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master 2d5d0fa: Remove generation of old bytecodes for catch/unwind

From: Mattias Engdegård
Subject: master 2d5d0fa: Remove generation of old bytecodes for catch/unwind
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2020 06:21:25 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 2d5d0fa1b4a15079850a6c046234bafeb26c82c0
Author: Mattias Engdegård <address@hidden>
Commit: Mattias Engdegård <address@hidden>

    Remove generation of old bytecodes for catch/unwind
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el (byte-compile--use-old-handlers)
    (byte-compile-condition-case, byte-compile-condition-case--old):
    Rename to byte-compile-condition-case.
    (byte-compile-catch, byte-compile-unwind-protect):
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/cconv.el (cconv-convert, cconv-analyze-form):
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el (byte-optimize-form-code-walker):
 lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el | 22 ++++--------
 lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el | 85 ++++-----------------------------------------
 lisp/emacs-lisp/cconv.el    | 34 +++---------------
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el
index 38bf112..fe0930c 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el
@@ -498,15 +498,12 @@
          ((eq fn 'condition-case)
-           (if byte-compile--use-old-handlers
-               ;; Will be optimized later.
-               form
-             `(condition-case ,(nth 1 form) ;Not evaluated.
-                  ,(byte-optimize-form (nth 2 form) for-effect)
-                ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
-                            `(,(car clause)
-                              ,@(byte-optimize-body (cdr clause) for-effect)))
-                          (nthcdr 3 form)))))
+           `(condition-case ,(nth 1 form) ;Not evaluated.
+                ,(byte-optimize-form (nth 2 form) for-effect)
+              ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
+                          `(,(car clause)
+                            ,@(byte-optimize-body (cdr clause) for-effect)))
+                        (nthcdr 3 form))))
          ((eq fn 'unwind-protect)
           ;; the "protected" part of an unwind-protect is compiled (and thus
@@ -521,12 +518,7 @@
          ((eq fn 'catch)
           (cons fn
                 (cons (byte-optimize-form (nth 1 form) nil)
-                       (if byte-compile--use-old-handlers
-                           ;; The body of a catch is compiled (and thus
-                           ;; optimized) as a top-level form, so don't do it
-                           ;; here.
-                           (cdr (cdr form))
-                         (byte-optimize-body (cdr form) for-effect)))))
+                       (byte-optimize-body (cdr form) for-effect))))
          ((eq fn 'ignore)
           ;; Don't treat the args to `ignore' as being
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el
index 40cf821..cdcc938 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el
@@ -4529,96 +4529,25 @@ binding slots have been popped."
 ;; (byte-defop-compiler-1 save-window-excursion)      ;Obsolete: now a macro.
 ;; (byte-defop-compiler-1 with-output-to-temp-buffer) ;Obsolete: now a macro.
-(defvar byte-compile--use-old-handlers nil
-  "If nil, use new byte codes introduced in Emacs-24.4.")
 (defun byte-compile-catch (form)
   (byte-compile-form (car (cdr form)))
-  (if (not byte-compile--use-old-handlers)
-      (let ((endtag (byte-compile-make-tag)))
-        (byte-compile-goto 'byte-pushcatch endtag)
-        (byte-compile-body (cddr form) nil)
-        (byte-compile-out 'byte-pophandler)
-        (byte-compile-out-tag endtag))
-    (pcase (cddr form)
-      (`(:fun-body ,f)
-       (byte-compile-form `(list 'funcall ,f)))
-      (body
-       (byte-compile-push-constant
-        (byte-compile-top-level (cons 'progn body) byte-compile--for-effect))))
-    (byte-compile-out 'byte-catch 0)))
+  (let ((endtag (byte-compile-make-tag)))
+    (byte-compile-goto 'byte-pushcatch endtag)
+    (byte-compile-body (cddr form) nil)
+    (byte-compile-out 'byte-pophandler)
+    (byte-compile-out-tag endtag)))
 (defun byte-compile-unwind-protect (form)
   (pcase (cddr form)
     (`(:fun-body ,f)
-     (byte-compile-form
-      (if byte-compile--use-old-handlers `(list (list 'funcall ,f)) f)))
+     (byte-compile-form f))
-     (if byte-compile--use-old-handlers
-         (byte-compile-push-constant
-          (byte-compile-top-level-body handlers t))
-       (byte-compile-form `#'(lambda () ,@handlers)))))
+     (byte-compile-form `#'(lambda () ,@handlers))))
   (byte-compile-out 'byte-unwind-protect 0)
   (byte-compile-form-do-effect (car (cdr form)))
   (byte-compile-out 'byte-unbind 1))
 (defun byte-compile-condition-case (form)
-  (if byte-compile--use-old-handlers
-      (byte-compile-condition-case--old form)
-    (byte-compile-condition-case--new form)))
-(defun byte-compile-condition-case--old (form)
-  (let* ((var (nth 1 form))
-        (fun-bodies (eq var :fun-body))
-         (byte-compile-bound-variables
-         (if (and var (not fun-bodies))
-              (cons var byte-compile-bound-variables)
-           byte-compile-bound-variables)))
-    (byte-compile-set-symbol-position 'condition-case)
