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[elpa] master updated (e8eaf1a -> 55e0188)

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: [elpa] master updated (e8eaf1a -> 55e0188)
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 07:27:51 +0000

abo_abo pushed a change to branch master.

      from  e8eaf1a   Merge commit 'e64a9cd001b82d0f8238d41bb36e6c0c7b0449b3'
       new  4a3d0be   swiper.el (swiper-avy): Use only the current window
       new  856e1bd   ivy.el (ivy-next-line): Fix wraparound at end of 
       new  04b5734   swiper.el (swiper-avy): Don't start on empty input
       new  23ffd5c   swiper.el (swiper--ivy): Don't double-quote preselect
       new  5fdb7de   Allow to open an Info file on the file system
       new  d975e1a   Avoid ensuring font lock when magit-blame-mode is active
       new  3256d68   Change the :matcher interface
       new  f899a22   Add info lookup binding to counsel-describe-map
       new  a0347d8   counsel.el (counsel-info-lookup-symbol): Add a require
       new  efd74b8   counsel.el (counsel-find-file): Extend `find-file'
       new  5f7c787   counsel.el (counsel-find-file-at-point): New defcustom
       new  9ae55b4   ivy.el (ivy-recentf): New command
       new  52a083e   ivy.el (ivy-yank-word): New command
       new  fe057eb   Swiper should preserve column for empty input
       new  8212110   Handle symbol-at-point better in non-Elisp buffers
       new  1a193b0   ivy.el (ivy--done): Set ivy--current
       new  97abd3c   ivy.el (ivy-virtual): New defface
       new  ecb93a6   Regexp-quote name of candidate buffer to be preselected
       new  3c8daba   Fixup compilation warnings
       new  ed60d31   Make counsel-git-grep fully async
       new  40a938b   ivy.el (ivy-minibuffer-map): Bind ivy-yank-word to "M-j"
       new  00a1b02   counsel-git-grep should quote strings better
       new  bef708c   ivy.el (ivy--switch-buffer-action): Add work-around
       new  77e7c8f   Account for minibuffer-depth-indication-mode
       new  607d943   Add a hack for kill-buffer and invisible buffer
       new  3699897   counsel.el (counsel-symbol-at-point): Improve
       new  03e7e70   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): New command
       new  efa751b   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Piggyback on smex for sorting
       new  ebead12   Add fuzzy matching function
       new  84e20a3   Fixup ivy-resume for file completion
       new  e016d48   Allow "TAB" to complete when input starts with "^"
       new  d24397b   counsel.el (counsel-M-x-initial-input): New defcustom
       new  7f2cc7c   counsel.el: Add a bunch of autoload cookies
       new  165c176   counsel.el (counsel-find-file-ignore-regexp): Default to 
       new  72d4c76   Replace "C-x 6" with "<f2>" in counsel-M-x
       new  8c3bf21   ivy-toggle-calling: Toggle calling "RET" action for 
current candidate
       new  109e5b0   Bind "C-o" to hydra-ivy/body
       new  39eb7ed   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Call smex-initialize
       new  7dea8b7   ivy.el (hydra-ivy/body): Autoload
       new  d8172a0   ivy.el (ivy--regex-fuzzy): Improve for "^" and "$"
       new  ae05765   Allow to customize the initial input for all commands
       new  9ceb7ee   Fix yank/undo bug
       new  02cedb7   ivy.el (ivy-insert-current): Add and bind to "M-i"
       new  1a5b259   Fix the minibuffer being too small with enough candidates
       new  e334a75   ivy.el (ivy-initial-inputs-alist): Add man and woman
       new  76897c0   ivy.el (ivy-sort-functions-alist): Work for commands as 
       new  4d66758   Allow to toggle matching mode with "C-o m"
       new  16fefbc   ivy-hydra.el (hydra-ivy): Add "C-j" and "C-m" exit points
       new  7945ab0   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Call smex-rank
       new  61bb9e0   Require TRAMP in time
       new  9df660c   swiper.el (swiper-query-replace): Don't miss the first
       new  d47dd9b   ivy-hydra.el: Improve for hydra not installed
       new  265f47d   Swiper should not deactivate-mark
       new  4cdb80c   ivy-hydra.el (defhydra): Wrap in eval-when-compile
       new  1dbdcdc   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Fixup
       new  bcc5f45   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Fixup smex interaction
       new  e238286   "M-n", "M-p", "M-i" should switch directories when needed
       new  3f41ce6   Put the file instead of partial input on history
       new  5e3c635   Add a set of commands for resizing minibuffer height
       new  7b91a39   ivy.el (ivy-kill-line): Add and bind to "C-k"
       new  dcf0f64   Add "^" as initial input to "C-h f" and "C-h v"
       new  1ef7e18   "M-i" should not switch directories
       new  46695ac   Fix non-file completions ability to enter tramp completion
       new  a5e49ff   Make counsel-M-x respect ivy-format-function
       new  5fcdfb4   Add better positioning to counsel-git-grep finalizer
       new  581d8c0   Don't cut off "/ssh:foo" input
       new  513a77e   ivy.el (ivy-alt-done): Find file if given a full tramp 
       new  972036c   ivy.el (ivy-alt-done): Enable recursive minibuffers
       new  d9c4427   Improve performance for "^" initial input
       new  2c8ad2a   Add support for Windows drive letters
       new  d466ade   Match drive letter at start of current directory
       new  cdb2b1a   Fix the case where file name can contain ~
       new  337a1d0   ivy.el (ivy-initial-inputs-alist): Add some Org commands
       new  7f97ded   ivy-hydra.el (hydra-ivy): Bind "C-g"
       new  5c09439   Re-scale the text height to default in the minibuffer
       new  321f277   Fix color blending for composite faces
       new  b12e30c   Fix last commit being incompatible with older Emacs
       new  017e007   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Avoid compilation warning
       new  d921875   counsel.el (counsel-load-theme): New command
       new  dcd0c50   counsel.el (counsel-unicode-char): Use action-style call
       new  64b76c3   Fixup compilation warnings related to smex
       new  225e5aa   Allow to recursively match history with "C-r"
       new  e072e96   swiper.el (swiper-history): New defvar
       new  a287f39   counsel.el (counsel-git-grep-history): New defvar
       new  e503688   counsel.el (counsel-find-file): Use `file-name-history'
       new  be80798   Fix the initial input bug introduced with "C-r"
       new  5036f23   Make counsel-el work with "C-M-n" and "C-M-p"
       new  c33bb2d   ivy-hydra.el (hydra-ivy): Bind "C-o" to be a toggle
       new  e953099   Make counsel-locate use a process
       new  55e0188   Merge commit 'e9530990914c1d81889269b4a8365b8003625557' 
from swiper

Summary of changes:
 packages/swiper/colir.el     |    2 +
 packages/swiper/counsel.el   |  426 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 packages/swiper/ivy-hydra.el |   77 ++++++
 packages/swiper/ivy-test.el  |   33 +++
 packages/swiper/ivy.el       |  599 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 packages/swiper/swiper.el    |   44 ++--
 6 files changed, 918 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/swiper/ivy-hydra.el

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