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Re: [External] : Re: command mode-specificity [was: scratch/command 064f

From: Óscar Fuentes
Subject: Re: [External] : Re: command mode-specificity [was: scratch/command 064f146 1/2: Change...]
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 01:54:38 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Drew Adams <drew.adams@oracle.com> writes:

>> > Assuming you're right (Lars hasn't spoken up),
>> > what's the real answer?  Do you have the same
>> > feeling as Eli and I, that most commands usable
>> > in most contexts are not mode-specific?
>> I would say that *all* commands *usable in most
>> contexts* are not mode-specific.
>> Almost by definition.
> Fair enough. ;-)  It was a clumsy way to summarize.
> How about just "most commands are not mode-specific"?

That's not my experience.

Whenever I use M-x (and I do it a lot, since on my setup it is often
more ergonomic and faster than remembering and pressing shortcuts) I see
on the list of completions lots of commands that have nothing to do with
what I'm doing. This forces me to write more characters on the prompt to
further refine the candidates and remember to not use certain inputs
which bring in lots of irrelevant candidates just because the naming
scheme they follow.

Even worse: for any given input to M-x, the list of completions greatly
vary depending on what I previously did on the Emacs session (as
features are loaded and inject their commands.)

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