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[elpa] branch externals/dash created (now 19fbc24)

From: Phillip Lord
Subject: [elpa] branch externals/dash created (now 19fbc24)
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 19:36:17 +0000

phillord pushed a change to branch externals/dash.

        at  19fbc24   Fix anaphoric -spice-list macro

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  302c8ea   Initial commit.
       new  300fbc6   Remove lisp-comments from README
       new  6c39876   Set up test framework with one basic test
       new  9a34da8   Add config for travis-ci
       new  065f76b   Use ert.el to run on Emacs 23 as well.
       new  93957f0   Add travis status icon to README
       new  14673a6   Use nreverse for performance reasons.
       new  7b52951   Add watchr script to get autotest
       new  ad44aee   Add more tests.
       new  e720428   Extract basic iteration form into macro.
       new  c229ba8   Rewrite to anaphoric filter function.
       new  3e0ef58   !filter can now take either a function or form (anaphoric)
       new  d870282   Add some tests, and fix the bugs they uncovered.
       new  b24d056   !map macro
       new  ed2e447   !reduce macro
       new  f9471e4   !concat done - one less 'cl dependency
       new  4201ecd   Out with remove-if, in with !reject
       new  f5b16e3   Make !partial have the same quote-less API as the rest of 
       new  07de30e   !mapcat macro, and with that: goodbye 'cl!
       new  52815c5   Add documentation
       new  a02b6c1   Add note about no 'cl required.
       new  73204ca   Change !contains-p to !contains? to match clojure api.
       new  d2dfb11   Use double-bang for anaphoric functions
       new  754dd0d   Create stand-alone anaphoric macros
       new  ec27b47   Turn tests into examples that can both be tested and 
turned into docs
       new  c0f2c8f   Test that it works with lexical binding.
       new  9e74cc0   Remove dead code.
       new  8eab3d1   Slight improvements to map.
       new  85016d3   Fix quoted forms like `' in docs.
       new  214a7db   Quote and lowercase parameter names in docstring.
       new  1997e52   Treat dashes in docstring better.
       new  6f0636f   Show only three first examples per function.
       new  722fea6   Include docs in README
       new  41d77ec   Add function list to readme.
       new  4cc4147   Fix typo
       new  5f6ea16   Fix typo
       new  de5ff6a   Simplify quotes in readme.
       new  78fc2a3   Quote and downcase params with digits in them too.
       new  06efd3c   Slight improvements to docs.
       new  657ee8b   Slight improvements to docs.
       new  26113a1   Add pre-commit.sh that runs tests and updates readme.
       new  32053cd   Update readme with development notes.
       new  e7d5c01   Add note about README being autogenerated to Development 
       new  1b0d54f   Simplify readme generation.
       new  eea3c53   Move function list above anaphoric function description.
       new  2a9e600   Make functions paragraph into a list of links
       new  e1a362c   Update README to reflect changes in readme generation.
       new  0912aa2   Rename !uniq to !distinct
       new  2b89641   Remove needless duplication.
       new  286d1d8   Show quotes around strings in examples.
       new  8bd82c7   Show empty lists as '() instead of nil in docs.
       new  b337ef9   Sync examples-to-docs.el with the one in s.el
       new  9312469   !keep
       new  24262a1   Add file-local font-lock for defexamples and =>
       new  f59b480   Add !some and !every?
       new  db8a745   Add !each
       new  0991c29   Added some common aliases
       new  6be4c03   !first
       new  a6323eb   Add some tests that verify that the lists are evaled by 
the anaphoric macros.
       new  6520496   First release, remove warning.
       new  d83ea8a   Add installation instructions.
       new  05dec7a   Fix example.
       new  70488c2   Add !rpartial
       new  4205e58   Add clojure threading macros, !-> and !->>
       new  1a7ad85   Mention Melpa in README
       new  047eeea   Run tests on Emacs 24.
       new  5bd4593   Add note about !rpartial only working on Emacs 24+
       new  6f17346   Don't run !rpartial tests on Emacsen <24
       new  cd2a793   Run travis-ci on both E23 and E24
       new  ca3eea7   Fix examples-to-docs to support documenting macros.
