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[ELPA-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/elpa r171: Add f90-interface-browser.

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [ELPA-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/elpa r171: Add f90-interface-browser.
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2012 21:11:54 -0500
User-agent: Bazaar (2.3.1)

revno: 171 [merge]
author: Lawrence Mitchell <address@hidden>
committer: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
branch nick: elpa
timestamp: Sun 2012-02-05 21:11:54 -0500
  Add f90-interface-browser.
=== added directory 'packages/f90-interface-browser'
=== added file 'packages/f90-interface-browser/f90-interface-browser.el'
--- a/packages/f90-interface-browser/f90-interface-browser.el   1970-01-01 
00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/packages/f90-interface-browser/f90-interface-browser.el   2012-02-06 
02:11:54 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1010 @@
+;;; f90-interface-browser.el --- Parse and browse f90 interfaces
+;; Copyright (C) 2011, 2012  Free Software Foundation, Inc
+;; Author: Lawrence Mitchell <address@hidden>
+;; Created: 2011-07-06
+;; Available-from: http://github.com/wence-/f90-iface/
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; You write (or work on) large, modern fortran code bases.  These
+;; make heavy use of function overloading and generic interfaces.  Your
+;; brain is too small to remember what all the specialisers are
+;; called.  Therefore, your editor should help you.
+;; Load this file and tell it to parse all the fortran files in your
+;; code base.  You can do this one directory at a time by calling
+;; `f90-parse-interfaces-in-dir' (M-x f90-parse-interfaces-in-dir
+;; RET).  Or you can parse all the fortran files in a directory and
+;; recursively in its subdirectories by calling
+;; `f90-parse-all-interfaces'.
+;; Now you are able to browse (with completion) all defined interfaces
+;; in your code by calling `f90-browse-interface-specialisers'.
+;; Alternatively, if `point' is on a procedure call, you can call
+;; `f90-find-tag-interface' and you'll be shown a list of the
+;; interfaces that match the (possibly typed) argument list of the
+;; current procedure.  This latter hooks into the `find-tag' machinery
+;; so that you can use it on the M-.  keybinding and it will fall back
+;; to completing tag names if you don't want to look for an interface
+;; definition.
+;; Derived types are also parsed, so that slot types of derived types
+;; are given the correct type (rather than a UNION-TYPE) when arglist
+;; matching.  You can show the definition of a known derived type by
+;; calling `f90-show-type-definition' which prompts (with completion)
+;; for a typename to show.
+;; The parser assumes you write Fortran in the style espoused in
+;; Metcalf, Reid and Cohen.  Particularly, variable declarations use a
+;; double colon to separate the type from the name list.
+;; Here's an example of a derived type definition
+;;     type foo
+;;        real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: a
+;;        integer, pointer :: b, c(:)
+;;        type(bar) :: d
+;;     end type
+;; Here's a subroutine declaration
+;;     subroutine foo(a, b)
+;;        integer, intent(in) :: a
+;;        real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: b
+;;        ...
+;;     end subroutine foo
+;; Local procedures whose names conflict with global ones will likely
+;; confuse the parser.  For example
+;;    subroutine foo(a, b)
+;;       ...
+;;    end subroutine foo
+;;    subroutine bar(a, b)
+;;       ...
+;;       call subroutine foo
+;;       ...
+;;     contains
+;;       subroutine foo
+;;          ...
+;;       end subroutine foo
+;;    end subroutine bar
+;; Also not handled are overloaded operators, scalar precision
+;; modifiers, like integer(kind=c_int), for which the precision is
+;; just ignored, and many other aspects.
+;; Some tests of the parser are available in f90-tests.el (in the same
+;; repository as this file).
+;;; Code:
+;;; Preamble
+  (require 'cl))
+(require 'thingatpt)
+(require 'f90)
+(require 'etags)
+(defgroup f90-iface nil
+  "Static parser for Fortran 90 code"
+  :prefix "f90-"
+  :group 'f90)
+(defcustom f90-file-extensions (list "f90" "F90" "fpp")
+  "Extensions to consider when looking for Fortran 90 files."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'f90-iface)
+(defcustom f90-file-name-check-functions '(f90-check-fluidity-refcount)
+  "List of functions to call to check if a file should be parsed.
+In addition to checking if a file exists and is readable, you can
+add extra checks before deciding to parse a file.  Each function
+will be called with one argument, the fully qualified name of the
+file to test, it should return non-nil if the file should be
+parsed.  For an example test function see
+  :type '(repeat function)
+  :group 'f90-iface)
+(defcustom f90-extra-file-functions '(f90-insert-fluidity-refcount)
+  "List of functions to call to insert extra files to parse.
