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master 7ce721b: Migrate MH-E functional tests from SourceForge

From: Stephen Gildea
Subject: master 7ce721b: Migrate MH-E functional tests from SourceForge
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 01:03:39 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 7ce721bdacd65d47031060ee8e81d6117e94cc75
Author: Stephen Gildea <stepheng+emacs@gildea.com>
Commit: Stephen Gildea <stepheng+emacs@gildea.com>

    Migrate MH-E functional tests from SourceForge
    * test/lisp/mh-e/mh-limit-tests.el:
    * test/lisp/mh-e/mh-utils-tests.el:
    * test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el:
    Import the functional tests from src/mh-unit.el.
    mh-unit.el is from the old SourceForge mh-e repository, last changed
    in 2017.  To this are applied unmerged patches Mike Kupfer wrote in
    2018 ("Refactor mh-unit into functional and release tests" and
    "Fix the functional tests").
    All tests have been converted to run under Emacs's ERT framework.
    Some tests for mh-utils use MH programs to examine mail folders.
    These tests require an MH variant to be installed on the system; for
    these, added both a mock harness that pretends the needed files and MH
    programs do exist, and a wrapper that creates the necessary mail files.
    New function 'mh-test-utils-setup-with-variant' bears some resemblance
    to 'mh-test-folders-set-up' from the original tests.  New function
    'mh-test-utils-setup-with-mocks' is new functionality for these tests.
 .../mh-e/{mh-xface-tests.el => mh-limit-tests.el}  |  28 +-
 test/lisp/mh-e/mh-utils-tests.el                   | 408 +++++++++++++++++++++
 test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el                   |  15 +
 3 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el b/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-limit-tests.el
similarity index 50%
copy from test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el
copy to test/lisp/mh-e/mh-limit-tests.el
index 65e3c82..982573d 100644
--- a/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-limit-tests.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; mh-xface-tests.el --- tests for mh-xface.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; mh-limit-tests.el --- tests for mh-limit.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
 ;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'ert)
-(require 'mh-xface)
-(ert-deftest mh-x-image-url-sane-p ()
-  "Test that `mh-x-image-url-sane-p' accepts a URL exactly if it is sane."
-  (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p (concat "http://";
-                                                (make-string 101 ?a)))
-                 nil))                  ;too long
-  (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "http") nil)) ;too short
-  (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "http:") t))
-  (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "https") nil)) ;too short
-  (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "https:") t))
-  (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "https://www.example.com/me.png";) t))
-  (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "abcde:") nil)))
+(require 'mh-limit)
+(ert-deftest mh-pick-args-list ()
+  "Test `mh-pick-args-list'."
+  (should (equal '() (mh-pick-args-list "")))
+  (should (equal '("-subject" "a") (mh-pick-args-list "-subject a")))
+  (should (equal '("-subject" "a") (mh-pick-args-list "  -subject   a  ")))
+  (should (equal '("-subject" "a" "-from" "b")
+                 (mh-pick-args-list "-subject a -from b")))
+  (should (equal '("-subject" "a b" "-from" "c d")
+                 (mh-pick-args-list "-subject a b -from c d"))))
+;;; mh-limit-tests.el ends here
diff --git a/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-utils-tests.el b/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-utils-tests.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68152ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-utils-tests.el
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+;;; mh-utils-tests.el --- tests for mh-utils.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ert)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+(require 'mh-utils)
+(ert-deftest mh-quote-pick-expr ()
+  "Test `mh-quote-pick-expr'."
+  (should (equal nil (mh-quote-pick-expr nil)))
+  (should (equal '() (mh-quote-pick-expr '())))
+  (should (equal '("foo") (mh-quote-pick-expr '("foo"))))
+  (should (equal '("^\\[foo]?\\*+\\.\\$")
+                 (mh-quote-pick-expr '("^[foo]?*+.$"))))
+  (should (equal '("^\\[foo]?\\*+\\.\\$" "bar" "baz\\$")
+                 (mh-quote-pick-expr '("^[foo]?*+.$" "bar" "baz$")))))
+(ert-deftest mh-normalize-folder-name ()
+  "Test `mh-normalize-folder-name'."
