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Re: process-file instead of call-process in proced.el?

From: Jim Porter
Subject: Re: process-file instead of call-process in proced.el?
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 10:08:30 -0700

On 3/27/2022 7:08 AM, Michael Albinus wrote:
I've prepared a first version of a patch (still missing documentation),
see appended. The changes are:

- `signal-process' is capable now to signal remote processes. This is
   triggered when either the PROCESS object has the property `remote-pid'
   (set by Tramp), or the PROCESS is just a number, and the additional
   optional parameter REMOTE is a remote file name.


I don't have any opinion about the proced parts (since I don't use proced), but `signal-process' for remote processes will definitely be useful. That will eliminate the need for a workaround I added in Eshell's handling of SIGPIPE; when passing a SIGPIPE along to a remote process, we previously had to use `delete-process' as a reasonable facsimile (see commit 9df5e3080066341d78489f0b18eabeeccac76b0c).

- Jim

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