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[elpa] master cfedb02 8/8: Merge commit 'a11ba779f588af28f93fd4b7a716849

From: Artur Malabarba
Subject: [elpa] master cfedb02 8/8: Merge commit 'a11ba779f588af28f93fd4b7a716849695d5d9f3'
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 04:26:58 +0000

branch: master
commit cfedb0258384d1ff6352a83cc6102a7ad4a62422
Merge: 0cedae8 a11ba77
Author: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>
Commit: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>

    Merge commit 'a11ba779f588af28f93fd4b7a716849695d5d9f3'
 packages/names/Readme.org       |   28 +++++++++++++++-------------
 packages/names/UsageExample.org |   36 ++++++++++++------------------------
 packages/names/names-dev.el     |   19 ++++++++++---------
 packages/names/names.el         |   26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/names/Readme.org b/packages/names/Readme.org
index 2de1b31..ef55b04 100644
--- a/packages/names/Readme.org
+++ b/packages/names/Readme.org
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
-* Names [[https://secure.travis-ci.org/Bruce-Connor/names.png?branch=master]]
+* Names 
 *Names* is designed as a practical, complete, robust, and debuggable
 tool which writes your namespaces for you.
+It is part of Emacs and is available trough 
[[https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/names.html][GNU Elpa]], so every
+Emacs user running at least 24.1 has access to it.
 /Example usage of Names to namespace an emacs-lisp function./
 *** A Namespace implementation for Emacs-Lisp
@@ -13,14 +16,13 @@ The *Names* package aims to provide an implementation of
 namespaces in Emacs with four guiding principles:
 - Practical :: Actually useful and easy to grasp.
-- Completeness :: Support any macro/function/special-form available in
-                  emacs-lisp, even the ones defined by you or a third
-                  party.
-- Robustness :: No-surprises, well-tested, and with clearly stated
-            limitations. Yes, as complete as we aim to be,
-            there will be limitations.
-- Debuggable :: Support *edebug* and =eval-defun=, as well as any
-                other essential tools for package developers.
+- Complete :: Support any macro, function, or special-form available in
+              emacs-lisp, /even/ the ones defined by you or a third
+              party.
+- Robust :: No-surprises, well-tested, and with clearly stated
+            limitations.
+- Debuggable :: Support *edebug* and =eval-defun=, and any other
+                package developing tools.
 See [[https://github.com/Bruce-Connor/spaces#why-a-namespace-package][Why a 
namespace package?]] for a description on why this is
 necessary, and see 
 for a description and comparison
@@ -81,10 +83,10 @@ lack of knowledge by the reader, =names.el= is also 
 ** Why a namespace package?
 Plain and simple: Emacs doesn't have namespaces, and it needs them.
-Nic Ferrier has a 
[[http://nic.ferrier.me.uk/blog/2013_06/adding-namespaces-to-elisp][great essay 
on the subject]]. Note that
-*Names* is very different from the solution he proposes, but it does
-solve the problem he had with other alternatives which left the
-debugger unusable.
+Nic Ferrier has a 
[[http://nic.ferrier.me.uk/blog/2013_06/adding-namespaces-to-elisp][great essay 
on the subject]], and you might want to
opposing opinion]] as well. Note that *Names* is very different
+from the solution he proposes, but it does solve the problem he had
+with other alternatives which left the debugger unusable.
 Emacs takes the approach of prefixing every symbol name with the name
 of the package. This successfully avoids name clashes between
diff --git a/packages/names/UsageExample.org b/packages/names/UsageExample.org
index 9c0ceb4..b27160e 100644
--- a/packages/names/UsageExample.org
+++ b/packages/names/UsageExample.org
@@ -7,22 +7,14 @@ The important items are already listed in the Readme:
 #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-;;; example-package.el --- Just an example
+;;; example.el --- Just an example
 ;;; You have to add this requirement!!
-;; Package-Requires: ((names "0.5"))
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla
-;; Bla Bla Bla Bla
+;; Package-Requires: ((names "0.5") (emacs "24"))
 ;;; Code:
-;;; Require us. After compilation there will be NO leftover reference
-;;; to the names package.
-(eval-when-compile (require 'names))
+;; `define-namespace' is autoloaded, so there's no need to require `names'.
 (define-namespace example-
@@ -33,8 +25,8 @@ The important items are already listed in the Readme:
   "Evaluate BODY, don't evaluate NAME."
   (declare (debug (sexp body-form))
            (indent defun))
-  ;; `example-has-courage' here is inside a quoted
-  ;; form, so it needs to be written explicitly.
