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Re: Upcoming merge of adaptive-wrap

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Upcoming merge of adaptive-wrap
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 04:30:59 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 26/01/2024 04:22, Po Lu wrote:
Scanning though the latter's output should be much easier (and faster)
than going through the NEWS files several releases back, or reading
through all the manuals that come with Emacs.
It is much easier to overlook entries in a list of 1139 one-line
descriptions than in a document where each item is illustrated in
reasonable detail and grouped with related entries along semantic lines.
Moreover, it is only necessary to read NEWS once, after installing a new
release of Emacs.

If you're talking about getting a feature known to the maximum number of users possible (and not just hardcore ones who are with us for decades and scrutinize every new release), a lot of those potential users either have been using Emacs a while and don't read NEWS for every release, or will install their first Emacs of some later version than the one that the feature X has been added (and thus will miss all older NEWS files).

1139 one-liner summaries, OTOH, are always searchable with C-s.

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