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master 394c91e: * lisp/net/eudc.el (eudc-query-with-words): New function

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: master 394c91e: * lisp/net/eudc.el (eudc-query-with-words): New function
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 17:20:08 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 394c91e4bf0e9244f6b0f41b4ba74c1dbf3097a2
Author: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>

    * lisp/net/eudc.el (eudc-query-with-words): New function
    Extracted from eudc-expand-inline.
    (eudc-expand-inline): Use it.
 lisp/net/eudc.el | 164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/net/eudc.el b/lisp/net/eudc.el
index 586dd21..9533a56 100644
--- a/lisp/net/eudc.el
+++ b/lisp/net/eudc.el
@@ -777,6 +777,45 @@ If REPLACE is non-nil, then this expansion replaces the 
name in the buffer.
 Multiple servers can be tried with the same query until one finds a match,
 see `eudc-inline-expansion-servers'."
+  (let* ((end (point))
+        (beg (save-excursion
+               (if (re-search-backward "\\([:,]\\|^\\)[ \t]*"
+                                       (point-at-bol) 'move)
+                   (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+               (point)))
+        (query-words (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)
+                                   "[ \t]+"))
+        (response-strings (eudc-query-with-words query-words)))
+    (if (null response-strings)
+        (error "No match")
+      (if (or
+          (and replace (not eudc-expansion-overwrites-query))
+          (and (not replace) eudc-expansion-overwrites-query))
+         (kill-ring-save beg end))
+      (cond
+       ((or (= (length response-strings) 1)
+           (null eudc-multiple-match-handling-method)
+           (eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'first))
+       (delete-region beg end)
+       (insert (car response-strings)))
+       ((eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'select)
+       (eudc-select response-strings beg end))
+       ((eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'all)
+       (delete-region beg end)
+       (insert (mapconcat #'identity response-strings ", ")))
+       ((eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'abort)
+       (error "There is more than one match for the query"))))))
+(defun eudc-query-with-words (query-words)
+  "Query the directory server, and return the matching responses.
+The variable `eudc-inline-query-format' controls how to associate the
+individual QUERY-WORDS with directory attribute names.
+After querying the server for the given string, the expansion specified by
+`eudc-inline-expansion-format' is applied to the matches before returning 
them.inserted in the buffer at point.
+Multiple servers can be tried with the same query until one finds a match,
+see `eudc-inline-expansion-servers'."
    ((eq eudc-inline-expansion-servers 'current-server)
     (or eudc-server
@@ -792,103 +831,70 @@ see `eudc-inline-expansion-servers'."
     (error "Wrong value for `eudc-inline-expansion-servers': %S"
-  (let* ((end (point))
-        (beg (save-excursion
-               (if (re-search-backward "\\([:,]\\|^\\)[ \t]*"
-                                       (point-at-bol) 'move)
-                   (goto-char (match-end 0)))
-               (point)))
-        (query-words (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)
-                                   "[ \t]+"))
-        query-formats
-        response
-        response-strings
+  (let* (query-formats
         (eudc-former-server eudc-server)
         (eudc-former-protocol eudc-protocol)
-        servers)
-    ;; Prepare the list of servers to query
-    (setq servers (copy-sequence eudc-server-hotlist))
-    (setq servers
+        ;; Prepare the list of servers to query
+        (servers
           ((eq eudc-inline-expansion-servers 'hotlist)
           ((eq eudc-inline-expansion-servers 'server-then-hotlist)
            (if eudc-server
                (cons (cons eudc-server eudc-protocol)
-                     (delete (cons eudc-server eudc-protocol) servers))
+                     (delete (cons eudc-server eudc-protocol)
+                             (copy-sequence eudc-server-hotlist)))
           ((eq eudc-inline-expansion-servers 'current-server)
-           (list (cons eudc-server eudc-protocol)))))
+           (list (cons eudc-server eudc-protocol))))))
     (if (and eudc-max-servers-to-query
             (> (length servers) eudc-max-servers-to-query))
        (setcdr (nthcdr (1- eudc-max-servers-to-query) servers) nil))
-       (progn
-         (setq response
-               (catch 'found
-                 ;; Loop on the servers
-                 (while servers
-                   (eudc-set-server (caar servers) (cdar servers) t)
-                   ;; Determine which formats apply in the query-format list
-                   (setq query-formats
-                         (or
-                          (eudc-extract-n-word-formats eudc-inline-query-format
-                                                       (length query-words))
-                          (if (null eudc-protocol-has-default-query-attributes)
-                              '(name))))
-                   ;; Loop on query-formats
-                   (while query-formats
-                     (setq response
+       (let ((response
+              (catch 'found
+                ;; Loop on the servers
+                (dolist (server servers)
+                  (eudc-set-server (car server) (cdr server) t)
+                  ;; Determine which formats apply in the query-format list
+                  (setq query-formats
+                        (or
+                         (eudc-extract-n-word-formats eudc-inline-query-format
+                                                      (length query-words))
+                         (if (null eudc-protocol-has-default-query-attributes)
+                             '(name))))
+                  ;; Loop on query-formats
+                  (while query-formats
+                    (let ((response
                             (eudc-format-query query-words (car query-formats))
-                             (cdr eudc-inline-expansion-format))))
-                     (if response
-                         (throw 'found response))
-                     (setq query-formats (cdr query-formats)))
-                   (setq servers (cdr servers)))
-                 ;; No more servers to try... no match found
-                 nil))
-         (if (null response)
-             (error "No match")
-           ;; Process response through eudc-inline-expansion-format
-           (dolist (r response)
-             (let ((response-string
-                     (apply #'format
-                            (car eudc-inline-expansion-format)
-                            (mapcar (function
-                                     (lambda (field)
-                                       (or (cdr (assq field r))
-                                           "")))
-                                    (eudc-translate-attribute-list
-                                     (cdr eudc-inline-expansion-format))))))
-               (if (> (length response-string) 0)
-                   (push response-string response-strings))))
-           (if (or
-                (and replace (not eudc-expansion-overwrites-query))
-                (and (not replace) eudc-expansion-overwrites-query))
-               (kill-ring-save beg end))
-           (cond
-            ((or (= (length response-strings) 1)
-                 (null eudc-multiple-match-handling-method)
-                 (eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'first))
-             (delete-region beg end)
-             (insert (car response-strings)))
-            ((eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'select)
-             (eudc-select response-strings beg end))
-            ((eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'all)
-             (delete-region beg end)
-             (insert (mapconcat #'identity response-strings ", ")))
-            ((eq eudc-multiple-match-handling-method 'abort)
-             (error "There is more than one match for the query")))))
+                             (cdr eudc-inline-expansion-format)))))
+                      (if response
+                          (throw 'found response)))
+                    (setq query-formats (cdr query-formats))))
+                ;; No more servers to try... no match found
+                nil))
+             (response-strings '()))
+         ;; Process response through eudc-inline-expansion-format
+         (dolist (r response)
+           (let ((response-string
+                   (apply #'format
+                          (car eudc-inline-expansion-format)
+                          (mapcar (function
+                                   (lambda (field)
+                                     (or (cdr (assq field r))
+                                         "")))
+                                  (eudc-translate-attribute-list
+                                   (cdr eudc-inline-expansion-format))))))
+             (if (> (length response-string) 0)
+                 (push response-string response-strings))))
+         response-strings)
       (or (and (equal eudc-server eudc-former-server)
               (equal eudc-protocol eudc-former-protocol))
          (eudc-set-server eudc-former-server eudc-former-protocol t)))))

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