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[elpa] master f727b53 24/24: Merge commit '8d38a898f23b3105c5d098f0cfb6c

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: [elpa] master f727b53 24/24: Merge commit '8d38a898f23b3105c5d098f0cfb6c3383547e394' from avy
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 10:17:56 +0000

branch: master
commit f727b53504076bf752e14b8898a99968ae1db2d4
Merge: 98073fe 8d38a89
Author: Oleh Krehel <address@hidden>
Commit: Oleh Krehel <address@hidden>

    Merge commit '8d38a898f23b3105c5d098f0cfb6c3383547e394' from avy
 packages/avy/Makefile            |    2 +-
 packages/avy/README.md           |    8 +-
 packages/avy/avy.el              |  213 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 packages/avy/doc/Changelog.org   |  211 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/avy/targets/avy-init.el |    9 +-
 5 files changed, 408 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/avy/Makefile b/packages/avy/Makefile
index 6e00ec3..9303c7c 100644
--- a/packages/avy/Makefile
+++ b/packages/avy/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ LOAD = -l avy.el -l avy-test.el
 .PHONY: all test clean
-all: test
+all: compile test
        $(emacs) -batch $(LOAD) -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit
diff --git a/packages/avy/README.md b/packages/avy/README.md
index 1479986..9df0ce2 100644
--- a/packages/avy/README.md
+++ b/packages/avy/README.md
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ You can bind some of these useful commands in your config.
 > Input one char, jump to it with a tree.
-(global-set-key (kbd "π") 'avy-goto-char)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-:") 'avy-goto-char)
-After <kbd>πb</kbd>:
+After <kbd>C-: b</kbd>:
 ### `avy-goto-char-2`
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ It will bind, for example, `avy-isearch` to <kbd>C-'</kbd> in 
 See the comprehensive custom variable list on [the defcustom wiki 
+See how to write your own avy commands on [the custom-commands wiki 
 ## Contributing
 ### Copyright Assignment
diff --git a/packages/avy/avy.el b/packages/avy/avy.el
index ce48da5..a8a6a25 100644
--- a/packages/avy/avy.el
+++ b/packages/avy/avy.el
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;; Author: Oleh Krehel <address@hidden>
 ;; URL: https://github.com/abo-abo/avy
-;; Version: 0.2.1
+;; Version: 0.3.0
 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5"))
 ;; Keywords: point, location
@@ -75,14 +75,15 @@
                      (const avy-move-line))
           :value-type (repeat :tag "Keys" character)))
-(defcustom avy-style 'pre
+(defcustom avy-style 'at-full
   "The default method of displaying the overlays.
 Use `avy-styles-alist' to customize this per-command."
   :type '(choice
           (const :tag "Pre" pre)
           (const :tag "At" at)
           (const :tag "At Full" at-full)
-          (const :tag "Post" post)))
+          (const :tag "Post" post)
+          (const :tag "De Bruijn" de-bruijn)))
 (defcustom avy-styles-alist nil
   "Alist of avy-jump commands to the style for each command.
@@ -129,6 +130,15 @@ When nil, punctuation chars will not be matched.
 \"[!-/:address@hidden" will match all printable punctuation chars."
   :type 'regexp)
+(defcustom avy-ignored-modes '(image-mode doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode)
+  "List of modes to ignore when searching for candidates.
+Typically, these modes don't use the text representation.")
+(defvar avy-translate-char-function #'identity
+  "Function to translate user input key into another key.
+For example, to make SPC do the same as ?a, use
+\(lambda (c) (if (= c 32) ?a c)).")
 (defface avy-lead-face-0
   '((t (:foreground "white" :background "#4f57f9")))
   "Face used for first non-terminating leading chars.")
@@ -137,6 +147,10 @@ When nil, punctuation chars will not be matched.
     '((t (:foreground "white" :background "gray")))
   "Face used for matched leading chars.")
+(defface avy-lead-face-2
+    '((t (:foreground "white" :background "#f86bf3")))
+  "Face used for leading chars.")
 (defface avy-lead-face
   '((t (:foreground "white" :background "#e52b50")))
   "Face used for the leading chars.")
@@ -145,6 +159,14 @@ When nil, punctuation chars will not be matched.
   '((t (:foreground "gray40")))
   "Face for whole window background during selection.")
