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Re: master 1e3b0f2: Improve doc strings of project.el

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: master 1e3b0f2: Improve doc strings of project.el
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2020 07:52:57 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (NEB 202 2017-01-01)

I might be wrong, but I think Dmitry's viewpoint is that if he documents X, then X becomes part of the API. Other developers will (or might) use X in their code, and he would not be completely free to change X anymore. He would have to keep X in a number of future versions of his code, document X as being obsolete for a while, create Y in parallel, and only later remove X from his code.

I tried to explain why these fears have no basis: if we clearly say that some details are subject to change without notice, we can change them when we need to.

IOW, doing that does NOT make these details part of the public API which we promise shall remain stable.

I might be wrong, but in that case I think Dmitry's viewpoint is that this information should not be placed in the doc strings, but in the comments in the source file.

Again, I'm not Dmitry, and this does not mean I agree with him.


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