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[elpa] 19/117: Pretty key cleanup

From: Matthew Fidler
Subject: [elpa] 19/117: Pretty key cleanup
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 13:23:55 +0000

mlf176f2 pushed a commit to branch externals/ergoemacs-mode
in repository elpa.

commit 0521b448c9dc9750b2107923c3cfe2b08051d5bc
Author: Matthew L. Fidler <address@hidden>
Date:   Tue Jul 15 11:25:52 2014 -0500

    Pretty key cleanup
 ergoemacs-functions.el |   11 --
 ergoemacs-shortcuts.el |    2 +
 ergoemacs-test.el      |   23 ++---
 ergoemacs-translate.el |  245 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 4 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ergoemacs-functions.el b/ergoemacs-functions.el
index 4b42c3e..0fe26b7 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-functions.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-functions.el
@@ -1973,17 +1973,6 @@ If arg is a negative prefix, copy file path only"
                      "unix")) current-coding)))
     (set-buffer-file-coding-system new-coding t)))
-;;; ergoemacs help functions.
-(declare-function ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep "ergoemacs-translate.el")
-(defun ergoemacs-translate-keybindings ()
-  "Fix keybindings"
-  (let ((help (get-buffer "*Help*")))
-    (when help
-      (with-current-buffer help
-        (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-          (ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep))))))
 (defun ergoemacs-describe-major-mode ()
   "Show inline doc for current major-mode."
   ;; code by Kevin Rodgers. 2009-02-25.
diff --git a/ergoemacs-shortcuts.el b/ergoemacs-shortcuts.el
index 3f63e04..4e2e76b 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-shortcuts.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-shortcuts.el
@@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ It will replace anything defined by `ergoemacs-translation'"
       (ergoemacs-read-key-install-next-key next-key key pretty kbd))))
 (defvar guide-key-mode)
+(declare-function guide-key/popup-function "guide-key.el")
 (defvar ergoemacs-read-key nil
   "Current key for `ergoemacs-read-key'")
 (defun ergoemacs-read-key-help ()
@@ -592,6 +593,7 @@ It will replace anything defined by `ergoemacs-translation'"
 (defvar keyfreq-mode)
 (defvar ergoemacs-this-command)
 (defvar keyfreq-table)
+(defvar ergoemacs-read-key-last)
 (declare-function ergoemacs-emulations "ergoemacs-mode.el")
 (declare-function ergoemacs-smart-function-p "ergoemacs-model.el")
 (defvar ergoemacs-test-fn nil
diff --git a/ergoemacs-test.el b/ergoemacs-test.el
index b6d62a4..a73d723 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-test.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-test.el
@@ -326,16 +326,11 @@ sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est 
     'after "C-e" 'ergoemacs-key)))
-(declare-function ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep "ergoemacs-tranlate.el")
+(declare-function ergoemacs-pretty-key "ergoemacs-translate.el")
 (ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-ctl-c-ctl-c ()
   "Issue #64.  Should translate C-c C-c correctly."
   (let (ergoemacs-use-unicode-char)
-    (should (string= (ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep "C-c C-c") "[Ctl+C] [Ctl+C]"))))
-(ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-helm-M-x ()
-  "Issue #65.  helm-M-x should not be helm-[Alt+X]."
-  (let (ergoemacs-use-unicode-char)
-    (should (string= (ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep "helm-M-x test") "helm-M-x 
+    (should (string= (ergoemacs-pretty-key "C-c C-c") "[Ctrl+C][Ctrl+C]"))))
 (declare-function ergoemacs-cut-line-or-region "ergoemacs-functions.el")
 (ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-cut-line-or-region ()
@@ -354,18 +349,12 @@ not using cua or cutting line. I think kill-region is 
what is meant."
       (cua-mode 1))
     (should ret)))
-(ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-next-and-prior-translation ()
-  "Issue #70.
-Test next and prior translation."
-  (should (string= (ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep "Test next and prior translation")
-                   "Test next and prior translation")))
 (declare-function ergoemacs-pretty-key "ergoemacs-translate.el")
 (ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-issue-77 ()
   "Issue #77.
