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[elpa] 141/287: Add back ergoemacs-fixed-key and ergoemacs-key compatabi

From: Matthew Fidler
Subject: [elpa] 141/287: Add back ergoemacs-fixed-key and ergoemacs-key compatability.
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 14:45:24 +0000

mlf176f2 pushed a commit to branch externals/ergoemacs-mode
in repository elpa.

commit dc6dfe33f7233d1feba37e0f1968c77fe24d7cc2
Author: Matthew L. Fidler <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed Jun 18 11:33:27 2014 -0500

    Add back ergoemacs-fixed-key and ergoemacs-key compatability.
 ergoemacs-theme-engine.el |   43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ergoemacs-theme-engine.el b/ergoemacs-theme-engine.el
index 7b3b827..4e8816e 100644
--- a/ergoemacs-theme-engine.el
+++ b/ergoemacs-theme-engine.el
@@ -617,6 +617,9 @@ DEF is anything that can be a key's definition:
   (with-slots (cmd-list) obj
+(defvar ergoemacs-force-just-first nil)
+(defvar ergoemacs-force-variable nil)
+(defvar ergoemacs-force-fixed nil)
 (defmethod ergoemacs-define-map--cmd-list ((obj ergoemacs-variable-map) 
key-desc def no-unbind &optional desc)
   "Add KEY-DESC for DEF to OBJ cmd-list slot.
 Optionally use DESC when another description isn't found in 
@@ -626,8 +629,9 @@ Optionally use DESC when another description isn't found in 
                just-first) obj
     (let* ((final-desc (assoc def ergoemacs-function-short-names))
-           (only-first (if (string= just-first "") nil
-                         (ignore-errors (string-match-p just-first key-desc))))
+           (only-first (or ergoemacs-force-just-first
+                           (if (string= just-first "") nil
+                             (ignore-errors (string-match-p just-first 
             (or (and (string= layout "us") key-desc) 
                 (let ((ergoemacs-translation-from layout)
@@ -783,8 +787,10 @@ Optionally use DESC when another description isn't found 
in `ergoemacs-function-
                variable-reg) obj
     (let* ((key-desc (key-description key))
            (key-vect (read-kbd-macro key-desc t)))
-      (if (and (not (string= variable-reg ""))
-               (ignore-errors (string-match-p variable-reg key-desc)))
+      (if (and (not ergoemacs-force-fixed)
+               (or ergoemacs-force-variable
+                   (and (not (string= variable-reg ""))
+                        (ignore-errors (string-match-p variable-reg 
           (ergoemacs-define-map variable key def no-unbind)
         (ergoemacs-define-map fixed key def no-unbind))))
   (oset obj keymap-hash (make-hash-table)))
@@ -2349,23 +2355,22 @@ When SILENT is true, also include silent themes"
 (defun ergoemacs-key (key function &optional desc only-first fixed-key)
   "Defines KEY in ergoemacs keyboard based on QWERTY and binds to FUNCTION.
 DESC is ignored, as is FIXED-KEY."
-  ;; (let* ((key (or
-  ;;              (and (vectorp key) key)
-  ;;              (read-kbd-macro key t)))
-  ;;        (ergoemacs-force-just-first only-first)
-  ;;        (ergoemacs-force-variable-reg t))
-  ;;   (ergoemacs-theme-component--global-set-key key function))
-  )
+  (let* ((key (or
+               (and (vectorp key) key)
+               (read-kbd-macro key t)))
+         (ergoemacs-force-just-first only-first)
+         (ergoemacs-force-variable t))
+    (ergoemacs-define-key 'global-map key function)))
 (defun ergoemacs-fixed-key (key function &optional desc)
-  "Defines fixed KEY in ergoemacs  and binds to FUNCTION."
-  ;; (let* ((key (or
-  ;;              (and (vectorp key) key)
-  ;;              (read-kbd-macro key t)))
-  ;;        (ergoemacs-force-just-first nil)
-  ;;        (ergoemacs-force-variable-reg nil))
-  ;;   (ergoemacs-theme-component--global-set-key key function))
-  )
+  "Defines fixed KEY in ergoemacs and binds to FUNCTION.
+Ignores DESC."
+  (let* ((key (or
+               (and (vectorp key) key)
+               (read-kbd-macro key t)))
+         (ergoemacs-force-just-first nil)
+         (ergoemacs-force-fixed t))
+    (ergoemacs-define-key 'global-map key function)))
 (provide 'ergoemacs-theme-engine)

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