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[elpa] master a39e8c6 24/92: Started preparation for 2 column tree

From: Alexey Veretennikov
Subject: [elpa] master a39e8c6 24/92: Started preparation for 2 column tree
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 19:47:56 +0000

branch: master
commit a39e8c68e3d94dd51b4e4f1e28e072c3849a8596
Author: Alexey Veretennikov <address@hidden>
Commit: Alexey Veretennikov <address@hidden>

    Started preparation for 2 column tree
 ztree-diff-model.el |    8 ++++++-
 ztree-diff.el       |    3 +-
 ztree-view.el       |   54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 3 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ztree-diff-model.el b/ztree-diff-model.el
index 3b76368..0a1bbb4 100644
--- a/ztree-diff-model.el
+++ b/ztree-diff-model.el
@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@
         (file-directory-p left)
       (file-directory-p right))))
+(defun ztree-diff-model-side (node)
+  (let ((left  (plist-get node 'left))
+        (rigth (plist-get node 'right)))
+  (if (and left right) 'both
+    (if left 'left 'right))))
 (defun ztree-diff-model-files-equal (file1 file2)
   "Compare files using external diff. Returns t if equal"
   (let ((diff-output (shell-command-to-string (concat "diff -q" " " file1 " " 
@@ -157,7 +163,7 @@ the rest is the combined list of nodes"
   (let ((traverse (ztree-diff-model-traverse dir1 dir2)))
     (ztree-diff-model-create-node dir1 dir2
                                   (concat (file-short-name dir1)
-                                          " vs "
+                                          " <--> "
                                           (file-short-name dir2))
                                   (cdr traverse)
                                   (car traverse))))
diff --git a/ztree-diff.el b/ztree-diff.el
index 9101db3..ab433d3 100644
--- a/ztree-diff.el
+++ b/ztree-diff.el
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ including . and ..")
-                'ztree-diff-model-children)))
+                'ztree-diff-model-children
+                'ztree-diff-model-side)))
 (provide 'ztree-diff)
diff --git a/ztree-view.el b/ztree-view.el
index b7731ab..07a5312 100644
--- a/ztree-view.el
+++ b/ztree-view.el
@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ for example if the node is a directory")
   "Function returning list of node contents")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-node-contents-fun)
+(defun ztree-node-side-fun nil
+  "Function returning position of the node: 'left, 'right or 'both.
+If not defined(by default) - using single screen tree, otherwise
+the buffer is split to 2 trees")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-node-side-fun)
 ;; Major mode definitions
@@ -247,9 +253,9 @@ if previous key was Backspace - close the node"
       (when parent
         (if (and (equal last-command 'ztree-move-up-in-tree)
                  (not ztree-count-subsequent-bs))
-            (progn 
-              (ztree-toggle-expand-state
-               (ztree-find-node-in-line line))
+            (let ((node (ztree-find-node-in-line line)))
+              (when (ztree-is-expanded-node node)
+                (ztree-toggle-expand-state node))
               (setq ztree-count-subsequent-bs t)
               (ztree-refresh-buffer line))
           (progn (setq ztree-count-subsequent-bs nil)
@@ -336,7 +342,7 @@ apparently shall not be visible"
 (defun ztree-insert-node-contents (path)
-  ;; insert node contents with initial offset 0
+  ;; insert node contents with initial depth 0
   (let ((tree (ztree-insert-node-contents-1 path 0))
         (num-of-items (- (line-number-at-pos (point)) ztree-start-line)))
     (setq ztree-parent-lines-array (make-vector num-of-items 0))
@@ -346,9 +352,9 @@ apparently shall not be visible"
-(defun ztree-insert-node-contents-1 (node offset)
+(defun ztree-insert-node-contents-1 (node depth)
   (let* ((expanded (ztree-is-expanded-node node))
-         (root-line (ztree-insert-entry node offset expanded))
+         (root-line (ztree-insert-entry node depth expanded))
          (children nil))
     (when expanded 
       (let* ((contents (ztree-get-splitted-node-contens node))
@@ -357,29 +363,40 @@ apparently shall not be visible"
         (dolist (node nodes)
           (let ((short-node-name (funcall ztree-node-short-name-fun node)))
             (unless (ztree-node-is-in-filter-list short-node-name)
-              (push (ztree-insert-node-contents-1 node (1+ offset))
+              (push (ztree-insert-node-contents-1 node (1+ depth))
         (dolist (leaf leafs)
           (let ((short-leaf-name (funcall ztree-node-short-name-fun leaf)))
             (when (not (ztree-node-is-in-filter-list short-leaf-name))
-              (push (ztree-insert-entry leaf (1+ offset) nil)
+              (push (ztree-insert-entry leaf (1+ depth) nil)
     (cons root-line children)))
-(defun ztree-insert-entry (node offset expanded)
+(defun ztree-insert-entry (node depth expanded)
+  (let ((line (line-number-at-pos))
+        (expandable (funcall ztree-node-is-expandable-fun node)))
+    (ztree-insert-single-entry node depth expandable expanded 0)
+   ;; (ztree-insert-single-entry node depth expandable expanded 40)
+    (push (cons node line) ztree-node-to-line-list)    
+    (newline)
+    line))
+  ;; (if (not ztree-node-side-fun)
+  ;;     ztree-insert-single-entry (node depth expanded 0))
+(defun ztree-insert-single-entry (node depth expandable expanded offset)
   (let ((short-name (funcall ztree-node-short-name-fun node))
         (node-sign #'(lambda (exp)
                        (insert "[" (if exp "-" "+") "]")
                        (set-text-properties (- (point) 3)
-                                            '(face ztreep-expand-sign-face))))
-        (is-expandable (funcall ztree-node-is-expandable-fun node))
-        (line (line-number-at-pos)))
-    (when (> offset 0)
-      (dotimes (i offset)
+                                            '(face ztreep-expand-sign-face)))))
+    (move-to-column offset t)
+    ;;(kill-line)
+    (when (> depth 0)
+      (dotimes (i depth)
         (insert " ")
         (insert-char ?\s 3)))           ; insert 3 spaces
-    (if is-expandable
+    (if expandable
           (funcall node-sign expanded)   ; for expandable nodes insert "[+/-]"
           (insert " ")
@@ -390,10 +407,7 @@ apparently shall not be visible"
         (insert "    ")
         (put-text-property 0 (length short-name)
                            'face 'ztreep-leaf-face short-name)
-        (insert short-name)))
-    (push (cons node (line-number-at-pos)) ztree-node-to-line-list)
-    (newline)
-    line))
+        (insert short-name)))))
 (defun ztree-refresh-buffer (&optional line)
@@ -421,6 +435,7 @@ apparently shall not be visible"
+                   &optional node-side-fun
   (let ((buf (get-buffer-create buffer-name)))
       (switch-to-buffer buf)
@@ -434,6 +449,7 @@ apparently shall not be visible"
       (setq ztree-node-is-expandable-fun expandable-p)
       (setq ztree-node-equal-fun equal-fun)
       (setq ztree-node-contents-fun children-fun)
+      (setq ztree-node-side-fun node-side-fun)

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