       new  b29a5bb   Use make-symbol in macros to avoid names clashing.
       new  66ffaa6   Add !interpose
       new  9410f7e   Add !replace-where
       new  ec6a85f   Add threading macro !!-> with `it` as placeholder.
       new  4e76865   Add !take-while
       new  82a12a2   Add !drop-while
       new  6238f8f   Add !split-with
       new  123eaaa   Docs: Refer to !replace-where from !!replace-where.
       new  b9b6330   Add !take
       new  8c75026   Add !drop
       new  ec835e4   Add !split-at
       new  3802890   Simplify !concat
       new  f1c8453   Rename to dash.
       new  0dab44c   Add -flatten
       new  9ff9fd0   Move functions that are not strictly list related last.
       new  fea1aa3   Add -interleave
       new  4b5e24b   Docs: move -any? -all? -none? and -each up.
       new  38cc9e7   Simplify -interleave with -none?
       new  0e5c69b   Docs: more concise example for anaphoric functions.
       new  0c55a4b   1.0.0
       new  f8d74ff   Docs: update example text to match example code.
       new  eacb6f2   Docs: Better generation of github urls.
       new  b0da7b2   Declare macros before using them.
       new  6931d8a   Remove Melpa from installation while waiting for it to be 
       new  38eed45   Add rainbow-dash
       new  0bd26ac   Add aliases for -p instead of ?
       new  a2941cd   Typo
       new  dc6f46c   Simplify docs-generation using dash.
       new  4fedd2e   Add -partition and -partition-all
       new  12ed9f6   Add destructive operations !cons og !cdr
       new  79b56cc   Use --each, !cons and !cdr to simplify implementations.
       new  a08fc14   Add -each-while
       new  ba60707   Use --each-while to simplify implementations.
       new  81a3247   Let -each and -each-while take multiple forms.
       new  ed47814   Add -dotimes
       new  eb50d17   Add Melpa back in.
       new  49512b9   Simplify -take and -drop with --dotimes
       new  03370ea   Simplify examples-to-docs and examples-to-tests with dash
       new  ba80875   Nice indentation for --each, --each-while and --dotimes
       new  51ddc13   Nice indentation for threading macros.
       new  c56925a   Add font-lock for new functions and the `it` token.
       new  a336d78   Add -only-some?
       new  9a3dfdd   Name parameter PRED when function expects predicate.
       new  a081c72   Fix tests.
       new  9faa422   Add -partition-by
       new  e9de223   Rename -replace-where to -map-when
       new  2c5b86e   Add -join as alias to -distinct.
       new  d857f73   Merge pull request #3 from rejeep/join-alias
       new  f034c16   Add -union (thanks to @Fuco1)
       new  5e72ff9   Include numbers in github ids.
       new  cca9b1b   Also run tests on Emacs24
       new  c025efb   Add -separate (thanks @Fuco1)
       new  c669282   Add @Fuco1 to list of contributors.
       new  69e054e   Switch around order of Contribute and Contributors parts 
in readme.
       new  1c4e5d7   Remove eval from --reduce, it is evil.
       new  8f91ec8   1.0.2
       new  1120417   Add -group-by
       new  a23aa4b   Add examples for -group-by
       new  3044e83   Merge pull request #8 from tkf/group-by
       new  7f7ac33   Add Takafumi Arakaki to list of contributors.
       new  85bd4e0   Add @tali713's -applify
       new  002e4cd   Add tali713 to list of contributors.
       new  467dfa7   Add -map-indexed
       new  1284bc6   Move .el files out of root.
       new  7e4ee06   1.0.3
       new  e4521af   Add -repeat
       new  a196ac1   Fix -repeat
       new  da8dc62   Preserve newline at new-keywords
       new  78390f6   Merge pull request #12 from vemv/master
       new  0731333   Add @vemv to list of contributors
       new  8fe15ed   Group -repeat with -dotimes
       new  98a82ca   DRY up -repeat with --dotimes
       new  9c5fbc5   nil is the default binding in let forms
       new  50e9f46   -cons* for making improper lists.
       new  e083087   Merge pull request #13 from nicferrier/master
       new  fb75a7f   Add @nicferrier to list of contributors.