+  (should (equal nil (mh-normalize-folder-name nil)))
+  (should (equal "+" (mh-normalize-folder-name "")))
+  (should (equal "" (mh-normalize-folder-name "" t)))
+  (should (equal nil (mh-normalize-folder-name "" nil nil t)))
+  (should (equal nil (mh-normalize-folder-name "+" nil nil t)))
+  (should (equal nil (mh-normalize-folder-name "+" t t t)))
+  (should (equal "+inbox" (mh-normalize-folder-name "inbox")))
+  (should (equal "+inbox" (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox")))
+  (should (equal "+inbox" (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox/")))
+  (should (equal "+inbox/" (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox/" t t t)))
+  (should (equal "+inbox/" (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox/" nil t)))
+  (should (equal "+news" (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox////../news")))
+  (should (equal "+news" (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox////../news/")))
+  (should (equal "+news/"
+                 (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox////../news/" nil t)))
+  (should (equal "+inbox/news" (mh-normalize-folder-name "+inbox////./news"))))
+;; Folder names that are used by the following tests.
+(defvar mh-test-rel-folder "rela-folder")
+(defvar mh-test-abs-folder "/abso-folder")
+(defvar mh-test-no-such-folder "/testdir/none"
+  "Name of a folder that the user does not have.")
+(defvar mh-test-variant-logged-already nil
+  "Whether `with-mh-test-env' has written the MH variant to the log.")
+(setq mh-test-variant-logged-already nil) ;reset if buffer is re-evaluated
+(defvar mh-test-utils-debug-mocks nil
+  "Whether to log detailed behavior of mock functions.")
+(defvar mh-test-call-process-real (symbol-function 'call-process))
+(defvar mh-test-file-directory-p-real (symbol-function 'file-directory-p))
+;;; This macro wraps tests that touch the file system and/or run programs.
+;;; When running such tests, MH-E can use a particular MH variant
+;;; installed on the system, or it can use the mocks provided below.
+;;; By setting PATH and mh-sys-path, you can select which of the
+;;; installed MH variants to use or ignore them all and use mocks.
+(defmacro with-mh-test-env (&rest body)
+  "Evaluate BODY with a test mail environment.
+Functions that touch the file system or run MH programs are either
+mocked out or pointed at a test tree.  When called from Emacs's batch
+testing infrastructure, this will use mocks and thus run on systems
+that do not have any MH variant installed.  MH-E developers can
+install an MH variant and test it interactively."
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  `(cl-letf ((temp-home-dir nil)
+             ;; make local bindings for things we will modify for test env
+             (mh-user-path)
+             (mh-test-abs-folder)
+             ((symbol-function 'call-process))
+             ((symbol-function 'file-directory-p))
+             ;; the test always gets its own sub-folders cache
+             (mh-sub-folders-cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+             ;; remember the original value
+             (original-mh-envvar (getenv "MH")))
+     (unless mh-test-variant-logged-already
+       (mh-variant-set mh-variant)
+       (setq mh-test-variant-logged-already t))
+     (unwind-protect
+         (progn
+           (if mh-variant-in-use
+               (setq temp-home-dir (mh-test-utils-setup-with-variant))
+             (mh-test-utils-setup-with-mocks))
+           ,@body)
+       (if temp-home-dir (delete-directory temp-home-dir t))
+       (setenv "MH" original-mh-envvar))))
+(defun mh-test-utils-setup-with-mocks ()
+  "Set dynamically bound variables so that MH programs are mocked out.
+The tests use this method if no configured MH variant is found."
+  (setq mh-user-path "/testdir/Mail/")
+  (mh-populate-sub-folders-cache "+")
+  (mh-populate-sub-folders-cache "+rela-folder")
+  (mh-populate-sub-folders-cache "+rela-folder/bar")
+  (mh-populate-sub-folders-cache "+rela-folder/foo")
+  (mh-populate-sub-folders-cache "+rela-folder/food")
+  (fset 'call-process #'mh-test-utils-mock-call-process)
+  (fset 'file-directory-p #'mh-test-utils-mock-file-directory-p))
+(defun mh-test-utils-mock-call-process (program
+                                        &optional _infile _destination _display
+                                        &rest args)
+  "A mocked version of `call-process' that calls no processes."
+  (let ((argument-responses
+         ;; assoc list of program arguments and lines to output.
+         '((("folder" "-fast") . ("rela-folder"))
+           (("folders" "-noheader" "-norecurse" "-nototal") .
+            ("rela-folder  has no messages."))
+           (("folders" "-noheader" "-norecurse" "-nototal" "+rela-folder") .
+            ("rela-folder+      has no messages."
+             "rela-folder/bar   has no messages."
