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Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: GNU Emacs raison d'etre
Date: Thu, 21 May 2020 01:07:31 +0200

> To clarify: set-message-function is not supposed to affect all the
> ways we have to show something in the echo area, it is only supposed
> to affect calls to 'message', because that's how messages to the user
> are printed.
> eval-last-sexp uses prin1 to display the result, so it is not
> affected, as intended.

OK.  Which means that I should finally stop interpreting whatever I see
and just post my observation: When with emacs -Q I evaluate either

(defun my-fun (string) "")


(defun my-fun (string) t)

and then

(setq set-message-function 'my-fun)

and repeatedly press the <up> key, the minibuffer tells me

Beginning of buffer

If this is the intended behavior, then this is simply to inform Dmitry
that 'set-message-function' does not provide any help to fix my problem
with suppressing a message I never want to see.


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