       new  f7a828f   Add -zip and -zip-with
       new  5161361   Clarify use of anaphoric form of -zip-with
       new  a7ee06e   Remove extra --separate definition
       new  c218e9f   -split-at/with now makes just one pass over list
       new  3f604cd   Add -count
       new  adfafcb   Add -partition-by-header
       new  cc33c2f   Stop integration tests for Emacs 23
       new  a4b70f9   [magnars/dash.el#18] implementing -slice
       new  dac28b0   Merge pull request #19 from Wilfred/master
       new  0351ca3   Add Wilfred Hughes to list of contributors.
       new  6ffdc93   Release 1.1.0
       new  bd942e1   inhibit dev from being added to the load-path
       new  2451f99   Merge pull request #20 from tarsius/master
       new  d7174ed   Handle cons-cells properly in -flatten
       new  a559a80   Added -last
       new  a40fc00   Merge pull request #23 from Fuco1/last
       new  a1b04d8   Less implementation specific docs for -mapcat
       new  9371ce4   Don't use the word collection when meaning list
       new  1396102   Add -when-let and -if-let macros
       new  c3dc883   Merge pull request #26 from shosti/when-if-let
       new  6420bf8   Add Emanuel Evans to list of contributors
       new  30ac13b   Add -insert-at (closes #27)
       new  0ff070b   Merge pull request #28 from shosti/master
       new  d5c124d   Update @shosti's list of contributions.
       new  1754ae2   Typo
       new  79e3b92   Fix -when-let and -if-let docstrings
       new  e870be8   Add -when-let* and -if-let*
       new  73ac975   Merge pull request #29 from shosti/when-let-multi
       new  6d328e4   Release 1.2.0
       new  f8db9e1   Avoid unnecessary copying for -insert-at
       new  8f9fca3   Merge pull request #30 from shosti/insert-at-opt
       new  3c546ab   Add -partition-in-steps & -partition-all-in-steps
       new  6437adc   Release 1.3.0
       new  4c8c410   Add new functions to syntax highlighting
       new  336e5a5   Release 1.3.1
       new  5614753   Fix bug with -partition-all-in-steps
       new  a3faf7c   Release 1.3.2
       new  49de164   Declare debug-info for some macros
       new  1fc6679   Add -map-indexed to syntax highlighting
       new  d556884   Add reduce-r, the right associative variant of reduce
       new  962e5b8   Merge pull request #33 from Fuco1/reduce-r
       new  de67c4b   Add `-sort`
       new  50659cc   Release 1.4.0
       new  ff3d7bd   Add -sum function.
       new  12291f3   Add -product function.
       new  7e41bed   Merge pull request #35 from rejeep/sum-and-product
       new  9f156a6   Release 1.5.0
       new  3226100   Indent according to emacs lisp standard
       new  2b20088   Add -juxt
       new  e07cef6   Adding -first-item and -last-item. [magnars/dash.el#17]
       new  4164908   Add -min, -max, -min-by and -max-by.
       new  a3b2fdb   Merge pull request #38 from rejeep/min-and-max
       new  22d2c2d   Release 1.6.0
       new  5b5dab5   Fix typo
       new  970728e   Actually update README :P
       new  9bd656e   Add -rotate
       new  506401e   Merge pull request #39 from Fuco1/rotate
       new  8b17154   Release 1.7.0
       new  b0ff280   Updating docs--signature to handle aliases and subrs
       new  788573e   Merge pull request #36 from Wilfred/master
       new  824fcb3   Release 1.8.0
       new  0db2f5a   Fix second example for -last/first-item
       new  b1cfe18   Fix incorrect alias checking in docs--signature
       new  d1913c6   Merge pull request #41 from Wilfred/master
       new  9abae5e   Add combinators
       new  51c9f6b   Merge pull request #42 from Fuco1/functional
       new  37064b5   Include @Fuco1 in Authors/Copyright + fix README
       new  d374fcc   Revert "Add combinators"
       new  d6ca7d9   Fix E23 bug and re-enable E23 CI
       new  f1049f1   Add dash-functional back, now dependent on dash.el
       new  86de963   Add docs about require for dash-functional
       new  2a7fbdc   Update -max-by & friends
       new  9a149bf   Add anaphoric example to --max-by and --min-by
       new  4a144c6   Release 2.0.0
       new  6911514   Update docs too
       new  d365f22   Fix byte compile warnings
       new  38307e3   Partition docs
       new  9b0166a   Fix terminology
       new  6d0a8d6   Add Version and Package-Requires to files #45
       new  1812a17   Complete dash and dash-functional split
       new  23ab726   Improve formatting of docs
       new  39d20f2   Release 2.0.0
       new  81e43ad   Add -union to list of highlighted symbols.