+             "rela-folder/foo   has no messages."
+             "rela-folder/food  has no messages."))
+           (("folders" "-noheader" "-norecurse" "-nototal" "+rela-folder/foo") 
+            ("rela-folder/foo+ has no messages."))
+           (("folders" "-noheader" "-norecurse" "-nototal" "+") .
+            ("+ has no messages."))
+           (("folders" "-noheader" "-norecurse" "-nototal" "+/abso-folder") .
+            ("/abso-folder+      has no messages."
+             "/abso-folder/bar   has no messages."
+             "/abso-folder/foo   has no messages."
+             "/abso-folder/food  has no messages."))
+           ))
+        (arglist (cons (file-name-base program) args)))
+    (let ((response-list-cons (assoc arglist argument-responses)))
+      (cond (response-list-cons
+             (let ((response-list (cdr response-list-cons)))
+               (when mh-test-utils-debug-mocks
+                 (message "call-process mock arglist %s" arglist)
+                 (message " -> response %S" response-list))
+               (while response-list
+                 (insert (car response-list) "\n")
+                 (setq response-list (cdr response-list))))
+             0)
+            (t
+             (message "call-process mock unexpected arglist %s" arglist)
+             1)))))
+(defun mh-test-utils-mock-file-directory-p (filename)
+  "A mocked version of `file-directory-p' that does not access the file 
+  (let ((directories '("" "/" "/tmp" "/abso-folder" "/abso-folder/foo"
+                       "/testdir/Mail" "/testdir/Mail/rela-folder"
+                       "/testdir/Mail/rela-folder/foo"
+                       "rela-folder" "rela-folder/foo"))
+        (non-directories '("/abso-folder/fo" "rela-folder/fo"
+                           "/testdir/Mail/rela-folder/fo"
+                           "/testdir/Mail/nosuchfolder"
+                           "/nosuchfolder" "nosuchfolder")))
+    (cond ((member (directory-file-name filename) directories)
+           (when mh-test-utils-debug-mocks
+             (message "file-directory-p mock: %S -> t" filename))
+           t)
+          ((member (directory-file-name filename) non-directories)
+           (when mh-test-utils-debug-mocks
+             (message "file-directory-p mock: %S -> nil" filename))
+           nil)
+          (t
+           (message "file-directory-p mock unexpected filename: %S" filename)
+           nil))))
+(defun mh-test-utils-setup-with-variant ()
+  "Create a temporary directory structure for actual MH programs to read.
+Return the name of the root of the created directory tree.
+Set dynamically bound variables so that MH programs may log.
+The tests use this method if a configured MH variant is found."
+  (let* ((temp-home-dir
+          (make-temp-file "emacs-mh-e-unit-test" t))
+         (profile (expand-file-name
+                   ".mh_profile" temp-home-dir))
+         (mail-dir (expand-file-name "Mail" temp-home-dir))
+         (rela-folder (expand-file-name
+                       "rela-folder" mail-dir))
+         (abso-folder (expand-file-name
+                       "abso-folder" temp-home-dir)))
+    (with-temp-file profile
+      (insert "Path: " mail-dir "\n" "Welcome: disable\n"))
+    (setenv "MH" profile)
+    (make-directory (expand-file-name "bar" rela-folder) t)
+    (make-directory (expand-file-name "foo" rela-folder) t)
+    (make-directory (expand-file-name "food" rela-folder) t)
+    (setq mh-user-path (file-name-as-directory mail-dir))
+    (make-directory (expand-file-name "bar" abso-folder) t)
+    (make-directory (expand-file-name "foo" abso-folder) t)
+    (make-directory (expand-file-name "food" abso-folder) t)
+    (setq mh-test-abs-folder abso-folder)
+    (fset 'call-process #'mh-test-utils-log-call-process)
+    (fset 'file-directory-p #'mh-test-utils-log-file-directory-p)
+    temp-home-dir))
+(defun mh-test-utils-log-call-process (program
+                                       &optional infile destination display
+                                       &rest args)
+  "A wrapper around `call-process' that can log the program args and output.
+Both args and output are written with `message' if `mh-test-utils-debug-mocks'
+is non-nil."
+  (let (process-output)
+    (when mh-test-utils-debug-mocks
+      (message "call-process arglist %s" (cons program args)))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (apply mh-test-call-process-real program infile destination display args)
+      (setq process-output (buffer-string)))
+    (when mh-test-utils-debug-mocks
+      (message " -> response:\n%s" process-output))
+    (insert process-output)))
+(defun mh-test-utils-log-file-directory-p (filename)
+  "A wrapper around `file-directory-p' that can log calls.