-Test \"C-x \" translating to \"[Ctl+X][]\", should be \"[Ctl+X]\""
+Test \"C-x \" translating to \"[Ctrl+X][]\", should be \"[Ctrl+X]\""
   (let ((ergoemacs-use-unicode-char nil))
-    (should (string= (ergoemacs-pretty-key "C-x ") "[Ctl+X]"))))
+    (should (string= (ergoemacs-pretty-key "C-x ") "[Ctrl+X]"))))
 (ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-issue-86 ()
   "Test Issue #86.
@@ -934,6 +923,10 @@ Selected mark would not be cleared after paste."
   "Test global C-c b"
   (should (equal (ergoemacs-test-global-key-set-before nil "C-c b") t)))
+(ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-global-key-set-M-t-after ()
+  "Test global M-t"
+  (should (equal (ergoemacs-test-global-key-set-before nil "M-t") t)))
 (ert-deftest ergoemacs-test-issue-243 ()
   "Allow globally set keys like C-c C-c M-x to work globally while local 
commands like C-c C-c will work correctly. "
   :expected-result :failed
diff --git a/ergoemacs-translate.el b/ergoemacs-translate.el
index 150ba73..b7dc65c 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-translate.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-translate.el
@@ -129,161 +129,96 @@ This assumes `ergoemacs-use-unicode-char' is non-nil.  
 (defvar ergoemacs-M-x)
 (defun ergoemacs-pretty-key (code)
   "Creates Pretty keyboard binding from kbd CODE from M- to Alt+"
-  (save-match-data
-    (if (not code) ""
-      (if (string-match "^\\(M-x\\|<execute>\\) " code)
-          (if ergoemacs-use-M-x-p
-              code
-            (replace-match ergoemacs-M-x t t code))
-        (let (deactivate-mark
-              (ob (or (and ergoemacs-use-unicode-brackets 
(ergoemacs-unicode-char "【" "[")) "["))
-              (cb (or (and ergoemacs-use-unicode-brackets 
(ergoemacs-unicode-char "】" "]")) "]"))
-              (ret (replace-regexp-in-string
-                    " +$" "" (replace-regexp-in-string "^ +" "" code)))
-              (case-fold-search nil)) 
-          (when ergoemacs-use-ergoemacs-key-descriptions
-            (save-match-data
-              (with-temp-buffer
-                (insert ob)
-                (insert ret)
-                (insert cb)
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "<f\\([0-9]+\\)>" nil t)
-                  (replace-match "<F\\1>"))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "\\(-[A-Z]\\)\\([^-]\\|$\\)" nil t)
-                  (unless (save-excursion
-                            (save-match-data
-                              (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
-                              (looking-at "-\\(RET\\|SPC\\|ESC\\)")))
-                    (replace-match (format "-S%s%s" (downcase (match-string 
1)) (match-string 2)))))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "\\_<[A-Z]\\_>" nil t)
-                  (replace-match (format "S-%s" (match-string 0))))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "\\(S-\\)\\{2,\\}" nil t)
-                  (replace-match "S-" t t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward " +" nil t)
-                  (replace-match (format "%s%s" cb ob)))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (search-forward "M-" nil t)
-                  (replace-match (if (eq system-type 'darwin)
-                                     (cond
-                                      ((or (and (boundp 'mac-command-modifier)
-                                                (eq mac-command-modifier 
-                                           (and (boundp 'ns-command-modifier)
-                                                (eq ns-command-modifier 
-                                       (format "%sCmd+"
-                                               (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌘" 
-                                      ((or (and (boundp 
-                                                (eq mac-alternate-modifier 
-                                           (and (boundp 'ns-alternate-modifier)
-                                                (eq ns-alternate-modifier 
-                                       (format "%sOpt+"
-                                               (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌥" 
-                                      (t "Alt+"))
-                                   "Alt+") t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (search-forward "C-" nil t)
-                  (replace-match "Ctl+" t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (search-forward "S-" nil t)
-                  (replace-match (format "%sShift+"
-                                         (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⇧" "")) t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t)
-                  (replace-match ""))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "\\(RET\\|[Rr]eturn\\)" nil t)
-                  (replace-match (format "Enter%s"
-                                         (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⏎" "")) t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "TAB" nil t)