       new  515e2d3   Use `comparator` instead of `predicate` for sort.
       new  dbcb3ef   Update README
       new  87c8b91   Add indexing operations
       new  1e2bd96   Merge pull request #48 from Fuco1/index-operations
       new  6cc7727   Release 2.1.0
       new  6d43c4f   Fix switched around doc strings for -find-index/indices
       new  6eeb692   Provide an implementation of function composition.
       new  20eb331   Updates the documentation.
       new  5232399   Merge pull request #50 from kurisuwhyte/master
       new  8e2422a   Add Christina Whyte (@kurisuwhyte) to list of contributors
       new  13e0a35   Release 2.2.0
       new  6d20aa0   If has an indent function 2, not 1
       new  bf85b21   Change &optional branches to &rest branches in `-if-let`s
       new  b4d84de   Add debug declarations for `-when-let`s and `-if-let`s
       new  459322d   Update docs
       new  9936885   Merge pull request #51 from Fuco1/debug-decl
       new  75efb60   Add tree map/reduce
       new  bf99147   Fix `-tree-mapreduce-from` test & reformat the tests
       new  9de1435   Merge pull request #53 from Fuco1/tree-stuff
       new  0f4cae9   Improve docs
       new  e7bc8fe   Make dash-specific font lock optional
       new  2ee84cb   Release 2.3.0
       new  f4ba8db   Add -snoc
       new  8052eb9   Merge pull request #55 from Fuco1/snoc
       new  d8ccf85   Add replace/update/remove functions for index/indices
       new  ec9afcb   Merge pull request #54 from Fuco1/index/modify
       new  3bbaed5   Release 2.4.0
       new  ab727ba   Correct anchors for links starting with '!'
       new  7357283   Merge pull request #57 from Silex/master
       new  8005153   Add customize option to turn on font-lock for dash
       new  ba6e3c6   Add missing keywords
       new  87bcbc8   Merge pull request #59 from Fuco1/add-keywords
       new  094fdea   Merge pull request #58 from Fuco1/fontlock-custom
       new  ca9b296   Add Cask-file.
       new  c788474   Fix bug with nested lists in `-remove-at-indices`
       new  47af4d6   Merge pull request #61 from Fuco1/master
       new  da9888f   Release 2.4.1
       new  a84a434   2.4.1 in readme-template too
       new  f86d235   Fix -cons*
       new  b661f96   Merge pull request #62 from Fuco1/consfix
       new  25be31a   Release 2.4.2
       new  396d6ac   Declare macro before using it.
       new  4818368   Release 2.4.3
       new  386ec0a   Add -same-items? function.
       new  adaeff7   Merge pull request #65 from rejeep/same-items-predicate
       new  5d25ed2   Release 2.5.0
       new  960b05f   Set -each, -each-while and -dotimes indent levels to 1.
       new  6abc35a   Merge pull request #66 from rejeep/each-indent-level
       new  930b390   Add -list function.
       new  e6cae0b   Merge pull request #68 from rejeep/list-function
       new  3eb91fe   Add `-find-last-index`
       new  b201f0c   Add debug declarations and move indent declarations into 
       new  79c23bb   Merge pull request #70 from Fuco1/debug-decl
       new  7eb8307   Merge pull request #71 from Fuco1/find-last-index
       new  38cd4d2   Fix fontification when there are dashes
       new  4098ea0   Merge pull request #74 from YoungFrog/dashfontifix
       new  6bdcfa5   Add -split-on, -split-when
       new  b075846   Add -iterate, -unfold
       new  b44140a   Add -is-prefix/suffix/infix-p
       new  f96196a   Merge pull request #75 from Fuco1/prefix
       new  abff641   Merge pull request #76 from Fuco1/unfold
       new  f5264db   Merge pull request #77 from Fuco1/split-when
       new  8dfa9b6   Release 2.6.0
       new  5086d24   Merge pull request #60 from rejeep/cask
       new  4e6a965   Still better debug declarations
       new  43dcd37   Only eval NUM in --dotimes once
       new  4ecfea6   Merge pull request #79 from Fuco1/debug-forms
       new  703bb59   Convert -zip to support variable-length arguments
       new  2dfd748   Merge pull request #87 from 
       new  c08fcba   Fixed documentation of `-last-item'.
