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[elpa] master c6e173b 45/47: Merge branch 'elisp'

From: Jackson Ray Hamilton
Subject: [elpa] master c6e173b 45/47: Merge branch 'elisp'
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 09:52:09 +0000

branch: master
commit c6e173b4d603cdc54080569bbc78038473921a97
Merge: eb429df 3b6a391
Author: Jackson Ray Hamilton <address@hidden>
Commit: Jackson Ray Hamilton <address@hidden>

    Merge branch 'elisp'
 README.md                     |   24 ++-
 context-coloring.el           |  657 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 test/context-coloring-test.el |  275 ++++++++++++++++-
 test/fixtures/comment.el      |    3 +
 test/fixtures/defun.el        |    7 +
 test/fixtures/ignored.el      |    2 +
 test/fixtures/iteration.el    |    2 +
 test/fixtures/lambda.el       |    3 +
 test/fixtures/let*.el         |   11 +
 test/fixtures/let.el          |    8 +
 test/fixtures/quote.el        |    4 +
 test/fixtures/string.el       |    2 +
 12 files changed, 894 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bc21b62..39c15cf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,9 +13,12 @@ By default, comments and strings are still highlighted 
 ## Features
-- Supported languages: JavaScript
 - Light and dark (customizable) color schemes.
-- Very fast for files under 1000 lines.
+- JavaScript support:
+  - Very fast for files under 1000 lines.
+  - Script, function and block scopes (and even `catch` block scopes).
+- Emacs Lisp support:
+  - `defun`, `lambda`, `let`, `let*`, quotes, backticks, commas.
 ## Installation
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ make compile
 (require 'context-coloring)
-### scopifier (for non-js2-mode users)
+### Dependencies (js-mode)
 npm install -g scopifier
@@ -62,12 +65,15 @@ npm install -g scopifier
 Add the following to your init file:
-;; non-js2-mode users:
+;; js-mode:
 (add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'context-coloring-mode)
-;; js2-mode users:
+;; js2-mode:
 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js\\'" . js2-mode))
 (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'context-coloring-mode)
+;; emacs-lisp-mode:
+(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'context-coloring-mode)
 ## Customizing
@@ -79,7 +85,8 @@ Add the following to your init file:
 - `context-coloring-syntactic-strings` (default: `t`): If non-nil, also color
   strings using `font-lock`.
 - `context-coloring-delay` (default: `0.25`; supported modes: `js-mode`,
-  `js3-mode`): Delay between a buffer update and colorization.
+  `js3-mode`, `emacs-lisp-mode`): Delay between a buffer update and
+  colorization.
 - `context-coloring-js-block-scopes` (default: `nil`; supported modes:
   `js2-mode`): If non-nil, also color block scopes in the scope hierarchy in
@@ -170,6 +177,11 @@ When a `--version` argument is passed, a scopifier should 
print its version
 number and exit.  This allows context-coloring to determine if an update is
+Alternatively, you could implement a "colorizer" in Emacs Lisp.  A colorizer
+also handles the job of calling `context-coloring-colorize-region` to apply
+colors to a buffer.  A colorizer may have better performance than a scopifier
+when parsing and coloring can be performed in the same pass.
 [js2-mode]: https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode
 [node]: http://nodejs.org/download/
 [scopifier]: https://github.com/jacksonrayhamilton/scopifier
diff --git a/context-coloring.el b/context-coloring.el
index c5c7d3f..5c3b76f 100644
--- a/context-coloring.el
+++ b/context-coloring.el
@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@
 (require 'js2-mode)
-;;; Local variables
-(defvar-local context-coloring-buffer nil
-  "Reference to this buffer (for timers).")
 ;;; Utilities
 (defun context-coloring-join (strings delimiter)
@@ -172,29 +166,29 @@ the END point (exclusive) with the face corresponding to 
   "Tell `font-lock' to color a string but not a comment."
   (if (nth 3 state) font-lock-string-face nil))
-(defsubst context-coloring-maybe-colorize-comments-and-strings ()
+(defsubst context-coloring-maybe-colorize-comments-and-strings (&optional min 
   "Color the current buffer's comments and strings if
 `context-coloring-comments-and-strings' is non-nil."
   (when (or context-coloring-comments-and-strings
-    (let ((old-function font-lock-syntactic-face-function)
-          saved-function-p)
-      (cond
-       ((and context-coloring-syntactic-comments
-             (not context-coloring-syntactic-strings))
-        (setq font-lock-syntactic-face-function
-              'context-coloring-font-lock-syntactic-comment-function)
-        (setq saved-function-p t))
-       ((and context-coloring-syntactic-strings
-             (not context-coloring-syntactic-comments))
-        (setq font-lock-syntactic-face-function
-              'context-coloring-font-lock-syntactic-string-function)
-        (setq saved-function-p t)))
+    (let ((min (or min (point-min)))
+          (max (or max (point-max)))
+          (font-lock-syntactic-face-function
+           (cond
+            ((and context-coloring-syntactic-comments
+                  (not context-coloring-syntactic-strings))
+             'context-coloring-font-lock-syntactic-comment-function)
+            ((and context-coloring-syntactic-strings
+                  (not context-coloring-syntactic-comments))
+             'context-coloring-font-lock-syntactic-string-function)
+            (t
+             font-lock-syntactic-face-function))))
-        (font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-      (when saved-function-p
-        (setq font-lock-syntactic-face-function old-function)))))
+        (font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region min max)
+        ;; TODO: Make configurable at the dispatch level.
+        (when (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
+          (font-lock-fontify-keywords-region min max))))))
 ;;; js2-mode colorization
@@ -294,6 +288,468 @@ generated by `js2-mode'."