-                  (replace-match (format "%sTab"
-                                         (ergoemacs-unicode-char "↹" "")) t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "\\(menu\\|apps\\)" nil t)
-                  (unless (or (save-match-data (looking-at "-bar"))
-                              ;; (save-match-data (not (looking-back "-")))
-                              )
-                    (replace-match (format "%s"
-                                           (ergoemacs-unicode-char "▤" 
"Menu")) t)))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "prior>" nil t)
-                  (replace-match "PgUp>" t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "next>" nil t)
-                  (replace-match "PgDn>" t))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (while (re-search-forward "[+]\\([[:lower:]]\\)\\(】\\|\\]\\)" 
nil t)
-                  (replace-match (upcase (match-string 0)) t t))
-                (cond
-                 ((and (eq system-type 'darwin)
-                       (string= "⇧" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⇧" ""))
-                       (string= "⌘" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌘" ""))
-                       (string= "⌥" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌥" "")))
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (re-search-forward ".Opt[+]" nil t)
-                    (replace-match "⌥"))
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (re-search-forward ".Cmd[+]" nil t)
-                    (replace-match "⌘"))
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (re-search-forward ".Shift[+]" nil t)
-                    (replace-match "⇧"))
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (re-search-forward "Ctl[+]" nil t)
-                    (replace-match "^")))
-                 ((and ergoemacs-use-small-symbols
-                       (string= "⇧" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⇧" ""))
-                       (string= "♦" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "♦" "")))
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (re-search-forward ".Alt[+]" nil t)
-                    (replace-match "♦"))
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (re-search-forward ".Shift[+]" nil t)
-                    (replace-match "⇧"))
-                  (goto-char (point-min))
-                  (while (re-search-forward "Ctl[+]" nil t)
-                    (replace-match "^"))))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (unless (looking-at (regexp-quote ob))
-                  (insert ob))
-                (setq ret (buffer-string)))))
-          ret)))))
-(defun ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep-internal ()
-  (let (case-fold-search)
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (re-search-forward 
 +\\|[':,.]\\|$\\)" nil t)
-      (unless (or (save-match-data (string-match "remap" (match-string 1)))
-                  (save-match-data (string-match "\\(\\[\\]\\|【】\\)" 
(ergoemacs-pretty-key (match-string 1))))
-                  (save-match-data (save-excursion (goto-char (match-beginning 
0)) (looking-back "-\\="))))
-        (replace-match (concat (ergoemacs-pretty-key (match-string 1))
-                               (match-string 2)) t t)
-        (while (re-search-forward 
 ]\\)\\( +\\|[':,.]\\|$\\)" nil t)
-          (unless (save-match-data (save-excursion (goto-char (match-beginning 
0)) (looking-back "-\\=")))
-            (replace-match (concat (ergoemacs-pretty-key (match-string 1))
-                                   (match-string 2)) t t)))))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (re-search-forward "】 【" nil t)
-      (replace-match"】【"))))
-(defun ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep (&optional code)
-  "Finds keyboard binding codes such as C-x and replaces them with 
`ergoemacs-pretty-key' encoding."
-  (if code
-      (let ((ret code)
-            (case-fold-search nil))
+  (if (not code) ""
+    (if (string-match-p "^\\(M-x\\|<execute>\\) " code)
+        (if ergoemacs-use-M-x-p
+            code
+          (replace-match ergoemacs-M-x t t code))
+      (let* ((ob (or (and ergoemacs-use-unicode-brackets 
(ergoemacs-unicode-char "【" "[")) "["))
+            (cb (or (and ergoemacs-use-unicode-brackets 
(ergoemacs-unicode-char "】" "]")) "]"))
+            (ret (concat ob (replace-regexp-in-string
+                             " +$" "" (replace-regexp-in-string "^ +" "" 
code)) cb))
+            (case-fold-search nil)
+            (pt 0))
         (when ergoemacs-use-ergoemacs-key-descriptions
-          (save-match-data
-            (with-temp-buffer
-              (insert code)
-              (ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep-internal)
-              (setq ret (buffer-string)))))
-        ret)
-    (when ergoemacs-use-ergoemacs-key-descriptions
-      (ergoemacs-pretty-key-rep-internal))))
