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Re: [nongnu] elpa/racket-mode 363246ac70 1/2: Fix cl-loop byte-compiler

From: Greg Hendershott
Subject: Re: [nongnu] elpa/racket-mode 363246ac70 1/2: Fix cl-loop byte-compiler warnings
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 14:46:30 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 25.2.2

Genuine apologies for not really knowing the mechanics of Emacs Lisp
macro expansion. Or the specific implementation of cl-loop... or even
really much of its usage beyond a few examples I've tried in Emacs Lisp.

I guess my dumb question is this:

When I pp-macroexpand one example from my code:

    (cl-loop for i being the intervals from beg to end
             (racket--region-set-face (car i) (cdr i)
                                      (funcall func
                                               (or (get-text-property (car i) 

I get:

    (cl-block nil
      (cl-block --cl-finish--
           (--cl-var1-- --cl-var2--)
           (setq i
                 (cons --cl-var1-- --cl-var2--))
            (car i)
            (cdr i)
            (funcall func
                       (car i)
         nil nil beg end))

If instead of `setq` cl-loop expanded to use `let`

           (--cl-var1-- --cl-var2--)
           (let ((i (cons --cl-var1-- --cl-var2--))
              (car i)
              (cdr i)
              (funcall func
                         (car i)

would that avoid the byte-compiler warning? If not, can it add an

I guess my general question is: If I can hand-write code to avoid the
warning, and macros can write any code that I can write by hand, why
can't cl-loop do so for me?

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