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Propose simple package to elpa or vanilla.

From: Ergus
Subject: Propose simple package to elpa or vanilla.
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2022 20:30:17 +0100


Some time ago I was playing with a zsh-like completion. I had 2
approaches before that got a little bit complex with no reason, so I
re-thought everything and I would like to know if something like this
(attached) could finally be added to vanilla.

It is just 110 lines of real code and IMHO it improves the interaction
with the *Completions* buffer without complexity.

If you think it shouldn't be added to vanilla for whatever reason, I
would be fine to add it to elpa. But maybe I will insist at least once

The file adds 2 different functionalities (because maybe you think that
only one of them worth it.)

1) Highlight the current candidate in *Completions* (zcomplete-highlight-mode)
2) Modify the map in Completions to auto jump to the minibuffer when
trying to modify it (zcomplete-mode).

They are completely independent.

The code is attached and as before, any suggestion is very welcome. I
just want to have something like this in vanilla, even if somebody else
implements something better.


Attachment: zcomplete.el
Description: Text document

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