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Re: What's missing in ELisp that makes people want to use cl-lib?

From: João Távora
Subject: Re: What's missing in ELisp that makes people want to use cl-lib?
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 12:40:24 +0000

On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 11:49 AM Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev> wrote:

> Improving cl-lib's documentation would be a welcome effort.

For sure, and not a hard one as well, as all those functions and
macros are pretty good, often flawless emulations of CL functions that
are impeccably documented in


Which is of free access (though not of a compatible license, I
think).  But if people can point to the 5 most confusing functions
they think are poorly documented, I volunteer to rewrite the
docstrings for them.


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