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master 29c7f8c: * lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el: Optimize self-calls in tai

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: master 29c7f8c: * lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el: Optimize self-calls in tail position
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2021 19:59:37 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 29c7f8c915c3889dfd5b25878aa0692f826cd38f
Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    * lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el: Optimize self-calls in tail position
    Implement a limited form of tail-call optimization for the special
    case of recursive functions defined with `cl-labels`.  Only self-recursion
    is optimized, no attempt is made to handle more complex cases such a mutual
    The main benefit is to reduce the use of the stack, tho in my limited
    tests, this can also improve performance (about half of the way to
    a hand-written `while` loop).
    (cl--self-tco): New function.
    (cl-labels): Use it.
    * lisp/subr.el (letrec): Optimize single-binding corner case.
    * test/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs-tests.el (cl-macs--labels): Add tests
    to check that TCO is working.
 lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el            | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 lisp/subr.el                          |  11 +++-
 test/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs-tests.el |  17 ++++-
 3 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el
index 1cb195d..ba634d8 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el
@@ -2060,10 +2060,98 @@ Like `cl-flet' but the definitions can refer to 
previous ones.
    ((null (cdr bindings)) `(cl-flet ,bindings ,@body))
    (t `(cl-flet (,(pop bindings)) (cl-flet* ,bindings ,@body)))))
+(defun cl--self-tco (var fargs body)
+  ;; This tries to "optimize" tail calls for the specific case
+  ;; of recursive self-calls by replacing them with a `while' loop.
+  ;; It is quite far from a general tail-call optimization, since it doesn't
+  ;; even handle mutually recursive functions.
+  (letrec
+      ((done nil) ;; Non-nil if some TCO happened.
+       (retvar (make-symbol "retval"))
+       (ofargs (mapcar (lambda (s) (if (memq s cl--lambda-list-keywords) s
+                                (make-symbol (symbol-name s))))
+                       fargs))
+       (opt-exps (lambda (exps) ;; `exps' is in tail position!
+                   (append (butlast exps)
+                           (list (funcall opt (car (last exps)))))))
+       (opt
+        (lambda (exp) ;; `exp' is in tail position!
+          (pcase exp
+            ;; FIXME: Optimize `apply'?
+            (`(funcall ,(pred (eq var)) . ,aargs)
+             ;; This is a self-recursive call in tail position.
+             (let ((sets nil)
+                   (fargs ofargs))
+               (while fargs
+                 (pcase (pop fargs)
+                   ('&rest
+                    (push (pop fargs) sets)
+                    (push `(list . ,aargs) sets)
+                    ;; (cl-assert (null fargs))
+                    )
+                   ('&optional nil)
+                   (farg
+                    (push farg sets)
+                    (push (pop aargs) sets))))
+               (setq done t)
+               `(progn (setq . ,(nreverse sets))
+                       :recurse)))
+            (`(progn . ,exps) `(progn . ,(funcall opt-exps exps)))
+            (`(if ,cond ,then . ,else)
+             `(if ,cond ,(funcall opt then) . ,(funcall opt-exps else)))
+            (`(cond . ,conds)
+             (let ((cs '()))
+               (while conds
+                 (pcase (pop conds)
+                   (`(,exp)
+                    (push (if conds
+                              ;; This returns the value of `exp' but it's
+                              ;; only in tail position if it's the
+                              ;; last condition.
+                              `((setq ,retvar ,exp) nil)
+                            `(,(funcall opt exp)))
+                          cs))
+                   (exps
+                    (push (funcall opt-exps exps) cs))))
+               (if (eq t (caar cs))
+                   `(cond . ,(nreverse cs))
+                 `(cond ,@(nreverse cs) (t (setq ,retvar nil))))))
+            ((and `(,(or 'let 'let*) ,bindings . ,exps)
+                  (guard
+                   ;; Note: it's OK for this `let' to shadow any
+                   ;; of the formal arguments since we will only
+                   ;; setq the fresh new `ofargs' vars instead ;-)
+                   (let ((shadowings (mapcar #'car bindings)))
+                     ;; If `var' is shadowed, then it clearly can't be
+                     ;; tail-called any more.
+                     (not (memq var shadowings)))))
+             `(,(car exp) ,bindings . ,(funcall opt-exps exps)))
+            (_
+             `(progn (setq ,retvar ,exp) nil))))))
+    (let ((optimized-body (funcall opt-exps body)))
+      (if (not done)
+          (cons fargs body)
+        ;; We use two sets of vars: `ofargs' and `fargs' because we need
+        ;; to be careful that if a closure captures a formal argument
+        ;; in one iteration, it needs to capture a different binding
+        ;; then that of other iterations, e.g.
