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Re: [PATCH] posix_spawn blocks SIGCHLD in spawned processes

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: [PATCH] posix_spawn blocks SIGCHLD in spawned processes
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2022 11:07:52 +0100

>>>>> On Fri, 04 Mar 2022 09:38:25 +0100, Jürgen Hötzel <juergen@hoetzel.info> 
>>>>> said:
    Jürgen> IMO the correct way to fix this issue is to use the oldset passed by
    Jürgen> emacs_spawn (patch enclosed) just like the fork/exec implementation 

Sure, that would work as well.

    Jürgen> I guess without a fix many forking commands (that don't examine and
    Jürgen> change mask of blocked signals) will "hang" in Emacs.

Not really. Itʼs a code path thatʼs non-default, since
process-connection-type defaults to t => use pty's, and the command in
question has to care about its children.  But it needs to be fixed

I donʼt have a test case, but the patch looks good to me.


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