+;;; Emacs Lisp colorization
+(defsubst context-coloring-make-scope (depth level)
+  (list
+   :depth depth
+   :level level
+   :variables (make-hash-table)))
+(defsubst context-coloring-scope-get-level (scope)
+  (plist-get scope :level))
+(defsubst context-coloring-scope-add-variable (scope variable)
+  (puthash variable t (plist-get scope :variables)))
+(defsubst context-coloring-scope-get-variable (scope variable)
+  (gethash variable (plist-get scope :variables)))
+(defsubst context-coloring-get-variable-level (scope-stack variable)
+  (let* (scope
+         level)
+    (while (and scope-stack (not level))
+      (setq scope (car scope-stack))
+      (cond
+       ((context-coloring-scope-get-variable scope variable)
+        (setq level (context-coloring-scope-get-level scope)))
+       (t
+        (setq scope-stack (cdr scope-stack)))))
+    ;; Assume a global variable.
+    (or level 0)))
+(defsubst context-coloring-make-backtick (end enabled)
+  (list
+   :end end
+   :enabled enabled))
+(defsubst context-coloring-backtick-get-end (backtick)
+  (plist-get backtick :end))
+(defsubst context-coloring-backtick-get-enabled (backtick)
+  (plist-get backtick :enabled))
+(defsubst context-coloring-backtick-enabled-p (backtick-stack)
+  (context-coloring-backtick-get-enabled (car backtick-stack)))
+(defsubst context-coloring-make-let-varlist (depth type)
+  (list
+   :depth depth
+   :type type
+   :vars '()))
+(defsubst context-coloring-let-varlist-get-type (let-varlist)
+  (plist-get let-varlist :type))
+(defsubst context-coloring-let-varlist-add-var (let-varlist var)
+  (plist-put let-varlist :vars (cons var (plist-get let-varlist :vars))))
+(defsubst context-coloring-let-varlist-pop-vars (let-varlist)
+  (let ((type (context-coloring-let-varlist-get-type let-varlist))
+        (vars (plist-get let-varlist :vars)))
+    (cond
+     ;; `let' binds all at once at the end.
+     ((eq type 'let)
+      (prog1
+          vars
+        (plist-put let-varlist :vars '())))
+     ;; `let*' binds incrementally.
+     ((eq type 'let*)
+      (prog1
+          (list (car vars))
+        (plist-put let-varlist :vars (cdr vars)))))))
+(defsubst context-coloring-forward-sws ()
+  "Move forward through whitespace and comments."
+  (while (forward-comment 1)))
+(defsubst context-coloring-forward-sexp-position ()
+  "Like vanilla `forward-sexp', but just return the position."
+  (scan-sexps (point) 1))
+(defsubst context-coloring-emacs-lisp-identifier-syntax-p (syntax-code)
+  (or (= 2 syntax-code)
+      (= 3 syntax-code)))
+(defsubst context-coloring-open-parenthesis-p (syntax-code)
+  (= 4 syntax-code))
+(defsubst context-coloring-close-parenthesis-p (syntax-code)
+  (= 5 syntax-code))
+(defsubst context-coloring-expression-prefix-p (syntax-code)
+  (= 6 syntax-code))
+(defsubst context-coloring-at-open-parenthesis-p ()
+  (= 4 (logand #xFFFF (car (syntax-after (point))))))
+(defsubst context-coloring-ppss-depth (ppss)
+  ;; Same as (nth 0 ppss).
+  (car ppss))
+(defsubst context-coloring-at-stack-depth-p (stack depth)
+  (= (plist-get (car stack) :depth) depth))
+(defsubst context-coloring-exact-regexp (word)
+  "Create a regexp that matches exactly WORD."
+  (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote word) "\\'"))
+(defsubst context-coloring-exact-or-regexp (words)
+  "Create a regexp that matches any exact word in WORDS."
+  (context-coloring-join
+   (mapcar 'context-coloring-exact-regexp words) "\\|"))
+(defconst context-coloring-emacs-lisp-defun-regexp
+  (context-coloring-exact-or-regexp
+   '("defun" "defun*" "defsubst" "defmacro"
+     "cl-defun" "cl-defsubst" "cl-defmacro")))
+(defconst context-coloring-emacs-lisp-lambda-regexp
+  (context-coloring-exact-regexp "lambda"))
+(defconst context-coloring-emacs-lisp-let-regexp
+  (context-coloring-exact-regexp "let"))
+(defconst context-coloring-emacs-lisp-let*-regexp
+  (context-coloring-exact-regexp "let*"))
+(defconst context-coloring-arglist-arg-regexp
+  "\\`[^&:]")
+(defconst context-coloring-ignored-word-regexp
+  (concat "\\`[-+]?[0-9]\\|" (context-coloring-exact-or-regexp
+                              '("t" "nil" "." "?"))))
+(defconst context-coloring-COMMA-CHAR 44)
+(defconst context-coloring-BACKTICK-CHAR 96)
+(defvar context-coloring-parse-interruptable-p t
+  "Set this to nil to force parse to continue until finished.")
+(defconst context-coloring-emacs-lisp-iterations-per-pause 1000
+  "Pause after this many iterations to check for user input.
+If user input is pending, stop the parse.  This makes for a
+smoother user experience for large files.
+As of this writing, emacs lisp colorization seems to run at about
+60,000 iterations per second.  A default value of 1000 should
+provide visually \"instant\" updates at 60 frames per second.")
+(defun context-coloring-emacs-lisp-colorize ()
+  "Color the current buffer by parsing emacs lisp sexps."
+  (with-silent-modifications
+    (save-excursion
+      ;; TODO: Can probably make this lazy to the nearest defun.