+  ;; `example-has-courage' is inside a quoted form, so it needs to be
+  ;; written explicitly.
   `(let ((example-has-courage ',name))
@@ -48,15 +40,13 @@ The important items are already listed in the Readme:
 (defun -fight-internal ()
   "Called by `example-fight'"
   (when has-courage
-    ;; `has-courage' here is will be expanded to
-    ;; `example-has-courage'.
+    ;; `has-courage' here is will be expanded to `example-has-courage'.
     (let ((has-courage nil))
-      ;; Victory!
-      )))
+      (message "Victory!"))))
-(provide 'example-package)
-;;; example-package.el ends here
+(provide 'example)
+;;; example.el ends here
@@ -86,16 +76,14 @@ To see this expansion yourself.
   "Called by `example-fight'"
   (when example-has-courage
     (let ((has-courage nil))
-      ;; Victory!
-      )))
+      (message "Victory!"))))
 * Usage Instructions
-follow these steps:
+Follow these steps:
-1. Remember to list =names= as a dependency, and =require= it.
+1. Remember to list =names= as a dependency.
 2. Wrap all code that's to be namespaced inside a =(define-namespace NAME 
...)= macro.
 3. Pleasantly remove all that redundant repetition from you code!
 4. When quoting function names, use =#' = instead of = ' =.
diff --git a/packages/names/names-dev.el b/packages/names/names-dev.el
index 5457f72..0133604 100644
--- a/packages/names/names-dev.el
+++ b/packages/names/names-dev.el
@@ -118,12 +118,7 @@ If KILL is non-nil, kill the temp buffer afterwards."
-            (when (progn
-                    (end-of-defun)
-                    (beginning-of-defun)
-                    (ignore-errors
-                      (backward-up-list)
-                      (names--looking-at-namespace)))
+            (when (names--top-of-namespace)
               (cdr (read (current-buffer))))))
          b keylist spec name expanded-form)
@@ -156,6 +151,14 @@ If KILL is non-nil, kill the temp buffer afterwards."
          (when (and ,kill (buffer-live-p b))
            (kill-buffer b))))))
+(defun names--top-of-namespace ()
+  ""
+  (progn
+    (beginning-of-defun)
+    (ignore-errors
+      (backward-up-list)
+      (names--looking-at-namespace))))
 (defun names-eval-defun (edebug-it)
   "Identical to `eval-defun', except it works for forms inside namespaces.
 Argument EDEBUG-IT is the same as `eval-defun', causes the form
@@ -208,9 +211,7 @@ Argument EVAL-LAST-SEXP-ARG-INTERNAL is the same as 
 (defalias 'find-function-read 'names--find-function-read)
 (defun names--find-function-read (&optional type)
-  "Identical to `eval-print-last-sexp', except it works for forms inside 
-Argument EVAL-LAST-SEXP-ARG-INTERNAL is the same as `eval-print-last-sexp'."
-  (interactive "P")
+  "Identical to `find-function-read', except it works inside namespaces."
   (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
       (names--find-function-read-original type) nil t
diff --git a/packages/names/names.el b/packages/names/names.el
index b019231..2f9087b 100644
--- a/packages/names/names.el
+++ b/packages/names/names.el
@@ -584,6 +584,30 @@ Also adds `version' to `names--fbound' and `names--bound'."
                                      (cdr-safe def))
+(defadvice find-function-search-for-symbol
+    (around names-around-find-function-search-for-symbol-advice
+            (symbol type library) activate)
+  "Make sure `find-function-search-for-symbol' understands namespaces."
+  ad-do-it
+  (ignore-errors
+    (unless (cdr ad-return-value)
+      (with-current-buffer (car ad-return-value)
+        (search-forward-regexp "^(define-namespace\\_>")
+        (skip-chars-forward "\r\n[:blank:]")
+        (let* ((names--regexp
+                (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote
+                               (symbol-name (read (current-buffer))))))
+               (short-symbol
+                ;; We manually implement `names--remove-namespace'
+                ;; because it might not be loaded.
+                (let ((name (symbol-name symbol)))
+                  (when (string-match names--regexp name)
+                    (intern (replace-match "" nil nil name))))))
+          (when short-symbol
+            (ad-set-arg 0 short-symbol)
+            ad-do-it))))))
 (defun names--extract-autoloads (body)
   "Return a list of the forms in BODY preceded by :autoload."
   (let (acons)
@@ -666,7 +690,7 @@ are namespaced become un-namespaced."
   (delq nil (mapcar 'names--remove-namespace (apply 'append lists))))
 (defun names--remove-namespace (symbol)
-  "Return SYMBOL with namespace removed, or nil if S wasn't namespaced."
+  "Return SYMBOL with namespace removed, or nil if it wasn't namespaced."
   (names--remove-regexp symbol names--regexp))
 (defun names--remove-protection (symbol)

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