+          (while (string-match "<f\\([0-9]+\\)>" ret pt)
+            (setq ret (replace-match "<F\\1>" t nil ret)
+                  pt (match-end 0)))
+          (setq pt 0)
+          (while (string-match "\\(-[A-Z]\\)\\>\\([^-]\\|$\\)" ret pt)
+            (setq pt (+ (match-end 0) 2)
+                  ret (replace-match (format "-S%s%s" (downcase (match-string 
1 ret)) (match-string 2 ret)) t t ret)))
+          (setq pt 0)
+          (while (string-match "\\_<[A-Z]\\_>" ret pt)
+            (setq pt (+ (match-end 0) 2)
+                  ret (replace-match (format "S-%s" (match-string 0 ret)) t t 
+          (setq pt 0)
+          (while (string-match "\\(S-\\)\\{2,\\}" ret pt)
+            (setq pt (+ (match-beginning 0) 2)
+                  ret (replace-match "S-" t t ret)))
+          (dolist (args `(("\\<M-" ,(if (eq system-type 'darwin)
+                                       (cond
+                                        ((or (and (boundp 
+                                                  (eq mac-command-modifier 
+                                             (and (boundp 'ns-command-modifier)
+                                                  (eq ns-command-modifier 
+                                         (format "%sCmd+"
+                                                 (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌘" 
+                                        ((or (and (boundp 
+                                                  (eq mac-alternate-modifier 
+                                             (and (boundp 
+                                                  (eq ns-alternate-modifier 
+                                         (format "%sOpt+"
+                                                 (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌥" 
+                                        (t "Alt+"))
+                                      "Alt+"))
+                          ("\\<C-" "Ctrl+")
+                          ("\\<S-" ,(format "%sShift+"
+                                            (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⇧" "")))
+                          ("[<>]" "")
+                          ("\\<\\(RET\\|[Rr]eturn\\)\\>" ,(format "Enter%s"
(ergoemacs-unicode-char "⏎" "")))
+                          ("\\<TAB\\>" ,(format "%sTab"
+                                                (ergoemacs-unicode-char "↹" 
+                          ("\\_<\\(menu\\|apps\\)\\_>" ,(format "%s"
(ergoemacs-unicode-char "▤" "Menu")))
+                          ("\\_<prior\\_>" "PgUp")
+                          ("\\_<next\\_>" "PgDn")
+                          (" +" ,(concat cb ob))
+                          (,(regexp-quote (concat cb " +" ob)) ,(concat cb 
+            (setq pt 0)
+            (while (string-match (nth 0 args) ret pt)
+              (setq pt (+ (length (nth 1 args)) (match-beginning 0))
+                    ret (replace-match (nth 1 args) t t ret))))
+          (setq pt 0)
+          (while (string-match "[+]\\([[:lower:]]\\)\\(】\\|\\]\\)" ret pt)
+            (setq ret (replace-match (upcase (match-string 0 ret)) t t ret)
+                  pt (match-end 0)))
+          (setq pt 0)
+          (cond
+           ((and (eq system-type 'darwin)
+                 (string= "⇧" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⇧" ""))
+                 (string= "⌘" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌘" ""))
+                 (string= "⌥" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⌥" "")))
+            (dolist (args `((".Opt[+]"  "⌥")
+                            (".Cmd[+]" "⌘")
+                            (".Shift[+]" "⇧")
+                            (".Ctr?l[+]" "^")))
+              (setq pt 0)
+              (while (string-match (nth 0 args) ret pt)
+                (setq pt (+ (length (nth 1 args)) (match-beginning 0))
+                      ret (replace-match (nth 1 args) t t ret)))))
+           ((and ergoemacs-use-small-symbols
+                 (string= "⇧" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "⇧" ""))
+                 (string= "♦" (ergoemacs-unicode-char "♦" "")))
+            (dolist (args `((".Alt[+]"  "♦")
+                            (".Shift[+]" "⇧")
+                            (".Ctr?l[+]" "^")))
+              (setq pt 0)
+              (while (string-match (nth 0 args) ret pt)
+                (setq pt (+ (length (nth 1 args)) (match-beginning 0))
+                      ret (replace-match (nth 1 args) t t ret)))))))
+        ret))))
@@ -815,7 +750,7 @@ and `ergoemacs-pretty-key' descriptions.
         (setq ret (plist-put ret ':alt-ctl-shift-key (read-kbd-macro 
(plist-get ret ':alt-ctl-shift) t)))
         (setq ret (plist-put ret ':alt-ctl-shift-pretty (ergoemacs-pretty-key 
(plist-get ret ':alt-ctl-shift)))))
-       (lambda(key plist)
+       (lambda(_ignore plist)
          (setq ret (ergoemacs-translation-install plist orig-key ret)))
       (puthash orig-key ret ergoemacs-translate-hash)

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