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (let* ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
+             (end (point-max))
+             (iteration-count 0)
+             (last-fontified-position (point))
+             beginning-of-current-defun
+             end-of-current-defun
+             (last-ppss-pos (point))
+             (ppss (syntax-ppss))
+             ppss-depth
+             ;; -1 never matches a depth.  This is a minor optimization.
+             (scope-stack `(,(context-coloring-make-scope -1 0)))
+             (backtick-stack '())
+             (let-varlist-stack '())
+             (let-var-stack '())
+             popped-vars
+             one-word-found-p
+             in-defun-p
+             in-lambda-p
+             in-let-p
+             in-let*-p
+             defun-arglist
+             defun-arg
+             let-varlist
+             let-varlist-type
+             variable
+             variable-end
+             variable-string
+             variable-scope-level
+             token-pos
+             token-syntax
+             token-syntax-code
+             token-char
+             child-0-pos
+             child-0-end
+             child-0-syntax
+             child-0-syntax-code
+             child-0-string
+             child-1-pos
+             child-1-end
+             child-1-syntax
+             child-1-syntax-code
+             child-2-end)
+        (while (> end (progn (skip-syntax-forward "^()w_'" end)
+                             (point)))
+          ;; Sparingly-executed tasks.
+          (setq iteration-count (1+ iteration-count))
+          (when (zerop (% iteration-count
+                          context-coloring-emacs-lisp-iterations-per-pause))
+            ;; Fontify until the end of the current defun because doing it in
+            ;; chunks based soley on point could result in partial
+            ;; re-fontifications over the contents of scopes.
+            (save-excursion
+              (end-of-defun)
+              (setq end-of-current-defun (point))
+              (beginning-of-defun)
+              (setq beginning-of-current-defun (point)))
+            ;; Fontify in chunks.
+            (context-coloring-maybe-colorize-comments-and-strings
+             last-fontified-position
+             (cond
+              ;; We weren't actually in a defun, so don't color the next one, 
+              ;; that could result in `font-lock' properties being added to it.
+              ((> beginning-of-current-defun (point))
+               (point))
+              (t
+               end-of-current-defun)))
+            (setq last-fontified-position (point))
+            (when (and context-coloring-parse-interruptable-p
+                       (input-pending-p))
+              (throw 'interrupted t)))
+          (setq token-pos (point))
+          (setq token-syntax (syntax-after token-pos))
+          (setq token-syntax-code (logand #xFFFF (car token-syntax)))
+          (setq token-char (char-after))
+          (setq ppss (parse-partial-sexp last-ppss-pos token-pos nil nil ppss))
+          (setq last-ppss-pos token-pos)
+          (cond
+           ;; Resolve an invalid state.
+           ((cond
+             ;; Inside string?
+             ((nth 3 ppss)
+              (skip-syntax-forward "^\"" end)
+              (forward-char)
+              t)
+             ;; Inside comment?
+             ((nth 4 ppss)
+              (skip-syntax-forward "^>" end)
+              t)))
+           ;; Need to check early in case there's a comma.
+           ((context-coloring-expression-prefix-p token-syntax-code)
+            (forward-char)
+            (cond
+             ;; Skip top-level symbols.
+             ((not (or backtick-stack
+                       (= token-char context-coloring-BACKTICK-CHAR)))
+              (goto-char (context-coloring-forward-sexp-position)))
+             ;; Push a backtick state.
+             ((or (= token-char context-coloring-BACKTICK-CHAR)
+                  (= token-char context-coloring-COMMA-CHAR))
+              (setq backtick-stack (cons (context-coloring-make-backtick
+                                          (= token-char 
+                                         backtick-stack)))))
+           ;; Pop a backtick state.
+           ((and backtick-stack
+                 (>= (point) (context-coloring-backtick-get-end (car 
+            (setq backtick-stack (cdr backtick-stack)))
+           ;; Restricted by an enabled backtick.
+           ((and backtick-stack
+                 (context-coloring-backtick-enabled-p backtick-stack))
+            (forward-char))
+           ((context-coloring-open-parenthesis-p token-syntax-code)
+            (forward-char)
+            ;; Look for function calls.
+            (context-coloring-forward-sws)
+            (setq child-0-pos (point))
+            (setq child-0-syntax (syntax-after child-0-pos))
+            (setq child-0-syntax-code (logand #xFFFF (car child-0-syntax)))
+            (cond
+             ((context-coloring-emacs-lisp-identifier-syntax-p 
+              (setq one-word-found-p t)
+              (setq child-0-end (scan-sexps child-0-pos 1))
+              (setq child-0-string (buffer-substring-no-properties child-0-pos 
+              (cond
+               ;; Parse a var in a `let' varlist.
+               ((and
+                 let-varlist-stack
+                 (context-coloring-at-stack-depth-p
+                  let-varlist-stack
+                  ;; 1- because we're inside the varlist.
+                  (1- (context-coloring-ppss-depth ppss))))
+                (context-coloring-let-varlist-add-var
+                 (car let-varlist-stack)
+                 (intern child-0-string))
+                (setq let-var-stack (cons (context-coloring-ppss-depth ppss)
+                                          let-var-stack)))
+               ((string-match-p context-coloring-emacs-lisp-defun-regexp 
+                (setq in-defun-p t))
+               ((string-match-p context-coloring-emacs-lisp-lambda-regexp 
+                (setq in-lambda-p t))
+               ((string-match-p context-coloring-emacs-lisp-let-regexp 
+                (setq in-let-p t)
+                (setq let-varlist-type 'let))
+               ((string-match-p context-coloring-emacs-lisp-let*-regexp 
+                (setq in-let*-p t)
+                (setq let-varlist-type 'let*)))))
+            (when (or in-defun-p
+                      in-lambda-p
+                      in-let-p
+                      in-let*-p)
+              (setq scope-stack (cons (context-coloring-make-scope
+                                       (context-coloring-ppss-depth ppss)
+                                       (1+ (context-coloring-scope-get-level
+                                            (car scope-stack))))
+                                      scope-stack)))
+            ;; TODO: Maybe wasteful but doing this conditionally doesn't make
+            ;; much of a difference.