+Each function should be a function of two arguments, the first is the
+fully qualified filename (with directory) the second is the
+unqualified filename."
+  :type '(repeat function)
+  :group 'f90-iface)
+;;; Internal variables
+(defvar f90-interface-type nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'f90-interface-type)
+(defvar f90-buffer-to-switch-to nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'f90-buffer-to-switch-to)
+(defvar f90-invocation-marker nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'f90-invocation-marker)
+;; Data types for storing interface and specialiser definitions
+(defstruct f90-interface
+  (name "" :read-only t)
+  (publicp nil)
+  specialisers)
+(defstruct f90-specialiser
+  (name "" :read-only t)
+  (type "")
+  (arglist "")
+  location)
+(defvar f90-all-interfaces (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+  "Hash table populated with all known f90 interfaces.")
+(defvar f90-types (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+  "Hash table populated with all known f90 derived types.")
+;;; Inlineable utility functions
+(defsubst f90-specialisers (name interfaces)
+  "Return all specialisers for NAME in INTERFACES."
+  (f90-interface-specialisers (f90-get-interface name interfaces)))
+(defsubst f90-valid-interface-name (name)
+  "Return non-nil if NAME is an interface name."
+  (gethash name f90-all-interfaces))
+(defsubst f90-count-commas (str &optional level)
+  "Count commas in STR.
+If LEVEL is non-nil, only count commas up to the specified nesting
+level.  For example, a LEVEL of 0 counts top-level commas."
+  (1- (length (f90-split-arglist str level))))
+(defsubst f90-get-parsed-type-varname (type)
+  "Return the variable name of TYPE."
+  (car type))
+(defsubst f90-get-parsed-type-typename (type)
+  "Return the type name of TYPE."
+  (cadr type))
+(defsubst f90-get-parsed-type-modifiers (type)
+  "Return the modifiers of TYPE."
+  (cddr type))
+(defsubst f90-get-type (type)
+  "Return the struct definition corresponding to TYPE."
+  (gethash (f90-get-parsed-type-typename type) f90-types))
+(defsubst f90-get-slot-type (slot type)
+  "Get the type of SLOT in TYPE."
+  (let ((fn (intern-soft (format "f90-type.%s.%s"
+                                 (f90-get-parsed-type-typename type) slot))))
+    (when fn
+      (funcall fn (f90-get-type type)))))
+(defun f90-lazy-completion-table ()
+  "Lazily produce a completion table of all interfaces and tag names."
+  (lexical-let ((buf (current-buffer)))
+    (lambda (string pred action)
+      (with-current-buffer buf
+        (save-excursion
+          ;; If we need to ask for the tag table, allow that.
+          (let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers t))
+            (visit-tags-table-buffer))
+          (complete-with-action action (f90-merge-into-tags-completion-table 
f90-all-interfaces) string pred))))))
+(defsubst f90-merge-into-tags-completion-table (ctable)
+  "Merge completions in CTABLE into the tags completion table."
+  (if (or tags-file-name tags-table-list)
+      (let ((table (tags-completion-table)))
+        (maphash (lambda (k v)
+                   (ignore v)
+                   (intern k table))
+                 ctable)
+        table)
+    ctable))
+(defsubst f90-extract-type-name (name)
+  "Return the typename from NAME.
+If NAME is like type(TYPENAME) return TYPENAME, otherwise just NAME."
+  (if (and name (string-match "\\`type(\\([^)]+\\))\\'" name))
+      (match-string 1 name)
+    name))
+;;; User-visible routines
+(defun f90-parse-all-interfaces (dir)
+  "Parse all interfaces found in DIR and its subdirectories.
+Recurse over all (non-hidden) directories below DIR and parse
+interfaces found within them using `f90-parse-interfaces-in-dir',
+a directory is considered hidden if it's name doesn't start with
+an alphanumeric character."
+  (interactive "DParse files in tree: ")
+  (let (dirs
+       attrs
+        seen
+       (pending (list (expand-file-name dir))))
+    (while pending
+      (push (pop pending) dirs)
+      (let* ((this-dir (car dirs))
+            (contents (directory-files this-dir))
+            (default-directory this-dir))
+       (setq attrs (nthcdr 10 (file-attributes this-dir)))
+       (unless (member attrs seen)
+         (push attrs seen)
+         (dolist (file contents)
+            ;; Ignore hidden directories
+           (and (string-match "\\`[[:alnum:]]" file)
+                (file-directory-p file)
+                 (setq pending (nconc pending
+                                      (list (expand-file-name file)))))))))
+    (mapc 'f90-parse-interfaces-in-dir dirs)))
+(defun f90-parse-interfaces-in-dir (dir)
+  "Parse all Fortran 90 files in DIR to populate `f90-all-interfaces'."