+(defconst avy-lead-faces '(avy-lead-face
+                           avy-lead-face-0
+                           avy-lead-face-2
+                           avy-lead-face
+                           avy-lead-face-0
+                           avy-lead-face-2)
+  "Face sequence for `avy--overlay-at-full'.")
 ;;* Internals
 ;;** Tree
 (defmacro avy-multipop (lst n)
@@ -157,6 +179,71 @@ When nil, punctuation chars will not be matched.
         (nthcdr (1- ,n) (prog1 ,lst (setq ,lst (nthcdr ,n ,lst))))
+(defun avy--de-bruijn (keys n)
+  "De Bruijn sequence for alphabet KEYS and subsequences of length N."
+  (let* ((k (length keys))
+         (a (make-list (* n k) 0))
+         sequence)
+    (cl-labels ((db (T p)
+                  (if (> T n)
+                      (if (eq (% n p) 0)
+                          (setq sequence
+                                (append sequence
+                                        (cl-subseq a 1 (1+ p)))))
+                    (setf (nth T a) (nth (- T p) a))
+                    (db (1+ T) p)
+                    (cl-loop for j from (1+ (nth (- T p) a)) to (1- k) do
+                             (setf (nth T a) j)
+                             (db (1+ T) T)))))
+      (db 1 1)
+      (mapcar (lambda (n)
+                (nth n keys))
+              sequence))))
+(defun avy--path-alist-1 (lst seq-len keys)
+  "Build a De Bruin sequence from LST.
+SEQ-LEN is how many elements of KEYS it takes to identify a match."
+  (let ((db-seq (avy--de-bruijn keys seq-len))
+        prev-pos prev-seq prev-win path-alist)
+    ;; The De Bruijn seq is cyclic, so append the seq-len - 1 first chars to
+    ;; the end.
+    (setq db-seq (nconc db-seq (cl-subseq db-seq 0 (1- seq-len))))
+    (cl-labels ((subseq-and-pop ()
+                  (when (nth (1- seq-len) db-seq)
+                    (prog1 (cl-subseq db-seq 0 seq-len)
+                      (pop db-seq)))))
+      (while lst
+        (let* ((cur (car lst))
+               (pos (cond
+                      ;; ace-window has matches of the form (pos . wnd)
+                      ((integerp (car cur)) (car cur))
+                      ;; avy-jump have form ((start . end) . wnd)
+                      ((consp (car cur)) (caar cur))
+                      (t (error "Unexpected match representation: %s" cur))))
+               (win (cdr cur))
+               (path (if prev-pos
+                         (let ((diff (if (eq win prev-win)
+                                         (- pos prev-pos)
+                                       0)))
+                           (when (and (> diff 0) (< diff seq-len))
+                             (while (and (nth (1- seq-len) db-seq)
+                                         (not
+                                          (eq 0 (cl-search
+                                                 (cl-subseq prev-seq diff)
+                                                 (cl-subseq db-seq 0 
+                               (pop db-seq)))
+                           (subseq-and-pop))
+                       (subseq-and-pop))))
+          (if (not path)
+              (setq lst nil
+                    path-alist nil)
+            (push (cons path (car lst)) path-alist)
+            (setq prev-pos pos
+                  prev-seq path
+                  prev-win win
+                  lst (cdr lst))))))
+    (nreverse path-alist)))
 (defun avy-tree (lst keys)
   "Coerce LST into a balanced tree.
 The degree of the tree is the length of KEYS.
@@ -237,7 +324,7 @@ multiple DISPLAY-FN invokations."
                         (push (cons path leaf) avy--leafs)))
         (dolist (x avy--leafs)
           (funcall display-fn (car x) (cdr x))))
-      (let ((char (read-char))
+      (let ((char (funcall avy-translate-char-function (read-char)))
         (funcall cleanup-fn)
         (if (setq branch (assoc char tree))
@@ -247,6 +334,40 @@ multiple DISPLAY-FN invokations."
                     (concat avy-current-path (string char))))
           (funcall avy-handler-function char))))))
+(defun avy-read-de-bruijn (lst keys)
+  "Select from LST dispatching on KEYS."
+  ;; In theory, the De Bruijn sequence B(k,n) has k^n subsequences of length n
+  ;; (the path length) usable as paths, thus that's the lower bound.  Due to
+  ;; partially overlapping matches, not all subsequences may be usable, so it's
+  ;; possible that the path-len must be incremented, e.g., if we're matching
+  ;; for x and a buffer contains xaxbxcx only every second subsequence is
+  ;; usable for the four matches.