+            (context-coloring-colorize-region token-pos
+                                              (scan-sexps token-pos 1)
+                                              (context-coloring-scope-get-level
+                                               (car scope-stack)))
+            (cond
+             ((or in-defun-p
+                  in-lambda-p)
+              (goto-char child-0-end)
+              (when in-defun-p
+                ;; Look for a function name.
+                (context-coloring-forward-sws)
+                (setq child-1-pos (point))
+                (setq child-1-syntax (syntax-after child-1-pos))
+                (setq child-1-syntax-code (logand #xFFFF (car child-1-syntax)))
+                (cond
+                 ((context-coloring-emacs-lisp-identifier-syntax-p 
+                  (setq child-1-end (scan-sexps child-1-pos 1))
+                  ;; Defuns are global, so use level 0.
+                  (context-coloring-colorize-region child-1-pos child-1-end 0)
+                  (goto-char child-1-end))))
+              ;; Look for an arglist.
+              (context-coloring-forward-sws)
+              (when (context-coloring-at-open-parenthesis-p)
+                ;; (Actually it should be `child-1-end' for `lambda'.)
+                (setq child-2-end (context-coloring-forward-sexp-position))
+                (setq defun-arglist (read (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                                           (point)
+                                           child-2-end)))
+                (while defun-arglist
+                  (setq defun-arg (car defun-arglist))
+                  (when (and (symbolp defun-arg)
+                             (string-match-p
+                              context-coloring-arglist-arg-regexp
+                              (symbol-name defun-arg)))
+                    (context-coloring-scope-add-variable
+                     (car scope-stack)
+                     defun-arg))
+                  (setq defun-arglist (cdr defun-arglist)))
+                (goto-char child-2-end))
+              ;; Cleanup.
+              (setq in-defun-p nil)
+              (setq in-lambda-p nil))
+             ((or in-let-p
+                  in-let*-p)
+              (goto-char child-0-end)
+              ;; Look for a varlist.
+              (context-coloring-forward-sws)
+              (setq child-1-pos (point))
+              (setq child-1-syntax (syntax-after child-1-pos))
+              (setq child-1-syntax-code (logand #xFFFF (car child-1-syntax)))
+              (when (context-coloring-open-parenthesis-p child-1-syntax-code)
+                ;; Begin parsing the varlist.
+                (forward-char)
+                (setq let-varlist-stack (cons 
+                                               ;; 1+ because we parsed it at a
+                                               ;; higher depth.
+                                               (1+ 
(context-coloring-ppss-depth ppss))
+                                               let-varlist-type)
+                                              let-varlist-stack)))
+              ;; Cleanup.
+              (setq in-let-p nil)
+              (setq in-let*-p nil))
+             (t
+              (goto-char (cond
+                          ;; If there was a word, continue parsing after it.
+                          (one-word-found-p
+                           (1+ child-0-end))
+                          (t
+                           (1+ token-pos))))))
+            ;; Cleanup.
+            (setq one-word-found-p nil))
+           ((context-coloring-emacs-lisp-identifier-syntax-p token-syntax-code)
+            (setq variable-end (context-coloring-forward-sexp-position))
+            (setq variable-string (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                                   token-pos
+                                   variable-end))
+            (cond
+             ;; Ignore constants such as numbers, keywords, t, nil.  These 
+             ;; be rebound, so they should be treated like syntax.
+             ((string-match-p context-coloring-ignored-word-regexp 
+             ((keywordp (read variable-string)))
+             (t
+              (setq variable (intern variable-string))
+              (cond
+               ;; Parse a `let' varlist's uninitialized var.
+               ((and
+                 let-varlist-stack
+                 (context-coloring-at-stack-depth-p
+                  let-varlist-stack
+                  ;; 1- because we're inside the varlist.
+                  (1- (context-coloring-ppss-depth ppss))))
+                (setq let-varlist (car let-varlist-stack))
+                (setq let-varlist-type (context-coloring-let-varlist-get-type 
+                (cond
+                 ;; Defer `let' binding until the end of the varlist.
+                 ((eq let-varlist-type 'let)
+                  (context-coloring-let-varlist-add-var let-varlist variable))
+                 ;; Bind a `let*' right away.
+                 ((eq let-varlist-type 'let*)
+                  (context-coloring-scope-add-variable (car scope-stack) 
+               (t
+                (setq variable-scope-level
+                      (context-coloring-get-variable-level scope-stack 
+                (when (/= variable-scope-level 
+                                                (car scope-stack)))
+                  (context-coloring-colorize-region
+                   token-pos
+                   variable-end
+                   variable-scope-level))))))
+            (goto-char variable-end))
+           ((context-coloring-close-parenthesis-p token-syntax-code)
+            (forward-char)
+            (setq ppss (parse-partial-sexp last-ppss-pos (point) nil nil ppss))
+            (setq last-ppss-pos (point))
+            (setq ppss-depth (context-coloring-ppss-depth ppss))
+            ;; TODO: Order might matter here but I'm not certain.