+  (interactive "DParse files in directory: ")
+  (loop for file in (directory-files dir t
+                                     (rx-to-string
+                                      `(and "." (or ,@f90-file-extensions)
+                                            eos) t))
+        do (f90-parse-interfaces file f90-all-interfaces)))
+(defun f90-find-tag-interface (name &optional match-sublist)
+  "List all interfaces matching NAME.
+Restricts list to those matching the (possibly typed) arglist of
+the word at point.  If MATCH-SUBLIST is non-nil, only check if
+the arglist is a sublist of the specialiser's arglist.  For more
+details see `f90-approx-arglist-match' and
+  (interactive (let ((def (word-at-point)))
+                 (list (completing-read
+                        (format "Find interface/tag (default %s): " def)
+                        (f90-lazy-completion-table)
+                        nil t nil nil def)
+                       current-prefix-arg)))
+  (if (f90-valid-interface-name name)
+      (f90-browse-interface-specialisers name (f90-arglist-types)
+                                         match-sublist
+                                         (point-marker))
+    (find-tag name match-sublist)))
+(defun f90-browse-interface-specialisers (name &optional arglist-to-match
+                                               match-sublist
+                                               invocation-point)
+  "Browse all interfaces matching NAME.
+If ARGLIST-TO-MATCH is non-nil restrict to those interfaces that match
+If MATCH-SUBLIST is non-nil only restrict to those interfaces for
+which ARGLIST-TO-MATCH is a sublist of the specialiser's arglist.
+If INVOCATION-POINT is non-nil it should be a `point-marker'
+indicating where we were called from, for jumping back to with
+  (interactive (let ((def (word-at-point)))
+                 (list (completing-read
+                        (format "Interface%s: "
+                                (if def
+                                    (format " (default %s)" def)
+                                  ""))
+                        f90-all-interfaces
+                        nil t nil nil def))))
+  (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
+    (or invocation-point (setq invocation-point (point-marker)))
+    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Interface Browser*")
+      (let ((interface (f90-get-interface name f90-all-interfaces))
+            (type nil)
+            (n-specs 0))
+        (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+        (erase-buffer)
+        (setq n-specs
+              (loop for s being the hash-values of
+                    (f90-interface-specialisers interface)
+                    do (setq type (f90-specialiser-type s))
+                    when (or (null arglist-to-match)
+                             (f90-approx-arglist-match
+                              arglist-to-match s match-sublist))
+                    do (insert
+                        (propertize
+                         (concat
+                          (propertize
+                           (format "%s [defined in %s]\n    (%s)\n"
+                                   (propertize (f90-specialiser-name s)
+                                               'face 'bold)
+                                   (let ((f (car
+                                             (f90-specialiser-location s))))
+                                     (format "%s/%s"
+                                             (file-name-nondirectory
+                                              (directory-file-name
+                                               (file-name-directory f)))
+                                             (file-name-nondirectory f)))
+                                   (f90-fontify-arglist
+                                    (f90-specialiser-arglist s)))
+                           'f90-specialiser-location
+                           (f90-specialiser-location s)
+                           'f90-specialiser-name (f90-specialiser-name s)
+                           'mouse-face 'highlight
+                           'help-echo
+                           "mouse-1: find definition in other window")
+                          "\n")
+                         'f90-specialiser-extent (f90-specialiser-name s)))
+                    and count 1))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (insert (format "Interfaces for %s:\n\n"
+                        (f90-interface-name interface)))
+        (when arglist-to-match
+          (insert (format "%s\n%s\n\n"
+                          (if (zerop n-specs)
+                              "No interfaces matching arglist (intrinsic?):"
+                            "Only showing interfaces matching arglist:")
+                          (f90-fontify-arglist arglist-to-match))))
+        (f90-interface-browser-mode)
+        (setq f90-buffer-to-switch-to buf)
+        (setq f90-interface-type type)
+        (setq f90-invocation-marker invocation-point)
+        (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+(defun f90-next-definition (&optional arg)
+  "Go to the next ARG'th specialiser definition."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (unless arg
+    (setq arg 1))
+  (while (> arg 0)
+    (goto-char (next-single-property-change
+                (point)
+                'f90-specialiser-extent
+                nil (point-max)))
+    (decf arg)))
+(defun f90-previous-definition (&optional arg)
+  "Go to the previous ARG'th specialiser definition."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (unless arg
+    (setq arg 1))
+  (while (> arg 0)
+    (loop repeat 2
+          do (goto-char (previous-single-property-change
+                         (point)
+                         'f90-specialiser-extent
+                         nil (point-min))))
+    (f90-next-definition 1)
+    (decf arg)))
+(defun f90-mouse-find-definition (e)
+  "Visit the definition at the position of the event E."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((win (posn-window (event-end e)))