-    (unless (symbolp var)
-      (byte-compile-warn
-       "`%s' is not a variable-name or nil (in condition-case)" var))
-    (if fun-bodies (setq var (make-symbol "err")))
-    (byte-compile-push-constant var)
-    (if fun-bodies
-        (byte-compile-form `(list 'funcall ,(nth 2 form)))
-      (byte-compile-push-constant
-       (byte-compile-top-level (nth 2 form) byte-compile--for-effect)))
-    (let ((compiled-clauses
-           (mapcar
-            (lambda (clause)
-              (let ((condition (car clause)))
-                (cond ((not (or (symbolp condition)
-                                (and (listp condition)
-                                     (let ((ok t))
-                                       (dolist (sym condition)
-                                         (if (not (symbolp sym))
-                                             (setq ok nil)))
-                                       ok))))
-                       (byte-compile-warn
-                        "`%S' is not a condition name or list of such (in 
-                        condition))
-                      ;; (not (or (eq condition 't)
-                      ;;         (and (stringp (get condition 'error-message))
-                      ;;              (consp (get condition
-                      ;;                          'error-conditions)))))
-                      ;; (byte-compile-warn
-                      ;;   "`%s' is not a known condition name
-                      ;;   (in condition-case)"
-                      ;;   condition))
-                      )
-                (if fun-bodies
-                    `(list ',condition (list 'funcall ,(cadr clause) ',var))
-                  (cons condition
-                        (byte-compile-top-level-body
-                         (cdr clause) byte-compile--for-effect)))))
-            (cdr (cdr (cdr form))))))
-      (if fun-bodies
-          (byte-compile-form `(list ,@compiled-clauses))
-        (byte-compile-push-constant compiled-clauses)))
-    (byte-compile-out 'byte-condition-case 0)))
-(defun byte-compile-condition-case--new (form)
   (let* ((var (nth 1 form))
          (body (nth 2 form))
          (depth byte-compile-depth)
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/cconv.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/cconv.el
index e2e5933..351a097 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/cconv.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/cconv.el
@@ -462,20 +462,7 @@ places where they originally did not directly appear."
                        ;; and may be an invalid expression (e.g. ($# . 678)).
                        (cdr forms)))))
-                                       ;condition-case
-    ((and `(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,handlers)
-          (guard byte-compile--use-old-handlers))
-     (let ((newform (cconv--convert-function
-                     () (list protected-form) env form)))
-       `(condition-case :fun-body ,newform
-          ,@(mapcar (lambda (handler)
-                      (list (car handler)
-                            (cconv--convert-function
-                             (list (or var cconv--dummy-var))
-                             (cdr handler) env form)))
-                    handlers))))
-                                        ; condition-case with new byte-codes.
+                                        ; condition-case
     (`(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,handlers)
      `(condition-case ,var
           ,(cconv-convert protected-form env extend)
@@ -496,10 +483,8 @@ places where they originally did not directly appear."
                        `((let ((,var (list ,var))) ,@body))))))
-    (`(,(and head (or (and 'catch (guard byte-compile--use-old-handlers))
-                      'unwind-protect))
-       ,form . ,body)
-     `(,head ,(cconv-convert form env extend)
+    (`(unwind-protect ,form . ,body)
+     `(unwind-protect ,(cconv-convert form env extend)
         :fun-body ,(cconv--convert-function () body env form)))
     (`(setq . ,forms)                   ; setq special form
@@ -718,15 +703,6 @@ and updates the data stored in ENV."
     (`(quote . ,_) nil)                 ; quote form
     (`(function . ,_) nil)              ; same as quote
-    ((and `(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,handlers)
-          (guard byte-compile--use-old-handlers))
-     ;; FIXME: The bytecode for condition-case forces us to wrap the
-     ;; form and handlers in closures.
-     (cconv--analyze-function () (list protected-form) env form)
-     (dolist (handler handlers)
-       (cconv--analyze-function (if var (list var)) (cdr handler)
-                                env form)))
     (`(condition-case ,var ,protected-form . ,handlers)
      (cconv-analyze-form protected-form env)
      (when (and var (symbolp var) (byte-compile-not-lexical-var-p var))
@@ -741,9 +717,7 @@ and updates the data stored in ENV."
                                    form "variable"))))
     ;; FIXME: The bytecode for unwind-protect forces us to wrap the unwind.
-    (`(,(or (and 'catch (guard byte-compile--use-old-handlers))
-            'unwind-protect)
-       ,form . ,body)
+    (`(unwind-protect ,form . ,body)
      (cconv-analyze-form form env)
      (cconv--analyze-function () body env form))

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