+            (when (context-coloring-at-stack-depth-p scope-stack ppss-depth)
+              (setq scope-stack (cdr scope-stack)))
+            (when (and
+                   let-var-stack
+                   (= (car let-var-stack) ppss-depth))
+              (setq let-var-stack (cdr let-var-stack))
+              (when (eq (context-coloring-let-varlist-get-type (car 
+                        'let*)
+                (setq popped-vars (context-coloring-let-varlist-pop-vars
+                                   (car let-varlist-stack)))))
+            (when (and
+                   let-varlist-stack
+                   (context-coloring-at-stack-depth-p let-varlist-stack 
+              (setq popped-vars (context-coloring-let-varlist-pop-vars
+                                 (car let-varlist-stack)))
+              (setq let-varlist-stack (cdr let-varlist-stack)))
+            (while popped-vars
+              (context-coloring-scope-add-variable (car scope-stack) (car 
+              (setq popped-vars (cdr popped-vars))))
+           ))
+        ;; Fontify the last stretch.
+        (context-coloring-maybe-colorize-comments-and-strings
+         last-fontified-position
+         (point))))))
 ;;; Shell command scopification / colorization
 (defun context-coloring-apply-tokens (tokens)
@@ -375,7 +831,7 @@ read the scopifier's response asynchronously and apply a 
 list of tokens to `context-coloring-apply-tokens'.
 Invoke CALLBACK when complete."
-  (let ((buffer context-coloring-buffer))
+  (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
      (lambda (output)
@@ -396,6 +852,15 @@ Invoke CALLBACK when complete."
 (defvar context-coloring-mode-hash-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
   "Map major mode names to dispatch property lists.")
+(defun context-coloring-get-dispatch-for-mode (mode)
+  "Return the dispatch for MODE (or a derivative mode)."
+  (let ((parent mode)
+        dispatch)
+    (while (and parent
+                (not (setq dispatch (gethash parent 
+                (setq parent (get parent 'derived-mode-parent))))
+    dispatch))
 (defun context-coloring-define-dispatch (symbol &rest properties)
   "Define a new dispatch named SYMBOL with PROPERTIES.
@@ -447,46 +912,7 @@ should be numeric, e.g. \"2\", \"19700101\", \"1.2.3\",
       (error "No colorizer, scopifier or command defined for dispatch"))
     (puthash symbol properties context-coloring-dispatch-hash-table)
     (dolist (mode modes)
-      (when (null (gethash mode context-coloring-mode-hash-table))
-        (puthash mode properties context-coloring-mode-hash-table)))))
- 'javascript-node
- :modes '(js-mode js3-mode)
- :executable "scopifier"
- :command "scopifier"
- :version "v1.1.1")
- 'javascript-js2
- :modes '(js2-mode)
- :colorizer 'context-coloring-js2-colorize
- :setup
- (lambda ()
-   (add-hook 'js2-post-parse-callbacks 'context-coloring-colorize nil t))
- :teardown
- (lambda ()
-   (remove-hook 'js2-post-parse-callbacks 'context-coloring-colorize t)))
-(defun context-coloring-dispatch (&optional callback)
-  "Determine the optimal track for scopification / coloring of
-the current buffer, then execute it.
-Invoke CALLBACK when complete.  It is invoked synchronously for
-elisp tracks, and asynchronously for shell command tracks."
-  (let ((dispatch (gethash major-mode context-coloring-mode-hash-table))
-        colorizer
-        scopifier
-        command)
-    (cond
-     ((setq colorizer (plist-get dispatch :colorizer))
-      (funcall colorizer)
-      (when callback (funcall callback)))
-     ((setq scopifier (plist-get dispatch :scopifier))
-      (context-coloring-apply-tokens (funcall scopifier))
-      (when callback (funcall callback)))
-     ((setq command (plist-get dispatch :command))
-      (context-coloring-scopify-and-colorize command callback)))))
+      (puthash mode properties context-coloring-mode-hash-table))))
 ;;; Colorization
@@ -516,9 +942,9 @@ used.")
   (setq context-coloring-changed t))
-(defun context-coloring-maybe-colorize ()
+(defun context-coloring-maybe-colorize (buffer)
   "Colorize the current buffer if it has changed."
-  (when (and (eq context-coloring-buffer (window-buffer (selected-window)))
+  (when (and (eq buffer (current-buffer))
     (setq context-coloring-changed nil)
@@ -563,7 +989,7 @@ produces (1 0 0), \"19700101\" produces (19700101), etc."
   "Asynchronously invoke CALLBACK with a predicate indicating
 whether the current scopifier version satisfies the minimum
 version number required for the current major mode."
-  (let ((dispatch (gethash major-mode context-coloring-mode-hash-table)))
+  (let ((dispatch (context-coloring-get-dispatch-for-mode major-mode)))
     (when dispatch
       (let ((version (plist-get dispatch :version))
             (command (plist-get dispatch :command)))
@@ -919,7 +1345,7 @@ precedence, i.e. the car of `custom-enabled-themes'."
-;;; Minor mode
+;;; Change detection
 (defvar-local context-coloring-colorize-idle-timer nil
   "The currently-running idle timer.")
@@ -930,18 +1356,90 @@ precedence, i.e. the car of `custom-enabled-themes'."
 Increase this if your machine is high-performing.  Decrease it if
 it ain't.
-Supported modes: `js-mode', `js3-mode'"
+Supported modes: `js-mode', `js3-mode', `emacs-lisp-mode'"
   :group 'context-coloring)
 (defun context-coloring-setup-idle-change-detection ()
   "Setup idle change detection."
    'after-change-functions 'context-coloring-change-function nil t)
+  (add-hook
+   'kill-buffer-hook 'context-coloring-teardown-idle-change-detection nil t)
   (setq context-coloring-colorize-idle-timer
-         'context-coloring-maybe-colorize)))
+         'context-coloring-maybe-colorize
+         (current-buffer))))
+(defun context-coloring-teardown-idle-change-detection ()
+  "Teardown idle change detection."