+        (point (posn-point (event-end e))))
+    (when (not (windowp win))
+      (error "No definition here"))
+    (with-current-buffer (window-buffer win)
+      (goto-char point)
+      (f90-find-definition))))
+(defun f90-quit-browser ()
+  "Quit the interface browser."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((buf f90-buffer-to-switch-to))
+    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+    (pop-to-buffer buf)))
+(defun f90-find-definition ()
+  "Visit the definition at `point'."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((location (get-text-property (point) 'f90-specialiser-location))
+        (name (get-text-property (point) 'f90-specialiser-name))
+        (type f90-interface-type)
+        (buf (current-buffer))
+        buf-to)
+    (if location
+        (progn (ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring f90-invocation-marker)
+               (find-file-other-window (car location))
+               (setq buf-to (current-buffer))
+               (goto-char (cadr location))
+               ;; Try forwards then backwards near the recorded
+               ;; location
+               (or (re-search-forward (format "%s[ \t]+%s[ \t]*("
+                                              type name) nil t)
+                   (re-search-backward (format "%s[ \t]+%s[ \t]*("
+                                               type name) nil t))
+               (beginning-of-line)
+               (recenter 0)
+               (pop-to-buffer buf)
+               (setq f90-buffer-to-switch-to buf-to))
+      (error "No definition at point"))))
+(defvar f90-interface-browser-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'f90-find-definition)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<down>") 'f90-next-definition)
+    (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'f90-next-definition)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<up>") 'f90-previous-definition)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<backtab>") 'f90-previous-definition)
+    (define-key map (kbd "q") 'f90-quit-browser)
+    (define-key map (kbd "<mouse-1>") 'f90-mouse-find-definition)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for `f90-interface-browser-mode'.")
+(define-derived-mode f90-interface-browser-mode fundamental-mode "IBrowse"
+  "Major mode for browsing f90 interfaces."
+  (setq buffer-read-only t)
+  (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
+;;; Type definitions
+(defun f90-type-at-point ()
+  "Return a guess for the type of the thing at `point'.
+If `point' is currently on a line containing a variable declaration,
+return the typename of the declaration.  Otherwise try and figure out
+the typename of the variable at point (possibly including slot
+  (let ((name (or
+               ;; Are we on a line with type(TYPENAME)?
+               (save-excursion
+                 (forward-line 0)
+                 (f90-parse-single-type-declaration))
+               ;; No, try and derive the type of the variable at point
+               (save-excursion
+                 (let ((syntax (copy-syntax-table f90-mode-syntax-table)))
+                   (modify-syntax-entry ?% "w" syntax)
+                   (with-syntax-table syntax
+                     (skip-syntax-backward "w")
+                     (f90-arg-types
+                      (list
+                       (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                        (point)
+                        (progn (skip-syntax-forward "w") (point)))))))))))
+    (f90-extract-type-name (f90-get-parsed-type-typename (car name)))))
+(defun f90-show-type-definition (type)
+  "Show the definition of TYPE.
+This formats the parsed definition of TYPE, rather than jumping to the
+existing definition.
+When called interactively, default to the type of the thing at `point'.
+If `point' is on a type declaration line, the default is the
+declaration type.
+If `point' is on a variable name (possibly with slot references) the
+default is the type of the variable."
+  (interactive (list (let ((def (f90-type-at-point)))
+                       (completing-read
+                        (if def (format "Type (default %s): " def) "Type: ")
+                        (loop for type being the hash-keys of f90-types
+                              collect (f90-extract-type-name type))
+                        nil t nil nil def))))
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Type definition*")
+    (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+    (fundamental-mode)
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (let* ((tname (format "type(%s)" type))
+           (type-struct (f90-get-type (list nil tname)))
+           fns)
+      (when type-struct
+        (setq fns (loop for name in (funcall (intern-soft
+                                              (format "f90-type.%s.-varnames"
+                                                      tname))
+                                             type-struct)
+                        collect (intern-soft (format "f90-type.%s.%s"
+                                                     tname name)))))
+      (if (null type-struct)
+          (insert (format "The type %s is not a known derived type."
+                          type))
+        (insert (format "type %s\n" type))
+        (loop for fn in fns
+              for parsed = (funcall fn type-struct)
+              then (funcall fn type-struct)
+              do
+              (insert (format "  %s :: %s\n"
+                              (f90-format-parsed-slot-type parsed)
+                              (f90-get-parsed-type-varname parsed))))
+        (insert (format "end type %s\n" type))
+        (f90-mode))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (view-mode)
+      (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+;;; Arglist matching/formatting
+(defun f90-format-parsed-slot-type (type)
+  "Turn a parsed TYPE into a valid f90 type declaration."
