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Re: Org mode and Emacs

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: Org mode and Emacs
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 15:38:31 +0200

>>>>> On Tue, 14 Jun 2022 21:18:58 +0800, Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@gmail.com> 
>>>>> said:

    Ihor> #+begin_export latex
    Ihor> This text will only appear when exported to \LaTeX, not to any other 
    Ihor> #+end_export

    Ihor> They may be not great experience what one needs to do something like

    Ihor> #+begin_export texinfo
    Ihor> @var{test} will only appear in .texi output.
    Ihor> #+end_export

    Ihor> #+begin_export latex
    Ihor> \emph{test} will only appear in .tex output.
    Ihor> #+end_export

    Ihor> many times in the same .org document.

    Ihor> However, we have special blocks for this purpose. They are extendable,
    Ihor> as I descibed above. Though some improvements in Org core might be
    Ihor> needed if we have to use this extensibility more frequently.

My first thought here was Org macros, but as far as I can tell they canʼt
be multi-line, which would make them a bit cumbersome to use. Tell us
more about special blocks, the documentation on them is a bit sparse.


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