+Both FILENAME and the return value are written with `message'
+if `mh-test-utils-debug-mocks' is non-nil."
+  (let ((result (funcall mh-test-file-directory-p-real filename)))
+    (when mh-test-utils-debug-mocks
+      (message "file-directory-p: %S -> %s" filename result))
+    result))
+(ert-deftest mh-sub-folders-actual ()
+  "Test `mh-sub-folders-actual'."
+  ;; Note that mh-sub-folders-actual expects the folder to have
+  ;; already been normalized with
+  ;; (mh-normalize-folder-name folder nil nil t)
+  (with-mh-test-env
+    (should (equal
+             mh-test-rel-folder
+             (car (assoc mh-test-rel-folder (mh-sub-folders-actual nil)))))
+    ;; Empty string and "+" not tested since mh-normalize-folder-name
+    ;; would change them to nil.
+    (should (equal "foo"
+                   (car (assoc "foo" (mh-sub-folders-actual
+                                      (format "+%s" mh-test-rel-folder))))))
+    ;; Folder with trailing slash not tested since
+    ;; mh-normalize-folder-name would strip it.
+    (should (equal
+             nil
+             (mh-sub-folders-actual (format "+%s/foo" mh-test-rel-folder))))
+    (should (equal
+             (list (list "bar") (list "foo") (list "food"))
+             (mh-sub-folders-actual (format "+%s" mh-test-abs-folder))))
+    ;; FIXME: mh-sub-folders-actual doesn't (yet) expect to be given a
+    ;; nonexistent folder.
+    ;;   (should (equal nil
+    ;;                  (mh-sub-folders-actual "+nosuchfolder")))
+    ;;   (should (equal nil
+    ;;                  (mh-sub-folders-actual "+/nosuchfolder")))
+    ))
+(ert-deftest mh-sub-folders ()
+  "Test `mh-sub-folders'."
+  (with-mh-test-env
+    (should (equal mh-test-rel-folder
+                   (car (assoc mh-test-rel-folder (mh-sub-folders nil)))))
+    (should (equal mh-test-rel-folder
+                   (car (assoc mh-test-rel-folder (mh-sub-folders "")))))
+    (should (equal nil
+                   (car (assoc mh-test-no-such-folder (mh-sub-folders
+                                                       "+")))))
+    (should (equal (list (list "bar") (list "foo") (list "food"))
+                   (mh-sub-folders (format "+%s" mh-test-rel-folder))))
+    (should (equal (list (list "bar") (list "foo") (list "food"))
+                   (mh-sub-folders (format "+%s/" mh-test-rel-folder))))
+    (should (equal nil
+                   (mh-sub-folders (format "+%s/foo/" mh-test-rel-folder))))
+    (should (equal nil
+                   (mh-sub-folders (format "+%s/foo" mh-test-rel-folder))))
+    (should (equal (list (list "bar") (list "foo") (list "food"))
+                   (mh-sub-folders (format "+%s" mh-test-abs-folder))))
+    ;; FIXME: mh-sub-folders doesn't (yet) expect to be given a
+    ;; nonexistent folder.
+    ;;   (should (equal nil
+    ;;                  (mh-sub-folders "+nosuchfolder")))
+    ;;   (should (equal nil
+    ;;                  (mh-sub-folders "+/nosuchfolder")))
+    ))
+(defmacro mh-test-folder-completion-1 (name
+                                       nil-expected t-expected lambda-expected)
+  "Helper for testing `mh-folder-completion-function'.
+Ask for completion on NAME three times, with three different
+values for the FLAG argument of `mh-folder-completion-function'.
+NIL-EXPECTED is the expected value with FLAG nil.
+T-EXPECTED is the expected value with FLAG t.
+LAMBDA-EXPECTED is the expected value with FLAG lambda."
+  `(with-mh-test-env
+     (mh-test-folder-completion-2 ,nil-expected ;case "a"
+                                  (mh-folder-completion-function ,name nil 
+     (mh-test-folder-completion-2 ,t-expected ;case "b"
+                                  (mh-folder-completion-function ,name nil t))
+     (mh-test-folder-completion-2 ,lambda-expected ;case "c"
+                                  (mh-folder-completion-function ,name nil
+                                                                 'lambda))))
+(defmacro mh-test-folder-completion-2 (expected actual)
+  "Inner helper for testing `mh-folder-completion-function'.