+  (if (null type)
+      "UNION-TYPE"
+    ;; Ignore name
+    (setq type (cdr type))
+    (mapconcat 'identity (loop for a in type
+                               if (and (consp a)
+                                       (string= (car a) "dimension"))
+                               collect (format "dimension(%s)"
+                                               (mapconcat 'identity
+                                                          (make-list (cdr a)
+                                                                     ":")
+                                                          ","))
+                               else if (not
+                                        (string-match
+                                         "\\`intent(\\(?:in\\|out\\|inout\\))"
+                                         a))
+                               collect a)
+               ", ")))
+(defun f90-fontify-arglist (arglist)
+  "Fontify ARGLIST using `f90-mode'."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (if (stringp arglist)
+        (insert (format "%s :: foo\n" arglist))
+      (insert (mapconcat (lambda (x)
+                           (format "%s :: foo" (f90-format-parsed-slot-type 
+                         arglist "\n")))
+    (f90-mode)
+    (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (mapconcat 'identity
+               (loop while (not (eobp))
+                     collect (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
+                                               (- (line-end-position)
+                                                  (length " :: foo")))
+                     do (forward-line 1))
+               "; ")))
+(defun f90-count-non-optional-args (arglist)
+  "Count non-optional args in ARGLIST."
+  (loop for arg in arglist
+        count (not (member "optional" (f90-get-parsed-type-modifiers arg)))))
+(defun f90-approx-arglist-match (arglist specialiser &optional match-sub-list)
+  "Return non-nil if ARGLIST matches the arglist of SPECIALISER.
+If MATCH-SUB-LIST is non-nil just require that ARGLIST matches the
+first (length ARGLIST) args of SPECIALISER."
+  (let* ((n-passed-args (length arglist))
+         (spec-arglist (f90-specialiser-arglist specialiser))
+         (n-spec-args (length spec-arglist))
+         (n-required-args (f90-count-non-optional-args spec-arglist)))
+    (when (or match-sub-list
+              (and (<= n-required-args n-passed-args)
+                   (<= n-passed-args n-spec-args)))
+      (loop for arg in arglist
+            for spec-arg in spec-arglist
+            with match = nil
+            unless (or (null arg)
+                       (string= (f90-get-parsed-type-typename arg)
+                                (f90-get-parsed-type-typename spec-arg)))
+            do (return nil)
+            finally (return t)))))
+;;; Internal functions
+(defun f90-clean-comments ()
+  "Clean Fortran 90 comments from the current buffer."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (set-syntax-table f90-mode-syntax-table)
+    (while (search-forward "!" nil t)
+      (when (nth 4 (parse-partial-sexp (line-beginning-position) (point)))
+       (delete-region (max (1- (point)) (line-beginning-position))
+                      (line-end-position))))))
+(defun f90-clean-continuation-lines ()
+  "Splat Fortran continuation lines in the current buffer onto one line."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (while (re-search-forward "&[ \t]*\n[ \t]*&?" nil t)
+      (replace-match "" nil t))))
+(defun f90-normalise-string (string)
+  "Return a suitably normalised version of STRING."
+  ;; Trim whitespace
+  (save-match-data
+    (when (string-match "\\`[ \t]+" string)
+      (setq string (replace-match "" t t string)))
+    (when (string-match "[ \t]+\\'" string)
+      (setq string (replace-match "" t t string)))
+    (downcase string)))
+(defun f90-get-interface (name &optional interfaces)
+  "Get the interface with NAME from INTERFACES.
+If INTERFACES is nil use `f90-all-interfaces' instead."
+  (gethash name (or interfaces f90-all-interfaces)))
+(defsetf f90-get-interface (name &optional interfaces) (val)
+  `(setf (gethash ,name (or ,interfaces f90-all-interfaces)) ,val))
+;;; Entry point to parsing routines
+(defun f90-parse-file-p (file)
+  "Return non-nil if FILE should be parsed.
+This checks that FILE exists and is readable, and then calls
+additional test functions from `f90-file-name-check-functions'."
+  (and (file-exists-p file)
+       (file-readable-p file)
+       (loop for test in f90-file-name-check-functions
+             unless (funcall test file)
+             do (return nil)
+             finally (return t))))
+(defun f90-check-fluidity-refcount (file)
+  "Return nil if FILE is that of a Fluidity refcount template."
