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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideif.el

From: Juanma Barranquero
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideif.el
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 05:06:38 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideif.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideif.el:1.45 emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideif.el:1.46
*** emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideif.el:1.45 Sat Dec  1 13:20:52 2001
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/hideif.el      Wed Mar  6 10:11:20 2002
*** 1,6 ****
  ;;; hideif.el --- hides selected code within ifdef
! ;; Copyright (C) 1988,1994,2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Daniel LaLiberte <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: FSF
--- 1,6 ----
  ;;; hideif.el --- hides selected code within ifdef
! ;; Copyright (C) 1988,1994,2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Daniel LaLiberte <address@hidden>
  ;; Maintainer: FSF
*** 309,315 ****
  ;; pattern to match initial identifier, !, &&, ||, (, or ).
  ;; Added ==, + and -: address@hidden 8/9/94
  (defconst hif-token-regexp
!   "\\(&&\\|||\\|[!=]=\\|!\\|[()+-]\\|[<>]=?\\|\\w+\\)")
  (defun hif-tokenize (start end)
    "Separate string between START and END into a list of tokens."
--- 309,315 ----
  ;; pattern to match initial identifier, !, &&, ||, (, or ).
  ;; Added ==, + and -: address@hidden 8/9/94
  (defconst hif-token-regexp
!   "\\(&&\\|||\\|[!=]=\\|!\\|[()+?:-]\\|[<>]=?\\|\\w+\\)")
  (defun hif-tokenize (start end)
    "Separate string between START and END into a list of tokens."
*** 342,347 ****
--- 342,349 ----
                     ((string-equal token "<=") 'hif-less-equal)
                     ((string-equal token "+") 'hif-plus)
                     ((string-equal token "-") 'hif-minus)
+                    ((string-equal token "?") 'hif-conditional)
+                    ((string-equal token ":") 'hif-colon)
                     ((string-match "\\`[0-9]*\\'" token)
                      (string-to-number token))
                     (t (intern token)))
*** 368,382 ****
  (defun hif-expr ()
    "Parse an expression as found in #if.
!        expr : term | expr '||' term."
!   (let ((result (hif-term)))
      (while (eq hif-token 'or)
!       (setq result (list 'hif-or result (hif-term))))
! (defun hif-term ()
!   "Parse a term : eq-expr | term '&&' eq-expr."
    (let ((result (hif-eq-expr)))
      (while (eq hif-token 'and)
--- 370,398 ----
  (defun hif-expr ()
    "Parse an expression as found in #if.
!        expr : or-expr | or-expr '?' expr ':' expr."
!   (let ((result (hif-or-expr))
!       middle)
!     (while (eq hif-token 'hif-conditional)
!       (hif-nexttoken)
!       (setq middle (hif-expr))
!       (if (eq hif-token 'hif-colon)
!         (progn
!           (hif-nexttoken)
!           (setq result (list 'hif-conditional result middle (hif-expr))))
!       (error "Error: unexpected token: %s" hif-token)))
!     result))
! (defun hif-or-expr ()
!   "Parse n or-expr : and-expr | or-expr '||' and-expr."
!   (let ((result (hif-and-expr)))
      (while (eq hif-token 'or)
!       (setq result (list 'hif-or result (hif-and-expr))))
! (defun hif-and-expr ()
!   "Parse an and-expr : eq-expr | and-expr '&&' eq-expr."
    (let ((result (hif-eq-expr)))
      (while (eq hif-token 'and)
*** 449,454 ****
--- 465,472 ----
        ((null val) 0)
        (t val)))
+ (defun hif-conditional (a b c)
+   (if (not (zerop (hif-mathify a))) (hif-mathify b) (hif-mathify c)))
  (defun hif-and (a b)
    (and (not (zerop (hif-mathify a))) (not (zerop (hif-mathify b)))))
  (defun hif-or (a b)

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