+  (let* ((path-len (ceiling (log (length lst) (length keys))))
+         (alist (avy--path-alist-1 lst path-len keys)))
+    (while (not alist)
+      (cl-incf path-len)
+      (setq alist (avy--path-alist-1 lst path-len keys)))
+    (let* ((len (length (caar alist)))
+           (i 0))
+      (setq avy-current-path "")
+      (while (< i len)
+        (dolist (x (reverse alist))
+          (avy--overlay-at-full (reverse (car x)) (cdr x)))
+        (let ((char (funcall avy-translate-char-function (read-char))))
+          (avy--remove-leading-chars)
+          (setq alist
+                (delq nil
+                      (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                (when (eq (caar x) char)
+                                  (cons (cdr (car x)) (cdr x))))
+                              alist)))
+          (setq avy-current-path
+                (concat avy-current-path (string char)))
+          (cl-incf i)
+          (unless alist
+            (funcall avy-handler-function char))))
+      (cdar alist))))
 ;;** Rest
 (defun avy-window-list ()
   "Return a list of windows depending on `avy-all-windows'."
@@ -271,7 +392,7 @@ multiple DISPLAY-FN invokations."
      (dolist (wnd (avy-window-list))
        (with-selected-window wnd
-         (unless (memq major-mode '(image-mode doc-view-mode))
+         (unless (memq major-mode avy-ignored-modes)
 (defmacro avy--with-avy-keys (command &rest body)
@@ -295,7 +416,11 @@ POS is either a position or (BEG . END)."
         ((eq x 'exit))
-         (select-window (cdr x))
+         (let* ((window (cdr x))
+                (frame (window-frame window)))
+           (unless (equal frame (selected-frame))
+             (select-frame-set-input-focus frame))
+           (select-window window))
          (let ((pt (car x)))
            (when (consp pt)
              (setq pt (car pt)))
@@ -314,9 +439,12 @@ Use OVERLAY-FN to visualize the decision overlay."
-          (avy-read (avy-tree candidates avy-keys)
-                    overlay-fn
-                    #'avy--remove-leading-chars)))
+          (if (eq avy-style 'de-bruijn)
+              (avy-read-de-bruijn
+               candidates avy-keys)
+            (avy-read (avy-tree candidates avy-keys)
+                      overlay-fn
+                      #'avy--remove-leading-chars))))
 (defvar avy--overlays-back nil
@@ -453,19 +581,32 @@ LEAF is normally ((BEG . END) . WND)."
          (beg (if (consp (car leaf))
                   (caar leaf)
                 (car leaf)))
-         (wnd (cdr leaf)))
-    (when (or avy-highlight-first (> (length str) 1))
-      (set-text-properties 0 1 '(face avy-lead-face-0) str))
+         (wnd (cdr leaf))
+         oov)
+    (dotimes (i len)
+      (set-text-properties (- len i 1) (- len i)
+                           `(face ,(nth i avy-lead-faces))
+                           str))
+    (when (eq avy-style 'de-bruijn)
+      (setq str (concat
+                 (propertize avy-current-path
+                             'face 'avy-lead-face-1)
+                 str))
+      (setq len (length str)))
     (with-selected-window wnd
         (goto-char beg)
-        (when (cl-some (lambda (o)
-                         (and (eq (overlay-get o 'category) 'avy)
-                              (eq (overlay-get o 'window) wnd)))
-                       (overlays-in (point) (min (+ (point) len)
-                                                 (line-end-position))))
-          (setq str (substring str 0 1))
-          (setq len 1))
+        (when (setq oov
+                    (delq nil
+                          (mapcar
+                           (lambda (o)
+                             (and (eq (overlay-get o 'category) 'avy)
+                                  (eq (overlay-get o 'window) wnd)
+                                  (overlay-start o)))
+                           (overlays-in (point) (min (+ (point) len)
+                                                     (line-end-position))))))
+          (setq len (- (apply #'min oov) beg))
+          (setq str (substring str 0 len)))
         (let ((other-ov (cl-find-if
                          (lambda (o)
                            (and (eq (overlay-get o 'category) 'avy)
@@ -537,6 +678,7 @@ LEAF is normally ((BEG . END) . WND)."
