037 157/215: Improve visibility of breakpoints
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 14:49:02 +0000 (UTC)

branch: master
commit 5cc0037e1eea3256ecfdec5096e22cb632e6134a
Author: Clément Pit--Claudel <address@hidden>
Commit: Clément Pit--Claudel <address@hidden>

    Improve visibility of breakpoints
    Default to a (larger) rectangle instead of a circle, and highlight full
    line on active breakpoints.
    Addresses parts of the discussion in #102.
 realgud/common/bp.el |   61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/realgud/common/bp.el b/realgud/common/bp.el
index 4de307a..f5e4c9d 100644
--- a/realgud/common/bp.el
+++ b/realgud/common/bp.el
@@ -80,15 +80,27 @@ overlay for a realgud property."
 (defface realgud-bp-enabled-face
   '((t :foreground "red" :weight bold))
-  "Face for enabled breakpoints."
+  "Face for enabled breakpoints (in the fringe or margin)."
   :group 'realgud-bp)
 (defface realgud-bp-disabled-face
   '((t :foreground "grey" :weight bold))
-  "Face for disabled breakpoints."
+  "Face for disabled breakpoints (in the fringe or margin).
+Only used in text terminals: fringe icons always use
   :group 'realgud-bp)
-(defcustom realgud-bp-fringe-indicator-style '(realgud-bp-filled . 
+(defface realgud-bp-line-enabled-face
+  '((t :inherit diff-removed))
+  "Face for lines with enabled breakpoints."
+  :group 'realgud-bp)
+(defface realgud-bp-line-disabled-face
+  '((t))
+  "Face for lines with disabled breakpoints."
+  :group 'realgud-bp)
+(defcustom realgud-bp-fringe-indicator-style '(filled-rectangle . 
   "Which fringe icon to use for breakpoints."
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Disc" (realgud-bp-filled . realgud-bp-hollow))
                  (const :tag "Square" (filled-square . hollow-square))
@@ -108,15 +120,14 @@ If nil, use margins instead."
         (and window (car (window-fringes window)))
-(defun realgud-bp-add-fringe-icon (overlay icon face)
+(defun realgud-bp-add-fringe-icon (overlay icon)
   "Add a fringe icon to OVERLAY.
-ICON is a fringe icon symbol; the corresponding icon gets
-highlighted with FACE."
+ICON is a symbol registered with `define-fringe-bitmap'."
   ;; Ensure that the fringe is wide enough
   (unless (>= (realgud-bp--fringe-width) 8)
     (set-fringe-mode `(8 . ,right-fringe-width)))
   ;; Add the fringe icon
-  (let* ((fringe-spec `(left-fringe ,icon ,face)))
+  (let* ((fringe-spec `(left-fringe ,icon realgud-bp-enabled-face)))
     (overlay-put overlay 'before-string (propertize "x" 'display 
 (defun realgud-bp-add-margin-indicator (overlay text image face)
@@ -136,34 +147,38 @@ highlighted with FACE."
          (spec `((margin left-margin) ,indicator)))
     (overlay-put overlay 'before-string (propertize text 'display spec))))
-(defun realgud-bp-put-icon (pos enabled bp-num &optional buf)
+(defun realgud-bp-put-icon (pos enable? bp-num &optional buf)
   "Add a breakpoint icon at POS according to breakpoint-display-style.
 Use the fringe if available, and the margin otherwise.  Record
-breakpoint status ENABLED and breakpoint number BP-NUM in
+breakpoint status ENABLE? and breakpoint number BP-NUM in
 overlay.  BUF is the buffer that POS refers to; it detaults to
 the current buffer."
-  (let* ((margin-text) (face) (margin-icon) (fringe-icon))
+  (let* ((bp-text) (bp-face) (line-face) (margin-icon) (fringe-icon))
-    (if enabled
-        (setq margin-text "B"
-              face 'realgud-bp-enabled-face
+    (if enable?
+        (setq bp-text "B"
+              bp-face 'realgud-bp-enabled-face
+              line-face 'realgud-bp-line-enabled-face
               margin-icon realgud-bp-enabled-icon
               fringe-icon (car realgud-bp-fringe-indicator-style))
-      (setq margin-text "b"
-            face 'realgud-bp-disabled-face
+      (setq bp-text "b"
+            bp-face 'realgud-bp-disabled-face
+            line-face 'realgud-bp-line-disabled-face
             margin-icon realgud-bp-disabled-icon
             fringe-icon (cdr realgud-bp-fringe-indicator-style)))
-    (let ((help-echo (format "%s%s: mouse-1 to clear" margin-text bp-num)))
-      (setq margin-text (propertize margin-text 'help-echo help-echo)))
+    (let ((help-echo (format "%s%s: mouse-1 to clear" bp-text bp-num)))
+      (setq bp-text (propertize bp-text 'help-echo help-echo)))
     (with-current-buffer (or buf (current-buffer))
-      (realgud-bp-remove-icons pos pos bp-num)
-      (let ((ov (make-overlay pos pos (current-buffer) t nil)))
+      (realgud-bp-remove-icons pos (1+ pos) bp-num)
+      (let* ((eol (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (point-at-eol)))
+             (ov (make-overlay pos (1+ eol) (current-buffer) t nil)))
         (if (and realgud-bp-use-fringe (display-images-p))
-            (realgud-bp-add-fringe-icon ov fringe-icon face)
-          (realgud-bp-add-margin-indicator ov margin-text margin-icon face))
+            (realgud-bp-add-fringe-icon ov fringe-icon)
+          (realgud-bp-add-margin-indicator ov bp-text margin-icon bp-face))
+        (overlay-put ov 'face line-face)
         (overlay-put ov 'realgud t)
         (overlay-put ov 'realgud-bp-num bp-num)
-        (overlay-put ov 'realgud-bp-enabled enabled)))))
+        (overlay-put ov 'realgud-bp-enabled enable?)))))
 (defun realgud-bp-del-icon (pos &optional buf bpnum)
   "Delete breakpoint icon at POS.
@@ -171,7 +186,7 @@ BUF is the buffer which pos refers to (default: current 
 If BPNUM is non-nil, only remove overlays maching that breakpoint
   (with-current-buffer (or buf (current-buffer))
-    (realgud-bp-remove-icons pos pos bpnum)))
+    (realgud-bp-remove-icons pos (1+ pos) bpnum)))
 (defun realgud-bp-add-info (loc)
   "Record bp information for location LOC."

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