+  (context-coloring-kill-scopifier)
+  (when context-coloring-colorize-idle-timer
+    (cancel-timer context-coloring-colorize-idle-timer))
+  (remove-hook
+   'kill-buffer-hook 'context-coloring-teardown-idle-change-detection t)
+  (remove-hook
+   'after-change-functions 'context-coloring-change-function t))
+;;; Built-in dispatches
+ 'javascript-node
+ :modes '(js-mode js3-mode)
+ :executable "scopifier"
+ :command "scopifier"
+ :version "v1.1.1")
+ 'javascript-js2
+ :modes '(js2-mode)
+ :colorizer 'context-coloring-js2-colorize
+ :setup
+ (lambda ()
+   (add-hook 'js2-post-parse-callbacks 'context-coloring-colorize nil t))
+ :teardown
+ (lambda ()
+   (remove-hook 'js2-post-parse-callbacks 'context-coloring-colorize t)))
+ 'emacs-lisp
+ :modes '(emacs-lisp-mode)
+ :colorizer 'context-coloring-emacs-lisp-colorize
+ :setup 'context-coloring-setup-idle-change-detection
+ :teardown 'context-coloring-teardown-idle-change-detection)
+(defun context-coloring-dispatch (&optional callback)
+  "Determine the optimal track for scopification / coloring of
+the current buffer, then execute it.
+Invoke CALLBACK when complete.  It is invoked synchronously for
+elisp tracks, and asynchronously for shell command tracks."
+  (let* ((dispatch (context-coloring-get-dispatch-for-mode major-mode))
+         (colorizer (plist-get dispatch :colorizer))
+         (scopifier (plist-get dispatch :scopifier))
+         (command (plist-get dispatch :command))
+         interrupted-p)
+    (cond
+     ((or colorizer scopifier)
+      (setq interrupted-p
+            (catch 'interrupted
+              (cond
+               (colorizer
+                (funcall colorizer))
+               (scopifier
+                (context-coloring-apply-tokens (funcall scopifier))))))
+      (cond
+       (interrupted-p
+        (setq context-coloring-changed t))
+       (t
+        (when callback (funcall callback)))))
+     (command
+      (context-coloring-scopify-and-colorize command callback)))))
+;;; Minor mode
 (define-minor-mode context-coloring-mode
@@ -949,32 +1447,28 @@ Supported modes: `js-mode', `js3-mode'"
   nil " Context" nil
   (if (not context-coloring-mode)
-        (context-coloring-kill-scopifier)
-        (when context-coloring-colorize-idle-timer
-          (cancel-timer context-coloring-colorize-idle-timer))
-        (let ((dispatch (gethash major-mode context-coloring-mode-hash-table)))
+        (let ((dispatch (context-coloring-get-dispatch-for-mode major-mode)))
           (when dispatch
             (let ((command (plist-get dispatch :command))
                   (teardown (plist-get dispatch :teardown)))
               (when command
-                (remove-hook
-                 'after-change-functions 'context-coloring-change-function t))
+                (context-coloring-teardown-idle-change-detection))
               (when teardown
                 (funcall teardown)))))
         (jit-lock-mode t))
-    ;; Remember this buffer.  This value should not be dynamically-bound.
-    (setq context-coloring-buffer (current-buffer))
     ;; Font lock is incompatible with this mode; the converse is also true.
     (font-lock-mode 0)
     (jit-lock-mode nil)
+    ;; ...but we do use font-lock functions here.
+    (font-lock-set-defaults)
     ;; Safely change the valye of this function as necessary.
     (make-local-variable 'font-lock-syntactic-face-function)
-    (let ((dispatch (gethash major-mode context-coloring-mode-hash-table)))
+    (let ((dispatch (context-coloring-get-dispatch-for-mode major-mode)))
       (if dispatch
             (let ((command (plist-get dispatch :command))
@@ -1005,7 +1499,8 @@ Supported modes: `js-mode', `js3-mode'"
                 (funcall setup))
               ;; Colorize once initially.
               (when colorize-initially-p
-                (context-coloring-colorize))))
+                (let ((context-coloring-parse-interruptable-p nil))
+                  (context-coloring-colorize)))))
         (when (null dispatch)
           (message "Context coloring is not available for this major 
diff --git a/test/context-coloring-test.el b/test/context-coloring-test.el
index b9a43d9..e22ee29 100644
--- a/test/context-coloring-test.el
+++ b/test/context-coloring-test.el
@@ -44,13 +44,12 @@
 (defun context-coloring-test-setup ()
   "Prepare before all tests."
-  (setq context-coloring-comments-and-strings nil))
+  (setq context-coloring-syntactic-comments nil)
+  (setq context-coloring-syntactic-strings nil))
 (defun context-coloring-test-cleanup ()
   "Cleanup after all tests."
-  (setq context-coloring-comments-and-strings t)
-  (setq context-coloring-syntactic-comments nil)
-  (setq context-coloring-syntactic-strings nil)
+  (setq context-coloring-comments-and-strings nil)
   (setq context-coloring-js-block-scopes nil)
   (setq context-coloring-colorize-hook nil)
   (setq context-coloring-check-scopifier-version-hook nil)
@@ -167,9 +166,123 @@ format."
+(cl-defmacro context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode (name
+                                                            body
+                                                            &key setup)
+  "Define a test for `emacs-lisp-mode' with name and fixture as
+NAME, with BODY containing the assertions, and SETUP defining the
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  (let ((test-name (intern (format "context-coloring-emacs-lisp-mode-%s" 
+        (fixture (format "./fixtures/%s.el" name)))
+    `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
+       (context-coloring-test-with-fixture
+        ,fixture
+        (emacs-lisp-mode)
+        (when ,setup (funcall ,setup))
+        (context-coloring-mode)
+        (funcall ,body)))))
 ;;; Assertion functions
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-position-level (position level)
+  "Assert that POSITION has LEVEL."
