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Re: Emacs project mission (was Re: "If you're still seeing problems, ple

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: Emacs project mission (was Re: "If you're still seeing problems, please reopen." [
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 11:43:38 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Per Starbäck <address@hidden> writes:

> These are a lot of wishes with no code. I think the general idea is
> sound, though. Reporting, viewing and searching are all important
> activities with bugs. It's unfortunate if we only have a way to do one
> of those three directly from Emacs and that they are not tied
> together. And I think that it's not necessary to see mail as the most
> natural way for Emacs to communicate with the outside anymore.

Some of the wishes are already implemented by the debbugs ELPA
package. You are invited to request enhacements for that.

(And I also keep your wishes in mind when I touch the package next

Best regards, Michael.

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