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Re: Recentish C-s M-y change

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: Recentish C-s M-y change
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2021 09:23:34 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

After some reflection, here's what I think the point is.

isearch-mode-map is not like a prefix key's map. A control character which is undefined in isearch-mode-map is not a vacant space, not a place you can put some nice new feature and nobody will mind.

The undefined control character is a useful convenience feature, which people use.

Thank you, now I understand what you mean. I don't use that feature myself, but it's there and I can understand that people (and in particular you) find it convenient.

Except that with many control characters defined, it is hard to remember which ones are defined -- hard to be confident that a given control character is one that will exit the search for you.

Yes, but the only newly defined control character which makes Emacs in 2020 different from Emacs in 1985 is C-m / RET, bound to isearch-exit around 1990. Previously C-m / RET terminated isearch and inserted a newline; now C-m / RET only terminates isearch.

You defined C-g, C-q, C-r, C-s, C-w and C-y in 1985 (or perhaps earlier).

C-h has also been bound in the meantime, but you can still exit isearch with C-h as you would have done it in 1985, for instance with C-h C-g, or C-h f. IIUC the only difference is that C-h k now describes the key in isearch-mode-map instead of the key in global-map.

Likewise, C-x has been bound in the meantime, to allow C-x 8 RET, but you can still exit isearch with C-x as you would have done in 1985, for instance with C-x C-f or C-x b.

Likewise, C-u has been bound in the meantime, to allow arguments to subcommands, but again you can still exit isearch with C-u as you would have done in 1985, for instance with C-u C-b or C-u C-n.

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