+  (let ((face (get-text-property position 'face))
+        actual-level)
+    (when (not (and face
+                    (let* ((face-string (symbol-name face))
+                           (matches (string-match
+                                     context-coloring-level-face-regexp
+                                     face-string)))
+                      (when matches
+                        (setq actual-level (string-to-number
+                                            (substring face-string
+                                                       (match-beginning 1)
+                                                       (match-end 1))))
+                        (= level actual-level)))))
+      (ert-fail (format (concat "Expected level at position %s, "
+                                "which is \"%s\", to be %s; "
+                                "but it was %s")
+                        position
+                        (buffer-substring-no-properties position (1+ 
position)) level
+                        actual-level)))))
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-position-face (position face-regexp)
+  "Assert that the face at POSITION satisfies FACE-REGEXP."
+  (let ((face (get-text-property position 'face)))
+    (when (or
+           ;; Pass a non-string to do an `equal' check (against a symbol or 
+           (unless (stringp face-regexp)
+             (not (equal face-regexp face)))
+           ;; Otherwise do the matching.
+           (when (stringp face-regexp)
+             (not (string-match-p face-regexp (symbol-name face)))))
+      (ert-fail (format (concat "Expected face at position %s, "
+                                "which is \"%s\", to be %s; "
+                                "but it was %s")
+                        position
+                        (buffer-substring-no-properties position (1+ 
position)) face-regexp
+                        face)))))
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-position-comment (position)
+  (context-coloring-test-assert-position-face
+   position "\\`font-lock-comment\\(-delimiter\\)?-face\\'"))
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-position-constant-comment (position)
+  (context-coloring-test-assert-position-face position 
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-position-string (position)
+  (context-coloring-test-assert-position-face position 'font-lock-string-face))
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-position-nil (position)
+  (context-coloring-test-assert-position-face position nil))
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-coloring (map)
+  "Assert that the current buffer's coloring matches MAP."
+  ;; Omit the superfluous, formatting-related leading newline.  Can't use
+  ;; `save-excursion' here because if an assertion fails it will cause future
+  ;; tests to get messed up.
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (let* ((map (substring map 1))
+         (index 0)
+         char-string
+         char)
+    (while (< index (length map))
+      (setq char-string (substring map index (1+ index)))
+      (setq char (string-to-char char-string))
+      (cond
+       ;; Newline
+       ((= char 10)
+        (next-logical-line)
+        (beginning-of-line))
+       ;; Number
+       ((and (>= char 48)
+             (<= char 57))
+        (context-coloring-test-assert-position-level
+         (point) (string-to-number char-string))
+        (forward-char))
+       ;; ';' = Comment
+       ((= char 59)
+        (context-coloring-test-assert-position-comment (point))
+        (forward-char))
+       ;; 'c' = Constant comment
+       ((= char 99)
+        (context-coloring-test-assert-position-constant-comment (point))
+        (forward-char))
+       ;; 'n' = nil
+       ((= char 110)
+        (context-coloring-test-assert-position-nil (point))
+        (forward-char))
+       ;; 's' = String
+       ((= char 115)
+        (context-coloring-test-assert-position-string (point))
+        (forward-char))
+       (t
+        (forward-char)))
+      (setq index (1+ index)))))
 (defmacro context-coloring-test-assert-region (&rest body)
   "Assert something about the face of points in a region.
 Provides the free variables `i', `length', `point', `face' and
@@ -235,8 +348,16 @@ EXPECTED-FACE."
    start end 'font-lock-string-face))
+(defun context-coloring-test-get-last-message ()
+  (let ((messages (split-string
+                   (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                    (point-min)
+                    (point-max))
+                   "\n")))
+    (car (nthcdr (- (length messages) 2) messages))))
 (defun context-coloring-test-assert-message (expected buffer)
-  "Assert that message EXPECTED exists in BUFFER."
+  "Assert that message EXPECTED is at the end of BUFFER."
   (when (null (get-buffer buffer))
@@ -245,20 +366,28 @@ EXPECTED-FACE."
        "but the buffer did not have any messages.")
       buffer expected)))
   (with-current-buffer buffer
-    (let ((messages (split-string
-                     (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                      (point-min)
-                      (point-max))
-                     "\n")))
-      (let ((message (car (nthcdr (- (length messages) 2) messages))))
-        (when (not (equal message expected))
+    (let ((message (context-coloring-test-get-last-message)))
+      (when (not (equal message expected))
+        (ert-fail
+         (format
+          (concat
+           "Expected buffer `%s' to have message \"%s\", "
+           "but instead it was \"%s\"")
+          buffer expected
+          message))))))
+(defun context-coloring-test-assert-not-message (expected buffer)
+  "Assert that message EXPECTED is not at the end of BUFFER."
+  (when (get-buffer buffer)
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (let ((message (context-coloring-test-get-last-message)))
+        (when (equal message expected)
-             "Expected buffer `%s' to have message \"%s\", "
-             "but instead it was \"%s\"")
-            buffer expected
-            message)))))))
+             "Expected buffer `%s' not to have message \"%s\", "
+             "but it did")
+            buffer expected)))))))
 (defun context-coloring-test-assert-no-message (buffer)
   "Assert that BUFFER has no message."