     (at #'avy--overlay-at)
     (at-full 'avy--overlay-at-full)
     (post #'avy--overlay-post)
+    (de-bruijn #'avy--overlay-at-full)
     (t (error "Unexpected style %S" style))))
 (defun avy--generic-jump (regex window-flip style)
@@ -568,6 +710,20 @@ The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG 
negates it)."
+(defun avy-goto-char-in-line (char)
+  "Jump to the currently visible CHAR in the current line."
+  (interactive (list (read-char "char: ")))
+  (let ((avy-all-windows nil))
+    (avy--with-avy-keys avy-goto-char
+      (avy--goto
+       (avy--process
+        (save-restriction
+          (narrow-to-region (line-beginning-position)
+                            (line-end-position))
+          (avy--regex-candidates (regexp-quote (string char))))
+        (avy--style-fn avy-style))))))
 (defun avy-goto-char-2 (char1 char2 &optional arg)
   "Jump to the currently visible CHAR1 followed by CHAR2.
 The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG negates it)."
@@ -589,7 +745,7 @@ The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG 
negates it)."
             (avy--regex-candidates isearch-string))
            (avy-background nil)
-            (avy--process candidates #'avy--overlay-post)))
+            (avy--process candidates (avy--style-fn avy-style))))
       (avy--goto candidate))))
@@ -613,7 +769,7 @@ The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG 
negates it)."
                         ((and avy-word-punc-regexp
                               (string-match avy-word-punc-regexp str))
-                         str)
+                         (regexp-quote str))
@@ -778,13 +934,14 @@ The window scope is determined by `avy-all-windows' (ARG 
negates it)."
   (interactive "P")
   (let ((c1 (read-char "char 1: "))
         (c2 (read-char "char 2: " nil avy-timeout-seconds)))
-    (avy--generic-jump
-     (regexp-quote
-      (if c2
-          (string c1 c2)
-        (string c1)))
-     arg
-     avy-style)))
+    (avy--with-avy-keys avy-goto-char-timer
+      (avy--generic-jump
+       (regexp-quote
+        (if c2
+            (string c1 c2)
+          (string c1)))
+       arg
+       avy-style))))
     'avy-goto-char-style 'avy-style "0.1.0"
diff --git a/packages/avy/doc/Changelog.org b/packages/avy/doc/Changelog.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dbcdf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/avy/doc/Changelog.org
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+* 0.3.0
+** Fixes
+*** Candidate window reversal
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/27][#27]].
+*** Jumping to newlines with =at-full= style
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/5][#5]].
+*** Stop =at-full= style from shifting text sometimes
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/5][#5]].
+*** Fix =at-full= interaction with tabs
+When at a tab, visualize it using =tab-width= spaces.
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/43][#43]].
+*** Fix overlay issue when the same buffer is in two windows
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/47][#47]] and 
+*** Quote punctuation chars
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/63][#63]].
+*** Update screenshot for =avy-goto-char= in README.md
+Use ~C-:~ as the new suggested binding instead of the pi char.
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/64][#64]].
+** New Features
+*** =avy-goto-line= can now break into =goto-line=
+Just enter a digit and you'll be transferred into =goto-line= prompt
+with that digit already entered.  This means that you can just bind
+~M-g g~ to =avy-goto-line= without losing anything.
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/29][#29]].
+*** =avy-goto-line= now works with all kinds of overlay styles
+Any of the following do something different now:
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-styles-alist
+      '((avy-goto-line . post)))
+(setq avy-styles-alist
+      '((avy-goto-line . at)))
+(setq avy-styles-alist
+      '((avy-goto-line . at-full)))
+(setq avy-styles-alist
+      '((avy-goto-line . pre)))
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-link/issues/17][#17]].
+*** New defcustom =avy-case-fold-search=
+Non-nil when searches should ignore case, so e.g. =avy-goto-char= "b"
+will match both "b" and "B". On by default. Use this to turn off this
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-case-fold-search nil)
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/34][#34]].
+*** New command =avy-goto-word-or-subword-1=
+Enter one char, and select a visible word or subword that starts with
+it, depending on =subword-mode=. Move the point there.
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/33][#33]].
+*** =avy-move-line= should remove empty line after original one is moved
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/40][#40]].
+*** =avy-move-line= now takes a prefix arg
+Use e.g. ~M-3~ before =avy-move-line= to move 3 lines at once.
