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Re: bug in pgtk rendering

From: Andrew Cohen
Subject: Re: bug in pgtk rendering
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 09:13:38 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Sorry for following up on my own post---I was filing a bug report and
realized I haven't tried to reproduce the problem with emacs -Q. I'll do
some more digging before reporting the bug. I apologize for the noise. 

>>>>> "AC" == Andrew Cohen <acohen@ust.hk> writes:

    AC> I have noticed a persistent rendering bug with pgtk which seems
    AC> to be related to multiple monitor use. I am using 2 monitors
    AC> (primary 3840x2160 at 200% scaling with gnome; secondary
    AC> 1920x1080 at 100% scaling). I don't see problems on the primary
    AC> monitor. But intermittently on the secondary monitor I see large
    AC> portions of the screen with blocky blurred text:

    AC> It comes and goes---re-exposing the window sometimes fixes it,
    AC> as does moving the frame to the primary monitor and back; but
    AC> the distortion always returns.

    AC> I'm happy to do some debugging but don't know exactly where to
    AC> start.

    AC> -- Andrew Cohen

Andrew Cohen

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