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Re: [PATCH] Fix bookmark-bmenu-list sorting.

From: Karl Fogel
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fix bookmark-bmenu-list sorting.
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2022 21:13:04 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On 03 Mar 2022, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
From: Karl Fogel <kfogel@red-bean.com> Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2022 11:41:55 -0600 Cc: emacs-devel <emacs-devel@gnu.org> On 03 Mar 2022, Manuel Giraud wrote: >Here is a patch that I think fix the default >`bookmark-bmenu-list' sorting when `bookmark-sort-flag' is >nil. This looks correct to me. Thank you for the fix. I'm testing it now on 'emacs-28' and 'master' (it should behave the same on both, of course, but might as well make sure). Assuming it behaves as expected, I'll apply using 'git patch' on the emacs-28 branch.
Please don't install new features on the release branch.

This is a bugfix, not a new feature. I re-read the "Branches" section in CONTRIBUTE before I posted -- the relevant part is this, I think:

> If you are fixing a bug that exists in the current release, > you > should generally commit it to the release branch; it will be > merged > to the master branch later by the gitmerge function. However, > when > the release branch is for Emacs version NN.2 and later, or > when it > is for Emacs version NN.1 that is in the very last stages of > its > pretest, that branch is considered to be in a feature freeze: > only > bug fixes that are "safe" or are fixing major problems should > go to
 > the release branch, the rest should be committed to the master
> branch. This is so to avoid destabilizing the next Emacs > release. > If you are unsure whether your bug fix is "safe" enough for > the
 > release branch, ask on the emacs-devel mailing list.

That indicates that 'emacs-28' is the right branch for this change. That branch is on version 28.0.91 right now, not 28.2 nor late 28.1.

I'm happy to put this change on whatever branch you prefer, of course. However, independent of this specific case, in general how should one determine what branch to put something on, if the guidance in CONTRIBUTE isn't enough? (Or am I misreading that guidance? It seems pretty straightforward...) This change easily fits the description "safe", by the way.

(In the course of testing it, I've discovered another interesting corner-case buglet, but I'll commit this first and then deal with the buglet separately. That second fix is likely to be safe too.)

Best regards, -Karl

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