       new  c952a54   Merge pull request #90 from tmalsburg/last-item-doc
       new  f0dd4cc   Add -annotate
       new  bd85b7c   Make -zip support infinite (circular) lists
       new  6b64ea7   Add functions for flexibly zipping uneven lists
       new  fb51f8f   Merge pull request #88 from 
       new  f780322   Add `-flatten-n`
       new  624c501   Add `-table` and `-table-flat`
       new  00549e4   Add missing fontification keywords
       new  63ec298   Merge pull request #92 from Fuco1/outer-product
       new  bbc1d9c   `--each-while` should also expose `it-index`
       new  cd137e0   `-slice` should not fill the returned list with nils if 
to > length
       new  7185db8   [Issue #83] Add `step` to `-slice`
       new  0384eee   Improve Travis CI configuration
       new  a3021eb   Merge pull request #93 from lunaryorn/patch-1
       new  3132ae0   Alias -tail to nthcdr
       new  d948086   Add -iteratefn
       new  2ecc073   Reorder the partition examples to follow more logical 
order, add tests
       new  7f0fadc   Add -prodfn
       new  a09a4b2   Add code markup for docstrings and fix erroneous 
whitespace in docstring
       new  7e4adb5   Add missing keywords to highlight list
       new  eea928a   Add -replace
       new  f3b0a55   Change -predicate-p examples to -predicate? to maintain 
       new  5637bd6   Add alias from -find to -first
       new  174747e   Add -splice and -splice-list
       new  c6b92ae   Reorder the examples into more meaningful blocks
       new  9ebcce6   Add some niceties to font-locking of examples
       new  f18a520   Release 2.7.0
       new  f8873a0   Update readme-template with changes from last release
       new  f257fb9   Add -butlast
       new  d9879e9   Release 2.8.0
       new  25c114c   Implementing a shallow copy counterpart to -clone.
       new  6fc652d   Merge pull request #95 from Wilfred/shallow-copy-function
       new  d37947a   Add -tree-seq
       new  166bccd   Add -tree-map-nodes
       new  3adad97   Add -non-nil
       new  ab99be6   Add -fix
       new  2626840   Add -fixfn
       new  b1e585d   Update copyright notice
       new  a4be872   Add `-let` and `-let*`
       new  f0831d3   Add -lambda
       new  8f9fc41   Add support for multiple input arguments to -lambda
       new  947ffda   Add support for &rest match for non-list sequences (like 
. for improper lists)
       new  05fa92f   [-let] Transpose nreverse/flatten
       new  7f2b3c7   [-lambda] test all match-forms before converting to 
regular lambda
       new  9065e1b   [-let] Final cdr shift optimization
       new  4d67b25   [-let] Do not reinvent `pop'
       new  6f81492   [-lambda] Better error-handling
       new  f939201   [-let] Optimize shifting/binding of unused _ places
       new  6f0bb7d   [-let] Fix dynamic scoping issue
       new  65a3736   [-let] Fix improper list non-symbol last argument handler
       new  51a0c9f   [-let] Fix expansion of _ symbols in vector matcher
       new  0fc5d73   [-let] Make the cons matcher temp-bind as late as possible
       new  f7664c6   [-let] Add &keys support for cons matcher
       new  db7f651   [-let] Simplify the conditions in dash--match-cons-1
       new  9ec1a02   [-let] Abstract the _ test into a function
       new  c1d555b   [-let] Optimize single-binding of vectors and kv
       new  edb1e31   [-let] Add more tests
       new  40849a7   [-let] Remove stale comment
       new  31f321a   Release 2.9.0
       new  0310e0e   Update docs
       new  9e1a667   Do not map nodes on conses (be consistent with tree map)
       new  2436bf8   Add debug declaration on -lambda
       new  4b63be1   Declare --mapcat macro before using it. #102
       new  75d29a2   Declare --iterate macro before using it. #102
       new  03b98ca   Make -if-let and -when-let families destructure their 