+  (let ((fname (file-name-nondirectory file)))
+    (and (not (string-match "\\`Reference_count_interface" fname))
+         (not (string-equal "Refcount_interface_templates.F90" fname))
+         (not (string-equal "Refcount_templates.F90" fname)))))
+(defun f90-maybe-insert-extra-files (file)
+  "Maybe insert extra files corresponding to FILE when parsing.
+To actually insert extra files, customize the variable
+`f90-extra-file-functions'.  For an example insertion function
+see `f90-insert-fluidity-refcount'."
+  (let ((fname (file-name-nondirectory file)))
+    (loop for fn in f90-extra-file-functions
+          do (funcall fn file fname))))
+(defun f90-insert-fluidity-refcount (file fname)
+  "Insert a Fluidity reference count template for FILE.
+If FNAME matches \\\\`Reference_count_.*\\\\.F90 then this file
+needs a reference count interface, so insert one."
+  (when (string-match "\\`Reference_count_\\([^\\.]+\\)\\.F90" fname)
+    (insert-file-contents-literally
+     (expand-file-name
+      (format "Reference_count_interface_%s.F90"
+              (match-string 1 fname))
+      (file-name-directory file)))))
+(defun f90-parse-interfaces (file existing)
+  "Parse interfaces in FILE and merge into EXISTING interface data."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((interfaces (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+      ;; Is this file valid for parsing
+      (when (f90-parse-file-p file)
+        (insert-file-contents-literally file)
+        ;; Does this file have other parts elsewhere?
+        (f90-maybe-insert-extra-files file)
+        ;; Easier if we don't have to worry about line wrap
+        (f90-clean-comments)
+        (f90-clean-continuation-lines)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        ;; Search forward for a named interface block
+        (while (re-search-forward
+                "^[ \t]*interface[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n]+\\)[ \t]*$" nil t)
+          (let* ((name (f90-normalise-string (match-string 1)))
+                 interface)
+            (unless (string= name "")
+              (setq interface (make-f90-interface :name name))
+              (save-restriction
+                ;; Figure out all the specialisers for this generic name
+                (narrow-to-region
+                 (point)
+                 (re-search-forward
+                  (format "[ \t]*end interface\\(?:[ \t]+%s\\)?[ \t]*$" name)
+                  nil t))
+                (f90-populate-specialisers interface))
+              ;; Multiple interface blocks with same name (this seems to
+              ;; be allowed).  In which case merge rather than overwrite.
+              (if (f90-get-interface name interfaces)
+                  (f90-merge-interface interface interfaces)
+                (setf (f90-get-interface name interfaces) interface)))))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        ;; Parse type definitions
+        (save-excursion
+          (while (re-search-forward
+                  "^[ \t]*type[ \t]+\\(?:[^ \t\n]+\\)[ \t]*$" nil t)
+            (let ((beg (match-beginning 0)))
+              (unless (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*end[ \t]+type.*$" nil t)
+                (error "Unable to find end of type definition"))
+              (save-restriction
+                (narrow-to-region beg (match-beginning 0))
+                (f90-parse-type-definition)))))
+        ;; Now find out if an interface is public or private to the module
+        (f90-set-public-attribute interfaces)
+        ;; Now find the arglists corresponding to the interface (so we
+        ;; can disambiguate) and record their location in the file.
+        (loop for interface being the hash-values of interfaces
+              do (when (f90-interface-specialisers interface)
+                   (maphash (lambda (specialiser val)
+                              (save-excursion
+                                (goto-char (point-min))
+                                (let ((thing (f90-argument-list specialiser)))
+                                  (setf (f90-specialiser-arglist
+                                         val)
+                                        (cadr thing))
+                                  (setf (f90-specialiser-location
+                                         val)
+                                        (list file (caddr thing)))
+                                  (setf (f90-specialiser-type
+                                         val)
+                                        (car thing)))))
+                            (f90-interface-specialisers interface))))
+        ;; Finally merge these new interfaces into the existing data.
+        (f90-merge-interfaces interfaces existing)))))
+(defun f90-merge-interface (interface interfaces)
+  "Merge INTERFACE into the existing set of INTERFACES."
+  (let ((name (f90-interface-name interface))
+        spec-name)
+    (when (f90-interface-specialisers interface)
+      (loop for val being the hash-values of
+            (f90-interface-specialisers interface)
+            do (setq spec-name (f90-specialiser-name val))
+            (setf (gethash spec-name (f90-specialisers name interfaces))
+                  val)))))
+(defun f90-merge-interfaces (new existing)
+  "Merge NEW interfaces into EXISTING ones."
