As I said, it's meant to be a derived minor mode, much like lisp-data-mode
is derived from prog-mode.
FWIW, we don't have a notion of "derived minor-mode" yet.
A similar example (in the same file) is
fido-mode which is derived from icomplete-mode, and (in another file)
whitespace-newline-mode which is derived from whitespace-mode.
The example of `fido-mode` is actually the one I would put forward to
argue that icomplete-vertical should not itself activate
`icomplete-mode` but should just change the way completion are
displayed, so it can be combined wither with `fido-mode` or with the
normal `icomplete-mode`.
Moreover, I think that in general local changes to code are better than
global ones whenever that is feasible. Using a user option would do the
same thing as the minor mode, except that the changes would be scattered
through the existing code.
I don't see how. I'd imagine a code like:
(define-minor-mode icomplete-vertical-mode
"Toggle the use of vertical display in `icomplete-mode`.
As many completion candidates as possible are displayed, depending on
the value of `max-mini-window-height', and the way the mini-window is
resized depends on `resize-mini-windows'."
:global t
(remove-hook 'icomplete-minibuffer-setup-hook
(remove-hook 'icomplete-completions-filter-hook
(when icomplete-vertical-mode
(setq icomplete-separator "\n")
(setq icomplete-hide-common-prefix nil)
;; ask `icomplete-completions' to return enough completions candidates
(setq icomplete-prospects-height 25)
(add-hook 'icomplete-minibuffer-setup-hook
(add-hook 'icomplete-completions-filter-hook
[ BTW, in the above code (which I basically copy/pasted from your
patch), we should save&restore the values of `icomplete-separator`,
`icomplete-hide-common-prefix`, and `icomplete-prospects-height`.
Also, I'd recommend to use "--" in the names of the new hook
functions. And while I'm nitpicking I might as well mention that
comments should be capitalized and punctuated. ]