       new  3bdf60b   Add some examples
       new  549bfd3   Reorder macros to make sure they are declared before 
being used
       new  8707aaf   Update docs
       new  63fa64f   Add links to references in readme
       new  0c045f2   Highlight with el instead of cl
       new  c7b4cff   Update readme.md
       new  d0c6fc0   Merge pull request #104 from fbergroth/linkify-docs
       new  c09c0f6   Merge branch 'more-destructuring' (#103) of 
       new  5e9c1a9   Add Fredrik Bergroth to the list of contributors
       new  d459b49   Fix typo
       new  446c522   Release 2.10.0
       new  38ef86e   Update debug forms for -if-let and -when-let
       new  c134705   Fix compile warning
       new  47e11ae   Update docs
       new  faeb61a   Merge pull request #105 from fbergroth/debug-forms
       new  8d2227d   Silence unused variable warning in -table
       new  b7c2f9a   Work around byte compiler in -if-let*
       new  a06e66e   Add test for clean byte compilation
       new  c40fa44   Exclude byte compilation test on emacs23
       new  dab0d1c   Merge pull request #107 from 
       new  9642c4a   [Fix #108] Sync indentation of threading forms with 
       new  2eefbec   Don't use an inline comment on a line of its own
       new  5f879b3   Merge pull request #110 from bbatsov/comment-fix
       new  afe2781   Merge pull request #109 from bbatsov/threading-indentation
       new  1ccd2b4   Improve byte compilation test
       new  26c1bbe   Merge pull request #113 from 
       new  92ed7ff   Use vendored ert only on emacs23
       new  07f0358   Add test case operator !!> for expected errors
       new  7d62b1a   Make test suite independent of dash
       new  c34e4ab   Update invalid tests
       new  0ef7384   Merge pull request #114 from fbergroth/update-test-case
       new  3a3f528   Add info manual
       new  4bd6273   Invoke makeinfo on the generated .texi
       new  733274f   Merge pull request #120 from holomorph/info-manual
       new  349931e   Add @holomorph to list of contributors
       new  7bd6b3b   Add dir entry to texinfo template
       new  90056bd   Merge pull request #121 from holomorph/master
       new  7d7a457   Allow run-tests.sh to skip tests
       new  db784f8   Merge pull request #124 from occidens/skiptests
       new  e574465   Add `-some`
       new  4640a2a   Allow for approx comparison of floats in tests
       new  3992e3c   Make `-fixfn' more robust at handling floats
       new  1fde888   Merge pull request #125 from wasamasa/feature-some
       new  51a07b1   Merge pull request #127 from occidens/fixfn
       new  81b808d   Ignore dash.elc
       new  8530742   Add @wasamasa and @occidens to list of contributors
       new  2b69c14   Add dash.info and dash.texi to repo
       new  3b63476   Move anaphoric function intro up into Functions section
       new  1d4881f   Update README
       new  a803dd5   Merge readme changes
       new  cf7ca23   [Fix #97] Add -remove-item
       new  b308794   [Fix #73] Add a mention of -filter to -keep docstring
       new  c61fc34   Add -remove-first/last, -map-first/last, 
       new  40896b8   Fix the -let debug declaration
       new  36b7f49   [-let] Reuse the ignore-place predicate
       new  c61113b   [-let] Update outdated comment
       new  9ebd172   [-let] Generate differently named symbols for temporary 
sources (makes readable generated code)
       new  5219ac0   [-let] Eliminate useless re-binding of symbols when 
sources are immutable
       new  2cc124b   [-let] Generate better code when skipping conses
       new  2db56f5   [-let] Add support for &as bindings (#115)
       new  ffa37bf   Merge pull request #129 from holomorph/docs
       new  19fbc24   Fix anaphoric -spice-list macro

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