+  (maphash (lambda (name val)
+             (if (gethash name existing)
+                 (f90-merge-interface val existing)
+               (setf (gethash name existing)
+                     val)))
+           new))
+(defun f90-populate-specialisers (interface)
+  "Find all specialisers for INTERFACE."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (setf (f90-interface-specialisers interface)
+          (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+    (while (search-forward "module procedure" nil t)
+      (let ((names (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                    (point)
+                    (line-end-position))))
+        (mapc (lambda (x)
+                (setq x (f90-normalise-string x))
+                (setf (gethash x (f90-interface-specialisers interface))
+                      (make-f90-specialiser :name x)))
+              (split-string names "[, \n]+" t))))))
+(defun f90-set-public-attribute (interfaces)
+  "Set public/private flag on all INTERFACES."
+  (save-excursion
+    ;; Default public unless private is specified.
+    (let ((public (not (save-excursion
+                         (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*private[ \t]*$" nil t)))))
+      (while (re-search-forward (format "^[ \t]*%s[ \t]+"
+                                        (if public "private" "public"))
+                                nil t)
+        (let ((names (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                      (match-end 0)
+                      (line-end-position))))
+          ;; Set default
+          (maphash (lambda (k v)
+                     (ignore k)
+                     (setf (f90-interface-publicp v) public))
+                   interfaces)
+          ;; Override for those specified
+          (mapc (lambda (name)
+                  (let ((interface (f90-get-interface name interfaces)))
+                    (when interface
+                      (setf (f90-interface-publicp interface) (not public)))))
+                (split-string names "[, \t]" t)))))))
+;;; Type/arglist parsing
+(defun f90-argument-list (name)
+  "Return typed argument list of function or subroutine NAME."
+  (save-excursion
+    (when (re-search-forward
+           (format "\\(function\\|subroutine\\)[ \t]+%s[ \t]*("
+                   name)
+           nil t)
+      (let* ((point (match-beginning 0))
+             (type (match-string 1))
+             (args (f90-split-arglist (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                                       (point)
+                                       (f90-end-of-arglist)))))
+        (list type (f90-arg-types args) point)))))
+(defun f90-parse-type-definition ()
+  "Parse a type definition at (or in front of) `point'."
+  (let (type slots slot fn)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (unless (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*type[ \t]+\\(.+?\\)[ \t]*$" nil t)
+      (error "Trying parse a type but no type found"))
+    (setq type (format "type(%s)" (f90-normalise-string (match-string 1))))
+    (while (not (eobp))
+      (setq slot (f90-parse-single-type-declaration))
+      (when slot
+        (setf slots (nconc slot slots)))
+      (forward-line 1))
+    (eval (f90-make-type-struct type slots))
+    (setq fn (intern-soft (format "make-f90-type.%s" type)))
+    (unless fn
+      (error "Something bad went wrong parsing type definition %s" type))
+    (setf (gethash type f90-types) (funcall fn))))
+(defun f90-make-type-struct (type slots)
+  "Create a struct describing TYPE with SLOTS."
+  (let ((struct-name (make-symbol (format "f90-type.%s" type)))
+        (varnames (reverse (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                     (setq x (car x))
+                                     (if (string-match "\\([^(]+\\)(" x)
+                                         (match-string 1 x)
+                                       x)) slots))))
+    `(defstruct (,struct-name
+                 (:conc-name ,(make-symbol (format "f90-type.%s." type))))
+       (-varnames ',varnames :read-only t)
+       ,@(loop for (name . rest) in slots
+               collect `(,(make-symbol name) (cons ',name ',rest)
+                         :read-only t)))))
+(defun f90-arglist-types ()
+  "Return the types of the arguments to the function at `point'."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let* ((e (save-excursion (f90-end-of-subprogram) (point)))
+           (b (save-excursion (f90-beginning-of-subprogram) (point)))
+           (str (buffer-substring-no-properties b e))
+           (p (point))
+           names)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (with-syntax-table f90-mode-syntax-table
+          (insert str)
+          (goto-char (- p b))
+          (setq p (point-marker))
+          (f90-clean-continuation-lines)
+          (goto-char p)
+          (search-forward "(")
+          (setq names (f90-split-arglist (buffer-substring
+                                          (point)
+                                          (f90-end-of-arglist))))
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (f90-arg-types names))))))
+(defun f90-arg-types (names)
+  "Given NAMES of arguments return their types.
+This works even with derived type subtypes (e.g. if A is a type(foo)
+with slot B of type REAL, then A%B is returned being a REAL)."