+*** Most commands can be used non-interactively
+#+begin_src elisp
+(defun avy-goto-lp ()
+  (interactive)
+  (avy-goto-char ?\())
+This command only goes to the "(" character. This is actually very
+similar to [[http://oremacs.com/lispy/#lispy-ace-paren][=lispy-ace-paren=]], 
except the implementation is only one
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/44][#44]].
+*** (almost) all defcustoms are explained on the wiki
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/wiki/defcustom][the defcustom wiki page]].
+*** Allow all operations to work across frames
+You have to customize =avy-all-windows= for this. By default, it's set
+to work on all windows on the current frame.
+To make it work only on the current window, use:
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-all-windows nil)
+To make it work on all frames, use:
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-all-windows 'all-frames)
+*** New command =avy-goto-char-in-line=
+This is =avy-goto-char= reduced only to the current line. Few
+candidates means very short decision chars path.
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/49][#49]].
+*** New overlay style =de-bruijn=
+How to use it:
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-style 'de-bruijn)
+What it does: when your leading chars are clumped up together, it's
+impossible to overlay the decision path without shifting the buffer
+text a bit. For example, with the word "buffer", you =avy-goto-char= "b", and:
+- the path for the first "f" is "aj"
+- the path for the second "f" is "ak"
+It's not possible to overlay 4 characters over "ff" in "buffer". But
+to with =de-bruijn= style, which results in the path being "aj" and
+"jk". It's possible to overlay "ajk" just fine.
+Pros and cons of =de-bruijn= over other styles:
+- a pro is that it's possible to display the full decision path for
+  clumped up chars, which is truncated for other styles
+- a con is that the decision path is of the same length (e.g. 2 or 3)
+  for all candidates, while with other styles it's possible to have a
+  few candidets with a shorter path.
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/51][#51]] and 
+*** New defcustom =avy-ignored-modes=
+This is meant for visual modes like =doc-view-mode= or =image-mode=
+that can have a huge number of chars in a single window. Which results
+in a huge number of candidates even in other windows.
+Current setting:
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-ignored-modes '(image-mode doc-view-mode pdf-view-mode))
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/57][#57]].
+*** New tutorial on writing custom commands
+See the [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/wiki/custom-commands][the 
custom-commands wiki page]] and 
+*** New face setup
+New variable =avy-lead-faces= will determine the faces used to color
+the current decision depth you're in.  For example, if to select a
+particular candidate you need to press "abc":
+- "a" will be highlighted with a face that corresponds to depth 3
+- "b" will be highlighted with a face that corresponds to depth 2
+- "c" will be highlighted with a face that corresponds to depth 1
+But if another candidate needs "ef":
+- "e" will be highlighted with a face that corresponds to depth 2
+- "f" will be highlighted with a face that corresponds to depth 1
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/53][#53]].
+*** New variable =avy-translate-char-function=
+You can use this, for example, to interpret one character as another in 
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-translate-char-function
+          (lambda (c) (if (= c 32) ?a c)))
+This will translate ~SPC~ (32) into ~a~. So you can press either ~a~ or ~SPC~ 
to mean "a".
+*** =avy-isearch= works for different styles
+See [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/61][#61]].
+*** Switch the default style from =pre= to =at-full=
+I've come to like =at-full= more than =pre= over time. The difference
+is that =pre= hides no chars in your buffer, while =at-full= doesn't
+shift text.
+Use this to restore the previous default behavior:
+#+begin_src elisp
+(setq avy-style 'pre)
+* trunk
+** Fixes
+*** =avy-goto-char-timer= obeys =avy-styles-alist=
diff --git a/packages/avy/targets/avy-init.el b/packages/avy/targets/avy-init.el
index 21dd0ab..9ce46bb 100644
--- a/packages/avy/targets/avy-init.el
+++ b/packages/avy/targets/avy-init.el
@@ -22,8 +22,11 @@
 (add-to-list 'load-path default-directory)
 (mapc #'byte-compile-file '("avy.el"))
 (require 'avy)
-(require 'checkdoc)
-(with-current-buffer (find-file "avy.el")
-  (checkdoc-current-buffer t))
+(if (fboundp 'checkdoc-file)
+    (checkdoc-file "avy.el")
+  (require 'checkdoc)
+  (with-current-buffer (find-file "avy.el")
+    (checkdoc-current-buffer t)))
 (global-set-key (kbd "C-c j") 'avy-goto-char)
 (global-set-key (kbd "C-'") 'avy-goto-char-2)

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