+        (cons
+         ofargs
+         `((let (,retvar)
+             (while (let ,(delq nil
+                                (cl-mapcar
+                                 (lambda (a oa)
+                                   (unless (memq a cl--lambda-list-keywords)
+                                     (list a oa)))
+                                 fargs ofargs))
+                      . ,optimized-body))
+             ,retvar)))))))
 (defmacro cl-labels (bindings &rest body)
-    "Make local (recursive) function definitions.
-Each definition can take the form (FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) where
+  "Make local (recursive) function definitions.
++BINDINGS is a list of definitions of the form (FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) where
 FUNC is the function name, ARGLIST its arguments, and BODY the
 forms of the function body.  FUNC is defined in any BODY, as well
 as FORM, so you can write recursive and mutually recursive
@@ -2075,17 +2163,33 @@ details.
   (let ((binds ()) (newenv macroexpand-all-environment))
     (dolist (binding bindings)
       (let ((var (make-symbol (format "--cl-%s--" (car binding)))))
-       (push (list var `(cl-function (lambda . ,(cdr binding)))) binds)
+       (push (cons var (cdr binding)) binds)
        (push (cons (car binding)
                     (lambda (&rest args)
                       (if (eq (car args) cl--labels-magic)
                           (list cl--labels-magic var)
                         (cl-list* 'funcall var args))))
-    (macroexpand-all `(letrec ,(nreverse binds) ,@body)
-                     ;; Don't override lexical-let's macro-expander.
-                     (if (assq 'function newenv) newenv
-                       (cons (cons 'function #'cl--labels-convert) newenv)))))
+    ;; Don't override lexical-let's macro-expander.
+    (unless (assq 'function newenv)
+      (push (cons 'function #'cl--labels-convert) newenv))
+    ;; Perform self-tail call elimination.
+    (setq binds (mapcar
+                 (lambda (bind)
+                   (pcase-let*
+                       ((`(,var ,sargs . ,sbody) bind)
+                        (`(function (lambda ,fargs . ,ebody))
+                         (macroexpand-all `(cl-function (lambda ,sargs . 
+                                          newenv))
+                        (`(,ofargs . ,obody)
+                         (cl--self-tco var fargs ebody)))
+                     `(,var (function (lambda ,ofargs . ,obody)))))
+                 (nreverse binds)))
+    `(letrec ,binds
+       . ,(macroexp-unprogn
+           (macroexpand-all
+            (macroexp-progn body)
+            newenv)))))
 ;; The following ought to have a better definition for use with newer
 ;; byte compilers.
diff --git a/lisp/subr.el b/lisp/subr.el
index bc0c417..2602029 100644
--- a/lisp/subr.el
+++ b/lisp/subr.el
@@ -1893,9 +1893,14 @@ all symbols are bound before any of the VALUEFORMs are 
                    `(let ,(mapcar #'car binders)
                       ,@(mapcar (lambda (binder) `(setq ,@binder)) binders)
-      (if seqbinds
-          `(let* ,(nreverse seqbinds) ,nbody)
-        nbody))))
+      (cond
+       ;; All bindings are recursive.
+       ((null seqbinds) nbody)
+       ;; Special case for trivial uses.
+       ((and (symbolp nbody) (null (cdr seqbinds)) (eq nbody (caar seqbinds)))
+        (nth 1 (car seqbinds)))
+       ;; General case.
+       (t `(let* ,(nreverse seqbinds) ,nbody))))))
 (defmacro dlet (binders &rest body)
   "Like `let*' but using dynamic scoping."
diff --git a/test/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs-tests.el 
index 7774ed3..bcd63f7 100644
--- a/test/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs-tests.el
@@ -616,6 +616,21 @@ collection clause."
   ;; Simple recursive function.
   (cl-labels ((len (xs) (if xs (1+ (len (cdr xs))) 0)))
     (should (equal (len (make-list 42 t)) 42)))
-  )
+  ;; Simple tail-recursive function.
+  (cl-labels ((len (xs n) (if xs (len (cdr xs) (1+ n)) n)))
+    (should (equal (len (make-list 42 t) 0) 42))
+    ;; Should not bump into stack depth limits.
+    (should (equal (len (make-list 42000 t) 0) 42000)))
+  ;; Check that non-recursive functions are handled more efficiently.
+  (should (pcase (macroexpand '(cl-labels ((f (x) (+ x 1))) (f 5)))
+            (`(let* ,_ (funcall ,_ 5)) t)))
+  ;; Case of "tail-recursive lambdas".
+  (should (pcase (macroexpand
+                  '(cl-labels ((len (xs n) (if xs (len (cdr xs) (1+ n)) n)))
+                     #'len))
+            (`(function (lambda (,_ ,_) . ,_)) t))))
 ;;; cl-macs-tests.el ends here

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