+  (loop for arg in names
+        for subspec = nil then nil
+        do (setq arg (f90-normalise-string arg))
+        if (string-match "\\`\\([^%]+?\\)[ \t]*%\\(.+\\)\\'" arg)
+        do (setq subspec (match-string 2 arg)
+                 arg (match-string 1 arg))
+        collect (save-excursion
+                  (save-restriction
+                    (when (re-search-forward
+                           (format "^[ \t]*\\([^!\n].+?\\)[ \t]*::.*\\<%s\\>"
+                                   arg) nil t)
+                      (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+                      (let ((type (assoc arg
+                                         (f90-parse-single-type-declaration))))
+                        (f90-get-type-subtype type subspec)))))))
+(defun f90-get-type-subtype (type subspec)
+  "Return the type of TYPE possibly including slot references in SUBSPEC."
+  (cond ((null subspec)
+         type)
+        ((string-match "\\`\\([^%]+?\\)[ \t]*%\\(.+\\)\\'" subspec)
+         (f90-get-type-subtype (f90-get-slot-type (match-string 1 subspec)
+                                                  type)
+                               (match-string 2 subspec)))
+        (t
+         (f90-get-slot-type subspec type))))
+(defun f90-split-arglist (arglist &optional level)
+  "Split ARGLIST into words.
+Split based on top-level commas.  For example
+  (f90-split-arglist \"foo, bar, baz(quux, zot)\")
+    => (\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz(quux, zot)\").
+If LEVEL is non-nil split on commas up to and including LEVEL.
+For example:
+  (f90-split-arglist \"foo, bar, baz(quux, zot)\" 1)
+    => (\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz(quux\" \"zot)\")."
+  (setq level (or level 0))
+  (loop for c across arglist
+        for i = 0 then (1+ i)
+        with cur-level = 0
+        with b = 0
+        with len = (length arglist)
+        if (eq c ?\()
+        do (incf cur-level)
+        else if (eq c ?\))
+        do (decf cur-level)
+        if (and (<= cur-level level)
+                (eq c ?,))
+        collect (f90-normalise-string (substring arglist b i))
+        and do (setq b (1+ i))
+        if (and (<= cur-level level)
+                (= (1+ i) len))
+        collect (f90-normalise-string (substring arglist b))))
+(defun f90-end-of-arglist ()
+  "Find the end of the arglist at `point'."
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((level 0))
+      (while (> level -1)
+        (cond ((eq (char-after) ?\()
+               (incf level))
+              ((eq (char-after) ?\))
+               (decf level))
+              (t nil))
+        (forward-char)))
+    (1- (point))))
+(defun f90-parse-names-list (names)
+  "Return a list of NAMES from the RHS of a :: type declaration."
+  (let ((names-list (f90-split-arglist names)))
+    (loop for name in names-list
+          if (string-match "\\`\\([^=]+\\)[ \t]*=.*\\'" name)
+          collect (f90-normalise-string (match-string 1 name))
+          else
+          collect (f90-normalise-string name))))
+(defun f90-parse-single-type-declaration ()
+  "Parse a single f90 type declaration at `point'.
+Assumes that this has the form
+NAMES can optionally have initialisation attached to them which is
+dealt with correctly."
+  (when (looking-at "^[ \t]*\\(.*?\\)[ \t]*::[ \t]*\\(.*\\)$")
+    (let ((dec-orig (match-string 1))
+          (names (f90-parse-names-list (match-string 2))))
+      (loop for name in names
+            for dec = (f90-split-declaration dec-orig)
+            then (f90-split-declaration dec-orig)
+            if (string-match "\\([^(]+\\)(\\([^)]+\\))" name)
+            do (progn (if (assoc "dimension" dec)
+                          (setcdr (assoc "dimension" dec)
+                                  (1+ (f90-count-commas
+                                       (match-string 2 name))))
+                        (add-to-list 'dec
+                                     (cons "dimension"
+                                           (1+ (f90-count-commas
+                                                (match-string 2 name))))
+                                     t))
+                      (setq name (match-string 1 name)))
+            collect (cons name dec)))))
+(defun f90-split-declaration (dec)
+  "Split and parse a type declaration DEC.
+This takes the bit before the :: and returns a list of the typename
+and any modifiers."
+  (let ((things (f90-split-arglist dec)))
+    (cons (if (string-match
+               "\\([^(]+?\\)[ \t]*([ \t]*\\(:?len\\|kind\\)[ \t]*=[^)]+)"
+               (car things))
+              (match-string 1 (car things))
+            (car things))
+          (loop for thing in (cdr things)
+                if (string-match "dimension[ \t]*(\\(.+\\))" thing)
+                collect (cons "dimension"
+                              (1+ (f90-count-commas (match-string 1 thing))))
+                else
+                collect thing))))
+(provide 'f90-interface-browser)
+;;; f90-interface-browser.el ends here

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