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Re: Org mode and Emacs (was: Convert README.org to plain text README whi

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: Org mode and Emacs (was: Convert README.org to plain text README while installing package)
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 18:04:56 +0800

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

>> So, now we have our manual written in Org mode and we never had reasons
>> to come back to texi.
> And I get to wait for 2 minutes for the build to finish each time
> org.org is touched.  Right.

This is not very polite. The change did not aim to make your life

You are free to open discussion in Org ML about turning back to texi
format, but it will, for example, make things harder for me and other
people who are not familiar with texinfo format. I am not sure if build
time justifies extra maintenance burden.

I just pushed several improvements to ox.el. They reduce manual
generation time 2x on my system (using main branch). Feel free to try it
on your side. AFAIU, the effect should be more noticeable on slower

It may also help if you try to profile org-make-manuals from
mk/org-fixup.el and share the results.


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