+ACTUAL should evaluate to either EXPECTED or to a list containing EXPECTED.
+ACTUAL may be evaluated twice, but this gives a clearer error on failure,
+and the `should' macro requires idempotent evaluation anyway."
+  `(if (and (not (consp ,expected)) (consp ,actual))
+       (should (member ,expected ,actual))
+     (should (equal ,expected ,actual))))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-02-empty ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with empty name."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 "" "+" (format "%s/" mh-test-rel-folder) nil))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-03-plus ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 "+" "+" (format "%s/" mh-test-rel-folder) nil))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-04-rel-folder ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+rela-folder'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 (format "+%s" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                               (format "+%s/" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                               (list (format "%s/" mh-test-rel-folder))
+                               t))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-05-rel-folder-slash ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+rela-folder/'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 (format "+%s/" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                               (format "+%s/" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                               (list "bar" "foo" "food")
+                               t))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-06-rel-folder-slash-foo ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+rela-folder/foo'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 (format "+%s/foo" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                               (format "+%s/foo" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                               (list "foo" "food")
+                               t)
+  (with-mh-test-env
+    (should (equal nil
+                   (mh-folder-completion-function
+                    (format "+%s/fo" mh-test-rel-folder) nil 'lambda)))))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-07-rel-folder-slash-foo-slash ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+rela-folder/foo/'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 (format "+%s/foo/" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                               nil
+                               nil
+                               t))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-08-plus-slash ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+/'."
+  :expected-result :failed              ;to be fixed in a patch by mkupfer
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 "+/" "+/" "tmp/" nil)
+    ;; case "bb"
+    (with-mh-test-env
+      (should (equal nil
+                     (member (format "+%s/" mh-test-rel-folder)
+                             (mh-folder-completion-function "+/" nil t))))))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-09-plus-slash-tmp ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+/tmp'."
+  :expected-result :failed              ;to be fixed in a patch by mkupfer
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 "+/tmp" "+/tmp" "tmp/" t))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-10-plus-slash-abs-folder ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+/abso-folder'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 (format "+%s/" mh-test-abs-folder)
+                               (format "+%s/" mh-test-abs-folder)
+                               (list "bar" "foo" "food")
+                               t))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-11-plus-slash-abs-folder-slash-foo 
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+/abso-folder/foo'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 (format "+%s/foo" mh-test-abs-folder)
+                               (format "+%s/foo" mh-test-abs-folder)
+                               (list "foo" "food")
+                               t)
+  (with-mh-test-env
+    (should (equal nil
+                   (mh-folder-completion-function
+                    (format "+%s/fo" mh-test-abs-folder) nil 'lambda)))))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-12-plus-nosuchfolder ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+nosuchfolder'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 "+nosuchfolder" nil nil nil))
+(ert-deftest mh-folder-completion-function-13-plus-slash-nosuchfolder ()
+  "Test `mh-folder-completion-function' with `+/nosuchfolder'."
+  (mh-test-folder-completion-1 "+/nosuchfolder" nil nil nil))
+;;; mh-utils-tests.el ends here
diff --git a/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el b/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el
index 65e3c82..4335581 100644
--- a/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/mh-e/mh-xface-tests.el
@@ -33,3 +33,18 @@
   (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "https:") t))
   (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "https://www.example.com/me.png";) t))
   (should (equal (mh-x-image-url-sane-p "abcde:") nil)))
+(ert-deftest mh-x-image-url-cache-canonicalize ()
+  "Test `mh-x-image-url-cache-canonicalize'."
+  (should (equal (format "%s/%s" mh-x-image-cache-directory "%21foo%21bar.png")
+                 (mh-x-image-url-cache-canonicalize "/foo/bar")))
+  (should (equal (format "%s/%s" mh-x-image-cache-directory
+                         "http%3A%21%21domain.com%21foo%21bar.png")
+                 (mh-x-image-url-cache-canonicalize
+                  "http://domain.com/foo/bar";)))
+  ;; All Windows invalid characters.
+  (should (equal (format "%s/%s" mh-x-image-cache-directory
+                         "%21%3C%3E%3A%2A%3F%22%5C%7C%21bar.png")
+                 (mh-x-image-url-cache-canonicalize "/<>:*?\"\\|/bar"))))
+;;; mh-xface-tests.el ends here

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