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[NonGNU Elpa] New package: ETT

From: John Task
Subject: [NonGNU Elpa] New package: ETT
Date: Tue, 02 May 2023 18:21:14 -0300

[Disclaimer: A similar message was posted here a couple months ago by
 me.  Sorry if that's an annoyance.  This one is clearer, though.]

Hello.  My name is John Task and I'd like to submit a package to
NonGNU ELPA.  I'm the author of this program and also (at the time of
writing) the only contributor to the code.  As far as I can tell,
everything is in line with the guidances and I plan to keep it that

The URL of the repository is: https://gitlab.com/q01_code/ett

The description is as follows:

Emacs Time Tracker (or short ETT) is a simple yet powerful time
tracker for Emacs. Even though it's based on a minimalist plain
text file, it can show statistics for current day, week, month or
year, and even compare tags recording for the same item given any
of these periods.

Advanced features include percentages, graphs and icons.

Clock-in with M-x ett-add-track, go to file with M-x ett-find-file,
and get report with M-x ett-report. You probably want to bind these
functions to easy keys.

The corresponding patch would be:

>From 72c7ba2c1ecd375be52b071d25217088e66e9abb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Task <q01@disroot.org>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 17:40:44 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] New package

 elpa-packages | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/elpa-packages b/elpa-packages
index c333cc8bb3..385a76264d 100644
--- a/elpa-packages
+++ b/elpa-packages
@@ -154,6 +154,11 @@
   :readme "README.md"
   :ignored-files ("doc/demo.gif"))
+ (ett                  :url "https://gitlab.com/q01_code/ett";
+  :readme ignore
+  :doc "ett-manual.org"
+  :ignored-files ("ett-manual.org" "COPYING" "ETT.png" "doclicense.texi"))
  (evil                 :url "https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil";
   :ignored-files ("COPYING" "lib" "scripts")
   :doc "doc/build/texinfo/evil.texi")


Feel free to ask anything else if needed.

Best regards.

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