@@ -376,7 +505,7 @@ FOREGROUND.  Apply ARGUMENTS to
            (funcall done)))
         (insert " ")
         (set-window-buffer (selected-window) (current-buffer))
-        (context-coloring-maybe-colorize)))
+        (context-coloring-maybe-colorize (current-buffer))))
 (ert-deftest context-coloring-test-check-version ()
@@ -393,6 +522,15 @@ FOREGROUND.  Apply ARGUMENTS to
     "Context coloring is not available for this major mode"
+(ert-deftest context-coloring-test-derived-mode ()
+  (context-coloring-test-with-fixture
+   "./fixtures/empty"
+   (lisp-interaction-mode)
+   (context-coloring-mode)
+   (context-coloring-test-assert-not-message
+    "Context coloring is not available for this major mode"
+    "*Messages*")))
@@ -988,6 +1126,109 @@ see that function."
 (context-coloring-test-deftest-js2-mode unterminated-comment)
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode defun
+  (lambda ()
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+111111 000 1111 111 111111111 1111
+  11 111 111 111 000011
+0000 0 0 00
+111111 01
+111111 111")))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode lambda
+  (lambda ()
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+00000000 1111111 1111
+           11111111 11 2222222 2222
+                         222 22 12 2221 111 0 00")))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode quote
+  (lambda ()
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+(xxxxx x (x)
+  (xx (xx x 111
+      111111 1 111 111
+      111111 1 1111111111 11 111 1 111 1 00001 10000 11 00001 1 100001111")))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode comment
+  (lambda ()
+    ;; Just check that the comment isn't parsed syntactically.
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+(xxxxx x ()
+  (xx (x xxxxx-xxxx xx)   ;;;;;;;;;;
+      11 00000-0000 11))) ;;;;;;;;;;"))
+  :setup (lambda ()
+           (setq context-coloring-syntactic-comments t)))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode string
+  (lambda ()
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+(xxxxx x (x)
+  (xxxxxx x x sss 1 0 sssss 0 1 sssssss11"))
+  :setup (lambda ()
+           (setq context-coloring-syntactic-strings t)))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode ignored
+  (lambda ()
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+(xxxxx x ()
+  (x x 1 11 11 111 11 1 111 (1 1 1)))")))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode let
+  (lambda ()
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+1111 11
+      11 01
+      11 00001
+      11 2222 22
+               22 02
+               22 000022
+           2222 2 2 2 00002211
+  1111 1 1 1 000011")))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode let*
+  (lambda ()
+    (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+11111 11
+       11 11
+       11 000011
+  1111 1 1 1 0 0 00001
+  22222 22
+         22 12
+         22 00002
+         22 02
+         22 222
+    2222 1 1 2 2 2 000022
+  1111 1 1 1 0 0 000011")))
+(defun context-coloring-test-insert-unread-space ()
+  (setq unread-command-events (cons '(t . 32)
+                                    unread-command-events)))
+(defun context-coloring-test-remove-faces ()
+  (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(face nil)))
+(context-coloring-test-deftest-emacs-lisp-mode iteration
+  (lambda ()
+    (let ((context-coloring-emacs-lisp-iterations-per-pause 1))
+      (context-coloring-colorize)
+      (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+;; `cc' `cc'
+(xxxxx x ())")
+      (context-coloring-test-remove-faces)
+      (context-coloring-test-insert-unread-space)
+      (context-coloring-colorize)
+      ;; The first iteration will color the first part of the comment, but
+      ;; that's it.  Then it will be interrupted.
+      (context-coloring-test-assert-coloring "
+;; nnnn nnnn
+nnnnnn n nnn")))
+  :setup (lambda ()
+           (setq context-coloring-syntactic-comments t)
+           (setq context-coloring-syntactic-strings t)))
 (provide 'context-coloring-test)
 ;;; context-coloring-test.el ends here
diff --git a/test/fixtures/comment.el b/test/fixtures/comment.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ba432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/comment.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(defun a ()
+  (or (= token-char 96)   ; 96 = '`'
+      (= token-char 44))) ; 44 = ','
diff --git a/test/fixtures/defun.el b/test/fixtures/defun.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5bd039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/defun.el
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(defun abc (def ghi &optional jkl)
+  (+ def ghi jkl free))
+(abc 1 2 3)
+(defun a)
+(defun ())
diff --git a/test/fixtures/ignored.el b/test/fixtures/ignored.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776a846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/ignored.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(defun a ()
+  (+ a 1 +1 -1 1.0 :a t nil (0 . 0)))
diff --git a/test/fixtures/iteration.el b/test/fixtures/iteration.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e99ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/iteration.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+;; `aa' `bb'
+(defun a ())
diff --git a/test/fixtures/lambda.el b/test/fixtures/lambda.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab7be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/lambda.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(funcall (lambda (fn a)
+           (funcall fn (lambda (fn)
+                         (fn fn a) fn)) fn) 0 1)
diff --git a/test/fixtures/let*.el b/test/fixtures/let*.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44d743c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/let*.el
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(let* (a
+       (b a)
+       (c free))
+  (and a b c d e free)
+  (let* (d
+         (e a)
+         (c free)
+         (g f)
+         (f g))
+    (and a b c d e free))
+  (and a b c d e free))
diff --git a/test/fixtures/let.el b/test/fixtures/let.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11637b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/let.el
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(let (a
+      (b a)
+      (c free)
+      (d (let (a
+               (b a)
+               (c free))
+           (and a b c free))))
+  (and a b c free))
diff --git a/test/fixtures/quote.el b/test/fixtures/quote.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..654bc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/quote.el
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(defun a (a)
+  (or (eq a 'b)
+      (equal a '(a b))
+      (equal a `(,(append () `(a b ,(+ 1 free) ,free b) free) b ,free))))
diff --git a/test/fixtures/string.el b/test/fixtures/string.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4172642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/string.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(defun a (a)
+  (concat a b "(" a b "(\"" b a "(\"\""))

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