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Re: what make-dist should include [was Re: Emacs pretest 26.1.91 is out]

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: what make-dist should include [was Re: Emacs pretest 26.1.91 is out]
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 22:01:43 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.1 (gnu/linux)

> With MQ the workflow is pretty simple:
>   1- unpack the tarball
>   2- create the repo and commit the unpacked files
>   3- pull the patches from their repo
>   4- apply the patches ("hg qpush -a")
>   5- build

[ The step 0 being "download the tarball".  ]

Hmm... ignoring the issue of Mercurial -vs- Git, the equivalent using
the VCS would be:

    0- clone from the remote repository to a local "bare" repository.
    1- clone from that local repository
    2- do nothing
    3- pull the patches from their repo
    4- apply the patches
    5- build

Step 0 is where you'll need/want to convert from the remote VCS format
(Git/Mercurial/...) to the one you want to use locally (Mercurial in
your case), so that's where the issue of repository format may get in
the way (I've used Git to access Mercurial repositories and it works OK,
but is significantly slower on large repositories, haven't tried the
other direction).

        Stefan "to me, source code without its VCS repository feels like
                a computer without connection to the Internet"

PS: I should stop here because I'm starting to sound like I'm trying to
convince you to change your workflow, whereas I'm only trying to
understand your motivation.

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